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目的 探讨肾移植术后感染性髂外动脉吻合口出血的处理。方法 报告1例髂内动脉自体移植治疗感染性髂外动脉吻合口大出血病例,结合文献复习讨论。患者,男,25岁。肾移植术后第22、24、38天3次出现感染性移植。肾动脉髂外动脉吻合口大出血,出血量分别达800、2500、3800ml。经输血、及时手术探查,两次吻合口缝合修补效果不佳,第3次手术切除移植肾,并将感染病变严重的髂外动脉段切除,髂外动脉缺损长约2cm,以3cm长的髂内动脉段移植修复。结果 修复后髂外动脉血流通畅,患侧下肢血供良好,患者恢复血液透析,等待再次移植。结论 感染性移植肾动脉髂外动脉吻合口出血为肾移植术后严重并发症,单纯修补常难以奏效,髂内动脉自体移植修补缺损合理可行,操作简易,效果较好。  相似文献   

目的探讨肾移植术后血管并发症的处理及在紧急状态下替代血管治疗的应用。方法中南大学湘雅三医院移植中心于2009年12月至2012年3月收治了两例肾移植术后反复髂外动脉出血的患者。两例手术探查出血为原髂外动脉吻合口处有破溃,给予切除移植动脉吻合口处的髂外动脉,取同侧自体下肢的大隐静脉逆转替代切除的髂外动脉。结果两例患者术后均恢复良好,下肢血运正常,行走自如,其中1例患者存活至今达4年,术后未再次出血;另1例患者手术后已愈1年余,下肢血运正常。结论肾移植术后反复髂外动脉破裂出血是导致患者死亡的严重并发症之一,紧急处理非常重要,采用自体血管重建不失为一种较有效和便捷的处理方法。  相似文献   

选择髂内或髂外动脉吻合对移植肾的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨肾移植动脉重建选择髂外或髂内动脉时移植肾血流参数、肾脏功能和血管并发症的差异。方法 135例初次肾移植患者随机分为2组,2组患者平均年龄、HLA错配数目、淋巴细胞毒试验、冷/热缺血时间差异均无统计学意义(P〉0.05),术后免疫抑制剂应用方案相同。应用髂外动脉端侧吻合66例,髂内动脉端端吻合69例。随访3个月,比较2组患者肾脏功能、彩色多普勒肾脏血流参数和血管并发症发生率。结果 髂内动脉、髂外动脉组2组患者术后3个月时肾功能监测指标(Cr:118.41 vs123.68μmol/L),移植肾主肾动脉、段动脉、大叶间动脉血流及阻力指数差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论 肾移植动脉重建选择髂内外动脉对移植肾功能及血液流变学无明显影响,动脉选择应根据患者具体情况决定。  相似文献   

糖尿病性肾病合并髂动脉严重硬化患者的肾移植手术处理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨糖尿病肾病合并髂动脉严重硬化患的肾移植手术技巧。方法 15例糖尿病肾病合并髂动脉严重硬化的肾移植患,8例次清除髂内动脉内膜硬化斑块后,由钛轮钉端端吻合动脉;10例次剥离髂总或髂外动脉硬化内膜,与肾动脉端侧吻合。结果 术后心跳骤停死亡1例;1例病人连续3次发生移植肾血流灌注不足导致的移植肾原发性无功能,第4次肾移植肾功能良好;其余13例病人首次移植术后肾功能良好。结论 严重动脉硬化患的动脉吻合困难,为保证移植肾有足够的血流灌注,应根据病人的不同情况选择吻合血管,并行硬化内膜切除术。  相似文献   

目的:评价男性肾移植受者手术前后的勃起功能状况及不同动脉吻合方式对勃起功能的影响。方法:选取22~60岁、移植后存活1年以上、血清肌酐9个月内维持在200μmol/L以下的已婚男性肾移植受者55例,其中采用供肾动脉与髂内动脉端端吻合的39例,供肾动脉与髂外动脉端侧吻合的16例。运用IIEF-5对患者移植前及移植后3、6、9个月的勃起功能进行调查,并评价移植所采用的动脉吻合方式对其影响。其中25例分别在移植前和移植后1个月检测其垂体性激素的变化。结果:肾移植术后3、6、9个月患者的IIEF-5评分与术前比较,差异有显著性(P<0.05);IIEF-5评分肾移植术后6个月、9个月患者与术后3个月比较,差异有显著性(P<0.05);术前血液透析时间在12个月以内的患者IIEF-5评分高于血液透析时间在12个月以上的患者(P<0.05);移植后9个月髂外动脉端侧吻合者的勃起功能好于髂内动脉端端吻合者,差异具有显著性(P<0.05);移植术后1个月患者的垂体激素水平与移植前差异有显著性(P<0.05)。结论:肾移植后,患者的勃起功能及垂体激素水平得到了改善,而采用髂外动脉与供肾动脉吻合的患者勃起功能恢复要好于采用髂内动脉与供肾动脉吻合的患者。  相似文献   

目的探究通过人工血管置换术治疗肾移植术中髂外动脉夹层的临床效果。方法选取2015年1月至2021年5月西安交通大学第一附属医院肾移植科应用人工血管置换术治疗肾移植术中髂外动脉夹层4例, 男性3例, 女性1例, 年龄28~55岁。4例肾移植受者均为术中突发髂外动脉夹层, 拆除血管缝合线发现动脉内膜剥脱堵塞髂外动脉3例, 堵塞移植肾动脉1例, 使用膨体聚四氟乙烯(ePTFE)制成的人工血管, 行髂外动脉的人工血管置换术。4例受者移植肾行二次灌注, 改与髂内动脉吻合。结果 1例受者术后1周肾功血肌酐恢复正常, 2例发生移植肾功能延迟恢复, 1例发生移植肾功能延迟合并急性排斥反应, 给予血液透析治疗, 术后2~3周血肌酐恢复正常。随访时间0.5~5.0年, 移植肾功能稳定, 术侧下肢血供及皮温正常, 活动有力自如。结论肾移植术中髂外动脉血管夹层发生率不高, 但病情进展迅速且凶险, 如不及时处理后果严重, 通过人工血管置换术治疗肾移植术中髂外动脉夹层可取得比较满意的临床效果。  相似文献   

目的探讨。肾动脉多支畸形的供。肾在体外血管重建中的方式及其在肾移植中的应用。方法对5例肾动脉多支畸形供肾的修整采取截取受者同侧髂内动脉的方法,依据供肾动脉的分支数而保留髂内动脉的分支数;在体外将供肾动脉各分支与髂内动脉大分支的开口进行端端吻合,然后将髂内动脉主干与受者髂外动脉行端侧吻合。将肾动脉重建后的供肾应用于双侧肾动脉瘤患者的自体肾移植术1例、亲属活体供肾肾移植术3例和尸体肾移植术1例。结果术后5例受者均未发生外科并发症。1例术后发生短暂的急性。肾小管坏死,但48h后进人多尿期,肾功能恢复顺利。术后随访10-36个月,受者移植。肾功能全部正常,肾动脉及分支未发生血栓或闭塞。结论采用受者的髂内动脉体外重建供。肾动脉的方法,可有效修复肾动脉3支以上以及。肾动脉过短的供肾,是一种安全可行的血管重建的方法,血管并发症较低,可有效应用于肾移植。  相似文献   

移植肾动脉瘤五例报告   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 探讨移植肾动脉瘤(RAA)的病因、诊断及治疗. 方法 1998年8月至2004年12月共行同种异体肾移植手术1251例,发生RAA 5例(0.4%).5例均为男性,平均年龄43岁,移植肾血管吻合方式均为移植肾动脉一髂内动脉端端吻合.患者主要临床表现为进行性肾功能减退,突发少尿或无尿,顽固性高血压及肾区疼痛,均经彩色多普勒超声、数字减影血管造影检查确诊为动脉瘤,动脉瘤大小1.8 cm×2.0 cm×2.0 cm~4.0 cm×4.0 cm×5.0 cm. 结果 移植肾动脉吻合口动脉瘤2例,1例发现动脉瘤后1个月内移植肾功能丧失,行移植肾切除术,术后规律透析治疗,随访1年后行二次肾移植;1例移植肾失功后1周内行对侧髂窝二次肾移植手术,保留原移植肾,术后随访2年肾功能正常.RAA合并近端移植肾动脉狭窄2例,1例行吻合口球囊扩张并放置支架后,以弹簧螺圈栓塞动脉瘤,术后随访1年肾功能稳定;1例行移植肾切除、二次.肾移植术,术后随访3年肾功能正常.吻合口髂内动脉侧粥样硬化斑块导致髂内动脉狭窄、移植肾动脉侧动脉瘤1例,行移植肾切除术,术后2 d因脑干栓塞死亡. 结论 移植肾动脉-髂内动脉端端吻合易诱发血管并发症,RAA治疗应谨慎采用开放手术切除,可选择近期行二次肾移植和血管内介入治疗.  相似文献   

糖尿病髂动脉硬化患者肾移植术51例报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨糖尿病髂动脉硬化患者的肾移植手术特点。方法51例糖尿病合并髂动脉硬化的肾移植受者共行肾移植术54例次。其中肾动脉与髂外动脉直接端侧吻合13例次;切除硬化内膜,肾动脉与髂总/髂外动脉端侧吻合19例次;切除硬化内膜,肾动脉与髂内动脉钛环钉法端端吻合22例次。结果发生移植肾血流灌注不足致移植肾原发性无功能3例次,发生移植肾功能延迟恢复9例次(17.6%),其余42例次移植肾功能恢复良好。围手术期死亡2例(均为心跳骤停)。随访11—70个月,1年人/肾存活率为89.8%/87.8%,3年存活率为84.4%/81.3%。结论糖尿病髂动脉硬化患者移植肾动脉吻合困难,为保证移植肾有充足的血流灌注,应根据患者的不同情况选择吻合血管,并行硬化动脉内膜切除术。合并冠心病的患者肾移植术前应先行心肌再血管化手术。  相似文献   

肾移植术中采用供肾动脉与髂外动脉吻合的体会   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对27例髂内动脉有严重动脉粥样硬化的肾移植受者实施供肾动脉与受者髂外动脉端侧吻合术,术后除有3例患者因环孢素用量过大使移植肾功能恢复略延迟外,其它24例患者均于术后4天内肾功能恢复正常,且无一例外科并发症。认为该术式可作为髂内动脉情况异常的一种弥补方法,但不宜作为常规术式。  相似文献   

Massive hemorrhage from infected anastomosed site between the graft artery and the external iliac artery is one of the most serious complications of renal transplantation. Clinically, it is a rare but fatal occasion. We reported here one case of hemorrhage with infection in the iliac artery anastomosed site treated successfully with hypogastric artery autograft interposition in March 2003.  相似文献   

A kidney with triple renal arteries was removed from an HLA identical donor and transplanted to her brother using the donor hypogastric artery as an autogenous graft. The kidney was preserved by hypothermic, hyperkalemic, hyperosmolar washout solution while the three separate renal artery-hypogastric artery autograft anastomoses were being performed in an ex vivo position. Subsequently, the end to side autogenous hypogastric artery patch graft to external iliac artery anastomosis was completed. Prompt renal function occurred and after 18 months the serum creatinine level remained unchanged.  相似文献   

Mycotic aneurysm after kidney transplantation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
PURPOSE: The study aim was to report six cases of mycotic aneurysms in renal transplant patients and to review the literature on this subject. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Six patients, aged from 13 to 59 years, who had undergone renal transplantation 4 months to 16 years earlier, developed a mycotic aneurysm after bacteremia. The diagnosis was based on morphological investigations (echotomography, arteriography, spiral computed tomography) and bacteriological studies (blood culture, culture of the aneurysmal wall and content). The aneurysm was located in five cases at the anastomosis of the renal artery with the iliac axis, and in one case on the popliteal artery and tibioperoneal trunk. All patients were treated surgically: five reconstructions were performed using two arterial iliac prostheses, three hypogastric artery autografts and one saphenous vein graft (combined with an iliac prosthesis); one repair was impossible because of profuse local suppuration, and endoaneurysmorraphy with multiple ligatures of the popliteal vessels was performed. Postoperative radiological control was performed in all cases of arterial repair. All patients received antibiotic therapy during three to six months after the operation. RESULTS: No postoperative mortality occurred. All kidney transplants were salvaged. Anatomical results of arterial reconstructions were satisfactory in all cases and remained so during the follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Mycotic aneurysms after renal transplantation are rare since only six observations with a kidney transplant in place have been published in the literature with a single long-lasting kidney salvage. Surgical treatment is mandatory to prevent rupture. Survival of patients occurred exclusively in operated cases.  相似文献   

Dissection of the external iliac artery is a rare but serious complication after transplantation, leading to graft loss. Stent angioplasty has been accepted for iliac artery dissection, but the safety and benefits of this procedure in transplantation are unclear. We report a case of right external iliac artery dissection with simultaneous kidney and pancreas transplantation, which was noticed during the operation. A self-expandable metallic stent was inserted from the right femoral artery to the dissected area and arterial blood flow was immediately restored. The postoperative clinical course was uneventful and soon after transplantation both the kidney and pancreas graft functioned well. Together with a previously reported six cases of stent replacement with transplantation and our case, no complication related to this procedure was reported, and in six cases the arterial flow was restored and graft function was improved. Endovascular stent replacement may be a safe and effective procedure for iliac artery dissection in transplantation.  相似文献   

目的 对肝、肾联合移植的临床情况进行总结。方法 为12例肝、肾功能异常患者施行肝、肾联合移植,采用多器官联合切取术整块切取供者器官。8例行经典式肝移植,4例行背驮式肝移植,均未行体外静脉转流;肾移植为常规术式。术前进行抗CD25单克隆抗体和抗胸腺细胞球蛋白诱导治疗,术后应用他克莫司(FK506)、霉酚酸酯及泼尼松预防排斥反应。结果 12例手术均获成功,移植肝及肾功能恢复良好。术后的并发症有移植肝急性排斥反应、FK506中毒、消化道出血、腹腔出血、肺部感染、腹腔感染(各1例次),所有患者均未发生移植肾急性排斥反应。结论 肝、肾联合移植是治疗终末期肝病合并肾功能衰竭的理想选择。  相似文献   

We present a novel total laparoscopic technique to treat patients with iliac and aorto iliac aneurysms. The laparoscopic procedure does not require clamping of the iliac arteries because of a hybrid approach. REPORT: Laparoscopic exposure of the aorta is performed using transperitoneal left retrorenal access. A transfemorally placed balloon catheter blocks the external iliac artery. Two haemostatic sheaths are inserted directly through the skin into the abdominal cavity. Balloons are passed through these sheaths to block the common iliac artery and the hypogastric artery, allowing bypass grafting to be performed with appropriate haemostatic control. DISCUSSION: The technique described preserves inflow into the hypogastric arteries . This is accomplished by a combination of laparoscopic and endovascular techniques reducing the problems that can be caused by clamping diseased arteries.  相似文献   

Repair of vascular defects in the presence of infection remains a challenging task in immunocompromised patients. We report two patients with postrenal transplant Aspergillus mycotic aneurysms of the allograft renal artery involving the external iliac artery which were excised along with the allograft. The defect in the external iliac artery was repaired successfully with interposition of autogenous internal iliac artery graft. Use of an internal iliac artery graft in such settings has been rarely reported in English literature. Autogenous internal iliac artery grafts provide a useful method to bridge the vascular defects created by radical debridement in the presence of fungal infections.  相似文献   

Four cases of simultaneous reconstruction of the external iliac artery with PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) during kidney transplantation are described. The procedure facilitated renal artery anastomosis in these cases where direct anastomosis to the external artery was deemed precarious because of marked atherosclerosis. All the kidneys functioned immediately, and there were no infectious or other complications encountered relative to PTFE placement. It is suggested that simultaneous iliac artery reconstruction with PTFE be considered when the renal artery anastomosis is complicated by severe iliac atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Outcome of pancreas transplantation (PTX) has improved because of use of novel immunosuppression and advances in surgical technique. It is not uncommon for severe atherosclerosis in patients with type 1 insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus or the presence of a previously transplanted organ to limit the options for vascular anastomosis. Herein we report the novel application of donor iliac arterial interposition grafts for arterial reconstruction in patients with severe iliac artery arteriosclerosis, and/or previous transplant who develop an arterial injury or stenosis during surgery. METHODS: In five patients undergoing PTX, the external iliac artery was severely atherosclerotic and/or occupied by a previous vascular anastomosis. In four of the five patients, an arterial intimal dissection became apparent. The external iliac artery was excised and reconstructed with donor iliac artery interposition graft (end-to-end anastomosis). Pancreas or kidney was engrafted onto this arterial interposition graft (end-to-side anastomosis). RESULTS: There was no operative morbidity related to this surgical approach. All grafts functioned well after transplantation. Distal lower extremities have no evidence of vascular insufficiency with mean follow-up of 26 months (7-45 months). CONCLUSION: This surgical technique is an acceptable option during PTX for the patient with severe iliac artery arteriosclerosis with intraoperative intimal dissection or stenosis, or perhaps those with challenging arterial access.  相似文献   

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