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Ying HC  Zhang SL  Jiang T  Ouyang L  Lü J 《中华医学杂志》2007,87(15):1009-1012
目的探讨卵巢癌化疗耐药患者组织中染色体的变化特征,寻找或定位与卵巢癌化疗耐药密切相关的基因,以便对其耐药机制进一步研究。方法采用比较基因组杂交技术分析卵巢癌化疗耐药组(浆液性卵巢癌6例、黏液性卵巢癌3例、子宫内膜样卵巢癌2例、透明细胞癌1例,共12例)和化疗敏感组(浆液性卵巢癌5例、黏液性卵巢癌3例、子宫内膜样卵巢癌2例、透明细胞癌2例,共12例)两组癌细胞基因组的不平衡,即DNA丢失或扩增。结果化疗耐药患者组织中最常见的染色体DNA拷贝数增加的部位是3q,8q,20q,11q,17q,2p,1q;常见的染色体DNA拷贝数缺失的部位是9p,5q,10q,3p。其中17q的增加,耐药组为66.7%,敏感组为16.7%;1q的增加,耐药组为66、7%,敏感组为16.7%;3p的丢失,耐药组为50.0%,敏感组为8.3%,在化疗耐药患者组织中表现更加明显。结论卵巢癌耐药患者组织中细胞染色体基因组最明显的改变为17q,1q的增加以及3p的丢失,这些部位可能存在与卵巢癌化疗耐药密切相关的癌基因及抑癌基因。  相似文献   

目的 探讨河南食管贲门癌高发区贲门癌肿瘤家族史阳性/阴性患者基因组变化特征.方法 应用比较基冈组杂交技术分析14例贲门癌家族史阳性和28例贲门癌肿瘤家族史阴性患者染色体基因组变化.结果 贲门癌家族史阳性患者DNA拷贝数扩增高于阴性(>20%)者的染色体部位为20p(FH+50%与FH-21%),5p(FH+50%与FH-18%),6q(FH+43%与FH-18%),16q(FH+36%与FH-14%);贲门癌家族史阳性患者DNA拷贝数丢失高于阴性(>20%)者为4q(FH+43%与FH-14%)(P>0.05).1q、3q、6q/p、7p、8q、13q/p、20q/p染色体部位DNA拷贝数扩增和1p、17q/p、19p染色体部位DNA拷贝数丢失在贲门癌家族史阳性和阴性患者中均超过20%(P>0.05).结论 20p、5p、6q、16q、4q、17q、18q、9p、22q可能存在与贲门癌遗传高易感性相关的关键基因;而1q/p、3q、6q/p、7p、8q、13q/p、20q/p、17q/p、19p可能存在与环境因素相关的贲门癌关键基因.  相似文献   

河南林州食管癌家族史阳性患者比较基因组杂交特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨河南食管癌高发区食管癌家族史阳性患者基因组变化特征.方法 应用比较基因组杂交技术分析13例食管癌家族史阳性和32例食管癌家族史阴性患者染色体基因组变化.结果 10q染色体部位DNA拷贝数扩增在食管癌家族史阳性患者为23%(3/13)而食管癌家族史阴性患者中无发生(P<0.05).15q染色体部位DNA拷贝数丢失在食管癌家族史阳性为38%(5/13),明显高于食管癌家族史阴性的6%(2/32)(P<0.05).3q、8q、7p、5p等染色体部位DNA拷贝数增加和3p、19q、9q等染色体部位DNA拷贝数丢失在食管癌家族史阳性和阴性患者中发生率均超过20%(P>0.05).结论 10q、15q可能存在与食管癌遗传高易感性相关的关键基因,而3q、8q、7p、5p、3p、19q、9q等可能存在与环境因素相关的食管癌关键基因.  相似文献   

目的 应用SNP芯片检测食管不典型增生和早期食管鳞癌全基因组的DNA拷贝数异常和杂合性缺失(LOH),探讨它们的变化特征.方法 应用Affymetrix GeneChip Human Mapping250K NspArray芯片检测1例原发性食管重度不典型增生和4例原发性早期食管鳞癌病变组织和配对正常食管组织的DNA拷贝数的变化和LOH.结果 食管重度不典型增生只有极少数的DNA片段发生扩增,未发生缺失或LOH.早期食管鳞癌发生DNA扩增的染色体有1p、1q、2p、2q、3q、4q、5p、6p、6q、7q、8q、11p、11q、12p、12q、14q、17q、18p、19q、20q、22q和X;发生DNA缺失的染色体有1p、2q、3p、3q、4p、4q、8p、9p、9q、10q、11p、13q、16p、18q、19p、19q和22q;发生LOH的染色体有3q和9q.其中1p、19q、4q、11p等染色体发生扩增和3q、11p、2q、16p等染色体发生缺失罕见报道.结论 食管重度不典型增生DNA的变异不明显;早期食管鳞癌DNA发生明显的扩增和缺失,但很少发生LOH.250K SNP芯片能够有效地检测食管不典型增生和早期食管鳞癌全基因组范围DNA拷贝数的变化及LOH,分辨率高,定位精确,这些结果为进一步定位筛选和克隆与早期食管鳞癌相关的基因提供了重要的理论信息.  相似文献   

刘东  刘秀萍 《中外医疗》2010,29(16):16-18
目的探讨胃癌发生淋巴结转移的机制,寻找和定位与胃癌转移相关基因。方法本研究应用比较基因组杂交技术分析和比较了15例肠型胃癌患者原发灶和其对应的淋巴结转移灶癌细胞染色体基因组改变特征。结果较常见染色体DNA拷贝数扩增的部位是8q,13q,20和7;较常见染色体DNA拷贝数丢失的部位是1p,17p,19,21q和22q。其中,有意义的发现是20q12-13扩增,21qcen-21丢失,4q丢失,14q22-ter丢失。结论本研究结果表明胃癌原发灶和淋巴结转移灶癌细胞染色体基因改变最显著的部位是20q扩增,及21q,4q和14q的丢失;提示在这些部位可能存在与胃癌淋巴结转移相关的基因。  相似文献   

目的 检测和分析喉鳞癌染色体核形,探讨染色体变异与喉鳞癌基因组变异的关系,及其在肿瘤发生、发展过程中的重要作用.方法 18个来源于喉鳞状细胞癌患者的肿瘤组织进行细胞培养,收集分裂中期细胞,进行染色体"G"带染色,分析核型.并以3例来源于喉鳞癌旁正常上皮组织细胞作为阴性对照.结果 喉鳞癌染色体核型主要表现为大量复杂的、但并非任意性的染色体结构重排和数目改变:染色体丢失的机率显著高于染色体成分、数目的增加;染色体/臂成分的失衡主要表现为3p、4p、8p、18q、5q、13、21和22染色体成分的缺失,及3q、7q、8q、5p、11q13和20染色体成分的增加;大部分的染色体断裂点位于着丝粒区域.结论 染色体数目、结构的不断变异造成癌基因活化、扩增,抑癌基因的抑制和缺失,这种多基因改变的不断积累促进了喉鳞癌的发生及发展.  相似文献   

目的 研究肝外胆管癌瘤细胞染色体结构畸变方式和畸变率,筛选肝外胆管癌标记染色体,定位肝外胆管癌相关基因。方法 用比较基因组杂交(CGH)和光谱核型分析(SKY)技术检测12例肝外胆管癌组织瘤细胞染色体结构畸变方式和畸变率。结果 肝外胆管癌瘤细胞多条染色体存在结构畸变,畸变方式以片段重复和丢失为主,重复集中在1q,3q,8q,15q和17q,丢失主要发生在3p,4q,6q,9p,17p和18q,其中丢失率最高的2个区段分别为3p13-p21和9p21-pter(各41.7%)。结论 肝外胆管癌瘤细胞染色体存在明显结构畸变,为进一步定位肝外胆管癌发生发展相关基因靶位点提供科学依据。  相似文献   

目的 采用多重连接依赖式探针扩增法(MLPA),分析筛查不同肾上腺皮质肿瘤中基因缺失/重复的差别. 方法 选择5例肾上腺皮质腺瘤和2例肾上腺皮质癌患者,采用MLPA的方法针对癌基因和抑癌基因,对肿瘤组织DNA潜在发生缺失/重复的基因进行突变筛查. 结果 肾上腺皮质良性肿瘤中,部分存在06p21.3、12q24.13、17p13.1、17q21.1、19q13.41基因位点重复性改变;在肾上腺皮质癌中,上述区段均发生改变,同时存在片段11q13缺失. 结论 MLPA法适合检测肾上腺皮质肿瘤的基因缺失/重复位点,肾上腺皮质腺瘤中基因位点改变数目显著少于皮质癌.  相似文献   

通过比较基因组杂交研究肝癌中非随机染色体畸变   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:研究肝癌发生和发展过程中非随机染色体畸变情况。方法:采用比较基因组杂交法(comparativegenomichybridization,CGH)分析25例肝癌标本。结果:4q、8p、16q、17p、13q和6q区域的缺失以及8q、1q、6p和17q区域的扩增为肝癌的特征性变化。结论:非随机改变区域存在的相关基因与肝癌发生有关。  相似文献   

目的:探讨未分类肾细胞癌(undifferentiated renal carcinoma,URCC)基因组DNA的变化特征.方法:应用比较基因组杂交(CGH)技术分析2例未分类肾癌患者.根据组织学分型、临床分期、性别和年龄进行分组比较.结果:①2例URCC CGH分析结果显示:URCC中发生DNA拷贝数扩增最常见部位是1p和3q,其他依次是2q、16q和1q(>50%);DNA拷贝数缺失最常见的部位是17p,其他依次6p、16p、20p、17q、5p、3p和11q(>50%).②2例URCC免疫组化表达CD10,CK,VIM,P53强阳性表达.结论:①1p、3q、2q、16q和1q的扩增及2p、6p、16p、20p、17q、5p、3p和11q的缺失可能与URCC发病相关.②17p缺失可能与URCC的高级别类型、预后差相关.  相似文献   

Objective To identify genetic abnormalities in primary pancreatic carcinoma in humans.Methods Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) was used to investigate genomic imbalances in 27 cases of pancreatic carcinomas. Multiple deletions and gains were observed in all tumor specimens.Results Losses affecting chromosomes 9p, 17p, 4q and 6p and gains involving 8q, 7q , 3q and 1q were commonly observed.Conclusions There are multiple regions of chromosomes with changes copy number in pancreatic carcinoma. The altered chromosomal regions may contain several candidate genes which are involved in the development and progress of pancreatic carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

目的:探讨贲门癌高发区河南林州市贲门癌组织中的基因组变化,寻找相关未知基因。方法:采用比较基因组杂交的方法(comparative genomic hybridization,CGH)分析10例原发性贲门癌组织基因组变化。结果;CGH分析显示1q(4/10),11q(3/10),3q(2/10),8q(3/10),8p(2/10)为出现频率较高的扩增区,9q(3/10)的缺失可能是贲门癌的特征性变化。结论:1q,11q,3q,8q,8p,9q可能存在与贲门癌相关的未知基因。  相似文献   

Background Previous cytogenetic studies revealed rhabdomyosarcoma. We profiled chromosomal imbalances aberrations varied among the three subtypes of n the different subtypes and investigated the relationships between clinical parameters and genomic aberrations. Methods Comparative genomic hybridization was used to investigate genomic imbalances in 25 cases of primary rhabdomyosarcomas and two rhabdomyosarcoma cell lines. Specimens were reviewed to determine histological type, pathological grading and clinical staging. Results Changes involving one or more regions of the genome were seen in all rhabdomyosarcomal patients. For rhabdomyosarcoma, DNA sequence gains were most frequently (〉30%) seen in chromosomes 2p, 12q, 6p, 9q, 10q, lp, 2q, 6q, 8q, 15q and 18q; losses from 3p, 11p and 6p. In aggressive alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma, frequent gains were seen on chromosomes 12q, 2p, 6p, 2q, 4q, 10q and 15q; losses from 3p, 6p, lq and 5q. For embryonic rhabdomyosarcoma, frequent gains were on 7p, 9q, 2p, 18q, lp and 8q; losses only from 11p. Frequently gained chromosome arms of translocation associated with rhabdomyosarcoma were 12q, 2, 6, 10q, 4q and 15q; losses from 3p, 6p and 5q. The frequently gained chromosome arms of nontranslocation associated with rhabdomyosarcoma were 2p, 9q and 18q, while 11p and 14q were the frequently lost chromosome arms. Gains on chromosome 12q were significantly correlated with translocation type. Gains on chromosome 9q were significantly correlated with clinical staging. Conclusions Gains on chromosomes 2p, 12q, 6p, 9q, 10q, lp, 2q, 6q, 8q, 15q and 18q and losses on chromosomes 3p, 11p and 6p may be related to rhabdomyosarcomal carcinogenesis. Furthermore, gains on chromosome 12q may be correlated with translocation and gains on chromosome 9q with the early stages of rhabdomyosarcoma.  相似文献   

Objective To gain a better understanding of genetic changes in Cantonese nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). Methods Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) was performed on 17 primary nasopharyngeal carcinomas. Results A novel copy number gain an chromosome 4q and loss of chromosome 1p were found at a high frequency (&gt;50%). Conclusions Current analysis revealed a comprehensive profile of the chromosomal regions showing gain of chromosomes 4q, 12q, and 1q as well as loss of chromosomes 1p, 3p, 11q, 14q, 15q, 13q, Xq, 9q, 10p, 10q, and 16q. Frequently altered loci may encode oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes involved in the development of primary NPC.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate common chromosomal changes and the LOH frequency of microsatellite loci in primary gastric cancer samples in order to locate the deleted regions in which human gastric cancer related genes might exist.Methods Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) was used to define global chromosomal aberrations in 43 primary gastric tumors. Based on the results of CGH, analysis of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) was performed in chromosome 19 in which the loss was first discovered in the gastric cancers. The PCR-based approach was used to investigate 22 loci, which are spaced at 1.1 -10. 9 cM intervals throughout chromosome 19. The amplified PCR fragments were subjected to electrophoresis in PAGE gel and analyzed with GenescanTM and GenotyperTM.Results CGH analysis revealed gains in chromosome 3p(8/43), 8q(8/43), 20 [20 (9/43), 20p(7/43), 20q(4/43)], 12q(16/43), 13q(12/43) and losses in 19 [19 (15/43)], 7 [17 (8/43),17p (10/43)], 16 (10/43) and lp (11/43). Among the 43 evaluated samples, the most frequent LOH was detected at locus D19S571 (27. 81% ).Conclusions The tumorigenesis of gastric cancer includes several chromosomal changes. The aberration of chromosome 19 was the first common change founded in gastric cancer. The region near the D19S571 miclht harbor potential clenes related to the tumoriQenesis of Qastric cancer.  相似文献   

Genome-wide allelotype study of primary glioblastoma multiforme   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Objective To investigate the molecular genetic pathogenesis of primary glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) and identify which chromosomes or chromosomal regions of the entire genome may harbor tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) associated with GBM.Methods A high-resolution allelotype study of 21 cases of primary GBM was performed by PCR-based loss of heterozygosity (LOH)analysis. Three hundred and eighty-two fluorescent dye-labeled microsatellite markers covering all 22 autosomes were applied. The mean genetic distance between two flanking markers was about 10 cM.Results LOH was observed on all 39 nonacrocentric autosomal arms examined in this study. The LOH frequencies of 10q, 10p, 9p, 17p and 13q were the highest (&gt;50%). Furthermore, high LOH frequencies were detected in the regions containing known TSGs including PTEN, DMBT1, p16, p15, p53 and RB; the LOH frequencies on 14q, 3q, 22q, 11p, 9q, 19q were also high (&gt;40.5%). Our study observed the following commonly deleted regions: 9p22-23, 10p12.2-14, 10q21.3, 13q12.1-14.1, 13q14.3-31, 17p11.2-12, 17p13, 3q25.2-26.2, 11p12-13, 14q13-31, 14q32.1, 14q11.1-13, 22q13.3, 4q35, 4q31.1-31.2, 6q27 and 6q21-23.3. Conclusions The molecular pathogenesis of GBM is very complicated and associated with a variety of genetic abnormalities on many chromosomal arms. The most closely related chromosomal arms to the pathogenesis of GBM are 10q, 10p, 9p, 17p and 13q. Besides the well-known TSGs including PTEN, DMBT1, p16, p15, p53 and RB, multiple unknown TSGs associated with GBM may be present on the commonly deleted regions detected in the present study.  相似文献   



Lung cancer has become the leading cause of death in many regions. Carcinogenesis is caused by the stepwise accumulation of genetic and chromosomal changes. The aim of this study was to investigate the chromosome and gene alterations in the human lung adenocarcinoma cell line OM.


We used Giemsa banding and multiplex fluorescence in situ hybridization focusing on the human lung adenocarcinoma cell line OM to analyze its chromosome alterations. In addition, the gains and losses in the specific chromosome regions were identified by comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) and the amplifications of cancer-related genes were also detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR).


We identified a large number of chromosomal numerical alterations on all chromosomes except chromosome X and 19. Chromosome 10 is the most frequently involved in translocations with six different interchromosomal translocations. CGH revealed the gains on chromosome regions of 3q25.3-28, 5p13, 12q22-23.24, and the losses on 3p25-26, 6p25, 6q26-27, 7q34-36, 8p22-23, 9p21-24, 10q25-26.3, 12p13.31-13.33 and 17p13.1-13.3. And PCR showed the amplification of genes: Membrane metalloendopeptidase (MME), sucrase-isomaltase (SI), butyrylcholinesterase (BCHE), and kininogen (KNG).


The lung adenocarcinoma cell line OM exhibited multiple complex karyotypes, and chromosome 10 was frequently involved in chromosomal translocation, which may play key roles in tumorigenesis. We speculated that the oncogenes may be located at 3q25.3-28, 5p13, 12q22-23.24, while tumor suppressor genes may exist in 3p25-26, 6p25, 6q26-27, 7q34-36, 8p22-23, 9p21-24, 10q25-26.3, 12p13.31-13.33, and 17p13.1-13.3. Moreover, at least four genes (MME, SI, BCHE, and KNG) may be involved in the human lung adenocarcinoma cell line OM.  相似文献   

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