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The paper described the framework for the hospital to compile its "12th Five-year Plan", including the introduction, status quo analysis, planned objectives, and implementation strategy.The introduction in which needs to pinpoint the strategic objectives of the hospital in five years; the status quo analysis to cover the strengths, weakness, and threats and opportunities faced by the hospital in terms of both internal and external conditions; the planned objectives need to clarify the vision,mission, general goals and targets; and the specific strategies in the end. A scientific and feasible development plan can only be compiled based on conditions of the hospital, scientific rules and framework.  相似文献   

目的借鉴Denison组织文化模型,结合我国公立综合性医院特点,科学测评医院文化.方法 运用我国东、中、西3省/直辖市的87所医院的调查数据,研究设计了医院文化测评量表.结果 医院文化测评量表包括方向性、一致性、参与性、适应性4大文化特性以及社会责任、竞争意识在内的13个文化维度,经检验,量表具有良好的内部信度和效度.结论 医院文化测评量表为医院管理者进行医院文化测评、诊断和改善提供了测评工具.
Objective A scientific evaluation of hospital culture with the Dimension organizational culture model, in view of features of China's general public hospitals.Methods Based on Denison model, according to the characteristics of the public general hospitals in China, the authors developed a tool for organizational culture assessment (TOCA) by using the survey data from 87 hospitals in three provinces from the East, Central, and West areas in China.Results This tool, an evaluation scale, comprises the four cultural characteristics of direction, consistency, participation, and adaptability, as well as 13 cultural dimensions of social responsibility and competitive consciousness. The tool is tested as having good internal reliability and validity.Conclusion The TOCA provides hospital administrators with a tool for hospital culture evaluation, diagnosis and improvement.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the nutritional risks, undernutrition, and nutritional support among inpatients in tertiary hospitals in Tianjin using Nutritional Risk Screening 2002 (NRS2002). Methods Inpatients in six departments in two tertiary hospitals in Tianjin (Tianjin Nankai Hospital and Tianjin Chest Hospital ) were consecutively enrolled from March 2005 to March 2006. Their nutritional risks were screened using NRS 2002, and the nutritional support was investigated. Results A total of 1200 inpatients received nutritional screening, and 93.0% of them underwent NRS 2002 scoring. The prevalence of undernutrition was 9. 8% and the prevalence of nutritional risk was 42. 8%. Of these patients, 241 patients (46.4%) with NRS2002≥3 received nutrition support, and 244 patients (35.9%) with NRS2002 <3 received nutritional support Conclusions NRS2002 is suitable for nutritional risk screening among inpatients. Inpatients usually have nutritional risks or undernutrition. However, physicians at different levels in different regions have different awareness of such risks or conditions, and the clinical application of nutritional supports sometimes are inappropriate.  相似文献   

Parenteral mutrition support (PN)is one of the most important achievements in surgical science and practice of the last 40 years.From 1971,clinical applications of PN have spread from Beijing and Shanghai to Nanking,Tianjin,and to other big cities throughout the country.Over the past decade,clinical and laboratory research activities have also expanded from what once only a few medical colleges to encompass many medical centers.  相似文献   

To explore how to create and optimize a promotion index system of medical quality evaluation, this article focuses on the hospital visiting process from patients, using analyzing collected those index system from couples of Grade Ⅲ hospitals in Beijing, and combining the results of literal study, field study and specialist consult, according to the different situation of general hospitals and specially hospitals, with the spirit of "maintaining the patients benefits, safeguarding the patients safety,and enhancing the medical quality", introduces the framework of the promotion index system, the rules to select the indicator, and so on, and discusses several problerns related to creating the index system.  相似文献   

To explore how to create and optimize a promotion index system of medical quality evaluation, this article focuses on the hospital visiting process from patients, using analyzing collected those index system from couples of Grade Ⅲ hospitals in Beijing, and combining the results of literal study, field study and specialist consult, according to the different situation of general hospitals and specially hospitals, with the spirit of "maintaining the patients benefits, safeguarding the patients safety,and enhancing the medical quality", introduces the framework of the promotion index system, the rules to select the indicator, and so on, and discusses several problerns related to creating the index system.  相似文献   

医院品牌效应的评估指标体系建立及应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Literature review of the world on hospital brands, data collection in summary and comparison, and specialist consultancy were used to set the appraisal indicators, while the stratum analysis was used to calculate the weight coefficients of individual indicators, for building the appraisal indicators system for hospital brand effect. In addition, the indicators system and appraisal model were called into play to explore the use of hospital brands, offering scientific references for hospital management.  相似文献   

目的 明确现行医疗质量评价指标体系的缺陷问题.方法 以现行医疗质量评价指标体系主要包括中国医院协会(CHA)<医院管理与质量评价标准>(2007年)和卫生部<医院管理评价指南>(2005年)为主要研究对象.以北京市卫生局<北京地区医院管理考核评价标准实施细则>(2007年)、JCI<国际医院评审标准>(第2版)(2003年)和<台湾地区新制医院评鉴标准>(2005年、2006年)作为对照.应用文献分析法研究分析.结果 主要缺陷包括指标可操作性不强,病人诊疗过程角度的评价指标不足.结论 围绕病人就诊过程梳理指标,立足国情,增加病人诊疗过程指标比例,量化并突出指标的可操作性,及时总结逐步优化.
Objective To identify shortcomings in the current evaluation index system of medical quality. Methods The documentary analysis focused on the existing index system comprises the Hospital Management and Quality Evaluation Standards (2007) by China Hospital Association, Hospital Management Evaluation Guidelines (2005) by the Ministry of Health, and Implementation Rules of Hospital Management Evaluation Standards for Beijing (2007). JCI Accreditation Standards for Hospitals (edition 2) (2003), and New Hospital Accreditation Standards for Taiwan (2005, 2006) were referred to in the study. Results The shortcomings found include the weak operability of indexes, and the deficiency of evaluation indexes from the point of hospital visiting process by patients. Conclusion In view of the hospital visiting process of patients, add more indexes for patients' hospital visiting process,and quantize and highlight the operability of indexes, with summary and optimization of experiences in time by steps.  相似文献   

Objective To probe into the HR development of healthcare professionals in poor rural areas. Methods 51 county-level healthcare institutions from 13 counties in six provinces were sampled to study the turnover from 2002 to 2006. Results The number of healthcare professionals per 1 000 population in the poor counties investigated was in average lower than that of counties in the same province; the inflow of personnel was higher than that of outflow. Of the inflow, 43. 50% were fresh university graduates, and 40. 58% were transferred from other organizations, 95.83% have degrees of technical secondary schools and above, and 87. 17% were healthcare professionals. 70. 44% of the outflow were retirees, and 22. 33% were transferred outside; 28. 00% have only senior high school degrees or below, 69. 74% were healthcare professionals. Conclusions The quality of healthcare personnel has been improved to some extent; but the risk of brain drain remains a challenge. An appropriate mechanism of personnel turnover should be built, and graduates from medical schools should be directed to reinforce healthcare teams in poor areas.  相似文献   

Objective To probe into the HR development of healthcare professionals in poor rural areas. Methods 51 county-level healthcare institutions from 13 counties in six provinces were sampled to study the turnover from 2002 to 2006. Results The number of healthcare professionals per 1 000 population in the poor counties investigated was in average lower than that of counties in the same province; the inflow of personnel was higher than that of outflow. Of the inflow, 43. 50% were fresh university graduates, and 40. 58% were transferred from other organizations, 95.83% have degrees of technical secondary schools and above, and 87. 17% were healthcare professionals. 70. 44% of the outflow were retirees, and 22. 33% were transferred outside; 28. 00% have only senior high school degrees or below, 69. 74% were healthcare professionals. Conclusions The quality of healthcare personnel has been improved to some extent; but the risk of brain drain remains a challenge. An appropriate mechanism of personnel turnover should be built, and graduates from medical schools should be directed to reinforce healthcare teams in poor areas.  相似文献   

目的 为了解北京医院院内科研基金的设立,对调动年轻科研人员的科研积极性、提高医院医护人员整体科研素质的意义.方法 对近7年院内课题投入与近7年院外课题中标情况、成果产出及论文发表情况进行统计分析.结果 医院的科研产出较往年有显著提高,激励了科研人员的积极性,获得院外课题的经费资助有所增加,院内成果水平及论文产出呈逐年上升趋势.结论 院内科研基金在卫生部北京医院的科研投入,对医院科研发展起到了举足轻重的作用.  相似文献   

目的 针对新疆获得国家自然科学基金项目情况,在学科、人才及合作研究等方面进行探索,提供决策参考。方法 根据科学基金年度资助项目统计、报告、历年科学基金项目指南和相关文章,收集2014—2018年新疆获得项目,回顾性统计分析,探讨其总体情况及趋势。结果 2014—2018年新疆共获得科学基金2 295项,经费共计10.0556亿元,平均获得数占全国1.12%,获得项目数下降。其中获地区项目数最多,共1 683项,地区基金以生命科学部资助最多,共获资助525项,占比31.78%;获数理科学部、信息科学部和管理科学部资助最少,均资助76项,占比均为4.6%。结论 新疆获资助项目数占全国项目总数比例下降,新疆获国家自然科学基金存在高校和地区发展不平衡现象,本地人才流失严重,且缺少学科带头人,建议加强项目合作,以留住人才。  相似文献   

大型综合医院科技持续创新能力的综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的基于本研究前期建立的大型综合医院科技持续创新能力评价指标体系,对地处重庆、陕西、湖南3地的4所大型综合医院进行综合评价。方法首先将不同量纲的原始基础指标值进行归一化处理,得到用于比较的归一化数据,然后建立综合评价数学模型,计算出2001-2005年4所医院年均科技持续创新能力综合得分,用于对其科技持续创新水平高低的横向比较;计算出4所医院在此期间每年科技持续创新能力综合得分,用于各医院自身科技持续创新能力变化趋势的纵向比较。结果A、B、D3所医院的科技持续创新能力呈不断上升的发展趋势,C医院基础较好,但近年来科技创新能力有所下降;A、D两院科技持续创新能力综合水平较高,B、C两院相对较低。结论构建的大型综合医院科技持续创新评价指标体系既能较好反映各医院科技持续创新能力发展的趋势,又能体现其科技持续创新能力的水平,与各医院现状基本吻合,显示该评价指标体系具有较好的科学性和实用性,为改进医院科技管理提供了决策依据,有利于促进医院科技可持续创新能力的发展。  相似文献   

对重庆市三所军队大型综合医院2010年~2012年的收支数据进行统计,分析了重庆市公立医院改革经费补偿政策对军队医院的不利影响,提出军队大型综合医院经费补偿应遵循综合补偿、科学补偿和有效补偿原则,从地方政府、军队和医院自身三方面进行综合补偿.  相似文献   

目的了解院内科研专项基金:政策调整前后对医务人员申请院外科研项目及人才培养的情况,探索其对调动医务人员科研积极性的作用,以提高医院整体科研水平。方法通过对医院2014年度至2017年度295项院内科研专项基金:资助情况进行回顾性分析,对获得基金:的项目负责人在资助期内申报的院外科研项目及工作情况进行统计分析。结果院内科研专项基金:政策调整后,资助科室的范围进一步扩大,申报院外科研项目的负责人趋于年轻化;初、中级职称科研人才获批省部级及以上项目数、资助金额以及发表论文数量显著增加,但不同层次科研人才在科技成果转化方面有待提升。结论院内科研专项基金:政策调整后提升了医院青年人才的科研能力,但在科技成果转化方面还需加强点对点管理,进一步优化专项基金:的学科资助,促进学科均衡发展。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The isolated rural general practitioner will, from time to time, be faced with a critically ill patient or medical emergency which requires a higher level of care than can be provided locally. These patients need to be resuscitated, stabilised and transferred to another centre and therefore may need to be escorted by medical personnel. Retrieval services aim to provide a level of expertise and equipment which can be taken to the patient so that management of the patient is optimised prior to transport and continued during transport. The medical retrieval teams which operate from Sydney are:

Because the prevalence of type 2 diabetes has increased greatly over the past decade, UK general practitioners have been encouraged to develop services for people with diabetes and to offer structured diabetes care. The resultant shift from secondary care can place considerable demands on primary health care teams. Data were obtained from 108 practices in two English health districts followed up in primary and secondary care. Nearly two-thirds of the people with diabetes were being followed up only in general practice, the remainder in hospital or both. The proportion managed in primary care varied from 5.6% to 94.6%. The settings where diabetes care was most likely to be offered were training practices, practices with good nursing support, practices with a high prevalence of diabetes, and practices in which a high proportion of diabetic patients were controlled by diet or hypoglycaemic agents. Tight control of glycaemia and blood pressure is now seen as important in diabetes, and is best achieved in general practice. This survey revealed large variations in delivery of general-practice diabetes care that need to be addressed by better organization and funding.  相似文献   

建设医院文化 推动科学发展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
医院面对新形势带来的机遇与挑战,把医院文化建设摆在战略位置进行积极探索和实践;坚持以先进性要求定准办院方向,以建精品的标准塑造医院品牌,以长效性机制建立培育体系,以人性化理念优化人文环境;取得了良好的效果,凝聚了发展力量,强化了竞争实力,提升了医院形象,使医院步入了快速发展、科学发展、创新发展的轨道。  相似文献   

对口支援是一项创新的工作。绍兴市人民医院在建立组织机构和工作机制的基础上,采取现场调研、制定规划、创新管理模式、建设远程会诊系统等方法,帮助受援医院在医院管理、医疗技术、学科建设、人才培养等方面取得了显著成效,综合实力得以全面提升,成功创建了二级甲等综合性医院。  相似文献   

目的:探讨家长式领导对公立医院员工创新行为影响的作用机制。方法:采取整群随机抽样方法,对北京市5所三级甲等医院的325名员工应用家长式领导量表、组织承诺量表、医院员工创新行为量表进行横断面问卷调查。结果:(1)仁慈领导与德行领导对医院员工创新行为有显著正向影响;(2)威权领导对医院员工创新行为具有显著负向影响;(3)仁慈领导与德行领导对医院员工创新行为具有显著的正向交互作用;(4)组织承诺在仁慈领导、德行领导、威权领导对员工创新行为的影响中发挥部分中介效应。结论:医院管理者应采取或借鉴仁慈领导行为和德行领导行为,提高员工的组织承诺水平,为员工创新行为提供必要的支持。  相似文献   

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