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目的:探讨减重手术的并发症及其处理方法。方法:回顾分析31例糖尿病及单纯性肥胖症患者行腹腔镜胃旁路术、胃束带、袖状胃切除、改良胃转流术(袖状胃手术基础上,再行远端空肠与十二指肠球部吻合)的临床资料,总结其并发症情况。结果:本组中,2型糖尿病21例,其中发生左侧胸腔积液1例,吻合口狭窄1例,吻合口溃疡3例,营养不良4例,腹腔内疝1例,粘连性肠梗阻1例,术后胃功能性排空障碍2例。单纯性肥胖症10例,发生减重效果不明显1例,胃小囊及食管扩张1例,注水泵皮下脂肪液化1例,取出胃束带1例。结论:初期开展腹腔镜减重手术难免出现一些并发症,术者应完善术前检查,术中仔细操作以减少不必要的损伤,术后积极采取措施治疗,有的并发症是可以避免的。  相似文献   

目的构建一个基于常见术前指标预测肥胖患者腹腔镜袖状胃切除术(LSG)后早期(1年内)减重效果的列线图模型。方法回顾性分析2015年1月至2022年5月于福建医科大学附属协和医院和福建医科大学附属泉州第一医院行LSG的肥胖症患者的临床病例资料。排除腹部大手术史、严重胃食管反流病、术后1年内怀孕及失访患者后, 共200例患者入组(福建医科大学附属协和医院190例, 福建医科大学附属泉州第一医院10例), 其中男性51例, 女性149例, 年龄(29.9±8.2)岁, 体质指数(BMI)为(38.7±6.5)kg/m2。本组患者均接受标准化程序的LSG手术。将LSG术后1年达到理想体质量, 即BMI≤25 kg/m2定义为早期减重达标。采用单因素和多因素分析患者基本资料、临床指标、术前血液学指标以及合并症情况与LSG术后早期减重达标的关系, 并将相关因素纳入列线图预测模型。采用受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线[曲线下面积(AUC)越大, 模型的预测能力和预测准确性越好]、似然比检验(似然比越高, 模型同质性越强)、决策曲线分析法(DCA;净获益越高, 模型越好)、赤池信息量准则(AIC值;AIC...  相似文献   

目的: 探讨术前饮食行为对减重手术效果的影响,为预测减重手术效果提供参考。方法: 采用荷兰饮食行为问卷(Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire, DEBQ)及相关评分标准,对85例肥胖症行腹腔镜胃袖状切除的减重手术病人进行分组,分为限制性饮食组44例和非限制性饮食组41例,其中限制性饮食组再分为成功限制亚组27例与失败限制亚组17例。分别比较术前不同饮食行为组及亚组之间术后6、12个月的体重、体质量指数(body mass index, BMI)及多余体重减少率(excess weight loss, %EWL)改变。结果: 85例病人均成功接受减重手术。限制饮食组术后6、12个月体重和BMI显著高于非限制组,%EWL显著低于非限制组。限制饮食组中,成功限制亚组术后6、12个月体重和BMI显著高于失败限制亚组,%EWL显著低于失败限制亚组。结论: 术前饮食行为显著影响减重手术结果,可作为预测减重手术效果的参考。  相似文献   

目的比较肥胖合并2型糖尿病患者胃旁路术(RYGB)与袖状胃切除加十二指肠旁路术(SG+RYDJB)后减重降糖以及术后近远期并发症发生情况, 分析两种手术的应用价值。方法采用回顾性队列研究方法, 回顾性分析2020年1至12月期间, 在南京医科大学第一附属医院减重代谢外科接受RYGB或SG+RYDJB, 体质指数(BMI)为27.5~40.0 kg/m2的2型糖尿病患者临床资料, 这两种术式在术中均从距屈氏韧带远端测量100 cm作为胆胰支, 从胃或十二指肠空肠吻合口处远端测量100 cm作为食物支。纳入RYGB组34例, SG+RYDJB组30例;两组患者性别、年龄, 术前体质量、BMI、糖尿病病程、空腹血糖和糖化血红蛋白比较, 差异无统计学意义(均P>0.05), 组间具有可比性。对患者术后1、3、6和12个月进行电话或微信随访, 主要比较患者术后1年的减重降糖效果以及术后近远期并发症, 具体包括:术后1年体质量、BMI、总体质量减少百分比(%TWL)、多余体质量减少百分比(%EWL)、糖化血红蛋白、空腹血糖和术后并发症。结果两组均无中转开腹和死亡病例。SG+RYDJB组较RY...  相似文献   

目的:探讨SIPS(stomach intestinal pylorus sparing)治疗重度肥胖症的临床价值及手术方法。方法:26岁女性患者,因重度肥胖症(BMI=69.4 kg/m~2)接受SIPS减重手术。建立40~42 Fr袖状胃,在胃幽门下2~3 cm处横断十二指肠球部,近端断口与回肠在距回盲瓣约300cm处行端侧吻合,对袖状胃及吻合ロ测漏后,手术完成。结果:手术顺利,出血量较少,患者顺利出院,无明显的围手术期并发症,与入院时相比,术后3周体重减轻20 kg。结论:SIPS由于保留了胃幽门,避免了胃旁路术后常见的倾倒综合征;因为仅建立一个吻合口,可避免术后内疝的发生。应用SIPS治疗重度肥胖症效果确切、安全性高,推荐用于治疗BMI50 kg/m~2的重度肥胖或糖尿病病史较长(10年)的患者。  相似文献   

[目的]比较术前DR测量联合健侧小腿测量与单一小腿测量相比预测术中胫骨髓内钉长度的准确性。[方法]收集2016年6月~2018年12月本院收治的胫骨骨折经髓内钉治疗患者67例,分为两组,健侧小腿测量组(小腿侧量组):回顾收集32例患者,既往术前单纯测量健侧小腿长度预测术中髓内钉长度;DR测量联合健侧小腿测量组(联合组):前瞻收集35例患者,术前DR测量联合健侧小腿测量预测术中髓内钉长度。收集术中用髓内钉长度、手术时间、出血量、更换髓内钉次数,评估两组预测值与术中用髓内钉长度之差绝对值有无差异。[结果]预测值与术中髓内钉长度之差绝对值联合组(4.35±2.96) mm小于小腿测量组(11.25±7.96) mm,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。[结论]术前DR测量联合健侧小腿测量可提高术中胫骨髓内钉长度预测准确性。  相似文献   

腹腔镜对小肠肿瘤的诊断与治疗   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
目的评价腹腔镜对小肠肿瘤的临床应用价值。方法回顾性分析2003年9月至2005年12月间经腹腔镜诊断和手术治疗的42例小肠肿瘤患者的临床资料,并对其腹腔镜手术时间、术中失血量、切口长度、术后肛门排气时间、术后住院天数、手术并发症、随访情况进行统计分析。结果全组患者均在腹腔镜下得到明确诊断和手术治疗,其中4例完全在腹腔镜下行小肠肿瘤局部切除;36例在腹腔镜辅助下作部分小肠肠段切除;1例行腹腔镜辅助下右半结肠切除,1例行腹腔镜下的探查和活检。腹腔镜手术时间(73.1±32.9)min,术中失血(20.7±31.2)ml,切口长度为(3.7±1.2)cm,术后肛门排气时间为(2.2±0.8)d,术后住院时间为(8.0±3.1)d。2例(4.8%)患者术后分别出现吻合口糜烂出血和束带粘连性小肠梗阻。术后随访3-30个月,除1例小肠腺癌腹腔内广泛转移外,其他病例均无肿瘤复发。结论腹腔镜不仅能明确小肠肿瘤的诊断,而且对小肠手术具有安全可行、创伤小、恢复快的优点。  相似文献   

维生素D在钙、磷代谢及细胞生长分化中发挥重要作用,随着研究深入,维生素D在人体营养代谢,特别是糖脂代谢中的重要作用越来越受到重视.减重代谢手术是治疗肥胖症、2型糖尿病和其他相关合并症的有效方法.接受减重代谢手术的患者在术前及术后常出现维生素D的缺乏.本文试综述维生素D在减重代谢手术术前、围手术期、术后的水平及其影响,分析维生素D缺乏原因、对代谢性疾病的影响、对减重代谢手术治疗效果的影响,并探讨减重代谢手术对体内维生素D水平的影响及及补充措施.  相似文献   

腹腔镜辅助下小肠切除术的临床应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
资料与方法1.临床资料 :我院自 1993年 3月至 1999年 5月 ,施行腹腔镜小肠切除术 2 1例。其中男 15例 ,女 6例 ;年龄 44~ 6 8岁 ,平均 5 6 1岁。 18例患者以消化道出血就诊 ,余 3例以腹痛就诊。术前检查包括 :全消化道钡餐 2 0例次、血管造影 2例次。 2 0例患者上述检查提示小肠占位性病变 ;1例钡餐和血管造影检查均未见明显异常 ,因患者反复腹痛行腹腔镜探查 ,术中证实为美克尔憩室。术后病理学诊断 :小肠平滑肌瘤 13例、神经纤维瘤 5例、错构瘤 2例和美克尔憩室 1例。2 .手术方式 :本组 2 1例均采用插管全麻 ,行腹腔镜辅助下小肠切除术…  相似文献   

目的 评价实时三维超声心动图在人工腱索植入行二尖瓣成形术中的应用价值.方法 31例二尖瓣脱垂病人,采用4-0 Goretex线为材料构建人工腱索行二尖瓣成形术,在术前、术中和术后分别行实时三维超声心动图检查.术前测量病人的正常腱索长度,通常测量二尖瓣前叶A1节段和后叶P1节段的腱索长度,以指导手术方案的制定.术中和术后采用实时三维超声检查以评价手术治疗效果.术中所有病人均同时植入人工二尖瓣成形环.结果 无手术死亡病例,体外循环(142.0±31.2)min、主动脉阻断(98.0±22.5)min.每例病人植入人工腱索1~3根,平均(2.0±1.5)根.术前三维超声测量的人工腱索的预期长度平均为(21.0±2.5)mm,术中实际植入的人工腱索的长度平均为(20.0±2.2)mm,二者比较差异无统计学意义.随访3~30个月,随访率98%.出现轻微反流15例,轻度反流1例,中度反流1例,无需再次手术治疗病例.未发现Goretex线人工腱索断裂,无后期死亡.结论 人工腱索植入二尖瓣成形术可获得良好的近、中期效果,实时三维超声可准确预测人工腱索的长度,对提高手术效果有重要帮助.  相似文献   

Background: Small bowel transplantation represents a valid therapeutic option for patients with intestinal failure, obviating the need for long-term total parenteral nutrition. Recently, reports have shown the feasibility of performing living related intestinal transplantation using segmental small bowel grafts. The limitations of this technique include inadequate harvested small bowel lengths, as compared with the lengths obtained in cadaveric small bowel harvests, and large incisions for the donor. In this pilot study, we evaluated the feasibility of laparoscopically harvesting long segments of proximal jejunum for small bowel transplantation using a porcine model. The results can be used to evaluate the potential for applying this technique in human cases. Methods: For this study 10 yorkshire pigs were used. Under general anesthesia, each pig underwent laparoscopic segmental resection of 200 cm of proximal jejunum on a vascular pedicle. The harvested graft then was autoreimplanted using an open technique by anastomosing the vascular pedicle to the superior mesenteric vessels. Success was determined 2 hours after anastomosis by visually identifying a pink graft with viable-appearing mucosa, an artery with a strong thrill, and palpable venous flow. The animals were then sacrificed. Results: The mean operation time required to laparoscopically harvest the small bowel graft was 80 min (range, 35–120 min), and the mean length of harvested graft was 220 cm (range, 200–260 cm). The mean length of the graft's vascular pedicle was 4.5 cm (range, 4–5 cm). All 10 grafts were successfully harvested laparoscopically and then reimplanted using an open technique. All the grafts maintained good vascular flow, and showed no evidence of mucosal necrosis at necropsy. Obviously, further studies would be required to examine the long-term results of reimplanting a laparoscopically harvested small bowel graft, but proposals for such studies is beyond the scope of this report. Conclusion: Minimally invasive techniques can be used to harvest proximal small bowel grafts for living related small bowel transplantation.  相似文献   

Laparoscopic adhesiolysis has been the focus of much recent attention; however, the role of single-port laparoscopic surgery for adhesive small bowel obstruction remains unclear. We report our experience of performing single-port laparoscopic surgery for adhesive small bowel obstruction through a retrospective review of 15 consecutive patients who underwent single-port laparoscopic surgery for single adhesive small bowel obstruction between 2010 and 2012. We analyzed data on patient demographics, operating time, conversion, and surgical morbidity. Surgery was completed successfully without conversion to laparotomy or the need for additional intraoperative ports in 14 patients, but the remaining patient had peritoneal dissemination from colon cancer. The median operative time was 49 (25–148) min, and the estimated blood loss was 19 (2–182) ml. There were no major postoperative complications. We conclude that single-port laparoscopic surgery is a technically feasible approach for selected patients with adhesive small bowel obstruction when preoperative imaging identifies a single adhesive obstruction.  相似文献   

Causes of small bowel obstruction after laparoscopic gastric bypass   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Background Small bowel obstruction after laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is not a rare complication, occurring in approximately 3% of patients. The goal of this study was to review the causes and timing of small bowel obstruction as an aid to diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Methods The records of consecutive patients who underwent laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass at the authors' center from 4/99 to 7/03 were retrospectively reviewed. All the patients had a laparoscopic handsewn gastrojejunostomy and a stapled jejunojej-unostomy. The Roux limb was placed retrocolically in the first 405 patients and antecolically in the next 1,310 patients. Results Altogether, 1,715 patients underwent a total laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass at the authors' bariatric center. In 51 patients, 55 small bowel obstructions occurred (3%) during a median follow-up period of 21 months (range 1–52 months). Small bowel obstruction developed in 27 (7%) of the retrocolic patients, as compared with 24 (2%) of the antecolic patients (p<0.001, chi-square). The cause of small bowel obstruction were adhesive bands (n=14), obstruction at the jejunojejunostomy from kinking or narrowing (n=13), internal hernia or external compression at the transverse mesocolon (n=11), internal hernia through the jejunal mesentery (n=8) incarcerated abdominal wall hernia (n=4), and other (n=5). For patients in whom small bowel obstruction developed in the first 3 weeks after their bypass surgery bowel resection was required in 19 of 24 patients, as compared with 6 of 31 patients in whom obstruction develop after 3 weeks (p<0.001, chi-square). Conclusions Early small bowel obstructions tend to result from technical problems with the Roux limb and require revision of the bypass or small bowel resection significantly more often than late obstructions. The latter group of obstructions usually result from adhesions or hernias, which could be handled laparoscopically without bowel resection. The position of the Roux limb (retrocolic vs antecolic) appeared to influence the incidence of small bowel obstruction. In the current series, changing the position of the jejunal bypass limb from retrocolic to antecolic significantly decreased the overall incidence of small bowel obstruction because it eliminated one of the most common sites for obstruction: the mesocolon. Online publication: 13 October 2004  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This article reports the results of segmental reversal of the small bowel on parenteral nutrition dependency in patients with very short bowel syndrome. SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA: Segmental reversal of the small bowel could be seen as an acceptable alternative to intestinal transplantation in patients with very short bowel syndrome deemed to be dependent on home parenteral nutrition. METHODS: Eight patients with short bowel syndrome underwent, at the time of intestinal continuity restoration, a segmental reversal of the distal (n = 7) or proximal (n = 1) small bowel. The median length of the remnant small bowel was 40 cm (range, 25 to 70 cm), including a median length of reversed segment of 12 cm (range, 8 to 15 cm). Five patients presented with jejunotransverse anastomosis, and one each with jejunorectal, jejuno left colonic, or jejunocaecal anastomosis with left colostomy. RESULTS: There were no postoperative deaths. Three patients were reoperated early for wound dehiscence, acute cholecystitis, and sepsis of unknown origin. Three patients experienced transient intestinal obstruction, which was treated conservatively. Median follow-up was 35 months (range, 2 to 108 months). One patient died of pulmonary embolism 7 months postoperatively. By the end of follow-up, three patients were on 100% oral nutrition, one had fluid and electrolyte infusions only, and, in the four other patients, parenteral nutrition regimen was reduced to four (range of 3 to 5) cyclic nocturnal infusions per week. Parenteral nutrition cessation was obtained in 3 of 5 patients at 1 years and in 3 of 3 patients at 4 years. CONCLUSION: Segmental reversal of the small bowel could be proposed as an alternative to intestinal transplantation in patients with short bowel syndrome before the possible occurrence of parenteral nutrition-related complications, because weaning for parenteral nutrition (four patients) or reduction of the frequency of infusions (four patients) was observed in the current study.  相似文献   

Angiography is helpful to detect the site of bleeding in patients with overt gastrointestinal bleeding. However, angiography sometimes cannot give bleeding location precisely to the surgeons particularly for small bowel bleedings. We described angiography-directed preoperative guidewire placement for localization of the bleeding during laparotomy. This method was used successfully in a 45-year-old women with overt small intestinal bleeding. Method was simple and effective. Catheter was kept in the artery for 45 minutes, guidewire pointed out the bleeding point as closer as 1 cm and a limited resection of bowel (15 cm) resolved the gastrointestinal bleeding. There was no complication because of surgery or interventional radiology, and the patient was discharged on day 6 uneventfully.  相似文献   

临床同种活体部分小肠移植:附1例报告   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
目的:探讨临床同种活体小肠移植治疗短肠综合征的效果。方法:对1例因小肠扭转而切除大部分小肠和右半结肠,残留小肠仅20cm的超短肠综合征男性患者,行亲属活体同种部分小肠移植。供体为患者之母。受体术前行供体特异性输血,50mL/周,共8周。供受体巨细胞病毒感染状态均为阴性。移植肠长约160cm。移植肠的回结肠动静脉分别与受体肾下腹主动脉和下腔静脉端侧吻合,移植肠末端造口。术后给予抗排斥、抗感染、抗凝及营养支持治疗。结果:供体术后恢复顺利,无并发症。受体已健康存活31周,无感染和排斥反应。术后8周脱离肠外营养治疗,口服低脂饮食,D-木糖吸收试验结果接近正常。结论:同种活体部分小肠移植是治疗短肠综合征的有效措施。  相似文献   

Axial torsion and necrosis of Meckel's diverticulum causing simultaneous mechanical small bowel obstruc-tion are the rarest complications of this congenital anomaly. This kind of pathology has been reported only eleven times. Our case report presents this very unusual case of Meckel's diverticulum. A 41-year-old man presented at the emergency department with complaints of crampy abdominal pain, nausea and re-tention of stool and gases. Clinical diagnosis was small bowel obstruction. Because the origin of obstruction was unknown, computer tomography was indicated. Computed tomography(CT)-scan revealed dilated small bowel loops with multiple air-fluid levels; the oral con-trast medium had reached the jejunum and proximal parts of the ileum but not the distal small bowel loops or the large bowel; in the right mid-abdomen there was a 11 cm × 6.4 cm × 7.8 cm fluid containing cavity with thickened wall, which was considered a dilated bowel-loop or cyst or diverticulum. Initially the patient was treated conservatively. Because of persistent abdominal pain emergency laparotomy was indicated. Abdominal exploration revealed distended small bowel loops proxi-mal to the obstruction, and a large(12 cm × 14 cm) Meckel's diverticulum at the site of obstruction. Meckel's diverticulum was axially rotated by 720°, which caused small bowel obstruction and diverticular necrosis. About 20 cm of the small bowel with Meckel's diverticulum was resected. The postoperative course was uneventful and the patient was discharged on the fifth postopera-tive day. We recommend CT-scan as the most useful diagnostic tool in bowel obstruction of unknown origin. In cases of Meckel's diverticulum causing small bowel obstruction, prompt surgical treatment is indicated; de-lay in diagnosis and in adequate treatment may lead to bowel necrosis and peritonitis.  相似文献   

Background: Laparoscopy is used increasingly for the management of acute abdominal conditions. For many years, previous abdominal surgery and intestinal obstruction have been regarded as contraindications to laparoscopy because there is an increased risk of iatrogenic bowel perforation. The role of laparoscopy in acute small bowel obstruction remains unclear. Methods: Since 1995, data from patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery have been entered prospectively into a database. Patients who underwent surgery before 1995 were added retrospectively to the same database. The charts of all patients treated surgically for mechanical small bowel obstruction were reviewed. Univariate analysis was performed to identify factors associated with success or failure, especially intraoperative complications, conversion, and postoperative morbidity. Stepwise logistic regression was used to assess for independent variables. Results: This study included 83 patients (56 women and 27 men) with a mean age of 56 years (range, 17–91 years). Conversion was necessary in 36 cases (43%). Laparoscopy alone was successful in 47 patients (57%). Intraoperative complications were noted in 16% and postoperative complications in 31% of the patients. Eight reoperations (9%) were necessary. Mortality was 2.4%. Duration of surgery (p < 0.001) and a bowel diameter exceeding 4 cm (p= 0.02) were predictors of conversion. No risk factor for intraoperative complication was identified. Accidental bowel perforation (p= 0.008) and the need for conversion (p= 0.009) were the only independent factors associated with an increased risk of postoperative complications. Conclusions: Laparoscopic management of small bowel obstruction is possible in roughly 60% of the patients selected for this approach. Morbidity is lower, resumption of a normal diet is faster, and hospital stay is shorter than with patients requiring conversion. No clear predictor of success or failure was identified, but intraoperative complications must be avoided. If the surgeon is widely experienced in advanced laparoscopic surgery and there is a liberal conversion policy, laparoscopy is a valuable alternative to conventional surgery in the management of acute small bowel obstruction. Received: 20 July 1999/Accepted: 22 November 1999/Online publication: 17 April 2000  相似文献   



During Roux-en-Y-gastric Bypass, the limb lengths are preoperatively determined regardless of individual small bowel length (SBL), which presents a great variability. Few studies highlighted anthropometric factors associated with SBL, and none attempted to predict SBL preoperatively.


The aim of this study is to evaluate factors correlated to SBL (anthropometric and radiologic) and to establish a preoperative SBL prediction.

Material and Methods

In this single-center prospective study, 30 adult patients who underwent laparotomy with a preoperative CT scan were included. Intraoperative SBL measurement was performed with an umbilical tape. Anthropometric parameters were age, gender, height, and BMI. 2D radiological measurements consisted of subcutaneous thickness, abdominal diameters, waist circumference, and mesenteric root length. 3D radiological volumetric reconstructions consisted of whole small bowel and mesentery (WSBM), lean small bowel and mesentery (LSBM), and fat small bowel and mesentery (FSBM).


Mean intraoperative measurement of SBL was 531 ±?105 cm. Among the clinical and radiological measurements, the FSBM volume presented the greatest dispersion. Height (p?<?0.02) and LSBM volume (p?<?0.01) were significantly correlated to the SBL in univariate analysis. LSBM volume was the only measurement significantly associated with SBL in multivariate analysis (p?<?0.006). From the multivariate model, a formula was created to predict SBL. The mean percentage difference between predicted and intraoperative SBL measurements for all patients was 13.7%, and 8.4% for obese patients.


LSBM volume is significantly correlated to the SBL. A preoperative SBL prediction with low percentage error could be performed with LSBM volume.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: To compare resection time and collateral thermal damage of 3 currently available ultrasonically activated devices in laparoscopic small bowel surgery. METHODS: AutoSonix, SonoSurg, and UltraCision were compared in laparoscopic small bowel mesentery resection in a porcine model. A resection was defined as 12 endarcade arteries supplying the intended bowel segment. Vssels were divided 1 cm off the bowel wall. AutoSonix, SonoSurg, and UltraCision were comparable for blade length and type, cutting mechanism, handle ergonomics, and vibration amplitude, but not well matched for vibration frequency (55.5;23.5;55.5 kHz), working shaft diameter (5;11;10 mm) and length (29;33;34 cm), respectively. A sample size of 114 was calculated to detect a 25% difference with 90% power at a 5% significance level. Resections were allocated to devices by block randomization. Analysis of variance and pairwise Scheffe tests were used for multiple comparisons, and a Kaplan-Meier plot was drawn to confirm differences in resection time with each device. A pathologist blind to the devices evaluated bowel wall biopsies for thermal damage. RESULTS: Procedures as allocated comprised 114 resections (38 with each device). UltraCision median resection time of 5160 (range 2340-7860) seconds was significantly longer (P=0.0001). The difference in resection time between AutoSonix (median 3420, range 1860-8760 s) and SonoSurg (median 3660, range 1800-6900 s) did not reach statistical significance. A microscopy revealed no thermal damage. CONCLUSIONS: Laparoscopic resection time for porcine bowel mesentery was shorter with AutoSonix or SonoSurg than with UltraCision, and no thermal damage to the bowel wall was found.  相似文献   

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