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目的 分析本地老年期痴呆患病情况。方法 采用简易智力状态检查量表(MMSE)作为调查筛选工具,对本社区55岁以上人群进行老年痴呆患病率的调查。结果 AD和VD的患病率分别为2.31%和4.87%,痴呆总 患病率为3.67%。痴呆总患病率与国内报道相近,但VD患病率高于AD。本组男女二性患病率无显著性差异。结论 高龄、文化程度低可能是AD和VD的共同易患因素和重要危险因素。  相似文献   

南京地区老年期痴呆流行病学调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:了解南京地区老年期痴呆的流行病学情况。方法:采用三阶段调查方法,对南京地区4个居委会和1个乡,共计3268名60岁以上老年人进行老年期痴呆的流行病学调查。结果:老年期痴呆的患病率为1.47%,Alzheimer病(AD)为0.95%。脑血管性痴呆(VD)为0.49%,其他痴呆为0.03%。结论:老年期痴呆已成为危害老年人健康的重要疾病之一,而且对社会和家庭的影响非常大,应引起高度重视。  相似文献   

北京市城乡痴呆及其主要亚型的患病率   总被引:71,自引:5,他引:66  
目的:研究北京市城乡居民老年期痴呆及其主要型的患病率和流行特征。方法:通过分层多级整群抽样,以北京市12个城市居委会和17个村委会全部5913名55岁和以上的居民为样本,分期入户检查,实查5743名,受访率96.1%,第一期于1997年应用简易智能状态检查(MMSE)进行筛查。第二期对筛查阳性和部分阴性者进行成套的诊断性检查,按国际标准诊断痴呆、可能或很可能的阿尔茨默痴呆(AD)和血管性痴呆(VaD)。第三期始于1998年,随访进入第二期调查的全部对象,进一步评估诊断。结果:痴呆患者病率及年龄标化患病率55岁及以上者分别为4.6%和4.2%,AD两率分别为2.2%和2.0%,VaD则分别为1.6%和1.5%。AD比VaD发病年龄晚,病程长,病死率低,AD和VaD的年龄别患病率均随年龄而升高,AD每5岁增高约1倍,VaD则缓慢上升。AD年龄标化患病率55岁及上女性高于男性,分别为1.7%和2.1%;VaD则男性高于女性,分别为1.7%和1.3%。AD年龄标化患病率的城乡差异不明显(1.8%:2.2%),VaD农村高于城市(2.2%;1.0%)。无论AD或VaD,与受教育程度的关系均未显示规律性变化。结论:本次调查的北京市城乡居民老年期痴呆及主要亚型的患病率高于既往调查的估计,AD的临床和流行特征不同于VaD,类似于西方白人,揭示AD的跨文化差异可能不大。  相似文献   

农村老年期痴呆和Alzheimer病流行病学调查报告   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
目的:了解农村老年期痴呆和Alzheimer流行病学情况。方法;采用两阶段调查法对四川省新津县农村三个乡,共60个自然村5987名65岁以上老人进行老年期痴呆及Alzheimer病流行学调查。结果;发现老年期痴呆患病率为1.74%,Alzheimer病(AD)的患病率为1.4%,血管性痴呆为0.18%,混合性痴呆0.05%,其他痴呆0.07%。痴呆患病率以女性为高,并随年龄的增长而急剧升高,不同文  相似文献   

目的针对北京市门头沟区1756名60岁以上老年人老年期痴呆患病率及不同类型痴呆患病率进行调查。方法2007年5-9月,运用多阶段、分层、整群随机抽样的方法,抽取居住地位于北京市门头沟区、具有北京市户籍且年龄≥60周岁,签知情同意书自愿参与调查的老人1756人,由经过培训的调查员逐户访问,完成调查问卷及简易痴呆筛查量表(MMSE),对阳性病例460人及5%阴性病例62人由精神科医师按照国际疾病分类第十版(ICD-10)中痴呆的诊断标准做出痴呆的临床诊断。结果门头沟区老年期痴呆7.16%的患病率中,阿尔茨海默病与脑血管性痴呆总患病率比较无明显差别;男性阿尔茨海默病患病率低于女性,而脑血管性痴呆患病率高于女性;城镇阿尔茨海默病患病率及脑血管性痴呆患病率均高于农村;年龄越大越容易患老年期痴呆,文化程度越低越容易患老年期痴呆。结论高龄、低教育水平是老年期痴呆的高发人群,全科医师或社区护士可有计划的进行调查,掌握情况,早期预防,及时发现,积极治疗。  相似文献   

青浦农村老年期痴呆患病率的随访研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 了解农村老年期痴呆患病率及相关因素,并对调查方法的可重复性进行验证。方法 1998年8月在上海市青浦农村老年期痴呆监控基地,对60岁以上老年人,运用简易精神状态量表(MMSE)作筛选,根据DSM-Ⅲ-R痴呆诊断标准,参照局部缺血量表(HIS)进行诊断和分型。1999年8月、2000年8月采用同样方法复查。结果1998、1999、2000年老年期痴呆的患病率分别为1.13%、1.19%、1.43%,三年中患病率相对稳定,在女性、高龄、低文化程度者中,老年期痴呆的患病率较高。结论 农村老年期痴呆患病率相对稳定,表明本次调查方法经得起重复验证,痴呆患病率与性别、年龄、文化程度密切相关。  相似文献   

目的了解老年期痴呆和阿尔茨海默病(AD)患病率在不同时间的变化。方法分别于1997年6月至1998年4月(第1次)和2000年11月至2001年3月(第2次),在成都地区用多层分级整群抽样方法,对调查时年龄≥55岁的社区人口进行痴呆患病率调查,两次调查的程序和使用工具相同。采用美国精神障碍诊断与统计手册第3版修订本的标准诊断痴呆。结果第1次调查实查5353人,失访202人,漏查率3.64%;诊断痴呆患者143例。第2次调查实查3908人,失访407人,漏查率9.43%;诊断痴呆患者107例。第1次与第2次调查现场诊断不一致的患者6例,均为轻度痴呆。第1次调查的痴呆、AD和血管性痴呆(VD)患病率分别为2.67%、2.04%和0.39%,第2次调查为2.74%、2.00%和0.46%,差异均无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论≥55岁的人口中,痴呆、AD和VD患病率在一定时期内保持稳定。对界于轻微认知功能损害与轻度痴呆之间的患者诊断较为困难,随访对明确诊断是必要的。  相似文献   

社区老年期痴呆的发病率及相关因素研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 了解社区老年期痴呆的发病率及相关因素。方法 以1992年上海县8个乡(镇)老年期痴呆患病率调查时的1515例样本对象(按整群分层随机抽样方法抽出的实访样本数),4.5年后进行老年性痴呆的发病率调查,并对初筛中MMSE分值较低者226人作载脂蛋白E基因分型。结果在55岁以上老年人群中,痴呆的年发病率为0.53%,其中AD的年发病率为0.34%,VD(血管性痴呆)为0.15%,其它痴呆为0.04  相似文献   

西安地区老年人帕金森病患病率调查   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:了解西安地区55岁以上老年人帕金森病(PD)的流行状况,方法:E要用多级分层随机整群抽样方法,于1997-09-1998-12在西安地区调查了4850名55岁以上的老年人。结果:发现PD38例,55岁以上老年人的患病率为783.5/10万。男女患病率分别为1029.4/10万、605.0/10万,男女患病率之比为1.70:1,统计学处理差异无显著性(P=0.098);但同一年龄组,患病率男性均高于女性;随年龄的增大,PD患病率随之升高,但女性在85岁以上未发现PD患者;城市与农村PD的患病率分别为634.5/10万,980.0/10万,两者之间差异无显著性(P>0.05);随文化程度升高,男性PD患病率随之降低,结论:西安地区帕金森病的患病率处于较高水平,患病率随年龄增大而升高,PD患者男性略高于女性,女性85岁以上患病率低有待于进一步研究,文化程度对男性PD患病率可能有一定影响,职业对PD患病率影响不大。  相似文献   

广州市城乡65岁及其以上人群痴呆患病率调查   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
目的调查广州市城乡≥65岁人群痴呆的患病率。方法采用分层随机整群抽样方法对广州市城乡人群进行抽样,用筛查和确诊两阶段法进行调查,实查14个居委会、2个村委会中≥65岁人群共3780人。按美国精神障碍诊断与统计手册第4版的标准诊断痴呆,阿尔茨海默病(AD)诊断采用美国神经病学、语言障碍和卒中研究所及阿尔茨海默病与相关障碍协会的标准。结果(1)查出痴呆患者182例,粗患病率为4.81%;其中AD128例(3.39%),血管性痴呆(VD)44例(1.16%);经2000年广州市人口年龄构成进行标化,痴呆、AD和VD患病率分别为4.54%、3.17%和1.11%。(2)女性痴呆患者134例,粗患病率(5.98%)高于男性(48例,3.12%;P〈0.001),经年龄标化患病率分别为6.03%和2.74%。(3)痴呆患病率随年龄增长急剧上升。结论广州地区年龄≥65岁老人的痴呆患病率为4.81%,AD患病率高于VD。老年期痴呆患病率随年龄的增长而急剧升高。  相似文献   

《Movement disorders》2005,20(10):1255-1263
Substantial variation in the prevalence of dementia in Parkinson's disease (PDD) has been reported. The aim of this study was to review systematically and critically previous studies of the prevalence of PDD using PubMed to search the literature. Studies focusing on PD and PDD, as well as those examining on the epidemiology of dementia subtypes, were included. Predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria were used and the quality of the studies included was rated. Articles were included if: (1) the proportion of PDD among patients with either PD or dementia was reported in an original study; (2) patients had been subjected to prospective clinical examination; and (3) strategies to include all subjects with either PD or dementia within the community or hospital clinics within a geographical area were employed. Twelve studies of the prevalence of PD or PDD (1,767 patients included) and 24 prevalence studies of dementia subtypes (4,711 patients included) met the inclusion criteria. In the PD/PDD studies, the proportion (mean and 95% confidence interval) with PDD in PD was 24.5% (17.4–31.5). There were significant methodological variations between studies and in the four studies that matched the quality criteria most closely, the rate of PDD was 31.1% (20.1–42.1). The prevalence of PDD was estimated as 0.5% in subjects 65 years or older. The percentage of PDD among those with dementia was 3.6% (3.1–4.1), with an estimated prevalence of PDD of 0.2% in subjects aged 65 years or older. Despite methodological variation, this systematic review suggests that 24 to 31% of PD patients have dementia, and that 3 to 4% of the dementia in the population would be due to PDD. The estimated prevalence of PDD in the general population aged 65 years and over is 0.2 to 0.5%. © 2005 Movement Disorder Society  相似文献   

Wang W  Wu S  Cheng X  Dai H  Ross K  Du X  Yin W 《Neuroepidemiology》2000,19(4):194-200
A door-to-door two-phase study was used to investigate the prevalence of senile dementia in an urban community of Beijing. In the study population, 5,003 individuals aged 60 years and older (>/=65 years, n = 3,728) were screened at home with the Chinese version of the MMSE. Persons who screened positive for dementia, using different cutoff scores based on degree of literacy, were further evaluated using the criteria of DSM-III-R and ICD-10. Among subjects who screened positive in phase I, 134 were diagnosed as having dementia in phase II. The prevalence ratios of dementia were 2.68% in the population aged 60 years and older, and 3.49% in the population aged 65 years and older. The prevalence rates among those aged 65 years and older were 1.85% for Alzheimer's disease, 1.37% for vascular dementia and 0.27% for other dementia (including mixed dementia). The prevalence of all dementia and AD increased steeply with advancing age and was consistently higher in women, but it was not obviously higher for VaD in women. Alzheimer's disease was the commonest type of dementia. Our prevalence figures for dementia and AD are similar to those previously reported for China.  相似文献   

Fatigue in patients with Parkinson's disease.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
OBJECTIVE: To compare the prevalence of fatigue in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) with that in healthy elderly people and to explore the suggestion that fatigue is an independent symptom of PD. DESIGN: Questionnaire survey. SETTING: Community-based population. PATIENTS AND CONTROL SUBJECTS: 233 patients derived from a prevalence study in the county of Rogaland, Norway and 100 healthy elderly people with the same age and sex distribution as the patients with PD. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: A score for fatigue was obtained by combining the results from the rating scale for low energy in the Nottingham Health Profile (NHP) with the results obtained from a 7-point scale devised to evaluate fatigue. RESULTS: 44.2% of the patients with PD and 18% of the healthy elderly control subjects reported fatigue. Fatigue was associated with depression, dementia, disease severity, disease duration, levodopa dose, and the use of sleeping pills. In a multivariate analysis, only depressive symptoms reached statistical significance. The prevalence of fatigue in patients with PD who were not depressed, demented, or had a sleeping disturbance was similar to that found in the total PD population. CONCLUSION: Fatigue is a common symptom in PD. Although fatigue correlated with depressive symptoms, patients with PD who did not have depression, dementia, or sleep disturbances also reported a high prevalence of this symptom. This supports the hypothesis that fatigue is an independent symptom of PD overlapping with, but not causally related to, the concurrence of depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The prevalence of dementia in Sri Lanka, which has a rapidly ageing population, is unknown. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to determine the prevalence of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and other dementias in a semi-urban elderly Sinhala-speaking population in Ragama, Sri Lanka. METHODS: The study was conducted in two phases. Phase I: After informed consent 703 subjects aged > or =65 years from the study area (population 15 828) were screened for cognitive impairment using the Sinhalese Mini Mental State Examination. Subjects scoring < or =17 were regarded as suspected dementia cases. Phase II: All subjects who screened positive in phase I were included in phase II for detailed evaluation for dementia according DSM IV and NINCDS-ADRDA criteria which included structured neuropsychiatric assessment, laboratory investigations, an axial CT scan of the brain and an informant interview. RESULTS: In the study sample, 61% were female and 86% were between 65-75 years. 42 subjects screened positive in phase I. Of these, 28 subjects were diagnosed as having dementia, giving an overall prevalence rate of 3.98% (95% Confidence Intervals (CI) =2.6-5.7%). Of these, 20 (71.4%) had probable AD, four had vascular dementia (14.3%), two had mixed (vascular and AD) dementia (7.1%), one had Lewy body dementia, and one had dementia due to syphilis. Greater age, illiteracy and female gender were associated with higher prevalence of dementia. CONCLUSION: Comparison with other community studies performed in North India suggests that dementia prevalence is higher in Sri Lanka. This may be due to regional differences in disease incidence.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Few longitudinal studies of dementia in Parkinson disease (PD) have been reported, and the proportion of patients with PD who eventually develop dementia is unknown. OBJECTIVE: To examine the 8-year prevalence, characteristics, and risk factors of dementia in patients with PD. METHODS: Patients were recruited from an epidemiological study of PD in the county of Rogaland, Norway, using explicit criteria for PD. Subjects with cognitive impairment at disease onset were excluded. A semistructured caregiver-based interview, cognitive rating scales, and neuropsychological tests were used to diagnose dementia according to criteria from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Revised Third Edition at baseline and 4 and 8 years later. A population-based sample of 3295 subjects in the municipality of Odense, Denmark, was used as a comparison group and examined at baseline and after 2 and 5 years. RESULTS: We included 224 patients with PD (116 women). At baseline, 51 patients (26%) had dementia. Fifty-five patients died, and 10 refused follow-up without their dementia status known. Forty-three and 28 new cases of dementia were identified at the 4- and 8-year evaluations, respectively. The 4-year prevalence of dementia in PD was nearly 3 times higher than in the non-PD group. The 8-year prevalence in PD was 78.2% (95% confidence interval [CI], 71.1-84.0). Risk factors for dementia were hallucinations before baseline (odds ratio [OR] = 3.1; 95% CI, 1.6-6.2) and akinetic-dominant or mixed tremor/akinetic PD (OR = 3.3; 95% CI, 1.2-8.5). CONCLUSIONS: More than three quarters of this representative PD cohort developed dementia during the 8-year study period. Early hallucinations and akinetic-dominant PD were associated with an increased risk of dementia.  相似文献   

目的:探讨农村老年痴呆患者精神行为症状(BPSD)的特点及其相关因素。方法:应用阿尔茨海默病病理行为评分量表对77例上海青浦区农村地区老年痴呆患者的病理性行为进行评定,并分析其相关因素。结果:老年痴呆患者BPSD发生率为89.6%,其中以行为紊乱、攻击性行为、日夜节律紊乱和偏执与妄想多见。BPSD与性别、年龄、文化程度和病程无相关,轻、中度痴呆患者偏执和妄想症状较重度明显,阿尔茨海默病和血管性痴呆BPSD相似。结论:农村老年痴呆患者BPSD发生率较高。  相似文献   

Epidemiological investigation of senile dementia was performed in 1987 and 1988 on all the aged at home (3,754 persons at the ages of 65 years or more) in Miki-cho (M-cho), Kagawa Prefecture. The composition of the population in M-cho is similar to that in Kagawa Prefecture. M-cho has the most population among the towns or villages in Kagawa Prefecture. Urban areas, rural areas, and middle areas are distributed evenly in respect to the size in M-cho. Thus, it was possible to carry out the investigation reflecting the situation in Kagawa Prefecture. The results of the present investigation were as follows. 1) The prevalence rate was 4.1% in both the first year (1987) and the second year (1988). 2) The incidence rate was 1.01%. 3) The proportion of Alzheimer type dementia to cerebrovascular type dementia was 0.98 in the first year and 1.00 in the second year. 4) Although no statistically significant difference in the prevalence rate was noted between males and females, the prevalence rate of males was higher than that of females in the first half of senility, and the prevalence rate of females was higher than that of males in the second half of senility. 5) Although no statistically significant difference in the prevalence rate was noted between Alzheimer type dementia and cerebrovascular type dementia, the prevalence rate of cerebrovascular type was higher than that of Alzheimer type in the first half of senility, and the prevalence rate of Alzheimer type was higher than that of cerebrovascular type in the second half of senility. The epidemiological investigations of senile dementia have been often reported in all over the world. However, most of the investigations were made on nothing but the calculation of the prevalence rate of senile dementia, while the investigation of the incidence rate was hardly carried out. In respect to the incidence rate, it is desirable that the subjects should be more than 1,000 in number. When the number of subjects is less than 1,000, the occurrence of senile dementia will be noted yearly in approximately 10 cases. If the number of patients with senile dementia increases or decreases even by one, therefore, the incidence rate differs to a great extent. The past reports on the incidence rate were made in subjects of less than 1,000 in number. Accordingly, it may be possible to say that the present investigation was made by the exact methods accompanied by less errors.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The prevalence of Parkinson's disease (PD) and other types of parkinsonism in three elderly populations of central Spain was investigated using a door-to-door, two-phase approach. This design called for the administration of a brief questionnaire to subjects 65 years of age or older taken from the census of one urban municipality of Greater Madrid (Margaritas, Getafe), one rural site (Arévalo County, Avila), and one urban district of Madrid (Lista) in Spain (N = 5,278). Study neurologists extensively investigated those subjects who screened positively. The diagnoses, based on specified criteria, were reviewed to increase reliability across neurologists. We found 118 subjects with parkinsonism: 81 affected by PD (68.6%), 26 drug-induced parkinsonism (22.0%), 6 parkinsonism in dementia (5.1%), 3 vascular parkinsonism (2.5%), and 2 unspecified parkinsonism (1.7%). The prevalence was 2.2% (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.8-2.6) for all types of parkinsonism and 1.5% (95% CI, 1.2-1.8) for PD. The prevalence estimates of parkinsonism and PD increased with age, declining at 85 years and over. Age prevalence ratios were higher for men. Twenty-three subjects (28.4%) of the subjects with PD were detected through the screening and had not been diagnosed previously. Overall prevalence estimates of PD and other types of parkinsonism in central Spain rank at levels similar to those recently reported for other European and non-European elderly populations. Despite improvement in access to health services, an important proportion of PD patients may never seek neurological attention.  相似文献   

The prevalence of dementia in Parkinson's disease (PD) was analyzed in eight reports from peer-reviewed journals. Each report examined at least 100 patients, the period covered being 1966 to 1996. Among 1907 patients, 513,27%, were demented. The prevalence of dementia was similar in prospective and retrospective reports, and in clinic- and community-based reports. Demented patients were older than non-demented patients: 70.3 yr versus 64.3 yr. Disease duration was similar in demented and non-demented patients: 7.7 yr versus 7.9 yr. The incidence of dementia in PD was calculated from two prospective community-based reports and one retrospective clinic-based report. For the age range 55 to 64 yr, the incidence is 2.7 patients per 100 patients per year (2.7% per year). For the age range 70 to 79 yr, the incidence increased to 13.7%. For the age range 80 + yr, the incidence is 9.3%. The pathology of PD dementia was analyzed in 15 reports, each report examined at least 10 patients. Among 412 demented patients, 28%, had a pathology characterized primarily by Lewy bodies (Lbs) and 40% of the patients with Lbs (10% of all demented PD patients), had subcortical changes, only 60% of the patients with Lbs (17% of all demented PD patients), had subcortical and cortical Lbs. Among the 412 demented patients, 72%, the pathology consisted of subcortical Lbs and cortical AD changes: plaques and neurofibrillary tangles (nfts). Some of these patients also had cortical Lbs. It is postulated there are two types of PD dementia, and by inference two types of PD. One type, which may include familial PD, is characterized by cortical Lbs. The second, related to AD, or frontotemporal dementia (FTD), is characterized by cortical senile plaques and nfts. As 90% of demented PD patients have cortical changes, it is argued that PD dementia should be referred to as a cortical not a subcortical dementia.  相似文献   

Clinical records and neuropathological specimens from 36 patients with autopsy-demonstrated idiopathic Parkinson disease (PD) were reviewed independently and the results compared. Nine (31%) of the 29 patients with adequate clinical data had severe dementia and 7 (24%) had mild dementia. The cerebral cortex showed senile plaques and fibrillary tangles in 15 of the 36 patients (42%). These changes were found in all 9 patients with severe dementia, in 3 of the 7 with mild dementia, and in 3 of the 13 patients with normal mental status. The prevalence of pathologically established Alzheimer changes and dementia among the patients with PD (33%) was over six times that found in an age-matched population (5.1%). Survival after the onset of PD with Alzheimer disease was shorter than in PD without Alzheimer disease.  相似文献   

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