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目的 观察本院门诊就诊的慢性咳嗽患者的肺通气功能及气道阻力变化情况.方法 设立实验组和健康对照组,采用普通肺功能及脉冲振荡法检查,比较两组75%最大呼气流量(MEF75)、50%最大呼气流量(MEF50)、25%最大呼气流量(MEF25)以及脉冲振荡法之呼吸总阻抗(Z5)、总气道阻力(R5)、中心气道阻力(R20)及周边弹性阻力(X5)各项指标的数值变化.实验组行支气管扩张剂治疗14 d,再观察上述指标.结果 治疗前实验组同健康组比较,各项指标差异有统计学意义.实验组治疗前后比较,各项指标差异有统计学意义.治疗后实验组与对照组比较,各项指标差异无统计学意义.结论 总气道阻力、小气道阻力及周边弹性阻力增加,大气道阻力未增加.支气管扩张剂治疗慢性咳嗽有效.  相似文献   
胡晓灵  吴显和  李西  熊瑛  陈永光  熊洪  李国平 《护理研究》2007,21(31):2912-2912
为改善临床病人的分泌物对环境造成的污染及减少分泌物对人视觉的不良刺激,改善就医环境,减少交叉感染,2003年8月—2006年5月我科自行研制了一种新型痰盂———双层隔离痰盂,经临床初试、终试及不断的改进和完善,最终制成成品,并应用于临床,收到满意的效果。现报道如下。1资料与方法1.1一般资料病人均为本院呼吸科住院病人,共56例,其中男36例,女20例;年龄15岁~86岁,平均56.8岁。病种有慢性支气管炎、肺源性心脏病、肺炎、肺癌等。1.2痰盂选择双层隔离痰盂:由不透明塑料制作成中间有一个11cm小孔漏斗形的带边痰盂上部,下面用塑料制作成带有刻…  相似文献   
近视是患病率最高的眼科疾病之一,目前对其发生发展机制的认识仍然有限。许多研究发现,生长因子与眼球发育和近视发病密切相关。一些具有生物学活性的生长因子,如转化生长因子( TGF)、成纤维细胞生长因子(FGF)、表皮生长因子(EGF)等分别具有影响巩膜厚度变化和调控近视发生发展等功能,在近视发病过程中起着不可忽略的作用,本文将对此进行综述。  相似文献   
目的:通过服用3种口服避孕药妈富隆、敏定偶、左旋18-甲基炔诺酮(18-甲),拟探讨3种口服避孕药对骨代谢的影响,阐明何种药物更适合于调整月经周期,提供新的理论依据和实践方法。方法:将试验对象随机分成3组,分别服用3种药物,进行人工月经周期。结果:血清前钙素、抗酒石酸酸性磷酸醇在妈富隆组和敏定偶组服药后呈现下降的趋势。结论:妈富隆和敏定偶对骨代谢的影响相似,而且要优于18-甲。提示我们经常短期应用激素类口服避孕药的青年女子应该慎重,以免产生积累性负面效应,18-甲更应该引起我们的注意。  相似文献   
Objective To explore the effects of dexamethasone on nuclear factor-kB (NF-κB) expression in brain tissue after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Methods Forty rats were randomly divided into two groups: dexamethasone treatment and no treatment, and severe brain injury was produced by gas percussion in both groups. At 0, 6, 24, 72 and 120 hours after injury, 5 rats of each group were executed and the histopathological changes in brain tissue in rats were observed by hematoxylin-eosin (HE) stain. The expression of NF-κB in brain tissue of rats was detected by immunohistochemical method. Results NF-κB expression was significantly up-regulated at 6 hours in brain tissue of rats after TBI (P<0.05), reaching the highest level at 24 hours (P<0. 01). It showed a tendency to lower, but was still high at 120 hours after TBI (P<0. 05 or P<0. 01). After treatment with dexamethasone, NF-κB level was lowered at 6, 24 and 72 hours (all P<0. 01). Conclusion NF-κB expression is up-regulated in brain tissue in early period after TBI, and keeps on a high level, thus inducing inflammatory response to produce secondary injury to brain tissue. Dexamethasone shows protective effects by regulating the levels of NF-κB and prevents secondary injury which is caused by the inflammatory cytokines in rat brain tissue after TBI.  相似文献   
Objective To explore the effects of dexamethasone on nuclear factor-kB (NF-κB) expression in brain tissue after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Methods Forty rats were randomly divided into two groups: dexamethasone treatment and no treatment, and severe brain injury was produced by gas percussion in both groups. At 0, 6, 24, 72 and 120 hours after injury, 5 rats of each group were executed and the histopathological changes in brain tissue in rats were observed by hematoxylin-eosin (HE) stain. The expression of NF-κB in brain tissue of rats was detected by immunohistochemical method. Results NF-κB expression was significantly up-regulated at 6 hours in brain tissue of rats after TBI (P<0.05), reaching the highest level at 24 hours (P<0. 01). It showed a tendency to lower, but was still high at 120 hours after TBI (P<0. 05 or P<0. 01). After treatment with dexamethasone, NF-κB level was lowered at 6, 24 and 72 hours (all P<0. 01). Conclusion NF-κB expression is up-regulated in brain tissue in early period after TBI, and keeps on a high level, thus inducing inflammatory response to produce secondary injury to brain tissue. Dexamethasone shows protective effects by regulating the levels of NF-κB and prevents secondary injury which is caused by the inflammatory cytokines in rat brain tissue after TBI.  相似文献   
朱栋  何翔  李国平 《肿瘤学杂志》2021,27(5):336-341
摘 要:肿瘤微环境与肿瘤的形成、增殖及转移方面关系密切,越来越多的观点认为对肿瘤微环境的调控可以干预肿瘤进程,但受限于肿瘤微环境的复杂性,目前对其认识非常有限。全文就目前常用的单细胞测序技术、多标记免疫荧光技术、多分子成像技术、转录组测序技术和质谱流式细胞技术在肿瘤微环境中的应用分析情况进行总结分析。  相似文献   
目的:探讨显微手术切除枕大孔区肿瘤的各种手术入路的临床价值及其治疗体会.方法:2000~2005年6月间诊治的枕大孔区肿瘤32例患者根据肿瘤不同部位采用不同的手术入路治疗.结果:肿瘤全切30例(94%),次全切2例(6%).结论:根据肿瘤不同部位选择相应的手术入路对于切除肿瘤具有微创、暴露充分、全切率高、并发症少的优点.  相似文献   
国内运动创伤外科发展很快,近年来,一批具有高水平研究成果的临床应用,使运动创伤的损伤机制,早期诊断,微创手术修复重建,康复治疗与术后康复等方面取得了长足的进展。尤其是肩关节、肘关节、膝关节等四肢大关节运动损伤后的诊断和微创治疗,都达到了国际先进水平,有力的促进了运动创伤的临床研究,明显提高治疗效果。  相似文献   
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