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目的 在大鼠减体积肝移植模型中联合应用特利加压素和FK-409探究其对受体移植肝的保护作用.方法 使用30%体积供肝行SD大鼠同系肝移植, 监测术后门静脉压力、血谷丙转氨酶 (ALT) 、总胆红素水平和术后生存时间, 构建有效的减体积肝移植模型.利用减体积肝移植模型作为载体, 根据不同的干预手段将受体大鼠分为特利加压素处理组、FK-409处理组、特利加压素处理联合FK-409处理组和对照组, 监测术后各组门静脉压力、血谷丙转氨酶 (ALT) 、总胆红素水平和术后生存时间, 统计并分析特利加压素处理联合FK-409处理对减体积肝移植移植肝的保护作用.结果 在减体积肝移植模型中, 特利加压素联合FK-409处理组与对照组比较, 术后门静脉压力显著小于对照组, 差异有统计学意义 (P<0.05) , 术后血清ALT、总胆红素显著低于对照组, 差异有统计学意义 (P<0.05) , 术后生存时间较对照组明显延长, 差异有统计学意义 (P<0.05) , 在减体积肝移植模型中联合使用特利加压素、FK-409可有效保护移植肝脏.结论 特利加压素联合FK-409可有效保护大鼠减体积肝移植中移植肝, 特利加压素联合FK-409方案可能成为减体积肝移植术后小肝综合症防治的潜在药物处理方案.  相似文献   

目的探讨双套袖法大鼠肝移植手术操作方式的改进。方法经腹主动脉冷灌洗获得供肝,受者肝上下腔静脉行直接缝合,肝下下腔静脉和门静脉行套管吻合,胆总管行胆管支架吻合;手术分别在双人操作和自行设计的横杆支架帮助下单人操作完成,比较2组完成的模型存活率。结果双人操作行大鼠原位肝移植术60例,其中,稳定模型50例,稳定模型期手术存活率约94.0%,1周存活率88.0%,1月存活率82.0%;单人操作行大鼠原位肝移植120例,其中,稳定模型80例,稳定模型期手术存活率约95.0%,1周存活率86.3%,1月存活率81.3%,2组存活率无明显差别(P>0.05)。结论在自行设计的横杆支架的协助下,单人可独立完成大鼠原位肝移植术,其效果与双人操作效果相同。  相似文献   

大鼠原位肝移植模型的手术技巧   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的探讨大鼠原位肝移植术中显微外科的最佳操作方法,分析术后死亡原因及远期胆道并发症的预防。方法采用改良的二袖套法行大鼠原位肝移植手术,肝上下腔静脉吻合时保留膈肌环。结果共建立130例大鼠原位肝移植模型,手术成功率91.5%(119/130),7d存活率达83.2%(99/119),3个月生存率77.3%(92/119)。结论应用改良的“二袖套法”建立稳定的大鼠肝移植模型需要轻柔细致的显微手术操作,肝上下腔静脉吻合时保留膈肌环可降低吻合口出血的发生率。  相似文献   

三袖套法大鼠减体积肝移植模型的建立   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王德盛  李开宗 《医学争鸣》1998,19(2):169-171
目的:建立简便实用的大鼠减体积肝移植模型。方法:切除供体大鼠肝脏体积的68%后移植给受体大鼠,用袖套法吻合肝上下腔静脉,门静脉及肝下下腔静脉。结果:共施行减体积肝移植手术36例,术后24h存活率91.7%,7d存活率58.3%,7d移植肝重量达原受体大鼠肝脏的78.7%,14d,21d分别达到101.6%与102.1%,结论:三袖套法大鼠减体积肝移植模型操作简单,稳定可靠,重复性好,是一种理想的动  相似文献   

CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Expanded donor criteria (marginal) grafts are an important solution for organ shortage. Nevertheless, they raise an ethical dilemma because they may increase the risk of transplant failure. This study compares the outcomes from marginal and non-marginal graft transplantation in 103 cases of liver transplantation due to chronic hepatic failure. DESIGN AND SETTING: One hundred and three consecutive liver transplantations to treat chronic liver disease performed in the Liver Transplantation Service of Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de S?o Paulo between January 2001 and March 2006 were retrospectively analyzed. METHODS: We estimated graft quality according to a validated scoring system. We assessed the pre-transplantation liver disease category using the Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD), as low MELD (< 20) or high MELD (>or= 20). The parameters for marginal and non-marginal graft comparison were the one-week, one-month and one-year recipient survival rates, serum liver enzyme peak, post-transplantation hospital stay and incidence of surgical complications and retransplantation. The significance level was 0.05. RESULTS: There were no differences between the groups regarding post-transplantation hospital stay, serum liver enzyme levels and surgical complications. In contrast, marginal grafts decreased overall recipient survival one month after transplantation. Furthermore, low-MELD recipients of non-marginal grafts showed better one-week and one-month survival than did high-MELD recipients of marginal livers. After the first month, patient survival was comparable in all groups up to one year. CONCLUSION: The use of marginal graft increases early mortality in liver transplantation, particularly among high-MELD recipients.  相似文献   

目的:研究心胸腺联合移植对大鼠同种异体移植心脏的抗排斥作用.方法:应用显微外科技术行心胸腺联合移植,通过移植心存活时间、病理学检查、CD4 ,CD8 T细胞的浸润及检测血中和移植心中IL-2和IL-4水平,观察移植胸腺的作用.结果:对照组移植心平均存活(6.0±0.76)d,保留胸腺的大鼠行心胸腺联合移植其移植心平均存活(6.88±0.64)d(P<0.05);胸腺切除后行心胸腺联合移植可明显延长移植心的存活达(14.13±5.82)d(P<0.01),短期应用环孢素则可使移植心长期存活:在移植心获长期存活组其移植心及胸腺的病理改变及CD4 ,CD8 T细胞的浸润均很轻微,且其血清及移植心组织中的IL-2降至较低水平,而IL-4则维持在较高水平.结论:无论保留或切除受体胸腺,心胸腺联合移植均有利于移植心的存活,而且胸腺切除后心胸腺联合移植对移植心有更显著的保护作用,短期应用免疫抑制剂则可诱导大鼠对同种异体移植心脏的耐受.  相似文献   

Modifications of reduced-size hepatic transplantation in rats   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To establish a stable reduced-size hepatic transplantation model in rats. Methods: Liver trans-plantation was performed in accordance with Kamada techniques. Many modifications were made including: Surgical manipulative innovation, adjustment of pre-operative drug administration and removed liver volume. Results: Forty-two rats underwent reduced-size hepatic transplantation; of them 33( 84.6% ) survived more than 1 week. The causes of postoperative death were peritonitis, inferior vena eava thrombns and unknown complications. Condlmion: Manipula-tive innovation and proper drug administration can improve the survival rate of rats apparently. Grafts regeneration canbe triggered by the removal of left lateral segment and caudate lobe.  相似文献   

目的探讨MDR-1基因骨髓造血干细胞移植对大鼠肝移植术后复发转移的影响。方法选用雄性Wistar大鼠30只为肝移植供体,另选雌性SD大鼠30只为异基因肝移植受体(将HCCLM6肿瘤组织原位接种于大鼠肝脏,10 d后行肝移植,2周后处死大鼠)随机分为两组,A组MDR-1基因骨髓造血干细胞移植联合肝移植组,B组为单纯肝移植组。比较两组大鼠肝移植术后2周生存率、肝内复发和肝外转移情况。结果术后两周,A组大鼠存活14只,B组存活10只(P<0.05)。两组大鼠肝内复发率均为100%,但复发瘤大小差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),A组为(323.23±29.56)mm3,B组为(692.73±142.56)mm3。A组肺转移率为22%,B组为70%,A组淋巴结转移率为15%,B组为50%,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 MDR-1基因骨髓造血干细胞移植对大鼠肝移植术后复发转移有一定抑制作用。  相似文献   

目的 建立大鼠部分肝移植模型.方法 采用雄性SD大鼠,二袖套法行全肝移植和部分肝移植,分析手术情况和术后存活情况.结果 全肝移植组和部分肝移植组2天存活率分别为88%(22/25)和68%(17/25);1周存活率分别为80%(20/25)和52%(13/25).结论 大鼠部分肝移植是目前研究活体肝移植和劈离式肝移植肝再生的理想模型,本研究采用改良方法成功建立了大鼠部分肝移植模型.  相似文献   

目的 研究老年大鼠供肝的应用,并探讨老年大鼠肝移植供体年龄限制.方法 采用肝动脉重建二袖套原位肝移植技术,建立大鼠原位肝移植模型,供受体均为雄性Wistar大鼠,受体鼠龄均为5月,根据供体鼠龄分组,A~E组供体鼠龄分别为5、17、20、23、26月,每组12例.检测术后第1、3、7天血清丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT)水平,并观察组织病理学变化和术后3月存活率.结果 B、C和D组肝移植术后第1天和第3天ALT与A组比较差异均有显著性(P<0.05),第7天差异无显著性(P>0.05),肝功能恢复延迟,肝功能于术后第7天趋于稳定.老年大鼠移植肝植入前组织病理学表现存在轻度肝纤维化,老年大鼠肝细胞数目减少,脂褐素数量增加.E组术后ALT增高(P<0.05),肝功能损伤不可恢复,3月存活率为0.结论 供体年龄是影响老年供肝移植疗效的重要因素之一,鼠龄低于23月的老年大鼠移植肝可恢复功能.
Objective To investigate the application of donor livers from aging rats, and discuss the age limit of the donor rats liver transplantation. Methods Arterialized, two-cuff technique orthotopic liver transplantation was performed in male Wistar rats. All the recipient rats were 5 months old, and the ages of the donor rats were 5 (group A), 17 (group B), 20 (group C), 23 (group D), and 26 (group E) months (n=12). The postoperative function recovery and pathological changes of the liver grafts were evaluated by serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) detection and histopathological examination, and the 3-month survival rate of the rats was observed. Results Aging liver grafts in groups B, C, and D caused early elevation of ALT peak level and aggravation of liver tissue damage, and the liver graft recovery was delayed until postoperative day 7. Mild liver fibrosis, reduced hepatocytes and pigment deposition were observed in the liver grafts before the transplantation. Compared with the other groups, the rats in group E showed significantly increased ALT levels after the transplantation (P<0.05), with failure of liver graft function recovery and significantly reduced 3-month survival rate (0%, P<0.05). Conclusion The donor age of the rats is a crucial factor to affect the outcome of the liver grafts. Grafts obtained from rats younger than 23 months allow better functional recovery of the liver.  相似文献   

大鼠原位部分肝移植与围手术期处理的技术改进   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐明清  姚榛祥  贺强 《重庆医学》2003,32(2):135-136
目的 探讨大鼠原位部分肝移植技术与围手术期处理改进。方法 将”二袖套法”部分肝移植技术在袖套制作、肝叶切除、受体麻醉、肝上下腔静脉吻合、以及围手术期处理等方面进行改进,施行50%部分肝移植手术,观察手术技巧、围手术期处理等因素对部分肝移植大鼠存活率的影响。结果 肝上下腔静脉吻合时间为5—8min,无肝期为11—15min,手术死亡率15.79%,术后24h存活率84.21%,1周存活率63.16%,7d后移植肝重量达原受体大鼠肝脏的92.6%。结论 大鼠年龄、体重、术前状态、精细的术中操作、防止失血、防止术后低血糖的发生是决定大鼠原位部分肝移植成功的关键因素。本研究中的许多改良能有效保障大鼠部分肝移植模型的稳定性。  相似文献   

目的探讨缺血预处理(IPC)对减体积肝移植大鼠缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用及其机制。方法将36只成年雄性SD大鼠行50%减体积肝移植,随机分为对照组(Control)组和IPC组,检测术后2、6、24 h血清丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT)水平变化。检测术后24 h肝组织形态学变化、丙二醛(MDA)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)含量;检测髓性过氧化物酶(MPO)活性以反映中性粒细胞浸润情况;ELISA法检测肝组织中肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)水平。结果与Control组比较,IPC组术后6、24 h ALT水平显著下降(P〈0.01);组织病理学显示,Control组肝细胞明显空泡样变性伴局部坏死,小叶结构破坏,门脉周围水肿、充血,炎症细胞浸润明显,而IPC组损伤减轻;与Control组比较,IPC组MDA水平显著下降而SOD含量则明显增加(P〈0.01),肝组织中TNF-α和MPO亦显著降低(P〈0.01)。结论IPC明显减轻减体积肝移植术后再灌注损伤,其机制部分与增强抗氧化、抑制脂质过氧化、减轻炎症反应密切相关。  相似文献   

目的探讨应用环孢霉素A(CsA)与同种异体肝细胞脾内移植联合治疗大鼠急性肝衰竭的疗效.方法采用硫代乙酰胺(TAA)诱导大鼠急性肝衰竭模型,24 h后随机分为三组:Ⅰ组:脾内注射浓度约为2×107个/mL肝细胞悬液1 mL,肌肉注射CsA 10 mg/(kg.d);Ⅱ组:仅脾内注射约2×107个/mL肝细胞悬液1 mL,不用CsA;Ⅲ组:仅脾内注射生理盐水1 mL,作为空白对照.观察各组存活率、肝功能、肝脏病理变化及脾内移植肝细胞的存活情况.结果Ⅰ组、Ⅱ组1周存活率显著高于Ⅲ组(64.7%vs 12.5%,P〈0.01;56.3%vs 12.5%,P〈0.01),但Ⅰ组和Ⅱ组之间比较无显著性差异(64.7%vs 56.3%,P〉0.05).肝功能及病理情况在Ⅰ组、Ⅱ组有明显改善,尤以Ⅰ组最为显著.结论 CsA联合同种异体肝细胞移植能有效治疗大鼠急性肝衰竭,改善TAA诱导的肝衰竭大鼠的存活率,促进肝功能恢复及改善肝脏病理状况.  相似文献   

大鼠减体积肝移植术后早期死亡的原因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨大鼠减体积肝移植术后早期死亡的原因.方法 选择170对健康SD大鼠,体质量为260~280 g,供体为雌性(170只),受体为雄性(170只),供、受体体质量相差10 g,一般为供体体质量比受体体质量轻.改良前术式实施70只,改良后术式实施100只.结果 成功实施的170只大鼠减体积肝移植模型中,早期(术后12 h~术后3 d)死亡25只,早期死亡率为14.7%,其中改良前术式死亡18只,改良后术式死亡7只.早期死亡的原因分布为:腹腔出血8只(4.7%),肠梗阻4只(2.4%),气体栓塞3只(1.8%),肝功能不良3只(1.8%),气胸3只(1.8%),肺部感染2只(1.2%),复温过度2只(1.2%).结论 大鼠减体积肝移植术后早期最常见的死亡原因是腹腔出血,其次为肝功能不良、气体栓塞、肠梗阻、气胸、肺部感染和复温过度.  相似文献   

何勇  姜骊  鱼达 《中国比较医学杂志》2013,23(11):61-63,I0008
目的建立改良的大鼠50%减体积原位肝移植的模型。方法在经典的双袖套法大鼠肝移植模型的基础上,通过4次贯通穿刺、3次结扎、2次回折的肝脏缝扎方法,改善肝脏减体积切取的效果。结果所有50%减体积原位肝移植的大鼠均存活良好,肝功能迅速恢复正常,达到实验设计对动物模型的要求。结论采用本实验室规范的4贯通、3结扎、2回折的肝脏缝扎方法,可以建立稳定的50%大鼠同种异体减体积原位肝脏移植模型,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨肝动脉重建在大鼠小体积肝移植中的意义?方法:采用改良二袖套法建立大鼠40%小体积肝移植模型,实验分动脉重建组和动脉未重建组,观察1周生存率,并于术后1?2?4?7天检测肝功能?移植肝组织学变化和免疫组化法检测肝细胞的增殖细胞核抗原(PCNA)?结果:动脉重建组1周生存率为66.7%,动脉未重建组1周生存率为50.0% (P > 0.05)?丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)和总胆红素(TB)术后第1天即开始明显增高,第2天达高峰,以后逐渐降低,动脉未重建组和动脉重建组各时间点相比较,TB第2?7天高于动脉重建组,ALT第2?4天高于动脉重建组,差异有显著性(P < 0.05)?动脉重建组术后中央静脉及肝窦扩张程度相对较轻,可见较多二倍体和多倍体肝细胞?PCNA表达于术后第2天最高,动脉重建组术后第1天的移植肝细胞PCNA阳性表达率高于动脉未重建组,而术后第7天移植肝细胞PCNA阳性表达率低于动脉未重建组,差异有显著性(P < 0.05)?结论:肝动脉重建可明显改善大鼠小体积移植肝的功能,促进移植肝的再生,有效地保护移植肝的组织学结构,减轻术后移植肝的组织学改变,动脉化模型术后早期增殖较静脉化模型活跃?  相似文献   

大鼠胰岛细胞移植的磁共振监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 目的 探讨磁共振(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)对超顺磁性氧化铁(superparamagnetic iron oxide,SPIO)标记的胰岛细胞在大鼠肝脏内的成像方法,用于监测胰岛细胞移植术后移植物在大鼠体内的存活及排异情况。方法 采用GE 3.0T Signa Excite磁共振扫描仪,配合3英寸小动物线圈。实验动物为20只雄性Wistar大鼠和5只雄性Lewis大鼠。将SPIO标记的胰岛细胞移植入大鼠肝脏内,未用SPIO标记的作为阴性对照,比较两组的差异。对SPIO标记后移植的大鼠分别用FSE T2WI序列和GRE T2*WI序列扫描,比较序列敏感性的差异。分别将取自Wistar大鼠和Lewis大鼠的胰岛细胞,用SPIO标记后移植入Wistar大鼠肝脏内,观察两移植组受体体内的胰岛细胞存活及排异的情况。将同基因移植组的大鼠于移植术后3月处死,异基因移植组的大鼠于移植术后3周处死,作病理切片,将所得结果与MRI的图像进行对照。结果 只有SPIO标记后的胰岛细胞可以被MRI监测到,表现为肝实质背景上的低信号点。GRE T2*WI较FSE T2WI序列对SPIO的监测更敏感。同基因移植组于移植后第1周、第2周及第3周的低信号点相对数量分别为(90.03 ± 9.52)%、(92.87 ± 18.21)%和(86.25 ± 24.81)%,而异基因组的相对数量分别为(41.40 ± 15.41)%、(33.41 ± 14.01)%和(23.58 ± 16.78)%。两组相对数量之间的差异具有显著的统计学意义(P<0.01)。病理结果显示,标记后的胰岛细胞内确实存在铁颗粒,同基因移植组3月后在肝窦内仍能找到保存完好的移植物,而异基因组在移植后3周只有极少量的移植物残留。结论 MRI能对大鼠体内SPIO标记的胰岛细胞进行成像,用于活体实时监测胰岛细胞移植术后移植物的存活及排异情况。  相似文献   

目的 探讨门静脉动脉化异位辅助肝移植对大鼠急性肝功能衰竭的治疗作用和肝动脉血供对移植肝早期功能的影响。方法 将切除85%肝脏的急性肝功能衰竭大鼠随机分为三组:A组(n=20),异位辅助肝移植门静脉动脉化加肝动脉血供建立;B组(n=20),异位辅助肝移植门静脉动脉化;C组(n=10),为对照组。观察肝衰组和移植组大鼠生存情况、肝功能变化、残肝和移植肝病理结构改变以及肝动脉血供对移植肝早期功能影响。结果 A组和B组大鼠2周生存率分别是85.7%和64.3%,C组大鼠48h存活率为0。移植肝再灌注后,A组胆汁分泌率比B组明显增高(P<0.05),术后2周内,A组血清ALT、GGT、Tbil值显著降低(与B组比较,P<0.05)。移植术后14天,A组和B组残肝细胞都明显增生,肝功能恢复正常,而移植肝开始萎缩,肝细胞变性,汇管区有淋巴细胞浸润。结论 辅助肝移植门静脉动脉化为急性肝功能衰竭提供了有效的支持作用,使原肝再生,肝功能恢复正常,而移植肝逐渐萎缩丧失功能。在大鼠辅助肝移植中,肝动脉血供有助于改善移植肝早期功能,防止术后胆道并发症的发生。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To report the first five years' clinical experience of the Australian National Liver Transplant Unit. PATIENTS: Three hundred and seventy patients were referred--292 adults (79%) and 78 children (21%). The major causes of liver failure in the adults were chronic active hepatitis (25%), primary biliary cirrhosis (12%), primary sclerosing cholangitis (12%), alcoholic cirrhosis (9%) and malignancy (9%). Ten per cent of patients were referred in fulminant hepatic failure. In children, the major causes were biliary atresia (40%) and inborn errors in metabolism (27%). RESULTS: Two hundred and sixty-three patients (71%) were accepted for transplantation. Of 158 (43%) accepted for early transplantation, 22 (14%) died before a donor became available. Four hundred and forty-three suitable organ donors were referred. One hundred and twenty-six patients, including 32 children (25%), received 137 grafts. Three patients with renal failure due to hyperoxaluria type 1 received concurrent renal grafts. Ninety-two patients survived (73%). For all recipients, one-year survival was 75%. Two, three and four-year survivals were 69%. One to four-year survivals for adults with benign conditions were 77%, contrasting with results for those with hepatic malignancy (40% one-year survival). Children weighing more than 8 kg had good outcomes whether they received whole grafts or reduced-size grafts (83% one to five-year survival in both cases). Infants weighing less than 8 kg who received reduced adult grafts did significantly worse (37% one to-five year survival, P less than 0.05). Thirteen (87%) of 15 patients with fulminant hepatic failure who received grafts survived. Five of these patients were given ABO-incompatible grafts and two subsequently required retransplantation. All three patients with concurrent renal and hepatic grafts survived. Rehabilitation of survivors was excellent with 95% of adults and 100% of children pursuing normal activities. Only three grafts (2%) failed with primary non-function, all in infants because of graft infarction. Graft survival was significantly worse (P less than 0.01) in patients with a positive result to a direct cross match test against the donor. CONCLUSIONS: The need for liver transplantation in Australia is approximately eight per million of population per year. More donor offers are required to prevent deaths of patients on the waiting list. Reduced-size livers are successful for children and have alleviated considerably the critical shortage of paediatric donor livers. Successful treatment by liver transplantation can now be achieved in more than 80% of patients with non-malignant liver disorders including those with fulminant hepatic failure not responding to conservative therapy.  相似文献   

Background Although liver transplantation has become a standard therapy for end-stage liver diseases, the experience of pediatric liver transplantation is limited in China. In this article we report our experience in pediatric liver transplantation, and summarize its characters in their indications, surgical techniques, and postoperative managements.
Methods Thirty-one children (≤18 years old) underwent liver transplantation in our centers. The mean age at transplantation was 12.4 years old (ranged from 5 months to 18 years) with 7 children being less than 4 years of age at transplantation. The most common diagnosis of patients who underwent liver transplantation were biliary atresia, Wilson's disease, primary biliary cirrhosis, glycogen storage disease, hepatoblastoma, urea cycle defects, fulminant hepatic failure, etc. The surgical procedures included 12 standard (without venovenous bypass), 6 pigyback, 6 reduced-size, 3 split, 3 living donor liver transplantation, and 1 Domino liver transplantation. The triple-drug (FK506, steroid, and mycophenolate mofetil) immunosuppressive regimen was used in most of patients. Patients were followed up for a mean of 21.8 months.
Results Five of the 31 patients died during perioperative time; mortality rate was 16.1%. The reasons of death were infections, primary non-function, heart failure, and hypovolemic shock. Postoperative complications in 10 patients included biliary leakage, acute rejection, abdominal infection, hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, and pulmonary infection. Overall patient cumulative survival rate at 1-, 3-, and 5-year was 78.1%, 62.6%, 62.6%, respectively.
Conclusions The most common indications of pediatric liver transplantation were congenital end-stage liver diseases. According to patients' age and body weight, standard, piggyback, reduced-size, split, or living donor liver transplantation should be performed. Pediatric liver transplantation especially requires higher surgical skills. The  相似文献   

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