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目的 总结巨大多囊肾合并多囊肝并发肝肾功能衰竭行肝肾联合移植的临床经验.方法 对8例巨大多囊肾合并多囊肝并发肝肾功能衰竭的患者进行肝肾联合移植,男性5例,女性3例;年龄41~67岁,平均52.8岁.先肝后肾采用经典非转流原位肝移植6例,先肾后肝并采用背驮式肝移植2例.术后对急性排斥反应、并发症、肝肾功能、人/肝/肾存活率等临床疗效进行长期随访.结果 随访28~65个月,8例患者均存活,肝肾功能正常.存活5年以上2例,4年以上2例,2年以上4例.围手术期并发胸腔积液2例,肺部金黄色葡萄球菌感染1例,均对症治疗后痊愈.截至随访终点,未发现移植物急性排斥反应.结论 巨大多囊肾合并多囊肝并发肝肾功能衰竭的患者,肝肾联合移植术是安全有效的治疗方法.  相似文献   

肝肾联合移植是治疗肝肾功能同时衰竭的最佳手段之一.我院于2006年1月13日为1例先天性多囊肝多囊肾合并乙型肝炎后肝硬化、肝功能不全、尿毒症患者施行一期同种尸体肝肾联合移植手术,获得成功,目前已存活7月余,现报告如下.  相似文献   

目的 探讨肝肾联合移植的适应证、手术技术、治疗经验及并发症防治。方法2001年10月至2005年3月进行肝肾联合移植13例。男12例,女1例。年龄41—66岁,平均54岁。原发病:多囊肝、多囊肾并尿毒症3例,酒精性肝硬化合并尿毒症2例,乙型肝炎肝硬化合并尿毒症7例,肾移植术后14年丙型肝炎肝硬化导致肝衰竭伴移植肾功能不全尿毒症1例。肝移植采用经典非转流原位肝移植术式和背驮式肝移植术式,肾移植为常规术式。病肝切除时注意细致分离第三肝门、创面及时止血。以抗胸腺细胞球蛋白或白细胞介素-2受体单克隆抗体作为免疫诱导,术后服用他克莫司、吗替麦考酚酯及激素维持免疫抑制治疗。患者门诊随访,复查血、尿常规.肝肾功能,他克莫司血药浓度以及移植物B超等。随访时间12—53个月。结果13例手术均成功。术后发生急性排斥反应1例,继发性出血1例,心肌梗死1例(死亡),胸腔积液4例,肺部感染3例(1例死亡)。除死亡病例外,所有并发症经相应治疗后逆转治愈。11例存活者肝肾功能正常,其中存活4年5个月者1例,存活3年以上者2例,2年以上者6例,1年以上者2例。1例49岁患者术后18个月死于心肌梗死,1例52岁患者术后13个月死于肺部巨细胞病毒感染。结论 肝肾联合移植是肝肾功能衰竭的有效治疗手段。娴熟的手术技巧和并发症的及时诊治是肝肾联合移植成功的关键。  相似文献   

肝、肾联合移植13例临床总结   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的对肝、肾联合移植的病例进行临床总结。方法回顾性分析13例肝、肾联合移植患者的临床资料。结果肝、肾联合移植术后,4例肝硬化、肝功能衰竭合并肾功能衰竭患者,3例存活1年以上,1例于术后1年半死于乙型病毒性肝炎复发及肝功能衰竭,1例围手术期死于多器官功能衰竭;4例多囊肝、多囊肾合并肝、肾功能损害患者,全部存活1年以上,其中最长存活者已达4年,1例存活1年半后死于肝功能衰竭(慢性功能丧失);5例乙型病毒性肝炎(重型)合并肝肾综合征患者,2例存活1年以上,3例围手术期死于多器官功能衰竭及严重感染。结论肝、肾联合移植是治疗终末期肝、肾疾病的有效方法;对病情较为危重者应行体外静脉转流。  相似文献   

肝肾联合移植15例报道   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的探讨肝肾联合移植的适应证和疗效。方法对2001年2月至2003年12月施行肝肾联合移植术的15例患者进行了随访。15例中,乙型肝炎后肝硬化合并肝肾综合征8例、合并尿毒症2例、合并糖尿病肾病1例;多囊肝和多囊肾2例;Caroli病合并多囊肾1例;酒精性肝硬化合并尿毒症1例。对肝肾联合移植患者的手术方式,围手术期并发症,术后急、慢性排斥反应和乙型肝炎复发情况及随访结果进行了分析。结果15例肝肾联合移植术后移植物功能均恢复良好,6个月和1年生存率为100%。1例术前有严重营养不良者,术后给与48d的呼吸机支持后康复。术后创面出血和消化道出血各1例,经非手术治疗后治愈。胆道吻合口狭窄1例,用内镜下球囊扩张术治愈。1例术后2周发生急性移植肝排斥反应,给予激素冲击治疗后得到控制。1例术后30个月时因停用拉米夫定后乙型肝炎复发死于移植肝功能丧失。结论肝肾联合移植是终末期肝病合并慢性肾功能衰竭或肾功能损害的安全有效方法。对乙型肝炎患者术后尽早应用拉米夫定和乙型肝炎病毒免疫球蛋白预防肝炎复发。  相似文献   

杨翔  郎韧  贺强  陈大志  李宁 《腹部外科》2004,17(6):324-326
目的 探讨肝肾序贯移植和同期联合移植的手术难点及围手术期处理要点。方法 对2例肾移植术后发生药物性肝损害的病例实施肝移植 ,并对 1例巨大多囊肝、多囊肾的病例实施肝肾联合移植。结果  2例肾移植术后实施肝移植的病例 ,其中 1例因术后肾功能衰竭导致多器官功能衰竭死亡 ;另 1例术后肝、肾功能良好 ,现已存活 1年。肝肾联合移植病例术中采用肝后腔静脉直接阻断法 ,使重达 10kg的巨大病肝得以顺利切除 ,并采用腔静脉成型术完成改良背驮式肝移植。术后免疫方案采用人源化单克隆抗体达利珠单抗免疫诱导下的以FK5 0 6、霉酚酸酯 (MMF)和激素的三联用药 ,肝、肾功能恢复良好 ,现为术后 6个月。结论 序贯性肝肾移植在术前应该准确评估移植肾功能 ,如果移植肾功能不良 ,应果断选择实施肝肾联合移植。肝后下腔静脉直接阻断法在实施巨大病肝切除时具有较大优势。肝肾联合移植术中及术后建议采用达利珠单抗免疫诱导下的免疫三联用药。  相似文献   

目的 对临床肝肾联合移植(CLKT)进行总结. 方法 为22例肝功能衰竭合并尿毒症患者实施CLKT,每例受者所移植的肝脏和肾脏来自同一供者,采取原位灌注、多器官联合快速切取.10例行经典式原位肝移植术,12例行背驮式肝移植术,均未行静脉转流,肾移植采用常规术式,均为一期移植.术后采用抗胸腺细胞球蛋白或(和)抗CD25单克隆抗体诱导治疗,采用他克莫司、吗替麦考酚酯和泼尼松预防排斥反应. 结果 22例手术全部成功,移植肝和移植肾功能恢复良好.术后发生移植肝急性排斥反应1例,移植肾急性排斥反应2例,他克莫司中毒1例,上消化道出血1例,腹腔继发性出血1例.胸腔积液6例,肺部感染2例,腹腔感染1例.本组随访6个月至7年11个月,死亡3例,其中2例患者分别在术后第7个月和第10个月死于肺部巨细胞病毒感染,1例患者在术后第9个月死于急性心肌梗死.受者术后1、3、5年存活率分别为86.4%、81.3%和72.7%. 结论 CLKT是治疗终末期肝病合并肾功能衰竭的有效方法.  相似文献   

肝肾联合移植术后肠穿孔1例报告并文献复习   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
报告1例肝肾联合移植术后肠穿孔并发症,复习相关文献并探讨相关危险因素。 为1例先天性多囊肝多囊肾患者行联合肝肾移植术。肝移植采用背驮式;肾移植采用常规方法。免疫抑制治疗采用激素和霉酚酸酯。 术后供肝功能良好;供肾发生急性肾衰竭行血液透析,右侧开窗肾发生尿外渗。术后10d因腹膜炎探查发现回肠末段多发穿孔行部分肠切除术。术后21d死于多重感染所致多器官衰竭。 提示对先天性多囊病行联合肝肾移植时,如病肾存在感染迹象应果断切除;免疫抑制强度从轻。  相似文献   

目的总结肝肾联合移植的治疗体会。方法收集接受肝肾联合移植的10例患者的临床资料,对其手术时间、供肝和供肾热缺血时间、术中出血量、术后并发症,受者和移植物功能等情况进行总结分析。结果 10例患者的原发病分别为乙型病毒性肝炎(乙肝)后肝硬化5例,其中合并药物性肾衰竭1例、移植肾失功1例、肝肾综合征3例;原发性肝细胞癌合并肾衰竭2例;酒精性肝硬化合并尿毒症1例;先天性多囊肝和多囊肾(polycystic liver and kidney disease,PCLKD)1例;肝移植术后缺血性胆管狭窄并肾衰竭1例。肝移植采用改良背驮术式,肾移植采用常规移植方法,将移植肾置于左髂窝或右髂窝。手术均获成功,肝移植手术时间(444±175)min,肾移植手术时间(184±36)min;移植肝和移植肾热缺血时间为8min以内;术中出血量(3367±1726)ml。术前严重感染的5例,术后1周内死于多器官功能衰竭。存活的5例患者中,其中1例患者术后反复肺部感染,给予呼吸机辅助支持治疗、积极抗感染后治愈,其余4例患者无明显并发症。5例患者均存活,生存12~32个月,受者和移植物功能良好。结论肝肾联合移植是治疗终末期肝、肾功能同时受损的有效的不可替代的治疗手段。选择合适病例,把握适当的手术时机,术中控制手术时间、热缺血时间和出血量,术后积极处理并发症是获得良好疗效的关键。  相似文献   

目的 探讨肝或肾移植术后受者再次行一期肝肾联合移植的手术适应证、术后并发症及存活情况.方法 对2003年10月至2008年12月施行的3例肝或肾移植术后再次行一期肝肾联合移植的受者进行随访,并进行文献复习.对其围手术期死亡率、术后并发症及存活情况进行总结.结果 围手术期死亡率为33.3%(1/3).术后并发症:1例因腹腔出血术后第29天死于肺部感染、急性移植肾功能衰竭和多器官功能衰竭;3例患者均发生了肺部感染;无急性排斥反应发生.2例存活患者,从首次移植计算,已经分别存活56个月和228个月;从一期肝肾联合移植计算,已经分别存活40个月和48个月.结论 肝肾联合移植是治疗终末期肝肾疾病的有效方法.肝或肾移植术后受者再次行一期肝肾联合移植是可行的.  相似文献   

Polycystic disease causes a progressive decrease in renal function and liver degeneration. The progression of the disease evolves separately between organs and transplantation options vary: simultaneous or sequential liver-kidney transplantation or single-organ transplantation. From September 2006 to June 2007 3 combined liver kidney transplantations (CLKT) were performed for polycystic disease with end-stage renal disease: 2 with polycystic liver disease, and 1 with hepatic failure due to congenital hepatic fibrosis. The widest dimensions of the polycystic liver of 50 and 60 cm diameter were due to extensive cystic degeneration. We performed 1 simultaneous CLKT and 2 sequential transplantations: 1 liver after kidney, and 1 kidney after liver. At present all patients are alive with 100% graft function. Median creatinine level at discharge was 0.9 mg/dL (ranges, +/-0.2). Good liver graft function was reported in all 3 cases. Transplant benefit in polycystic liver-kidney disease has been already demonstrated; conservative surgical options may result in a high incidence of complications in highly involved polycystic livers. Delaying transplantation results in a more difficult surgical technique, a higher rate of postoperative complications, and a disturbance of optimal graft retrieval because of the worse preoperative condition of the patients.  相似文献   

《Liver transplantation》2003,9(10):1067-1078
Experience with combined liver-kidney transplantation (L-KTx) has increased, but controversy regarding this procedure continues because the indications are not clearly defined yet. Between 1984 and 2000, 38 patients underwent simultaneous L-KTx and 9 patients underwent sequential transplantation, receiving either a liver before a kidney or a kidney before a liver. Main indications for a simultaneous procedure were polycystic liver-kidney disease with cirrhosis and coincidental renal failure. The main indications for sequential procedure were cirrhosis caused by viral infection for the liver and glomerulonephritis for the kidneys. Outcomes in these patients were evaluated retrospectively. Regarding simultaneous transplantation, 28 (73.7%) long-term survivors were followed up for 0.7 to 12.5 years. Currently, 24 (63.2%) patients are alive with good liver function. Fourteen patients died; 10 patients died in the early postoperative phase because of septic complications, and most of them were cirrhotic with a poor preoperative clinical status. Currently, 2 of the surviving patients (8%) have returned to dialysis, 4 (17%) have reduced renal function, and 18 (75%) have good renal function. Five liver and 2 kidney retransplantations were performed during the follow-up. In cases of sequential grafting, patients undergoing kidney transplantation in the presence of a previously transplanted stable liver did better than those who underwent liver transplantation after kidney transplantation. When liver transplantation was performed early and electively before substantial worsening, combined L-KTx is a safe procedure offering excellent long-term palliation. (Liver Transpl 2003;9:1067-1078.)  相似文献   

肝肾联合移植28例临床分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 总结肝肾联合移植治疗终末期肝脏合并肾脏疾病的体会.方法 对28例肝肾联合移植的临床资料进行回顾分析,并对手术适应证的选择、手术方式、免疫制剂方案的应用以及预后情况进行了分析整理和总结.结果 肝肾联合移植各种适应证中,肝肾功能衰竭占78.6 %(22/28),肝肾综合征占14.3 %(4/28),高草酸盐尿症及多囊肾合并多囊肝各占3.6 %(各1/28).所有受者均先行肝移植,再行肾移植.肝移植采用背驮式者4例,采用经典非转流式者24例,供肾植入位置首选右侧髂窝.术后随访5个月至7年8个月,受者1年存活率为92.9 %(26/28),3年存活率为78.3 %(18/23).28例受者中,围手术期发生移植肾功能不良4例,其中3例经保守治疗病情好转,1例死亡.1例因移植肝并发症于术后3个月再次行肝移植治疗,后好转,期间肾功能未受影响.术后发生肺部感染11例,其中1例死亡,其余10例经治疗后痊愈.无一例发生急性排斥反应.结论 肝肾联合移植是治疗终末期肝脏合并肾脏疾病的有效手段,术前应严格控制手术适应证,把握适当的手术时机.
Objective To summarize the experience of treating the end stage of liver disease complicated with renal failure using combined liver-kidney transplantation.Methods The clinical data of 28 cases receiving combined liver-kidney transplantation were retrospectively analyzed, including the inclusion criteria of surgical indications, modus operandi, protocol of immunosuppression and the prognosis post-operation.Results Among these 28 cases in our study, 22 cases suffered from liver and renal failure, accounting for 78.6%; 4 cases were diagnosed as having hepatorenal syndrome, accounting for 14.3%; and 1 case had hyperoxaluria and polycystic liver with polycystic kidney. As for the modus operandi we used, piggy-back procedure was adopted for 4 patients and classic procedure without bypass was used for the rest. Donor kidneys were all put in the right iliac fossa. During the follow-up period of 5 months to 7 years, one-and 3-year survival rate of the recipients was 92.9% and 78.3% respectively. Among these 28 recipients, 4 cases had the graft renal dysfunction early post-operation: One died and 3 recovered through consecutive therapy. One case received re-transplantation of the liver 3 months after the first due to the relevant complications and then recovered. During this period, no impact on the renal function occurred. Eleven cases had pulmonary infection post-operation, and 1 died. No acute rejection occurred.Conclusion Combined liver-kidney transplantation is the effective treatment to the patients with end stage liver disease complicated with renal dysfunction. Suitable case selection and perfect operation timing were the key points to the success of combined liver-kidney transplantation.  相似文献   

原位肝移植治疗终末期肝病9例初步报告   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
1993年9月至1996年7月分别为9例终末期肝病病人施行了原位肝移植术。其中4例为原发性肝脏恶性肿瘤,5例为良性终末期肝病。移植术式除1例背肽式肝移植和1例减体积肝移植外,其余7例均为原位全肝移植,并为1例多囊肝,多囊肾,合并肝,肾功能损害闰人施行了肝,肾联合移植术。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Combined liver and kidney transplantation (CLKT) is an exceptional therapeutic procedure limited to a few diseases with advanced compromise of these organs. Hyperoxaluria type I and polycystic disease are the most frequent indications. The aim of this article was to report our indications and results of CLKT in a multicenter transplantation program in Chile. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Our Excel database was reviewed to select patients who were treated with CLKT between 1993 and July 2004. RESULTS: Among 242 liver transplantations (LT) and 48 kidney transplantations (KT), 7 were CLKT, representing 2.8% of LT and 14.5% of KT. Four patients were women and 3 were male of average age 46.8 years. One patient was a child. Most frequent indications were chronic renal failure associated with terminal liver disease and polycystic disease. One patient needed liver retransplantation due to hepatic vein thrombosis. One patient had a biliary fistula and another had a urinary fistula, treated conservatively. Acute liver rejection took place in 3 cases, 1 of which required antibodies. Two patients died, 1 due to aspergillosis and the other due to vascular complications in the transplanted liver. Actuarial survival rates were 71.4% at 1 and 5 years. Chronic renal failure is not a contraindication to LT. CONCLUSION: CLKT is an acceptable option for these patients.  相似文献   

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