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BackgroundIn shoulder arthroplasty, bone resorption around the stem can lead to stem loosening and makes surgery difficult at the time of revision. Proximal bone resorption after reverse shoulder arthroplasty can cause instability because of a decrease of deltoid wrapping effect. As factors of the stem itself, such as stem coating, shape, length, and use of bone cement, may also affect bone resorption, a single-stem model should be used to compare bone resorptions between different pathologies and surgical procedures. However, to date, a few reports have compared these differences in detail using a single-stem model. Therefore, we investigated the prevalence and location of humeral bone resorption in a single-stem model.MethodsThe study included 100 shoulders that underwent anatomical total shoulder arthroplasty (TSA) or humeral head replacement (HHR) with a single uncemented humeral stem from 2008 to 2018. The patients were 31 men and 69 women. The mean age at surgery was 72.9 years (range, 41-86 years). The patients were divided into three groups: especially, 25, 61, and 14 shoulders received TSA for primary osteoarthritis without rotator cuff tears (TSA group), HHR using an anatomical head with rotator cuff repair for cuff tear arthropathy (CTA) (HHR group), and HHR using a CTA head without rotator cuff repair (CTA group), respectively. Patients were monitored for a mean of 56 months (range, 12-98 months). The location of bone resorption was divided into seven zones as follows: zone 1, greater tuberosity; zone 2, lateral diaphysis; zone 3, lateral diaphysis beyond the deltoid tuberosity; zone 4, tip of the stem; zone 5, medial diaphysis beyond the deltoid tuberosity; zone 6, medial diaphysis; and zone 7, calcar region. The degree of bone resorption was classified from grade 0 to 4.ResultsBone resorption of grade 3 or higher was significantly more frequent at the greater tuberosity in the HHR and CTA groups (P < .001 and P < .001, respectively) than that in the TSA group. Grade 4 bone resorption was significantly more frequent in the CTA than that in the TSA and HHR groups in zone 1 (P = .016 and P = .041, respectively).ConclusionThe state of attachment of the rotator cuff to the greater tuberosity might affect bone resorption at the greater tuberosity, such as the greater tuberosity after shoulder arthroplasty. In cases of shoulder arthroplasty for arthropathy with rotator cuff tear, performing rotator cuff repair might prevent bone resorption.Level of evidenceLevel IV; Prognosis Study  相似文献   
目的通过网络药理学的方法预测气滞胃痛颗粒抗炎镇痛主要活性成分的作用靶点,结合中医方解配伍理论对其多成分-多靶点-多通路的作用进行分析。方法基于TCMSP中药系统生物学分析数据库收集气滞胃痛颗粒中6味中药的主要化学成分,并借助LC-MS技术对所筛成分进行分析,通过TCMSP检索和Pharmmapper软件预测获取各成分主要的作用靶标,并通过DIP数据库,利用蛋白质相互作用信息建立药物靶标与炎症疼痛靶标的关联,构建药物-靶标-疾病网络,通过网络特征分析气滞胃痛颗粒抗炎镇痛的作用靶标,阐释其抗炎镇痛的主要作用机制。结果根据网络分析,共有44个炎症疼痛靶点与气滞胃痛颗粒密切相关,其中直接作用靶点有20个,主要是对环加氧酶-2(COX-2)和诱导型一氧化氮合酶(i NOS)等蛋白酶的作用,作用机制可能与调节肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)信号通路、NOD样受体(NLR)信号通路、血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)信号通路等与炎症疼痛密切相关的信号通路有关。结论气滞胃痛颗粒抗炎镇痛作用体现了中药多成分、多靶点、多途径的作用特点,该研究为深入阐释气滞胃痛颗粒抗炎镇痛作用机制提供科学依据,并且进一步说明了中医药古方配伍理论的科学性。  相似文献   
中药复方是由2味或2味以上中药遵循中医理论组合而成的方剂。多味中药在合适的剂量配比之下,协同发挥作用,实现中医的整体调节治疗。研究中药复方的配伍对推动中药现代化发展、新药开发以及临床应用有着重要意义。近年来,研究者们在传统的"七情和合"与"君臣佐使"的基础上,运用新技术和新方法对中药复方的成分、药效活性和药代动力学性质等进行了研究,从不同角度探讨了中药复方配伍的科学内涵。同时,多种数理方法和模型的建立、网络药理学和数据挖掘方法的发展与应用,也对中药复方配伍研究提供了很大帮助。研究方法的发展虽促进了中药复方配伍的科学研究,但还需进一步建立适合中药复方配伍复杂关系的研究方法,以阐明中药复方及其成分/组分配伍的内在规律,进而构建新的现代中药复方,这也是目前中药复方配伍研究的重点任务。  相似文献   
考察《伤寒杂病论》经方中配伍应用芍药的61首经方(56首原方,5首加减方)及126条相关条文。通过对经方剂量、比例、配伍、病位主症的分析,认为:经方中芍药为白芍;白芍并非补血药,其益阴补血的功效是通过配伍实现;经方中"分"为计量单位;芍药在丸散汤中的常见用量;经方中芍药主治的症状包括四肢挛急、腹痛、烦满、下利、小便不利等。与不同药物配伍,作用部位与症状随之变化,常见配伍有桂枝、附子、甘草、柴胡、黄芩、枳实、当归、茯苓等。  相似文献   
目的:测定南方红豆杉不同组织器官紫杉烷类物质的含量,优选出最佳采收部位,为其开发利用提供依据。方法:分别采集南方红豆杉植株主干树皮、侧皮、根皮、须根、茎、叶六个组织器官材料,运用HPLC法检测紫杉烷类物质含量,确定其最佳利用组织器官。结果:南方红豆杉四种紫杉烷类在组织中的分布明显地受组织分化的影响,其中10-脱乙酰巴卡亭Ⅲ在叶中最多,7-表-10-去乙酰基紫杉醇在侧皮中最多,紫杉醇、三尖杉宁碱则在根中最多。结论:叶是合成紫杉醇前体物质的主要器官,而皮与根则是合成及积累紫杉醇的主要组织器官。  相似文献   
目的介绍手术动力设备的电磁兼容测试方法,为多功能手术动力设备测试提供指引。方法通过对常见手术动力设备的不同功能逐一测试得出的结果进行比对,分析不同功能在同一检测项目中的差异。结果传导发射(Conduction Emission,CE)与负载引起的功率变化有关,辐射发射(Radiation Ernission,RE)与负载引起的功率变化无必然联系。静电放电(Electrostatic Discharge,ESD)与负载刀头到设备输入插口的插入损耗有关。结论可选择输入功率较大的负载进行CD和RE测试;电路原理不明确时,还可通过频谱仪预测判断后,选择出现最大幅值的负载进行RE测试;ESD测试选择插入损耗最小的负载测试;其余抗扰度项目可选取任一负载测试。  相似文献   
"角药"是由3味中药联合应用、配伍而成,相辅相成,互为犄角。《伤寒杂病论》中包含着大量的角药运用,根据其在方剂中发挥作用的不同。文章分别从独立成方、方剂中主要作用、方剂中次要或辅助作用以及多组角药联合作用4个方面对经方中茯苓"角药"进行详细的梳理和分析,以期为临床提供指导与参考。  相似文献   
新型冠状病毒肺炎是感受新型冠状病毒所致,属于中医学“疫病”的范畴,其病因为吴又可提出的“异气”,与六淫不同,具有生物学属性;侵袭人体主要造成气阴损伤,气化失常,湿饮停聚;治疗当以“逐邪为第一要义”,恢复机体平衡状态。  相似文献   
通过搜集古医籍及现代医家临床经验,总结出独活具有以下特点:首先,临床用量多为6~60 g。其次,独活临床用量应综合考虑病证及配伍等多种因素,随病施量、因证施量、因配伍施量。独活配伍羌活、防风等,治疗风寒湿引起的风湿免疫、骨科系统疾病,常用剂量9~60 g;配伍川芎、细辛、虫类药等,治疗神经官能症、阿尔兹海默症等多种神经系统疾病,常用剂量9~15 g;配伍黄芪、桂枝、女贞子等,治疗月经失调、产后身痛等妇产科疾病,临床常用9~12 g。  相似文献   
ObjectiveTo assess associations of single and combined exposures to lead and stress during different stages of pregnancy with offspring neurodevelopment.MethodsWe measured prenatal lead (maternal blood-lead in early-pregnancy and umbilical-cord-blood-lead) and maternal stress levels in Shanghai-Birth-Cohort from 2013 to 2016. Maternal stress was assessed using Center-for-Epidemiological-Studies-Depression-Scale and Self-Rating-Anxiety-Scale during mid-pregnancy. The Ages-Stages-Questionnaires-3 (at 6/12-months-of-age) and Bayley-III (at 24-months-of-age) were both used to assess neurodevelopment.ResultsA total of 2132 mother-child pairs with both prenatal lead and stress measurements were included. The geometric-means of blood-lead in early-pregnancy and cord-blood-lead were 1.46 μg/dL and 1.33 μg/dL, respectively. Among the study women, 1.89 % and 0.14 % were screened positive for depression and anxiety. Adjusting for related confounders, the combined exposures had stronger adverse associations with offspring social-emotional skills than single exposures; and the combined exposure in early-pregnancy was associated with greater neurodevelopmental differences than combined exposure around-birth, especially in social-emotion at 24 months-of-age [β (95 %CI): − 10.48(−17.42, −3.54) vs. − 5.95(−11.53, −0.36)].ConclusionsBoth single and combined prenatal exposures to lead/stress impaired infant neuro-development, and the effects of combined exposure may be more profound than single exposures. Combined exposure in early-pregnancy may be associated with worse neurodevelopmental outcomes than combined exposure around-birth, especially in social-emotional development.  相似文献   
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