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BackgroundIntroduction of new vaccines in low- and lower middle-income countries has accelerated since Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance was established in 2000. This study sought to (i) estimate the costs of introducing pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, rotavirus vaccine and a second dose of measles vaccine in Zambia; and (ii) assess affordability of the new vaccines in relation to Gavi’s co-financing and eligibility policies.MethodsData on ‘one-time’ costs of cold storage expansions, training and social mobilisation were collected from the government and development partners. A detailed economic cost study of routine immunisation based on a representative sample of 51 health facilities provided information on labour and vaccine transport costs. Gavi co-financing payments and immunisation programme costs were projected until 2022 when Zambia is expected to transition from Gavi support. The ability of Zambia to self-finance both new and traditional vaccines was assessed by comparing these with projected government health expenditures.Results‘One-time’ costs of introducing the three vaccines amounted to US$ 0.28 per capita. The new vaccines increased annual immunisation programme costs by 38%, resulting in economic cost per fully immunised child of US$ 102. Co-financing payments on average increased by 10% during 2008–2017, but must increase 49% annually between 2017 and 2022. In 2014, the government spent approximately 6% of its health expenditures on immunisation. Assuming no real budget increases, immunisation would account for around 10% in 2022. Vaccines represented 1% of government, non-personnel expenditures for health in 2014, and would be 6% in 2022, assuming no real budget increases.ConclusionWhile the introduction of new vaccines is justified by expected positive health impacts, long-term affordability will be challenging in light of the current economic climate in Zambia. The government needs to both allocate more resources to the health sector and seek efficiency gains within service provision.  相似文献   
For 25 years work has been underway in France for the implementation of an alternative to public financing of health care. In the absence of progress, some regional health agencies are engaged in work related to the reallocation of public finances between psychiatric institutions. We propose a reflection with suggestion on the method proposed by the Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur Regional Health Agency. Without questioning the need for a reallocation of resources between psychiatric institutions, the method proposed here needs to evolve further to be applied in a legitimate and appropriate manner. There is a kind of urgency for a reallocation of resources between psychiatric institutions in France, but it implies a collective thinking and especially the definition of evaluation procedures for the selected models. These conditions are necessary to guarantee the quality of French psychiatry and equity in access to psychiatric care.  相似文献   
"The Supporting Program for Obstetric Care Underserved Areas (SPOU)" provides financial aids to rural community (or district) hospitals to reopen prenatal care and delivery services for regions without obstetrics and gynecology clinics or hospitals. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the early stage effect of the SPOU program. The proportion of the number of birth through SPOU was calculated by each region. Also survey was conducted to investigate the extent of overall satisfaction, elements of dissatisfaction, and suggestions for improvement of the program; 209 subjects participated from 7 to 12 December, 2012. Overall, 20% of pregnant women in Youngdong (71 cases) and Gangjin (106 cases) used their community (or district) hospitals through the SPOU whereas Yecheon (23 cases) was 8%; their satisfaction rates were high. Short distance and easy accessibility was the main reason among women choosing community (or district) hospital whereas the reasons of not selecting the community (or district) hospital were favor of the outside hospital''s facility, system, and trust in the medical staffs. The SPOU seems to be currently effective at an early stage. However, to successfully implement this program, the government should make continuous efforts to recruit highly qualified medical staffs and improve medical facility and equipment.

Graphical Abstract

本文从婚前保健服务的属性入手,探讨其筹资机制,为完善我国婚检制度提供科学依据。采用文献调研和现场调研相结合的方法,梳理国内外婚检筹资现状,收集福建、广西、江苏等8个调研地区婚检筹资相关数据,并对政府有关部门、婚检机构相关人员进行访谈。婚前保健服务属于准公共产品的范畴,本文从筹资水平、资金渠道、资金分配、资金支付和资金监管等方面对其筹资机制进行探讨,提出应明确婚检服务性质、建立财政专项投入机制,进行科学论证、统一婚检服务基本筹资标准,及时足额拨付婚检专项经费、加强经费监管等政策建议。  相似文献   
With the ultimate goal of reducing maternal and neonatal mortality, many countries have recently adopted innovative financing mechanisms to encourage the use of professional maternal health services. The current study evaluates one such initiative - a pilot voucher program in Bangladesh. The program provides poor women with cash incentives and free access to antenatal, delivery, and postnatal care, as well as cash incentives for providers to offer these services. We conducted a household survey of 2208 women who delivered in the 6 months before the survey (conducted in 2009) in 16 intervention and 16 matched comparison sub-districts. Probit and linear regressions are used to analyze the effects of residing in voucher sub-districts on the use of professional maternal health services and associated out-of-pocket expenditures. Using information on birth history, we conducted sensitivity analyses employing difference-in-differences methods, comparing women's reported births before and after the program's initiation in the intervention and comparison sub-districts. We found that the program significantly increased the use of antenatal, delivery, and postnatal care with qualified providers. Compared to women in matched comparison sub-districts, women in intervention areas had a 46.4 percentage point higher probability of using a qualified provider and 13.6 percentage point higher probability of institutional delivery. They also paid approximately Taka 640 (US$ 9.43) less for maternal health services, equivalent to 64% of the sample's average monthly household expenditure per capita. No significant effect of vouchers was found on the rate of Cesarean section. Our findings therefore support voucher program expansion targeting the economically disadvantaged to improve the use of priority health services. The Bangladesh voucher program is a useful example for other developing countries interested in improving maternal health service utilization.  相似文献   
知识产权质押融资作为一种现代融资工具,为我国中小型医药企业开辟了一条有效的融资渠道.本文旨在分析我国医药企业知识产权质押融资现状,为我国医药企业在进行知识产权质押融资时提供策略.  相似文献   
通过对上海市3县(区)9乡合作医疗筹资来源的调查分析,发现已有的筹资渠道应进一步予以规范和拓展。适当提高个人筹资比例,规范政府的支持强度,落实乡镇企业与集体经济的资助责任,并以相应的法制作保障,这是合作医疗持续健康发展的重要基础。  相似文献   
随着内蒙古自治区凉城县新型农村合作医疗筹资标准的逐步提高,其统筹补偿方案也需随之不断调整。由于住院补偿是凉城县新农合基金支出的重点,因此对其住院补偿进行科学调整成为方案调整的核心内容。本文在对该县新农合现行住院补偿方案运行情况分析的基础上,依据新的筹资标准,采用"分级、分段计算,累加支付"测算办法,对该县的住院补偿方案进行调整。  相似文献   
介绍了日本社会医疗保险系统发展的历程,以及社会医疗保险三个重要组成部分:雇员医疗保险、社区医疗保险和老人医疗保险的筹资、支付等环节的现状;分析了目前日本社会医疗保险受到日本医疗卫生体系、日本人口老龄化等因素影响后所产生的问题和挑战;希望给我国社会医疗保险体系的发展提供参考。  相似文献   
1为什么需要社会资本举办医疗机构 医药产业链按上下游关系可以分为上游医药制造、中游医药分销、下游医疗服务和终端患者。目前我国的医药制造行业市场化程度较高,竞争充分,整体呈现产能过剩态势:医药分销行业长期受到上下游双重挤压,在产业链中的话语权最小,主要依赖规模效应盈利:医疗服务行业由于较为复杂的制度变迁等因素,长期以来形成了“以药养医”的盈利模式,加上我国医疗资源的相对匮乏和医患信息的不对称,形成了当下医疗服务对上游制药和下游患者双向垄断的格局(图1)。患者看病难、看病贵的问题突出,个人支付比例过大。我国医疗卫生产业链整体处于不平衡状态,但新医改与社会资本进入给医疗服务行业带来了契机。  相似文献   
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