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为了评价甲状旁腺切除术对原发性甲状旁腺机能亢进(PHPT)所致骨病的远期疗效,回顾分析了16例术后平均5.1(1.0~10.5)年患者的临床表现、骨结构和骨密度恢复情况,结果表明手术虽能明显改善患者骨病,但在随访终点有10/16例(62.5%)骨病恢复不全,其中骨病重的Y1组比骨病轻的Y2组恢复不全比例更高(P<0.05),14/16例血骨钙素(BGP)和尿吡啶并啉(Pyr)浓度处于中青年对照组范围内,这意味着其成骨与破骨处于平衡状态。这些结果提示:PH-PT患者应尽早诊断治疗,术后应对患者密切随访,重视对骨病恢复不全者的后续治疗  相似文献   

Background. Postoperative hospital stay after pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) was relatively longer than other gastrointestinal operations, The aim of current study was to investigate the risk factors of postoperative hospital stay after PD. Methods. Patients who were performed PD in Cancer Hospital Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CHCAMS) between December 2008 and November 2012 were selected for the retrospective study. The clinical and pathological data was collected and analyzed. The primary outcome was postoperative hospital stay. Normal discharge or recovery was defined as postoperative hospital stay no more than 10 days, otherwise it was defined as delayed discharge or recovery (including hospital death). Results. Finally, 152 patients were enrolled in present study. Postoperative hospital stay was 19.7±7.7 (7-57 d). 67 of 152 patients were normal discharge, and 85 of 152 patients were delayed discharge. The overall morbidity of complications was 62.5% (95/152), and the mortality rate was 3.29% (5/152). Multiple factors analysis showed that complication morbidity (adjusted OR=10.40, 95%CI=3.58-30.22), age (adjusted OR=4.09, 95%CI=1.16-14.39), BMI (body mass index) (adjusted OR=4.40, 95%CI=1.19-16.23), surgical procedure (adjusted OR=26.14, 95%CI=4.94-153.19), blood transfusion (adjusted OR=7.68, 95%CI=2.09-28.27) and fluid input (adjusted OR=3.47, 95%CI=1.24-11.57) were significantly associated with delayed discharge. Conclusions. Postoperative complications affects the postoperative hospital discharge. Furthermore, age, BMI, transfused red blood, surgical procedure and input might prolong LOS (length of hospital stay). Studies with more patients were needed in future.  相似文献   

以POLYGEN软件中的CHARMm程序和集团坐标轮换法,对合成的12个甲磺酰胺苯乙胺类化合物的结构进行计算机分子模拟。根据所得化合物的能量最低构象,计算了其VDW体积、偶极矩、总键能、总键角能、总非正则能以及氮原子电荷等值,并对这些化合物进行CNDO/2法量化计算,这些计算结果作为结构参数分别与12个化合物抗心律失常活性进行相关分析,以逐步回归法建立了两个相关性较好的方程:lgl/MEC=6.9991-0.3842X2+3.6796X5[n=12,r=0.855975,s=0.189672,F=12.33464>F1-0.05(3,9)=3.86];lgl/MEC=14.7038-213.2692X4-10.4829X5[n=12,r=0.931919,s=0.133047,F=29.71354>F1-0.01(3,9)=6.99]。结果提示,这类化合物的抗心律失常活性与分子中的原子轨道杂化程度和氮原子对分子HOMO和LU-MO的贡献有关,可以看出,氮上的取代不同会引起抗心律失常活性的不同  相似文献   

活性成分与药理作用欧洲刺柏药用部位是其浆果,具有促水排泄、防腐、抗胃肠胀气和抗风湿作用,还可改善胃功能。用作促水排泄药可增加尿量(水丢失),但不增加钠排泄。成分萜品烯-4-醇可增加肾小球滤过率,但刺激肾。欧洲刺柏浆果对单纯疱疹病毒体外显示抗病毒活性,并具抗真菌活性。动物实验显示,欧洲刺柏浆果提取物具有堕胎、抗生育、抗炎、抗胚胎植入、降血压、升血压和降血糖作用。欧洲刺柏浆果油具有兴奋子宫的活性,以及利尿、胃肠道抗菌和刺激作用,该油对平滑肌有阻止解痉作用。  相似文献   

目的 基于网络药理学的方法分析和预测独活-羌活-细辛治疗膝骨关节炎可能的作用机制。方法 利用TCMSP数据库获取独活、羌活、细辛的活性成分及靶点,与CTD、NCBI等数据库获取的膝骨关节炎疾病基因靶点映射,构建药物-活性成分-疾病靶点网络。进行MCODE聚类分析,通过Omicshare云平台和DAVID数据库GO、KEGG通路富集分析。结果 从3味药中共筛选出了36个活性成分及205个靶点,主要有山柰酚、 β-谷甾醇、芝麻脂素、异紫花前胡苷等关键成分,AKT1、ESR1、JUN、CASP3等为关键靶点,核心基因有NOS3、ESR1、COX1、NR1I2,关键的生物进程和通路有类固醇激素反应性、活性氧代谢过程、AGE-RAGE通路和TNF通路。结论 独活-羌活-细辛可能通过多成分、多靶点网络来治疗膝骨关节炎。  相似文献   

Griffin  Bill 《JAMA》2004,291(12):1420

矮身材儿童血铅镉锌钙铁铜镁水平分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄丽敏 《四川医学》2009,30(7):1084-1086
目的探讨血铅、镉、锌、钙、铁、铜、镁水平对儿童生长发育的影响。方法通过采用钨舟原子吸收光谱仪测定我院儿保门诊53例矮身材儿童(矮身材组)及53例正常儿童(对照组)末梢静脉血中铅、镉、锌、钙、铁、铜、镁水平,并对其与儿童生长发育关系进行分析。结果矮身材儿童血铅明显高于正常对照组,锌、钙、铁明显低于正常对照组(P〈0.05)。而血镉、铜、镁与对照组则无明显差异。矮身材组血铅男童明显高于女童(P〈0.05)。结论矮身材儿童的生长发育迟缓可能与高血铅,低血锌、钙、铁密切相关。儿童铅中毒防治和合理的膳食结构是降低儿童矮身材发生率的重要措施。  相似文献   

206542Relation of expression of angiopoientin-likeprotein 3 to invasion and progression of hepatocellularcarcinoma/Song Qitong(宋其同,Dept Gener Surg,1stAffil Hosp,Wenzhou Med Col ,Wenzhou 325000)…∥Chin J Hepatobil .-2006 ,12(7) .-450 ~452ObjectiveTo investigate the relationship betweenthe expressionof angiopoientinlkie protein3 (ANGPTL3)mRNAandinvasionand metastasis of hepatocellular carci-noma (HCC) and explore newapproaches to prevent andinhibit recurrence and metastasis of HCC…  相似文献   

Analysis of microsatellite instability at chromosome 3p21. 3 in sporadic cholangiocarcinoma patients; Exogenous wild-type p53 gene suppressing the growth of human gallbladder cancer GBC-SD cell line;Abnormal expression of local hemeoxygenase in splenic arteries of portal hypertensive patients; Microencapsulated porcine hepatocyte transplantation to treat acute hepatic failure of rats induced by drug; Activation of hepatic stdlate cells in a cirrhotic rat liver transplantation model using small-for-size grafts: The significance of Rho-ROCK signaling pathway;Application of fluconazol to prevent fungous infection in severe acute pancreatitis;  相似文献   

Liver resection: single center experiences of 2008 consecutive resections in 20 years,New application of atomic force microscopy:diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma by one cell ,Portal hypertension due to chronic pancreatitis,The clinical value of intraoperative tube placement with gastroscope in primary suture after choledochotomy,Expression of livin in hepatocellular carcinoma and its significance  相似文献   

Treatment of refractory hepatolithiasis by chemical bile duct embolization: a report of the first case; Influence of magnitude and endurance of local bile duct pressure on bile duct wall in dogs; Establishment and preliminary analysis of a 2- D human biliary map  相似文献   

<正>209054 Liver protection of prostaglandin E1in patients after hepatectomy/Hua Yunpeng(华赟鹏,Dept Hepatobil Surg,1st Affil Hosp,Sun Yat-sen Univ,Guang-zhou 510080)…∥Chin J Gen Surg. -2009,24(10). -817~819 Objective To investigate the effect and mechansim of prostaglandin E1(PGE1) to protect liver functions after hepatectomy.  相似文献   

Stones, lithotripters, trials, and arguments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Thoracic primitive neuroectodermal tumor, Long-term effects of thymectomy on the T cellular immunity of myasthenia gravis patients .  相似文献   

207577 Pathologic and molecular biologic characteris- tics of hilar cholangiocarcinomas/Li Chenggang(李成 刚,Inst Hepatobil Surg, Gener Hosp PLA, Beijing 100853)…∥Chin J Exp Surg.-2007 ,24(6) .-690 ~ 691 Objective Toinvestigate the pathologic and molec- ular biologic characteristics of hilar cholangiocarcinomas. Methods Sixty-eight patients with hilar cholangio- carcinomas were reviewed,and the pathologic types and incidence of perineural invasionandlymph node metastasis were summariz…  相似文献   

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