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黄健 《中国医药指南》2012,(36):436-437
脑卒中是房颤的最主要危害,可导致患者致残率和致死率增加,严重影响患者的生活质量。使用华法林抗凝可明显减少脑卒中并发症。然而同治疗一般慢性病的药物相比,由于华法林具有可能导致出血的副作用,加之需定期采血检测INR值来调整药物剂量,使得其服药依从性上较一般的慢性病药物更差。而如果不能保证合适的药物剂量,不能达到标准的INR值,则患者发生栓塞和出血的可能性会大大增加。本文综合探讨如何提高房颤患者使用华法林治疗的服药依从性。  相似文献   

心脏机械瓣膜置换术后华法林抗凝观察   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
吴逢波  徐珽  陈泽莲  唐尧 《中国药房》2008,19(14):1093-1094
目的:探讨心脏机械瓣膜置换术后华法林抗凝治疗的影响因素、给药方法和国际标准比值(INR)的关系。方法:对123例行心脏机械瓣膜置换术后患者进行随访研究。术后使用华法林抗凝,出院后定期复查随访。记录年龄、性别、华法林剂量和INR值等,观察出血、栓塞、死亡等不良事件发生情况。结果:术后无死亡病例,出院发生股静脉血栓1例,牙龈出血11例,泌尿系出血3例。出院随访因抗凝出现不良事件的发生率与国外文献报道相近。结论:心脏机械瓣膜置换术后5d根据INR给予个体化剂量,控制INR值在1.5~2.0之间可以达到一定的抗凝效果,且相对安全。  相似文献   

目的:探讨房颤患者华法林抗凝治疗存在的临床问题。方法:分析2006~2008年新疆塔城地区人民医院内科67例心房颤动患者华法林抗凝治疗的随诊临床资料。结果:10例不能定期门诊随诊监测INR,4例发生出血而停药,2例发生血栓及栓塞,3例出现皮疹及皮肤瘙痒而停药,INR未达标率24.1%。结论:房颤患者华法林抗凝治疗存在依从性差,达标率低,受当地医疗条件限制,部分医师和患者对房颤的危险及华法林抗凝治疗的重要性认识不足等临床问题。  相似文献   

张小勇 《现代医药卫生》2009,25(23):3559-3560
目的:探讨华法林在房颤患者抗凝治疗中的标准化比值(INR),以减少华法林的不良反应。方法:回顾性分析2004年3月~2009年3月使用华法林抗凝治疗房颤患者106例的临床资料。结果:房颤患者使用华法林抗凝治疗后脑卒中的年发生率为1.61%、年出血并发症为0.49%,分别低于文献报道的4%及1%。结论:无抗凝禁忌证的房颤患者,均应使用华法林抗凝治疗,但应密切监测INR,确保华法林的安全使用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨定期随访对出院患者华法林抗凝治疗效果和安全性的影响。方法:研究对象为2009年1月至2010年1月在解放军总医院心血管中心住院期间应用华法林抗凝治疗未达到稳定剂量、出院3个月内仍需持续服用该药的患者。按随机数字表法将患者分为随访组和对照组。随访调查采用电话访问,对随访组患者每周访问1次,对照组患者仅在出院后3个月时访问1次。主要了解患者华法林剂量调整、国际标准化比值(INR)监测、合并用药、饮食情况以及出血或血栓等不良反应发生情况;另外,根据随访结果敦促患者定期测定INR和调节华法林剂量。结果:总共200例患者纳入本研究并分为2组,每组100例患者。随访组男62例,女38例,平均年龄(57.0±16.2)岁;对照组男47例,女53例,平均年龄(59.6±13.4)岁。出院后3个月内,随访组坚持服用华法林并达到稳定剂量者比例高于对照组(75%比53%,P=0.00);随访组失访和非医源性停药者比例低于对照组(11%比22%,6%比15%,均P=0.04);随访组未监测INR者比例与对照组相近(8%比10%,P=0.62)。随访组患者出院至达稳定剂量所需时间短于对照组[(38.7±19.0)d比(54.5±45.6)d,P=0.03];随访组INR〉3但〈4和INR≥4者比例[分别为14.7%(11/75)和10.7%(8/75)]均少于对照组[分别为30.2%(16/53)和24.6%(13/53)],差异有统计学意义(均P=0.04);随访组发生出血事件者比例低于对照组[4.0%(3/75)比11.3%(6/53)],但差异无统计学意义(P=0.21)。随访期间,2组患者均未出现血栓性事件。结论:定期随访可提高出院患者华法林抗凝治疗依从性和疗效,并可能有助于减少出血等不良反应的发生。  相似文献   

目的探讨华法林治疗房颤中的护理要点。方法回顾分析120例患者的临床资料及护理经验。结果华法林起始剂量为2.5mg,根据INR调整华法林用量,维持剂量为1.25~3.25mg,INR达到1.6~2.5水平需时间为5~12d,INR稳定于1.6~2.5水平需10~28d。在华法林剂量调整过程中INR最高达6.93,患者无出血并发症;随访2~4年,其中4例有并发出血;所有患者随访期间无缺血脑卒中及其他部位的血栓。结论华法林的应用是安全可靠的,但其出血的不良反应也不能忽视,应严密观察,定期复查凝血酶原,随时调整剂量,精心护理,以充分发挥其治疗作用,减少其不良反应。  相似文献   

罗创军 《北方药学》2016,(4):127-127
目的:对房颤合并多种疾病的老年患者实施华法林导致INR异常的药学监护进行研究。方法:对1名房颤合并冠心病、尿道感染采用华法林治疗后INR异常升高的老年患者,对临床药师分析的造成INR异常升高的原因进行介绍,同时协助医生制定个体化药学监护计划,实施全程药学监护。结果:在调整华法林的用药剂量以及其他药物和对患者实施用药教育后,患者在住院期间未出现出血和栓塞情况,得到了较为满意的抗凝治疗成效。结论:针对合并多种疾病的房颤患者实行抗凝方案的用药护理,可以有效提升患者的用药依从性,防止出现各种不良反应,保证用药的安全性和有效性。  相似文献   

柴晓芸  唐琦 《北方药学》2014,(6):162-163
目的:使房颤患者及家属了解和掌握华法林抗凝治疗的重要性、注意事项及不良反应等。方法:通过对房颤患者及家属在应用华法林抗凝治疗前,强化健康教育。结果:病人及家属对华法林的抗凝治疗有了正确的认识和一定程度的掌握,提高了患者的用药依从性,实施健康教育的患者能够按时随访凝血酶原时间(PT)及国际标准化比值(INR)。有效减少了抗凝治疗的并发症,未出现血栓栓塞事件,无严重出血发生。  相似文献   

目的:探讨临床药师在房颤合并多种疾病的老年患者中开展华法林药学监护的内容和模式。方法:通过1例房颤合并冠心病、尿路感染的老年患者使用华法林后INR异常升高的病例,介绍临床药师分析导致INR异常升高的原因、协助医生制定个体化药学监护计划并实施全程药学监护的过程。结果:经过调整华法林剂量以及其他治疗药物、对患者进行用药教育,患者住院期间未发生出血及栓塞事件,最终达到满意的抗凝治疗效果。结论:对合并多种疾病的房颤患者实施抗凝方案的用药监护,有利于提高患者用药依从性,避免药物不良反应发生,更好地保障用药的有效性和安全性。  相似文献   

目的探讨华法林在房颤患者抗凝治疗中的使用方法及临床效果,以减少房颤患者脑卒中的发生率,强调需密切监测标准化比值(INR),以减少华法林的不良反应。方法总结2004年5月至2009年5月使用华法林抗凝治疗的房颤患者60例,进行回顾性分析。结果房颤患者使用华法林抗凝治疗后脑卒中的年发生率为3.33%、无出血并发症的发生。结论无抗凝禁忌证的房颤患者,均应使用华法林抗凝治疗,但应密切监测服用期间国际标准化比率(INR),确保华法林的安全使用。  相似文献   

AIM: To compare the treatment outcomes of a clinical pharmacist-managed anticoagulation service with physician-managed service in Chinese patients. METHODS: A prospective, randomized clinical trial was conducted at the anticoagulation clinic of a teaching hospital in Hong Kong. Patients aged > or = 18 years who would required warfarin therapy for at least 3 months were recruited. Patients were randomized to the pharmacist-managed or physician-managed group. Primary clinical outcome was assessed by the percentage of patient time spent within the target international normalized ratio (INR) range. The incidence of major thromboembolic events (TEs) and major bleeding was assessed as secondary clinical outcomes. The cost per patient per month (cPPPM) was calculated and patient satisfaction was assessed by patient satisfaction questionnaire (PSQ)-18. RESULTS: One hundred and forty-one patients were recruited at the anticoagulation clinic and 137 patients completed the study. Patients in the pharmacist-managed group (n = 68) were in the target INR 64% of patient time vs. 59% in the physician-managed group (n = 69) (P < 0.001). There was no significant difference in incidence of major TEs or bleeding. The cPPPM in the pharmacist-managed group (76 +/- 95 US dollar) (43 +/- 53 British pound) was lower than in the physician-managed group (98 +/- 158 US dollar) (55 +/- 89 British pound) (P < 0.001). The PSQ-18 score of the pharmacist-managed group (3.8 +/- 0.2) was higher than that of the physician-managed group (3.6 +/- 0.3) (P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: The pharmacist-managed anticoagulation service was more effective and less costly than the physician-managed service in achieving target anticoagulation control for Chinese patients on warfarin therapy.  相似文献   

目的:研究细胞色素P4502C9基因(CYP2C9)和维生素K环氧化物还原酶复合物1基因(VKORC1)在华法令抗凝治疗患者的多态性分布,并探讨其对抗凝剂量的影响。方法:收集74例服用华法令抗凝治疗病人的外周血,测定其凝血酶原时间国际标准化比值(INR)和CYP2C9、VKORC1基因类型,探讨基因多态性的分布特点,以及华法令维持剂量与基因多态性的关系。结果:CYP2C9基因分布主要为野生型,突变型较少,抗凝治疗的维持剂量野生型组与突变组无明显差别。 VKORC1基因型的分布AA型为主,AG型较少,GG型未见,抗凝治疗的维持剂量AG组明显高于AA组。结论:CYP2C9、VKORC1基因在中国汉族人群中具有遗传多态性, VKORC1基因的多态性在华法令抗凝治疗中具有显著意义。  相似文献   

刘状  葛圣林  张成鑫 《安徽医药》2014,(7):1340-1344
目的探讨安徽地区汉族人心脏机械瓣膜置换术后华法林低强度抗凝应用于患者的安全性,为瓣膜置换术后患者给予最佳的华法林抗凝剂量及最佳的INR控制标准提供参考。方法对安徽医科大学第一附属医院2010年1月至2013年1月期间509例安徽省地区汉族人群人工机械瓣膜置换术后的患者给予华法林低强度抗凝治疗。随访期间,记录其PT、INR值及华法林剂量。统计出血及血栓、栓塞等不良事件的发生。结果失访及数据不完整的有40例,数据较完整的有469例,随访1~37个月,平均(18.13±6.02)月,总随访1 960.8人年。男211例,女258例,平均年龄(40.52±13.38)岁,其中行MVR 268例,AVR 115例,DVR 86例。所换瓣膜均为双叶机械瓣膜,其中153枚St.Jude Regent瓣膜,291枚CarboMedics瓣膜,111枚国产GKS瓣膜。结果平均INR为2.11±0.56,平均华法林剂量为(3.124±2.4)mg。共有47例抗凝相关并发症,其中出血事件37例(发生率为1.89%pt-y),血栓、栓塞事件有10例(发生率为0.51%pt-y)。另外,5例死亡,与抗凝相关有3例。术前患者共有316例合并房颤,43例合并左房血栓。结论安徽省人群瓣膜置换术后患者INR控制在1.8~2.2是合适的,可以有效控制血栓、栓塞及出血等并发症的发生。合并房颤患者及行DVR的患者的抗凝相关并发症发生率较高,此类患者应加大复查频次,及时调整华法林剂量。  相似文献   

左惠娟  苏江莲  林运 《中国医药》2010,5(9):806-808
目的 了解门诊心房颤动(房颤)患者抗凝治疗的依从性,提高抗凝治疗质量,预防缺血性脑卒中.方法 从北京市城八区选择8所三级医院和7所二级医院,由内科医生对门诊或病房非瓣膜性房颤患者采取统一问卷调查.对抗凝治疗患者分别于调查结束后1年和2年进行随访,了解患者治疗的依从性和效果.结果 583例非瓣膜性房颤患者中110例服用华法林,华法林总体服用率为18.9%,脑卒中高危房颤患者抗凝治疗率为18.2%(85例).开始治疗后3个月国际标准化测量值(INR)达标率为29.2%(7例),超过1年达标率为44.7%(21例).1年随访时服药治疗依从性为80.0%(84例),放弃抗凝治疗的患者中67.8%(19例)在开始治疗的6个月内停药.患者监测依从性较差,23.8%(20例)患者超过2个月监测1次INR值.结论 门诊房颤患者尤其是脑卒中高危房颤患者抗凝治疗率低,抗凝治疗依从性较高,监测依从性有待提高,加强抗凝治疗患者的随访教育尤其是开始治疗后的早期随访教育有助于提高抗凝治疗的依从性.  相似文献   

目的:探讨基层医院临床药师指导华法林抗凝治疗非瓣膜病房颤与传统治疗的差异,为基层医院临床药师开展临床药学服务提供参考。方法:2010年1月-2014年12月,收治非瓣膜病心房颤动患者58例,随机数字表法分成临床药师指导华法林抗凝治疗组28例(指导组)和非临床药师指导华法林抗凝治疗组30例(传统组)。指导组由临床药师采用药学服务模式指导患者华法林抗凝治疗、INR自主监测与剂量调整;传统组由医师依据INR值调整用药剂量、交代药物用法用量和注意事项的临床常规方式进行华法林抗凝治疗;2组目标国际标准化值(INR)均为2.0~3.0(年龄≥75岁者为1.5~2.5),治疗开始后每间隔5 d在院监测一次INR值。2组患者开始华法林抗凝治疗的第12个月做一次随访调查。结果:2组患者达目标国际标准化值(INR)的比例有显著性差异(P<0.05);自我监测与剂量调整能力、用药依从性和安全性方面的随访调查,结果有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论:临床药师采用药学服务模式指导华法林抗凝治疗非瓣膜病心房颤动患者的方法效果显著。  相似文献   

Backgrounds Limited evidence is available regarding pharmacist managed anticoagulation clinic in the Southeast Asian region where there is marked difference in terms of care model, genetic composition and patient demographics. Objectives This study aimed at comparing the anticoagulation clinic managed by the pharmacist with physician advisory and the usual medical care provided in Kuala Lumpur Hospital (KLH) in terms of anticoagulation control and adverse outcomes. Setting A 2,302 bedded government tertiary referral hospital in Malaysia. Methods A 6-month retrospective cohort study of the effectiveness of two models of anticoagulation care, the pharmacist managed anticoagulation clinic which is known as warfarin medication therapy adherence clinic (WMTAC) and usual medical clinic (UMC) in KLH was conducted, where a random number generator was used to recruit patients. The UMC patients received standard medical care where they are managed by rotational medical officers in the physicians’ clinic. As for the WMTAC with physician advisory, the pharmacist will counsel and review the patients internationalised normalization ratio at each clinic visit and also adjust the patients’ warfarin dose accordingly. Patients are referred to physicians if immediate attention is required. Main outcome measure The main therapeutic outcome is time in therapeutic range (TTR) both actual and expanded TTR and thromboembolic and bleeding complications. Results Each of the WMTAC and usual medical care recruited 92 patients, which totals to 184 patients. The patient demographics in terms of age, race and indication of treatment were comparable. At the end of the 6 months follow-up, patients in the WMTAC group had significantly higher actual-TTR (65.1 vs. 48.3 %; p < 0.05) compared to those in usual medical care group. Rates of admission were 6.5 versus 28.2 events per 100 person-years for the WMTAC and UMC groups, respectively. Though the bleeding incidences were not significantly different, it was reduced. Conclusions These findings will impact local warfarin patient management services and policies because there was no available evidence supporting the role of pharmacists in the management of warfarin patients prior to this study.  相似文献   

Whether influenza vaccination causes a prolongation in the prothrombin time (PT) and produces bleeding complications in patients receiving chronic warfarin therapy is a clinically important controversy. The degree of anticoagulation during chronic warfarin therapy of 33 patients was assessed before and after vaccination with trivalent types A and B influenza vaccine. Three patients were excluded because of inadequate PT data before vaccination and one patient was unavailable for follow-up after vaccination. Data from five additional patients were excluded from statistical analysis because the warfarin dose was changed within one week of vaccination. PT values obtained at zero to two weeks, three to four weeks, and two, three, and four months after vaccination were compared with each patient's prevaccination baseline value. PT values following vaccination were unchanged except for a decrease that occurred during the first two weeks (p less than 0.05). Complications did not require dosage adjustments and were limited to minor nose bleeds or bruises occurring in two patients before and three patients after vaccination. These data suggest a decrease rather than an increase in PT values following vaccination, and do not support the existence of a serious warfarin-vaccine interaction. The possibility that an occasional patient may experience such an interaction cannot be excluded, but none was seen in these patients.  相似文献   

Background Warfarin remains widely used by patients with cardiovascular diseases. When using warfarin, the quality of oral anticoagulation control is a critical determinant to minimize the risk of bleeding and thromboembolic events. Pharmacist engagement in patient care is relevant towards improving the quality of warfarin therapy. Objective To assess the quality of oral anticoagulation control measured by time in therapeutic range (TTR) at two pharmacist-managed anticoagulation clinics (AC). Method This study included adults with indication of continuous warfarin use. Patients were recruited at two AC of public hospitals in Brazil (2014–2015). Anticoagulation control was assessed by TTR using the Rosendaal method. Laboratory INR values were collected for the maximum period of follow-up (2009–2015). Results A total of 554 patients were studied. The median age was 63.7 [Quartile 1 (Q1) 54.3; Quartile 3 (Q3) 73.6] years, 57.4% female. The median TTR was 64.3% [Q1 54.0%; Q3 74.0%], and 344 (61.6%) patients had TTR ≥ 60%. Conclusion Pharmacist-managed AC have achieved an adequate TTR in Brazilian patients with low socioeconomic status. Interventions include face-to-face appointments for individual patient education, warfarin-dosing adjustments and monitoring of drug interactions. Pharmacists are important to improve adherence and the quality of warfarin therapy in low- and middle income countries.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE: To determine if transitioning patients from a pharmacist- managed anticoagulation clinic after stabilization of warfarin therapy to physician-managed care alters the quality of anticoagulation care. DESIGN: Retrospective medical record review. SETTING: Pharmacist-managed, urban academic medical center-based outpatient anticoagulation clinic. PATIENTS: Forty patients who were stabilized on warfarin therapy. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Quality of anticoagulation care was measured by percentage of international normalized ratios (INRs) in target range, anticoagulation-related health care visits, and responses to satisfaction surveys. A significant decrease in anticoagulation control was observed on transition to physician-managed care. Before transition, 76% of all INRs were in target range versus 48% after transition (p<0.0001, chi(2) test). When performing paired analysis, a median 75% of each patient's INRs were therapeutic before transition compared with 36.5% after (p<0.0001, Wilcoxon signed rank test). Thirty-two percent of first INR values measured after transition from the clinic were in target range, and the median time to first follow-up INR was 41 days. The number of INR values above 4.5 and below 1.5 increased significantly after transition from the anticoagulation clinic (p<0.0001 and p=0.01, respectively, chi(2) test). Before transition from the anticoagulation clinic, two anticoagulation-related emergency department visits were reported in one patient. After transition, 13 cases of additional medical care were reported among seven patients; seven of the 13 cases required an office visit with the physician, and six resulted in emergency room evaluation. None of these cases resulted in hospitalization. Patient satisfaction with clinical care provided by the anticoagulation clinic was significantly higher before transition. CONCLUSION: Transition of patients from a pharmacist-managed anticoagulation clinic back to physician-managed anticoagulation care after stabilization of warfarin therapy was associated with a significant decrease in INR control, increased medical care related to anticoagulation, and decreased patient satisfaction.  相似文献   

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