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早发型重度子痫前期发病及母婴结局的临床分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:分析不同孕周早发型重度子痫前期发病与母婴结局.方法:对127例早发型重度子痫前期病例进行回顾性分析,根据其孕周不同分为3组,即A组(孕周<28周)、B组(28周≤孕周<32周)、C组(32周≤孕周<34周),比较3组间孕产妇终止妊娠和保守治疗时间,并发症发生情况、围生儿存活情况、母亲死亡情况以及分娩方式.结果:3组间终止妊娠时间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),B组保守治疗时间与A、C两组比较,A组并发症发生率与B、C两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);3组间围生儿死亡率(胎死宫内及新生儿死亡)比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),A组胎儿生长受限和胎儿窘迫发生率与C组比较,B组胎儿生长受限发生率与C组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);3组孕妇死亡率比较差异无统计学意义.结论:早发型重度子痫前期孕妇常伴有高并发症率和高围生儿死亡率,且孕周越小发生率越高,在保证孕妇安全下可采取保守治疗适当延长胎龄,以期达到胎儿成熟,降低围生儿死亡率,提高新生儿存活率.  相似文献   

目的:探讨早发型重度子痫前期的临床特征及对妊娠结局的影响.方法:回顾性分析我院收治的289例重度子痫前期病例(其中早发型组101例,晚发型组188例,围生儿301例)的母婴结局.结果:①早发型组的发病时平均血压、发病孕周、分娩孕周及严重并发症发生率与晚发型组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组分娩方式比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);且早发型组胎儿脐血流比值(S/D)、胎儿生长受限(FGR)、早产、胎儿窘迫、新生儿窒息、围生儿死亡的发生率高于晚发型组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);②早发型重度子痫前期按发病孕周分为A组(<28周)、B组(28 ~31+6周)、C组(32 ~ 33+6周),3组围生儿结局比较,A组病例中胎儿脐动脉S/D≥3、FGR及新生儿窒息的发生率均高于B组及C组(P<0.05);而A组及B组围生儿死亡率高于C组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);③早发型重度子痫前期病例中脐动脉S/D≥3的病例,FGR、胎儿窘迫、新生儿窒息及围生儿死亡的发生率均高于S/D <3的病例(P<0.05);两者间早产的发生率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论:早发型重度子痫前期孕妇发病孕周越早,FGR、新生儿窒息、胎儿窘迫及围生儿死亡发生率越高,围生儿结局不佳.基层医院应加强孕期保健,定期行产前检查.  相似文献   

目的:分析不同孕周早发型重度子痫前期发病的母婴结局。方法:回顾性分析120例到我院诊治的不同孕周早发型重度子痫前期发病的患者,根据不同孕周分为3组,孕周<28周为A组,28≤孕周〈32周为B组,32周≤孕周〈34周为C组,比较3组患者终止妊娠时间、保守治疗时间、分娩方式、母婴死亡情况、并发症情况以及围生儿存活情况等。结果:3组患者终止妊娠时间、保守治疗时间、围生儿存活情况比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),孕妇死亡情况比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:不同孕周早发型重度子痫前期孕妇的围生儿死亡率和并发症发生率比较高,并且发生率孕周小的高于孕周多的。孕妇安全的情况下,可以保守治疗延长胎龄,促进胎儿成熟,使新生儿存活率升高,围生儿死亡率降低。  相似文献   

早发型重度子痫前期临床处理与母儿结局分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨早发型重度子痫前期的临床处理及对母儿预后的影响.方法:回顾分析我院2007年1月至2010年12月收治的64例早发型重度子痫前期患者的临床资料.按终止孕周分为3组,A组:28周-31+6周16例,B组:32周~33+6周24例,C组:≥34周24例.结果:A、B、C3组并发症的发生率以A组最低,但3组间比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);3组平均期待时间以C组最长,3组之间比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05,P<0.01);新生儿死亡率A组与C组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),围生儿死亡率A组与B组、C组比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:早发型重度子痫前期患者终止妊娠前期待治疗是安全有效的,但需密切监测母胎病情变化,掌握终止妊娠时机极为重要,适当的期待治疗有助于改善母婴结局.  相似文献   

87例早发型重度子痫前期期待治疗的临床分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
目的:探讨早发型重度子痫前期期待治疗对母婴预后的影响.方法:对87例早发型重度子痫前期患者进行回顾性分析.根据其入院孕周不同分为3组,即A组(孕周<28周)、B组(28周≤孕周<32周)、C组(32周≤孕周<34周);根据治疗时间的长短又分为4组,即Ⅰ组(治疗时间≤48小时)、Ⅱ组(48小时~8天)、Ⅲ组(9~19天)、Ⅳ组(≥20天).结果:早发型重度子痫前期发病孕周越早,患者并发症的发生率越高,但A、B、C各组间差异无显著性(P>0.05);新生儿死亡率和围生儿死亡率随着发病孕周的延长及治疗时间的延长而显著降低(P<0.05).结论:早发型重度子痈前期严重影响母婴预后,适当期限内的保守治疗有助于改善母儿结局.  相似文献   

目的探讨重度子癎前期患者终止妊娠时间对母儿预后的影响。方法回顾分析2000-01-2005-06,福建医科大学附属第一医院妇产科收治的91例重度子癎前期患者的资料,按入院确诊至终止妊娠的时间分为三组。A组:确诊后24h终止妊娠,B组:确诊后24~48h终止妊娠,C组:确诊后>48h终止妊娠。对三组患者母儿预后进行分析。结果(1)三组患者实验室检查均提示有凝血功能及肝肾功能障碍,三组患者间终止妊娠前低蛋白血症及蛋白尿发生率比较差异有显著性意义(P<0·05)。(2)C组患者HELLP综合征发生率低,与其他两组比较差异有显著性意义(P<0·05)。(3)三组围生儿结局比较,C组胎儿生长受限(FGR)及早产儿发生率最高,分别是48·6%和68·6%。(4)三组间分娩方式的比较差异有显著性意义(P<0·05),三组患者剖宫产率均高于阴道分娩率,C组剖宫产率达91·4%。结论重度子癎前期患者应根据病情轻重、发病孕周及胎儿宫内状况采取个体化的治疗方案,选择恰当的时机终止妊娠,能取得较好的母婴结局。保守治疗时应实施严密监护。  相似文献   

傅勤  陈昕华  林建华   《实用妇产科杂志》2020,36(10):752-756
目的:探讨重度子痫前期史患者再次妊娠后于不同孕周预防性应用低剂量阿司匹林的妊娠结局。方法:收集2018年1月1日至2018年12月31日上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院分娩的117例重度子痫前期史患者的临床资料,研究组孕12周(研究A组)和≥孕12周(研究B组)予阿司匹林75 mg/d预防用药,外院转入有重度子痫前期史但本次妊娠未用阿司匹林治疗的患者为对照组。比较各组子痫前期再次发生率、分娩孕周及母胎并发症。结果:研究组子痫前期发生率(25.3%)低于对照组(76.5%),其中研究A组子痫前期发生率(6.5%)低于研究B组(36.5%),差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。体质量指数(BMI)≥25 kg/m~2、年龄≥35岁和合并糖尿病患者中研究组子痫前期发生率低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。研究组HELLP综合征、胸腹水、胎儿生长受限、死胎发生率低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05);研究A组和B组比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。胎盘早剥发生率各组差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。研究组分娩孕周大于对照组,研究A组大于B组;研究组早产发生率明显低于对照组,研究A组低于B组,各组差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:重度子痫前期史患者再次妊娠时预防性应用低剂量阿司匹林可以明显降低子痫前期复发率和延长分娩孕周,从而改善母儿妊娠结局,对降低肥胖、高龄、合并糖尿病的重度子痫前期史患者的子痫前期复发效果明显。而选择小于孕12周的用药时机,对降低子痫前期复发、早产的发生和延长分娩孕周的效果更显著。  相似文献   

孕28至32周重度妊高征的期待治疗   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
目的 :探讨孕 2 8~ 32周重度妊高征期待治疗疗程长短对母儿结局的影响。方法 :1993年 1月至 2 0 0 4年 2月收治孕 2 8~ 32周重度妊高征 35例 ,积极治疗组 6例 (A组 ,治疗时间未满 4 8h) ,短疗程期待治疗组 15例 (B组 ,≤ 11d)和长疗程期待治疗组 14例 (C组 ,>11d) ,比较期待治疗两组的母儿结局。结果 :(1)期待治疗两组的孕妇确诊孕周 ,确诊时收缩压和舒张压 ,2 4h尿蛋白定量和肾功能差异无显著性 (P >0 .0 5 ) ;(2 )C组孕妇重要脏器损害累积数高于B组 (0 .93vs 0 .80 ) ,但差异无显著性。除了A组外 ,胎儿窘迫和小于胎龄儿总发生率分别为 4 8.3%和 34.4 8% ,B组明显低于C组 (2 6 .7%vs 71.4 % ,18.18%vs 5 3.85 % ,P<0 .0 5 )。两组新生儿体重、窒息发生率、NICU天数和住院天数、新生儿患病率差异无显著性 ;(3)除了由于失误导致围产儿死亡以外 ,总围产儿死亡率 15 1.5‰ ,A组、B组和C组围产儿死亡率分别为 2 0 0‰、83.3‰、187.5‰ ,B组显著低于C组 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 :(1)对早发型重度妊高征进行期待治疗之前 ,应对母儿进行细致、充分的评估 ;(2 )早发型重度子痫前期期待治疗应有期限。  相似文献   

早发型重度子痫前期妊娠结局分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
目的:探讨早发型重度子痫前期的临床特点及围生结局。方法:回顾性分析2006年6月至2009年6月四川大学华西第二医院收治的重度子痫前期患者413例,以发病孕周34周为界限,分为早发型重度子痫前期组156例(早发型组)及晚发型重度子痫前期组257例(晚发型组)。比较两组一般情况、并发症、分娩方式及围生儿结局等指标。结果:早发型组患者在终止妊娠孕周、延长孕周时间、住院时间、入院时血压、24小时尿蛋白、并发症发生率及围生儿结局等方面与晚发型组比较,差异均有高度统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论:早发型重度子痫前期患者病情严重,围生儿预后不佳,应根据母胎情况,适时剖宫产终止妊娠。  相似文献   

低分子肝素治疗重度子痫前期患者效果的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
目的:探讨重度子痫前期患者应用不同剂量低分子肝素的临床效果及安全性。方法:随机将重度子痫前期62例分为3组:A组(大剂量组),在常规治疗的基础上加用低分子肝素5000U/d;B组(小剂量组),加用低分子肝素2500U/d;C组,常规治疗组。通过临床症状、体征及辅助检查的变化判断各治疗组的治疗效果及对母儿的影响。结果:3组患者纳入研究时临床指标无差异(P>0·05);加用低分子肝素组(A、B两组)的临床疗效评分显著高于常规治疗组(C组)(13·43±2·75,11·95±3·46vs9·43±3·81(P<0·05));A组的平均得分高于B组,但统计学分析无显著差异(P>0·05);3组孕妇的肝肾功能、胎儿宫内状况、分娩方式及产后出血量等均无显著差异(P>0·05)。结论:低分子肝素有助于改善重度子痫前期孕妇的治疗效果;低分子肝素对母儿安全。  相似文献   

重度子痫前期临床发病类型及特点与围产结局的关系   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  
目的探讨重度子痫前期临床发病类型和特点与围产结局的关系;进一步研究早发型重度子痫前期的临床界定及保守治疗的临床意义.方法173例重度子痫前期患者以孕34周发病时间为界,分为早发和晚发两种类型;再根据病程进展缓急(起病至发展为重度子痫前期>48 h)进一步将其分为突发和渐进两种类型.共分4组:即早发突发型组10例、早发渐进型组87例、晚发突发型组18例、晚发渐进型组58例.对4组患者的一般临床资料、并发症发生情况、临床监测指标及围产结局进行分析比较.结果(1)早发突发型组及晚发突发型组共28例(16.2%)患者突发起病,病情于48 h内发展成重度子痫前期;早发渐进型组及晚发渐进型组共145例患者(83.4%)缓慢发病,病情于48 h后逐渐发展成重度子痫前期.早发突发型组的发生率与晚发突发型组比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);早发渐进型组的发生率与晚发渐进型组比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).(2)早发突发型组严重并发症发生率为100.0%(10/10),早发渐进型组为34.5%(30/87),晚发突发型组为100.0%(18/18),晚发渐进型组为29.3%(17/58).早发突发型组严重并发症发生率与早发渐进型组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);晚发突发型组严重并发症发生率与晚发渐进型组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001).(3)早发突发型组胎(婴)儿死亡率为72.7%(8/11),早发渐进型组为24.3%(25/103),两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).晚发突发型组胎(婴)儿死亡率为22.2%(4/18),晚发渐进型组为4.9%(3/61),两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).(4)多因素回归分析显示,终止妊娠孕周是影响围产结局的主要因素;发病孕周以34孕周来界定早发和晚发类型时,发病孕周与围产结局无相关性(OR=0.426,95%CI:0.138~1.331);以32孕周来界定早发和晚发类型时,则与围产结局相关(OR=0.177,95%CI:0.085~0.369).结论重度子痫前期患者的临床发病类型较为复杂,早发突发型患者有临床上的不可预测性,其围产结局不良;晚发渐进型患者的围产结局较好.终止孕周是影响围产结局的主要因素,临床上以32孕周界定早发类型重度子痫前期更能准确反映发病孕周与围产结局的关系.  相似文献   

早发型重度子痫前期发病孕周与母儿预后的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨早发型重度子痫前期的发病孕周与母儿预后的关系。方法回顾性分析2002年1月至2006年12月北京大学第一医院分娩的266例孕28-36周发病的单胎重度子痫前期患者的临床资料,按重度子痫前期发病孕周分为4组,Ⅰ组孕28-30周50例;Ⅱ组孕30^+1-32周72例;Ⅲ组孕32^+1-34周78例;Ⅳ组组孕34^+1-36周66例。比较这4组的临床特点和母儿并发症。结果Ⅰ组孕妇有不良产史者明显高于Ⅱ组、Ⅲ组、Ⅳ组(32%vs 8.3%、5.1%、6.0%,P〈0.05);Ⅰ组孕妇有子痫前期史者明显高于Ⅱ组、Ⅲ组、Ⅳ组(24%vs 5.5%、0%、9.0%,P〈0.05);保守治疗时间Ⅰ组(19±23)d,Ⅱ组(10±10)d,分别明显高于Ⅲ组(6±9)d、Ⅳ组(5±7)d,(P〈0.05);24 h尿蛋白定量平均为Ⅰ组(6.2±4.9)g,明显高于Ⅱ组(4.8±2.9)g、Ⅲ组(4.0±3.0)g、Ⅳ组(2.8±2.1)g,(P〈0.05);围产儿死亡率Ⅰ组和Ⅱ组分别为48%、16.6%,明显高于Ⅲ组和Ⅳ组的5.1%、3.0%,P〈0.05;新生儿RDS的发生率Ⅰ组为24%、Ⅱ组为30.5%,分别明显高于Ⅲ组的2.5%、Ⅳ组的12.1%,P〈0.05;孕妇并发症各组之间分析比较差异无统计学意义。结论重度子痫前期发病孕周早晚和保守治疗时间长短与孕妇并发症的发生无关。孕32周之前发病的重度子痫前期的围产儿死亡率及新生儿RDS发生率明显高于孕32周之后发病者。孕妇的不良产史及子痫前期史与重度子痫前期的发病时间相关。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Preeclampsia, with an onset before 24 weeks' gestation is a rare but severe condition in pregnancy with little data of maternal and perinatal outcome, particularly after expectant management. We therefore, evaluated pregnancy outcome in these women at our department where temporising management was introduced as the standard policy in early onset preeclampsia. STUDY DESIGN: We analysed retrospectively all consecutive women with preeclampsia, with an onset before 24 weeks' gestation, between 1 January 1993 and 31 December 2002 at a tertiary university referral center. RESULTS: Twenty-six pregnancies, of which two were twin pregnancies, resulted in 65% of the women in at least one major maternal complication: maternal death (n=1), HELLP syndrome (n=16), eclampsia (n=5) and pulmonary edema (n=4). Thirty percent of these women presented already with serious morbidity at admission. The median prolongation of the pregnancy was 24 days (range 3-46 days). The overall perinatal mortality was 82%: 19 fetal deaths and 4 neonatal deaths. CONCLUSION: Early onset preeclampsia, with an onset before 24 weeks' gestation, results in considerable maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. Therefore, expectant management should not be considered as a routine treatment option in these patients.  相似文献   

Severe preeclampsia that develops at <34 weeks of gestation is associated with high perinatal mortality and morbidity rates. Management with immediate delivery leads to high neonatal mortality and morbidity rates and prolonged hospitalization in the neonatal intensive care unit because of prematurity. Conversely, attempts to prolong pregnancy with expectant management may result in fetal death or asphyxial damage in utero and increased maternal morbidity. Since 1990, 2 randomized trials and several observational studies have evaluated the benefits vs risks of expectant management of severe preeclampsia at <34 weeks of gestation. These studies included 1677 women with gestational age between 24 and 34 weeks and 115 women with gestational age of <25 weeks (overlap in some studies). The results of these studies suggest that expectant treatment in a select group of women with severe preeclampsia between 24 0/7 and 32 6/7 weeks of gestation in a suitable hospital is safe and improves neonatal outcome. For gestational age of <24 0/7 weeks, expectant treatment was associated with high maternal morbidity with limited perinatal benefit. Based on the review of these studies and our own experience, recommendations are made for the selection of the appropriate candidates for expectant treatment, criteria for maternal-fetal monitoring, and targets for delivery. Finally, we provide information regarding maternal counseling based on maternal condition and fetal gestational age at time of diagnosis.  相似文献   

A protocol for managing severe preeclampsia in the second trimester   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
One hundred nine patients with severe preeclampsia in the second trimester were studied. Pregnancy termination was recommended for those with gestational age less than or equal to 24 weeks (n = 25), whereas expectant management with aggressive maternal and fetal monitoring was recommended for those with gestational age greater than 24 but less than or equal to 27 weeks (n = 84). Ten of the 25 women in the early pregnancy group accepted termination and 15 elected to continue the pregnancy. The overall perinatal survival in the latter 15 patients was 6.7%, and maternal complications developed in six patients. Thirty of the 84 patients in the late second-trimester group had immediate delivery, and 54 had expectant management. The average length of pregnancy prolongation in the expectant group was 13.2 days (range, 4 to 28 days). Compared with the immediate delivery group, the expectant management group had significantly higher perinatal survival (76.4% versus 35%), significantly higher birth weights (880 versus 709 gm), and a lower incidence of neonatal complications. There were no differences between the two groups with regard to maternal complications. Expectant management with aggressive monitoring of maternal and fetal status at a perinatal center improves perinatal outcome in patients with severe preeclampsia with gestational age greater than 24 but less than or equal to 27 weeks.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to assess maternal and fetal morbidity and death in cases of severe preterm preeclampsia that were managed expectantly. STUDY DESIGN: It is a retrospective study that included 155 singleton pregnancies with severe preeclampsia at <34 weeks of gestation that were managed expectantly over a 10-year period. Perinatal outcomes of both mother and fetus were stratified according to gestational age and the severity of fetal growth restriction < or =3th percentile, 4th to 5th percentile, >5th to10th percentile, and >10th percentile. RESULTS: The mean gestational age at admission was 30.2 +/- 2.4 weeks (range, 23.9-34.0 weeks). The mean latency period was 5.3 +/- 5.2 days, with a perinatal mortality rate of 3.9%. Gestational age of <30 weeks of gestation was the strongest variable that affected perinatal outcome, whereas fetal growth restriction played a marginal role. CONCLUSION: Expectant management is recommended strongly in fetuses at <30 weeks of gestation, irrespective of fetal growth restriction. Delivery should be considered at >30 weeks of gestation.  相似文献   

早发型重度子痫前期期待治疗妊娠结局的多因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨早发型重度子痫前期期待治疗中母儿不良妊娠结局的独立危险因素。方法对57例经期待治疗的早发型重度子痫前期孕妇的临床资料进行总结分析,按照有无孕妇及新生儿严重并发症(包括新生儿死亡)的发生分别分为孕妇不良妊娠结局组与对照组和新生儿不良结局组与对照组,分别比较两组患者的一般临床情况及各项检验指标。采用多因素Logistic回归分析母儿不良妊娠结局的危险因素。结果57例早发型重度子痫前期期待治疗中,16例孕妇出现严重并发症,发生率为16/57(28.1%),无孕产妇死亡。胎死宫内3例,12例新生儿出现明显并发症,其中6例新生儿死亡,围产儿死亡率为9/57(15.8‰)。经多因素回归分析,发病孕周(以30周为界)及血小板减少是孕妇严重并发症发生的独立危险因素,比数比分别为5.2(95%CI 1.1-24.0,P=0.04)和4.6(95%CI 1.2-17.6,P=0.03)。分娩孕周(以32周为界)是新生儿病率及死亡率的独立危险因素,比数比为6.0(95%CI 1.5-24.9,P=0.01)。结论早发型重度子痫前期期待治疗中需严密监护。发病孕周不足30周及血小板降低者孕妇严重并发症的发生显著增加,而分娩孕周超过32周,新生儿结局将显著改善,因此需权衡利弊,选择恰当时机终止妊娠。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study was undertaken to determine maternal and perinatal outcomes after expectant management of severe preeclampsia between 24 and 33 weeks' gestation. STUDY DESIGN: A prospective observational study of 239 women with severe preeclamptic and undelivered after antenatal steroid prophylaxis was performed. Pregnancy prolongation and maternal and perinatal morbidities were analyzed according to the gestational age at time of expectant management: 24 to 28, 29 to 31, and 32 to 33 weeks. Statistical analysis was performed by Student t test and chi(2) test. RESULTS: The days of pregnancy prolongation were significantly higher among those managed at less than 29 weeks (6) compared with the other groups (4). There were 13 perinatal deaths: 12 in those managed at less than 29 weeks and 1 in those managed at 29 to 31 weeks. Neonatal morbidities were significantly higher among those managed at less than 29 weeks compared with the other groups. There were no instances of maternal death or eclampsia. Maternal morbidities were similar among the groups. CONCLUSION: Expectant management of severe preeclampsia at 24 to 33 weeks in a tertiary care center is associated with good perinatal outcome with a minimal risk for the mother.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The current literature emphasizes increased risk of adverse outcomes in the presence of proteinuria and hypertension. The objective of this study was to compare the frequency of adverse fetal outcomes in women who developed hypertensive disorders with or without proteinuria. STUDY DESIGN: The study design was a secondary analysis of data from women who had preeclampsia in a previous pregnancy (n = 598) who were enrolled in a multicenter trial of aspirin for the prevention of preeclampsia. The women had no history of chronic hypertension or renal disease and were normotensive at study inclusion. The maternal and perinatal outcome variables assessed were preterm delivery at <37 and <35 weeks of gestation, rate of small-for-gestational-age infants, and abruptio placenta. Data were analyzed by using the chi-square test, and women who remained normotensive or who had mild gestational hypertension were considered as a single group because they had similar outcomes. RESULTS: As compared to mild preeclampsia, women who developed severe gestational hypertension (without proteinuria) had higher rates of both preterm delivery at <37 weeks of gestation and small-for-gestational-age infants. In addition, when compared to women with mild preeclampsia, for women with severe gestational hypertension, gestational age and birth weight were significantly lower at delivery (P <.003 for both age and birth weight). Moreover, women who developed severe gestational hypertension had higher rates of preterm delivery at <37 weeks of gestation (54.2% vs 17.8%, P =.001) and at <35 weeks of gestation (25.0% vs 8.4%, P =.0161), and delivery of small-for-gestational-age infants (20.8% vs 6.5%, P =.024) when compared to women who remained normotensive or those who developed mild gestational hypertension. There were no statistically significant differences in perinatal outcomes between the normotensive/mild gestational hypertension and the mild preeclampsia groups. Overall, women who had severe gestational hypertension had increased rates of preterm delivery and delivery of small-for-gestational-age infants than women with mild gestational hypertension or mild preeclampsia. In the presence of severe hypertension, proteinuria did not increase the rates of preterm delivery or delivery of small-for-gestational-age infants. CONCLUSIONS: In women who have gestational hypertension or preeclampsia, increased rates of preterm delivery and delivery of small-for-gestational-age infants are present only in those with severe hypertension. In these women, the presence of proteinuria does not influence perinatal outcome.  相似文献   

Lu LM  He YD  Chen Q  Song LL 《中华妇产科杂志》2010,45(11):829-832
目的 分析早发型重度子痫前期患者分娩孕周对母儿结局的影响,探讨终止妊娠的适宜时机.方法 回顾性分析于1999年7月1日至2009年6月30日的10年间在北京大学第一医院住院治疗并分娩的、终止妊娠孕周>28周的单胎妊娠早发型重度子痫前期(发病孕周<34周)患者221例的临床资料,按终止妊娠孕周分为3组,Ⅰ组为孕28~31周+6分娩,81例,Ⅱ组为孕32~33周+6分娩,78例,Ⅲ组为孕≥34周分娩,62例;比较3组患者的临床特点及母儿结局.结果 (1)围产儿结局:221例围产儿中共有13例失访,Ⅰ组9例,Ⅱ组3例,Ⅲ组1例.新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征(RDS)发生率Ⅰ组为26%(19/72),Ⅱ组为7%(5/75),Ⅲ组为10%(6/61),Ⅰ组明显高于其他两组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);围产儿死亡率Ⅰ组为43%(31/72),Ⅱ组为28%(21/75),Ⅲ组为3%(2/61),Ⅰ组明显高于其他两组,差异也有统计学意义(P<0.05);3组孕产妇并发症发生情况比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).(2)围产儿死亡原因:因社会因素(家属放弃治疗)导致的围产儿死亡,Ⅰ组为26%(8/31),Ⅱ组为67%(14/21),Ⅲ组为1/2,3组分别比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 早发型重度子痫前期孕妇孕32周后分娩,早产儿RDS发病率明显下降,孕34周后分娩,围产儿死亡率明显下降.尽量减少社会因素的影响,有可能进一步提高早发型重度子痫前期围产儿的存活率.  相似文献   

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