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To observe clinical therapeutic effects of acupuncture combined with music therapy for treatment of cerebral palsy. Methods: Sixty children with cerebral palsy were randomly divided into an acupuncture group (Group Acup.) and an acupuncture plus music group (Group Acup.+ M). Simple acupuncture was applied in Group Acup., and acupuncture at 5 groups of points plus music were applied in Group Acup. +M., The treatment was given once every two days with 3 treatments weekly, and 36 treatments constituted a therapeutic course. Therapeutic effects including movement improvement were observed for comparison after 3 courses of treatments. Results: The comprehensive functions were elevated in both groups, and the total effective rate in Group Acup. + M was obviously better than that in Group Acup (P〈0.05). Movement functions were also improved in both groups, but the differences in improvement of creeping and kneeling, standing, and walking were significant between the two groups (P〈0.01), showing the effect in Group Acup. + M was better than that in Group Acup.. Conclusion: The therapy of acupuncture plus music gained better therapeutic effect on cerebral palsy than simple acupuncture, which provided new thoughts for treating the disease by comprehensive therapies.  相似文献   

Infantile cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy) refers to the syndrome of the motor and posture developing disturbance, caused by non-progressive injury in the developing fetus or infant. Acupuncture therapy can be used to improve various clinical manifestations of the infants with cerebral palsy, and in the treatment of the functional disturbance and accompanying symptoms of cerebral palsy; the satisfactory therapeutic results have been achieved. In this article, the literature on the treatment of cerebral palsy by scalp acupuncture in the recent years has been surveyed and assessed.  相似文献   

objective to detect the content of monoamine neurotransmitters in hippocampus, cortex, basal nucleus and the brainstem of newborn rats with cerebral palsy, to observe the effects of acupuncture on monoamine neurotransmitters, and to explore the mechanism of acupuncture treatment to newborn rats with cerebral palsy. Methods using the method of hypoxic ischernic to make the model of newborn rats with cerebral palsy, decapitating brain after giving acupuncture treatment, separating the required brain regions, and detecting the content of monoamine neurotransmitters with spectrophotometer.Results Compared with the sham operation group, the content of dopamine (DA), 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) in basal nucleus area of newborn rats with cerebral palsy, and norepinephrine (NE) in Brainstem area decreased significantly(P〈0.05), which elevated significantly(P〈0.05)after acupuncture treatment. Conclusion it indicated that to improve the ontent of monoamine neurotransmitters in related brain areas may be one of the mechanisms in the acupuncture treatment of newbom rats with cerebral paraly.  相似文献   

Objective To study the therapeutic effects of combined treatment with Chinese and western medicine in children with cerebral palsy (CP). Methods 104 CP children were treated mainly with physiotherapy and acupuncture, together with occupational therapy, sensory integration and electrical stimulation. Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM) was used to assess the effects of treatment. Results After treatment for 3.29±0.80 months, the majority of CP children improved their IQ and limb symptoms, with decreased abnormal posture, increased muscle strength and improved motor developmental function. GMFM88 and GMFM66 scores had significantly increased after treatment. Conclusions Combined treatment with Chinese and Western Medicine has confirmed effects on CP children.  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the effect of acupuncture on images in autism children. Methods: A total of 27 cases of autism children were subjected into this study. By using a SPECT, the cerebral images were collected before and after acupuncture treatment and analyzed according to the recommended methods in 《Clinical Nuclear Medicine》 for assessing the state of blood flow, radioactivity quantity distribution and radioactivity count in bilateral hemispheres. "JIN's three-needling" was employed. The acupuncture treatment was given once every other day, with 4 months being a therapeutic course and an interval of one month between two courses. Results: After acupuncture treatrnent, of the 22 cases, 20 had remarkable improvement and 2 had improvement in cerebral blood flow, with the total effective rate being 90.8%. Before the treatment there were significant differences between the left and right cerebrum (P<0. 001), and between the left and right frontal lobes in radioactive areas (P<0.01); however, after trea  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the differences in the clinical effect on Bell's palsy at the acute stage and the recover stage, as well as the differences in the clinical effect between the simple acupuncture-moxibustion therapy and the combined therapy of acupuncture-moxibustion and western medication, explore the optimal intervention time point and therapeutic regimen.Methods: All of the patients were collected from the outpatients and the inpatients in the Specific Department of Acupuncture for Facial Paralysis in Hubei Chinese Medicine Hospital. A total of 128 patients with Bell's palsy were collected from February 2017 through to February 2018 and 90 patients of them were in compliance with the inclusion criteria. 90 cases were randomized into three groups, named group A(acupuncture and moxibustion at the acute stage), group B(acupuncture and moxibustion combined with western medication at the acute stage) and group C(acupuncture and moxibustion combined with western medication at the recovery stage), 30 cases in each one. In the group A, acupuncture and moxibustion were adopted at the acute stage of Bell's palsy. In the group B, at the acute stage, acupuncture and moxibustion were adopted in combination with the oral medication of hormone and vitamin. In the group C, at the recovery stage, acupuncture and moxibustion were adopted in combination with the oral medication of hormone and vitamin. The clinical healing time and the total effective rate were observed in the patients of the three groups and the occurrence of sequelae in facial paralysis was followed-up.Result: ①The clinical healing time in the Group B was slightly shorter than the Group A, but without statistical significance in comparison(P 0.05). The clinical healing time in either the Group A or the Group B was shorter than Group C, indicating the statistical significance in comparison(both P 0.05).②The results of 3-month follow-up observation showed that there were 3 cases of sequelae in the group A, 2 cases in the Group B and 7 cases in the Group C. ③After treatment, the total effective rate in either the Group A or the Group B was higher than the Group C, indicating the statistical significance in comparison(both P 0.05).Conclusion: The simple use of acupuncture and moxibustion at the acute stage achieves the similar clinical effect on Bell's palsy as the treatment of acupuncture-moxibustion combined with western medication. The simple application of acupuncture and moxibustion prevents from the potential side effects of hormone to the largest extent and displays its dominate advantages in safety. Besides, the early intervention of acupuncture-moxibustion shortens the healing time and effectively improves the prognosis of Bell's palsy.  相似文献   

In the present paper, the authors review recent progresses of acupuncture treabnent of cerebral hemorrhage and theoretical research. Regarding the clinical application of acupuncture therapy, in the acute stage of the disease, many doctors adopt body acupuncture and scalp-acupuncture, fewer doctors applied eye acupuncture; while in the chronic stage of the disease, many medical workers employ body acupuncture, scalp-acupunc~e, combined therapies of acupuncture, functional exercise, massage, acupoint injection, etc.. Conceming studies on the mechanisms of acupuncture in the treatment of cerebral hemorrhage, abundant experience evidence show that acupuncture can raise the activity of the plasmB fibrinolytic system to promote the absorption of blood clots of the loci; improve microcirculation; reduce cerebral tissue edema; regulate some chemical substances‘ levels to lessen harmful effects of oxygen free radicals; and enhance the patient‘ s immune function. However, some problems still exist in clinical researches at present and affect the reasonable evaluation on the clinical therapeutic effect of acupuncture.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the efficacy of scalp acupuncture Yikang therapy on Baihui(GV20), Sishencong(EX-HN1), Zhisanzhen, Niesanzhen, on neurobehavior in young rats with cerebral palsy based on Notch signaling pathway. METHODS: Thirty 7-day-old rats were randomly divided into sham, model and acupuncture, 10 rats in each group. The cerebral palsy model was established by the accepted modeling method, the acupuncture group selected "Baihui(GV20)", "Sishencong(EX-HN1)", "Zhisanzhen" and "Niesanzh...  相似文献   

Subjective: To identify the practicability and clinical values of acupuncture in the treatment of child cerebral paralysis, try to provide visualized evidence and mechanisms for acupuncture treatment of this disease. Methods: 13 cerebral palsy children including 9 cases of spasmodic type, 2 cases of ataxia type and 2 cases of mixed type, 9 males and 4 females were subjected into this study. Acupoints used were Hegu (LI 4), Quchi (LI 11 ), Zusanli (ST 36) and Sanyinjiao (SP 6) that were punctured and stimulated electrically with parameters of frequency 2/15 Hz, electric current 5 mA, and duration of stimulation 30 min. Under monitoring of Siemens ECAM/ICON SPECT System, blood flow volumes of different brain regions were observed before, during and after elctroacupuncture (EA) stimulation of the above-mentioned acupoints. Results: SPECT revealed that in these 13 infantile patients, 18 regions of the brain in-cluding 12 in the frontal lobe and 6 in the temporal lobe presented insufficiency of blood perfusion and hypofunction; during EA, these cerebral regions and parietal lobe, visual cortex, thalamus, basal ganglion and cerebellum showed improvement in blood perfusion and function in different degrees. Results of the quantitative analysis on blood flow function changing rate (BFCR)% showed a significant increase in 83.3 % of the focal regions during EA. Conclusion: Acupuncture therapy can effectively improve cerebral blood perfusion of the focus and is of clinical value in treatment of infantile cerebral paralysis.  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the effect of acupuncture on intelligence quotient (IQ) in children with mental retardation (MR). Methods: One hundred children with MR were randomly divided into an acupuncture group and a control group, 50 in each. There were 37 and 36 cases with complete data in the former and latter group respectively. Four-week treatment constituted a course, the comprehensive therapeutic effect of two groups was compared after 3 courses of treatment, and the influence of acupuncture on IQ was estimated. Results: The total effective rate in the acupuncture group was 78.4%, better than 30.56% in the control group, the difference being significant (P〈0.01). Both groups were improved in IQ but the effect of the former group was better than that of the latter group (P〈0.05). Conclusion: Acupuncture can obviously improve IQ of children suffering from MR.  相似文献   

股骨颈骨折是发生于老年人的常见骨科病,以女性多见。因老年人骨质疏松,有机质少,应变力差,所以只需较小扭转暴力就能引起骨折。骨折后,由于骨折部位血供差,骨折不愈合的可能性大,加之患者年老体弱、长期卧床,易发生危及生命的并发症,因此恰当的护理非常重要,现将护理体会介绍如下。  相似文献   

蔚晓慧 《山东中医杂志》2003,22(10):585-586
简要论述了《老老恒言》中有关老年养生的思想和方法 ,认为饮食以调理脾胃为要 ,应注意饮食有节、五味调和、清淡为补 ;起居以养静为要 ,应注意调顺四时、起居有常、静养与导引相结合 ;养性以安命为要 ,应注意清心寡欲、修心养性  相似文献   

[目的]对2007年11月至2008年11月就诊的主观性耳鸣患者246例,排除其他中医证型,主要研究肾精亏损型耳鸣患者耳鸣的临床特征,变化规律及耳鸣产生的影响等.[方法]选择肾精亏损型耳鸣患者,记录临床症状及体征,采用电测听及耳鸣匹配、听觉脑干诱发电位(ABR)等方法检查,并将资料进行统计分析.[结果]患者年龄以51~60岁最多见,其次为61~70岁.耳鸣响度的自我评分与响度匹配值之间无关联.大多数病例的耳鸣病程在一年之内.大部分患者受耳鸣困扰的程度在中度以下.ABR测试结果听力正常者占25%,右侧和左侧听神经传导至脑干功能障碍患者分别占13%和19%,双侧听神经传导功能障碍占16%.[结论]临床耳鸣患者多数为肾精亏损型,年龄以51~60岁最多见,男女比例相当,大部分患者听神经传导障碍和脑干功能障碍,高音调耳鸣患者居多.  相似文献   

目的比较珍珠母超微粉蛋白、寡肽对小鼠镇静安眠作用。方法利用PCPA制造小鼠失眠模型,观察小鼠的自主活动情况,ELISA法测小鼠血中ATCH含量并计算脑及脑系数。结果阳性对照组、寡肽组小鼠的自主活动次数显著降低,小鼠血中ACTH的含量增加,但脑干系数无影响。结论超微粉寡肽类成分(MCP)镇静安眠活性最强,为镇静安眠主要活性部位,调节ACTH可能是其镇静安眠机制。  相似文献   

目的:探讨《中华人民共和国药典》(一部)中石斛药材的演变。结果:1963年版《中华人民共和国药典》中石斛来源为兰科石斛属Dendrobium植物的新鲜或干燥茎;1977—2000年版《中华人民共和国药典》石斛来源为金钗石斛、环草石斛、马鞭石斛、黄草石斛或铁皮石斛;2005年版《中华人民共和国药典》石斛来源为金钗石斛、铁皮石斛或马鞭石斛;2010年版《中华人民共和国药典》石斛的来源为金钗石斛、鼓槌石斛或流苏石斛,铁皮石斛也从石斛项下都单列出来。讨论:石斛药材基源的变化、铁皮石斛的单列体现出石斛用药的科学性。但铁皮石斛与石斛的性味、功效一致,值得商榷;DNA条形码、分子标记技术等新方法可以应用到石斛药材的鉴别中。  相似文献   

目的:研究姜黄根茎不同部位外在物理性状和内在化学成分的差异,为姜黄药材的等级划分提供数据基础。方法:在姜黄道地产区收集样品,每份样品按母姜、子姜一级、子姜二级进行分类,分别测定根茎的长度、宽度、厚度、质量、颜色值[明亮度(L*)、红绿度(a*)和黄蓝度(b*)]及双去甲氧基姜黄素、去甲氧基姜黄素、姜黄素、挥发油含量。结果:不同部位姜黄根茎的长度、宽度、厚度、质量、折干率差异较大,其中宽度、厚度、质量在鲜品和干品间差异均有统计学意义;子姜二级的折干率显著低于母姜与子姜一级。姜黄不同部位颜色值表现出相同的变化趋势,姜黄鲜品断面颜色值a*的变异系数最大,颜色值b*次之,颜色值L*最小,姜黄干品粉末颜色值b*的变异系数最大,颜色值L*、a*变异系数较小。姜黄不同部位的姜黄素类成分含量存在差异,子姜一级的双去甲氧基姜黄素、去甲氧基姜黄素、姜黄素含量均高于母姜和子姜二级。结论:综合以上指标,姜黄子姜一级的理化品质最佳。  相似文献   

病性的变化和转化以及疾病的传变是中医病理学的2个核心问题。它们可分别从阴阳五行数学的公理1和公理2、3得到圆满的解释。病性变化,其症结在于主导属性明晰度的大小发生变化;病性转化,其症结则在于主导属性明晰度的正负号发生变化。  相似文献   

名老中医经验传承方法概况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前名老中医学术思想及经验传承方法主要有:跟师随诊.借助于临床科研观察.在已发表的文献基础上总结,运用计算机与统计技术等。上述方法对中医学的传承及推广应用作出了巨大贡献.但在应用时必须遵循“临床采集——挖掘提取——应用验证——机理研究——指导临床”的模式,使得名老中医经验能从实践中来,到实践中去,广泛地转化成社会生产力,为人类造福。  相似文献   

本文运用了竞争力理论与战略理论,分析了中药产业竞争力提升的环境与条件,提出了提升中药产业竞争力的三大战略目标、三大总体战略、四条战略举措及三个实施阶段与重点任务。  相似文献   

The rhizomes of Curculigo orchioides Gaertn. (Amaryllidacea) is an important Ayurvedic as well as Unani drug. It is present in several drug formulations used in the treatment of menorrhagia and other gynecological problems. In this study, we conducted a comparative study of estrogenic activity of alcoholic extract of Curculigo orchioides with diethylstilbestrol in bilaterally ovariectomized young albino rats. Bilaterally ovariectomized albino rats were divided into five groups (n=9) receiving different treatments, consisting of vehicle (0.6% w/v sodium carboxy methyl cellulose), ethanolic extract of rhizomes of Curculigo orchioides at three different doses (viz., 300, 600, 1200 mg/kg body weight) and standard drug diethylstilbestrol (DES) at a dose of 2 mg/kg body weight. All these were administered orally daily for 7 days. Estrogenic activity was assessed by taking percentage vaginal cornification, uterine wet weight, uterine glycogen content and uterine histology as parameters of assessment. Alcoholic extract of Curculigo orchioides showed a significant increase in percentage vaginal cornification, uterine wet weight (P<0.001), uterine glycogen content (P<0.001) and a proliferative changes in uterine endometrium compared to the control.  相似文献   

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