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骶髂关节空心钉内固定导向器的研制及临床应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的自行设计并研制一种骶骼关节空心钉内固定导向器,以期提高S.椎弓根空心钉置入的成功率及置入质量。方法自行设计并研制的骶髂关节空心钉内固定导向器由带有测长度的定位器、带有角度刻度表的水平面S1椎弓根空心钉置入角(TSA)、矢状面置入角(SSA)调节器及固定螺丝组成。2006年6月至2009年10月共收治15例不稳定型骨盆骨折累及骶髂复合体,男6例,女9例;年龄19-60岁,平均45.6岁。不稳定型骨盆骨折经骶髂关节韧带3例,经骶骨Ⅰ区5例,累及骶骨Ⅱ区5例,累及骶骨Ⅲ区2例。15例患者均采用骶髂关节空心钉内固定导向器引导术中S1椎弓根空心钉的操作,共置入18枚S,椎弓根空心钉。结果术后CT及X线片示18枚S1椎弓根空心钉置入位置准确,与术前设计相比,具有相同或相近的TSA及SSA。结论骶骼关节空心钉内固定导向器设计合理,使用方便,能提高S1椎弓根空心钉置入的准确性,提高置入质量,且可显著减少X线机的透视次数。  相似文献   

目的探讨腰骶-髂骨脊柱椎弓根钉棒内固定系统治疗C1、2型骨盆骨折的临床应用效果。方法收治8例C1、2型骨盆骨折,均采用一期前后路手术切开内固定,骨折累及骶椎管予相应减压,前环不稳予重建钢板固定,后环不稳予腰骶-髂骨椎弓根钉内固定。结果无一例发生感染及螺钉松动、断裂等现象,骨盆稳定性得到良好的恢复;7例患者术后能自行下床行走,3例L5神经根受损症状术后均得到明显缓解,1例马尾神经损伤患者术后骨盆稳定性得到良好的恢复,但马尾神经症状恢复不多,大便不能自控。结论一期前后路手术治疗能较好地恢复骨盆的稳定性,腰骶-髂骨脊柱椎弓根钉棒内固定系统治疗合并骶髂关节复合体损伤/骶骨骨折的C1、2型骨盆骨折,能取得足够的复位及内固定稳定性。  相似文献   

目的 探讨地震伤骨盆骨折后环不稳微创治疗的技术要点及疗效.方法对9例地震伤骨盆骨折后环不稳,采用前环钢板内固定后环在C型臂X线机引导下经皮微创置入骶髂空心拉力螺钉内固定.结果 骨盆骨折后环不稳患者在C型臂X线机引导下经皮微创置入骶髂空心拉力螺钉内固定,疗效满意.结论 掌握经皮骶髂关节置钉技术要点,采用骶髂拉力螺钉微创固...  相似文献   

对称性可调节式椎弓根钻孔导向器的研制及应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:研制一种椎弓根钉钻孔导向器供术中使用,提高椎弓根螺钉置入的成功率及置入质量。方法:根据术前CT及X线片测定的水平面椎弓根钉置入角(TSA)、矢状而椎弓根钉置入角(SSA)及进钉点间距的数据,应用该钠孔导向器引导术中椎弓根螺钉钻孔操作。临床应用于21例胸腰椎骨折及腰椎滑脱患者,置入椎弓根钉84枚。结果:术后CT及X线片显示全部椎弓根钉置入位置准确,两侧椎弓根螺钉对称,具有相同或相近的SSA及TSA。结论:该钻孔导向器设计合理,使用方便,能提高椎弓根螺钉置入的准确性,可提高固定钉的安置质量。  相似文献   

目的探索经椎弓根定位引导骶髂螺钉置入的可行性,设计导向器并初步验证其安全性。方法通过对100例(男女各50例)正常成人S1椎弓根与骶髂关节间特殊解剖关系的CT影像学测量,以明确经椎弓根定位引导螺钉置入的安全角度范围。据此制作导向器,并在5具模拟骨盆(10例骶髂关节)上进行初步安全性验证。结果水平、冠状面上骶髂通道最窄处宽度及最窄处横截面积完全允许骶髂螺钉的置人;当定位针定位于S1椎体中心时,在水平面、冠状面上男性分别有(16.93±6.14)°、(27.11±7.18)°的安全范围,女性为(17.60±2.74)°、(28.28±6.12)°的安全范围,且男、女组间比较差异无统计学意义(P〉O.05);经导向器置入10枚螺钉位置良好,无置钉不当或置钉失败。结论经椎弓根定位引导螺钉置入安全、可行。对于传统置钉方式不适合的骶骨侧块下倾角较大者,或是骶髂通道过于狭窄者,若在空间上允许骶髂螺钉的置入,均可应用导向器置钉。  相似文献   

导航下经皮微创螺钉内固定治疗骨盆骨折   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:1  
目的:探讨计算机辅助导航技术在骨盆骨折治疗中的应用及相关术前术中注意事项。方法:2010年5月至12月,采用导航下经皮微创螺钉内固定方法治疗骨盆骨折16例,男12例,女4例;年龄20~54岁,平均37岁;车祸伤5例,重物压伤5例,高坠伤6例。单纯前环骨折1例,前后环均骨折15例,其中骶髂关节脱位6例,骶骨骨折9例(均未累及骶管)。根据Tile分型:C型15例,B型1例。观察内容包括螺钉置入时间,螺钉置入准确率,术中失血量,神经、血管、脏器损伤情况,术后骨折复位情况等。导航下经皮微创螺钉固定方法包括骶髂螺钉固定、耻骨支空心钉固定、耻骨联合分离空心钉固定。16例患者中单纯骶髂螺钉固定4例;骶髂螺钉固定、耻骨支空心钉固定、耻骨联合分离空心钉固定2例;骶髂螺钉固定及耻骨支空心钉固定8例;单纯行耻骨支空心钉固定2例。结果:置入螺钉36枚,平均每枚螺钉置入时间约20min,术中出血10~20ml。术后骨盆X线片及三维CT显示,所有骨折良好复位,螺钉无错误置入。伤口均Ⅰ期愈合,无伤口感染及固定失败;术后均未出现神经、血管及其他脏器损伤。结论:导航下经皮微创螺钉内固定治疗骨盆骨折具有创伤小、术中失血少、手术并发症发生率低、固定可靠、无须输血等优点,能很好地重建骨盆环的稳定性,但是对术者的技术要求较高,应注意充分的术前准备。  相似文献   

目的评价骶髂螺钉治疗不稳定型骨盆骨折的临床疗效。方法采用骶髂螺钉治疗42例不稳定型骨盆骨折。应用Tornetta复位情况评价表评估复位情况,应用Majeed骨盆骨折评分系统评价疗效。结果 42例均获随访,随访时间为4~34个月,平均15个月。闭合复位骶骨钉内固定骨盆骨折后环不稳术后分疗效满意。结论掌握骶骨置钉技巧,应用骶骨钉固定骨盆骨折后环不稳,手术操作简单、疗效好、适于基层医院广泛开展。  相似文献   

旋转和垂直不稳定型骨盆骨折患者的诊断和治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨旋转和垂直不稳定型骨盆骨折的临床特点及其急诊处理、诊断和治疗方法选择。方法回顾性分析18例存在旋转和垂直不稳定的骨盆骨折患者,10例保守治疗,8例手术治疗。8例手术患者骨盆前环骨折均行切开复位内固定,2例耻骨上支骨折采用重建钢板固定,2例采用拉力螺钉固定,4例耻骨联合分离患者均采用双钢板固定;6例骨盆后环骨折患者采用切开复位双钢板固定,2例在CT引导下经皮置入骶髂关节松质骨拉力螺钉固定。结果18例患者全部恢复行走功能,所有保守治疗患者骨盆骨折均畸形愈合,遗留骶髂关节部位酸痛6例,遗留双小腿、双足麻木3例,行走跛行2例。8例手术治疗患者骨盆外形均恢复好,仅1例患者诉沿髂嵴切口有不适,2例CT引导下经皮置入骶髂关节螺钉患者骨盆外形接近完全恢复,功能恢复快而满意。结论旋转和垂直不稳定型骨盆骨折患者保守治疗效果差,宜首选内固定手术治疗,宜同时固定骨盆前、后环或先行前环切开复位内固定,2~3d后再次在CT引导下经皮置入骶髂关节螺钉内固定。CT引导下经皮置入骶髂关节螺钉手术操作简单、时间短、出血少、固定牢靠,是固定骶髂关节骨折脱位的首选方法。  相似文献   

GSS系统治疗13例垂直不稳定型骨盆骨折   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
垂直不稳定型骨盆骨折治疗困难,目前国内比较常见的手术方法包括骶骨棒、骶髂关节前路钢板和骶髂关节后路螺钉固定三种[1,2],虽然方法多样,但最终的结果都是将骶骨和髂骨进行固定.  相似文献   

骶骨骨折占脊柱骨折的1%,但25%~50%的患者合并神经损伤[1]。Denis Ⅱ型骶骨骨折常累及神经孔区[2],易导致腰骶丛神经损伤,是远期病残的重要原因[3]。既往针对骶骨骨折的治疗一般采取卧床保守或单纯骶孔减压治疗;现在随着内固定器械不断更新,治疗方法越来越多。我院自1998~2011年收治的22例Denis Ⅱ型骶骨骨折患者,分别行骶髂椎弓根固定、骶髂螺钉固定、髂后钉板固定及单纯骶孔减压,总结报道如下。  相似文献   

Accuracy of computer-guided screw fixation of the sacroiliac joint.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Computer-assisted image guidance allows precise preoperative planning and intraoperative localization of surgical instruments. The technique recently was validated for the insertion of pedicle screws. In the laboratory, the precision of a surface-matching algorithm was evaluated for registration and accuracy and safety of screw placement into the vertebral bodies of S1 and S2 for fixation of the sacroiliac joint. Using six plastic pelves, 24 screw holes were made through the sacroiliac joint into the vertebral body of S1, and 12 holes were made through the sacroiliac joint into S2. The accuracy of the hole position was evaluated using a postoperative computed tomography examination. The safety factor was assessed by analysis of the remaining bone stock around the holes calculating a theoretical cylindrical volume being outside bone with increasing bore hole diameters. The registration was accurate with a mean error less than 1.4 mm in the posterior parts of the pelvis. The drilling followed precisely the preoperatively planned trajectories; perforation of the cortex of the sacrum was not observed. The safety factor of the S1 vertebral body is higher than that of S2 allowing larger diameter screw insertion into S1. This technique provides a safe and precise guide for transcutaneous or open insertion of iliosacral screws in cases of iliosacral dislocation or sacral fracture.  相似文献   

目的 为经S_1椎弓根水平骶髂关节拉力螺钉固定术提供应用解剖学依据.方法 2008年6月至2009年7月收集50个成人骨盆的螺旋CT扫描数据,重建骨盆三维模型,模拟经皮托力螺钉固定.测量S_1椎弓根的宽和高、骶髂关节拉力螺钉的进针点和进针方向、进针点至S_1椎体对侧前皮质和髂后上棘的距离.结果 S_1椎弓根的宽和高分别为(20.43±1.63)mm和(20.26±0.99)mm;2枚螺钉的进针点均在髂前上棘和髂后上棘的连线上方,至髂后上棘的距离分别为(49.87±6.80)mm和(51.11±7.15)mm.螺钉平行进入S_1椎弓根,与髂骨翼后外侧面垂直,与冠状面和欠状面的夹角分别为18.35°±5.20°和77.62°±3.98°.进针点到S1椎体对侧前皮质的距离分别为(76.08±4.32)mm和(77.62±3.98)mm.骶髂关节拉力螺钉的长度、S_1椎弓根的高度和宽度、进针点到髂后上棘的距离、进针点与冠状面的夹角在男女之间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 正常成人在S_1椎弓根水平均町置入2枚直径为6.5 mm的拉力螺钉,钉道参数的解剖学测量为骶髂关节拉力螺钉固定手术导航模板的设计提供了理论基础.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: A new technique for posterior sacroiliac fixation is described and compared with conventional techniques. PATIENTS/MATERIAL AND METHODS: A patient with sacral alar fracture (zone 1) and another one with sacroiliac joint instability due to tuberculous infection underwent fixation using screws placed in the S1 pedicle and the iliac bone. Vertical stability of the new technique also was investigated using polyurethane pelvic bone analogs and compared with anterior double plating (group P) and iliosacral screw fixation (group ISS) techniques. RESULTS: Healing was obtained and reduction was maintained in both patients on the final follow-up examination at 2 years postoperatively. Vertical loading tests revealed that failure loads within the first 10 mm of displacement of the new pediculoiliac screw fixation technique (group PIS) was higher than plating (P = 0.03) and lower than ISS techniques (P = 0.002). Ultimate failure load of the PIS technique was slightly higher than plating (P = 0.277) and lower than ISS techniques (P = 0.003). With the addition of an iliosacral screw to the pediculoiliac screw construction (PIS+ISS), the PIS technique became more stable in early (P = 0.110) and ultimate failure loads (P = 0.003). CONCLUSIONS: Pediculoiliac screw fixation for sacroiliac joint disruptions and zone I sacrum fractures using iliac and S1 pedicle screws is a new and effective alternative for obtaining and maintaining anatomic reduction.  相似文献   

Biomechanical comparison of posterior pelvic ring fixation   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
OBJECTIVE: To determine relative stiffness of various methods of posterior pelvic ring internal fixation. DESIGN: Simulated single leg stance loading of OTA 61-Cl.2, a2 fracture model (unilateral sacroiliac joint disruption and pubic symphysis diastasis). SETTING: Orthopaedic biomechanic laboratory. OUTCOME VARIABLES: Pubic symphysis gapping, sacroiliac joint gapping, hemipelvis coronal plane rotation. METHODS: Nine different posterior pelvic ring fixation methods were tested on each of six hard plastic pelvic models. Pubic symphysis was plated. The pelvic ring was loaded to 1000N. RESULTS: All data were normalized to values obtained with posterior fixation with a single iliosacral screw. The types of fixation could be grouped into three categories based on relative stiffness of fixation: For sacroiliac joint gapping, group 1-fixation stiffness 0.8 and above (least stiff) includes a single iliosacral screw (conditions A and J), an isolated tension band plate (condition F), and two sacral bars (condition H); group 2-fixation stiffness 0.6 to 0.8 (intermediate stiffness) includes a tension band plate and an iliosacral screw (condition E), one or two sacral bars in combination with an iliosacral screw (conditions G and I); group 3-fixation stiffness 0.6 and below (greatest stiffness) includes two anterior sacroiliac plates (condition D), two iliosacral screws (condition B), and two anterior sacroiliac plates and an iliosacral screw (condition C). For sacroiliac joint rotation, group 1-fixation stiffness 0.8 and above includes a single iliosacral screw (conditions A and J), two anterior sacroiliac plates (condition D), a tension band plate in isolation or in combination with an iliosacral screw (conditions E and F), and two sacral bars (condition H); group 2-fixation stiffness 0.6 to 0.8 (intermediate level of instability) includes either one or two sacral bars in combination with an iliosacral screw (conditions G and I); group 3-fixation stiffness 0.6 and below (stiffest fixation) consists of two iliosacral screws (condition B) and two anterior sacroiliac plates and an iliosacral screw (condition C). DISCUSSION: Under conditions of maximal instability with similar material properties between specimens, differences in stiffness of posterior pelvic ring fixation can be demonstrated. The choice of which method to use is multifactorial.  相似文献   

背景:机器人导航定位系统GD-2000是国内自主研发的基于术中X线透视影像的双平面骨科机器人系统,可用于辅助完成经皮股骨颈空心螺钉和骶髂螺钉置入的内固定术。目的:探讨机器人导航定位系统辅助完成经皮骶髂螺钉内固定术的安全性及有效性。方法:回顾性分析2016年6月至2018年8月收治的21例骨盆骨折后环不稳定型损伤患者,均采用机器人导航定位系统辅助经皮骶髂螺钉内固定术,男16例,女5例;年龄27~52岁,平均(38.2±6.9)岁。按Tile分型,B1型7例,B2型6例,B3型5例,C1型3例。记录每枚螺钉的置入时间、X线透视时间、钻孔次数,术后CT检查评价螺钉置入位置,统计术后并发症发生情况,术后6个月随访进行Majeed功能评分。结果:21例患者共置入27枚螺钉,全部患者均一次钻孔完成螺钉置入,每枚螺钉置入时间为18~56 min,平均(38.6±9.5)min;X线透视时间为12~21 s,平均(16.5±3.5)s。所有螺钉位置满意,无螺钉切出骨皮质、误入骶孔或骶管,未出现医源性血管神经损伤及切口感染。术后6个月随访的Majeed评分,优14例,良6例,可1例,优良率为95.2%。结论:应用机器人导航定位系统辅助经皮骶髂螺钉内固定术具有定位准确、稳定性好、手术时间短、创伤小等优点,降低了手术风险,减少医护人员和患者的放射性损害,是一种治疗骨盆后环损伤安全而有效的技术选择。  相似文献   

Objective: To introduce an iliosacral screw fixation guide and evaluate its efficacy in fixation of sacroiliac joint fracture‐dislocations. Methods: Between January 2011 and May 2011, eight patients (five men, three women) with sacroiliac joint fracture‐dislocation underwent percutaneous iliosacral screw fixation with the assistance of this minimally invasive guide and under CT guidance. The patients, aged from 26 to 56 years (mean 32 years), had vertically unstable pelvic fractures. Before surgery, six patients who had displacement of >2 cm in their sacroiliac joints underwent skeletal traction on the femoral condyle. The inserted sites were marked out on the affected side of their buttocks after the best screw trajectory had been determined under CT control. The gear that controls the direction of the minimally invasive guide was adjusted according to the inserting angle determined by CT scans. A K‐wire was inserted into the sacroiliac joint along the pilot sleeve of the guide, and a hollow screw (diameter 7.3 mm) was implanted into the sacroiliac joint along the K‐wire. Results: All eight operations were successful on the first attempt. The operations lasted from 10 to 20 minutes (mean 14 minutes). Immediate CT scans confirmed that all the screws had been placed in the desired positions, none had penetrated the bones and the configuration of the sacroiliac joints had been satisfactorily restored and firmly fixed. No patient experienced numbness or radiating pain in the lower limbs during surgery. There were no postoperative vascular or neurological complications. Conclusion: The minimally invasive guide can eliminate discrepancies resulting from the surgeon's own sensory input when inserting screws under the guidance of CT, making percutaneous iliosacral screw fixation more accurate, safe and simple.  相似文献   

目的 通过与"徒手"置钉进行比较,探讨自行研制的经皮胸腰椎椎弓根置钉三维定位器辅助在脊柱标本上进行经皮椎弓根穿刺的可行性.方法 对新鲜保留皮肤软组织的脊柱标本2具(32个椎体)行胸腰椎序列CT扫描,使用Mimics 13.1软件确定椎弓根轴心片,测定水平面椎弓根螺钉植入角度(TSA)及矢状面椎弓根螺钉植入角度(SSA).定位皮肤穿刺点,对应调节水平面及矢状面角度指示器刻度指导穿刺.椎弓根随机分为两组:一侧为自行研制的经皮胸腰椎椎弓根置钉三维定位器辅助组(定位器组),对侧为"徒手"置钉组(徒手组).定位器组在定位器及X线辅助下穿刺,徒手组在C型臂影像增强系统辅助下予"徒手"技术穿刺,置入克氏针,C型臂X线机证实穿刺成功.行椎弓根CT扫描,测量2种方法穿刺的实际TSA角及SSA角,将术前测定的椎弓根TSA角及SSA角与术后实际TSA角及SSA角对比,计算偏差率;比较两组的偏差率和X线曝光次数.结果 定位器组和徒手组的穿刺TSA角偏差率平均分别为10.83%±3.41%和19.08%±4.21%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);定位器组和徒手组的穿刺SSA角偏差率平均分别为13.13%±4.37%和21.15%±6.78%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).定位器组和徒手组接受X线辅助的次数平均分别为(3.0±1.2)次和(5.3±1.6)次,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 与"徒手"置钉相比,应用自行研制的经皮胸腰椎弓根置钉三维定位器可有效提高手术准确度、降低手术难度、减少X线暴露.
Objective To test a self-designed 3-D guiding instrument for percutaneous insertion of thoracolumbar pedicle screws in cadaveric vertebrae. Methods Two fresh cadaveric vertebral specimens with skin and soft tissue were used first for standard CT lateral scanning ofT1 to L4.Software Mimics13.1 was used to create axial images of pedicles of vertebral arch.The points of percutaneous insertion of thoracolumbar pedicle screws,transverse screw angles (TSA) and sagittal screw angles (SSA) were measured.Thirty-two vertebral bodies were divided randomly into 2 equal groups for guiding instrument insertion and manual insertion with the aid of C-arm fluoroscopy.The quality of insertion was evaluated by postoperative CT scans.Angular deviations were determined by comparing the preoperative and postoperative TSA and SSA for the 2 groups.X-ray exposures were also compared between the 2 groups. Results The TSA angular deviation rate was ( 10.83 ± 3.41 ) % for the guiding instrument insertion group and ( 19.08 ± 4.21 ) % for the manual insertion group.The SSA angular deviation rate was (13.13 ±4.37) % for the guiding instrument insertion group and (21.15 ± 6.78) % for the manual insertion group.The guiding instrument insertion group needed 3.0 ± 1.2 X-ray exposures while the manual insertion group had 5.3 ± 1.6 X-ray exposures.All the differences were statistically significant. Conclusion The 3-D guiding instrument can facilitate the percutaneous insertion of the thoracolumbar pedicle screws by improving operation accuracy and reducing operation difficulty and X-ray exposures as well.  相似文献   

Hilgert RE  Finn J  Egbers HJ 《Der Unfallchirurg》2005,108(11):954, 956-954, 960
BACKGROUND: During percutaneous iliosacral screw fixation, fluoroscopy with a conventional C-arm X-ray unit is still the standard procedure for intraoperative orientation. Lateral sacral images in combination with the inlet and outlet view are always necessary. Nevertheless, the complex pelvic anatomy makes it difficult to prevent malpositioning of screws. OPERATIVE TECHNIQUE: Defining the correct entry into the bone is the decisive step for ideal screw placement. The better this is defined, the larger safety margins will be concerning cortical perforation by the screws. In the lateral view, an entry ventral to the sacral canal has to be avoided as well as an entry into the cranial half of the first sacral vertebra. To improve the surgeon's three-dimensional orientation with the help of his personal experience and two-dimensional images, it is recommended to place the tip of the screws in the center of the sacrum (in AP view) whenever possible. Routinely performed postoperative CT imaging of 24 screws, consecutively implanted according to the standards described, revealed no case of malpositioning. CONCLUSION: Standard X-ray views in combination with standardized aiming of screw entry position and final screw thread position enable the surgeon to find the "safe zone" for iliosacral screw insertion and to prevent iliosacral screw malpositioning with high accuracy.  相似文献   

IntroductionPercutaneous screw fixation is considered the best option in unstable pelvic fracture with severe soft tissue injury. However, fixation technique at the level of S3 has not been well established. This paper showed the feasible surgical technique of S3 screw insertion in unstable pelvic fracture with severe soft tissue injury.MethodsWe reported 2 cases of unstable pelvic injury of an 11 years old boy with Marvin-Tile (MT) C1 pelvic fracture with sacroiliac (SI) joint disruption, skin avulsion and Morel-Lavallée lesion. Second case was 30 years old male with open pelvic fracture MTB2 and vertical sacral fracture Denis zone I with Morel-Lavallée lesion, intraperitoneal bladder rupture, infected laparotomy wound dehiscence. We performed percutaneous screws insertion on both pubic rami and IS screw on S1 and S3 to both cases. Functional outcome was evaluated using Majeed and Hannover pelvic score.ResultsAll patients survived and had good reduction with no residual displacement on SI joint. The former case at 21-month follow up presented with excellent outcome (100/100) by Majeed score and very good outcome (4/4) by Hannover score; while the latter case, at 18-month, present with good outcome (85/100) Majeed score and fair outcome (2/4) Hannover score.ConclusionsPercutaneous screw fixation at the level of S3 is feasible and can be inserted in S3 level by sacroiliac type and sacral type with minimal soft tissue intervention and good functional outcome.  相似文献   

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