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目的 对我国公立医院员工的利益诉求进行实证研究.方法 通过问卷调查,使用因子分析和配对T检验对数据进行归纳分析,并结合单因素方差分析进行比较研究.结果 员工的利益诉求可以归纳成7个因子,不同类型员工对医院的利益诉求之间的差异性较为显著.结论 当前阶段公立医院仍然需要对员工的物质利益诉求给予重点关注.
Objective To give an empirical study on the interests claims of employees in public hospitals. Methods By questionnaire investigation, to sum up data using factor analysis and pairedsamples T test, and to compare difference between different kinds of patients using ANOVA. Results The interests claims of employees can be summed up to seven factors and there is some significant difference between different kinds of employees. Conclusion At current stage, public hospitals need pay more attention to material interests claims of employees.  相似文献   

湖北省6家公立医院的经济运行现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解湖北省公立医院的经济运行现状,分析其对公立医院公益性的影响.方法 采用现场调查的方法收集数据,结合相关统计资料对湖北省公立医院的经济运行现状进行分析.结果 湖北省公立医院的财务收支不断增加并趋于平衡;政府财政补助有限,90%以上的公立医院收入来源于医疗收入和药品收入;公立医院人均业务收入呈逐年增长的趋势;湖北省公立医院的资产负债率相对较高.结论 宏观经济体制和卫生政策的变革、经济利益的诱导阻碍了公立医院公益性的实现.完善公立医院的财政补偿机制,规范公立医院的财务管理机制.
Objective To understand the current economical operation of public hospitals in Hubei province and its effect on their public welfare performance. Methods To collect data in field survey and to analyze the current economic situation of such hospitals in the province based on relevant statistics.Results Financial revenue and expenditure of these hospitals keep rising and achieving a balance in general; for the insufficient government financial subsidy, 90% of the revenue of such hospitals come from their medical services and drugs sold; the per capita revenue of these public hospitals maintains a yearly rising trend; their asset-liability ratio was relatively high. Conclusions The public welfare performance of these hospitals tends to be impeded by the reform on the macro economic system and health policy changes, on top of the attraction of economic interests. Improving the government subsidy mechanism for public hospitals and standardizing the financial management mechanism of public hospitals.  相似文献   

The study focused on tertiary public hospitals in Hangzhou,investigating the comments of both hospitals workers and foreigners in the city with questionnaires and literature search.The foilowing four problems were identified in the study in the foreigner medical services in Hangzhou:Communication barriers between doctors and foreign patients,insufficient communication of medical service information,poor service environment and service attitude,and payment mechanism for medical insurance and charges.On such basis,the authors recommended policy changes for the government to improve foreigner-oriented medical services,including building the regulations up to intemational customs for medical services,reforms in the payment system,medical insurance management,as well as planning and promotions of foreigner-related service institutions,and management strategies for key elements within the hospital  相似文献   

深圳市公立医院法人治理改革探索   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
Analysis of setbacks found in the existing system and mechanism of public hospitals. Based on the health reform principles of "Separation of administration and management, Separation of administration and operation, Separation of prescribing and dispensing, and Separation of for-profit hospitals and nonprofit hospitals", the authors named the following roadmap for public hospital governance reform. First, set up a management committee for each public hospital to coordinate the government function for medical service; set up a public hospital authority to upgrade the management level of these hospitals; transform functionality of health authorities to encourage diversity in medical service providers. Second, establish the tiered decision making mechanism, autonomous operation system and diversified supervision system, to separate administration and management. Third, formulate articles of association for hospitals to encourage their evolution to legal entities, consolidating the government reforms by legal means.  相似文献   

Access of safe, effective, convenient and affordable medical and health care services to the people is set as the goal of public hospitals health services as stated in the "Guidelines for Public Hospitals Pilot Reform". Such a goal, however, can hardly be achieved by mechanism changes within the public hospitals. The input and output of public hospitals rely critically on such factors as the input mechanism, regional pattern of healthcare system, the economic and industrial conditions of the region,payment quota and payment approval procedures of medical insurance. This paper set off from the input compensation mechanism of public hospitals in China and analyzed the input and output characteristics of the hospitals. Furthermore, the paper proposed to establish an input compensation mechanism based on public welfare performance for such hospitals. This provided further reference for improving the management of public hospitals and building a public welfare-oriented operation mechanism of public hospitals.  相似文献   

To explore how to create and optimize a promotion index system of medical quality evaluation, this article focuses on the hospital visiting process from patients, using analyzing collected those index system from couples of Grade Ⅲ hospitals in Beijing, and combining the results of literal study, field study and specialist consult, according to the different situation of general hospitals and specially hospitals, with the spirit of "maintaining the patients benefits, safeguarding the patients safety,and enhancing the medical quality", introduces the framework of the promotion index system, the rules to select the indicator, and so on, and discusses several problerns related to creating the index system.  相似文献   

To explore how to create and optimize a promotion index system of medical quality evaluation, this article focuses on the hospital visiting process from patients, using analyzing collected those index system from couples of Grade Ⅲ hospitals in Beijing, and combining the results of literal study, field study and specialist consult, according to the different situation of general hospitals and specially hospitals, with the spirit of "maintaining the patients benefits, safeguarding the patients safety,and enhancing the medical quality", introduces the framework of the promotion index system, the rules to select the indicator, and so on, and discusses several problerns related to creating the index system.  相似文献   

To explore how to create and optimize a promotion index system of medical quality evaluation, this article focuses on the hospital visiting process from patients, using analyzing collected those index system from couples of Grade Ⅲ hospitals in Beijing, and combining the results of literal study, field study and specialist consult, according to the different situation of general hospitals and specially hospitals, with the spirit of "maintaining the patients benefits, safeguarding the patients safety,and enhancing the medical quality", introduces the framework of the promotion index system, the rules to select the indicator, and so on, and discusses several problerns related to creating the index system.  相似文献   

A total of 1140 medical workers from 8 public hospitals of secondary and tertiary levels in Anhui were surveyed with questionnaire. Their knowledge of the reform, acknowledgement of key points of the reform, desire of participating in the reform and other factors that may influence the reform were investigated as categorized by their hospital, position, title and age. This study comes up with such recommendations as reinforcing communications on public hospital reform, reforming the compensation mechanism to clarify government responsibilities, probing into a better model for multi-institution practice of certified physicians, and encouraging private capital to participate in medical service while ensuring its "non-profit" nature, and improving the performance appraisal mechanism to ensure incentives of medical workers. These recommendations aim to enable the health administrators in their decision making.  相似文献   

Trials in public hospital reforms bear special significance for rational deployment of health resources and exploring the separation of hospital management from routine operations. The paper identified such setbacks in the present trials as easy technology measures, numerous models of separations, difficulty in setting pharmaceutical service fees, and inadequate governance. Authors also recommended such measures as searching for appropriate reforms for public hospitals locally, greater financial resources for completing the compensation mechanism of public hospitals, streamlining their management system for separation of management from operations, and improving governance. All these efforts are designed to enhance the public benefit nature of public hospitals.  相似文献   

This paper empirically investigates the relationship between the health care expenditure of end‐of‐life patients and hospital characteristics in Taiwan where (i) hospitals of different ownership differ in their financial incentives; (ii) patients are free to choose their providers; and (iii) health care services are paid for by a single public payer on a fee‐for‐services basis with a global budget cap. Utilizing insurance claims for 11 863 individuals who died during 2005–2007, we trace their hospital expenditures over the last 24 months of their lives. We find that end‐of‐life patients who are treated by private hospitals in general are associated with higher inpatient expenditures than those treated by public hospitals, while there is no significant difference in days of hospital stay. This finding is consistent with the difference in financial incentives between public and private hospitals in Taiwan. Nevertheless, we also find that the public–private differences vary across accreditation levels. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

创新运营模式 寻找医院发展与公益性的平衡点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前绝大多数的公立医疗机构并没有很好地体现其公益属性,公益性“淡化”已经是我国公立医院中普遍存在的问题。随着“看病难、看病贵”现象的日趋明显并严重,如何让公立医院在发展的同时回归“公益”已成为了当务之急。汕头大学?香港中文大学联合汕头国际眼科中心自建院后,秉承爱国人士李嘉诚先生“济世利民”的理念,敢为人先,大胆创新,引进国际先进的运营理念,面对自收自支与公益性二者之间的博弈,探索出一条转换矛盾、可持续发展的道路,八年来所坚持的全新运营模式,恰恰寻找到了医院发展与公益性的平衡点。  相似文献   

It has been observed that specialist physicians who work in private hospitals are usually paid by fee-for-service while specialist physicians who work in public hospitals are usually paid by salary. This paper provides an explanation for this observation. Essentially, fee-for-service aligns the interests of income preferring specialists with profit maximizing private hospitals and results in private hospitals treating a high proportion of short stay patients. On the other hand, salary aligns the interests of fairness preferring specialists with benevolent public hospitals that commit to admit all patients irrespective of their expected length of stay.  相似文献   

山东省民营与公立医院医疗质量管理典型调查比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 通过对民营医院与公立医院的医疗质量管理情况进行比较分析,找出2类医院存在的不足及它们之间的差别,并提出改进建议。方法 采用方差分析及Kruskal-Wallis H检验、SNK法及Games-Howell法,对民营医院、公立二级医院和公立三级医院之间的典型调查数据进行比较分析。结果 民营医院与公立二级医院相比,除2个方面单项得分无统计学差异外,其余6个方面单项得分及总得分均有统计学差异;民营医院与公立三级医院相比,8个方面单项得分及总得分均有统计学差异;公立二级医院与公立三级医院相比,只有“各医院总得分”1项有统计学差异,8个方面单项得分均无统计学差异。结论 民营和公立医院在医疗质量管理方面都存在不足,但民营医院总体上差于公立医院;民营医院管理水平参差不齐,也有部分民营医院管理较规范。应加强对医院,特别是民营医院的监管,继续完善医院监督检查制度,建立完善医疗质量管理信息公开制度。  相似文献   

目的评价公立医疗机构信用管理和诚信服务水平。方法对医疗机构信用评价及监管体系的应用及影响因素进行分析,在全国范围内遴选了32位医院管理、卫生行政管理、公共卫生管理等方面的专家,通过德尔菲法进行两轮专家咨询,并据此构建医疗机构信用评价指标体系,同时选择3家样本医院开展试评价。结果3家试点医院总得分分别为93.10分、87.24分、95.30分,诚信收费和诚信诊疗部分和标准分值差距最大。结论试点医院的总体信用管理和诚信服务水平良好,收费部分的平均得分和标准值相差较大,显示在医疗机构复杂庞大的社会契约体系中,医院、医保、患者、财政等利益主体之间的费用契约仍不够有效。  相似文献   

Patients are the top priority of physicians and hospitals. Access to cost-effective, medically necessary quality care in the most appropriate setting is the overriding consideration. Economic realities are a new dimension which must be managed within the context of quality care. Collaboration and cooperation between hospitals and medical staffs are essential. Through timely, meaningful communication, hospitals and medical staffs can meet the needs of patients and serve the best interests of the public. CMA and CAHHS are committed to supporting this collaborative relationship through leadership in public policy and promotion of responsible positions. CAHHS and CMA will offer a joint program to assist hospitals and medical staffs resolve conflicts.  相似文献   

公立医院的利益相关者众多,利益诉求存在差异,而且只有少数利益相关者处于主导地位,非均衡博弈不利于公益性的实现。公立医院利益相关者的利益均衡需要建立良好的利益协调机制,保证各利益相关者利益的有效实现。公立医院的利益协调不是通过政府、市场或社会单方面可以实现的,需要整合各方力量,优势互补,有必要建立利益相关者共同治理机制,实现利益的整合和协调。  相似文献   

本文通过对东、中、西部地区172家社会办医疗机构进行问卷调查,分析其对社会办医相关政策的看法。调查发现,被调查机构最关切医保政策障碍,占总数的26.5%。不同地区、级别、经营性质社会办医疗机构对当前规划设置、医保准入、学科建设等方面政策需求不同。东部地区机构希望对规划有所突破,中部地区希望改变人才政策,而西部地区则认为受到土地政策限制。三级医院更关注科研项目和土地政策,二级医院则更关注准入政策。有44.8%的被调查机构认为监管政策比公立医院严格,而营利和非营利性机构对监管严格程度的感受没有差别。结合调查结果,本文提出了针对不同类型机构诉求细化政策、促进投入和购买服务等政策的落实以及加强非营利性机构监管等政策建议。  相似文献   

A realist conceptualisation of interests is proposed in opposition to the fashionable view that interests, objectivity and reality are merely social constructs, and that sociological analyses should be confined to discourse, actor-networks and micro-contextual practices. The objective interests of pharmaceutical companies in profit-maximisation, and of patients/public health in the optimisation of drugs' benefit-risk ratios, can be empirically validated. The relationship between those interests and pharmaceutical regulation is best characterised by 'neo-liberal corporate bias' at the macro- and meso-levels. How such bias manifests itself at the micro-social level of science-based pharmaceutical testing and regulatory decision making is examined using a realist sociology of scientific knowledge, which appreciates that assessment of the validity of techno-scientific knowledge claims is essential for their sociological explanation. Commercial interests are shown to have biased science away from the interests of public health, in favour of industry. International comparisons of drug regulation demonstrate that drug injuries are not necessarily an inevitable by-product of pharmaceutical progress because some countries have fewer drug safety problems than others. Similarly, the lowering of techno-scientific standards for drug safety testing is not an inevitable cost of faster development of therapeutically valuable medicines, but a consequence of the internationalisation of neo-liberal corporate bias.  相似文献   

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