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<正>脑积水是神经外科常见疾病之一,脑室-腹腔(ventriculoperitonel,VP)分流术是目前治疗脑积水最常用最有效的方法;但VP分流术的并发症发生率仍较高,特别是分流管阻塞是VP分流术后最常见并发症,有报道[1]称VP分流术后并发症71.4%为分流管堵塞;本文回顾分析了2009年1月至2013年8月福建医科大学附属第一医院收治的VP分流术后分流  相似文献   

目的总结脑积水脑室-腹腔(V—P)分流术后并发症的诊治经验。方法回顾性分析108例脑积水行V—P分流术后出现并发症的病例资料。结果25例病人出现并发症,其中分流管脑室端梗阻6例,腹腔端梗阻4例,分流不足5例,分流过度3例,分流管皮下段外露并局部皮肤感染3例,颅内感染3例(外院1例),分流管脱入腹腔1例。结论分流管梗阻是V—P分流术后常见并发症,颅内感染及分流过度是最严重的并发症,分流不足是最易忽视的并发症,应针对不同原因及时采取不同治疗措施。  相似文献   

目的研究脑积水患者行脑室-腹腔分流(ventriculoperitoneal,VP)术后出血的潜在危险因素。方法回顾性分析中国科学技术大学附属第一医院2016年1月至2018年6月,因脑积水入院行VP分流术患者的临床资料。根据术后是否发生脑出血分为未出血组和出血组,分别对患者的基本资料、脑积水类型、颅骨缺损等因素进行单因素和多因素分析。结果纳入对象共256例,术后发生脑出血12例,术后出血发生率为4. 69%。统计学分析结果显示,VP分流术后发生迟发型脑出血(DICH)与患者的年龄(P=0. 027)、颅骨缺损(P=0. 045)和阀门调节(1周内)(P=0. 011)相关。结论 VP分流术后DICH是少见而严重的并发症,患者高龄、颅骨缺损和1周内行阀门调节是其发生的独立危险因素。  相似文献   

目前,对于脑脊液(CSF)分流,最常使用的方法仍为脑室-腹腔(VF)分流术。脑室-心房(VA)分流术亦被采用。腰-腹腔(LP)分流术,完全属脑外操作,并以避免颅内并发症为优点,然而并未被广泛接受。本文通过对过去十一年中207例(包括28例儿童)行LP分流术病人的回顾性研究,阐述了LP分流术的适应征和并发症。术后病人平均随访5.1年,52例(25%)发生并发症,无一例病人因分流术导致死亡,其中29例(14%)由于CSF循环通路梗阻而再次手术。10例(5%)具有根痛,其中2例重新转换分流管。1例(0.5%)伴脊髓病下肢轻瘫患儿行LP分流后症状迅速改善。术后感染2例(1%),2例(1%)病人术后曾出现呼吸困难及意识障碍,证实患有Chiari畸形而改行脑室-腹腔分流术。4例  相似文献   

脑积水脑室-腹腔分流术后六例再手术经验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
脑积水可由许多原因引起,常需要进行分流手术,其手术方式有多种多样,目前国内外采用最多的方式仍为脑室-腹腔(VP)分流术,但术后并发症较多,如引流管梗阻、引流过度、感染、以及出血等。本文就VP分流术后梗阻原因与再手术等问题,结合文献复习进行讨论。  相似文献   

作者收集并分析了228例非肿瘤性脑积水而行脑积水分流术的儿童病例.其中128例是在1970-1972年作第一次分流术,其他100例是在1960-1970年作第一次分流术,而到1970-1972年作再次矫正术;这些早期的分流,98%是脑室心房分流术(以下简称VA),而在1970年后,60%的第一次手术方法是脑室腹腔引流术(以下简称VP术).平均随访期为7年,只有3%在两年前失去随访观察.VA和VP的手术平均年令无区别.VA组死亡率为19%,VP组死亡率为11%,两组死亡率无重大差别.采用再次矫正分流术的原因有:分流管末端选择和近远侧端阻塞或分离、肺栓塞、活瓣问题、感染、技术错误等.  相似文献   

脑室-腹腔分流术后常见并发症及其治疗体会   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的:探讨脑室-腹腔分流术后常见并发症的发生原因、临床表现特点及治疗方法,结合献讨论对其术后并发症的防治措施。方法:1994年3月-1999年3月共施行脑室-腹腔分流手术34例,术后并发症予以对症治疗。结果:术后8例发生并发症,分流管梗阻5例,感染3例。5例分流管梗阻,经手术调整分流管位置(4例)或分流泵穿刺冲洗(1例)等处理治愈。3例术后发生感染经抗感染药物治疗,1例治愈;2例无效而拔管,在感染控制后行二次分流术治愈。结论:脑室-腹腔分流手术后的并发症与手术无菌操作不严格和分流管位置不当有关。治疗方法以对症处理为原则,分流管梗阻可经调整分流管位置使之通畅;颅内或腹腔感染予以抗感染治疗或感受控制后行二次分流术;皮下积血或积液应以静脉留置针管进行引流。  相似文献   

脑积水分流手术中,固定分流导管至关重要[1,2]。近年来,我们在分流术中采用硅胶管套式固定替代结扎缝合固定分流导管方法,现介绍如下。资料 本组49例中男32例,女17例。年龄18~62岁,平均395岁。属先天性脑积水10例,脑炎后粘连性脑积水18例,颅内肿瘤梗阻性脑积水7例,颅脑损伤后脑积水14例。本组行侧脑室-腹腔分流术39例,脑室-枕大池分流术(Torkildsen手术)10例,发病至分流手术时间4个月至6年。全组手术无死亡,术后无感染,皮下隧道导管无脱出、扭曲、断裂,18个月后,1例出现精神分裂症经常抓挠腹部致分流导管从皮下脱出而行整复手术…  相似文献   

脑室-腹腔分流术后常见并发症及其治疗体会   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨脑室-腹腔分流术后常见并发症的发生原因、临床表现特点及治疗方法,结合文献讨论对其术后并发症的防治措施。方法1994年3月~1999年3月共施行脑室-腹腔分流手术34例,术后井发症予以对症治疗。结果 术后8例发生并发症,分流管梗阻者5例,感染者3例。5例分流管梗阻者,经手术调整分流管位置(例)或分流泵穿刺冲洗(1例)等处理治愈。3例术后发生感染者经抗感染药物治疗,1例治愈;2例无效而拔管,在感染控制后行二次分流术治愈。结论 脑室-腹腔分流手术后的并发症与手术无菌操作不严格和分流管位置不当有关。治疗方法以对症处理为原则,分流管梗阻者可经调整分流管位置使之通畅;颅内或腹腔感染予以抗感染治疗或感染控制后行二次分流术;皮下积血或积液应以静脉留置针管进行引流。  相似文献   

目的 探讨脑室-腹腔分流术后并发症的诊断和治疗.方法 回顾性分析我院采用V-P 分流术治疗各种脑积水186 例中,在术后2 周到3 年内发现的17 例并发症的临床资料.结果 V-P 分流术后并发症发生率为9.1%.分流管堵塞4 例,颅内感染7 例,颅内血肿4 例,脑脊液引流过度2 例.经过治疗后,12例痊愈,1 例偏瘫,1 例死亡,3 例自动出院后死亡.结论 脑室-腹腔分流术术前要充分做好手术准备,术中要严格消毒、规范操作,术后要密切关注并发症的发生与处理,才能降低手术并发症,提高治疗效果.  相似文献   

脑室腹腔分流术治疗外伤性脑积水26例体会   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨脑室腹腔分流术治疗外伤性脑积水的适应证及并发症的防治。方法对26例外伤性脑积水脑室腹腔分流术后的病人进行临床总结,并结合文献复习。结果脑室腹腔分流术治疗外伤性脑积水26例,无直接手术死亡者,81%的病人获得较好的疗效。分流装置的阻塞及术后感染是最常见的并发症。结论脑室腹腔分流术是治疗外伤性脑积水的首选方法。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The selection of patients and treatment criteria for acute hydrocephalus and intracranial pressure (ICP) after intracranial hemorrhage remains unclear. In general neurosurgical practice, there is a tendency to use external ventricular drainage (EVD) for the patients. This study was undertaken to analyse the complications and efficiency of the different treatment modalities.METHODS: The effects, complications and outcome of ventricular drainage on high ICP and hydrocephalus were analysed retrospectively in 109 patients with intracranial hemorrhage. All the patients were assessed using the Glasgow Coma Scale, computed tomography and ICP monitoring. We excluded patients over the GCS of 8. All patients underwent a procedure for ICP monitoring plus ventricular cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage. Sixty-one patients were managed with one (single) EVD system; 12 patients needed two EVD systems consecutively, while 23 patients underwent an EVD procedure followed by permanent ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt insertion. Thirteen patients were treated only by VP shunt for ventricular drainage. The infection rate and outcome 9 months after hemorrhage were analysed.RESULTS: The infection rates were 8.1% in the one-EVD group, 33.3% in the two-EVD group (one EVD versus two EVD, p<0.05), 8.6% in the EVD-VP group and 7.7% in the VP shunt group. The mortality rates were 73.7% in the one-EVD group, 83.8% in the two-EVD group, 47.8% (p<0.05) in the EVD-VP group and 53.8% (p<0.01) in the VP shunt group.DISCUSSION: This study indicates that single and short-term use of EVD and/or early VP shunting are associated with a low risk of infection. Furthermore, early VP shunting may protect the brain from the irregular control of intracranial hypertension and may allow more time for resolution of CSF circulation and significantly lowers the mortality rates.  相似文献   

Hydrocephalus is a frequent complication of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). The optimum method of treating hydrocephalus in this setting has not been determined. We review our experience with patients developing communicating hydrocephalus secondary to SAH and subsequently treated with lumboperitoneal (LP) shunts. Following hospitalization for the treatment of SAH, patients who developed clinical symptoms and radiologic signs of hydrocephalus were treated with (ventriculoperitoneal) VP or LP shunting. Eighteen patients received an LP shunt, of which seven (28%) developed a non-communicating or obstructive hydrocephalus. These seven patients underwent replacement with a VP shunt and have not had further complications. In the setting of post-SAH communicating hydrocephalus, obstructive hydrocephalus may develop after LP shunt placement. Patients who develop this complication and have their LP shunts converted to VP shunts have a favorable prognosis.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Endoscopic third ventriculostomy (ETV) is accepted as an effective treatment for obstructive hydrocephalus (OHC); however, its benefit in patients previously treated with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shunting remains unclear. The value of concurrent ETV and ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunting in patients with frequent shunt failure remains unstudied. METHODS: Outcomes were compared between OHC patients receiving ETV as initial CSF diversion treatment (n= 19) versus OHC patients receiving ETV for shunt failure (n= 11) by log-rank analysis and Kaplan-Meier plots of recurrence-free periods. To determine if the performance of ETV with concurrent shunt revision decreased the incidence of catastrophic treatment failure in patients experiencing frequent and emergent shunt failures (n = 8), the time to treatment failure after ETV and shunt revision was compared with the mean duration of their previous CSF shunts. RESULTS: ETV after shunt failure was 2.5-fold more likely to fail [risk ratio (RR): 2.48, p<0.05] versus ETV as initial CSF diversion treatment for OHC. Following ETV as initial CSF diversion treatment, 17 patients (89%) experienced immediate improvement and 65% remained recurrence-free at year 2. Following ETV after shunt failure, 16 patients (71%) experienced immediate improvement, but only 25% remained recurrence-free at year 2. In patients with a history of multiple shunt revisions and complications, concurrent use of ETV and VP shunt did not significantly decrease treatment failure. However, the incidence of catastrophic shunt failure requiring acute intervention decreased (43% versus 17%). CONCLUSION: In our experience with ETV for OHC, prior CSF shunting in patients with obstructive hydrocephalus was associated with the decreased time to treatment failure following conversion to ETV. ETV may be less effective for the treatment of OHC in previously shunted patients. ETV combined with concurrent CSF shunting may be an important strategy to prevent catastrophic treatment failure in OHC patients with a history of multiple shunt revisions and complications.  相似文献   



Despite rapid evolution of shunt devices, the complication rates remain high. The most common causes are turning from obstruction, infection, and overdrainage into mainly underdrainage. We investigated the incidence of complications in a consecutive series of hydrocephalic patients.


From January 2002 to December 2009, 111 patients underwent ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunting at our hospital. We documented shunt failures and complications according to valve type, primary disease, and number of revisions.


Overall shunt survival time was 268 weeks. Mean survival time of gravity-assisted valve (GAV) was 222 weeks versus 286 weeks for other shunts. Survival time of programmable valves (264 weeks) was longer than that of pressure-controlled valves (186 weeks). The most common cause for shunt revision was underdrainage (13 valves). The revision rate due to underdrainage in patients with GAV (7 of 10 patients) was higher than that for other valve types. Of 7 patients requiring revision for GAV underdrainage, 6 patients were bedridden. The overall infection rate was 3.6%, which was lower than reported series. Seven patients demonstrating overdrainage had cranial defects when operations were performed (41%), and overdrainage was improved in 5 patients after cranioplasty.


Although none of the differences was statistically significant, some of the observations were especially notable. If a candidate for VP shunting is bedridden, GAV may not be indicated because it could lead to underdrainage. Careful procedure and perioperative management can reduce infection rate. Cranioplasty performed prior to VP shunting may be beneficial.  相似文献   



Ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt complication is a major obstacle in the management of hydrocephalus. To study the differences of VP shunt complications between children and adults, we analyzed shunt revision surgery performed at our hospital during the past 10 years.


Patients who had undergone shunt revision surgery from January 2001 to December 2010 were evaluated retrospectively by chart review about age distribution, etiology of hydrocephalus, and causes of revision. Patients were grouped into below and above 20 years old.


Among 528 cases of VP shunt surgery performed in our hospital over 10 years, 146 (27.7%) were revision surgery. Infection and obstruction were the most common causes of revision. Fifty-one patients were operated on within 1 month after original VP shunt surgery. Thirty-six of 46 infection cases were operated before 6 months after the initial VP shunt. Incidence of shunt catheter fracture was higher in younger patients compared to older. Two of 8 fractured catheters in the younger group were due to calcification and degradation of shunt catheters with fibrous adhesion to surrounding tissue.


The complications of VP shunts were different between children and adults. The incidence of shunt catheter fracture was higher in younger patients. Degradation of shunt catheter associated with surrounding tissue calcification could be one of the reasons of the difference in facture rates.  相似文献   

Objective The aim of this study is to retrospectively evaluate a series of consecutive patients affected by post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus in prematurity, treated with an implant of an Ommaya reservoir followed by ventriculo-peritoneal (VP) shunt and/or endoscopic third ventriculostomy (ETV) to evaluate the safety and efficacy of these treatment options in the management of the condition. Methods Between 2002 and 2005, 18 consecutive premature patients affected by intra-ventricular haemorrhage (IVH) grades II to IV, presenting with progressive ventricular dilatation, were operated for implant of an intra-ventricular catheter connected to a sub-cutaneous Ommaya reservoir. Cerebrospinal fluid was intermittently aspirated percutaneously by the reservoir according with the clinical requirements and the echographic follow-up. The patients who presented a progression of the ventricular dilatation were finally operated for VP shunt implant or ETV according with the MRI findings. Results One patient had grade II, 5 had grade III, and 12 had grade IV IVH. The mean age at IVH diagnosis was 5.2 days; the mean age at reservoir implant was 17.3 days. The Ommaya reservoir was punctured on an average basis of 11.4 times per patient (range 2–25), and the mean interval between aspirations was 2.7 days. The mean CSF volume per tap was 20 ml. One patient died for pulmonary complications during the study period. Out of the 17 survivors, 3 did not develop progressive ventricular dilatation, and their reservoir was removed; 14 developed progressive hydrocephalus, 5 of whom were implanted with a VP shunt and 9 received an ETV. Amongst the five shunted patients, two were re-admitted for shunt malfunction and had their shunt removed after ETV after 6.1 and 20.5 months, respectively. Amongst the nine patients who received an ETV, five had to be re-operated for VP shunt implant at an average interval of 2.17 months (range 9–172 days) because of increasing ventricular dilatation. Two of them had a redo third ventriculostomy with shunt removal at 11 and 25.1 months, respectively, after insertion. The first was reimplanted with a VP shunt 4 days later; the second remains shunt free. Therefore, at the end of the follow-up period, 10 out of 17 children affected by post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus in prematurity were shunt free (59%). Conclusions The combination of Ommaya reservoir, VP shunt, and the aggressive use of ETV as a primary treatment or as an alternative to shunt revision allowed for a significant reduction of shunt dependency in a traditionally shunt-dependent population. Further studies are warranted to optimise the algorithm of treatment in these patients.  相似文献   

Introduction The peritoneal cavity is the most common site of cerebrospinal fluid absorption in hydrocephalus treatment. Many distal catheter complications are the result of this type of treatment, and these have been extensively described in the neurosurgical literature.Materials and methods In our study, six cases of distal catheter migration with visceral perforation and/or extrusion are presented: three through the umbilicus, two through the scrotum, and one through the anus. An extensive review of the literature was performed.Results The studies of peritoneal dialysis models for the treatment of chronic renal failure patients provide important data about solute absorption in the peritoneal cavity and reactivity of the peritoneal membrane.Conclusion This model, when compared to distal catheter complications on a ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt, presents similarities that could help understand the mechanism of the nonfunctional complications of the distal VP catheter (complication with functional shunt), providing valuable data to support an inflammatory mechanism.  相似文献   

《Neurological research》2013,35(6):653-656

Objectives: The selection of patients and treatment criteria for acute hydrocephalus and intracranial pressure (ICP) after intracranial hemorrhage remains unclear. In general neurosurgical practice, there is a tendency to use external ventricular drainage (EVD) for the patients. This study was undertaken to analyse the complications and efficiency of the different treatment modalities.

Methods: The effects, complications and outcome of ventricular drainage on high ICP and hydrocephalus were analysed retrospectively in 109 patients with intracranial hemorrhage. All the patients were assessed using the Glasgow Coma Scale, computed tomography and ICP monitoring. We excluded patients over the GCS of 8. All patients underwent a procedure for ICP monitoring plus ventricular cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage. Sixty-one patients were managed with one (single) EVD system; 12 patients needed two EVD systems consecutively, while 23 patients underwent an EVD procedure followed by permanent ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt insertion. Thirteen patients were treated only by VP shunt for ventricular drainage. The infection rate and outcome 9 months after hemorrhage were analysed.

Results: The infection rates were 8.1% in the one-EVD group, 33.3% in the two-EVD group (one EVD versus two EVD, p<0.05), 8.6% in the EVD-VP group and 7.7% in the VP shunt group. The mortality rates were 73.7% in the one-EVD group, 83.8% in the two-EVD group, 47.8% (p<0.05) in the EVD-VP group and 53.8% (p<0.01) in the VP shunt group.

Discussion: This study indicates that single and short-term use of EVD and/or early VP shunting are associated with a low risk of infection. Furthermore, early VP shunting may protect the brain from the irregular control of intracranial hypertension and may allow more time for resolution of CSF circulation and significantly lowers the mortality rates.  相似文献   

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