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特发性脊柱侧凸King、Lenke和PUMC临床分型的应用比较   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的比较特发性脊柱侧凸King、Lenke和PUMC分型的全面性及其对手术的指导价值。方法回顾性分析在巴塞罗那SantJoanDeDéu医院接受手术治疗的特发性脊柱侧凸患者145例的临床及影像学资料。所有病例均进行King、Lenke和PUMC分型,比较手术原则与三种分型方法的符合率及术后失代偿的发生情况。结果King分型能对全部病例中的122例进行分型,有23例无法应用King分型;而Lenke分型和PUMC分型均能对全部病例进行分型。145例患者中,手术原则符合King分型者99例(68.3%),符合Lenke分型者120例(82.8%),符合PUMC分型者107例(73.8%)。95例患者随访3~96个月,平均29.6个月。其中手术原则符合King分型、Lenke分型和PUMC分型融合范围而于术后与随访时发生冠状面躯干失平衡(失代偿)的发生率分别为26.3%(26/99)和13.2%(9/68)、30.8%(37/120)和12.5%(10/80)、14.0%(15/107)和2.7%(2/74),符合PUMC分型而发生冠状面躯干失平衡的发生率与符合King分型、Lenke分型者比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。上胸弯和主胸弯的柔韧性与胸腰弯和腰弯比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论特发性脊柱侧凸的PUMC分型与Lenke分型比King分型更全面,PUMC分型比King分型和Lenke分型更具手术指导意义。对不同部位的脊柱侧凸采用统一的凸侧Bending位X线片上Cobb角超过25°来定义结构性侧凸并不合适。  相似文献   

[目的]检测Lenke分型中各种脊柱侧凸类型的发病率,检测Lenke分型方法与手术融合节段的关系.[方法]回顾性分析在本院接受手术治疗的青少年特发性脊柱侧凸患者154例临床及影像学资料,按Lenke方法对侧凸进行分型,统计各种侧凸类型的发病率,检测Lenke分型方法与手术融合节段的关系.[结果]154例脊柱侧凸的病例均采用Lenke分型方法进行归类,最常见的5种类型是1AN,5CN,1BN,2AN,1CN,有11种类型在本组中未出现.Lenke分型方法定义为结构性的侧凸中95.5%进行了固定融合.[结论]Lenke的青少年特发性脊柱侧凸分型较过去的分型更为全面,对手术指征的评估、手术方法的选择有重要的指导意义,其结构性侧凸的诊断标准是实用的.  相似文献   

特发性脊柱侧凸的PUMC(协和)分型系统   总被引:54,自引:11,他引:43  
目的:根据1245例脊柱侧凸建立的数据库,研究特发性脊柱侧凸的新的分型方法,并对新的分型进行临床验证。方法:复习测量了427例有完整资料的特发性脊柱侧凸患者间立位全脊柱正侧位X线生、仰卧位左右Bending像以及术后长期随访的X线片及临床资料,按SRS关于侧凸和侧凸顶点的定义,制定了PUMC(协和)分型系统,并应用PUMC分型方法对以前手术治疗的特发性脊柱侧凸进行重新分型,统计常见各型所占比例及相应融合范围,并对观察者间的可信度和可重复性进行一致性检验。随后用新的分型方法对特发性脊柱侧凸进行前瞻性临床验证,总结并分析其临床效果。结果:按PUMC分型方法将特发性脊柱侧凸分为3型13个亚型,其中PUMC I型占56.62%,Ⅱ型42.16%,Ⅲ型1.22%。观察者间可信度为85%(Kappa系数0.832),可重复性为91%(Kappa系数0.898)。按此分型方法进行前瞻性研究,临床手术治疗152例,平均随访19.5个月(18-26个月),未发现术后失代偿现象。结论:建立了特发性脊柱侧凸的新的分型方法-PUMC(协和)分型系统,该方法对特发性脊柱侧凸常见的类型及相应的融合范围的临床指导性较强,其可信度、可重复性远高于King分型。  相似文献   

目的比较青少年特发性脊柱侧凸King、Lenke和PuMC(协和)分型系统的可信度和可重复性,探讨PUMC(协和)分型的临床应用价值。方法随机选取2002年1月至2004年12月手术治疗的100例青少年特发性脊柱侧凸病例,男22例,女78例;年龄1肌18岁,平均14.9岁。主弯Cobb角40°-75°,平均52°每例患者均有完整的术前X线片资料,包括术前站立位全脊柱正侧位及仰卧位左右Bending片和骨盆X线片,X线片均不进行预先测量。由4名有分型经验的脊柱外科医生分别进行脊柱侧凸的King、Lenke和PUMC(协和)分型,2周后再次进行分型,收集结果后对分型的可信度和可重复性进行分析。计算Kappa检验的一致性。结果King、Lenke、PUMC(协和)分型的可信度平均为81.2%(Kappa值=0.773)、60.5%(Kappa值=0。560)、8413%(Kappa值=0.819),可重复性平均为91.5%(Kappa值=0.897)、81.8%(Kappa值=0.796)、92%(Kappa值=0.907)。结论PUMC(协和)分型包括了脊柱侧凸在三平面内的畸形特点,分型全面,易于掌握,而且具有很好的可信度和可重复性,适合脊柱侧凸的三维矫形。  相似文献   

特发性脊柱侧凸是一种危害儿童健康原因不明的三维脊柱畸形,亦是儿童肢体残疾中发病率较高的一种脊柱疑难疾病,由于其具有多种不同的临床表现类型,给手术人路的选择、手术方式的决定、脊柱融合范围的确定造成一定困难。以往国际上广泛采用的King分型法和Lenke分型法尚存在不足之处,为此,我国北京协和医院骨科主任邱贵兴教授经过对该院近20年收治的1245例脊柱侧凸病例随访总结和分析,  相似文献   

目的:探讨特发性脊柱侧凸PUMC(协和)分型系统的一致性,并对影响分型一致性的因素进行分析.方法:随机选取南京鼓楼医院2004年~2006年治疗的80例特发性脊柱侧凸患者,其中男性15例,女性65例,平均年龄14.6岁(10~18岁),均有完整的术前站立位正侧位X线片及仰卧位左右Bending片共四张.由4名脊柱外科专科医生分别根据PUMC(协和)分型标准进行分型,2周后此4位医生分别对这些患者的X线片再次进行分型,收集分型结果分别作可信度和可重复性分析,计算Kappa值检验一致性并对影响分型一致性的因素进行统计分析,结果:80例患者均可用PUMC分型,分型可信度平均Kappa值为0.801,可重复性Kappa值为0.878.PUMC分型不一致中包括上胸弯的界定18次;胸弯明显时,代偿性与结构性腰弯的界定15次;腰弯明显时,代偿性与结构性胸弯的界定18次;单弯顶点的判断20次;测量角度的差异18次.结论:PUMC(协和)分型学习曲线相对较短,易于掌握且具有良好的可信度和可重复性.  相似文献   

目的 评价选择性胸椎融合治疗PUMC Ⅱ型特发性脊柱侧凸(IS)的效果.方法 回顾性分析术后随访时间超过1年且影像学资料完整的PUMC Ⅱ型IS 25例,男2例,女23例;年龄11~18岁,平均14.3岁.术前、术后及随访时摄X线片,对侧凸类型、侧凸Cobb角、顶椎旋转度、顶椎偏距、侧凸柔韧性、胸腰段后凸、躯干偏移进行测量和分析.侧凸类型包括Ⅱb1型20例,ⅡC3型5例.其中前路矫形4例,后路矫形21例.结果 手术前后胸弯冠状面Cobb角分别为48.0°和14.3°,平均矫正率为70.0%;手术前后腰弯冠状面Cobb角分别为32.2°和11.9°,自动矫正率为62.9%,最终随访时无躯干失平衡发生.全部病例随访12~58月,平均17.4个月.结论 参照PUMC分型的融合范围选择原则,采用选择性胸椎融合治PUMC Ⅱ b1型和部分PUMCⅡC3型IS,可以保留更多脊柱活动度,同时冠状面和矢状面矫形效果满意,无术后失代偿.  相似文献   

目的:对不同类型特发性脊柱侧凸(idiopathic scoliosis,IS)患者肩部失平衡情况进行观察,探讨避免肩部失平衡的融合节段选择方案.方法:对137例随访2年以上资料完整的IS患者进行回顾性分析.对术前及术后的肩部平衡进行影像学评价.根据可能影响肩部平衡的因素(上胸椎侧凸情况、各个侧凸间相互平衡情况及主侧凸角度大小)将患者的Lenke分型进一步分为不同类型.分析各因素及手术融合方式对肩部平衡产生的影响.结果:术前肩部失平衡的病例71例;其中显著肩部失平衡22例;重度肩部失平衡10例,均为Lenke 1型及Lenke 2型.这些患者均存在较大角度的上胸椎侧凸(非结构性或结构性).术后6例显著肩部失平衡.其中Lenke 1型第一类型1例,Lenke 2型第一类型1例,Lenke 2型第三类型4例,手术方式均为选择性融合.对Lenke 2型第二类型进行双侧凸融合,术后肩部失平衡改善.结论:术前肩部不平衡主要为Lenke 1型及Lenke 2型患者.上胸椎侧凸畸形对肩部平衡产生关键性影响.对Lenke 2型第二及第三类型不建议行选择性融合,对Lenke 2型第一类型进行选择性融合时应避免过度矫正.  相似文献   

特发性脊柱侧凸可发生在各个年龄段,早发性特发性脊柱侧凸(idiopathic early-onset scoliosis, IEOS)发病于5岁以前,青少年特发性脊柱侧凸(adolescent idiopathic scoliosis,AIS)发病于10~18岁之间。目前有关AIS的侧凸弯曲方式研究较为深入,广泛采用的分型有King和Lenke分型系统,其中Lenke分型应用更广,但不适宜直接应用于幼年患者。本研究旨在将需要手术治疗的IEOS和AIS患者进行对比,明确二者在主要弯曲特征、稳定椎位置或后凸畸形程度等方面是否存在不同,如果存在明显差异,则进一步探究其临床意义。  相似文献   

目的 探讨合并胸腰段后凸的青少年特发性脊柱侧凸(AIS)的临床特点和手术治疗策略. 方法对2001年1月至2007年1月收治的413例AIS患者进行回顾性分析,合并胸腰段后凸者共10例,其中男2例,女8例;年龄12~18岁,平均14.3岁.侧凸类型包括PUMC Ⅱb2型3例,Ⅱc 3型4例,Ⅱd2型1例,Ⅲb型2例.单纯后路内固定术8例,前路松解+后路内固定术2例.术前、术后及随访时摄X线片,对侧凸类型、Cobb角、顶椎旋转度、顶椎偏距、侧凸柔韧性、胸腰段后凸、冠状面及矢状面躯干偏移进行评测和分析.结果 本组患者中双弯8例,三弯2例;胸腰弯/腰弯Cobb角≥45°者7例,柔韧性指数≤70%者6例,顶椎旋转度≥Ⅱ度者9例.所有病例的融合范围均符合PUMC分型原则.手术前后平均胸弯冠状面Cobb角分别为71.7°和37.4°,平均矫正率为47.8%;手术前后平均胸腰弯/腰弯冠状面Cobb角分别为65.0°和27.8°,平均矫正率为57.2%;手术前后平均胸腰段后凸分别为35.5°和4.2°,平均矫正率为88.2%.全部病例随访12~72个月,平均23.1个月;最终随访时无躯干失平衡发生. 结论 合并胸腰段后凸的AIS一般多为双弯或三弯,胸腰弯/腰弯畸形往往比较严重,并有明显的旋转畸形.对合并胸腰段后凸的AIS,应融合胸腰弯/腰弯以防止术后发生失代偿或后凸加重, PUMC分型可以有效识别病变类型并指导融合范围的选择.  相似文献   

Background contextVariability in classifying and selecting levels of fusion in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) has been repeatedly documented. Several computer algorithms have been used to classify AIS based on the geometrical features, but none have attempted to analyze its treatment patterns.PurposeTo use self-organizing maps (SOM), a kind of artificial neural networks, to reliably classify AIS cases from a large database. To analyze surgeon's treatment pattern in selecting curve regions to fuse in AIS using Lenke classification and SOM.Study designThis is a technical concept article on the possibility and benefits of using neural networks to classify AIS and a retrospective analysis of AIS curve regions selected for fusion.Patient sampleA total of 1,776 patients surgically treated for AIS were prospectively enrolled in a multicentric database. Cobb angles were measured on AIS patient spine radiographies, and patients were classified according to Lenke classification.Outcome measuresFor each patient in the database, surgical approach and levels of fusion selected by the treating surgeon were recorded.MethodsA Kohonen SOM was generated using 1,776 surgically treated AIS cases. The quality of the SOM was tested using topological error. Percentages of prediction of fusion based on Lenke classification for each patient in the database and for each node in the SOM were calculated. Lenke curve types, treatment pattern, and kappa statistics for agreement between fusion realized and fusion recommended by Lenke classification were plotted on each node of the map.ResultsThe topographic error for the SOM generated was 0.02, which demonstrates high accuracy. The SOM differentiates clear clusters of curve type nodes on the map. The SOM also shows epicenters for main thoracic, double thoracic, and thoracolumbar/lumbar curve types and transition zones between clusters. When cases are taken individually, Lenke classification predicted curve regions fused by the surgeon in 46% of cases. When those cases are reorganized by the SOM into nodes, Lenke classification predicted the curve regions to fuse in 82% of the nodes. Agreement with Lenke classification principles was high in epicenters for curve types 1, 2, and 5, moderate in cluster for curve types 3, 4, and 6, and low in transition zones between curve types.ConclusionsAn AIS SOM with high accuracy was successfully generated. Lenke classification principles are followed in 46% of the cases but in 82% of the nodes on the SOM. The SOM highlights the tendency of surgeons to follow Lenke classification principles for similar curves on the SOM. Self-organizing map classification of AIS could be valuable to surgeons because it bypasses the limitations imposed by rigid classification such as cutoff values on Cobb angle to define curve types. It can extract similar cases from large databases to analyze and guide treatment.  相似文献   

选择性前路胸腰段或腰段融合治疗青少年特发性脊柱侧凸   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 评价选择性前路胸腰段或腰段融合治疗PUMCⅡd1型(Lenke5型)青少年特发性脊柱侧凸(AIS)的临床效果. 方法回顾性分析35例行选择性前路胸腰段或腰段融合的PUMCⅡd1型(Lenke5型)AIS病例.所有病例均行前路单棒节段性固定融合,随访18~42个月,平均36个月.术前、术后及随访时均摄站立位全脊柱正侧位X线片,对躯干偏移、上下融合椎邻近椎间盘开角、下固定椎的倾斜、冠状面和矢状面Cobb角进行测量分析.测量数据使用SPSS 11.0统计学软件进行分析.结果 胸腰弯或腰弯冠状面Cobb角术前平均45.6°,术后9.7°,末次随访14.4°.胸弯冠状面Cobb角术前平均29.7°,术后17.6°,末次随访20.1°.躯干偏移术前平均14.0 mm,术后14.8 mm,末次随访5.1 mm.下端固定椎(LIV)倾斜术前平均-21.8°,术后-1.5°,末次随访-2.1°.冠状面上端固定椎(UIV)上位椎间盘开角(UIVDA)及LIV下位椎间盘开角(LIVDA)术前分别为0.5°和0.6°,术后为0.9°和4.9°,末次随访时均显著加重,为3.0°和7.8°.矢状面胸段(T5~12)及胸腰段(T10~L2)曲度术后及末次随访时均保持良好.矢状面腰前凸(L1~S1)及固定融合节段Cobb角在术后有所减小,末次随访时均保持良好.所有病例末次随访时均未见假关节形成及其他并发症. 结论 选择性前路胸腰段或腰段融合是治疗PUMCⅡd1型(Lenke 5型)AIS的安全、有效的方法,融合节段上、下椎间盘开角增加及部分病例残余胸弯过大现象需进一步随访评估.  相似文献   

Yu KY  Shen JX  Qiu GX  Zhang JG  Wang YP  Zhao Y  Yu B 《中华外科杂志》2011,49(7):627-630
目的 评价选择性胸椎融合治疗脊柱侧凸并脊髓空洞症的效果.方法 对2001年1月至2009年1月收治的93例脊柱侧凸并脊髓空洞症患者进行回顾性分析,其中行选择性胸椎融合且术后随访超过2年的患者共11例,男性3例,女性8例;年龄9~21岁,平均14.9岁.侧凸类型包括双弯9例,三弯2例.术前、术后及随访时行X线片检查,对侧凸类型、侧凸Cobb角、顶椎旋转度、顶椎偏距、侧凸柔韧性、躯干偏移进行测量和分析.结果 术前胸腰凸或腰凸Lenke A型2例,LenkeB型7例,Lenke C型2例.手术前后胸凸Cobb角平均值分别为62.6°和19.0°,平均矫正率为69.6%;手术前后胸腰凸或腰凸Cobb角分别为36.1°和11.6°,自动矫正率为67.9%,随访时间24~48个月,平均29.5个月,胸凸矫正丢失率为6.8%.最终随访时有1例发生了冠状面躯干失平衡,有1例发生椎弓根螺钉螺帽脱出,行翻修手术,无神经系统并发症发生.结论 选择性胸椎融合可用于脊柱侧凸并脊髓空洞症患者的手术治疗,这类患者的胸腰凸或腰凸具有与特发性脊柱侧凸类似的自发矫形能力,参照特发性脊柱侧凸的选择性融合标准可获得良好效果.
Objective To evaluate the surgical results of selective thoracic fusion(STF)for scoliosis associated with syringomyelia Methods From January 2001 to January 2009,93 cases of scoliosis associated with syringomyelia were retrospectively reviewed.There were 11 cases who underwent STF and were followed up more than 2 years,which included 8 female and 3 male,the mean age was 14.9 years (9-21 years).Curve type,coronal and sagittal Cobb angle,apical vertebral rotation apical vertebral translation,flexibility,trunk shift were recorded and analyzed.Results There were 9 double curves and 2 triple curves,the Lenke type of thoracolumbar/lumbar curve included Lenke A in 2 cases,Lenke B in 7 cases and Lenke C in 2 cases.The average coronal Cobb angle of thoracic curve before and after surgery were 62.6°and 19.0° respectively,and the average correction rate was 69.6%.The average coronal Cobb angle of thoracolumbar/lumbar curve before and after surgery were 36.1° and 11.6° respectively,and the average spontaneous correction rate was 67.9%.The followed up time ranged from 24 to 48 months(mean 29.5 months),the average loss of correction rate was 6.8%.Only one trunk decompensation was noted at final follow-up.Pedicle screw nut loosening occurred in one patient and this patient underwent revision surgery,no neurological complication was noted at final follow-up.Conclusions STF could be safely performed in scoliosis associated with syringomyelia.Thoracolumbar/lumbar curve in these patients has similar spontaneous correction ability compared with idiopathic scoliosis patients.The satisfactory result could be achieved according to the STF criteria for IS.  相似文献   



The achievement of shoulder balance is an important measure of successful scoliosis surgery. No previously described classification system has taken shoulder balance into account. We propose a simple classification system for AIS based on two components which include the curve type and shoulder level.


Altogether, three curve types have been defined according to the size and location of the curves, each curve pattern is subdivided into type A or B depending on the shoulder level. This classification was tested for interobserver reproducibility and intraobserver reliability. A retrospective analysis of the radiographs of 232 consecutive cases of AIS patients treated surgically between 2005 and 2009 was also performed.


Three major types and six subtypes were identified. Type I accounted for 30 %, type II 28 % and type III 42 %. The retrospective analysis showed three patients developed a decompensation that required extension of the fusion. One case developed worsening of shoulder balance requiring further surgery. This classification was tested for interobserver and intraobserver reliability. The mean kappa coefficients for interobserver reproducibility ranged from 0.89 to 0.952, while the mean kappa value for intraobserver reliability was 0.964 indicating a good-to-excellent reliability.


The treatment algorithm guides the spinal surgeon to achieve optimal curve correction and postoperative shoulder balance whilst fusing the smallest number of spinal segments. The high interobserver reproducibility and intraobserver reliability makes it an invaluable tool to describe scoliosis curves in everyday clinical practice.

In 1983 Howard King presented his classification system for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) based on the experience with Harrington rod instrumentation. Curves were divided into five types and guidelines and recommendations for which levels should be instrumented were given to preserve motion as much as possible. As segmental instrumentation systems began to gain favor over the Harrington rods this system failed and led to the development of a new classification system which was presented by Lawrence Lenke in 2001. In order to define a curve type by the Lenke classification, one must identify the curve type, the lumbar modifier and, for the first time in any classification system for scoliosis, the sagittal profile was also included. The Lenke classification showed higher inter and intra-reliability compared to the King classification. It also provided a better and more reliable tool to assist surgeons in choosing the best method of treatment for each curve pattern. Although the Lenke classification is more comprehensive and reliable than the King classification it is still far from perfect. It does not address the rotational component of the deformity. New technologies which provide three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of the spine may serve as a basis for a truly 3D classification of scoliosis and for new therapeutic concepts.  相似文献   



Selective thoracic fusion in type II curve has been recommended by King et al. since 1983. They suggested that care must be taken to use the vertebra that is neutral and stable so that the lower level of fusion is centered over the sacrum. Since then there has been the trend to do shorter and selective fusion of the major curve. This study was conducted to find out whether short posterior pedicle instrumentation alone could provide efficient correction and maintain trunk balance comparing to the anterior instrumentation.

Materials and Methods:

A prospective study was conducted during 2005-2007 on 39 consecutive cases with idiopathic scoliosis cases King 2 and 3 (Lenke 1A, 1B), 5C and miscellaneous. Only the major curve was instrumented unless both curves were equally rigid and of the same magnitude. The level of fusion was planned as the end vertebra (EVB) to EVB fusion, although minor adjustment was modified by the surgeons intraoperatively. The most common fusion levels in major thoracic curves were T6–T12, whereas the most common fusion levels in the thoraco-lumbar curves were T10–L3. Fusion was performed from the posterior only approach and the implants utilized were uniformly plate and pedicle screw system. All the patients were followed at least 2 years till skeletal maturity. The correction of the curve were assessed according to type of curve (lenke IA, IB and 5), severity of curve (less than 450, 450-890 and more than 900), age at surgery (14 or less and 15 or more) and number of the segment involved in instrumentation (fusion level less than curve, fusion level as of the curve and fusion more than the curve)


The average long-term curve correction for the thoracic was 40.4% in Lenke 1A, 52.2% in Lenke 1B and 56.3% in Lenke 5. The factors associated with poorer outcome were younger age at surgery (<11 years or Risser 0), fusion at wrong levels (shorter than the measured end vertebra) and rigid curve identified by bending study. However, all patients had significant improved trunk balance and coronal hump at the final assessment at maturity. Two patients underwent late extension fusion because of junctional scoliosis.


With modern instrumentations, the EVB of the major curve can be used at the end of the instrumentation in most cases of idiopathic scoliosis. In those cases with either severe trunk shift, younger than 11 years old, or extreme rigid curve, an extension of one or more levels might be safer. In particular situations, the concept of centering the lowest vertebra over the sacrum should be adopted.  相似文献   

According to Lenke classification of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS), patients with type 5 curve in which the structural major curve is thoracolumbar or lumbar curve with nonstructural proximal thoracic and main thoracic curves, could be surgically treated with selective anterior thoracolumbar or lumbar (TL/L) fusion. This study retrospectively analyzed the radiographies of selective anterior TL/L fusion in 35 cases of AIS with Lenke type 5 curve. Segmental fixation with a single rigid rod through anterior thoracoabdominal approach was applied in all patients. Measurements of scoliosis curve in preoperative, immediate postoperative and follow-up radiographies were analyzed. The average follow up time was 36 months (24-42 months). The average preoperative Cobb angle of the TL/L curve was 45.6 degrees and improved into 9.7 degrees immediate postoperatively, with 79.7% curve correction. In addition, the minor thoracic curve decreased from 29.7 degrees preoperatively to 17.6 degrees postoperatively, with a spontaneous correction of 41.5%. During the follow-up, a loss of 4.6 degrees correction was found and the average Cobb angle of TL/L increased to 14.4 degrees . Also, the minor thoracic curve increased to average 20.1 degrees with a loss of 2.4 degrees correction. Trunk shift deteriorated slightly immediate postoperatively and improved at the follow-up. The lowest instrumented vertebra (LIV) tilt was improved significantly and maintained its results at the follow-up. During the follow-up, the coronal disc angle immediately above the upper instrumented vertebra (UIVDA) and below the LIV (LIVDA) aggravated, while the sagittal contours of T5-T12 and T10-L2 were well maintained. The lumbar lordosis of L1-S1 and the sagittal Cobb angle of the instrumented segments were reduced slightly postoperatively and at the follow-up. There were no major complications or pseudarthrosis. The outcomes of this study show that selective anterior thoracolumbar or lumbar fusion with solid rod instrumentation is effective for surgical correction of AIS with Lenke type 5 curve. The TL/L curve, minor thoracic curve, and LIV title can be improved significantly, with good maintenance of sagittal contour. However, the UIVDA and LIVDA aggravate postoperatively when the trunk rebalances itself during follow-up. The degeneration of LIV disc warrants longer-term follow-up.  相似文献   

Indications for surgical treatment of idiopathic scoliosis are progressive curves greater than 40–50°. In most cases, fusion of only the primary (structural) curve(s) is sufficient due to the flexibility and spontaneous correction of the secondary curves. Therefore, it is crucial to identify both primary and secondary curves. According to the Lenke classification, all curves with a residual curve of more than 25° on the bending films and those with a pathological kyphosis are regarded as structural and should be fused, whereas the nonstructural curves can be left unfused. However, according to reports in the literature and to the author’s experience, clinical parameters such as shoulder level and rib or lumbar hump as well as radiometric criteria such as rotation are relevant as well. In summary, the Lenke classification is an important and helpful tool for analysing idiopathic curves and determining fusion length, even though each scoliosis case needs to be evaluated individually, especially taking clinical parameters into account.  相似文献   

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