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目的:观察应用颈椎棘突纵切双开门扩大植骨成形术后脊髓型颈椎病患者神经功能改善的临床疗效。方法:采用颈椎棘突纵切双开门扩大植骨成形术治疗35例脊髓型颈椎病患者,术前术后均采用JOA评分评估神经功能。结果:35例患者术后均获得26—56个月(平均40.6个月)随访末次随访JOA评分改善率:优10例(28.6%),良13例(37.1%),一般8例(22.9%),差4例(11.4%)。JOA评分为9.17分,平均(12.6&;#177;3.5)分,与术前JOA评分情况比较差异有显著性意义(P&;lt;0.01)。神经功能改善率为89.6%,优良率为65、7%。结论:颈椎棘突纵切双开门扩大植骨成形术对脊髓型颈椎病是一种安全有效的手术方法,患者术后椎管面积与神经功能改善状况良好,效果明显。  相似文献   
背景:体感诱发电位脊髓功能监护操作较为简单,结果较为可靠,是目前广为采用的术中脊髓监护方法。目的:评估术中脊髓功能监护时体感诱发电位信号的改善对颈椎病患者术后脊髓功能的预测价值。设计:以患者为观察对象,非随机化同期对照研究。单位:协和医院骨科。对象:在北京协和医院骨科2001—01/10接受手术治疗的颈椎病患者34例,前路减压植骨融合术24例,后路单开门手术3例,双开门手术7例。根据术中体感诱发电位的变化将患者分为体感诱发电位改善组12例,体感诱发电位无变化组22例。方法:对所有患者的神经损伤情况,采用日本骨科学会评分系统(JOA)分别于术前,术后1,2,4周,3,6个月进行评分。每例患者在术中均接受体感诱发电位脊髓监护,并将体感诱发电位信号的变化分为改善(波幅增加50%以上或潜伏期减少10%以上),减弱(波幅降低50%以上或潜伏期延长10%以上)和无变化。主要观察指标:①两组患者各时间点JOA评分。结果:按意向处理分析,34例患者均进人结果分析。术后1,2周检查JOA评分体感诱发电位改善组较体感诱发电位无变化组明显提高[(14.08&;#177;1.44)分,(14.17&;#177;1.11)分,(12.73&;#177;1.42)分,(12.86&;#177;1.28)分,P&;lt;0.05],术后4周及3个月和6个月随访检查,JOA评分体感诱发电位改善组与体感诱发电位无变化组基本相似[(14.00&;#177;1.04)分,(13.58&;#177;1.08)分,(13.68&;#177;1.61)分,(13.82&;#177;1.01)分,(13.41&;#177;1.22)分,(13.41&;#177;1.47)分,P&;gt;0.05]。结论:颈椎病患者术中SEP监护信号的改善可以预示术后早期良好的f临床效果。  相似文献   
目的观察应用颈椎棘突纵切双开门扩大植骨成形术后脊髓型颈椎病患者神经功能改善的临床疗效. 方法采用颈椎棘突纵切双开门扩大植骨成形术治疗 35例脊髓型颈椎病患者,术前术后均采用 JOA 评分评估神经功能. 结果 35例患者术后均获得 26~ 56个月(平均 40.6个月)随访.末次随访 JOA评分改善率优 10例( 28.6%),良 13例( 37.1%),一般 8例( 22.9%),差 4例( 11.4%). JOA评分为 9~ 17分,平均( 12.6± 3.5)分,与术前 JOA评分情况比较差异有显著性意义( P< 0.01).神经功能改善率为 88.6%,优良率为 65.7%. 结论颈椎棘突纵切双开门扩大植骨成形术对脊髓型颈椎病是一种安全有效的手术方法,患者术后椎管面积与神经功能改善状况良好,效果明显.  相似文献   
计算机辅助手术,也称为计算机导航手术,利用卫星导航原理,通过各种方法 获得图像信息,结合立体定位系统.对人体肌肉骨骼解剖结构进行显示和定位,从而在骨科手术过程中实现无框架立体定位.根据导航的技术原理,导航系统主要包括基于术前CT扫描的三维导航和基于术中C型臂X线荧光透视的二维导航.另外,将术前CT和术中X线或B超进行配准也是研究热点.国内导航研究相对较晚、水平较低.目前,CT导航和X光透视导航是两种最主要的脊柱外科手术导航技术,但各自都存在一定的不足.计算机辅助导航技术是提高手术成功率的有效手段和重要保障.但以目前导航技术的现状来看,还需要继续展开更加深入的研究.  相似文献   
作者:赵宇 邱贵兴 王以朋 仉建国 沈健雄 李书纲 姜宇 李晔 背景:关于单侧与双侧生长棒在治疗早发性脊柱侧凸中的应用很少有研究报道。 方法:2002年11月至2010年5月,共有25例早发性脊柱侧凸患者接受了生长棒治疗,其中采用单侧生长棒6例,双侧生长棒19例,分析两组在手术时间、术中出血、矫形效果、C7-S1增高值、并发症的差异。 结果:所有患者均获得随访,平均随访时间31.9个月。两组在手术时间、术中出血、并发症方面无明显差异,矫形效果冠状位矫正率双棒组显著优于单棒组(p<0.01),矢状位矫正率两组无明显差异,术后G7-S1增高值双棒组明显优于单棒组(p<0.05)。 结论:生长棒是一种有效治疗和控制早发性脊柱侧凸的方法,相比而言,双侧生长棒在矫形效果上优于单侧生长棒。  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the efficiency and safety of instrumentation to treat spinal tu-berculosis. Methods Fifty-one patients of spinal tuberculosis were treated with one-stage or two-stage de-hridement, strut autografting, and anterior or posterior instrumentation with screw rod system, combined with one-year triple agents postoperative antituberculous chemotherapy from April 1985 to May 2005. There were 6 in cervical spine, 19 in thoracic spine, 16 in thoracolumbar spine and 10 in lumbosacral spine. The level of the lesion were 6 cases for single vertebrae, 30 for two vertebrae, 11 for three vertebrae and 4 for more than four vertebrae. All patients were given triple agents antituberculous chemotherapy at least two weeks before operation. The operative procedures included cervical anterior approaches in 6 cases for debridement, fusion and plate-screw fixation, upper lateral transthoracic procedures for debridement, fusion and screw rod fixation in 11, posterior debridement, fusion and transpedicular screw system fixation in 6, two-stage anterior and posterior operation in 18 cases. The instrumentation included 6 Luque, 3 Z-plate, 8 TSRH, 5 Ventrofix, 4 Kenada, 5 Moss-Miami, 6 Isola, 3 CDH, 2 Caspaz, 2 C-D, 1 Zielke, 1 Dick, 1 Oriell, 1 Ozion, 1 Zephir, 1 Tenor, and 1 USS. Results All patients were followed up prospectively for 3.2 to 23.5 years postoperatively. The back pain was obviously relieved postoperatively. Patients with neurological function deficiency im-proved. The solid fusion was achieved in all patients, except one patient due to tuberculosis recurrence. The major complication included one sinus formation and one case with temporary deterioration of neurological function, recovered with appropriate treatment. Average preoperative kyphosis angle was 34.17°, and that was 10.45° immediately after surgery. There was a 3.2° loss of kyphosis correction during follow-up period. Con-clusion Spinal tuberculosis treated with instrumentation is effective and safe.  相似文献   
Woundinfectionisoneofthemostsignificantcom-plicationsofsurgery.Woundsareatanincreasedriskofinfectionwhenmetalimplantsareusedinorthopedicsurgery(1).Since1982,followingtheCDsystem,manyspinalposteriorinstrumentations,suchastheTSRH,ISOLA,MossMi  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the efficiency and safety of instrumentation to treat spinal tu-berculosis. Methods Fifty-one patients of spinal tuberculosis were treated with one-stage or two-stage de-hridement, strut autografting, and anterior or posterior instrumentation with screw rod system, combined with one-year triple agents postoperative antituberculous chemotherapy from April 1985 to May 2005. There were 6 in cervical spine, 19 in thoracic spine, 16 in thoracolumbar spine and 10 in lumbosacral spine. The level of the lesion were 6 cases for single vertebrae, 30 for two vertebrae, 11 for three vertebrae and 4 for more than four vertebrae. All patients were given triple agents antituberculous chemotherapy at least two weeks before operation. The operative procedures included cervical anterior approaches in 6 cases for debridement, fusion and plate-screw fixation, upper lateral transthoracic procedures for debridement, fusion and screw rod fixation in 11, posterior debridement, fusion and transpedicular screw system fixation in 6, two-stage anterior and posterior operation in 18 cases. The instrumentation included 6 Luque, 3 Z-plate, 8 TSRH, 5 Ventrofix, 4 Kenada, 5 Moss-Miami, 6 Isola, 3 CDH, 2 Caspaz, 2 C-D, 1 Zielke, 1 Dick, 1 Oriell, 1 Ozion, 1 Zephir, 1 Tenor, and 1 USS. Results All patients were followed up prospectively for 3.2 to 23.5 years postoperatively. The back pain was obviously relieved postoperatively. Patients with neurological function deficiency im-proved. The solid fusion was achieved in all patients, except one patient due to tuberculosis recurrence. The major complication included one sinus formation and one case with temporary deterioration of neurological function, recovered with appropriate treatment. Average preoperative kyphosis angle was 34.17°, and that was 10.45° immediately after surgery. There was a 3.2° loss of kyphosis correction during follow-up period. Con-clusion Spinal tuberculosis treated with instrumentation is effective and safe.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the efficiency and safety of instrumentation to treat spinal tu-berculosis. Methods Fifty-one patients of spinal tuberculosis were treated with one-stage or two-stage de-hridement, strut autografting, and anterior or posterior instrumentation with screw rod system, combined with one-year triple agents postoperative antituberculous chemotherapy from April 1985 to May 2005. There were 6 in cervical spine, 19 in thoracic spine, 16 in thoracolumbar spine and 10 in lumbosacral spine. The level of the lesion were 6 cases for single vertebrae, 30 for two vertebrae, 11 for three vertebrae and 4 for more than four vertebrae. All patients were given triple agents antituberculous chemotherapy at least two weeks before operation. The operative procedures included cervical anterior approaches in 6 cases for debridement, fusion and plate-screw fixation, upper lateral transthoracic procedures for debridement, fusion and screw rod fixation in 11, posterior debridement, fusion and transpedicular screw system fixation in 6, two-stage anterior and posterior operation in 18 cases. The instrumentation included 6 Luque, 3 Z-plate, 8 TSRH, 5 Ventrofix, 4 Kenada, 5 Moss-Miami, 6 Isola, 3 CDH, 2 Caspaz, 2 C-D, 1 Zielke, 1 Dick, 1 Oriell, 1 Ozion, 1 Zephir, 1 Tenor, and 1 USS. Results All patients were followed up prospectively for 3.2 to 23.5 years postoperatively. The back pain was obviously relieved postoperatively. Patients with neurological function deficiency im-proved. The solid fusion was achieved in all patients, except one patient due to tuberculosis recurrence. The major complication included one sinus formation and one case with temporary deterioration of neurological function, recovered with appropriate treatment. Average preoperative kyphosis angle was 34.17°, and that was 10.45° immediately after surgery. There was a 3.2° loss of kyphosis correction during follow-up period. Con-clusion Spinal tuberculosis treated with instrumentation is effective and safe.  相似文献   
通用型脊柱内固定系统椎弓根螺钉翻修作用的生物力学研究   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
目的测试自行设计的通用型脊柱内固定系统(generalspinesystem,GSS)椎弓根螺钉以及SOCON、TSRH和Diapason螺钉置入椎体的拔出力及旋入力矩,评价GSS螺钉的翻修作用。方法将36个正常成人腰椎椎体标本随机分为三组,每组12个椎体(24侧椎弓根)。各组标本每个椎体的每侧椎弓根均先拧入CCD螺钉(直径6.0mm,长45mm),行螺钉拔出试验,测试并记录螺钉的最大旋入力矩和最大轴向拔出力。然后各组标本每个椎体均随机选择一侧椎弓根经原钉道拧入GSS螺钉(直径6.5mm,长45mm);第一组另一侧拧入SOCON螺钉(直径7.0mm,长45mm),第二组另一侧拧入TSRH螺钉(直径7.0mm,长45mm),第三组另一侧拧入Diapason螺钉(直径6.7mm,长45mm)。分别测试螺钉最大旋入力矩及最大轴向拔出力。结果第一组GSS螺钉最大轴向拔出力为CCD螺钉的114%,SOCON螺钉为CCD螺钉的108%;GSS螺钉最大轴向拔出力大于SOCON螺钉,差异无显著性(P>0.05);GSS螺钉最大旋入力矩小于SOCON螺钉,差异无显著性(P>0.05)。第二组GSS螺钉最大轴向拔出力为CCD螺钉的127%,TSRH螺钉为CCD螺钉的64%;GSS螺钉最大轴向拔出力大于TSRH螺钉,差异有显著性(P<0.01);GSS螺钉最大旋入力矩大于TSRH螺钉,差异有显著性(P<0.01)。第三组GSS螺钉最大轴向拔出力为CCD螺钉的122%,Diapason螺钉为CCD螺钉的8  相似文献   
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