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全覆膜可取出金属支架治疗难治性食管良性狭窄   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
目的评价全覆膜可取出金属支架治疗难治性食管良性狭窄的疗效和安全性。方法选择经内镜扩张治疗失败的难治性食管良性狭窄病例6例,其中化学性烧伤3例,食管胃吻合口狭窄2例,吻合口狭窄、金属支架置入术再再狭窄1例,按病例不同情况设计全覆膜可取出金属支架的形状,置入食管狭窄段,定期观察症状的变化、支架两端黏膜增生情况及支架取出后症状的变化情况。结果所有病例均成功置入支架,支架置入后吞咽困难症状均得到持续改善,能进食软食。支架置入3~6个月后均经内镜成功取出,无1例发生支架端口黏膜增生、支架再狭窄:其中4例支架取出后随访2~12个月,症状持续改善,无需阿治疗;另2例发生支架移位,支架取出后1个月内再次出现吞咽困难。1例支架置入术后出现胸骨后疼痛,无其它并发症发生.结论个体化设计的全覆膜可取出金属支架足治疗难治性食管良性狭窄的一种安全、有效的方法。  相似文献   

全覆膜金属支架治疗良性胆道狭窄的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨全覆膜胆道金属支架治疗良性胆道狭窄的安全性及其疗效。方法36例良性胆道狭窄患者行全覆膜胆道金属支架置入术治疗,术后每1~2个月接受1次门诊随访,观察并发症发生及胆道狭窄改变情况。结果36例均一次性成功置入全覆膜胆道金属支架,未出现与操作相关的严重并发症,支架放置3~6个月后全部成功拔除,其中28例(77.8%)良性胆道狭窄消失。结论置入全覆膜胆道金属支架治疗良性胆道狭窄是安全的,近期疗效显著。  相似文献   

目的探讨可回收全覆膜金属支架用于良性气管狭窄的临床效果。方法对24例良性气管狭窄患者于透视引导下置入可回收全覆膜金属支架,支架完全覆盖狭窄段,两端分别超出狭窄段10~15mm。术后根据CT、气管镜检查和临床症状的缓解情况于4—8个月取出支架,观察支架置入前和取出后气管直径、气促评分、第一秒用力呼气量(FEV1),统计并发症(分泌物滞留、肉芽组织增生、支架移位及咳出)发生情况。结果24例患者共置入31个气管支架,置入后支架膨胀完全,患者呼吸道梗阻症状立即缓解。支架取出后气管直径及FEV1明显高于、气促评分明显低于置人前(P均〈0.05),临床症状均明显缓解。3例复发性多软骨炎患者支架未取出,出现分泌物滞留24例,肉芽组织增生21例,支架移位及咳出3例。结论可回收全覆膜金属支架用于良性气管狭窄效果确切,且较为安全。  相似文献   

被膜食管支架治疗食管贲门良性狭窄32例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:评价被膜食管支架治疗食管贲门良性狭窄的疗效和安全性.方法:选择食管贲门良性狭窄患者32例,根据不同患者选择合适的被膜食管支架置入狭窄段.观察操作成功率、吞咽困难改善情况、术中术后并发症的发生及其处理等.结果:32例均一次性成功置入支架,支架置入后吞咽困难症状均得到持续改善.所有患者未出现食管穿孔、出血等严重并发症,但均出现不同程度的胸骨后闷胀隐痛不适,其中4例患者胸痛较明显,肌注止痛荆后缓解:3例出现支架脱落:1例出现支架近端肉芽组织增生.支架置入后可有效封闭食管气管瘘、食管纵隔瘘等.术后6 mo可经内镜成功取出支架.结论:内镜下置入被膜食管支架是治疗食管贲门良性狭窄的一种安全、有效的方法.  相似文献   

目的评价新型超覆膜金属支架治疗难治性食管胃吻合口狭窄的疗效和安全性。方法选择经内镜下反复扩张效果较差的22例难治性食管胃吻合口良性狭窄的患者,内镜下置入直径为16 mm或18 mm新型超覆膜金属支架,对比支架置入前后患者吞咽困难改善情况、体力状况评分,同时观察在支架置入3个月期间,胸痛、支架移位、肉芽组织增生、溃疡及出血等支架相关并发症的发生情况。结果 22例患者均成功置入支架,在支架置入一周后患者吞咽困难情况明显改善(P0.05),吞咽困难缓解率为100%,患者胸痛评分较前明显提高(P0.05)。在支架留置期间,移位发生率为13.6%(3/22),肉芽组织增生发生率为22.7%(5/22),溃疡发生率为18.2%(4/22),出血倾向发生率为4.55%(1/22),所有患者在支架留置3个月后均顺利取出,无严重并发症发生。支架取出后再狭窄发生率为13.6%(3/22)。结论新型超覆膜食管支架治疗难治性食管胃吻合口狭窄是安全有效的,支架置入期间应密切随访,预防并发症。  相似文献   

内镜治疗术后胆漏和继发胆管狭窄   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
目的 探讨内镜治疗手术后并发胆漏和继发胆管狭窄的方法及效果。方法 胆漏患 者均先行内镜下十二指肠乳头切开,行鼻胆管引流术,继续保留原有胆道、腹腔引流。待胆道、腹腔引 流停止1-2周证实胆漏愈合后拔管,伴有胆道狭窄的患者在拔除鼻胆引流管后置入塑料内支架,持 续扩张2-3个月。结果 22例胆漏患者鼻胆引流3-4周后胆漏处均闭合,13例胆管狭窄置入内支 架者,10例支架取出后狭窄解除,2例合并肝总管狭窄者经重新置入双支架3个月后效果良好,1例 左肝管狭窄伴结石者,再置入单支架,术后仍有胆道感染症状反复出现。结论 内镜治疗可列为手术 后胆漏或继发胆管狭窄治疗的首选方法。  相似文献   

目的 评价全覆膜自膨式金属支架治疗难治性胰管良性狭窄的安全性和长期疗效。方法 收集南京鼓楼医院消化内镜中心2013年3月—2020年7月经全覆膜自膨式金属支架治疗的18例难治性胰管良性狭窄患者资料进行回顾性分析。主要观察指标包括技术成功率、临床成功率、全覆膜自膨式金属支架副作用及长期疗效。结果 18例患者均成功置入全覆膜自膨式金属支架,技术成功率100.0%(18/18)。18例患者支架置入后的腹痛评分明显低于置入前[2.00(1.75,3.00)分比6.00(5.00,7.00)分,Z=-3.572,P<0.001]。支架置入后疼痛评分较置入前减少> 50%的有15例,临床成功率83.3%(15/18)。支架置入后,出现不能忍受的腹痛3例,支架诱导的新狭窄2例,支架远端移位2例。所有患者成功拔除支架,支架置入时间137.5(59.0,417.0)d。拔除支架后狭窄上游扩张胰管直径[9.1(6.7,14.1)mm]比支架置入前[11.0(7.6,16.2)mm]明显减少(Z=10.508,P<0.001)。长期随访14例患者,随访时间37~1 246 d,10例患者保持无临床症状,4例复发。结论 全覆膜自膨式金属支架治疗难治性胰管良性狭窄安全有效且可维持长期疗效。  相似文献   

目的探讨内镜下覆膜食管支架治疗食管癌性狭窄及食管气管瘘的临床价值及食管支架置入术并发症的防治。方法回顾性分析163例晚期食管癌患者内镜下覆膜食管支架治疗食管癌性狭窄及食管气管瘘的临床资料,其中7例患者为食管癌性狭窄并食管-支气管瘘伴双下肺感染,19例患者为食管癌术后复发吻合口狭窄置入镍钛记忆合金覆膜支架。102例患者由于食管过于狭窄先行食管扩张,再进行内镜下放置食管支架,35例患者直接内镜下置入食管支架。结果 163例患者先后放置174个支架,均一次性置入成功,成功率为100%。163例患者均有不同程度胸痛不适,有32例支架再狭窄,其中19例单纯行支架内球囊扩张,11例于原支架上端内部分重叠再放置一支架,有26例行氩气刀再通治疗。7例患者出现支架移位,有2例支架进入食管瘘管内于次日在内镜下取出支架重新放置。所有病例均未出现食管破裂、食管血肿或出血等严重并发症,术后患者进食能力提高,食管气管瘘闭合。结论内镜下覆膜食管支架置入术是中晚期食管癌性狭窄简单、安全、有效的姑息治疗方法,能提高患者的生活质量,延长患者的生存期。  相似文献   

目的:探讨可回收全覆膜金属支架治疗儿童难治性食管良性狭窄的安全性和疗效.方法:应用可回收全覆膜金属支架治疗7例难治性食管良性狭窄患儿,其中术后吻合口狭窄5例,化学烧伤性狭窄2例.支架置入术后定期随访,观察患儿吞咽困难改善程度、狭窄口直径、并发症等.结果:7例患儿均成功行支架置入术,1例患儿术中并发皮下气肿.支架取出后随访3-27 mo,所有患儿吞咽困难症状显著改善,食管狭窄段口由2-5 mm扩大至12-13 mm.其中1例并发肉芽组织轻微增生,2例发生支架移位.结论:可回收全覆膜金属支架治疗儿童难治性良性食管狭窄安全有效,其长期疗效仍有待于进一步研究.  相似文献   

对36例颈内动脉颅外段重度狭窄(狭窄程度〉75%)患者行支架成形术(CAS)。结果均成功置入了支架.术后即刻DSA显示狭窄程度降到31.4%以下;2例置入一次性滤器保护装置(FPD)时出现反复短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA),支架成功置入后即缓解;随访3~18个月,无再发TIA或脑梗死。临床症状完全消失13例、好转20例、病情稳定3例,彩色多普勒超声见支架与血管壁连接紧密,主干内膜完整,均未见支架移位或再狭窄。认为CAS治疗颈内动脉颅外段重度狭窄近期效果良好,安全性高。  相似文献   



The use of self-expandable metallic stents (SEMS) is an established palliative treatment for malignant stenosis in the gastrointestinal tract; therefore, its application to benign stenosis is expected to be beneficial because of the more gradual and sustained dilatation in the stenotic portion. We aimed in this prospective observational study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of temporary SEMS placement in benign pyloric stenosis.


Twenty-two patients with benign stenosis of the prepylorus, pylorus, and duodenal bulb were enrolled and underwent SEMS placement. We assessed symptom improvement, defined as an increase of at least 1 degree in the gastric-outlet-obstruction scoring system after stent insertion.


No major complications were observed during the procedures. After stent placement, early symptom improvement was achieved in 18 of 22 patients (81.8%). During the follow-up period (mean 10.2 months), the stents remained in place successfully for 6 to 8 weeks in seven patients (31.8%). Among the 15 patients (62.5%) with stent migration, seven (46.6%) showed continued symptomatic improvement without recurrence of obstructive symptoms.


Despite the symptomatic improvement, temporary SEMS placement is premature as an effective therapeutic tool for benign pyloric stenosis unless a novel stent is developed to prevent migration.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the best method for benign stricture of the upper gastrointestinal tract (UGIT) with stent insertion by follow-up evaluation. METHODS: A total of 110 stents insertions were performed in 110 cases of benign stricture of the UGIT. Permanent (group A) and temporary (group B) placement of an expandable metal stent in 30 cases and 80 cases respectively. All cases were completed under fluoroscopy. RESULTS: In group A, 30 uncovered or antireflux covered or partially covered expandable metal stents were placed permanently. In group A, 5 cases (16.7%) in 3-months, 5 cases (20.0%) in 6-months, 6 cases (25%) in the 1st year, 6 cases (50%) in the 3rd year, and 4 cases (80%) in the 5th year exhibited dysphagia relapse. In group B, a partially-covered expandable metal stent was temporarily placed in each patient and removed after 3-7 days via gastroscopy. Follow-up data in this group showed that 8 cases (7.5%) in 3-months, 9 cases (12.0%) in 6-months, 10 cases (15.4%) in the 1st year, 6 cases (20%) in the 3rd year, and 3 cases (25%) in the 5th year exhibited dysphagia relapse. The placement and withdrawal of all stents were all performed successfully. The follow-up of all cases lasted for 3-99 months (mean 41.6+/-19.7 months). CONCLUSION: The best method for benign stricture of UGIT with stent insertion is temporary placement of a partially-covered expandable metal stent.  相似文献   

We developed an Ultraflex-type stent by knitting polylactic acid monofilaments. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the stent's clinical usefulness for treating benign stenoses in the gastrointestinal tract. The radial force of the biodegradable stent was compared with those of commercially available metallic stents. The measured radial force of the new biodegradable stent was higher than that of commercially available metallic stents. The biodegradable stents were applied in 2 patients with benign gastrointestinal stenoses. The first patient was a 19-year-old female with esophageal stenosis, due to drinking of caustic potash in an attempt to commit suicide. The second patient was a 75-year-old male who had a stenosis at the anastomotic site after esophageal cancer resection. In both cases, the placement of the stent was performed successfully, and the patients' complaints improved immediately after stent placement. There were no complications during stent placement. The stenosis had not recurred at the six-month follow-up examination. In conclusion, the newly developed biodegradable stents were useful in treating benign stenoses of the alimentary tract.  相似文献   

Noppen M  Stratakos G  D'Haese J  Meysman M  Vinken W 《Chest》2005,127(2):482-487
STUDY OBJECTIVES: To describe the technique and outcome of removal of self-expandable metallic airway stents (SEMAS) in a series of patients who underwent stenting for benign airway stenoses.Design and setting: A retrospective cohort analysis of patients with benign airway disorders treated with SEMAS between 1997 and 2003, who presented with an indication for stent removal in a tertiary-care hospital, and referral interventional pulmonology clinic. PATIENTS AND METHODS: During the study period, 49 SEMAS were inserted in 39 patients for treatment of benign airway disorders. Ten of these 39 patients (25.6%), bearing 12 covered stents, presented with an indication for stent removal. Data of these cases were extracted from electronic files kept in our institution archive. RESULTS: Indications for stent removal included excessive or recurrent granuloma formation (five cases), recurrence of stenosis after stent failure (one case), stent fracture (two cases), and accomplishment of treatment (two cases). In all of these cases, covered versions of SEMAS had been placed either in the trachea or in a main bronchus. In contrast to many previous reports, these stents proved to be absolutely retrievable even if some difficulties were encountered. In all cases, however, removal was successful without major complications. All patients resumed normal spontaneous ventilation postoperatively, and follow-up was uneventful. Average duration of stenting before removal was 16.2 +/- 17.5 months (+/- SD) [range, 1 to 60 months]. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that although placement of SEMAS is assumed to be permanent in patients with benign airway disorders, an indication for stent removal is often observed (25.6% in our series). The covered SEMAS can be effectively and safely removed if needed without major sequelae. Nevertheless, new technical improvements in metallic stent design and materials may help reinforce the concept of a retrievable metallic airway stent, which may offer significant clinical advantages.  相似文献   



Percutaneous balloon dilation of benign biliary stricture has been the most widely used alternative to endoscopic treatment; however, the rate of recurrence has varied from 15 to 44 %. Recently, several investigators have reported that percutaneous transhepatic placement of retrievable covered stents is feasible for the treatment of benign biliary strictures. However, these studies had only a small number of patients and had short follow-up periods.


The purpose of this study was to investigate the mid-term outcomes of a retrievable covered stent for treatment of benign biliary strictures.


We retrospectively assessed 68 patients who underwent percutaneous transhepatic placement and removal of a retrievable covered stent between March 2007 and November 2012, for treatment of benign biliary strictures. Forty-two patients had not previously undergone interventional treatment, whereas 26 had recurrent or refractory strictures despite previous percutaneous procedures.


Placement of the retrievable covered stents was technically successful in all patients. Stent migration occurred in 11 (16.2 %) patients. The mean indwelling period of drainage catheter and stent were 5.8 months (range, 3–22.5 months) and 3 months (range, 2–6.5 months), respectively. Clinical success was achieved in 59 (86.8 %) patients. During the mean follow-up of 36 months (range, 8.5–65 months), 12 (20 %) of 60 patients had recurrence of clinically significant strictures. The primary patency rates at 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 years were 91, 89, 76, 68, and 68 %, respectively.


Mid-term outcomes suggested that percutaneous treatment of benign biliary strictures using a retrievable covered stent was a clinically effective method.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Common bile duct stenosis occurs in up to 30% of patients with chronic pancreatitis. Most such stenoses are found incidentally during ERCP, but others manifest as obstructive jaundice, recurrent cholangitis, secondary biliary cirrhosis, or choledocholithiasis. Operative drainage has been the main treatment despite the potentially high morbidity in patients with chronic pancreatitis. Endoscopic biliary drainage with a single stent has been successful in the short term. The aim of this study was to determine the long-term benefit of a single stent vs. multiple simultaneous stents for treatment of patients with chronic pancreatitis and symptoms because of distal common bile duct stenosis. METHODS: Twelve consecutive patients with chronic pancreatitis and common bile duct stenosis underwent endoscopic placement of multiple simultaneous stents and were followed prospectively (Group II). Results were compared with a group of 34 patients in whom a single stent was placed before the start of the present study (Group I). All 46 patients (35 men, 11 women; age range 30-71 years) had chronic pancreatitis and common bile duct stenosis, and presented with symptoms indicative of obstruction (abdominal pain, jaundice, elevated biochemical tests of liver function, acute pancreatitis, cholangitis). The 34 patients in Group I had single stent (10F, 7-9 cm) placement, with exchange at 3 to 6 month intervals (1-4 exchanges) over a mean of 21 months. The 12 patients in Group II underwent placement of multiple simultaneous stents at 3-month intervals (single 10F stents added sequentially) over a mean of 14 months. Mean follow-up was 4.2 years in Group I and 3.9 years for Group II. Factors assessed included symptoms, biochemical tests of liver function, diameter of common bile duct stenosis, and complications. RESULTS: In Group I, (34 patients), a total of 162 single stent placement/exchanges were performed (mean 5/patient). In Group II (12 consecutive patients), 8 patients had 4 (10F) stents placed simultaneously, and 4 patients had 5 (10F) stents. At the end of the treatment period, near normalization of biochemical tests of liver function was observed for all patients in Group II, whereas only marginal benefit was noted for patients in Group I. Four patients in Group I had recurrent cholangitis (6 episodes), whereas no patient in Group II had post-procedure cholangitis. In the 12 patients with multiple stents, distal common bile duct stenosis diameter increased from a mean of 1.0 mm to 3.0 mm after treatment; no change in diameter was noted in patients treated with a single stent. CONCLUSIONS: Distal common bile duct stenosis secondary to chronic pancreatitis can be treated long term by stent placement. Multiple, simultaneous stents appear to be superior to single stent placement and may provide good long-term benefit. The former resulted in near normalization of biochemical tests of liver function and an increase in distal common bile duct diameter. Multiple stent placement may obviate the need for surgical diversion procedures.  相似文献   



Treatment options for benign refractory esophageal stricture are limited. We retrospectively analyzed data of 11 patients who underwent fully covered self-expanding metallic stent (FC-SEMS) placement for refractory benign esophageal stricture at our institute.


Refractory benign esophageal stricture was defined as inability to dilate a stricture to a diameter of 14 mm after a minimum of five sessions at 2-week intervals or inability to maintain diameter of 14 mm for at least 4 weeks. Eleven patients with refractory benign esophageal stricture (corrosive—6, peptic—3, and post-sclerotherapy—2) underwent FC-SEMS placement. The stent was removed after 4–6 weeks as per manufacturer’s recommendation. Patients were followed up for 1 year.


Three patients with peptic strictures [length of stricture 2, 3, and 3 cm] and two patients with post-sclerotherapy stricture [length 2 and 1.5 cm] had complete response. Two of 6 patients with corrosive stricture (10 cm, 12 cm) developed recurrence of symptoms within 1 month of stent removal, and two after 2 months (8 cm, 3 cm). One patient with corrosive stricture (6 cm) had recurrence after 6 months, and responded to single session of dilatation. One patient with corrosive stricture was asymptomatic for last 12 months. Four stents were migrated. Four patients developed severe retrosternal pain following stent placement, which was managed with analgesics. There were no serious adverse events after placement of stent and removal of stent.


Fully covered SEMS is safe and effective for refractory benign non-corrosive esophageal strictures.

食管金属支架治疗125例食管狭窄和食管气管瘘临床分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
背景:食管狭窄和食管气管瘘是临床常见疾病,近年来食管金属支架逐渐成为其治疗的重要手段,并取得了良好的疗效。目的:探讨食管金属支架治疗食管狭窄和食管气管瘘的临床疗效。方法:选择125例良恶性食管狭窄和食管气管瘘患者,行内镜和x线检查以明确狭窄或瘘口的部位和性质。在x线引导下置入食管金属支架,术后密切随访观察临床疗效和并发症。结果:支架术后2周内,所有患者的吞咽困难均显著改善;食管气管瘘患者的呛咳均显著缓解,仪5例患者进流质时仍有轻微呛咳:86例(68.8%)患者术后出现胸痛,8例(6.4%)发生消化道出血,4例(3.2%)出现支架移位。术后半均随访时间为18个月。吞咽困难的平均缓解时间为7.4个月,27例恶性食管狭窄患者平均于术后6.4个月因肿瘤组织增生而导致再狭窄,8例良性食管狭窄患者平均于术后12.8个月因肉芽组织增生而导致再狭窄。38例患者有胃(或肠)食管反流表现,大多为吻合口支架或食管下段支架。7例患者出现支架移位。恶性食管狭窄患者支架术后平均存活时间为11.8个月。结论:食管金属支架能有效治疗良恶性食管狭窄和食管气管瘘,提高患者的生活质量。但支架术后再狭窄、食管功能紊乱和支架移位等并发症目前仍无法避免,且可能对支架的临床应用产生一定影响。  相似文献   

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