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李子卓  李翌畅  李冬梅  谢圆圆  毛鑫乐  邓燕   《四川医学》2023,44(10):1086-1090
<正>经导管主动脉瓣置换术(transcatheter aortic valve replacement, TAVR)已成为外科主动脉瓣置换术(surgical aortic valve replacement, SAVR)治疗无法手术或高危症状性重度主动脉瓣狭窄(aortic stenosis, AS)患者的一种可行方案,且在中期随访中,TAVR预示着与SAVR相似的结果,并已证实具有良好的瓣膜耐久性[1]。此外,  相似文献   

经导管主动脉瓣置入术( transcatheter aortic valve implantation,TAVI)是一种新兴的主动脉瓣狭窄( aortic stenosis,AS)介入治疗技术。与传统的外科主动脉瓣膜置换术(surgical aortic valve replacement,SAVR)相比,TAVI无需进行开胸和体外循环,具有创伤小、恢复快的突出优势。 TAVI的出现给大批因存在禁忌证而无法进行外科手术或因高龄、心功能差及并发多系统疾病等手术风险高的患者带来了福音。目前已完成的随机对照试验为TAVI在此类患者中的应用提供了充分依据[1]。但在实际应用中,临床医生面临的患者远比随机对照试验所纳入的患者复杂。而随着技术的进步和临床经验的积累, TAVI 的“标签外使用”逐渐增加,目前已有大量关于在外科手术中的中危主动脉瓣狭窄、二叶式主动脉瓣狭窄、单纯主动脉瓣反流、外科生物瓣退化等既往被排除于随机对照试验之外的患者进行TAVI的报道。本文将通过简要介绍及分析针对不同患者群体进行的重要TAVI研究,呈现TAVI的现状和进展。  相似文献   

<正>主动脉瓣狭窄是常见的心脏瓣膜病变,中重度狭窄瓣膜严重影响心脏正常的生理功能,进而导致心功能受损并累及其他脏器功能,主动脉瓣狭窄的主要治疗方式为外科瓣膜置换手术。经导管主动脉瓣置换术(transcatheter aortic valve replacement,TAVR)是当前主动脉瓣狭窄患者重要的治疗手段。作为传统主动脉瓣置换外科治疗的重要补充形式,TAVR具有积极和肯定的临床意义,尤其对于高龄且不能耐受开放性手术的主动脉瓣狭窄患者,TAVR的治疗优势尤为显著,具有创伤小、手术耗时短以及患者术后恢复快等特点。但随着治疗的推广和  相似文献   

主动脉瓣置换术目前仍是重度主动脉瓣狭窄的标准治疗,但是有些高龄、全身状况差、合并症多的患者手术风险高,创伤大,术后死亡率高.经导管主动脉瓣植入术(Transcatheter aorticvalve implantation,TAVI)近年来发展迅速,国外许多研究已经证实了其有效性,到目前为止,全球已经有10多万人接受了TAVI手术,在取得良好效果的同时也面临许多问题,并发症仍然较多.介入治疗经验的积累,瓣膜材料技术的进展将推进瓣膜疾病治疗的进展.  相似文献   

[摘要] 目的评价经导管主动脉瓣膜植入(transcatheter aortic valve implantation,TAVI)与常规主动脉瓣膜置换在高风险因素患者中应用的安全性及效果。 方法选择主动脉瓣狭窄患者80例,按手术方式分为常规组47例、小切口组18例和TAVI组15例。常规组采用常规开胸主动脉瓣膜置换手术,小切口组采用胸骨上段小切口主动脉瓣膜置换手术,TAVI组采用全身麻醉非体外循环下TAVI。比较3组患者手术效果及并发症发生情况。 结果小切口组24 h引流量明显少于常规组(P<0.01)。常规组和小切口组阻断时间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。小切口组手术时间、呼吸机辅助通气时间、重症监护室(intensive care unit,ICU)停留时间短于常规组,术中出血量少于常规组(P<0.01);TAVI组手术时间、呼吸机辅助通气时间、ICU停留时间短于常规组和小切口组,术中出血量少于常规组和小切口组,平均动脉压(mean artery pressure,MAP)变化值大于常规组和小切口组,住院费用多于常规组和小切口组(P<0.05或P<0.01)。3组并发症发生率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。 结论TAVI手术在治疗高风险因素的患者中较常规主动脉瓣膜置换手术安全性高,创伤小,并发症少,恢复快,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

 随着社会老龄化的进展,主动脉瓣疾病的患病率显著上升。目前经导管主动脉瓣置换术(transcatheter aortic valve replacement,TAVR)已成为中高危主动脉狭窄患者的首选治疗方案,且其在主动脉瓣反流患者中的应用不断增加。受到个体解剖结构、血流动力学及不同瓣膜特点的影响,部分患者在TAVR术中接受首个瓣膜植入后的效果欠佳。经导管瓣中瓣置入术在TAVR初次效果不佳患者中的应用不断增加,且多项临床研究显示其即刻效果及短中期随访效果良好。本文就TAVR术中需要瓣中瓣置入的危险因素、瓣中瓣技术的预后及技术难点作一综述。  相似文献   

经导管主动脉瓣膜植入术(TAVI)是介入方法治疗严重主动脉瓣狭窄的一种新技术,经过十余年的发展,TAVI的效果与中期存活率与外科手术治疗效果相当。随着输送装置、支架瓣膜的改进,TAVI的适应证扩大,安全性、有效性进一步提升。本文将TAVI术中瓣膜植入途径的现状作一介绍。  相似文献   

目的 探讨主动脉瓣二叶畸形(bicuspid aortic valve,BAV)与三叶主动脉瓣(tricuspid aortic valve,TAV)患者行主动脉瓣机械瓣置换(aortic valve replacement,AVR)术后中期疗效差异及影响因素.方法 回顾性分析2014年1月至2019年6月在陆军军医大学第二附属医院行AVR的245例患者临床资料,分为两组:TAV组,158例;BAV组,87例,其中0型Ap 15例,0型Lat 21例,1型45例,2型6例.采用1:1倾向性评分匹配法(propensity score matching method,PSM)筛选匹配队列并比较术中、围手术期及随访结局.多因素Logistic回归分析用于评估影响升主动脉继续扩张的因素.结果 PSM筛选出了69对匹配队列并平衡了两组之间的基线差异(P>0.05).两组患者的术中及围手术期结局差异均无统计学意义.在45个月中位随访期间,两组升主动脉直径、主动脉窦部直径及其变化情况、主动脉不良事件发生率、人工瓣膜的功能状态及心功能分级差异均无统计学意义,而BAV组升主动脉变化差值、年变化率以及升主动脉继续扩张人数的比例均显著高于TAV组(P = 0.016、0.010、0.041).PSM 队列经多因素Logistic 回归分析显示,BAV 分类(OR= 3.296,95%CI:1.473~7.372)、主动脉瓣单纯反流(OR= 6.491,95%CI:2.691~15.657)及主动脉瓣狭窄伴反流(OR= 8.233,95%CI:2.565~26.429)与AVR术后升主动脉继续扩张存在独立正相关.进一步在PSM队列中筛选出BAV队列,多因素Logistic回归分析显示,1型BAV分型(OR=10.378,95%CI:1.587~67.853)、吸烟史(OR = 4.959,95%CI:1.158~21.231)以及主动脉瓣单纯反流(OR= 8.070,95%CI:1.729~37.674)与AVR术后升主动脉继续扩张存在独立正相关.结论 BAV相较于TAV患者在AVR置换术后更容易发生升主动脉的继续扩张.1型BAV分型、吸烟史及主动脉瓣反流是BAV患者AVR术后升主动脉继续扩张的独立危险因素.  相似文献   

主动脉瓣狭窄(aortic stenosis,AS)是老年人常见的心脏瓣膜病,其发病率随着年龄的增长而升高,退行性病变已成为我国AS患者的主要病因 [1]. 经导管主动脉瓣置换术(transcather aortic valve replacement,TAVR)是一种新型的微创瓣膜置换技术,具有不开胸、风险低、操作简...  相似文献   

目的 探讨超声心动图在主动脉瓣反流患者经心尖主动脉瓣植入(transcatheter aortic valve implantation, TAVI)术前、术中及术后的作用。方法 31例中-重度单纯主动脉瓣反流或以主动脉瓣反流为主的外科开胸手术高风险患者行经心尖TAVI术。术前经胸超声心动图(transthoracic echocardiograghy,TTE)评估主动脉瓣反流程度、测量主动脉根部相关指标、左室收缩功能;术中介入操作前经食管超声心动图 (transesophageal echocardiography,TEE)再次准确评估,瓣膜植入过程中TEE联合X光造影指导人工瓣膜植入、监测并发症,术后即刻评估有无瓣周反流及程度;术后1周、1月TTE随访人工瓣膜血流动力学参数、有无相关并发症、左室收缩功能。结果 31例患者中,29例成功完成经心尖TAVI术。术后微量或无瓣周反流23例,轻度瓣周反流6例。左室舒张期内径、左室质量指数术后1周较术前显著减小,术后1月进一步减小( P均<0.05),左室大小基本恢复正常;左室射血分数术后1周较术前降低( P<0.05),术后1月恢复至术前水平。结论 经心尖TAVI术对于外科开胸手术高风险的主动脉瓣反流患者是一种安全有效的治疗方式,超声心动图在TAVI术前筛查及测量、术中监测、引导和术后随访中起着不可或缺的作用。  相似文献   

Background Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) has emerged as the treatment choice for non-operable patients with severe symptomatic aortic stenosis (AS) and may be a good alternative to sur...  相似文献   

Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) is a promising alternative to surgical aortic valve replacement for patients with symptomatic severe aortic stenosis (AS) who were deemed at a high surgical risk.This novel technique has kept evolving rapidly throughout the world in the past decade,but was not introduced to China until recently.Here we report our clinical experience in TAVI based on the largest cohort of Chinese patients in a single center.  相似文献   

Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) has become the standard of care for inoperable patients with symptomatic severe aortic stenosis (AS), and an alternative to open aortic valve replacement for patients at high surgical risk. TAVI has also been performed in several groups of patients with off-label indications such as severe bicuspid AS, and as a valve-in-valve therapy for a degenerated surgical bioprosthesis. Although TAVI with CoreValve® prosthesis is technically challenging, and global experience in the procedure is limited, the procedure could be a treatment option for well-selected patients with severe pure aortic regurgitation (AR). Herein, we report Asia''s first case of TAVI for severe pure AR in a patient who was at extreme surgical risk, with good clinical outcome at six months.  相似文献   

BackgroundAortic valve replacement (AVR) remains the gold standard treatment for symptomatic severe aortic stenosis (AS). For the past 10 years, transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) has been applied in patients with high surgical mortality and morbidity risks. The preliminary results of our TAVI patients are presented in this study.MethodsTen high-risk patients with severe AS, for AVR, were referred and accepted for TAVI in the 6 month period from May 2010 to October 2010. The patient age, logistic EuroSCORE, femoral arterial diameter, aorta annulus size, aorta valve area (AVA), mean aortic pressure gradient (MPG), as well as coronary angiography results were all collected. Six patients were treated via the transapical approach in March 2010, whereas the other four were treated with the transfemoral approach, according to their femoral artery diameter and arterial quality. This study focuses on the immediate, 1 month, 3 month, and 1 year results of TAVI.ResultsThe average age of the 10 patients receiving TAVI was 81.5 years. The mean calculated EuroSCORE was 28.3 ± 7.9%. The mean AVA was 0.61 ± 0.19 cm2. The MPG was 48 ± 16 mmHg. The surgical technical success achieved 100%. There was no reported moderate to severe postoperative paravalvular aortic regurgitation, permanent complete atrioventricular block, major access site complication, or embolic stroke. Chronic renal failure, which necessitated permanent hemodialysis, developed in 10% of the patients. One acute myocardial infarction and one case of pneumonia developed postoperatively. The AVA was increased by 251%, whereas the MPG was decreased by 80% at the 3 month follow-up. The 30-day mortality rate was 10%. The all-cause 1-year mortality rate was 20%.ConclusionThis new technique and device requires greater caution and needs more practice to accumulate sufficient experience. The studied patients were very fragile, due to old age and multiple comorbidities. Our results are similar to findings of multicenter trials. With careful patient screening and selection, TAVI can be a promising treatment for high-risk severe AS patients.  相似文献   

经导管主动脉瓣植入术(TAVI)是治疗主动脉瓣狭窄患者的新技术,适用于无法外科手术和外科高风险的主动脉瓣狭窄患者,其常规植入途径为股动脉和心尖。该文介绍1例92岁高龄患者,经股动脉途径植入主动脉瓣失败后,改由经主动脉途径植入的成功经验。  相似文献   

Background  Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) is a rapidly evolving strategy for therapy of aortic stenosis. We presented the procedural results and analyzed the death causes of 30-day mortality and clinical events in patients who underwent TAVI with Edwards prosthetic valves in University Hospital of Caen, France.
Methods  The patients with severe aortic stenosis but at high surgical risk or inoperable were considered as candidates for TAVI. Forty-eight patients undergoing TAVI from July 2010 to September 2011 were enrolled in this registry. The Edwards prosthetic valves were solely used in this clinical trial.
Results  Overall 48 patients underwent TAVI, 28 of which accepted TAVI by trans-femoral (TF) approaches, 20 by trans-apical approaches (TA). The aortic valve area (AVA) was (0.70±0.23) cm2, left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) was (57.4±17.6)%, Log EuroSCORE was (19.2±15.8)%, mean gradient was (47.0±16.6) mmHg. There were no significant differences between TF and TA groups in all these baseline parameters. Device success rate was 95.8%, and procedural success rate was 93.7% in total. Procedural mortality was 6.7% (3/48): two deaths in TA group (10%), and one death in TF group (3.6%). Forty-six Edwards valves were implanted: 10 Edwards Sapien and 36 Edwards XT. Procedure-related complications included cardiac tamponade in 2 cases (4.2%), acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in 1 case (2.1%), permanent pacemaker implantation in 1 case (2.1%), life-threatening and major bleeding in 3 cases; access site related major complication in 1 case, AKI stage 3 in 3 cases (6.3%), minor stroke in 1 case (2.1%). Thirty-day survival rate was 89.6%. There were 5 deaths in total (10.4%): 4 in TA group (20%) and 1 in TF group (3.6%).
Conclusion  The procedural success rate and 30-day mortality were acceptable in these high risk patients with Edwards prosthetic valves in the first 48 TAVI.

唐红 《西部医学》2019,31(4):497-502
经导管主动脉瓣置入术(TAVR)已成为有临床症状,但不能耐受外科手术治疗(SAVR)的重度主动脉瓣狭窄患者的替代治疗方案。针对即将在国内广泛开展的这项技术,国内心血管超声专家起草了《TAVR围术期超声心动图检查专家共识》,详细介绍了TAVR人工瓣膜及路径,TAVR术的主要适应证,TAVR术前超声评估,TAVR术中超声监测引导及术后即刻评估。为了让超声心动图及心血管临床医师更好地了解专家共识,本文对专家共识的要点进行了梳理与解读。  相似文献   



The advent of transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) has broadened the management options for severe aortic stenosis. The indications for TAVI are narrow. Selecting those that will benefit most from this intervention warrants careful consideration and input from cardiologists, anaesthetists and cardiac surgeons familiar with TAVI and surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR).


The aims of this paper were to assess the feasibility of establishing a high-risk aortic clinic in Ireland, and report stratification of the referred group into those suitable for SAVR, TAVI and conservative management.


Patient data was prospectively collected by a dedicated clinical nurse specialist. ANOVA was used to assess variance in means between groups. Analyses were performed using IBM SPSS v20 (Armonk, NY: IBM Corp.).


A total of 105 patients were assessed. Eighty-five patients were deemed suitable for TAVI, 9 (10.5 %) died awaiting the procedure and a further 6 (7 %) declined intervention. Eleven (10.5 %) underwent conventional SAVR, 1 (0.9 %) a balloon valvuloplasty, 4 (3.8 %) entered surveillance and 4 (3.8 %) were declined treatment.


Establishment of a high-risk aortic clinic is feasible in the Irish context. The advent of TAVI has reduced the proportion of patients denied intervention to a minority. Despite being considered high risk, a number of patients were suitable candidates for SAVR. Measuring frailty continues to provide a challenge; a TAVI-specific frailty assessment tool would be advantageous to patient stratification.  相似文献   

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