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研究旨在建立和调试体外圆管狭窄模型 ,使之能够配合粒子成像流速仪 (PIV)进行狭窄下游流动分离区速度、湍流切应力的检测和压力传感器的压力检测。采用粒子成像流速仪和压力传感器 ,对模型狭窄下游定常流湍流场速度、湍流切应力和压力进行定量检测 ,初步认识流动分离区速度、切应力和压力的分布特征。实验模型能够较好地配合 PIV和压力传感器进行流动分离区速度、湍流切应力和压力的定量检测 ;圆管狭窄下游流动分离区边壁局部存在明显的低速度、低压力和低切应力分布。  相似文献   
Objective Recent.studies have found a strong association of insulin resistance, which might occur during ischemia reperfusion in vitro in the experimental dogs, with disturbed function of cardiomyocytes. Obvious acute insulin resistance, along with glucose dysmetabolism in the reperfused cardiomyocytes, was furher observed in the study performed with ischemia-reperfused ventric- ular myocytes of rats. We tried to investigate preliminarily the molecular mechanisms of insulin resistance in the cardiomyocytes after ischemia reperfusion. Methods An experimental model of insulin-stimulated ischemia reperfusion (SI/R) was created by isolating cardiomyocytes from adult rats. Glucose uptake of the cardiomyoctyes was evaluated with isotope-labeling technique. Glucose trans- porter 4 (GLUT4) translocation induced by insulin was investigated with Western blot analysis, and the intracellular level of free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]I) was measured quantitatively with Ca2+ indicator Fura-2. Results Insulin can stimulated glucose uptake by cardiomyo- cytes, indicating that these cells were insulin-sensitive. Cardiomyocytes were demonstrated notable acute insulin resistmce during reperfusion. Insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation in the cardiomyocytes 15 minutes after reperfusion was 72.2% of that in the con- trol group(P<0.05), in which the GLUT4 content in plasma membrane remained unchanged. The finding suggested that a disturbed GLUT4 translocation might happen in the cardiomyocytes during insulin-stimulated ischemia-reperfusion. Calcium overload was identi- fied in the cardiomyocytes with ischemia reperfusion. At 15 minutes of reperfusion, [Ca2+]I was significantly higher in the reperfused cardiomyocytes than that in the control cardiomyocytes[(318.66±23.06)vs(130.70±0.82) nmol/L, P<0.05], and kept at a higher level [(177.79±17.46) nmol/L] at 60 minutes of reperfusion (P<0.05, vs control). Partial correlation analysis revealed a negative correlation of[Ca2+]I with insulin-induced ghcose uptake in the cardiomyoctyes (r = -0.557,P=0.006). Conclusion Disturbed GLUT4 translocation and decreased intrinsic activity may be important molecular mechanisms for the development of insulin resistance in the cardiomyocytes of rat during insulin-simulated ischemia reperfusion,. [Ca2+]I overload may account for the de- creased intrinsic activity d GLUT4.  相似文献   
医疗卫生服务已经成为当前社会关注的热点。过去十年,医疗卫生体制改革在公益性和市场化之间摇摆不定、举步维艰,深化医院改革也在诸多社会、行业及医院内部的矛盾中迷茫与停滞不前。在明确了公立非营利性医疗机构定位的前提下,理性和科学地回归研究和推进医院改革,将成为医疗卫生体制改革的重要部分。本文从医院的经济特性入手分析,提出进行医院组织架构和组织运作的改革是当前医院改革的重要课题,并结合案例阐述了医院组织架构改革的思路、方法和绩效。  相似文献   
Objective Recent.studies have found a strong association of insulin resistance, which might occur during ischemia reperfusion in vitro in the experimental dogs, with disturbed function of cardiomyocytes. Obvious acute insulin resistance, along with glucose dysmetabolism in the reperfused cardiomyocytes, was furher observed in the study performed with ischemia-reperfused ventric- ular myocytes of rats. We tried to investigate preliminarily the molecular mechanisms of insulin resistance in the cardiomyocytes after ischemia reperfusion. Methods An experimental model of insulin-stimulated ischemia reperfusion (SI/R) was created by isolating cardiomyocytes from adult rats. Glucose uptake of the cardiomyoctyes was evaluated with isotope-labeling technique. Glucose trans- porter 4 (GLUT4) translocation induced by insulin was investigated with Western blot analysis, and the intracellular level of free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]I) was measured quantitatively with Ca2+ indicator Fura-2. Results Insulin can stimulated glucose uptake by cardiomyo- cytes, indicating that these cells were insulin-sensitive. Cardiomyocytes were demonstrated notable acute insulin resistmce during reperfusion. Insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation in the cardiomyocytes 15 minutes after reperfusion was 72.2% of that in the con- trol group(P<0.05), in which the GLUT4 content in plasma membrane remained unchanged. The finding suggested that a disturbed GLUT4 translocation might happen in the cardiomyocytes during insulin-stimulated ischemia-reperfusion. Calcium overload was identi- fied in the cardiomyocytes with ischemia reperfusion. At 15 minutes of reperfusion, [Ca2+]I was significantly higher in the reperfused cardiomyocytes than that in the control cardiomyocytes[(318.66±23.06)vs(130.70±0.82) nmol/L, P<0.05], and kept at a higher level [(177.79±17.46) nmol/L] at 60 minutes of reperfusion (P<0.05, vs control). Partial correlation analysis revealed a negative correlation of[Ca2+]I with insulin-induced ghcose uptake in the cardiomyoctyes (r = -0.557,P=0.006). Conclusion Disturbed GLUT4 translocation and decreased intrinsic activity may be important molecular mechanisms for the development of insulin resistance in the cardiomyocytes of rat during insulin-simulated ischemia reperfusion,. [Ca2+]I overload may account for the de- creased intrinsic activity d GLUT4.  相似文献   
在抗菌素尚未问世的年代,感染性心内膜炎(Infectire Endocarditis, IE)的死亡率高达98%,死亡的主要原因是难以控制的感染。自从1944年Loewe首先使用青霉素成功地治疗IE以来,内科治疗IE的死亡率已经大为降低。随着各种新型抗菌素的临床应用,充血性心力衰竭、栓塞和肾功能不全已取代持久感染而成为威胁IE病员  相似文献   
目的 探讨保留瓣下结构对二尖瓣置换术后室壁运动的影响。方法 对 73例二尖瓣狭窄为主的患者施行二尖瓣置换术 ,根据术中对自体瓣膜处理的方式分为全保组 ( 11例 )、全切组 ( 2 5例 )、保前组 ( 14例 )、保后组 ( 2 3例 ) ,另选 2 0名健康志愿者为正常组。采用超声心动图彩色室壁动态分析技术 (colorkinesisimages ,CK)对上述各病例组术后患者进行随访 ,以正常人作为对照 ,测量左室壁节段性位移幅度 ,比较各病例组间的差异。结果 各病例组间所有节段的室壁位移幅度的差异均无显著性 (P >0 .0 5 ) ;在心尖四腔切面 ,各病例组室间隔壁的基底段、中间段、尖段的位移幅度均较正常组差 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;在心尖二腔切面 ,各病例组下壁中间段、尖段的位移幅度均较正常组差 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;在瓣口水平切面 ,各病例组后壁、隔前壁和下壁的位移幅度均较正常组差 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;在乳头肌水平切面 ,各病例组的隔前壁和隔后壁的位移幅度均较正常组差 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 本研究涉及的各种二尖瓣置换术后中期的室壁运动变化与正常人相比有明显差别 ,效果均不理想。探讨腱索合理牵拉方向和保留腱索的最佳长度可能是设计最佳手术方式的研究方向。  相似文献   
作者报告126例心脏机械瓣膜置换术后患者的远期疗效。随访时间410.37病人年(9~76个月)。患者术后心功能明显改善(NYHAFunctionClassP<0.01),一般性出血率7.6%病人年,栓塞率0.49%病人年,756份血标本的平均凝血酶原时间比值(ProthrombinTimeRatio,PTR)为1.49±0.18。出血患者平均PTR值1.80±0.58,非出血患者1.43±0.17(P<0.05)。本组资料表明:(1)心脏机械瓣膜置换术后病人心功能明显改善,(2)国人PTR值1.3~1.7较理想。本文对PTR的标准化及妊娠患者抗凝剂的使用等问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   
作者采用冷生理盐水支气管内灌注止血的方法,同时配合肺叶切除,使危及生命的大咯血病人抢救成功率得到明显提高。本方法具有简便,止血效果确切、可靠,远期疗效好的优点,是一种值得应用的方法。  相似文献   
胸伤为主的全身多发伤:国人创伤严重度评分方法探讨   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
对胸伤合并全身多发伤运用创伤评分指数RTS、AIS-ISS、TRISS分析.伤员142例中存活137例,死亡5例,两组胸AIS值近似,死亡组总ISS较高,RTS较低,说明总伤势和胸以外的严重合并伤对致死的作用较大.开放性胸伤66例的合并伤以腹部伤较重,伴低血压休克,RTS的降低主要因为首次血压(sBP)下降;闭合性胸伤76例的合并伤以头伤较重,伴意识障碍,RTS的降低主要因为GCS下降.全组的生存概率Ps=0.98±0.1,死亡例数与预测不同的原因是国人对创伤的反应性有别于国外.建议修正国人的创伤评分方法,首先应建立中国人的创伤数据库.  相似文献   
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