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医疗服务操作分类与编码是医学信息标准化的重要组成部分,是临床数据提取、分析和应用的基础。世界卫生组织及世界多国一直致力于开发、更新和维护此分类与编码。我国此前一直沿袭美国准备在2014年停止使用的ICD-9-CM-3(卷3),中国需要结合国际主流设计思路,根据国情开发出适宜的多轴、一体化的医疗服务操作分类与编码体系。  相似文献   

环境中双酚A的污染及降解去除的研究进展   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
近10年来随着科学与社会的发展,环境雌激素污染日益引起人们的关注。双酚A是环境雌激素的一种,用途广泛,但具有多方面的毒性。对其毒理、污染及降解去除的研究已经成为国际上的研究热点。该文拟对上述几方面的研究进展情况作一简要介绍。  相似文献   

主要就引起卵巢黄体功能不健的因素 ,分别从激素调节、细胞因子 (VEGF、TNF α、BFGF、IFN γ、IGF)、C myc、Fas、SGP 2基因调控以及细胞连接、细胞粘附分子、NO等对卵巢功能的调节及对黄体细胞的凋亡影响进行阐述 ,认为卵泡发育不良、颗粒细胞、黄体细胞的凋亡与黄体功能不足有密切的关系。且多种细胞因子、基因表达产物参与此过程的调控。深入的研究这一调控机制 ,对于进一步了解卵巢卵泡生长发育、卵泡闭锁及黄体细胞凋亡的内在机制有重要意义  相似文献   

HIS与PACS软件融合方案的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:实现PACS与HIS的系统集成。方法:使用Powerbuilder设计电子申请系统,利用Oracle存储过程实现不同系统间的数据同步。结果:完成了第四军医大学西京医院的PACS/HIS软件融合,经临床应用,反应良好。结论:系统集成应根据医院需求,由信息科牵头,多方论证,遵循高可用性、低耦合度的原则,在保证软件实用、流程合理的前提下,应最大限度地压缩新旧流程的共存时间。  相似文献   

A group of 101 women, aged 40-65 years consisted of 48 premenopausal subjects and 53 postmenopausal ones living in Daegu and Gyeongbuk area in Korea were evaluated with their general characteristics, lifestyle factors, nutrient and phytoestrogen intakes, blood and urinary indices concerning antioxidant status and bone metabolism. Body mass index (BMI), waist hip ratio (WHR) and systolic blood pressure (SBP) of the postmenopausal women were significantly higher (23.8, 0.86, and 126.9 mmHg, respectively) than those of the premenopausal women (22.6, 0.82, and 115.9 mmHg; respectively). Nutrient intakes of the postmenopausal and premenopausal groups were not different except lower fat intake and higher dietary fiber and iron intakes in the postmenopausal group. Daily total phytoestrogen intake was significantly higher in the postmenopausal group (48.54 mg) than the premenopausal (31.41 mg) and was resulted mostly from higher intakes of daidzein and genistein from soy and soy products (45.42 mg vs 28.91 mg). Serum genistein level and excretion of enterolactone, major lignan metabolite, were not very different between the two groups. Serum retinal and α- tocopherol levels were higher in the postmenopausal group but TBARS levels were not different between the two groups. Serum osteocalcin (7.18 ng/mL) and urinary deoxypyridinoline (7.15 nmol/mmol creatinine), in the postmenopausal group were significantly higher than those in the premenopausal group (4.80 ng/mL, 5.95 nmol/mmol creatinine). Urinary excretion of enterolactone was positively correlated with serum osetocalcin in premenopausal women and serum genistein negatively correlated with the urinary DPD in postmenopausal women. Dietary phytoestrogen intake was negatively correlated with serum level of TBARS in all subjects. It is concluded that the effect of total phytoestrogen intake is beneficial on body antioxidant status in all middle-aged women regardless of menopause but the effect on bone metabolism appears different by the type of the phytoestrogen and the menopausal state.  相似文献   

目的明确2002~2005年疾病预防控制机构设备资产配置变化情况。方法全国系统抽样调查省市县各级疾病预防控制机构的各类设备配置种类和数量,计算设备资产,和标准比较得到缺口。结果疾病预防控制机构实验室设备资产配置明显增加,但缺口仍然很大,就A类设备缺口达到50·2亿。  相似文献   

Background/aim: Grip strength is useful in clinical practice for the assessment of disease and/or rehabilitation progression. Brief maximal gripping is seldom required in everyday occupations, with repeated or sustained gripping at sub‐maximal power more commonly involved. It has been proposed that assessment of both maximal hand‐grip force and endurance is utilised. While the suitability of maximal contraction measures has been clearly established, the reliability and validity of other hand‐grip indices have not been investigated. This study examined the reliability of various hand‐grip indices and their validity in relation to distance walked during the six‐minute walk test, a standardised exercise capacity test. Methods: Subjects undertook static sub‐maximal (50%) and maximal force contraction hand‐grip testing from which various indices were derived, and six‐minute walk testing from which distance walked was determined. Testing was repeated on three separate occasions for determination of test–retest reliability. Results: Pre‐ and post‐fatigue maximal contraction measurements demonstrated excellent test–retest reliability and validity. Conversely, other hand‐grip indices were shown to be unreliable and exhibited no relationship with distance walked and hence concurrent validity could not be established. Conclusions: Based on the results of this study, it is recommended that pre‐ and post‐fatigue maximal contraction may be utilised for the assessment of client ability and progression due to their established validity and test–retest reliability. However, previously proposed measures of fatigue such as endurance (duration of sustained contraction), Strength Decrement Index and work performed (function of endurance and force of contraction) are unreliable and invalid and may have limited use in clinical practice.  相似文献   

目的 检测合成的依布哂啉(Ebselen Ebs)的纯度、杂质并进行急性毒性实验。方法 Ebs测定采用自建立的高效液相色谱法(HPLC),杂质(苯胺)采用比色法,急性毒性试验采用成年大鼠1次性灌胃,观察24h内死亡率。结果 Ebs纯度为99.95%~99.99%,苯胺含量为0.00017%~0.00019%,大鼠1次经口的LD50为2355.05mg/kg。结论 Ebs质量可靠,安全性高,可供开发研究。  相似文献   

2003年我国卫生部把伤害纳入疾病预防控制的内容,明确该项工作包括传染性疾病、慢性非传染性疾病和伤害三部分.那么,伤害的定义是什么?伤害到底包括哪些内容?其预防控制工作的对象又是什么?只有搞清楚这个问题,才能够知晓伤害预防与控制的目标和预防医学在伤害控制工作中的定位.  相似文献   

曹阳 《医疗卫生装备》2014,(1):142-142,148
叙述了招标采购的优势,在分析现有问题的基础上,提出了相应的对策,指出医疗装备及耗材这一特殊商品的招标采购必须本着“三公”原则,注重严谨性和科学性,以服务患者、服务医院为宗旨,努力维护供求双方的利益,才能杜绝违规、违法现象的发生,使招标采购工作圆满完成。  相似文献   

依布哂啉的稳定性及杂质和急性毒性试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的了解合成的依布哂啉(Ebs)的稳定性和杂质及急性毒性。方法采用高效液相色谱法测定2~8℃及室温下和0-4年中的Ebs的含量;亚硝酸盐氮和苯胺分别用比色法测定,成年小鼠3次/24h灌胃的死亡率。结果Ebs在2-8℃中可保存3年,亚硝酸盐氮和苯胺的含量为4.83μg/kg和1.78mg/kg,小鼠3次经口的LD50为2355.05mg/kg。结论Ebs质量可靠,性能稳定,安全性高,可供开发研究。  相似文献   

The changes in the recommended storage conditions of the glycoconjugate vaccines against Neisseria meningitidis (Men) serogroup A and serogroup X can affect its activity or potency. Elevated temperature and the change in pH may result in the physical instability leading to the size degradation of the polysaccharide (PS) and subsequent loss of PS epitopes. Moreover, high temperature may also result in protein aggregation and altered tertiary structure of the protein in the conjugate. Consequently, the construction of a potent glycoconjugate is dependent on optimal temperature and pH. The changes in both these conditions can also affect the production of a capsular polysaccharide (PS) and its conjugation to a protein carrier and may also affect the integrity of the vaccine molecule including the maintenance of the protective epitopes. In our study we have used inhibition ELISA as a tool to assess the impact of temperature and pH alterations on the antigenicity of N. meningitidis serogroup A and X, PS and conjugates and their correlation with the size distribution analysis using high pressure size exclusion chromatography. The studies on pH alterations from 5 to 9 led to minimal impact on size and antigenicity of all antigens, however, an elevated temperature adversely impacted the antigen size as well as antigenicity to varying extent. Results indicate the higher stability of MenX PS and conjugate as compared to that for MenA counterparts at elevated temperatures. Furthermore, both the MenA and MenX conjugates appears to be more stable as compared to the corresponding PSs.  相似文献   

目的 研究细胞外基质金属蛋白酶诱导因子(EMMPRIN)和血管内皮生成因子-C(VEGF-C)蛋白表达与乳腺癌浸润和转移之间的关系.方法 免疫组化法检测乳腺增生组21例、导管内癌组10例、浸润性导管癌组68例病灶内EMMPRIN和VEGF-C蛋白的表达情况.结果 EMMPRIN蛋白在增生组、导管内癌组、浸润性导管癌组表达阳性率分别为4.76%(1/21)、40.00%(4/10)73.53%(50/68),3组之间的阳性率差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.01).VEGF-C蛋白在增生组、导管内癌组、浸润性导管癌组表达阳性率分别为14.29%(3/21)、60.00(6/10)、77.94%(53/68),导管内癌组和浸润性导管癌组阳性率明显高于增生组(P〈0.01).乳腺癌组织中EMMPRIN和VEGF-C的表达呈正相关(rs=0.390,P〈0.01),而且EMMPRIN和VEGF-C的表达与腋窝淋巴结转移及淋巴结转移数目有关(P〈0.01).结论 EMMPRIN和VEGF-C的过度表达是促进乳腺癌浸润和转移的重要因素,二者在乳腺癌的浸润和转移过程中可能起着协同作用.  相似文献   

目的分析目前研究生心理健康现状及问题,提出研究生心理健康教育和心理行为干预的重要性和应对策略。方法收集与研究生心理健康有关的素材进行分析。结果部分研究生在心理上的确存在缺陷,心理健康问题日渐增多。结论研究生心理行为干预、应对策略为研究生的心理教育提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

朱红  张欣  刘新民  谢娟  赵明辉  杨晶  王虹月 《中国校医》2011,25(12):893-894
目的了解儿童青少年体力活动特征及其对生长发育和代谢指标的影响。方法采用多阶分层整群随机抽样方法对天津市1 824名小学生和初中生进行体力活动调查、体格检查和代谢指标测定(空腹血糖、空腹胰岛素、血脂)。结果 1 824名学生课余体力消耗为879.2 kJ,交通消耗为758.2 kJ,课间体力消耗为503.3kJ,平均每周总能量消耗为2 456.0 kJ,初中生普遍高于小学生,男生高于女生,课余体力消耗与向心性肥胖的各指标之间存在负相关,与某些性别和年龄组的代谢指标负相关。结论儿童体力活动不足会增加体质量超标、肥胖尤其是向心性肥胖的危险,但对代谢指标的影响结果尚不明显。  相似文献   

A fixed-dose combination of losartan/hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) therapy may be a logical choice for antihypertensive treatment, including for initial therapy in patients with blood pressure elevation >20/10 mmHg above treatment target. The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone-system-activating effect of hydrochlorothiazide augments the efficacy of blocking the angiotensin II type 1 (AT1) receptor with losartan. Some adverse effects associated with hydrochlorothiazide, including increased risk for new-onset diabetes mellitus, may be offset by losartan. Losartan was frequently administered with hydrochlorothiazide in the Losartan Intervention For Endpoint reduction in hypertension (LIFE) study, in which there was a 25% risk reduction for stroke in the losartan-based compared with the atenolol-based treatment group. The efficacy, tolerability, and convenience of losartan/HCTZ combination therapy may increase patient compliance and lower risk for stroke, a devastating outcome in patients with hypertension.  相似文献   

目的 对医院感染发生率、抗菌药物使用及病原菌的送检情况进行比较,为提高和改进医院感染管理水平提供科学依据.方法 调查前1周对各科室感染管理联络员进行培训,完善病历及病原学检查,以床旁调查与病例调查相结合的方法,填写统一调查表.结果 应调查住院患者974例,实查973例,实查率为99.9%;发生医院感染74例,感染现患率为7.6%,社区感染88例,感染率为9.0%;接受抗菌药物治疗的患者微生物检验送检率为30.7%,住院患者抗菌药物使用率为54.9%,Ⅰ类切口手术患者预防使用抗菌药物比例47.2%.结论 通过医院感染现患率调查,加强对重点科室医院感染的监督和管理,提高患者微生物标本的送检率,促进抗菌约物临床合理应用能力和管理水平.  相似文献   

人事聘用与工资制度改革的实践与体会   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
宜都市第一人民医院试行了以因事设岗、职位分级;竞争上岗、按岗聘用;岗位工资、绩效考核为内容的岗位聘用合同制和工资制度的改革实践,采取宣传发动、报批方案、分步实施、有序指导的改革措施,促进了该院员工观念的转变.加快了医院发展步伐,推进了“两个文明”建设,获得了诸多体会。  相似文献   

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