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孕期体重增加与新生儿出生体重及产后出血量的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨正常孕妇孕期体重增加与新生儿出生体重及产后出血量的关系,为孕期围产保健提供依据。方法:收集2004年1月1日~5月31日374例的孕妇资料,并对其中无妊娠合并症在河北省霸州市第一医院进行正规围产保健及分娩的275例孕产妇资料进行分析。结果:孕期体重增加与新生儿出生体重无相关性(P>0.05),而在一定范围内新生儿出生体重与产后出血量有相关性。结论:孕期适当控制饮食不影响新生儿出生体重,而在一定范围内产后出血量随新生儿出生体重增加而增加。  相似文献   

目的探讨育龄期女性孕前体重及孕期体重增加与新生儿出生体重的关系。方法选取2016年1月至2019年1月于北部战区总医院和平分院单胎分娩的产妇14 543例为研究对象,依据孕前体质量指数(body mass index,BMI)、孕期增重指南推荐体重增重值和新生儿出生体重情况进行分组。采用Logistic回归模型分析孕前BMI及孕期体重增加对新生儿出生体重的影响。结果①孕前不同BMI和孕期体重增加异常对新生儿出生体重结局有相关性,孕期体重增加不足和过多是早产儿[OR 1.30(95%CI:1.09-1.56)、2.45(95%CI:1.99-3.01)]和小于胎龄儿[OR 1.76(95%CI:1.13-2.48)、OR 2.14(95%CI:1.32-3.47)]出生风险高危人群。②孕期体重增加不足低体重孕妇,早产儿出生风险是正常体重孕妇2.77倍。而孕期体重增加过多的超重孕妇,早产儿出生风险是正常体重孕妇4.03倍。孕期体重增加适宜的超重孕妇,小于胎龄儿出生风险是正常体重孕妇2.62倍。③孕前低体重孕妇更容易发生孕期体重增加不足(OR 2.94,95%CI:2.30-3.75),孕前肥胖更容易导致孕期体重增加过多(OR 1.05,95%CI:0.94-1.61)。结论为合理控制孕前体重及孕期体重增长,减少新生儿不良结局发生,应将控制孕前体重及孕期体重增加作为孕前保健及围产期保健的重要内容,并根据孕前BMI制定个性化的营养计划。  相似文献   

孕妇体质指数对分娩方式及新生儿体重影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 研究孕妇体质指数对分娩方式及新生儿出生体重的影响.方法 选取单胎初产妇360人作为研究对象,分别按照孕前和产前体质指数(BMI)分组,孕前肥胖组33人,孕前体重正常组327人;产前肥胖组204人,产前体重正常组156人.对妊娠结局、新生儿出生体重等进行调查并进行组间分析比较.结果 孕前肥胖组分娩方式、新生儿出生体重与孕前正常组比较差异无统计学意义(P<0.05);产前肥胖组剖宫产增加、新生儿出生体重增加,与产前正常组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);孕妇产前体重增加值与新生儿出生体重显著相关(P<0.05).结论 加强围生期保健,控制孕期体重,可减少母婴并发症.  相似文献   

目的:通过分析孕期不同阶段体重增长对新生儿出生体重的影响,指导孕妇孕期合理平衡饮食,以实现对新生儿体重控制。方法:将我院产前检查并分娩的500例孕妇和新生儿体重分为5组,对产前体重及孕期体重增加情况与新生儿体重进行相关分析。结果:孕妇孕前及产前体重对新生儿体重影响不大,妊娠20周前体重增长缓慢的孕妇易出生低体重儿;妊娠中晚期体重增加过多的孕妇易出生巨大儿;妊娠20~30周体重变化对新生儿体重影响最大。结论:注意纠正孕妇妊娠早期营养不良状态,减少妊娠晚期过多的能量摄入,控制妊娠20~30周体重变化,对提高孕妇和新生儿生存质量有指导意义。  相似文献   

王燕  胡传来  张勤  陶兴勇 《中国妇幼保健》2011,26(12):1806-1808
目的:探讨孕妇孕前体重、孕期增重对新生儿出生体重的影响。方法:选取1 419例单胎妊娠孕妇作为研究对象。问卷调查孕妇的基本情况,定期产前检查时记录孕周并测量体重,随访研究对象妊娠结局。并采用LMS法分别建立孕妇不同孕前BMI组孕期不同周次增重的百分位数曲线。结果:超重组孕妇的新生儿出生体重最高,正常组次之,低体重组最低,三组间的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。孕前BMI<18.5的低体重组孕妇小于胎龄儿的检出率要高于其他两组的孕妇,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。LMS曲线示三组孕母孕期体重增加呈逐渐上升趋势,孕早期三组体重增重甚少,孕中期体重增加小于孕晚期。孕前低体重组孕妇孕期总增重较正常体重组和超重组多。结论:孕前体重和孕期增重与新生儿的出生体重有密切关系,应采取有效措施进行合理控制。  相似文献   

孕前体质指数及孕期增重与母婴预后关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 探讨正常孕妇孕前体质指数(BMI)及孕期增重对母婴健康影响.方法 选取单胎初孕妇360人作为研究对象,按孕前BMI及孕期增重≤10,10.5~15,15.5~20,20.5~25,>25.5 kg分组,并分别随访其妊娠结局.结果 孕前肥胖组剖宫产、新生儿出生体重与正常组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);肥胖组、孕期增重>15.5 kg孕妇妊高征、妊娠期糖尿病明显增加(P<0.05),肥胖组孕期增重>10.5 kg孕妇剖宫产明显增加(P<0.05);正常组孕期增重>20.5 kg孕妇剖宫产明显增加(P<0.05);孕期体重增加与新生儿出生体重无关(P>0.05).结论 孕前体质指数是妊娠期并发症危险因素;孕期体重增加过多与妊娠结局有关,孕期合理控制饮食不会影响新生儿出生体重.  相似文献   

目的:探讨孕妇孕前身高、体重及与孕期体重增长对妊娠结局的影响。方法:对860例单胎产妇,测量孕前身高、体重和孕期体重增长情况,计算体重指数(BMI)及体重增幅,并随访妊娠结局。结果:孕期高体重指数妊娠高血压子痫前期、巨大儿、剖宫产率相应高于其他两组,有显著差异性;当体重指数增幅>6时妊娠高血压子痫前期、巨大儿、剖宫产率和高危新生儿高于其他两组,有显著差异性;孕期体重增幅≥15Kg时,妊娠高血压子痫前期、巨大儿、剖宫产率和高危新生儿高于另一组,差异有显著性。结论:孕期体重增长、孕期体重指数的变化,是新生儿体重增加及孕妇发生并发症的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

目的调查沈阳地区新生儿出生体重及分布状况,探讨新生儿出生体重与母亲孕期体重增长的相关性。方法以人群为基础整群分层抽样调查沈阳市2010年10月1日至2011年9月30日出生的6162例新生儿出生体重分布情况及影响因素,回顾性调查母亲《孕妇保健手册》,获得母亲孕期体重增长指标,同时进行问卷调查,采用单因素分析方法进行统计分析。结果沈阳市新生儿出生体重均值为3399.24g,新生儿低体重发生率为3.55%,巨大儿发生率为10.68%。新生儿出生体重与母亲孕期体重增长呈正相关(r=0.15,P〈0.05)。结论母亲孕期体重增加越多,新生儿出生体重越大。  相似文献   

目的探讨孕妇孕前体重指数(BMI)、孕期体重增加与新生儿出生体重及非选择性剖宫产的关系。方法选取2000年1月1日至2010年5月1日于解放军五三七医院住院分娩的孕产妇3231例为研究对象。纳入标准:所有孕妇身体健康,无相关家族遗传疾病史和妊娠期合并症,均为初产、单胎妊娠。按照孕妇孕前BMI将其分为低BMI组(n=671)、正常BMI组(n=1845)和高BMI组(n=715);按照孕妇孕期体重增加值,又将其分为≤9 kg组(n=331),(9~18)kg组(n=1755)和≥18 kg组(n=1145),分别比较两种分组方式的三组新生儿中巨大儿及低出生体重儿发生率和非选择性剖宫产率,并分析孕妇孕期体重增加与新生儿中巨大儿及低出生体重儿发生率和非选择性剖宫产率的关系。各组受试对象年龄、相关家族遗传疾病史和妊娠期合并症、产次等比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)(本研究遵循的程序符合本院人体试验委员会所制定的伦理学标准,得到该委员会批准,分组征得受试对象本人的知情同意,并与之签署临床研究知情同意书)。结果三组孕前BMI不同孕妇新生儿出生体重比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。孕前低BMI组的低出生体重儿发生率高,孕前高BMI组巨大儿发生率高,非选择性剖宫产率随孕妇孕前BMI降低而降低。三组孕妇孕期体重增加不同,新生儿出生体重比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。孕妇孕期体重增加过多,则巨大儿发生率增加;孕妇孕期体重增加越少,非选择性剖宫产率则越低。结论孕妇孕前BMI过高和孕期体重增加过多,可导致新生儿出生体重增加,非选择性剖宫产率增高。  相似文献   

目的通过分析子痫前期的妊娠结局,了解孕妇孕前不同体重指数及孕期体重不同增加量与子痫前期的妊娠结局关系。方法将130例基层医院建档产检的子痫前期孕妇按孕前体重指数及孕期体重增加量分为:孕前体重指数(BMI)正常,孕期体重增加正常组29例;孕前BMI正常,孕期体重增加超重组30例;孕前BMI超重,孕期体重增加正常组22例;孕前BMI超重,孕期体重增加超重组49例。分析四组孕妇妊娠结局及新生儿结局。结果孕前BMI正常,孕期体重增加超重组较孕期体重增加正常组发生妊娠期糖尿病的风险增加。孕前BMI超重,孕期体重增加超重组较孕期体重增加正常组妊娠期糖尿病及重度子痫前期、剖宫产发生率均增加。无论孕前BMI是否正常,孕期体重增加超重组均较孕期体重增加正常组新生儿出生体重增加。结论在基层医院对于高危人群,孕前进行干预,重视合理控制体重,孕期规律产检,控制体重增加在合理范围内,可减少孕期并发症。  相似文献   

Objective: Infant growth assessment often focuses on “optimal” infant weights and lengths at specific ages, while de-emphasizing infant weight gain. Objective of this study was to examine infant growth patterns by measuring infant weight gain relative to birth weight. Methods: We conducted this study based on data collected in a prospective cohort study including 3,302 births with follow up examinations of infants between the ages of 8 and 18 months. All infants were participants in the Louisiana State Women, Infant and Children Supplemental Food Program between 1999 and 2001. Growth was assessed by infant weight gain percentage (IWG%, defined as infant weight gain divided by birth weight) as well as by mean z-scores and percentiles for weight-for-age, length-for-age, and weight-for-length calculated based on growth charts published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Results: An inverse relationship was noted between birth weight category and IWG% (from 613.9% for infants with birth weights <1500 g to 151.3% for infants with birth weights of 4000 g or more). In contrast, low birth weight infants had lower weight-for-age, weight-for-length z-scores and percentiles compared to normal birth weight infants according to CDC growth charts. Conclusions: Although low birth weight infants had lower anthropometric measures compared to a national reference population, they had significant catch-up growth; High birth weight infants had significant slow-down growth. We suggest that growth assessments should compare infants’ anthropometric data to their own previous growth measures as well as to a reference population. Further studies are needed to identify optimal ranges of infant weight gain.  相似文献   

眼下,国人胖子多了起来,雍容华贵之态日显。 20世纪末,减肥成为人们的时髦话题,减肥美容的浪潮热遍全国。于是,减肥药、减肥茶、瘦身内衣、减肥化妆品等应运而生,减肥产品你方唱罢我登场,市场空前热闹。尽管这些减肥商品价格不菲,可人们对它还  相似文献   

目的探讨孕期体重变化、胎盘重量与新生儿出生体重间的关系,从而进一步探讨影响新生儿出生体重的相关因素,为孕期体重管理提供科学有效的参考依据,推进我市孕期合理体重增加模式的构建,降低低体重儿、巨大儿及妊娠期、分娩期并发症的发生率,提高母婴健康水平。方法收集2016年5月—12月间在高安市中医院住院分娩单胎活产且保健手册记录完整的产妇120例,通过卡方检验、方差分析等,分析不同孕前BMI组,孕期体重增加、新生儿出生体重及胎盘的差异及关系。结果按美国医学研究所推荐的体重控制自身体重的孕妇占54.16%,体重增加不足的孕妇占18.33%,体重增加超标的孕妇占27.5%。随着孕前BMI指数增加,孕妇体重增加逐渐降低,新生儿体重、胎盘重量均逐渐升高,差异均有统计学意义。新生儿出生体重与胎盘重量存在显著正相关,差异有显著统计学意义。胎盘重量大的孕妇分娩的新生儿体重高于胎盘重量低的孕妇。结论孕前BMI指数越低孕期增重越容易增长不足,孕前BMI指数越高孕期体重增长越容易超标。孕前BMI指数与新生儿出生体重呈正相关,故控制好孕前BMI指数可减低巨大儿的发生率。  相似文献   

The purpose of this pilot study was to evaluate the differences in weight control behaviors, dietary intake, and physical activity between overweight adolescents who lost weight and overweight adolescents who did not lose weight. This cross-sectional study compared 62 overweight adolescents who lost weight in the past with 68 overweight adolescents who did not lose weight. Youth responded to questions regarding weight control behaviors during the past year, physical activity, sedentary activity, and dietary intake. Results showed that adolescents who lost weight were more likely to report using healthful weight control behaviors such as drinking less soda and increasing their exercise level, self-weighing, consuming diets higher in protein, and spending less time watching television compared to overweight adolescents who did not lose weight. Unhealthful weight control behaviors and specific weight loss plans were not associated with weight loss in these teenagers. Adolescents would benefit from hearing this information to prevent the development of these behaviors. Providers should advise adolescents to engage in healthful weight control behaviors, such as increasing physical activity and decreasing the amount of time spent watching television, to assist with weight management.  相似文献   

Data from the 1990 North Carolina Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) were used to examine adolescents' perceptions of relative weight and the relationship of these perceptions to physical activity levels, efforts to lose weight, and time spent viewing television. A total of 3,437 ninth and 12th grade respondents to the May 1990 survey were included in the analysis. Of this sample, 25% perceived themselves as "too fat." Of that group, 68% were trying to lose weight. Females made up 75% of those reporting they were "too fat" and were trying to lose weight. White females were more likely to think of themselves as overweight and were more likely to be trying to lose weight than black females. Adolescents who perceived themselves as "too fat" reported fewer days of strenuous activity, fewer hours of strenuous exercise in physical education classes, and more hours spent viewing television on school days.  相似文献   

Exercise can produce a modest gain of lean body mass (LBM) and loss of fat in weight-stable individuals, but it is important to realize that if much weight is lost during exercise there is a risk of some erosion of the LBM. Data from both human and animal experiments show that exercise cannot conserve lean weight in the face of significant energy deficit, although moderate obesity affords a modicum of protection in this respect.  相似文献   

3种鼠类的肝重与体重关系研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:探讨3种鼠的肝脏相对重量与年龄、性别及生境变化的关系。方法:动物称重后解剖,取出肝脏称重;计算肝的相对重量。结果:3种鼠的肝相对重量存在显著性差异;黄胸鼠与褐家鼠的年龄、性别变化相似,大足鼠的年龄变化与这2种鼠相反。结论:3种鼠的肝相对重量的年龄、性别变化与其生活环境有关。  相似文献   

Weight in Wales     
The Nutrition Strategy for Wales, Food and Well Being, has identified nine recommendations to bring about improvements in the nutrition of the people of Wales, including one specifically on obesity. The aim of this study was to scope current activities in weight management by health professionals in Wales, and to explore possibilities for future effective working. Qualitative data were collated via six focus group interviews, based on semi‐structured questions. These were conducted with five groups of health professionals in six separate areas of Wales, during a 1‐month period in 2003. In total, 58 health professionals were interviewed in uni‐professional focus groups. The analysis was based on grounded theory methodology using transcribed data from audio‐tape recordings, which were coded and categorised manually, and emergent themes identified. Four major themes emerged from the focus groups, each having two sub‐themes, and it is clear from the scoping work that current weight management practice varies across Wales, within and between professions, and in general with little sharing of information. All those interviewed were involved in weight management to some degree, but there was little consistency of approach and in general, no one professional group felt they were leaders in the field, with frustration emerging that no one profession is showing the way. Tackling obesity and overweight has to become a greater public health priority and thus from the findings, practical recommendations are made for Wales.  相似文献   

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