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"北京大学人民医院研究与发展基金"作为医院的"种子基金",自2006年设立以来,其管理理念经历了从以政策为导向到以需求为导向,从平面化管理到立体化服务,从以点带面的管理到个性化支持的优化.在管理理念优化的过程中,"种子基金"的科研产出逐年提高,保持着良好的发展态势.  相似文献   

探索科研基金管理理念发挥“种子基金”启动作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“北京大学人民医院研究与发展基金”作为医院的“种子基金”,自2006年设立以来,其管理理念经历了从以政策为导向到以需求为导向,从平面化管理到立体化服务,从以点带面的管理到个性化支持的优化。在管理理念优化的过程中,“种子基金”的科研产出逐年提高,保持着良好的发展态势。  相似文献   

总结“种子”基金5年成果推进创新型管理理念实施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 总结医院“研究与发展基金”5年成果,持续推进创新型管理理念的实施.方法 通过总结基金2006-2010年的投入和科研产出,分析实施创新型管理理念之后,基金在培养医学科研人才、促进医院学科发展等方面的作用.结果 创新型过程管理理念实施之后,基金产出态势良好,对科研人才培养和学科发展起到了积极的推动作用.结论 应继续推进创新型过程管理理念的实施,以进一步发挥“种子”基金在人才、学科发展等方面的助推作用.  相似文献   

对北京大学人民医院资助科研基金的管理情况进行了总结,关注基金的全过程管理,即从基金的设立、申报、审批到后期的实施、监管、追踪,整个过程中都渗透规范管理、科学管理、跟踪管理的理念,并取得了一定的成效。  相似文献   

本文结合医院实践,介绍医院管理基金的建立,应用及效果。认为能加大院科两级管理者责,权的力度,激发管理潜能,尤其在强化职责,促进新科技和加强基建设等方面作用明显,同时作者就管理基金设立的目的性、基金来源的合理性、基金应用的导向性及以用于岗位补贴的科学性进行讨论提出了独特的见解。  相似文献   

基金后期管理是近几年来科技人员、管理人员和基金委各级领导共同研究和讨论的热点问题 ,对基金工作的发展起着至关重要的作用。从管理过程上讲 ,科技人员除获取经费外 ,还要负责经费的开支 ,而管理人员更重要的任务是要协调和推动整个基金课题的顺利进展 ,把基金工作进一步推向新的水平和阶段。从目前发展趋势看 ,尽管人们从不同角度对基金后期管理工作在理论与实践诸方面都进行过探讨 ,但大部分受资助单位的基金管理工作仍停留在原管理阶段和延用原来的管理模式 ,如拨款、检查 ,上报年度进展报告及总结报告等 ,还未建立建全更加具体的管理…  相似文献   

医院基金是资金提供者提供或在开展医疗服务过程中形成的,用于维持医院经济运转或有指定用途的不需偿还的资金。 医院基金分为固定基金、事业基金和专用基金。下面谈谈这几个“基金”的管理。1 固定基金的核算与管理 为了核算医院因固定资产增减变动而使固定基金增减变动的情况,设置了“固定基金”科目,核算医院因购  相似文献   

建立护理科研基金的实践与思考   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
介绍了建立护理科研基金的指导思想、实施方法和实验经验。体会到医院建立护理科研基金,对推动护理科研工作起到了积极作用。在实施护理科研基金工作中,加大智力投资力度,营造开展护理科研环境,是成功实施护理科研基金的保证;立足指导临床选题,把重点放在临床护理课题研究上,是护理科研基金资助的方向;抓好护理的全过程,是成功实施护理科研基金的关键。为发挥护理科研基金作用,必须培养适应时代发展的护理学科带头人,瞄准学科前沿的护理科学研究,发挥护理科研基金的启动、催化作用。  相似文献   

结合北京大学第三医院实际,围绕设立院内“种子基金”的指导原则、优势特点以及阶段性成效等三个方面,探讨此项基金对于中青年科研工作者积累前期经验,实现从接受院内扶助到获得院外基金这一成功跨越的重要意义。  相似文献   

5种医院管理类期刊近4年基金论文统计分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
对<中国卫生事业管理>、<中国医院管理>、<中华医院管理杂志>、<中国农村卫生事业管理>、<中华医学科研管理杂志>5种医院管理期刊2005~2008年刊我的基金资助论文,应用文献计量学方法进行统计.对基金发文量,基金论文率,基金论文的基金资助类型作了统计分析,供医院管理研究人员参考.  相似文献   

The basis of German legislation concerning safety at work and health protection is the "dual system": The State and the Employment Accident Insurance Funds are responsible for prevention, rehabilitation, and compensation. The employer can select between several types of occupational medical service. BASF--a major chemical company--serves as example. The Medical Information System of the Occupational Medical and Health Protection Department of BASF is an important tool for management decisions, that is with regard to the introduction of employee assistance or wellness programs, for decisions for preventive measures, or for improvement of service management.  相似文献   

目的对江苏省农村基本公共卫生服务政府购买现状进行研究,为保障基本公共卫生服务均等化进程的稳步推进提出合理化政策建议。方法采用现场问卷调查、关键知情人访谈、专题小组讨论、观察法开展研究。结果地方政府尚未完全履行筹资职责;服务和经费的层级分配不相符;财政补偿为主的购买方式难以适应卫生工作发展需要;考核方式存在不足;经费管理和使用缺乏具体指导意见。结论强化政府筹资职责;科学进行成本测算;合理安排基本公共卫生服务和经费的层级分配;健全考核和评估机制。  相似文献   

Making up a third of the EU budget, Structural and Investment Funds can provide important opportunities for investing in policies that tackle inequalities in health. This article looks back and forward at the 2007–2013 and 2014–2020 financial periods in an attempt to inform the development of health equity as a strand of policy intervention under regional development. It combines evidence from health projects funded through Structural Funds and a document analyses that locates interventions for health equity under the new regulations. The map of opportunities has changed considerably since the last programming period, creating more visibility for vulnerable groups, social determinants of health and health systems sustainability. As the current programming period is progressing, this paper contributes to maximizing this potential but also identifying challenges and implementation gaps for prospective health system engagement in pursuing health equity as part of Structural Funds projects. The austerity measures and their impact on public spending, building political support for investments as well as the difficulties around pursuing health gains as an objective of other policy areas are some of the challenges to overcome. European Structural and Investment Funds could be a window of opportunity that triggers engagement for health equity if sectors adopt a transformative approach and overcome barriers, cooperate for common goals and make better use of the availability of these resources.  相似文献   

Mahoney RT  Ramachandran S  Xu Z 《Vaccine》2000,18(24):2625-2635
The development of new vaccines for important childhood diseases presents an unparalleled opportunity for disease control but also a significant problem for developing countries: how to pay for them. To help address this problem, the William H. Gates Foundation has established a Global Fund for Children's Vaccine. In this paper, we discuss the allocation of this and other similar funds, which we call Global Funds. We propose that allocation of the Global Funds to individual countries be guided in part by a Vaccine Procurement Baseline (VPB). The VPB would set a minimum of 0.01% of gross national product (GNP) as an amount each developing country would devote to its own vaccine procurement. When this amount is not sufficient to procure the vaccines needed by a developing country, the Global Funds would meet the shortfall. The amount required of donors to maintain the Global Funds would be about $403 million per year for both existing EPI vaccines as well as for a hypothetical group of five new vaccines costing $0.50 per dose and requiring three doses per child. Including program costs, poor developing countries currently spend about 0.13% of GNP on EPI immunizations. In contrast, the United States, as one example donor country, spends about 0.035% of GNP for childhood immunization including several new vaccines. This paper analyzes the Global Funds requirements for hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccines. After a ramp-up period, needier countries would eventually require about $62 million for hepatitis B and $282 million for Hib at current prices. Various additional criteria could be used to qualify countries for participation in the Global Funds.  相似文献   



Public health research provides evidence for practice across fields including health care, health promotion and health surveillance. Levels of public health research vary markedly across European Union (EU) countries, and are lowest in the EU's new member states (in Central and Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean). However, these countries now receive most of the EU's Structural Funds, some of which are allocated to research.


STEPS, an EU-funded study, sought to assess support for public health research at national and European levels. To identify support through the Structural funds, STEPS drew information from country respondents and internet searches for all twelve EU new member states.


The EU allocates annually around ?7 billion through the Structural Funds for member states' own use on research. These funds can cover infrastructure, academic employment, and direct research grants. The programmes emphasise links to business. Support for health research includes major projects in biosciences, but direct support for public health research was found in only three countries - Cyprus, Latvia and Lithuania.


Public health research is not prioritised in the EU's Structural Funds programme in comparison with biomedicine. For the research dimension of the new European programme for Structural Funds 2014-2002, ministries of health should propose public health research to strengthen the evidence-base for European public health policy and practice.  相似文献   

妇幼卫生社区健康服务合作项目的做法和体会   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
上海市在实施“妇幼卫生社区健康服务合作项目”的过程中,及时总结经验,有利于项目的持续、深入开展。他们的具体做法:首先确定“社区项目”试点单位,签订项目责任书,确定“社区项目”工作计划,落实经费。他们的体会是:城市社区建设和发展是开展妇幼卫生社区服务的重要前提,两个系统保健和三级服务网络是开展妇幼卫生社区服务的重要基础,提高生命质量和生活质量是妇幼卫生社区服务的主要目标,多方合作,共同参与是开展社区服务的最佳模式  相似文献   

上海市从1997年开始加强社区卫生服务体系建设,在经历了"服务框架和网络建立期"和"运行机制改革期"后,在2011年正式进入以家庭医生制度为核心的"内涵建设期"。本文通过梳理上海市家庭医生制度相关政策文件,总结了这项制度的构建背景、目标以及核心内容,同时基于2013年度上海市家庭医生制度监测评估报告,从制度覆盖、居民签约、服务模式和运行机制四个方面总结了这项制度的实施进展,并从政策本身、服务主体、服务监管和服务客体等四个层面分析了这项制度目前的发展瓶颈,针对性地提出了政策建议,以期为我国进一步推进全科医生制度建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   

试论我国新型医疗卫生服务模式的构建   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为和谐发展中国卫生服务事业,构建了新型特色模式——即"54321"模式。对新型特色模式进行了解析,对构架新型特色模式的原理进行了介绍,对新型特色模式的理论和实践基础进行了探讨,并界定了新模式改革的具体内容,并就新模式可持续发展进行了构思。  相似文献   

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