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Objective To evaluate the immuno-effect and related influencing factors on 10 μg and 20 μg Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell hepatitis B vaccine, using the randomized double-blind controlled trials in adult population. Methods A total of 642 adults aged 18-45 years old, non-vaccinated against hepatitis B, and negative on five blood indicators for hepatitis B, were selected as the study objects from four districts in Beijing. The study objects were randomly divided into two groups, and then accepted 10 tg and 20 μg recombinant CHO hepatitis B vaccination by 0-1-6 month schedule. Influencing factors were investigated by means of questionnaire. Blood samples were collected one month after the third dose of vaccination. Anti-HBs level was detected by Abott chemiluminescence detection method. For the anti-HBs negative person, fluorescent quantitative PCR method was used to find out if the person had been infected with HBV. Logistic regression analysis was used to find out the influencing factors of anti-HBs seroconversion on every studied subject. Results The anti-HBs seroconversion rates on 10 μg and 20 μg dose groups were 88.8%(95%CI: 85.4%-92.2%) and 95.3%(95%CI: 93.0%-97.6%)respectively. Taking the anti-HBs level<100 mIU/ml as the low/non-response standard, the low response and non-response rates were 34.3% and 17.4% respectively. The geometric mean titers(GMT)of anti-HBs were 173.42 mIU/ml for the 10 μg dose group and 588.51 mIU/ml for the 20 μg dose group. Data from the Multivariate analysis showed that: diabetes, spouses infected with hepatitis B virus and old age were unfavorable factors for anti-HBs Seroconversion. 20 μg dose of the vaccine was conducive to seroconversion.Conclusion 20 μg CHO hepatitis B vaccine seemed better than 10 μg CHO hepatitis B vaccine while many factors need to be taken into account for evaluation on hepatitis B vaccines.  相似文献   
北京市卫生局自2003年以来以传染病实验室网络建设为抓手,不断完善其运行机制,重点体现在以下五个方面:一是将传染病防控作为实验室网络建设的推动力;二是将完善组织机构作为实验室网络建设的关键;三是将平战结合的运行模式作为实验室网络发展的保证;四是提供必要的资金支持以创造实验室网络发展的条件;五是将培训、演练和督导作为加强网络内涵建设的有效手段.其效果使北京市传染病实验室网络功能在奥运会医疗保障、重大疫情处理等项工作中发挥了极其重要的医疗保障作用.  相似文献   
1998~2006年北京市军团菌监测结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的调查北京市军团菌污染情况,为军团菌病的防控提供科学依据。方法采用描述性流行病学研究方法,对北京市军团菌监测结果进行分析。统计分析采用SPSS13.0软件。结果北京市1998-2006年共采样1947件,军团菌阳性率为14.07%,第1阶段军团菌监测阳性率显著高于其他阶段;在被监测的系统中,中央空调军团菌阳性率最高,为24.91%。1998-2006年,北京军团菌病暴发7起,病原体以嗜肺军团菌为主。结论北京市存在军团菌污染,消毒和水处理可有效降低军团菌的污染率,但仍需采取综合性的防控措施以降低军团菌的感染风险。  相似文献   
评价北京市一起幼儿园水痘突发公共卫生事件的社会经济负担,为开展水痘疫苗免疫策略的经济学评价提供参考.方法 采用回顾性调查方法,从社会和个人的不同视角,调查疫情给患者和参与疫情控制的机构带来的直接经济负担和间接经济负担.结果 疫情持续24 d,共累及10例水痘病例.直接医疗费用263.3(95%CI=199.3~273.3)元/例,直接非医疗费用924.0(95%CI=805.1~1 042.9)元/例;间接经济负担4 682.9(95%CI=4 095.5~5 270.3)元/例,约为直接经济负担的3.9倍;总社会经济负担为5 843.2(95%CI=5 209.0~6 477.5)元/例.参与疫情控制机构承担的总社会经济负担为392 533元,包括人力资本投入35 9526元,物资/设备费11 097元,交通费5 740元,其他费用16 170元.每例病例给防控机构造成的社会经济负担为39 253元,是患者个人社会经济负担(5 843.2元)的6.7倍.结论 水痘突发事件给疫情控制机构带来的社会经济负担远超过给个人带来的社会经济负担;未来开展水痘疫苗免疫策略经济学评价时,应全面考虑疾病的社会经济负担.  相似文献   
目的通过对2007—2008年度北京市流感监测数据分析,阐明北京市流感监测系统对流感高峰预警的有效性。方法2007—2008年度北京市共有153家医院开展了流感样病例监测;6家网络实验室开展了流感病原学监测。结果2007年9月至2008年4月,153家医院的平均流感样病例百分比为2.38%;共在14家医院采集流感样病例咽拭子2057份,分离流感病毒611株,以乙型流感病毒Yamagata系为主。以流感病原学监测结果作为流感高峰来临的金标准,利用美国疾病预防控制中心开发的早期异常报告系统,对流感样病例监测数据进行分析,北京市流感样病例监测可以较好地对流感高峰的来临进行预警。结论北京市流感监测是北京市流感防控综合措施中不可或缺的组成部分,可以高效准确地对流感高峰进行预测和预警,同时也为未来流感大流行的预警做好了准备。  相似文献   
目的总结北京甲型H1N1流感病例的流行病学特征并分析疫情特点,从而为策略的调整提供参考。方法对北京市4月以来的经机场检验检疫、医院排查和筛查、健康监测发现的流感样症状的患者进行流行病学调查和咽拭子采样。根据甲型H1N1流感诊疗方案(2009年试行版第2版)进行诊断。对确诊病例的流行病学特征进行描述和分析。结果(1)自5月16日北京报告第一例甲型H1N1流感病例以来,截至8月16日,共确诊病例671名;(2)30岁以下的病例占总数的80.9%;(3)输人性病例占66.5%,但本地病例的比例在增加;(4)聚集性发病人数占总数的60.7%,并在不断增加。结论北京甲型H1N1流感的防控形势日益严峻,后期应重点加强对聚集性病例的发现和管理,为秋冬季的大规模流行做好准备。  相似文献   
目的:评价索磷布韦维帕他韦片(SOF/VEL)治疗中国慢性HCV感染者真实世界中的有效性和安全性。方法:在中国北方某县开展一项开放标签、单中心、前瞻性临床研究,共入组299例患者,其中慢性丙型肝炎患者161例,代偿期肝硬化73例,给予SOF/VEL12周方案治疗;失代偿期肝硬化患者65例,给予SOF/VEL加利巴韦林1...  相似文献   
目的:分析北京市昌平区一起新型冠状病毒(新冠病毒)Delta变异株家庭聚集性疫情的流行特征和传播链。方法:应用流行病学调查和大数据技术核查病例的活动轨迹,对活动轨迹涉及的风险点位进行密切接触者追踪、人员和环境采样核酸检测,对核酸阳性标本进行基因测序分析。结果:2021年11月1日,通过人群主动筛查,发现北京市昌平区一起...  相似文献   
Objective To explore the herd immunity against influenza A(H1N1)in pre-vaccinated residents aged over 5 years.and therefore to provide data for vaccination policies in high risk populations. Methods From October to December 2009,Beijing CDC conducted a serum survey of the hovel influenza A (H1N1) in the local residents,stratified in 10 age groups between 5 years to over 60 years,without H1N1 vaccination history and disease history.Hemagglutination inhibition (HI) assays were performed at Beijing CDC.Statistical significance was determined with geometric mean titer(GMT). Results 3499 serum samples were tested for HI antibody.The average level of HI antibody was 1:8.03.and 11.06%(387/3499)were sero-positive(HI antibody level≥1:40).In the group aged from 5 to 19 years,the level of HI antibody and the sero-positive rate were higber(HI antibody>1:8.9.sero-positive rate>12%). Conclusions The antibody levels in different groups were affected by age specific morbidity,and the higher antibody level of the school-age group was correlated with higher disease intensity in this population.The data showed that the herd immunity in Beijing was under the optimal level,but influenza A(H1N1)would probably become prevalent in the short coming future.  相似文献   
<正>莱姆病是由布氏疏螺旋体感染所致的地方性传染病。主要通过硬蜱传播,流行于森林地区。1975年首先发现于美国康涅狄格州莱姆镇,故命名为莱姆病[1,2]。该病早期诊断、治疗可取得满意效果。未经  相似文献   
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