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目的 为改良股前外侧入路治疗股骨远端C型骨折提供解剖学基础。 方法 福尔马林防腐成人下肢标本12例,解剖观察大腿下段前外侧的主要肌肉、韧带的分布;采用改良前外侧手术入路,测量该入路相关的神经、血管走行特点。 结果 改良股前外侧入路可充分显露股骨远端,不损伤重要神经血管,不损伤髂胫束并减少了对股四头肌的损伤,有效地保护了伸膝装置。 结论 改良股前外侧入路治疗股骨远端C型骨折具有安全,损伤较小,暴露充分等优点,有一定的推广价值。  相似文献   

目的:比较肘关节镜3 种远端前外侧入路穿刺后对前臂外侧皮神经及桡神经( 深支)的影响。 方法:选用 新鲜冰冻的成人肘关节标本,关节镜下对3 种入针点( 肱骨外上髁远端3 cm,前方1 cm ;肱骨外上髁远端2 cm, 前方2 cm ;肱骨外上髁远端1 cm,前方1 cm)进行定位、穿刺克氏针,并在肘关节屈曲90°时,解剖、测量与 前臂外侧皮神经及桡神经( 深支)的最短距离。结果:3 种入路距前臂外侧皮神经的最短距离分别为(18.51±2.07) mm、(19.14±1.53)mm、(21.95±1.83)mm,距桡神经( 深支)的最短距离分别为(7.18±1.17)mm、(7.59±0.88) mm、(9.22±1.51)mm。后一入路点( 肱骨外上髁远端1 cm,前方1 cm)距2 条神经的距离为最短,且与前2 者 的差异具有统计学意义。结论:肘关节镜前外侧入路( 肱骨外上髁远端1 cm,前方1 cm)距前臂外侧皮神经及桡 神经( 深支)的最短距离最远,建立远端前外侧入路时选此入路穿刺比较安全。  相似文献   

目的:寻找全膝关节置换手术股内侧肌间入路的安全区,为减少手术入路的损伤提供局部解剖形态学基础.方法:对10具(20侧)成人下肢尸体标本的股内侧肌血管神经及其毗邻血管神经进行解剖与观测.结果:以髌骨内上缘为原点,支配股内侧肌最远端血管分支X轴范围为35.2 ~ 72.3mm,Y轴范围为41.4 ~ 78.9mm.最远端神...  相似文献   

目的 为膝降血管髌下支蒂股骨内侧髁骨膜瓣修复膝关节面缺损提供解剖学基础。 方法 在30侧动脉内灌注红色乳胶的成人下肢标本上,以收肌结节、股骨内侧髁为观测点解剖观测膝降动脉关节支的走行、分支与分布。另在1侧新鲜标本上进行摹拟手术。 结果 膝降血管关节支在距股骨内侧髁下缘上(5.9±1.2) cm处发出两大分支:①骨膜支起始外径(1.3±0.2)mm,在股骨内侧髁面上走行距离为(4.8±1.1) cm;②髌下支起始外径为(1.3±0.2) mm,向下走行距离为(6.6±1.5)cm。 结论 可形成膝降血管髌下支-骨膜支蒂股骨内侧髁骨膜瓣逆行转位修复膝关节面缺损。  相似文献   

目的探讨前交叉韧带(ACL)单束解剖重建股骨隧道与外侧副韧带(LCL)重建股骨隧道的关系,以期为临床中ACL解剖重建提供解剖学数据,便于临床实际操作中避免2个股骨隧道相互干扰,为ACL和LCL一期解剖重建提供依据。方法采用30例成人尸体膝部标本,保留膝关节上下至少20cm,排除关节明显退变、畸形及关节损伤。男性16例,女性14例,年龄在23~66岁,平均年龄38.7岁。屈膝120°经前内辅助入路(AMP)钻取股骨隧道。在股骨外髁外侧面寻找后外侧角(PLC)结构,钝性分离LCL,并钻取LCL隧道。标本进行CT扫描,在CT片上观察隧道碰撞数,并计算两个隧道的最短距离。结果在LCL股骨隧道深度为25mm时,其与ACL股骨隧道最短距离为(3.9±2.4)mm;在LCL股骨隧道深度为30mm时,其与ACL股骨隧道最短距离为(2.7±1.9)mm。在ACL股骨隧道深度为25mm时,其与LCL股骨隧道的最短距离为(4.4±2.6)mm;在ACL股骨隧道深度为30mm时,其与LCL股骨隧道的最短距离为(3.2±2.1)mm。在30例标本中,共发现6例隧道碰撞,碰撞的几率高达20%。结论我们发现两者隧道发生碰撞的几率高,临床一期解剖重建时,术前应做个体化准备,规划好LCL重建所需股骨隧道的长度和隧道直径,从而规避与ACL股骨隧道的碰撞。  相似文献   

目的 通过解剖学研究评估后内解剖钢板(posteromedial anatomical plate, PmAP)微创治疗胫骨远端骨折的安全性及可行性。 方法 在12个冰冻成人尸体下肢标本上,模拟MIPO技术经后内侧入路固定胫骨远端骨折的手术操作。术中观察手术入路暴露的难易程度。术后主要考察手术切口与大隐静脉、隐神经关系,胫后、胫前神经血管束的完整性及其与钢板螺钉的接触关系。 结果 模拟手术操作顺利,暴露充分。手术切口与大隐静脉、隐神经主干在内踝上(7.37±1.65)cm(5.02~8.16 cm)处相交。胫后神经血管束位于钢板正后方,两者间有一厚层软组织垫相隔,未直接接触。仔细观察胫前、胫后神经血管束,未见损伤。 结论 应用MIPO技术经后内侧入路PmAP治疗胫骨远端骨折是一项安全、简便的手术技术。  相似文献   

目的探讨后内侧入路治疗胫骨平台后髁骨折的临床效果。方法自2006年5月~2011年8月,我科收治胫骨平台后髁骨折的患者19例,在罗从凤三柱分型中均为后侧柱骨折,其中右膝12例,左膝7例,单纯后内侧髁骨折10例,后内侧髁骨折伴膝关节半脱位者2例,单纯后外侧髁骨折3例,后外侧髁骨折伴膝关节半脱位者1例,后侧双髁骨折3例;19例患者均采用后内侧入路进行复位、内固定。结果随访10~40.8个月,平均17个月,骨折全部愈合,愈合时间为3~6个月。随访第12个月本组平均屈膝(107.42±2.6)°(95~120°),平均伸膝(3.7±1.02)°(0~8°);根据Hass膝关节功能评定,本组中优10例,良7例,可2例,优良率89.47%。膝关节HSS评分平均为87.8分(78~94分)。术中解剖清晰,操作简单、安全,术后并发症少。结论采用后内侧入路治疗胫骨平台后髁骨折能充分显露胫骨平台的后髁,能为骨折的复位和内固定提供较好的操作空间,手术操作简单、安全、固定可靠。  相似文献   

目的:探讨下颌下入路手术的解剖要点及其治疗Hangman骨折的临床疗效。方法对5具成人新鲜尸体标本下颌下区的重要血管和神经进行解剖观察,并测量舌下神经与喉上神经内侧支之间纵向的最短距离;其中男3具、女2具,年龄39~62岁,均排除颈椎相关疾病病史。回顾分析2006年12月—2012年1月第二军医大学附属长征医院脊柱外科采用下颌下入路手术治疗21例Hangman骨折患者的临床资料,其中男14例、女7例,年龄27~59岁;根据Levine-Edward分型,Ⅱ型骨折18例,Ⅱa型骨折2例,Ⅲ型1例。结果下颌下入路的相关重要解剖结构在尸体解剖中得以充分显露,舌下神经与喉上神经内侧支之间纵向的最短距离为(21.7±3.1) mm,通过适当牵拉能够充分暴露C2、C3水平,满足Hangman骨折手术治疗操作要求。21例临床病例随访(21.3±8.1)个月,骨折愈合均良好,术后神经症状及颈肩部疼痛程度均较术前明显改善,JOA 改善率为64.9%。1例术中减压过程中出现脑脊液漏,术中行明胶海绵及Surgiflo填塞处理,术后常压引流3 d未引出脑脊液,引流拔除后手术切口愈合良好;1例术后出现声音嘶哑症状,2个月后自行恢复。结论下颌下入路可充分显露手术内固定治疗Hangman骨折所需的手术节段,手术疗效满意。熟知下颌下三角区域解剖结构、重要神经血管的走行是手术成功、减少手术并发症发生的关键因素。  相似文献   

目的 探讨全髋关节置换术直接前方入路(DAA)改良切口和经典切口的解剖特点,为术中避免股外侧皮神经(LFCN)损伤提供解剖学依据。方法 由蚌埠医学院解剖教研室提供成年国人尸体髋关节及股骨标本6具6侧,其中男2具2侧、女4具4侧,年龄48~72(61.7±8.2)岁。通过解剖标志定位的方式做DAA手术切口,切口起点均为髂前上棘最高点向下向外3 cm;DAA经典切口延长方向指向腓骨小头;改良切口将切口延长方向向经典切口外后方偏移,偏移角度为髂前上棘最高点分别与腓骨小头、股骨大粗隆顶点连线夹角的1/2。解剖显露LFCN以及所有分支:(1)观察LFCN走行及其与DAA经典切口、DAA改良切口的关系;(2)对LFCN进行分型;(3)测量DAA经典切口和改良切口与LFCN最短距离,判断LFCN与DAA经典切口和改良切口的解剖关系。结果 (1)LFCN由髂前上棘内侧0.8 cm经腹股沟韧带下方走向股骨前方,LFCN走行向前、向外近乎平行于髂前上棘最高点与腓骨小头连线。DAA经典切口远端与LFCN有交叉,有直接损伤LFCN可能,延长DAA经典切口会增加损伤LFCN概率;而DAA改良切口与LFCN无交叉。(2)6侧标本LFCN分型:缝匠肌型3侧,后向型2侧,扇形型1侧。(3)LFCN与DAA改良切口最短距离为1.2~2.4(2.0±0.40)cm,与经典切口最短距离为0~1.4(0.98±0.55)cm。缝匠肌型和后向型LFCN主干及分支与DAA改良切口的最短距离均>2.0 cm;与DAA经典切口无交叉,且LFCN所有分支与DAA改良切口最短距离均>0.7 cm。扇形型LFCN与DAA经典切口有交叉,而与DAA改良切口无交叉,最短距离为1.2 cm。结论 在解剖关系上,DAA改良切口比DAA经典切口距离LFCN更远,DAA全髋关节置换术中更不易发生LFCN损伤。  相似文献   

目的 比较单、双侧接骨板治疗干骺端粉碎股骨远端骨折的生物力学稳定性。方法22根人工股骨标本建立干骺端粉碎股骨远端骨折(AO分型:C2.3)模型,随机分成2组,每组11根。单钢板组用外侧远端解剖锁定板固定,双钢板组外侧用远端解剖锁定板、内侧用直型锁定接骨板固定。每组标本中5根进行垂直加压,3根进行循环垂直加压测试,检测干骺端内侧间隙压缩位移,剩余3根进行极限加压测试,记录固定失败时的最大负荷。结果 垂直加压测试中,单钢板组平均内侧压缩位移为(2.61±0.28) mm,双钢板组为(0.46±0.08) mm。循环垂直加压测试中,单钢板组平均内侧压缩位移为(1.56±0.12) mm,双钢板组为(0.43±0.05) mm。极限加压测试中,单钢板组平均最大负荷为(5 567±338) N,双钢板组为(9 147±186) N,每组差异都有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 双钢板固定干骺端粉碎股骨远端骨折的内侧抗压缩能力较单钢板固定显著增强,使股骨远端内侧结构更加稳定,有助于病人早期功能康复锻炼。  相似文献   

股后区主要穿支的形态学分析与皮瓣设计   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:为股后区穿支皮瓣的临床应用提供解剖学依据。方法:6具(12侧)动脉灌注明胶.氧化铅混悬液的新鲜成人整尸标本,解剖观测股后区外径≥0.5mm的穿支,测量其管径及其走行、分支与分布情况等。取下整个下肢被覆组织拍摄X线片,观测皮动脉的数量以及彼此间的吻合情况等。利用Photoshop与Scion Image分析穿支供血的趋向性及每个分支的供血面积等。结果:股后区共有穿支(外径≥0.5mm)27支,其中65%为皮穿支,35%为肌皮穿支。平均外径为0.8mm,平均蒂长为2.93cm。自股深动脉之穿动脉发出者平均长度为6.81cm。每侧穿动脉在股后区供血面积平均为229cm^2,平均每个穿支供血面积为43cm^2。结论:股后区的皮肤穿支管径较粗,营养皮肤面积较大,以股后诸穿支为蒂设计的穿支皮瓣可为下肢或身体其它部位皮肤移植提供:①游离皮瓣;②近端蒂皮瓣;③远端蒂皮瓣。  相似文献   



While degenerative changes to the articular cartilage of the anterior and distal portions of the femoral condyles have been well studied in the literature, the changes that occur on the posterior femoral condyle are not as clear. The purpose of this study was to assess the difference in articular cartilage thickness between the medial and lateral posterior femoral condyles in knees undergoing unicompartmental knee arthroplasty.


A retrospective review of prospectively gathered data on 107 consecutive patients undergoing unicompartmental knee arthroplasty performed by a single surgeon was performed. The remaining articular cartilage thickness after resection of the posterior femoral condyle was measured and simple analysis conducted to compare cartilage thickness between medial and lateral posterior femoral condyles.


Ninety-two medial unicompartmental arthroplasties and 15 lateral unicompartmental arthroplasties were performed during the 16?month study period. The majority of lateral UKA patients were female and had lower BMI than medial UKA patients. The articular cartilage thickness on the medial posterior femoral condyle was 3?mm?±?1?mm (mean?±?standard deviation) and 1?mm?±?1?mm on the lateral side (p-value < 0.001).


There is a significant difference in articular cartilage thickness between the medial and lateral posterior femoral condyles in patients undergoing unicompartmental knee arthroplasty. This coincides with a potentially inherently different pattern of articular cartilage degeneration between the medial and lateral compartments of the knee and has implications on implant designs and resurfacing techniques about the knee.  相似文献   

目的:探讨人体下肢长骨负重关节软骨下松质骨显微硬度的分布特征。方法:选取3具年龄大于40岁的新鲜冰冻尸体标本,取出所有标本的右侧股骨和胫骨,分别于股骨头、股骨内髁、股骨外髁、胫骨内髁、胫骨外髁、胫骨远端距负重区关节软骨面1 cm处,垂直于下肢机械轴切下3 mm厚松质骨样本。使用维氏显微硬度测量系统测量骨组织显微硬度。比...  相似文献   

Biedert RM 《The Knee》2012,19(2):140-143
We present two case reports with clinical and radiological assessment of the anatomical features at the distal lateral end of trochlea and femur in patients with patellar instability in higher knee flexion and how these findings could possibly be involved in the genesis of this rare type of patellar instability. Both patients underwent several (nine and seven) surgical procedures, but the patellar instability could not be successfully eliminated. Our hypothesis was that a short and flattened lateral distal condyle/trochlea may cause lateral patellar instability in higher flexion. We found considerable anatomical variations at the distal lateral femoral condyle and trochlea in both patients. Individually tailored surgical procedures were selected for each patient according to the documented variations and the previous operations. Our surgical interventions consisted of different components, such as osteotomy of the distal lateral femoral condyle/trochlea with lengthening and elevation, balancing of the medial and lateral patellar soft tissue structures, MPFL reconstruction, transposition of the medialised tibial tubercle and the patellar tendon back to lateral to the normal initial anatomical position. With these procedures, lateral patellar instability with increased flexion could be completely eliminated in both patients at the 1- and 2-year follow-up. Our experience of assessment and treatment of these patients let us conclude that variations of the distal lateral femoral condyle/trochlea morphology may be responsible for patellar instability with increased flexion. This is another type of patellar instability caused by distal condyle/trochlea dysplasia compared to the well known and often described types of patellar instability close to extension caused by proximal trochlea dysplasia.  相似文献   

目的:通过对成人股骨远端解剖学参数测量及股骨骨髓腔观测,为扁弧形长针的设计及治疗股骨远端骨折提供形态学基础.方法:选用成人干燥股骨60根,平均分为2组,一组测量股骨长度、内外侧髁、内外上髁等有关数据,另一组测量股骨的密质厚度、髓腔内径及髓腔狭窄区、最远端断面皮质骨侧缘切线与中轴线所形成的夹角,并对测量结果进行统计分析.结果:股骨内侧髁宽度为(47.41±3.44)mm;股骨外侧髁宽度为(33.77±4.79)mm;股骨髁干角96.32°±2.30°;远端松质骨的长度为(50.00±7.90)mm;股骨干长度为(382±8.00)mm.成人股骨髓腔形态复杂,近远端呈漏斗状,而中间非松质骨部呈类柱体,中上段1/3部位最为狭窄,远端呈冠状面宽,而非松质骨部呈矢状面宽,且股骨髓腔具有一向前弧度.结论:股骨远端解剖学参数和股骨髓腔形态特点为扁弧形长针的设计研制和临床应用提供了解剖学依据;扁弧形长针其形态结构特点与髓腔顺应性好,可有效抗分离移位、抗旋转,操作简单,成本低廉,是治疗股骨远端骨折的有效内固定器械之一.  相似文献   

Background  Lesion of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (LFCN) represents the main complication during minimally invasive anterior approach dissection to the hip joint. The aim of this anatomical study was to describe the different presentation features of the LFCN at the thigh and particularly to determine the potential location of damage during minimally invasive anterior approach for total hip replacement. Methods  The LFCN was dissected bilaterally at the thigh under the inguinal ligament in 17 formalin-preserved cadavers. Branching patterns of the nerve were recorded and distances from the LFCN to the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) and the anterior margin of the tensor fascia lata (TFL) were measured to clarify skin incision positioning during minimally invasive anterior approach for total hip replacement. Results  The LFCN divided proximal to the inguinal ligament in 13 cases and distal to it in 21 cases. In the distal group the mean distance from the ASIS to the nerve division was 34.5 mm (10–72 mm). The gluteal branch crossed the anterior margin of the TFL 44.5 mm (24–92 mm) distally to the ASIS. In 18 cases the femoral branch did not cross the TFL and was located in the intermuscular space between TFL and sartorius. In the remaining 16 cases, this branch crossed the anterior margin of the TFL 46 mm (27–92 mm) distally to the ASIS. During minimally invasive anterior approach along the anterior border of the TFL, the LFCN was found to be potentially at risk between 27 and 92 mm below the ASIS. We used those informations to describe a map of “danger zones” for the LFCN or its two main branches. Conclusion  According to this study, numerous anatomical variations of the LFCN at the thigh should be considered when performing anterior approach to the hip joint. Different mechanisms of injury during surgery should be considered especially during minimally invasive total hip replacement, such as section of the gluteal or the femoral branch where it crosses the anterior margin of the TFL or stretching of the femoral branch due to retractors positioned into the intermuscular space between sartorius and TFL. According to the map of “danger zones” reported, the author policy consists of positioning the skin incision as lateral and distal to the ASIS as possible.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Knee-parameter measurements play an important role in the designing of the knee prosthesis. Currently, we have more and more research of the total knee replacement, while uni-condylar knee replacement study is few.  OBJECTIVE: To obtain the parameters of the normal femoral condyles and explore its correlation with osteotomy and prosthesis design of the knee joint during uni-condylar knee replacement. METHODS: Normal knee joints of 60 cases (60 knees) were selected. We measured the parameters by using thin-section CT scan and post-processing techniques, including arc diameter of the lowest point of the femoral condyle on the coronal plane, arc diameter of the distal point of the posterior condyle of the femur on the transverse plane, arc diameter of the distal point of the posterior condyle of the femur on the sagittal plane, and arc diameter of the lowest point of the femoral condyle on the sagittal plane, and analyzed the correlation with sex and height.  RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The diameter of the arc that passes through the lowest point of femoral medial condyle in the coronal plane was (42.685±1.389) mm. The diameter of the arc that passes through the farthest point of posterior of femoral medial condyle in the cross-section was (42.732±1.440) mm. The diameter of the arc that passes through the lowest point of femoral medial condyle on the sagittal plane was (45.473±1.332) mm. The diameter of the arc that passes through the farthest point of posterior of femoral medial condyle on the sagittal plane was (42.587±1.446) mm. The results illustrate that knee condyle related parameters were positively correlated with height. Parameters in males were significantly greater than in females. The diameter of the arc that passes through the lowest point of femoral medial condyle on the sagittal plane was significantly larger than that of the farthest point of femoral posterior medial condyle on the sagittal plane (P < 0.001). There was no significant difference among the diameter of the arc that passes through the lowest point of femoral medial condyle on the coronal plane, the diameter of the arc that passes through the farthest point of posterior of femoral medial condyle on the cross-section and that of the farthest point of femoral posterior medial condyle on the sagittal plane.    相似文献   

目的 探索适用于国人全髋关节置换术(THA)术后股骨近端假体周围骨折(PPFF)内固定的锁定加压接骨板(LCP)的设计。方法 (1)回顾性分析2012年9月—2013年12月南京中医药大学附属常州市中医医院骨科收治首次行THA治疗的90例患者的影像学资料。在90例患者术后髋关节侧位X线片上测量股骨假体近端1/2假体柄后边缘与股骨后方外皮质、远端1/2股骨假体柄前边缘与股骨前方外皮质的最小和最大垂直距离。(2)选取20具股骨标本,测量股骨标本长度和周径。将20具股骨标本植入股骨假体,建立股骨假体模型;对其中5具标本模型进行宝石能谱CT扫描和三维重建,测量股骨假体近端1/2假体柄后边缘与后方股骨外皮质、远端1/2假体柄前边缘与前方股骨外皮质间垂直距离,测量股骨假体近端1/2和远端1/2垂直距离>6 mm的股骨长度,测量股骨中段侧方的弧度。(3)依据90例患者和5具股骨假体模型的测量数据设计并数字化定制LCP。采用定制LCP固定5具股骨假体模型,通过大体和影像学观察LCP近段锁定螺钉与假体的关系,调整可能与假体接触的锁定螺钉的角度;再采用调整后的LCP固定10具股骨假体模型,观察LCP近段锁定螺钉与假体的关系,确定LCP的设计方案。结果 (1)90例患者术后髋关节侧位X线片测量结果:股骨假体近端1/2假体柄后边缘与股骨后方外皮质的垂直距离,最小(11.26±3.58)mm,最大(17.97±6.94)mm;远端1/2假体柄前边缘与股骨前方外皮质之间的垂直距离,最小(9.18±2.32)mm,最大(14.22±3.10)mm。(2)20具股骨标本的股骨长度为(41.67±0.24)cm,周径为(9.19±0.74)cm。股骨假体模型CT测量结果:假体近端1/2假体柄后边缘与股骨后方外皮质的垂直距离为(12.36±3.24 )mm;假体远端1/2假体柄前边缘和股骨前方外皮质的垂直距离为(8.14±1.21)mm。假体近、远端1/2与股骨外皮质垂直距离>6 mm的股骨长度分别为(69.20±4.53)mm 和(57.31±3.82)mm。(3)LCP设计方案:LCP与假体近端1/2对应的部分设计3枚向后内成一定角度的锁定螺钉,对应3个锁定孔,分布于LCP中轴线偏后,向后内方向;与假体远端1/2对应的部分设计3枚向前内成一定角度的锁定螺钉,对应的3个锁定孔,分布于LCP中轴线偏前,向前内方向。采用设计、定制LCP固定股骨假体模型,LCP与股骨侧方弧度一致,锁定螺钉在股骨假体的后方或前方均实现双层皮质固定,角度合适。结论 根据国人资料设计、定制LCP,在股骨假体模型上获得有效的固定空间,为THA后PPFF的处理提供可行方案,但临床应用效果有待进一步验证。  相似文献   

目的 将股骨远端解剖结构相关数据与国内常用的膝关节假体参数进行对比,评估假体吻合度,为设计符合解剖结构的假体提供参考。 方法 ①选100例无明显骨质缺损的华南地区成人股骨标本 (左51,右49), 拍数字化照片;②校正放大率后测量:机械轴长度、机械轴/解剖轴夹角、髁横径、髁间截骨面横径、外髁前后径、内髁前后径;③测量Zimmer NexGen LPS、Stryker Scrorpio NRG Knee-Flexed、United-U1、威高 GKPS假体的髁内外径宽、假体前髁高度及后髁高度。 结果 (1)股骨远端横径为(7.60±0.60) cm,股骨远端外侧髁高度为(5.90±0.76) cm,内侧髁高度为(5.73±0.74) cm,其间无明显相关性;(2) 4品牌假体的截骨长度均可适应股骨远端骨结构,但前髁截骨高度与4种品牌假体前髁高度对比,在设定容差范围内的涵盖率为24%~55%,股骨后髁高度与假体的后髁高度对比,涵盖率仅14%~21%。 结论 股骨远端解剖形态数据分布较为弥散,在关节置换过程中需个体化处理。假体径线与华南地区国人股骨远端形态存在一定差异。  相似文献   

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