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目的:探讨寰枢椎骨折非手术治疗的适应证及治疗效果.方法:回顾性分析寰枢椎骨折非手术治疗43例,其中寰椎骨折11例,枢椎骨折32例,9例伴寰枢椎脱位合并不完全性脊髓损伤.非手术治疗方法包括费城围领(18例)、Halo-Vest外固定(24例)及颅骨牵引(1例).结果:全部患者均获随访,随访时间9个月~4年,平均2年10个月,41例获一期愈合,骨折骨性愈合率95.3%,愈合时间3~6个月,平均4.3个月;2例Ⅱ型齿状突骨折患者非手术治疗6周后无骨折愈合征象,行齿状突螺钉内固定治愈.所有患者均寰枢椎稳定,寰枢椎屈伸和旋转功能恢复良好.9例伴不完全性脊髓损伤患者,按ASIA标准,8例神经功能恢复1级以上,1例无明显改善.结论:寰枢椎骨折多数可通过非手术治疗获得良好疗效,严格掌握非手术治疗的适应证和正确选择非手术治疗方法是获得寰枢椎骨折良好疗效的保证.  相似文献   

枕颈融合Cervifix内固定术   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
目的:研究Cetwifix内固定在枕颈融合术中的价值和作用。方法:对47例上颈椎不稳患者行枕颈部自体植骨融合Cervifix内固定术,其中陈旧性寰枢椎骨折脱位14例,枕寰枢椎复合性畸形13例,寰枢椎肿瘤10例(其中原发性寰枢椎肿瘤6例,转移性寰枢椎肿瘤4例),寰枢椎类风湿性关节炎伴寰椎前脱位8例,寰枢椎结核2例。结果:47例患者均获随访,时问3~38个月,平均9个月。46例植骨愈合,1例植骨块部分吸收骨不连。31例颈髓神经压迫症状均有不同程度的改善。无一例发生Cetwifix内固定螺钉松动等并发症。结论:Cervifix内固定可提供坚强有效的节段性固定,适用于枕颈不稳的治疗。  相似文献   

外伤性寰椎横韧带断裂的治疗策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨外伤性寰椎横韧带断裂治疗策略。方法回顾性分析一组24例寰椎横韧带断裂病例,其中单纯横韧带断裂15例,合并有寰椎骨折7例,合并齿状突骨折2例。急性损伤20例,陈旧性损伤4例。手术行寰枢椎融合术14例,枕颈融合6例,非手术治疗3例,入院后当天死亡1例。结果23例获得随访,平均随访时间为46个月。20例手术治疗患者中15例完全恢复正常,3例仍有局部症状,2例颈脊髓神经损害改善,无术后神经损害加重病例。3例接受非手术治疗患者中有2例出现寰枢椎不稳及迟发性脊髓损害。结论寰椎横韧带是维持寰枢椎正常解剖关系不可或缺的重要结构,横韧带断裂必然导致寰枢椎不稳定。无论是急性或陈旧性损伤,一旦诊断明确即应在早期行寰枢椎或枕颈融合术。  相似文献   

寰椎Jefferson骨折伴横韧带损伤的诊治   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 分析总结寰椎Jefferson骨折伴横韧带损伤的诊断和治疗。方法 1995年3月-2005年3月收治26例寰椎Jefferson骨折伴横韧带损伤患者。其中新鲜骨折20例,陈旧性骨折6例。所有患者均伴有不同程度的横韧带损伤,23例有神经损害表现。X线检查显示寰椎弓环及侧块不同部位骨折,寰齿间距(ADI)为4.7mm。5例行非手术治疗,其余21例行颈椎后路枕颈融合术或寰枢椎融合术治疗。结果所有患者术后获6~24个月(平均15个月)随访,21例手术治疗患者术后临床症状缓解;5例非手术治疗患者中,4例成功,另1例失败再行颈后路寰枢椎融合术治疗,术后疗效满意。结论 寰椎Jefferson骨折伴横韧带损伤患者的临床表现主要取决于韧带断裂后寰椎前脱位的程度以及是否造成脊髓压迫,诊断以ADI为主、并结合外伤史及临床表现。对于可能存在寰枢椎不稳或已有横韧带损伤且存在典型神经症状的患者,应早期行寰枢椎融合术或枕颈融合术治疗。  相似文献   

目的总结应用经后路寰枢椎椎板减压联合寰枢椎椎弓根钉内固定,术中提拉复位固定颗粒状植骨融合术治疗新鲜Ⅱ型齿状突骨折并颈髓损伤的临床疗效。方法自2010—11—2013-05对7例新鲜Ⅱ型齿状突骨折合并颈髓损伤应用经后路寰枢椎椎板减压联合寰枢椎椎弓根钉内固定。术中提拉复位固定颗粒状植骨融合术进行治疗,随访观察患者临床症状和神经功能改善情况,影像学检查寰枢椎复位及植骨融合情况。结果患者均顺利完成手术,术中均无血管及脊髓神经的损伤。所有患者脊髓神经功能恢复较理想,随访期间未发现内固定松动、断裂以及骨折不愈合。结论后路寰枢椎椎板减压联合寰枢椎椎弓根钉内固定系统术中提拉复位固定颗粒状植骨融合是治疗新鲜Ⅱ型齿状突骨折并颈髓损伤比较理想的术式选择。  相似文献   

目的探讨后路单侧枢椎椎弓根钉板系统结合对侧枢椎椎板钉棒系统在寰枢关节及枕颈固定中的临床疗效。方法后路单侧椎弓根钉板系统结合对侧枢椎椎板钉棒系统寰枢椎固定及枕颈固定11例,新鲜Ⅱ型齿突骨折5例,陈旧性齿突骨折3例,寰椎枕骨化畸形2例,寰枢椎不稳1例。单侧椎弓根发育狭小者6例,单侧椎动脉优势型2例,一侧椎动脉高跨2例,寰椎枕骨化畸形寰枢关节脱位行钉板系统固定失效后再次手术1例。寰枢椎固定9例,枕颈固定2例,1例难复型寰枢关节脱位行经口咽前路松解+后路复位内固定融合术,术后内固定失效行翻修手术。全部患者行后路寰枢或枕颈固定植骨融合术。比较术前、术后JOA评分变化,术后随访X线片及CT,观察寰枢椎复位及融合情况。结果所有患者均得到随访,随访时间6~32个月,平均16个月。全组患者无一例发生脊髓或椎动脉损伤,寰枢椎得到解剖复位,临床症状得到不同程度改善。术后JOA评分13~16分,平均14.9分,术前、术后JOA评分改善率为76%~92%,平均83%,术后半年复查CT显示均获得骨性融合,未见寰枢椎失稳或复位丢失征象,固定螺钉位置良好。结论单侧枢椎椎弓根钉板系统结合对侧枢椎椎板钉棒系统行寰枢关节及枕颈固定临床疗效可靠,但缺少临床对比研究。  相似文献   

背景:齿状突加寰枢椎前路经关节螺钉内固定是近来治疗寰椎-齿状突Ⅱ型骨折的一种新方法,临床报道较少。 目的:探讨颈前路三钉,即齿状突螺钉加寰枢椎前路经关节螺钉内固定治疗寰椎-齿状突Ⅱ型骨折的方法及疗效。 方法:2008年2月至2011年10月于C型臂X线机透视下行颈前路齿状突螺钉加寰枢椎经关节螺钉内固定治疗寰椎-齿状突Ⅱ型骨折5例。 结果:5例骨折患者共植入5枚齿状突螺钉,9枚经寰枢关节螺钉,1例因左侧经寰枢关节螺钉进钉点处骨折而行右侧单侧固定。全部获得随访,随访时间为10~30个月,平均18个月,螺钉位置满意,齿状突骨折均获骨性愈合,寰枢关节稳定,无一例发生螺钉松动、断钉,无一例发生脊髓、椎动脉损伤等并发症。 结论:颈前路齿状突螺钉加寰枢椎经关节螺钉内固定治疗寰椎-齿状突Ⅱ型骨折,对齿状突直接固定同时即刻稳定寰枢椎,为寰椎-齿状突Ⅱ型骨折患者提供了一种新的治疗方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨创伤性寰枢关节旋转脱位的诊断与外科治疗.方法 自1997年1月~2008年12月收治创伤性寰枢关节旋转脱位32例,其中15例入院前被漏诊或误治.18例采取非手术治疗;14例接受手术治疗:手术包括Summit枕颈融合术内固定2例,Cervifax枕颈融合术内固定1例,Maged寰枢椎融合术2例,C1、2侧块关节螺钉固定结合Apofix椎板夹固定4例,C1侧块、C2椎弓根钉棒固定系统内固定5例.结果 27例(14例手术和13例非手术治疗)获得随访,平均4.5年.斜颈、疼痛症状消失15例,明显缓解7例,部分缓解4例,无变化1例.14例合并神经系统损伤,经治疗后神经症状均有明显好转.手术治疗的14例均获得骨性愈合.结论 外伤病人如诉头颈或枕部疼痛伴头颈偏斜,要考虑寰枢关节旋转脱位的可能,并常规行上位颈椎CT薄层扫描,必要时CT三维重建.对于寰枢关节陈旧性旋转脱位或合并寰椎横韧带断裂、寰椎爆裂骨折等难复性骨折脱位,应及时进行手术治疗.  相似文献   

钉棒系统在寰枢椎骨折脱位中的应用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
目的探讨应用后路经寰枢椎椎弓根螺钉固定融合治疗寰枢椎骨折脱位的临床疗效。方法对14例寰枢椎骨折脱位的患者采用后路经椎弓根螺钉固定的方法,行寰枢椎固定。为保证确切的三点固定和植骨融合,同时辅以寰枢椎间植骨与钛缆固定。结果患者寰枢椎间稳定性得到恢复,无并发症发生,随访6~14个月(平均10个月),14例患者均获骨融合。结论经后路寰枢椎椎弓根螺钉固定融合术可为寰枢椎骨折脱位的患者提供牢固的三维固定。  相似文献   

目的观察寰枢椎椎弓根螺钉固定植骨治疗不稳定性枢椎齿状突骨折的临床疗效。方法对10例按A n-derson-D′A lonzon分型为Ⅱ型和不稳的Ⅲ型齿状突骨折患者行寰枢椎椎弓根螺钉系统固定、寰枢后间隙植骨术。结果术中无脊髓及神经根损伤、1例出现C2左侧椎动脉损伤,术中植钉后止血,术后无不适现象;10例寰枢椎骨折脱位完全复位,术后第3~6天(平均第4天)在颈托保护下离床活动;随访6~24个月,平均15个月,手术6个月后复查X线片、CT示所有寰枢后间隙植骨均融合,螺钉位置良好,无松动、断钉。结论寰枢椎椎弓根螺钉内固定具有良好的力学性能,操作简单、操作安全性高,能为枢椎齿状突骨折提供可靠固定,为寰枢后间隙植骨融合提供保障,是齿状突骨折一种较好的治疗方法。  相似文献   

任先军  王卫东  张峡  蒋涛 《脊柱外科杂志》2005,3(3):145-147,157
目的观察高位颈椎前路手术的临床效果,方法本组15例.男10例,女5例.年龄12—67岁。C1,2椎体结核3例.Hangman 7例,先天性齿状突不连伴难复性环椎脱位3例,齿状突骨折2例。本组经高位前方咽后入路显露C2-3,椎体结核患者行病灶清除术.先天性齿状突不连者行前路松解复位.后路环枢融合;Hangman骨折。复位后行C2,3椎间植骨融合术.放自锁钛板内固定,齿状突骨折行前路中空螺钉内固定。结果15例患者均成功地显露C1前弓至C3椎体,并完成病灶清除、复位、减压融合内固定:无颈部重要血管神经损伤,无伤口感染.9例不全瘫有部分恢复。结论高位前方咽后入路可充分显露上颈椎.高位颈椎前路术式能有效复位、减压和稳定,并可最大程度重建颈椎生理功能。  相似文献   

目的 探讨应用寰枢侧块螺钉与枢椎椎弓根钉内固定及枕颈融合术治疗上颈椎不稳的疗效.方法 对寰枢椎不稳27例患者采用寰椎侧块螺钉结合枢椎椎弓根螺钉及枕颈融合治疗.结果 27例患者均经寰枢椎螺钉或枕颈融合内固定术,其中一例颅底凹陷患者一期行经口齿状突切除术,二期行枕颈融合术,27例患者无一例发生脊髓和椎动脉损伤.所有患者均获得随访,随访3 ~17个月,平均9个月.术后3个月JOA评分13.5 ~16.9分,平均15.2分,改善率为88.4%.植骨块全部融合,无内固定断裂、松动.结论 后路寰椎侧块螺钉结合枢椎椎弓根螺钉固定及枕颈融合术具有稳定的三维固定效果,可用于治疗上颈椎不稳.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the surgical results for patients with atlantoaxial instability due to various lesions treated using the atlantoaxial posterior fixation system (3XS system; Kisco DIR, Paris, France), together with a biomechanical study of this system. The strength of the 3XS system during torsion was examined using a biomechanical simulation model. The 3XS system consists of a transverse unit, hooks, and rods. The lower part of the biomechanical simulation machine was rigidly fixed and the upper part was movable, allowing torsion to be applied until the point of failure. The test was started at 1.5 newton-meters, thought to be the maximum load on the upper cervical spine. The 3XS system tolerated torsion of up to 20 newton-meters, but became deformed. The instrument was fractured at 30 newton-meters. Fifteen patients, four with atlantoaxial instability, seven with os odontoideum, and four with odontoid fractures, underwent surgery using the 3XS system and an iliac bone fragment inserted between the C-1 and C-2 laminae. Postoperative rigid fixation of the lesion and optimal cervical alignment was obtained in all patients, and the patients were discharged within 2 weeks after surgery. Follow-up radiography showed bony fusion between C-1 and C-2 in all patients. Posterior fixations between C-1 and C-2 using the 3XS system were easy to perform and no surgical complications were encountered. The biomechanical study showed the 3XS system can tolerate torsions unlikely to occur during rotation movements in the atlantoaxial region in humans. The surgical use of the 3XS system for the treatment of atlantoaxial instability has several advantages.  相似文献   

目的评估后路钉棒内固定非融合治疗创伤性寰枢关节旋转脱位的疗效。方法对7例创伤性寰枢关节旋转脱位患者采用颅骨牵引复位,后路钉棒内固定,不做植骨融合。影像学检查确定骨折愈合后取出内固定。评估寰枢关节复位及侧块骨折愈合情况、颈椎旋转度、颈部疼痛及有无旋转脱位复发。结果7例颅骨牵引复位均获成功。患者均获得随访,时间15~24个月。内固定术后12个月骨折愈合,无内置物松动、断裂。取出内固定3个月后,颈椎旋转度110°~150°,1例颈部仍轻微疼痛。所有患者无旋转脱位复发。结论后路钉棒内固定非融合是治疗创伤性寰枢关节旋转脱位的有效方法,可促进骨折及韧带修复,恢复寰枢关节旋转功能。  相似文献   

后路寰枢椎经关节螺钉内固定治疗陈旧性齿状突骨折   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
[目的]对后路寰枢椎经关节螺钉内固定治疗陈旧性齿状突骨折进行回顾总结。[方法]33例陈旧性齿状突骨折经Anderson-D'Alonzo分类Ⅱ型31例,Ⅲ型2例,无Ⅰ型病例。所有患者行后路寰枢椎经关节螺钉内固定植骨融合术,其中9例同时行Gallie法内固定。[结果]术后进行颈椎正侧位片随访6~52个月(平均7.9个月),32例获牢固骨性愈合,融合率97%。[结论]后路寰枢椎经关节螺钉内固定是治疗陈旧性齿状突骨折简单有效的方法。  相似文献   

Cervical angina caused by atlantoaxial instability   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Cervical angina is defined as a paroxysmal precordialgia that resembles true cardiac angina caused by cervical spondylosis. Cervical angina most commonly results from compression of the C7 ventral root. We present here a case of cervical angina caused by atlantoaxial instability. This case had marked atlantoaxial instability but no flexibility of the middle to lower levels of the cervical spine. Although there was mild C7 root compression on the radiologic findings, the chest pain was induced by neck motion, and the precordialgia disappeared after posterior atlantoaxial fusion without C7 root decompression. Therefore, we diagnosed this case as cervical angina caused by spinal cord compression at the C1-C2 level. It was speculated that a perturbation of the sympathetic nervous system or a hypofunction of the pain suppression pathway in the posterior horn of the spinal cord caused the pectoralgia. Although cervical angina is a rare disease, physicians should be aware of it; if there are no abnormal findings on cardiac examinations for angina pectoris, they should examine the cervical spine. Cervical angina due to atlantoaxial instability is one of the differential diagnoses of precordialgia.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Atlantoaxial degenerative articular cysts are rare lesions that can cause extradural compression of the cervicomedullary junction. When symptomatic, they usually require surgical treatment. We report an unusual case of spontaneous regression of an atlantoaxial degenerative articular cyst after conservative treatment with an external cervical brace along with a systemic therapy with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and steroids. We also discuss the potential pathogenetic mechanisms involved. PURPOSE: To describe a case of significant volume reduction of an atlantoaxial articular degenerative cyst in a patient treated with a Philadelphia collar and anti-inflammatory drugs. STUDY DESIGN: Case report with analysis of the literature. METHODS: A 80-year-old patient was admitted to our institution with a history of progressive tetraparesis, ataxic gait, and cervical pain. A cervical spine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan showed an extradural mass lesion behind the dens of C2 causing significant compression of the cervicomedullary junction, suggesting the diagnosis of atlantoaxial degenerative articular cyst. The patient refused surgery in favour of a conservative treatment with a Philadelphia collar and a short-term course of NSAIDs and corticosteroids. RESULTS: After 6 weeks, the patient's neurological condition improved, and a 6-month follow-up cervical spine MRI scan revealed an almost complete regression of the atlantoaxial cystic lesion. At a 1-year follow-up, his clinical condition was further improved. CONCLUSIONS: Atlantoaxial articular degenerative cysts are rare lesions that should be included in the differential diagnosis of those extradural lesions that can cause a ventral or ventrolateral compression of the cervicomedullary junction. They most commonly occur in elderly female patients affected by diffuse arthrosic degeneration of the cervical spine, with or without clear radiological signs of atlantoaxial instability, and have a typical appearance on MRI imaging. Surgery, with direct excision of the cyst and/or a C1-C2 fusion, is the first treatment of choice. Nevertheless, our report points out the possibility of a significant spontaneous regression of these lesions following a simple conservative strategy based on the use of an external cervical brace together with a systemic anti-inflammatory therapy.  相似文献   

目的探讨应用Apofix椎板夹治疗寰枢椎骨折、脱位的方法及疗效。方法对8例寰枢椎骨折、脱位患者采用Apofix椎板夹固定。结果随访5~24个月,脱位纠正,颈部活动基本恢复正常,颈部不稳感消失,按照JOA评分法,术前平均为8.3分,术后平均为14.6分。结论Apofix椎板夹治疗寰枢椎骨折、脱位,术后无需坚强的外固定,具有操作技术难度小、手术风险低、安全、实用的特点。  相似文献   

Anterior screw fixation of posteriorly displaced type II odontoid fractures   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
F H Geisler  C Cheng  A Poka  R J Brumback 《Neurosurgery》1989,25(1):30-7; discussion 37-8
Posteriorly displaced Type II odontoid fractures (Type II-P) are difficult to stabilize in an anatomic position with accepted methods of posterior atlantoaxial arthrodesis. Nine patients with Type II-P odontoid fractures with 4 to 15 mm displacement were treated with anterior odontoid screw stabilization. Seven of these patients had associated fractures or defects of the posterior arch of the first cervical vertebra (C1). Atlantoaxial posterior arthrodesis in these patients would not have been possible initially because of the lack of structural integrity of the posterior arch of C1. Two patients, later in the study, had no injury to the ring of C1. The odontoid fractures were stabilized with two 4.0-mm cancellous screws inserted through an anterior approach to the neck under fluoroscopic control with the skin incision at the C5 level. Preoperative reduction of the displaced odontoid process and immediate operative stability of the atlantoaxial complex were obtained in each case. No neurological complications related to the procedure occurred. Two patients died of causes unrelated to their cervical fracture surgery. The 7 patients who survived were followed for a minimum of 6 months. Fracture union and cervical stability were demonstrated in each of the surviving patients, without evidence of screw loosening or loss of fixation. Normal range of motion of the neck was documented at follow-up in all surviving patients. Although this series represents a limited experience with this treatment technique, anterior odontoid screw fixation has significant advantages over accepted methods of cervical stabilization for Type II-P odontoid fractures.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Odontoid fractures are common in the elderly following minor falls. Almost all of them have osteoarthritis of the cervical spine below the axis vertebra. As a result, there is increased stress on the spared upper cervical spine, resulting in a higher incidence of injuries. As movement in the upper cervical spine involves participation of five joints, degeneration in any one particular joint may affect the biomechanics of loading of the upper cervical spine. We aimed to analyse the relationship of odontoid fractures to the pattern of upper cervical spine osteoarthritis in the elderly. We studied the CT-scan images of the cervical spine in 23 patients who were over the age of 70 years and had odontoid fractures. In each patient, the type of odontoid fracture and the characteristics of the degenerative changes in each joint were analysed. Twenty-one of 23 patients had Type -II odontoid fractures. The incidence of significant atlanto-odontoid degeneration in these individuals was very high (90.48%), with relative sparing of the lateral atlantoaxial joints. Osteoporosis was found in 13 of 23 patients at the dens-body junction and in seven of 23 patients at the odontoid process and body of the axis. With ageing, progressively more severe degenerative changes develop in the atlanto-odontoid joint. These eventually obliterate the joint space and fix the odontoid to the anterior arch of the atlas. In contrast, the lateral atlantoaxial joints are hardly affected by osteoarthritis. Thus, ultimately, atlantoaxial movements including atlantoaxial rotation are markedly limited by osteoarthritis of the atlanto-odontoid joint. However, there is still potential for movement in the lateral atlantoaxial joints, as they remain relatively free of degenerative change. The vulnerability of the atlantoaxial segment is further increased by markedly limited rotation below the axis vertebra due to severe facet-joint degeneration. As a consequence, a relatively low-energy trauma to the lateral part of the face, for instance by a fall, will induce forced atlantoaxial rotation. This, with the marked limitation of movement at the atlanto-odontoid joint, will produce a torque force at the base of the odontoid process leading to a Type II fracture.  相似文献   

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