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PurposeTo assess the relationships between self-weighing frequency, weight control behaviors, and weight status among male and female adolescents who have a history of being overweight.MethodsThis study compared weight control behaviors between two groups of adolescents with a history of being overweight (body mass index [BMI] >85th percentile): those who weighed themselves weekly or more (frequent self-weighers) and those who weighed themselves monthly or less (infrequent self-weighers). Participants completed a survey on weight control behaviors, dietary intake, physical activity, and sedentary activity. Height and weight were also measured. Logistic regression analyses were used for categorical outcomes and linear regressions for continuous outcomes.ResultsOf the 130 adolescents, 43% were frequent weighers and 57% were infrequent weighers. In comparison to infrequent self-weighers, frequent self-weighers were more likely to report using behavior change strategies, following a structured diet, and engaging in healthy weight control behaviors, especially decreasing caloric intake, high fat food intake, and “junk food” intake. Also, more frequent self-weighers reported engaging in more strenuous physical activity and spending less time playing videogames than infrequent self-weighers. Although not significant, a trend resulted indicating lower average BMI percentile among frequent self-weighers. No significant differences were found between the two groups in unhealthy weight control behaviors.ConclusionsThese results suggest that adolescents with a history of overweight who self-weigh at least weekly are more likely to report using healthy weight control behaviors than adolescents who self-weigh monthly or less frequently. Self-monitoring of weight may be a useful component of a comprehensive weight management plan for some overweight adolescents.  相似文献   

Objective To compare the psychosocial and weight-related concerns and weight control, eating, and exercise behaviors of overweight and nonoverweight Native American adolescents living on or near reservations.Study design A cross-sectional survey assessed psychosocial, health, and weight-specific concerns; disordered eating; and health-promoting behaviors.Study population The study population included 11,868 Native American youth in grades 7 through 12.Statistical analyses performed Analyses of variance and χ2 tests were used to examine associations between weight status and psychosocial and weight-related concerns and behaviors. Stratified analyses were done by gender and by gender and age.Results Self-reported weights and heights indicated that 25% of the study population was overweight. Overweight youth were twice as likely to report health concerns as nonoverweight youth. Although a high percentage of nonoverweight youth expressed body- or weight-related concerns and reported engaging in disordered eating behaviors, prevalence rates for these concerns were significantly higher among overweight youth. Overweight youth were also somewhat less likely to engage in health-promoting behaviors. In contrast, differences in global psychosocial concerns were minimal.Applications Overweight Native American youth were concerned about their weight, but did not appear to have major psychosocial concerns associated with being overweight. Interventions aimed at obesity prevention and overall health promotion are essential, given the high prevalence of obesity and of psychosocial and weight-related concerns and behaviors among the study population as a whole. The challenge is to develop culturally appropriate interventions aimed at the promotion of healthful weight control behaviors that will not lead to negative psychosocial consequences.  相似文献   

The vast majority of Americans are overweight, and those who are able to lose weight typically regain at least the amount they lost. Some people are confronted with sabotage, criticism, and declines in social support during and following weight loss. However, how individuals negotiate these interpersonal barriers is not very well understood. Such an understanding could help individuals maintain their weight loss while minimizing the risk of adverse health or relational consequences. Thus, through a thematic analysis of 40 interviews of people who were identified as previously overweight or obese and a facework lens (Cupach & Metts, 1994; Goffman, 1967), this study examined how people were communicatively able to sustain their weight loss in the face of challenges from friends, family, and colleagues. The investigation found that altered weight management behaviors (particularly healthy eating) can threaten others’ face and uncovered several communication strategies people used to prevent and mitigate face threat. To avoid face threat, participants proactively issued cognitive disclaimers about weight management or designated cheat days, accepted but did not consume food, avoided social situations involving food, or ate unhealthy food in smaller portions to assimilate with the in-group. To remediate face threat, participants provided personal choice and health excuses to save face and accomplish their dual goals of maintaining their weight management practices without compromising their relationships.  相似文献   

超重肥胖与正常体重儿童青少年皮褶厚度的相关研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 了解北京市海淀区7~18岁儿童青少年皮褶厚度与肥胖的关系,为中小学生肥胖早期预防与干预提供科学依据.方法 采取分层整群抽样,对北京市海淀区3所中学和2所小学7~18岁1 007名儿童青少年进行皮褶厚度测量,按照WGOC推荐的中国儿童青少年超重、肥胖分类标准将人群分为正常组、超重组及肥胖组,采用均数比较、Pearson相关分析、t检验等统计学方法.结果 在控制了年龄、性别影响后,7~18岁儿童青少年的腹部皮褶厚度、骼前皮褶厚度、肩胛皮褶厚度、上臂皮褶厚度与BMI呈高度正相关,偏相关系数r分别为0.736,0.761,0.817,0.684(P值均<0.01).皮馏厚度值均为肥胖组>超重组>正常体重组,差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05).结论 海淀区7~18岁儿童青少年皮褶厚度均值在7~9和10~12岁突增,从10~12岁以后男女皮褶厚度增长幅度逐年递减.肥胖组与正常组的皮褶厚度值差异均有统计学意义.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This study aimed to obtain recommendations from overweight youth on the development of school-based weight control programs; to determine their level of interest in participation; and to learn about the outcomes they desired from such a program. Because obesity is prevalent among youth of certain minority groups and low socioeconomic backgrounds, and since few programs address the needs of these youth, the study population was selected from inner city public schools with high percentages of youth from minority groups and low socioeconomic backgrounds. Sixty-one overweight adolescents participated in semi-structured, in-depth individual interviews, which were audiotaped, transcribed, coded, and analyzed. Findings indicated that many overweight adolescents were interested in participating in school-based weight control programs, provided they are conducted in a supportive manner; offer enjoyable activities; are informative; are sensitive to the needs of overweight youth; and do not conflict with other activities. Adolescents stressed the importance of a program leader who understands the difficulties that overweight youth face, and many expressed their preference for a leader who is currently overweight or had been overweight in the past.  相似文献   

Exercise may sensitize individuals with overweight and obesity to appetitive signals (e.g., hunger and fullness cues), overriding trait eating behaviors that contribute to overeating and obesity, such as uncontrolled eating. The objective of the current study was to measure predictors of objective ad libitum energy intake at a laboratory-based, post-exercise test-meal in adolescents ranging in weight status from overweight to severe obesity. We hypothesized that appetitive states, rather than appetitive traits, would be the strongest predictors of energy intake at a post-exercise test-meal, after controlling for body size. At Baseline, 30 adolescents (ages 10–16 years, 50% female (F), 43% non-Hispanic white (NHW), 83% with obesity (OB)) completed state and trait appetite measures and an ad libitum dinner meal following intensive exercise. Nineteen of those participants (47% F, 32% NHW, 79% OB) completed identical assessments two years later (Year 2). Energy intake (kcal) at each time point was adjusted for fat-free mass index (i.e., body size). Adjusted energy intake was reliable from Baseline to Year 2 (ICC = 0.84). Multiple pre-meal appetite ratings were associated with test-meal energy intake. In stepwise linear regression models, pre-meal prospective food consumption was the strongest and only significant predictor of test-meal energy intake at both Baseline (R2 = 0.25, p = 0.005) and Year 2 (R2 = 0.41, p = 0.003). Baseline post-exercise energy intake was associated with weight change over two years (R2 = 0.24, p = 0.04), but not with change in fat mass (p = 0.11). Appetitive traits were not associated with weight or body composition change (p > 0.22). State appetite cues were the strongest predictors of post-exercise energy intake, independent of body size. Future studies should examine whether long-term exercise programs enhance responsiveness to homeostatic appetite signals in youth with overweight and obesity, with a goal to reduce excess energy intake and risk for weight gain over time.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study examined the mediating function of body weight perception (BWP) in the relation between body mass index (BMI) and unhealthy weight control behaviors (UWCBs; eg, fasting, using diet pills, or laxatives), and between BMI and suicidal ideation. It also explored the correlation between exposure to multiple UWCBs and suicidal ideation among Korean adolescents.
METHODS: Data on BMI, BWP, UWCBs, and suicidal ideation were obtained from the 2006 Korean Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey, a school-based survey conducted on a nationally representative sample of students in grades 7–12 (36,463 boys and 33,433 girls). Data were analyzed using bivariate and multivariate logistic regression.
RESULTS: BMI was significantly associated with both UWCB and suicidal ideation among boys and girls, even after controlling for covariates. However, the significance and magnitude of the association between BMI and UWCB were considerably attenuated when BWP was added to the model. When BWP was included, the association between overweight BMI status and suicidal ideation became nonsignificant in both sexes, whereas the association between underweight BMI status and suicidal ideation remained significant among boys. Adolescent boys and girls engaging in multiple UWCBs were at greater risk for experiencing suicidal thoughts.
CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that BWP represents a potential mediator between BMI and UWCB, and between BMI and suicidal ideation among both boys and girls. Thus, school programs addressing issues related to BWP should be developed and targeted at adolescents to reduce the potential risks for both UWCB and suicidal behavior.  相似文献   

Although high-protein diets appear to be the most efficient way to lose weight, concerns may arise about their innocuity on renal function. The objective of this study is to assess the impact of a weight loss program on renal function. A multicentric cohort-based study was performed using the RNPC© French national weight loss program. Patients with at least two creatinine measurements at the beginning of the program and at the end of the weight loss phase between 1 January 2016 and 1 July 2021 were included. Renal function was assessed by Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) equation-based estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). From 4394 patients with two creatinine measurements included, 1579 (35.9%) had normal eGFR (MDRD 90–120 mL/min/1.73 m2), 210 (4.8%) had hyperfiltration (MDRD > 120 mL/min/1.73 m2), 2383 (54.2%) had chronic kidney disease (CKD) grade 2 (MDRD 60–90 mL/min/1.73 m2), and 221 (5.0%) had CKD grade 3 (MDRD 30–60 mL/min/1.73 m2). Multivariable analyses showed no eGFR change for patients in initial CKD grade 2, normal eGFR and hyperfiltration, and a significant increase in CKD grade 3. The RNPC© program avoids renal function impairment during the two first phases, regardless of the initial eGFR.  相似文献   

目的了解南京市青少年减肥行为现状,分析不良减肥行为相关因素,为制定有针对性的干预措施提供依据。方法以分层随机抽样的方法,抽取南京市13个区县12所初中、12所高中和6所职业中学、2所大学共6 343名在校学生进行青少年减肥行为问卷调查。结果学生认为自己有点胖或超重的报告率分别为35.7%和5.5%,超重与肥胖检出率分别为7.5%和3.0%。调查前30 d内,有1项或1项以上减肥行为的学生数为4 068人,占学生总数的64.1%;有35.8%的学生报告有不良减肥行为(不吃肉、节食、24 h或更长时间禁食、诱导呕吐或腹泻、擅自吃减肥药、大量出汗),其中男生报告率为22.4%,女生为45.6%。认为自己有点重或很重的学生不良减肥行为报告率明显高于认为自己正常或以下的。非条件Logistic回归分析表明,不良减肥行为发生率与性别、地区、体型自我描述、消极情绪有关(OR=2.364,0.887,2.809,0.868,P0.05或P0.01)。结论青少年普遍存在不良减肥行为,提倡开展健康教育来预防和控制不良减肥行为,鼓励青少年多参加体育锻炼。  相似文献   

Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for adolescents. Previous studies with adults found an association between weight status and decreased use of seat belts. Research has also found significantly higher morbidity and mortality rates in obese individuals who are involved in motor vehicle crashes. If these relationships hold true in obese adolescents they represent additional risk factors for complications from motor vehicle trauma. Given the prevalence of obesity in adolescents (17.4%) and the increased risk of harm associated with obese individuals involved in motor vehicle crashes, this study explored whether there was an association between obesity in adolescents and their use of seat belts. Initial investigation found that rarely/never wearing seat belts was significantly greater for African Americans (22.6%), 18 years of age or older (19.4%), lived with adults other than both parents (15.7%), and males (15.4%). Bivariate logistic regression analysis controlling for demographic variables found that there was no statistically significant difference between overweight and normal weight adolescents. However, obese students were 1.72 times as likely as normal weight students to never or rarely wear their seat belts when riding in a car as a passenger. In particular, obese females and obese students in the middle school age ranges were statistically significantly more likely than normal weight students to never or rarely wear their seat belts.  相似文献   



Health professionals recommend that individuals with overweight and obesity lose weight by reducing energy intake while maintaining a healthful diet. This study was designed to examine trends in weight loss attempts and strategies for adults with overweight or obesity among different sociodemographic groups.


Data from the 1996 and 2003 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System were used to estimate changes in weight loss attempts and strategies across population groups. Data were analyzed in 2009.


Slightly more adults with overweight or obesity attempted weight loss in 2003 compared to 1996. There were substantial changes in the diet approaches reported: rates of those using energy restriction to lose weight doubled between 1996 and 2003, whereas low-fat dieting decreased by one third. Hispanic and less-educated adults did not shift away from low-fat diets. Attempted weight loss was associated with higher fruit and vegetable consumption for most population groups.


Increasingly more adults with overweight or obesity tried to lose weight through energy reduction, but some at-risk groups did not follow this beneficial trend between 1996 and 2003. Dietetics practitioners and public health campaigns should target such groups with concrete recommendations to reduce energy intake while maintaining a healthful diet, including adequate consumption of fruit and vegetables.  相似文献   



The pandemic of obesity in adolescents is one of the challenges of public health.


The aim of this study was to examine the association of overweight with demographic, socioeconomic and lifestyle factors among Serbian adolescents.


A cross-sectional study of 2139 adolescents aged 10 to 19 years was carried out. Data used in this study were from the 2006 Health Survey. In accordance with the international sex- and age-specific Body Mass Index cut-off points, all participants were classified as being normal weight or overweight, including obese. The association between the risk factors and overweight were examined using a multivariate logistic regression model.


The study showed that 28.9% of boys and 17.0% of girls were overweight, while 14.5% of boys and 8.1% of girls were obese. Boys were more likely to be overweight/obese, compared with girls. Being younger (p< 0.01 for 14 to 15 years) and (p< 0.01, for 16 to 19 years), engaging in physical activities that last less than 7 hours a week, in such a manner that they breathe quickly and become sweaty, (p< 0.01) and skipping breakfast (p< 0.05) were risk factors significantly associated with overweight among adolescents. No significant association was found with wealth index.


These findings should be an integral part of further preventive interventions, especially oriented towards younger adolescents, who are physically inactive, have a habit of skipping breakfast and are boys.  相似文献   

Quality of life (Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory, PedsQL) was assessed for 175 Mexican American adolescents with measured height and weight used to determine body mass index (BMI) percentile/weight classification. Main effects for weight classification were detected using One-way ANOVAs (p < .05 for total, physical, and psychosocial), with the heaviest adolescents demonstrating the lowest ratings.  相似文献   

目的了解秦皇岛市超重肥胖人群采取体重控制措施情况,分析其影响因素。方法于2019年采用多阶段分层整群抽样法选取秦皇岛市3352名18~79岁超重肥胖者为调查对象,进行面对面问卷调查。采用SPSS 22.0软件进行χ^2检验和多因素非条件Logistic回归分析。结果秦皇岛市超重肥胖人群采取体重控制措施率为13.9%。不同控制措施构成比例由高到低依次为控制饮食(41.3%)、控制饮食和运动组合措施(33.0%),加强运动措施(24.0%)、采取药物控制措施(1.7%)。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示:性别、年龄、文化程度、城乡、经济收入、高血压及血脂异常均是超重肥胖者采取体重控制措施的影响因素。女性(OR=1.646,95%CI:1.226~2.210)、≥65岁人群高年龄(与18~40岁相比,OR=1.445,95%CI:1.130~1.848)、初中及高中和大专及以上(与小学及以下相比,初中及高中OR=1.885,95%CI:1.225~2.902;大专及以上OR=1.581,95%CI:1.096~2.281)、城镇(OR=1.948,95%CI:1.579~2.403)、中等收入和高收入(与低收入相比,中等收入OR=2.276,95%CI:1.716~3.020;高收入OR=2.181,95%CI:1.617~2.941)、高血压(OR=1.500,95%CI:1.153~1.951)、血脂异常(OR=1.568,95%CI:1.096~2.281)均是超重肥胖者采取体重控制措施的影响因素,均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论秦皇岛市超重肥胖人群采取体重控制措施率较低,饮食和运动相结合的控制措施最有利于超重肥胖人群,应针对不同特征群体开展针对性干预措施。  相似文献   

目的分析东莞市超重青少年代谢综合征(MS)的流行病学特征。方法采用分层整群随机抽样法,于2006年11-12月分别对东莞市3个镇(街)正常、超重、肥胖中学生655人进行调查,计算MS患病率。结果东莞正常、超重、肥胖中学生代谢综合征患病率分别为0.23%、11.03%和27.63%。结论超重、肥胖中学生中MS患病率较高,应重视对超重、肥胖青少年的健康监测深度及广度,加大对健康干预的力度。  相似文献   

我国儿童青少年肥胖增势迅猛,已成为严重的公共卫生问题,引起了社会各界的高度重视。本文通过对我国儿童青少年肥胖、超质量流行概况、评定标准进行介绍,阐述其发生原因及对健康的影响,并对此严峻形势的干预措施进行了综述。  相似文献   

目的了解西藏藏族儿童青少年超重、肥胖及人体质量指数值分布情况,为促进学生营养健康提供依据。方法选取西藏拉萨市和那曲牧区藏族7~18岁中小学生共2538名为研究对象,以国际生命科学会中国肥胖问题工作组(WGOC)颁布的“中国学龄儿童青少年超重、肥胖筛查体质量指数值分类标准”,对藏族学生的超重、肥胖情况进行筛查,并与全国汉族学生进行比较。结果与WG0C标准相比,藏族学生各年龄段BMI值的P85和P95值均相对较低;与全国汉族学生相比,拉萨市男、女生BMI值均偏低(尤以男生为明显).那曲牧区男生略低,而女生相差不大。与全国汉族学生相比,拉萨市男生超重、肥胖检出率明显偏低,女生肥胖检出率偏低,但超重检出率在不同年龄组互有高低;那曲牧区男生超重、肥胖检出率相对较低,而女生相对较高。结论藏族男生超重与肥胖尚未形成流行趋势,而女生基本接近全国水平,整体营养水平相对落后,但仍应警惕肥胖趋势。  相似文献   

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