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丙泊酚是临床常用的短效静脉麻醉药,因其起效快、苏醒迅速且功能恢复完善,术后恶心、呕吐发生率低等优点,目前广泛用于临床麻醉、重症监护患者的持续镇静以及临床无痛检查、治疗等. 然而,丙泊酚的中枢麻醉作用机制仍未完全明了,有研究[1]发现,丙泊酚作用的中心环节是突触,但其在神经中枢的作用靶点仍未达成共识,抑制局部脑区的活动和扰乱各个脑区功能网络联系这两种途径还存在诸多争议和未解之处. 本文对丙泊酚现在肯定的中枢麻醉作用机制作一综述.  相似文献   
目的:探讨氯胺酮连续鞘内注射对慢性坐骨神经损伤大鼠脊髓背角N-甲基-D天冬氨酸亚基(NR2B)mRNA表达的影响。方法:雄性SD大鼠18只,随机分为假手术组、CCI组和氯胺酮组。按Bennett等法制作CCI模型,测von-Frey丝触痛及冷水阈值,采用原位杂交技术检测各组脊髓背角NR2B mRNA表达的变化。结果:CCI组痛阈显著下降,冷水阈显著升高,脊髓背角有大量NR2B mRNA阳性表达(P<0.01);氯胺酮组仅出现轻度痛敏症状,NR2B mRNA表达受到明显抑制(P<0.01)。结论:NR2B mRNA表达上调可能是神经损伤后慢性疼痛的发病机制之一,氯胺酮可抑制其表达从而发挥一定程度的镇痛作用。  相似文献   
目的:总结机器人辅助根治性膀胱切除+原位新膀胱手术的麻醉方法和术中管理。方法: 2012年3月美国南加州大学的Gill医生来华演示机器人辅助根治性膀胱切除+原位新膀胱手术,其中3例在上海长海医院完成,7例在北京解放军总医院完成。10例患者男8例,女2例,年龄38~71岁,体重57~82 kg,ASA分级Ⅰ~Ⅲ级。术前均诊断为膀胱癌,拟施机器人辅助根治性膀胱切除+扩大淋巴清扫+原位新膀胱手术。所有患者未见明显心、肺、肝、肾功能异常。麻醉诱导:除1例术前评估为困难气道外,其余9例采用快诱导气管插管。芬太尼3 μg/kg静脉小壶注入, 静脉推注咪达唑仑0.04 mg/kg、丙泊酚1~2 mg /kg,患者入睡后给予罗库溴胺0.6 mg/kg。困难气道患者给与咪达唑仑1 mg、芬太尼0.1 mg、丁卡因50 mg气道表面麻醉后气管插管,之后给予异丙酚及罗库溴铵。连接Ohmeda麻醉机机械通气,吸入空气与氧气体积比1∶2混合气体,流量2 L/min,潮气量为6~12 mL/kg,呼吸频率为10~20 次/min,力图维持气道峰压<35 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa), PETCO2 (呼气末CO2分压)<45 mmHg。麻醉维持:持续吸入0.6 MAC(最低肺泡有效浓度minimum alveolar concentration)七氟醚、静脉泵注丙泊酚2~4 mg/(kg·h)和瑞芬太尼0.1~0.3 μg/(kg·min), 维持BIS值在40~60,术中间断按需静脉注射罗库溴铵0.2 mg/kg。手术体位为60°Trendelenburg(特伦德伦伯格卧位,头低、脚高+截石位)体位,双腿外展支起呈截石位。机器人系统位于两腿之间,支臂置于患者腹部上方。监测记录呼吸参数、血流动力学指标,并记录动脉血气分析数据、苏醒时间、出入量及术中并发情况。 结果: 所有患者均顺利完成手术。术中失血量(342.9±303.4) mL;与气管插管后比较头低足高位及气腹后气道峰压升高;呼气末CO2增高;平均动脉压升高、中心静脉压升高;pH降低;2例患者气腹后15 min,呼气末CO2分压超过50 mmHg,动脉血气PaCO2高于60 mmHg,调整呼吸参数过度通气无改善,降低气腹压力小于15 mmHg后得以改善;5例发生呼吸性酸中毒;2例患者发生代谢性酸中毒,需给予碳酸氢钠后纠正;2例患者术中血钾超过5.5 mmol/L,给与葡萄糖酸钙和胰岛素处理改善;5例患者发生多发皮下气肿,其中1例多局限于胸腹部,1例从面部到脚均有明显握雪感,同时伴发高碳酸血症和体温下降;2例患者下肢小腿肿胀;1例不全肠梗阻行空肠减压术;苏醒时间为(94.2±35.6) min(40~150 min)。结论: 机器人辅助根治性膀胱切除+原位新膀胱手术为临床新开展的手术,由于庞大的机器、长时间气腹和过度的头低位,易发生酸碱失衡和离子紊乱,给麻醉管理增加了难度与复杂性。  相似文献   
Objective To evaluate efficacy and safety of sulfentanyl (China) for PICA in surgical patients with general anes-thesia in a multiple-center, randomized, double-blind, parallel study. Methods 200 ASA grade Ⅰ -Ⅱ patients aged 18-55 undergo-ing surgery with general aneathesia enrolled from 3 hospitals were randomly and double-blindly divided into 2 groups: sulfentanyl (China, n=100) versus sulfentanyl(German, n=100). Sulfentanyl(China 0.1 μg/kg or German)was given before the end of surgery. VAS scores less than 3 after patient awake and PCA started after extubation(200 μg sulfentanyl was diluted with 50 ml saline solution, background dose 0.5 ml/h,bolus of 0.5 ml with lockout interval 15 min, continuous infusion 48 h). Vital signs including BP, HR, PR, SpO2 and side effects such as nausea, vomiting, urine retention, pruritus, breath depression, etc. And VAS scores with patients in quiet and cough were recorded at the beginning of infusion at 0, 1, 4, 12, 24, 48 h. The total number of PCA, the total effective number of PCA, and the ratio of both and other analgesics as well as the satisfactory degree of patients and the cumulative suffen-tanyl consumption were recorded at 24 h. Results There were no significant difference of BP, HR, PR, SpO2 and the adverse effect and VAS scores in quiet and cough between two groups at the beginning of infusion at 0, 1, 4, 12, 24, 48 h. There were no signifi-cant difference of the total number of PCA, the total effective number of PCA and other analgesics as well as the satisfactory degree of patients and the total dosage of sulfentanyl at 24 h. Conclusion The sulfentanyl (China) had satisfactory effects of postoperative analgesia and had no significant side effects compared with sulfentanyl (German). The efficacy and the side effects of both drugs had no significant difference.  相似文献   
辛燕  袁维秀  郭英  姜雨鸽  张宏 《北京医学》2013,35(8):671-674
目的 探讨小儿喉蹼患者的最佳麻醉管理.方法 回顾性分析我院2009年12月至2013年3月经纤维喉镜、颈部X线或薄层CT确诊喉蹼的24例小儿患者的麻醉管理.结果 所有患儿在术前均有不同程度的呼吸困难,手术的目的是解决通气问题.气管切开13例,其中6例术前先局麻下行气管切开后全麻,7例全麻插管后行气管切开;未行气管切开11例,直接在全麻下行气管内插管.诱导方式:快诱导经气管切口插管6例,快诱导经口插管7例,保留自主呼吸浅全麻诱导10例,1例先采用保留自主呼吸浅全麻诱导,第1次经口喉镜明视下插管失败后,面罩通气良好的情况下,改用快诱导,换管第3次插管成功.插管成功率:5例一次插管成功,10例两次插管成功,3例三次插管成功,平均插管时间12 min.所有患儿均未出现诱导期缺氧,但有13例呼气末二氧化碳分压(PetCO2)明显偏高.所有患儿均安全完成麻醉诱导.结论 术前充分的气道评估、完善的麻醉前准备及良好的团队协作是先天性喉蹼患儿围术期麻醉管理的关键.小儿喉蹼作为已预料的困难气道推荐选用保留自主呼吸浅全麻比较安全.  相似文献   
腺苷在外周和脊髓的释放及对疼痛的调节   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
腺苷是中枢神经系统重要的调节因子,通过作用于细胞外腺苷A1、A2A、A2B和A3受体调节多种细胞功能。在脊髓组织,递质释放引起的神经细胞去极化、腺苷激酶、腺苷脱氨酶活性降低,均使腺苷释放增加;细胞外核苷酸可水解为腺苷。在外周组织,炎症引起神经元及其他多种细胞释放腺苷。腺苷抑制痛觉信号在外周和脊髓的转导及某些药物引起的炎症反应。  相似文献   
腺苷的生物效应及其应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
腺苷是人体组织产生的一种内源性核苷。本文就有关腺苷的生成、降解及腺的生理,电生理效应作一探讨。另外,腺苷对心脏功能有多方面作用,在调节冠脉血流,评仨冠脉贮备能力,心肌保护、心脏手术及器官移植、缓解肺动脉高压,消除室上性心动过速等方面有重要临床意义。  相似文献   
Objective To evaluate efficacy and safety of sulfentanyl (China) for PICA in surgical patients with general anes-thesia in a multiple-center, randomized, double-blind, parallel study. Methods 200 ASA grade Ⅰ -Ⅱ patients aged 18-55 undergo-ing surgery with general aneathesia enrolled from 3 hospitals were randomly and double-blindly divided into 2 groups: sulfentanyl (China, n=100) versus sulfentanyl(German, n=100). Sulfentanyl(China 0.1 μg/kg or German)was given before the end of surgery. VAS scores less than 3 after patient awake and PCA started after extubation(200 μg sulfentanyl was diluted with 50 ml saline solution, background dose 0.5 ml/h,bolus of 0.5 ml with lockout interval 15 min, continuous infusion 48 h). Vital signs including BP, HR, PR, SpO2 and side effects such as nausea, vomiting, urine retention, pruritus, breath depression, etc. And VAS scores with patients in quiet and cough were recorded at the beginning of infusion at 0, 1, 4, 12, 24, 48 h. The total number of PCA, the total effective number of PCA, and the ratio of both and other analgesics as well as the satisfactory degree of patients and the cumulative suffen-tanyl consumption were recorded at 24 h. Results There were no significant difference of BP, HR, PR, SpO2 and the adverse effect and VAS scores in quiet and cough between two groups at the beginning of infusion at 0, 1, 4, 12, 24, 48 h. There were no signifi-cant difference of the total number of PCA, the total effective number of PCA and other analgesics as well as the satisfactory degree of patients and the total dosage of sulfentanyl at 24 h. Conclusion The sulfentanyl (China) had satisfactory effects of postoperative analgesia and had no significant side effects compared with sulfentanyl (German). The efficacy and the side effects of both drugs had no significant difference.  相似文献   
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