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目的探讨皮质直接电刺激(DES)在语言区胶质瘤切除术中的应用价值。方法回顾性分析91例大脑语言区胶质瘤病例的临床资料,均在唤醒麻醉下以皮质DES测定脑功能区,并最大程度切除肿瘤。结果直接电刺激结果:88例(125个阳性刺激点)病人出现运动发作(面部或手),91例(112个阳性点)出现语言障碍(包括数数中断、命名错误或不能命名)。肿瘤全切除53例(58.2%),次全切除31例(34.1%),部分切除7例(7.7%)。术后无神经功能障碍42例(46.2%),短暂神经功能障碍并恢复48例(52.7%),出现永久性神经功能障碍1例(1.1%)。结论皮质DES是一种可靠、精确、安全的脑功能区定位方法,可在保留术后语言功能的前提下,最大程度切除语言区胶质瘤。  相似文献   

目的探索粤-普双语者皮质语言区定位规律,研究双语者大脑手术语言功能的保护方法。方法对11例粤-普双语语言区胶质瘤病人进行语言区定位:术前应用BOLD-fMRI定位单纯图片命名(PN)及图片动词联想(VG)任务的双语语言区;术中唤醒下执行双语言任务,行直接皮质电刺激(DCES)语言区定位。结果DCES术中电刺激154个点,共获得阳性结果22个(14.3%),其中确定特定语言区阳性点5个(3例),均表现为单纯命名障碍,包括特定普通话语言区3个,特定粤语语言区2个。以DCES定位为金标准,BOLD-IMR/定位对VG任务的准确率明显高于PN任务(P=0.010)。结论术中DCES证实粤-普双语者存在特定语言区;粤-普早双语高度熟练者术前执行VG任务可提高BOLD-IMRI语言区定位的准确性;术前、术中行双语言任务定位语言区有助于保护双语病人的语言功能。  相似文献   

目的 探讨中国人汉-英-法多语者的脑功能区定位,应用唤醒手术及直接皮层电刺激技术,探讨多语者脑功能区肿瘤的手术方法.方法 对一例浙江籍汉语普通话-英语-法语多语者,同时也是左额叶低级别胶质瘤患者进行手术,术前完成汉、英、法语言试验任务,经功能磁共振定位汉语、英语、法语皮质区;术中采用超声探测肿瘤,全麻唤醒下应用皮层直接电刺激技术确定多语言的功能区,依据功能区边界切除肿瘤.评价术前、术后语言功能.结果 通过fMRI检出汉、英、法3种语言激活区,且3种语言区基本重合,位于左额中、上回的后部及颞上回.切除肿瘤过程中,应用皮层直接电刺激技术发现了汉、英、法3种语言的功能区,其中英、法语言区基本重合,但与汉语语言区并不完全重合,颞上回后部存在特异性的语言区.肿瘤次全切除,术后出现短暂运动性失语,3种语言均受损,但于半年内恢复,其中汉语的恢复较快,英语、法语恢复慢.术后1年随访,患者恢复正常生活和工作,3种语青功能均恢复至术前水平,未发现语言转换障碍,术前癫痫症状消失.结论 采用多语方式进行扫描定位和术中清醒状态下多语监测使得多语脑功能区病变患者的手术治疗成为可能.  相似文献   

目的探讨皮质电刺激在难治性癫病人语言区定位的作用。方法 10例癫病人经颅内电极行脑皮质电刺激,记录其语言行为学表现及相应电流强度,个体化定位语言区以指导剪裁式致灶切除术。术后评估病人语言功能。结果 5例病人应用皮质电刺激测得语言区,其分布变异大,但4例病人干扰语言功能的电流强度阈值之间无明显差异(P>0.05)。所有病人术后均未出现语言功能障碍。结论应用特定参数的脑皮质电刺激行个体化语言区定位,有利于降低难治性癫病人致灶切除术后发生语言障碍的风险。  相似文献   

汉-英双语言脑功能区外科手术定位的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨中国人汉-英语的脑功能区定位及手术方法。方法对1例广东籍汉语普通话-英语双语言脑功能区低级别胶质瘤病人,术前通过汉、英语语义、语音和图文实验任务,经功能磁共振(fMRI)定位汉语和英语皮质区.由神经功能导航制定手术计划和定位,术中采用超声探测肿瘤,全麻唤醒下双语定位监测功能区,行显微手术切除病变。结果fMRI检出汉语激活区在肿瘤的前下外部,即额中下回后部,英语激活区则位于近肿瘤的额上中回后部。切除肿瘤过程中英语较汉语出现明显障碍征象。肿瘤获次全切除,术后出现短暂辅助运动区(SMA)综合征,英语运动性失语于术后1周内恢复;术后3个月,fMRI显示英语激活区重塑位移。术后8个月随访,病人恢复正常生活和工作,术前癫痫症状消失。结论①采用双语方式进行fMRI扫描定位、神经导航功能区定位和术中清醒状态下双语监测,使双语言脑功能区病变病人的手术治疗成为可能。②在保留母语功能的前提下,对第2语言区病变做到最大限度切除后,其语言功能仍可能得到恢复。  相似文献   

脑功能区胶质瘤的手术策略   总被引:52,自引:9,他引:43  
目的探讨唤醒麻醉状态下切除脑功能区胶质瘤的手术方法及意义。方法13例脑功能区胶质瘤经神经导航病灶定位术中唤醒麻醉,皮层诱发电位及皮层电刺激定位脑功能区,在清醒状态下切除脑功能区病变。结果全部病例均在术中获得安全可靠的麻醉唤醒,清醒状态下脑功能区的定位和最大限度地肿瘤切除,其中6例获得皮层体感诱发电位检测确定中央沟;9例经皮质刺激术明确运动区;4例通过皮质刺激术基本确定语言运动中枢。肿瘤全切11例,次全切除2例。术后出现暂时性神经功能障碍或功能障碍加重有11例,神经功能完全恢复正常10例。1例术中出现癫痫发作,1例在唤醒过程中出现一过性脑肿胀;全部患者术后无痛苦回忆。结论对脑功能区胶质瘤运用唤醒麻醉,神经导航病灶定位,皮层电刺激和皮层诱发电位定位脑功能区技术能较为可靠地明确脑功能区与肿瘤切除范围的关系,在清醒状态下切除肿瘤实时监测脑功能状态,能够最大限度地切除脑功能区病变和最大程度地保护脑功能。  相似文献   

目的 初步探讨全麻唤醒状态下精确定位切除额叶功能区致痫灶的方法,为外伤性迟发性癫痫的微侵袭外科手术提供经验.方法 对8例明确由额叶功能区病灶引起的外伤性迟发性癫痫病人进行气管(或喉罩)插管、全麻下神经导航解剖定位开颅,术中麻醉唤醒,在清醒状态下,通过皮质脑电图及皮质电刺激等方法进行额叶运动区和(或)语言区定位,在保护脑功能区的前提下切除致痫灶,然后在全麻下关颅.结果 8例病人均顺利经过气管(或喉罩)插管下全麻-术中唤醒-再全麻手术过程,唤醒后额叶功能区均采用神经电生理技术得到精确定位,额叶致痫灶得到最大程度切除,无明显的术后神经功能障碍发生,外伤性癫痫得以治愈或显著改善.无手术并发症,病人术后无痛苦回忆.结论 全麻唤醒状态下进行皮质脑电图及皮质电刺激定位额叶功能区手术有助于安全准确地切除致痫灶,提高外伤性迟发性癫痫病人术后生活质量.  相似文献   

直接电刺激在功能区神经上皮肿瘤手术中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨直接电刺激在功能区神经上皮肿瘤手术中应用的意义。方法对44例大脑功能区神经上皮肿瘤手术中应用直接电刺激的临床资料进行回顾性总结。结果所有病例均在充分保护功能区的前提下,最大程度切除肿瘤,其中39例术中定位出运动区,14例定位出语言功能区;肿瘤全切28例,次全切12例,部分切除4例。平均随访23.5个月,无病生存35例(79.5%),死亡6例(13.6%)。15例术后出现短暂性一侧肢体活动障碍,11例出现短暂语言功能障碍,1例术后遗留永久性肢体运动功能障碍。所有患者均无痛苦回忆。结论皮层电刺激是一种可靠无创的脑功能区定位方法,在神经上皮肿瘤手术中应用此技术可在有效保护脑功能的前提下最大限度地切除功能区病变。  相似文献   

目的研究多模态影像联合电生理监测技术在脑功能区胶质瘤手术中的保护脑功能的应用价值。方法回顾性分析5例语言区和55例运动区胶质瘤患者的临床资料。术前行功能磁共振定位功能区,弥散张量成像显示重要传导束,融合多模态影像构建功能神经导航,术中采用皮层体感诱发电位定位中央沟,并运用皮层-皮层下电刺激技术监测语言区、运动区和皮层下重要神经传导束,在保护功能前提下尽可能切除病灶。术后评价肿瘤切除程度和神经功能。结果 5例语言区胶质瘤和30例病变毗邻运动皮层胶质瘤患者术前功能磁共振成功定位功能区,通过弥散张量成像3例语言区胶质瘤和42例运动区胶质瘤患者分别重建出弓状束和锥体束。术中电刺激语言区和运动区检出率分比为100%和92.7%;92.7%的运动区肿瘤患者可通过皮层体感诱发电位技术定位中央沟。术中神经导航对手术具有指导作用。肿瘤影像全切率86.7%,术后功能保留率91.7%。结论运用多模态影像技术有助于术前定位脑功能区,功能神经导航有助于术前规划、术中引导病灶切除,但需注意影像漂移。术中电生理监测技术是定位和保护脑功能结构的主要手段。  相似文献   

目的 探讨以皮质电刺激为基础的语言功能区皮质的定位方法.方法 总结11例癫(癎)灶邻近语言区病人的治疗经验.将格栅状皮质电极覆盖于脑皮质表面,其中Broca区6例,Wernicke区5例;应用皮质电刺激定位出语言功能区8例,阴性3例;功能磁共振显示语言功能区移位2例.在癫(癎)灶切除过程中,采用局麻2例,术中拔除喉罩2例,常规气管插管全麻7例;术中注意保留具有语言功能的皮质.结果 术后出现-过性语言不流利2例,余9例无明显语言功能障碍.术后随访1年以上,Engel Ⅰ级8例,Ⅲ级2例,Ⅳ级1例.结论 采用埋植式颅内电极进行语言皮质功能绘图方法,可较精确地定位癫(癎)病人的语言功能区.  相似文献   

Direct cortical electrostimulation was used to study cortical areas hypothetically involved in translation in bilinguals during brain tumour resections, with a view to sparing these functional areas. A series of seven proficient bilingual patients was studied: two left-handed and five right-handed individuals with no pre-existing language deficit. Hemispheric cortex (on the side contralateral to the patient's hand-dominance) was directly stimulated whilst the patient performed naming and reading tasks in both languages and a translation task (of a written text from their second 'learned' language to their first or 'native' language). Of the 147 different cortical sites studied, 26 'language functional sites' were detected, where electrostimulation affected reading and/or naming in the patient's native and/or second learned language. Of these, 8 sites (in 4 patients) were "task-specific" and "language-specific" i.e., affecting only naming or reading in only one of the patient's languages. Of the 26 "language sites", only 3 produced any interferences in translation. All of these were located in frontal regions. Electrostimulation at these sites caused the patient to stop translating abruptly, but no language switching or other translation-related phenomenon was observed. No site was found that was involved only in translation and not other language tasks. Overall, in contrast to other language tasks, cortical structures of the convexity were rarely involved in translation. We suggest that translation interference could be more readily detected by subcortical stimulations. This spatial dissociation within the brain of translation function versus other language functions could explain the cases of dissociated language impairments observed in some bilingual patients with brain lesions. On a practical level, because the cortical sites found by translation tasks are few and related with other cortical language sites, we think that translation tasks provide little additional helpful information for cortical brain mapping in bilingual neurosurgical patients.  相似文献   

The bilingual brain   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The localization of two languages in the lateral cortex of the dominant cerebral hemisphere was determined by the technique of mapping sites where electrical stimulation altered naming in two biligual patients. Sites in the center of the language area of each patient were involved in both languages. Peripheral to this, in both frontal and parietal cortex, were sites involved in only one of the languages. In each patient, each language in part used different areas of brain.  相似文献   

Acquired aphasia after circumscribed vascular subcortical lesions has not been reported in bilingual children. We report clinical and neuroimaging findings in an early bilingual boy who incurred equally severe transcortical sensory aphasia in his first language (L1) and second language (L2) after a posterior left thalamic hemorrhage. Following recurrent bleeding of the lesion the aphasic symptoms substantially aggravated. Spontaneous pathological language switching and mixing were found in both languages. Remission of these phenomena was reflected on brain perfusion SPECT revealing improved perfusion in the left frontal lobe and left caudate nucleus. The parallelism between the evolution of language symptoms and the SPECT findings may demonstrate that a subcortical left frontal lobe circuity is crucially involved in language switching and mixing.  相似文献   

Acquired aphasia after circumscribed vascular subcortical lesions has not been reported in bilingual children. We report clinical and neuroimaging findings in an early bilingual boy who incurred equally severe transcortical sensory aphasia in his first language (L1) and second language (L2) after a posterior left thalamic hemorrhage. Following recurrent bleeding of the lesion the aphasic symptoms substantially aggravated. Spontaneous pathological language switching and mixing were found in both languages. Remission of these phenomena was reflected on brain perfusion SPECT revealing improved perfusion in the left frontal lobe and left caudate nucleus. The parallelism between the evolution of language symptoms and the SPECT findings may demonstrate that a subcortical left frontal lobe circuity is crucially involved in language switching and mixing.  相似文献   

Bilinguals need control mechanisms in order to switch between languages in different communication contexts (Green, 1998, Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 1; Price, Green, & von Studnitz, 1999, Brain, 122). There has been neural evidence showing competition to control output in L2 vs. L1 in both cortical and sub-cortical areas, when language selection is carried out (Abutalebi & Green, 2007, Journal of Neurolinguistics, 20). Here we use intra-operative direct electrical stimulation to demonstrate that the head of the left caudate is critical not only in language switching tasks but other control tasks. A bilingual Chinese-English patient was instructed to perform both language switching and switching in color-shape naming tasks during awake glioma surgery. When stimulation was applied on the left caudate, failures or difficulties in both language switching and color-shape naming were observed, with the effects greater on language switching. Stimulation to neighboring brain regions either did not affect performance or generated mild problems specific to language switching. The results provide direct evidence of the necessary role of the left caudate in language control.  相似文献   

Recovery processes of two English-Japanese bilingual aphasics were investigated with special emphasia on the effect of language therapy. Although the two patients had different types of aphasia (one Broca's aphasia and the other Wernicke's aphasia), the degree of the language impairment initially manifested in English and Japanese was almost equivalent in each case with the pattern of impairment corresponding to the respective types of aphasia. In either case, language therapy was conducted in English, and the course of recovery during the first six months was analyzed. The results indicated that auditory comprehension improved almost simultaneously in both treated (English) and untreated (Japanese) languages regardless of the type of the patients' aphasia. In contrast, oral language production in Broca's aphasia improved only for the treated language while that in Wernicke's aphasia improved simultaneously for both languages. Writing ability seemed to improve as a function of language therapy in both cases. The implications for the relationship between spontaneous recovery and the effects of treatment were discussed.  相似文献   

BackgroundLanguage switching (LS) is an important phenomena usually observed in some bilingual communities. The ability to switch languages is a very fast, efficient and flexible process, being a fundamental aspect of bilingual efficient language communication. The aim of the present study was to characterize the specific role of non-language specific prefrontal regions in the neural network involved in LS in bilingual patients, during awake brain surgery and using electrical stimulation mapping (ESM).MethodsIn order to identify the neural regions involved in LS we used, a new specific ESM protocol in two patients undergoing awake brain surgery. Besides, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), neuropsychological testing and the assessment of daily conversational LS patterns post-surgery were used as complementary imaging and behavioral assessments.ResultsThe outcome of the multimodal ESM-fMRI neuroimaging comparison in both patients pointed out to the crucial involvement of the inferior and middle frontal cortices in LS.ConclusionsThe present results add to previous findings highlighting the important role of non-language specific frontal structures in regulating LS. The new protocol developed here might allow neurosurgeons to plan ahead for surgical intervention in multilingual patients to ensure the preservation of regions involved in LS and therefore the prevention of pathological language mixing after intervention.  相似文献   

目的探讨功能区胶质瘤手术前后语言功能皮质的改变。方法对8例胶质瘤累及功能区的病人,在切除术前和术后3-6个月内进行听觉方式呈现的汉语词汇语义判断任务的血氧水平依赖功能性磁共振(BOLD~fMRI,3.0T)扫描,采用AFNI软件进行脑功能区活动图像分析,获得语言皮质的激活体素,计算出术前和术后的半球激活指数(HAI)并行统计学分析。结果术后3个月,病人左侧大脑半球瘤腔周围的激活明显增加。量化激活体素结果表明:术前HAI为0.96±0.22,术后1.10±0.21,两者差异有统计学意义(P〈0.001)。结论手术部分切除或大部切除脑胶质瘤3个月后,左侧大脑半球的语言皮质激活体素较术前有不同程度升高。这说明语言功能皮质具有一定的可塑性。  相似文献   

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