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总结“种子”基金5年成果推进创新型管理理念实施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 总结医院“研究与发展基金”5年成果,持续推进创新型管理理念的实施.方法 通过总结基金2006-2010年的投入和科研产出,分析实施创新型管理理念之后,基金在培养医学科研人才、促进医院学科发展等方面的作用.结果 创新型过程管理理念实施之后,基金产出态势良好,对科研人才培养和学科发展起到了积极的推动作用.结论 应继续推进创新型过程管理理念的实施,以进一步发挥“种子”基金在人才、学科发展等方面的助推作用.  相似文献   

包头市医学科研基金管理的实践与体会   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
医学科研的发展 ,对提高社会群体健康水平、促进社会文明与进步有着十分重要的作用。为了加强我市医学科研的科学管理 ,提高科技成果的数量和质量 ,促进科技成果的转化 ,我们从 1990年起建立了“包头市医药卫生科技发展基金” ,对医学科研实行全行业管理。经过 10多年来的探索和实践 ,取得了一些成功的经验。一、具体做法(一 )多方筹集和合理使用基金 :科研经费是开展医学科研的物质基础和必要条件[1] 。我市卫生基金的主渠道是由市科委投入一部分、市卫生局从事业费中拨一部分和医疗卫生单位按每床位 2 0元提取一部分共同组成 ,由基金管理…  相似文献   

目的院所基金的主要任务是资助为了探索与提高整形外科领域中具有创新意义的科研项目,并以此为基础,向院外申请更高级别的基金项目,促进医院科研产出指标的多产化。方法设立科研启动基金、院所基金重点项目、一般基金项目、政策性资助项目、临床创新应用项目和提高各中心的学术交流经费、增加副高级以上技术职称人员的学术交流经费来增大科研投入,量化科研产出指标、实施和加大科研产出奖励政策,逐步完善基金管理。结果近年来,医院的科研产出指标比往年质量和数量都有所提高,科研人员的科研热情得到进一步激励。结论院所基金在中国医学科学院整形外科医院科研投入中占据了较大的比例,对院所科研工作起到了举足轻重的推动作用。  相似文献   

青年医务人员是医院科研发展的生力军。为有效提升青年医务人员的科研能力,某军队医院设立“创新培育基金”。文章结合创新培育基金管理实践,介绍基金课题审批至结题验收全流程所采取的主要举措,并从侧重博士毕业生的培养、做好临床科研方法学的运用、注重科室对基金的管理作用、加强基金结题项目的后续管理及完善基金激励机制五方面阐述如何做好科研人才培育和基金管理工作。  相似文献   

本文通过对某高校国家自然科学基金后期管理工作的总结和分析 ,提出了保持创新是基金后期管理的核心 ,并对如何保持创新 ,发挥自然科学基金的最大效益 ,提出了 5个方面的具体措施 :1 加强目标责任制的落实 ;2 保持开题和过程查新 ;3 研究工作长期计划的制定 ;4 大力开展校内外科研协作。通过实施这些管理措施 ,明显提高了国家自然科学基金的效益 ,对承担国家重点项目打下了良好的基础  相似文献   

临床医学实验室的建设和人才管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医学实验室在医院进行科研、人才的培养中发挥着越来越重要的作用,但是传统的医院实验室模式严重影响了医院的发展,难以适应市场经济的发展和需要。我院通过对传统的实验室管理模式进行改革,取得了一些成功的经验与体会,即加大实验室管理,建立新的医学检测中心;规范实验室的管理模式,统一科研及临床检测的设备;建立一支高素质的专业实验技术人员队伍及临床型的专业队伍。  相似文献   

循证护理在护理管理中的实践应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
循证护理(EBN)是受循证医学影响而产生的新的护理理念。本文介绍了循证护理的概念,并从宣传循证护理理念,普及循证护理知识,组建循证护理队伍,建立激励机制几方面论述了护理管理中实施循证护理的基础,同时详述了循证护理的实施过程。循证护理的实施提高了护理实践的科学性,促进了护理科研的发展和护理管理模式的改变,能有效提高临床护理质量,促进医疗卫生事业的蓬勃发展。  相似文献   

目的 "新护士—专业组护士—专科护士"三阶梯模式结合临床护理专业组(专业组)驱动临床护士科研能力发展与护理科研团队建设。方法结合护士个体发展与团队协作发展, 建立"新护士—专业组护士—专科护士"三阶梯模型, 以专业组为切入点, 整合专业组临床工作、专业组质量控制、品管圈活动、护士职业发展、护理科研团队建设, 实施三阶梯模式以专业组驱动临床护士科研能力发展与护理科研团队建设。结果以三阶梯模式从"新护士—专业组护士—专科护士"路线促进护士发展成长;以专业组为突破建设专业组护理科研团队与人才梯队;解决临床实际问题, 产出科研成果。结论实施三阶梯模式结合专业组驱动临床护士科研能力发展与护理科研团队建设方式可以促进临床护理科研与临床护理工作协同发展。  相似文献   

为探讨我国科学基金制的建立和完善,本阐述了加强全民科学知识教育,增强全民关注科研意识;加大基金财政投入力度,构筑基金网络纵向支架; 建立民间科学基金组织,构架基金网络横向支架;完善科学基金管理机制,发挥科学基金更大效益。为研究我国科学基金制的建立和发展提供参考。  相似文献   

科学研究和教学工作是医学院校基础医学学科的中心工作.科学研究水平影响院校的学术地位和人才培养质量,是一个单位实力的体现.科研基金是科研工作的标志之一.科研管理是科研工作的重要环节,直接影响着基金管理和科研质量,影响着高校潜力和优势的发挥.基础部本着“科学立项,拓宽渠道、整合资源,绩效挂钩,持续发展”的原则,积极组织科研项目申报,严格科研过程管理,几年来无论在基金数量、质量上均有明显的提高,有利地促进了学科建设、人才队伍的可持续发展.  相似文献   

目的:探讨腹腔镜诊治不孕症手术的护理配合.方法:对43例不孕症患者行腹腔镜手术诊断和治疗,给予护理配合,并观察其患者康复情况.结果:腹腔镜手术患者良好的术前护理,减轻了患者的紧张心理,以达到最佳的麻醉和手术配合状态;提高了手术的效率;结论:良好的护理配合对腹腔镜诊治不孕症手术的顺利进行,起到了积极的作用.  相似文献   

Reasons for the limited uptake of the clinician–scientist role within nursing are examined, specifically: the lack of consensus about the nature of nursing science; the varying approaches to epistemology; and the influence of post-modern thought on knowledge development in nursing. It is suggested that under-development of this role may be remedied by achieving agreement that science is a necessary, worthy pursuit for nursing, and that rigorous science conducted from a clinical perspective serves nursing well. Straddling practice and research is a powerful strategy for ensuring relevant research while forging strong links with practice. The clinician–scientist role, typically requiring a 75:25 ratio between research and clinical activities, is well established in medicine. Nursing, however, has been slow to institute the role; it is rare within North America, Australia, and western European countries, and almost non-existent outside those areas. Beyond structural obstacles, philosophical issues may explain nursing's reluctance to implement the role. Following a survey of clinician–scientist roles throughout the world, the nature of nursing science and epistemology, and the influence of post-modern thought on nursing attitudes to research are examined with respect to their influence on this role. The nurse clinician–scientist role holds promise for making strides in clinically relevant research, and for accelerating the knowledge cycle from clinical problem to research question to change in clinical practice.  相似文献   

目的:对小儿过敏性紫癜合并睾丸受累的护理经验总结。方法:对5例过敏性紫癜合并睾丸受累的患儿根据临床特征采取相应护理措施。结果:通过饮食控制、药物治疗的护理、健康护理、心理护理,使病情得到控制。结论:护理措施得当,对提高临床效果减少惠儿痛苦起重要作用。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to find out the state of nursing skill education and tools available to the students in their clinical practice of adult nursing (acute period). The research was carried out between 2005 and 2007, and the subjects were 111 third or fourth degree nursing students who had finished the clinical practice of adult nursing (acute period). The research method was to measure the degree of learning experience and self-appraisal during clinical practice of adult nursing (acute period). This research covered 11 areas of nursing study and 50 items in nursing skills which consisted of "fundamental nursing skills which students do in clinical and practical training", suggested by the investigative commission on the shape of nursing skills by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, and the basic nursing skill of new graduates which was determined. The result showed that there had been more learning experience during the clinical practice of management of safety, prevention of infection, support of cleaning and changing clothes and observation of symptoms and function of the body. However, there had been less learning experience in support of evacuation and help of breathing and circulation. The result also showed that there was a significant positive correlation between the learning experience in the clinical practice and self-appraisal of the 8 nursing study areas, whereas there was none in the 3 areas of support of eating, support of cleaning and changing clothes and help of breathing and circulation. From the research, it is concluded that it is necessary to devise ways and means to increase the application of nursing skills by the nursing students in clinical practice.  相似文献   

The concept of social structure is ill defined in the literature despite the perennial problem and ongoing discussion about the relationship between agency and structure. In this paper I will provide an outline of what the term social structure means, but my main focus will be on emphasizing the value of the concept for nursing research and demonstrate how its erasure in some research negatively effects on our understanding of the nurses' role in clinical practice. For example, qualitative research in nursing has largely focused on agency through such theories as phenomenology, hermeneutics, and symbolic interactionism. The result is that social structure may be erased or seen as epiphenomena of agency. My purpose is to provide a theoretical discussion of social structure and how such a discussion can help us to understand how nurses live and experience clinical practice. While not denying the importance of agency, I will argue that the thinned out approach to social structure places limits on our understanding of the constraints nurses experience in their working lives. The result is that nurses' attitudes and clinical failings are individualized, resulting in ever more calls for improved education, when a more thorough examination of structural issues may elucidate more fundamental problems.  相似文献   

梳理了美国医保支付制度改革进程,总结了捆绑支付模式内涵及其对康复护理服务的影响。结合我国国情,借鉴美国医保支付制度改革经验,认为我国应建立基于价值评价的康复护理服务医保支付制度,充分发挥医保基金的引导和保障作用,健全多元化的复合型医保支付体系,创建“以人民的健康为中心”的连续型医疗服务保障体系。  相似文献   

Facilitating play for the hospitalized child is widely recognized as a valid nursing intervention The need for collaboration between child life staff and nursing staff is also noted There then need to be opportunities for nursing students to participate in child life activities and to practice skills in facilitating play for the hospitalized child This paper describes a clinical experience for nursing students to increase their knowledge of play and to introduce students to the role of the child life program on a pediatric hospital unit.  相似文献   

This study surveyed junior and senior occupational therapy faculty in order to further understand the role that mentoring plays in research productivity. Junior faculty with and without mentors were compared in terms of their overall research productivity, and the senior faculty who served as mentors were compared with senior faculty who were not mentors. The role of institutional support factors on research productivity was also examined. The results of this survey suggest that mentoring plays an important role in increasing research productivity in junior faculty in the field of occupational therapy. Also, senior faculty mentors perceived their mentoring experience to enhance their research productivity. A general profile of an occupational therapy mentor and mentee has emerged from the results. Analyses showed a low to moderate positive correlation between faculty research productivity and a number of institutional support factors. Availability of intramural funds, release time, chair and dean support for research, grant writing seminars, and availability of statistical and computing help correlated with research productivity. The authors recommend the need for mentoring in occupational therapy academia. New faculty should have a mentor or mentors to help them succeed in research, teaching and service goals. Developing short-term and long-term goals with the mentor and periodic evaluation of goals will help new faculty to keep pace with the demands and requirements of their academic positions.  相似文献   

目的 分析国内外护理质量临床试验特征,为我国护理质量临床试验管理提供参考。方法 在ClinicalTrials.gov平台检索建库至2021年10月10日结局变量为护理质量的临床试验,分析纳入护理质量临床试验的注册时间、注册数量、试验地点、注册单位、资金来源、研究疾病、研究类型、样本量、研究状态及结果报告等信息。结果 共获得142项护理质量临床试验。第一个护理质量临床试验注册于2001年,不同年份护理质量临床试验注册数量存在差异;试验地点以美洲和欧洲居多,注册单位以高等院校占比最高,资金来源分散;研究疾病分布广泛,主要包括肿瘤、糖尿病、精神分裂症、心肌梗死等;研究类型包括干预性研究和观察性研究,干预性研究占61.97%;样本量范围为8例~1 000 000例;85项试验处于已完成状态,仅11项试验报告结果。结论 护理质量临床试验基本特征不均衡,内容特征呈现多元化,研究状态及结果报告有待完善。建议我国相关机构提供护理质量临床试验注册指导,规范护理质量临床试验数据管理,建立护理质量临床试验评价机制。  相似文献   

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