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Objective To probe into the HR development of healthcare professionals in poor rural areas. Methods 51 county-level healthcare institutions from 13 counties in six provinces were sampled to study the turnover from 2002 to 2006. Results The number of healthcare professionals per 1 000 population in the poor counties investigated was in average lower than that of counties in the same province; the inflow of personnel was higher than that of outflow. Of the inflow, 43. 50% were fresh university graduates, and 40. 58% were transferred from other organizations, 95.83% have degrees of technical secondary schools and above, and 87. 17% were healthcare professionals. 70. 44% of the outflow were retirees, and 22. 33% were transferred outside; 28. 00% have only senior high school degrees or below, 69. 74% were healthcare professionals. Conclusions The quality of healthcare personnel has been improved to some extent; but the risk of brain drain remains a challenge. An appropriate mechanism of personnel turnover should be built, and graduates from medical schools should be directed to reinforce healthcare teams in poor areas.  相似文献   
企业医院是指各类工业及其他部门办的医院,是计划经济时期的产物,有着鲜明的时代印迹.企业医院在我国的发展,随着我国国情的变化经历了几个阶段.企业卫生资源是我国卫生资源的重要组成部分,对弥补地方卫生资源的不足、促进生产力的发展、保护人民群众健康,特别是对保护企业广大职工、家属身体健康等方面发挥了积极的作用.虽然部分企业医院规模比较大,硬件条件甚至超过某些市级医院,但从总体上看,大部分企业医院还是普遍存在着数量多、规模小、分布散、医疗设备落后、业务工作量下降、资源利用效率下降等问题.  相似文献   
在现阶段资源和技术有限的情况下,促进管理资源向真正的高风险患者集中是医疗质量与安全管理的难点。华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院自2009年开始逐步构建起针对高风险外科住院病例的"上报-谈话-随访"模式。该模式在强化风险沟通的同时,较好地实现了高风险外科住院病例的识别作用,额外增加后续的针对科室基础管理的随访质控,能够促进形成闭环管理,为医院医疗质量管理与安全管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   
Objective To probe into the HR development of healthcare professionals in poor rural areas. Methods 51 county-level healthcare institutions from 13 counties in six provinces were sampled to study the turnover from 2002 to 2006. Results The number of healthcare professionals per 1 000 population in the poor counties investigated was in average lower than that of counties in the same province; the inflow of personnel was higher than that of outflow. Of the inflow, 43. 50% were fresh university graduates, and 40. 58% were transferred from other organizations, 95.83% have degrees of technical secondary schools and above, and 87. 17% were healthcare professionals. 70. 44% of the outflow were retirees, and 22. 33% were transferred outside; 28. 00% have only senior high school degrees or below, 69. 74% were healthcare professionals. Conclusions The quality of healthcare personnel has been improved to some extent; but the risk of brain drain remains a challenge. An appropriate mechanism of personnel turnover should be built, and graduates from medical schools should be directed to reinforce healthcare teams in poor areas.  相似文献   
Objective To probe into the HR development of healthcare professionals in poor rural areas. Methods 51 county-level healthcare institutions from 13 counties in six provinces were sampled to study the turnover from 2002 to 2006. Results The number of healthcare professionals per 1 000 population in the poor counties investigated was in average lower than that of counties in the same province; the inflow of personnel was higher than that of outflow. Of the inflow, 43. 50% were fresh university graduates, and 40. 58% were transferred from other organizations, 95.83% have degrees of technical secondary schools and above, and 87. 17% were healthcare professionals. 70. 44% of the outflow were retirees, and 22. 33% were transferred outside; 28. 00% have only senior high school degrees or below, 69. 74% were healthcare professionals. Conclusions The quality of healthcare personnel has been improved to some extent; but the risk of brain drain remains a challenge. An appropriate mechanism of personnel turnover should be built, and graduates from medical schools should be directed to reinforce healthcare teams in poor areas.  相似文献   
熊昌娥  陈晶  吴少玮  方鹏骞 《中国全科医学》2009,12(23):2176-2177,2180
通过对我国的社区卫生政策进行回顾分析,总结我国城市社区卫生人力资源管理和分配机制中存在的薄弱环节,并提出以下政策建议:(1)人力资源管理机制方面:①加强培养全科医生的高等教育;②建立人员准入标准;③建立长效的人员激励约束机制。(2)分配机制方面:①提高绩效工资在收入中的比例;②明确绩效工资的内涵;③提高分配机制的内部公平性和外部公正性。  相似文献   
企业医院在转制过程中,其员工人数、岗位结构、学历组成等都将发生较大的变化。对武汉市已转制的2所企业医院进行典型案例调查,发现转制后的企业医院在岗正式职工总数是减少的,但医院的硕士及以上学历员工的人数和在正式在岗职工中所占比例都增多了,医院的岗位结构、医院每年招聘和解聘的人数也发生了较大的变化。企业医院转制后,人员结构的变化带来了一些问题,需要建立人才引入机制,完善人才退出机制;对新进员工进行医院文化教育及业务培训;建立合理的薪酬制度;为员工搭建公平的竞争平台,激发他们的创造力,使医院充满生机和活力。  相似文献   
目前,卫生行政部门定期对医疗机构进行评价,目的是为了加强医院管理,科学、客观、准确地评价医院绩效,指导医院强化内涵建设,坚持"以病人为中心",提高管理水平,持续改进医疗质量,保障医疗安全,改善医疗服务,控制医疗费用,为人民群众提供安全、有效、方便、价廉的医疗卫生服务[1-2].受卫生部委托,<我国医院综合评价指标体系研究>课题组就构建适合我国医院发展形势的综合评价指标体系展开了研究.在前期的研究工作中,对于可量化的医院评价指标,课题组构建了医院综合评价的结果指标,并确定了结果指标的权重.之后,课题组又初步拟定了医院综合评价过程指标体系,侧重于医院提供医疗服务的可及性及可持续性,希望能为我国卫生行政部门及学术研究机构综合评价医院提供参考和借鉴.  相似文献   
目的:了解农村贫困地区村级卫生人力现状.发现其中存在的问题.并提出相应的对策建议.方法:对贫困地区2842名乡村医生进行问卷调查.结果:我国农村贫困地区乡村医生存在人员素质较低,初中及以下学历达40%以上;乡村医生执业化比率较低,获得执业(助理)医师资格的乡村医生所占比例平均为8.08%,低于全国平均水平;乡村医生年龄老化情况较为严重.目前乡村医生45岁以上人员比例达42.05%;乡村医生经济收入不够稳定;农村贫困地区未建立乡村医生退休和养老保障制度等.建议:加强乡村医生的定向培养;提高农村贫困地区乡村的待遇和收入,将乡村医生纳入当地的事业单位人员编制;加大在岗乡村医生的在岗培训和学历教育,实现农村贫困地区乡村医生向执业化过渡;建立农村贫困地区乡村医生的退休和养老保障制度;建立健全城市支援农村贫困地区乡村医生的制度.  相似文献   
目的:了解企业医院转制过程中员工对转制的满意度情况。方法:采取随机抽样的方法对武汉市、郑州市和长沙市5家转制企业医院的员工进行问卷调查和访谈。结果:员工对企业医院转制总体较为满意,大部分员工认为企业医院转制后对医院和个人发展均有利;但医院转制也导致了一些问题。结论:应解决转制后的人员编制和养老问题;向员工提供培训与学习的机会;搭建公平的竞争平台,建立合理的激励机制;加强管理人员培训,提高医院管理者能力。  相似文献   
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