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皮质广泛性痫灶多软膜下横纤维切断手术方法的研究   总被引:25,自引:4,他引:25  
目的:脑皮质的广泛性癫痫灶累及脑主要功能区,采用多软膜下横纤维切断术以阻断痫灶同步放电的扩散,达到消除临床发作。方法:共选择了80例皮层广泛性癫痫灶位于脑主要功能区者,其中左侧大脑半球45例,右侧26例,双侧弥漫性痫灶9例,均采用半球凸面多脑回软膜下神经细胞树突(横)纤维切断,同时保护轴突垂直柱不受损伤的方法,每次横切间距5mm,深4mm。结果:无任何功能障碍或其它严重并发症,无手术死亡者,术后随访6~56个月者60例,其中优36例,良11例,发作消失50%或改型9例,无效(同术前)4例,总有效率93%,显效率达78%。结论:本文在讨论了癫痫的外科治疗及多软膜下横切术的机理及手术技术后,提出这一手术是治疗脑皮质主要功能区癫痫的有效方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨切除功能区致痫灶的手术策略及术后疗效.方法 在唤醒麻醉下应用术中皮层电刺激确定语言功能区,根据功能区边界选择处理致痫灶.评价患者的功能结果及癫痫控制程度.结果 3例患者术后随访,均未出现语言障碍,癫痫发作完全控制,符合Engel分级Ⅰ级.致痫灶全切2例,近全切+致痫皮层热灼1例.结论 借助唤醒麻醉进行术中皮质电刺激确定语言功能区准确、安全、可靠.唤醒麻醉下进行术中皮质电刺激结合影像学资料、借助颅内皮层电极的皮质电刺激进行功能区定位,能够最大可能地切除致痫灶而最小化功能区的损害.  相似文献   

目的探讨对致痫灶位于脑主要功能区的癫痫病人,采用病灶切除加多处软膜下横切术(multiple subpial transection,MST)的治疗效果。方法选择20例继发性癫痫病人,在术中硬脑膜切开后,先用皮层电极核实致痫灶的方位和范围,在显微镜下切除非功能区的病灶及其周围的皮层致痫灶;对功能区的病灶也予以切除。第二次用皮质脑电图检查,对功能区存在的或残留的致痫灶(棘波),使用软膜横切刀,切断痫性放电传导的神经元树突。最后用皮层电极复查,如仍有棘波存在,再补行几道横切,直至脑电波全部趋于正常为止。结果在癫痫控制方面,除1例无改善外,其他14例都得到不同程度的控制。随访1~35个月,满意6例,显著改善6例,良好5例,较差2例,无改善1例,总有效率为95%。结论MST能使脑主要功能区癫痫在不引起任何机能损害的情况下,术后痫性发作得到有效的控制,是神经外科目前治疗功能区顽固性癫痫的有效方法之一.  相似文献   

皮层电极监测下切除致痫性脑胶质瘤的临床研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目的探讨致痫性脑胶质瘤的手术治疗方法。方法术中使用皮层电极和深部电极对相应部位皮层脑电进行监测,确定痫性放电的部位及范围,行肿瘤切除+致痫灶切除、皮层热灼或软膜下横切。肿瘤切除后再行脑电监测,若仍有癫痫波,再行切除。结果本组51例中,38例肿瘤全切,8例次全切,5例部分切除。术后一过性偏瘫或失语8例。随访6~57个月,按谭氏分级:Ⅰ级32例,Ⅱ级7例,Ⅲ级5例,Ⅳ级4例,V级3例;胶质瘤复发8例,且均伴有癫痫发作。结论皮层电极监测下切除致痫性胶质瘤是治疗伴有癫痫症状的脑胶质瘤的有效方法,能提高患者的生存质量。  相似文献   

目的 探讨同步EEG-功能性MRI(fMRI)对颞叶癫痫致痫灶的定位作用.方法 对17例症状性颞叶癫痫患者进行同步EEG-fMRI检查.对EEG出现痫样放电时的fMRI数据进行分析,将痫样放电导致的脑组织血氧水平依赖信号改变区域叠加在MRI图像上,确定癫痫灶的位置;并与手术中脑皮质电极和深部电极EEG确定的致痫灶位置进行比较.结果 10例患者同步EEG-fMRI与皮质电极和深部电极EEG确定的致痫灶的位置和范围完全相同;另外7例患者同步EEG-fMRI确定的致痫灶中心位置与皮质电极和深部电极EEG相同,但范围比后者显示的扩大.癫痫灶切除术后14例发作控制,3例发作频率明显降低.结论 同步EEG-fMRI对颞叶癫痫致痫灶的定位准确,无创伤性;对手术定位具有可靠的指导作用.  相似文献   

目的 探讨胚胎发育不良性神经上皮肿瘤(DNT)伴药物难治性癫痫患者的外科手术治疗方法.方法 回顾性分析了第三军医大学新桥医院神经外科采用外科手术治疗14例此类患者的经验.术前和术中均进行致痫灶定位,术中在切除肿瘤的同时一并处理肿瘤外致痫灶.结果 14例患者肿瘤均得到全切,未行放疗和化疗,无肿瘤复发及恶性转化.11例患者癫痫发作得到完全控制(Engel Ⅰ级),2例患者稀少发作(Engel Ⅱ级),1例患者术后仍有频繁癫痫发作,再次手术切除肿瘤周围致痫灶后癫痫得到完全控制.结论 DNT应当按照皮质发育障碍来处理,除切除肿瘤外,积极处理肿瘤外致痫灶可获得较佳的癫痫控制结果.  相似文献   

目的:采用低功率热灼的方法,毁损脑皮层的横行纤维,治疗功能区顽固性癫痫,观察该方法在临床的实用性和有效性。方法:124例难治性癫痫患者,手术切除非功能区致痫灶后,辅助热灼功能区的致痫灶或癫痫样放电。非功能区致痫灶切除后,功能区致痫灶热灼前后均行皮层脑电图监测。病理观察热损伤的深度和范围。结果:热灼后肉眼下见:皮层呈红白相间的条纹状改变,与多软膜下横纤维切断术(MST)类似。显微结构见:热损伤仅在脑浅皮层(Ⅰ-Ⅱ)。随访108例术后病例1-5年,癫痫发作消失的占75.9%,总有效率91.7%。术后9例病人出现一过性的功能障碍,但均在一周左右恢复。结论:非功能区致痫灶切除辅助功能区致痫灶热灼,其疗效肯定,方法安全可靠,易在临床推广。  相似文献   

功能区顽固性癫痫的外科进展   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
长期以来,人们对癫痫的外科治疗认识不一。有人认为外科手术可导致比癫痫本身更为严重的脑损伤,尤其当致痫灶位于功能区大脑皮层时。随着神经科学技术的发展,多种先进的诊断系统在临床中广泛应用,使致痫灶的定位准确率不断提高。同时,由于手术方法和技巧的改进,如功能区浅表皮层横行纤维热灼术、软膜下横纤维切断术(multiplesubpialtransectionMST)等,使功能区的痫性放电消失成为可能,同时又极少产生并发症。癫痫是由各种原因引起的脑功能障碍综合征,即脑细胞群异常放电所致的发作性、暂时性的脑功能紊乱,具有反复性、阵发性、发作性等特…  相似文献   

目的对于致痫灶位于脑的主要功能区的癫痫病人,采用多软膜下横切术(MST),达到既可控制癫痫的发作,又能保护皮质的正常功能.方法选择20例继发性癫痫病人,术前均做神经影像学、脑电图和神经心理学检查;术中硬脑膜切开后,先用皮质电极核实致痫灶的方位和范围,然后切除远离功能区的病灶,再用横切刀切断功能区痫性放电的神经元树突,最后用皮质电极复查,直至棘波消失.结果除1例无改善外,其他19例都得到了不同程度的控制.满意6例,显著改善6例,良好5例,效差2例,无改善1例,总有效率为95%.永久性重要功能缺失和残疾,无手术死亡率.结论MST它能使脑主要功能区癫痫,在不引起任何机能障碍的情况下,使痫性发作得到有效的控制.  相似文献   

目的探讨静息态功能性磁共振时间簇分析(TCA-fMRI)应用于难治性癫痫致痫灶术前定位的方法和价值。方法对11例难治性癫痫病人,在癫痫发作间期行静息态功能磁共振(fMRI)检查,应用TCA-fMRI技术计算与癫痫发作相关的脑内激活区(致区),并分析比较该激活区与术中皮质电极定位致痫灶之间的吻合程度。结果 TCA-fMRI确定的激活区与术中皮质电极定位的致痫灶一致6例;激活区范围扩大3例,但最强激活区仍与皮质电极定位的癫痫灶一致;激活区较弥散2例。术后病理显示:胶质瘤3例,脑软化灶4例,灰质异位症2例,海绵状血管瘤1例,海马萎缩1例。随访1年,术后3个月、6个月及1年均复查脑电图,癫痫发作消失8例,明显减少3例;无严重并发症。结论静息态TCA-fMRI技术是一种新型、无创性的致痫灶定位方法,将静息状态下致痫灶异常放电所导致的血氧依赖水平变化在MRI三维结构图像上显示,能在术前精确定位致痫灶。  相似文献   

Emerging surgical and radiotherapeutic techniques for treating epilepsy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Recent advances in epilepsy surgery have developed a resurgence of interest in the use of surgical techniques for the treatment of intractable epilepsy. RECENT FINDINGS: More invasive procedures such as hemispherectomy and multiple subpial transection have become more popular. Disconnective techniques such as multiple subpial transection have provided a surgical option for patients whose epileptogenic zone resides in the eloquent cortex. Alternatively, new minimally invasive neurostimulation therapies have been introduced to preserve maximal cerebral tissue. Radiosurgery has been recently utilized in the treatment of epilepsy with preliminary promising results. SUMMARY: In this analysis, the authors will attempt to review the more recent surgical approaches and their indications for the treatment of medically intractable epilepsy. For patients with the epileptogenic zone in the noneloquent cortex, seizure focus resection remains the most reasonable approach to therapy.  相似文献   

多处软脑膜下横纤维切断术治疗难治性癫痫的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 总结多处软脑膜下横纤维切断术(multiple subpial transection,MST)与其他术式联合应用治疗难治性癫痫的疗效。方法 195例难治性癫痫患者,部分性发作者81例,全面性发作者114例。根据手术前脑电图、SPECT、PET、CT及MR定位检查,结合术中皮层电极脑电图探测结果,划出致痫灶地域图,于显微镜下先行致痫灶及颞叶基底部切除或胼胝体切开;而后对周围或广泛性棘波发放区施行多处软脑膜下横纤维切断,最后经皮层电极脑电图探查显示病变区癫痫样波形完全消失即完成手术。结果 195例患者,行大脑半球广泛单纯性MST者39例(20.00%);大脑半球表面蛛网膜粘连带切除减压+MST者21例(10.78%);颞尖部及颞叶基底部切除+颞叶新皮质MST者39例(20.00%);大脑半球局限性病变及致痫带切除+广泛性MST者50例(25.64%);病灶周边局限性MST者16例(8.21%);胼胝体前2/3切开+双额叶前部MST者30例(15.38%)。无一例发生手术死亡,亦未出现严重并发症。随访80例患者,优45例(56.25%),良20例(25.00%),中9例(11.25%),差6例(7.50%);有效率为92.50%,显效率为81.25%。结论 联合应用MST与致痫灶切除、颞叶内基底区切除或胼胝体切开是治疗难治性癫痫患者的有效方法,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

Surgical treatment of medically refractory epilepsy in childhood   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twenty five percent of children with epilepsy continue to seize despite best medical management and may be defined as medically refractory. Many children with medically refractory localization-related epilepsy, i.e. seizures which originate in a particular area of brain and secondarily spread to involve other brain regions, may benefit from a variety of surgical treatments including hemispherectomy, corpus callosotomy, focal cortical resection of the temporal lobe, focal cortical resection of extratemporal regions of brain, and multiple subpial resections. A successful outcome from epilepsy surgery is generally defined as a seizure-free state with no imposition of neurologic deficit. In order to achieve these twin goals two criteria must be fulfilled. First, precise localization of the epileptogenic zone in the brain is necessary. The epileptogenic zone may be defined as the region of epileptogenic cerebral cortex whose removal will result in a seizure-free state. Second, one must determine the anatomic localization of eloquent cortex in brain in order to spare these areas during any planned cortical excision of epileptogenic cortex. Several diagnostic measures may be used to achieve a successful surgical outcome. A clinical history to ascertain the earliest symptom in the clinical progression of the seizure (semiology) is imperative as is ictal and interictal scalp EEG, neuropsychological testing, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET), single photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT), interictal magnetoencephalography (MEG). In the typical child undergoing evaluation for epilepsy surgery, if the clinical, neuropsychological, EEG, and radiological data are all concordant and point to the same area of epileptogenicity in brain, cortical excision of the suspected epileptogenic zone is undertaken. However, if the data are discordant, and/or the epileptogenic zone resides wholly or in part within eloquent cortex, invasive intracranial monitoring from depth and/or subdural electrodes during a seizure is required to map out the areas of epileptogenicity in brain. The assessment of potential risks and benefits for this type of epilepsy surgery in children involve complex age-related issues, including the possible impact of uncontrolled seizures, medication, or surgery, on learning and development.  相似文献   

Twenty-five percent of children with epilepsy continue to seize despite the best medical management and may be defined as medically refractory. Many children with medically refractory localization-related epilepsy, i.e. seizures which originate in a particular area of the brain and secondarily spread to involve other brain regions, may benefit from a variety of surgical treatments including hemispherectomy, corpus callosotomy, focal cortical resection of the temporal lobe, focal cortical resection of extratemporal regions of the brain, and multiple subpial resections. A successful outcome from epilepsy surgery is generally defined as a seizure-free state with no imposition of neurologic deficit. In order to achieve these twin goals two criteria must be fulfilled. First, precise localization of the epileptogenic zone in the brain is necessary. The epileptogenic zone may be defined as the region of epileptogenic cerebral cortex whose removal will result in a seizure-free state. Second, one must determine the anatomic localization of eloquent cortex in the brain in order to spare these areas during any planned cortical excision of epileptogenic cortex. Several diagnostic measures may be used to achieve a successful surgical outcome. A clinical history to ascertain the earliest symptom in the clinical progression of the seizure (semiology) is imperative as is ictal and interictal scalp EEG, neuropsychological testing, magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography, single photon emission computerized tomography, and interictal magnetoencephalography. In the typical child undergoing evaluation for epilepsy surgery, if the clinical, neuropsychological, EEG, and radiological data are all concordant and point to the same area of epileptogenicity in the brain, cortical excision of the suspected epileptogenic zone is undertaken. However, if the data are discordant, and/or the epileptogenic zone resides wholly or in part within eloquent cortex, invasive intracranial monitoring from depth and/or subdural electrodes during a seizure is required to map out the areas of epileptogenicity in the brain. The assessment of potential risks and benefits for this type of epilepsy surgery in children involves complex age-related issues, including the possible impact of uncontrolled seizures, medication, or surgery on learning and development.  相似文献   

目的探讨开颅手术对功能区难治性癫痫的疗效。方法84例脑功能区难治性癫痫患者中,采用局部癫痫灶切除 多处软膜下横纤维切断术者29例,癫痫病灶切除 多处软膜下横纤维切断 前颞叶切除33例,癫痫病灶切除 多处软膜下横纤维切断 胼胝体前1/3切开22例。记录术后早期和9 ̄30个月临床观察及随访结果。结果术后早期16例患者出现一侧肢体肌力减弱,23例患者术后2 ̄3d出现失语,经治疗均在5 ̄10d内恢复。出院后随访9 ̄30个月,完全无发作65例,发作次数减少50%以上11例,发作减少50%以下6例,2例癫痫发作与术前相同。术前有14例言语功能障碍,17例有一侧肌力下降,术后均有不同程度的改善和恢复。结论术后疗效表明局部癫痫灶切除 多处软膜下横纤维切断术和癫痫病灶切除 多处软膜下横纤维切断 前颞叶切除的手术疗效优于癫痫病灶切除 多处软膜下横纤维切断 胼胝体前1/3切开手术方式的疗效。  相似文献   

Abstract: The experimental epileptogenic focus produced by cobalt-gelatine stick implantation in the cerebral cortex of rabbits has been studied by electron microscopy. Since our cobalt focus was latent, the bemegride maneuver was intravenously performed to identify the cobalt lesion of the cortex as an epileptogenic focus. The cobalt lesion comprised three different zones. Of the three zones, the reactive zone showed a glio-mesenchymal scar and prominent ultrastructural changes. The major change of this zone was found in the neurons, neuropils and astrocytes. Electron-lucent neurons deprived of the usual neuropils surrounding them, widening of extracellular spaces and swollen dendrites in neuropils, and proliferating astrocytes were observed constantly throughout the experimental period. These findings may be significant for the genesis of this type of epilepsy.  相似文献   

The experimental epileptogenic focus produced by cobalt-gelatin stick implantation in the cerebral cortex of rabbits has been studied by electron microscopy. Since our cobalt focus was latent, the bemegride maneuver was intravenously performed to identify the cobalt lesion of the cortex as an epileptogenic focus. The cobalt lesion comprised three different zones. Of the three zones, the reactive zone showed a glio-mesenchymal scar and prominent ultrastructural changes. The major change of this zone was found in the neurons, neuropils and astrocytes. Electron-lucent neurons deprived of the usual neuropils surrounding them, widening of extracellular spaces and swollen dendrites in neuropils, and proliferating astrocytes were observed constantly throughout the experimental period. These findings may be significant for the genesis of this type of epilepsy.  相似文献   

难治性癫痫的致痫灶定位及手术治疗研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的评价难治性癫痫的致痫灶定位方法和皮层电极监测下致痫灶切除,加行多处软脑膜下横纤维切断术(MST)治疗癫痫的疗效。方法对47例难治性癫痫病人的致痫灶,采用CT MRI EEG 单光子发射计算机体层摄影(SPECT) 皮层脑电脑(ECoG)联合检测定位。对检出的阳性病灶在皮层电极监测显微镜下行致痫灶切除,切除后监测仍有癫痫波者加行MST;致痫灶位于重要功能区者单行MST。结果致痫灶阳性检出率86%。皮层电极检测显微镜下致痫灶切除加MST,术后91%的病人癫痫发作停止,半年后约15%的病人复发,但症状较术前减轻,持续时间较术前短。结论CT MRI EEG SPECT ECoG联合检测,对手术定位具有较高价值。皮层电极监测下致痫灶切除术及MST创伤轻微、效果比较可靠、治愈率高、并发症少、复发率低。病灶及致痫灶的不完全切除和形成皮层软化及疤痕,可能是导致癫痫复发的重要原因。  相似文献   

目的 探讨涉及中央区难治性癫(癎)的手术治疗.方法 3例患者术前除常规致癫(癎)灶评估外,还应用fMRI作皮质功能区定位.术中通过皮层EEG(ECoG)对致癫(癎)灶定位,通过皮层诱发电位(SEP)及皮质电刺激定位脑功能区,对位于功能区以外的致疒间灶行切除性手术,功能区内的致疒间灶行软脑膜下横行纤维切断术.结果 术后无神经功能障碍,术后3月,2例病人无癫(癎)发作,1例偶有部分性发作;术后8月,1例无发作,1例偶有部分性发作,1例减少75%发作. 结论术前功能区评估、术中电生理监测有助于保护皮质重要功能和提高手术癫(癎)控制率.  相似文献   

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