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目的 评价阵发性心房颤动(房颤)导管消融术后早期复发的电生理机制及早期再消融的可行性、疗效.方法 入选环肺静脉电隔离术后1个月内复发的阵发性房颤患者14例,其中男8例,女6例,平均年龄61.8±8.4岁,房颤复发距首次消融时间4.9±3.7 d.若肺静脉传导恢复,则补点消融再次隔离.肺静脉隔离后诱发房颤,标测并消融非肺静脉异位灶.术后随访心电图和24 h动态心电图.结果 14例患者首次消融后24.7±5.5 d再次消融.仅1例肺静脉传导无恢复,其余13例(92.9%)中均有至少一侧肺静脉传导恢复,补点消融后均再次隔离.3例(21.4%)为上腔静脉起源房颤,行上腔静脉隔离房颤终止.1例(7.1%)为界嵴上部起源,行局灶消融成功.3例诱发出典型心房扑动(房扑),1例诱发出左心房房扑,消融均成功.术后平均随访5.8±1.4个月,13例患者无房性快速性心律失常复发(不用抗心律失常药物),1例有阵发性房速发作(服用维拉帕米).结论 肺静脉传导恢复是阵发性房颤消融术后早期复发的主要因素,其次是非肺静脉(上腔静脉、界嵴)的异位灶,早期再消融可行有效.  相似文献   

目的:探讨阵发性心房颤动(房颤)患者肺静脉前庭首次消融术中有或无肺静脉触发灶的复发原因。方法:共入选181例阵发性房颤患者,男性135例,女性46例,平均年龄(55.0±11.4)岁,平均病史为(64.6±68.5)个月。在三维标测系统指导下行肺静脉前庭隔离术达到肺静脉-左心房电学隔离;术后常规程序刺激诱发,若合并室上性心律失常或者非肺静脉触发灶,同时消融。根据术中记录到肺静脉电位翻转并触发房颤为肺静脉触发房颤组(61例),无明确肺静脉触发房颤为无肺静脉触发房颤组(120例)。出院前所有患者均做常规体表心电图和动态心电图检查,术后1~3个月,6个月分别再行上述随访检查。所有复发患者均接受二次消融。结果:所有患者术中均成功隔离肺静脉,但无肺静脉触发房颤组中明确有12例为非肺静脉触发灶,1例位于左心房顶部,11例起源于上腔静脉。两组间的临床资料比较差异无统计学意义。平均随访(36.1±16.4)个月,首次消融术后,与无肺静脉触发房颤组相比,肺静脉触发房颤组复发房颤率差异无统计学意义(22.9% vs 33.3%,P=0.15)。二次手术中,无肺静脉触发房颤组中12例患者均再次隔离肺静脉,其中1例术中发现同时存在上腔静脉触发灶。肺静脉触发房颤组中,36例接受再次隔离,静脉点滴异丙肾上腺素及"弹丸式"注射三磷酸腺苷时,16例患者共诱导出17处房颤触发灶,2例起源于肺静脉,15例为肺静脉之外(其中12例为上腔静脉起源,2例起源于冠状静脉窦,间隔处起源1例)。二次术后仍有15例复发,其中2例接受三次手术,触发灶分别位于左心房间隔与冠状静脉窦,1例患者四次手术,触发灶位于左心房后壁。二次消融术后,肺静脉触发房颤组的成功率明显高于无肺静脉触发房颤组(95.1% vs 84.1%,P=0.03)。但肺静脉触发房颤组的非肺静脉触发灶的比例明显低于无肺静脉触发房颤组,两组比较差异有统计学意义(1.98% vs 22.5%,P0.001)。结论:明确肺静脉触发灶者,复发的主要原因是左心房肺静脉传导的恢复。无明确肺静脉触发者,主要原因是非肺静脉触发灶,常需要额外的消融。  相似文献   

目的 评价以左心房-肺静脉电联系双向阻滞作为环肺静脉消融电隔离术终点对阵发性心房颤动(房颤)导管消融疗效的影响.方法 在76例阵发性房颤患者导管消融达到左心房-肺静脉传入阻滞后,分别于每根肺静脉内起搏评价肺静脉-左心房传导情况.据此分为双向阻滞组(传入与传出均阻滞)和传入阻滞组,随访观察房颤导管消融的临床疗效.结果 76例均完成导管消融术,306根肺静脉(2例患者存在右中肺静脉)均达到左心房-肺静脉电学传入阻滞之传统终点.18例消融术后左心房-肺静脉传导呈双向阻滞,58例仅传入阻滞.平均随访(6.85±1.08)个月,1次消融成功率为77.63%.其中,双向阻滞组为83.33%,传入阻滞组为75.86%,两组相比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).术后房性心动过速发生率5.26%(4/76),无心脏压塞、脑栓塞、左心房食管瘘等并发症以及死亡发生.结论 以左心房-肺静脉传导双向阻滞为房颤导管消融终点治疗阵发性房颤的策略似乎临床疗效较好.  相似文献   

目的 探讨左心房三维电解剖标测与肺静脉环状标测联合指导下行心房颤动 (房颤 )导管消融术治疗房颤的可行性。方法 连续 14例药物治疗无效的房颤患者 ,男 10例 ,女 4例 ,平均年龄 5 2 4± 12 8(2 8~ 74 )岁 ,平均左心房内径 4 6 7± 5 4mm。其中阵发性房颤 10例、永久性房颤 3例、持续性房颤 1例。首先在三维标测系统指导下行左心房基质改良术 ,然后在肺静脉环状标测指导下行肺静脉节段性消融术。消融终点包括以下三点 :(1)完成所有预设的左心房消融径线 ;(2 )全部肺静脉均达电隔离 ;(3)阴性诱发结果。结果  (1) 10例 (71 4 % )阵发性房颤达到消融终点 ;(2 )手术的总操作时间和X线曝光时间分别为 2 92± 4 9min和 5 4± 9min ;(3)随访 5 2± 5 7(1~ 2 3)周 ,7例 (5 0 % )阵发性房颤患者可以无需抗心律失常药物而维持窦性心律 ,3例 (2 1 4 % )阵发性房颤发作显著减少 ,4例 (2 8 6 % )持续性 永久性房颤仍为房颤 ;(4 )术中及随访期无任何操作相关并发症。结论 左心房三维标测与肺静脉环状标测联合应用于房颤的导管消融术安全可行 ,对于左心房增大的阵发性房颤患者具有一定效果  相似文献   

目的评价环肺静脉消融术联合应用环状电极标测对心房颤动(房颤)消融成功率的影响。方法连续入选61例房颤患者,其中男40例,女21例,阵发性房颤50例,慢性房颤11例。在EnsiteNavX三维电解剖标测系统指导下行环肺静脉消融术。应用环状电极标测肺静脉电位,以肺静脉电隔离为消融终点。结果61例均顺利完成手术。环左肺静脉消融使左肺静脉电隔离34例(55.7%),环右肺静脉消融使右肺静脉电隔离35例(57.4%),环左、右肺静脉消融使所有肺静脉电隔离23例(37.7%)。16例阵发性房颤和5例慢性房颤放电时终止房颤,终止房颤部位为左、右上肺静脉外近房顶前、后壁19例,右上肺静脉外后壁中部1例,完成左肺静脉消融时房颤终止1例。平均随访6±2个月,50例阵发性房颤中42例(84.0%)以及11例慢性房颤中5例(45.4%)无房颤发作,总成功率为77%。并发症:少量心包积液1例,经心包穿刺引流后积液消失;左侧血胸1例,经胸腔穿刺引流痊愈。结论EnsiteNavX系统指导下的环肺静脉消融术中联合应用环状电极标测可使房颤消融成功率进一步提高。  相似文献   

目的 评价三维电解剖(Carto)标测系统合并图像融合(Merge)技术指导下行环肺静脉线性消融术治疗心房颤动(房颤)的临床疗效,并与单纯用Carto系统治疗组比较.方法 回顾性分析2005年3月至2007年1月间接受导管射频消融术的连续68例房颤患者,其中单纯 Carto标测系统指导下手术患者11例(A组), Carto-Merge技术指导下手术患者57例.消融策略先行左房肺静脉电隔离,必要时加行左房碎裂电位消融 左房顶部、底部、峡部 右房三尖瓣峡部、上腔静脉、冠状静脉窦口部消融.结果 A组平均X线透视时间56.24±13.92 min,平均随访15.08±1.82个月,7例(57.14%)术后3个月生活质量明显改善,无房颤发作;其中阵发性房颤手术成功率为60%,2例接受第二次消融后治愈.B组平均X线透视时间33.32±13.84 min,平均随访8.97±6.28个月,51例(89.47%)术后3个月生活质量明显改善,无房颤发作;其中阵发性房颤手术成功率达95.12%;其X线透视时间,总体及阵发性房颤手术成功率均与A组有明显差异;B组中3例扩张型心肌病和1例肥厚型心肌病房颤消融成功,术后心功能明显改善.结论 在Carto-Merge技术指导下行环肺静脉线性消融术治疗房颤能提高手术效率及成功率,进一步减少X线曝光时间.左房肺静脉电隔离 左房碎裂电位消融 左房顶部、底部、峡部 右房三尖瓣峡部、上腔静脉、冠状窦口的消融可能通过改良心房基质而提高房颤手术成功率.  相似文献   

目的 探讨心房颤动(房颤)环肺静脉电隔离术后频发房性早搏(房早)的分布特点和评价消融的效果.方法 21例患者(男性13例,女性8例),平均年龄(51.2±8.7)岁.平均距阵发性房颤环肺静脉隔离术(2.3±1.1)个月.经24 h动态心电图检查,平均房早个数为(12110±375)个.肺静脉起源房早予以再次补点隔离肺静脉,其他部位房早采用三维激动标测和消融.消融术后随访心电图、24 h动态心电图评价消融效果.结果 肺静脉电位恢复2例,均为房早起源部位(左上肺静脉1例,左下肺静脉1例),补点隔离肺静脉后房早消失.余19例无肺静脉电位恢复,其中起源于左心房右后上壁2例、后下壁4例,左心房顶部4例、左心房左前上壁2例,冠状静脉窦口1例,界嵴中部2例,高右心房间隔2例,高右心房后上壁1例,三尖瓣环6点位置1例.消融后共使18例(85.7%)房早消失.消融术后随访(11.7±4.2)个月,17例(81.0%)无房早复发.结论 阵发性房颤环肺静脉电隔离术后房早分布离散,主要起源于左心房(66.7%),但多与肺静脉电位无关,其次为起源于右心房.三维标测和消融疗效良好.  相似文献   

目的 :探索心房颤动(房颤)冷冻消融术后复发患者的二次手术特点。方法 :连续入选自2013年9月至2017年3月就诊于北京安贞医院二病房行冷冻消融术的房颤患者119例,其中复发并再次消融的患者11例,分析各肺静脉左心房传导恢复特点及术中心动过速特点。结果:复发组与未复发组临床基线特征差异无统计学意义。复发的11例患者于(6.0±1.3)个月后接受再次消融,44支肺静脉中总计33支(75.0%)恢复了左心房肺静脉传导,其中左上肺静脉7支(21.3%),左下肺静脉9支(27.3%),右上肺静脉6支(18.3%),右下肺静脉11支(33.3%)。肺静脉传导恢复的部位不明确,需重新行线性消融。3例患者需隔离上腔静脉,9例隔离肺静脉后房颤不终止,需另行三尖瓣峡部线、二尖瓣峡部线和左心房顶部线消融。结论:房颤冷冻消融术后复发患者肺静脉左心房传导恢复部位集中于双侧下肺静脉,传导部位难以标测,需再行肺静脉线性消融;部分患者存在肺静脉外驱动灶导致的心动过速,需标测明确机制后消融。  相似文献   

经导管消融治疗心房颤动的复发原因分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
目的 对经导管消融治疗心房颤动(房颤)的复发患者进行电生理检查和重复消融术,探讨房颤远期复发(消融术后≤1年)、更远期复发(消融术后>1年)和二次消融术后复发的原因.方法 2001年1月至2005年12月共完成经导管消融治疗房颤患者234例,其中节段性肺静脉电隔离术(SPVI)156例,环肺静脉消融术(CAPV)78例.随访时间为18~90(54±24)个月.对消融术后复发的患者进行重复消融术,通过心腔内电生理检查明确复发的原因.结果 75例患者出现远期复发,其中58例(77.3%)肺静脉-左心房(PV-LA)电连接恢复,17例(22.7%)存在肺静脉外的异位兴奋灶共28处;17例患者出现更远期复发,其中4例(23.5%)为PV-LA电连接恢复,13例(76.5%)存在肺静脉外的异位兴奋灶21处;对上述患者行二次消融后,有43例患者再次复发,腔内电生理检查提示8例(18.6%)为PV-LA电连接恢复,35例(81.4%)存在肺静脉外的异位兴奋灶共47处.非肺静脉异位兴奋灶的分布依次是左心房后壁、冠状静脉窦口部(CSO)、界嵴(crista terminalis,CT)、上腔静脉(SVC)口部、下腔静脉(IVC)口部、右心房游离壁.结论 经导管消融术治疗房颤后远期复发的主要原因是肺静脉电连接恢复,更远期复发和二次消融术后复发的主要原因是肺静脉以外存在异位兴奋灶,重视心房特殊结构标测和消融可以提高治疗成功率.  相似文献   

中国经导管消融治疗心房颤动注册研究-2007   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目的 分析2007年我国经导管消融治疗心房颤动(房颤)工作的现状.方法 根据各家医院提供的资料,对2007年我国导管消融治疗房颤病例资料进行回顾性分析.结果 截至2008年9月5日,调查共收到40家医院提供的注册登记病例资料2620份,其中男性1719例,女性901例,平均年龄(58.5±11.2)岁.阵发性房颤77.4%,持续性房颤15.7%,长期持续性房颤6.9%.54.1%的患者合并1种或1种以上的基础心脏疾病.左心房内径(38.3±6.3)mm,左心室舒张末期内径(47.8±5.2)mm,左心室射血分数0.63±0.08.经导管消融治疗房颤的主要术式是环肺静脉消融术和环肺静脉消融加必要心房辅助线.消融能源主要为射频,占99.8%.2007年的消融成功率为80.3%,复发率为19.7%.对成功率和复发率有显著影响的因素有左心房内径、房颤类型和消融术式.术后抗心律失常药物的应用有所增多,抗凝治疗明显加强.总的并发症发生率为1.7%,无严重并发症如心房食管瘘和肺静脉狭窄发生.结论 建议在相关条件较好的医院,可将经导管消融作为症状明显的阵发性房颤的一线治疗方法. 舒张末期内径(47.8±5.2)mm,左心室射血分数0 63±0.08.经导管消融治疗房颤的主要术式是环肺静脉消融术和环肺静脉消融加必要心房辅助线.消融能源主要为射频,占99.8%.2007年的消融成功率为80.3%,复发率为19.7%.对成功率和复发率有显著影响的因素有左心房内径、房颤类型和消融术式.术后抗心律失常药物的应用有所增多,抗凝治疗明显加强.总的并发症发生率为1.7%,无严重并发症如心房食管瘘和肺静脉狭窄发生.结论建议在相关条件较好的医院,可将经导管消融作为症状明显的阵发性房颤的一线治疗方法. 舒张末期内径(47.8±5.2)mm,左心室射血分数0 63±0.08.经导管消融治疗房颤的主要术式是环肺静脉消融术和环肺静脉消融加必要心房辅助线.消融能源主要为射频,占99  相似文献   

Background: Atrial fibrillation (AF) may originate from catecholamine-sensitive vein of Marshall (VOM) or its ligament in addition to pulmonary veins (PVs). The anatomy of VOM and its relation to arrhythmogenic foci in the left atrium are unknown. We studied the anatomy of VOM and its relation to foci in patients with AF.
Methods: The study population consisted of 100 patients with AF (mean age, 62 years; chronic AF, n = 15). AF sources were determined at baseline and after isoproterenol administration without sedation. VOM was identified by balloon-occluded coronary sinus (CS) angiography. We determined its anatomy in relation to left PVs.
Results: VOM was visualized in 73 patients (73%). Ninety-seven patients had 269 arrhythmogenic foci (PV, n = 77; non-PV, n = 48). Non-PV foci included left atrial posterior wall (24, 9%), left lateral area (12, 4.5%), roof (6, 2.2%), superior vena cava (28, 10.4%), crista terminalis (8, 3.0%), CS (10, 3.7%), and others (10, 3.7%). The incidence of PV foci in the left superior PV (LSPV) was significantly higher in patients with well-developed VOM than in those without (66% vs 42%, P < 0.05). Twenty-eight patients had 30 non-PV foci around the LSPV ostium. We successfully ablated the non-PV foci at the distal end of VOM in 11 patients. The ends of the VOM branches were good markers to search for non-PV foci. Seven of 11 (64%) patients with successful ablation of non-PV foci were free from arrhythmia, whereas only 6 of 17 (35%) were free from arrhythmia in those with residual non-PV foci.
Conclusions: To determine VOM anatomy is important to identify non-PV foci around the ends of VOM.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Pulmonary vein (PV) isolation is commonly performed in patients with drug-refractory atrial fibrillation (AF) and in cases of unsuccessful ablation, antiarrhythmic agents that were ineffective before the ablation sometimes become effective afterward. Therefore, the effects and mechanisms of hybrid therapy with pilsicainide and PV isolation for AF were assessed in the present study. METHODS AND RESULTS: Seventy-four patients with paroxysmal AF in whom pilsicainide was ineffective underwent PV isolation. If AF recurred, a second procedure was performed and if AF recurred again, pilsicainide was re-administered. After the first procedure, AF recurred in 42 patients, and a second procedure was performed in 31 patients, of whom 28 had recovery of left atrial (LA)-PV conduction and non-PV foci were identified in 3. After the second session, ablation eliminated AF without drugs in 53 (72%) patients. Pilsicainide suppressed the conduction properties at the LA-PV junction. In 21 patients with recurrence of AF, pilsicainide was re-administered and eliminated AF in 11 patients (success with pilsicainide: 86%). CONCLUSIONS: In cases of unsuccessful PV isolation, pilsicainide may prevent AF by modifying the LA-PV conduction properties. Hybrid therapy with pilsicainide and PV isolation may be an effective therapeutic approach for AF.  相似文献   

目的:分析阵发性心房颤动(房颤)患者左心房低电压与肺静脉电隔离术后复发的关系。方法连续168例阵发性房颤患者[女性76例,年龄(62±11岁)],窦性心律下行左心房高密度(≥100点)标测,之后行肺静脉电隔离术治疗,在肺静脉隔离20min后给予异丙肾上腺素+腺苷三磷酸(0.2mg/kg),观察肺静脉传导恢复与否以及是否存在肺静脉外局灶触发的房颤,并对传导恢复的肺静脉以及肺静脉外局灶再次消融,直至激发试验阴性。本组患者均不进行基质改良。低电压的定义为CARTO消融导管记录的心肌局部双极电图振幅<0.5mV。结果42例(25.0%)患者的左心房存在低电压区,主要位于左心房前壁(22例,52.4%),与女性和左房直径增大相关。所有患者均完成肺静脉电隔离。随访(23±12)个月,35例患者复发房性快速心律失常,其中左房低电压者14例(14/42,33.3%),非低电压者21例(21/126,16.7%,P=0.028)。结论阵发性房颤患者左心房存在低电压区增加肺静脉电隔离术后的复发率,其形成可能与性别和左房直径有关。  相似文献   

Background: Electrical isolation of pulmonary veins (PVs) is an effective therapy for atrial fibrillation (AF). Both segmental ostial PV ablation and circumferential ablation with PV–left atrial (LA) block have been implicated to eliminate AF. However, the mechanism of the recurrent AF after undergoing either strategy remains unclear.
Methods and Results: Of the 73 consecutive patients with symptomatic AF that underwent PV isolation and had recurrences of AF, Group 1 consisted of 46 patients (age 56 ± 13 years old, 35 males) who underwent PV isolation by segmental ostial PV ablation and Group 2 consisted of 27 patients (age 51 ± 11 years old, 24 males) who underwent circumferential ablation with PV–LA block. In Group 1, the earliest ectopic beat or ostial PV potentials were targeted. In Group 2, circumferential ablation with PV–LA block was performed by encircling the extraostial regions around the left and right PVs. During the first procedure, all patients had PV–AF. There was no difference in the non-PV ectopy between Group 1 and Group 2. During the second procedure, the incidence of an LA posterior wall ectopy initiating AF was significantly lower (20% vs. 0%, P = 0.01) in Group 2. There was no difference in the PV ectopy initiating AF during the second procedure.
Conclusion: Circumferential ablation of AF with PV–LA block may eliminate the LA posterior wall ectopy and decrease the incidence of LA posterior wall ectopy initiating AF during the second procedure.  相似文献   

Introduction: Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT) is often associated with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF). However, the relationship between PSVT and AF is still unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate the clinical and electrophysiological characteristics in patients with PSVT and AF, and to demonstrate the origin of the AF before the radiofrequency (RF) ablation of AF.
Methods and Results: Four hundred and two consecutive patients with paroxysmal AF (338 had a pure PV foci and 64 had a non-PV foci) that underwent RF ablation were included. Twenty-one patients (10 females; mean age 47 ± 18 years) with both PSVT and AF were divided into two groups. Group 1 consisted of 14 patients with inducible atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT) and AF. Group 2 consisted of seven patients with Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome and AF. Patients with non-PV foci of AF had a higher incidence of AVNRT than those with PV foci (11% vs. 2%, P = 0.003). Patients with AF and atypical AVNRT had a higher incidence of AF ectopy from the superior vena cava (SVC) than those with AF and typical AVNRT (86% vs. 14%, P = 0.03). Group 1 patients had smaller left atrial (LA) diameter (36 ± 3 vs. 41 ± 3 mm, P = 0.004) and higher incidence of an SVC origin of AF (50% vs. 0%, P = 0.047) than did those in Group 2.
Conclusion: The SVC AF has a close relationship with AVNRT. The effect of atrial vulnerability and remodeling may differ between AVNRT and WPW syndrome.  相似文献   

目的探讨环肺静脉电隔离(CPVI)术中静脉注射异丙肾上腺素(ISO)和三磷酸腺苷:ATP),在检出阵发性心房颤动(房颤)非肺静脉触发灶中的价值。方法回顾性分析2010年4~12月色浙江邵逸夫医院心内科所有患者接受三维标测系统指导下CPVI术136例患者,其中87例消融前后分别应用ISO+ATP诱发房颤,Lasso导管置于右上肺静脉口、消融导管置于左上肺静脉中,结合冠状静冰窦导管判断房颤的触发灶,然后通过消融验证。结果87例首次接受导管消融的阵发性房颤患者,吏用ISO+ATP后16例证实有非肺静脉房颤触发灶。其中,消融前诱发8例房颤、1例房性心动过速(房塞)、1例频发房性早搏(房早)。2例消融前诱发的患者CPVI术后房性快速性心律失常(ATa)仍存在,余8例及5例消融前未被诱发者CPVI后再次诱发时又检出非肺静脉触发灶。其中,9例为房颤(起源上腔静脉5例、冠状静脉窦内靠近口部1例、左心房后壁2例、不明1例),3例房性心动过速(均为冠状挣脉窦口起源)和1例频发房性早搏(上腔静脉起源)。14例患者在相应非肺静脉触发灶部位消融后心聿失常均终止,且不再被诱发。2例起源不明的房颤患者电复律后转为窦性心律。随访2年,单次手术或功率为87.5%(14/16)。结论静脉注射ISO+ATP可简单有效地检出阵发性房颤非肺静脉触发灶。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to investigate the predictor of non-pulmonary vein (PV) ectopic beats initiating paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF). BACKGROUND: Non-PV ectopic beats can initiate PAF in some patients and play an important role in the recurrence of PAF after PV isolation. Information on the predictors of non-PV ectopic beats initiating PAF is unknown. METHODS: This study included 293 patients (215 men and 78 women, age 60 +/- 14 years) with clinically documented drug-refractory PAF. Of the 94 patients with non-PV ectopic beats initiating PAF, 38 (40%) patients had superior vena cava (SVC) ectopic beats and 32 (34%) had left atrial posterior free wall (LAPFW) ectopic beats. RESULTS: In a univariate analysis, only female gender was related to the presence of non-PV (p = 0.016) and SVC ectopic beats (p = 0.012). Right atrial enlargement (p = 0.005) and left atrial enlargement (p < 0.001) were related to the presence of LAPFW ectopic beats. In a multivariate analysis, female gender (p = 0.043; odds ratio 2.00, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.02 to 3.92) and left atrial enlargement (p = 0.007; odds ratio 2.34, 95% CI 1.27 to 4.32) could predict the presence of non-PV ectopic beats. Subgroup analysis showed that female gender could predict the presence of SVC ectopic beats (p = 0.039; odds ratio 2.14, 95% CI 1.04 to 4.43). In contrast, left atrial enlargement could predict the presence of LAPFW ectopic beats (p = 0.002; odds ratio 3.89, 95% CI 1.62 to 9.38). CONCLUSIONS: The location of non-PV ectopic beats initiating PAF can be predicted by both gender and left atrial enlargement.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The positive relationship between left atrial (LA) size and atrial fibrillation (AF) is well recognized; however, there is little information on the association of pulmonary vein (PV) diameter and AF. The purpose of this study was to investigate by magnetic resonance angiography the change of PV and LA size in patients with no history of AF, patients with paroxysmal AF (PAF), and patients with chronic AF (CAF). METHODS AND RESULTS: The study included 47 patients. Group I included 15 patients with normal sinus rhythm and no history of documented AF. Group II included 24 patients with drug-refractory PAF who underwent electrophysiologic study and radiofrequency ablation of PV foci. Group III included 8 patients with CAF who were converted to sinus rhythm by external electrical cardioversion. Age and concomitant heart diseases were similar among the three groups. We measured the diameter of each PV at its junction with the LA in addition to LA dimensions by gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography with three-dimensional reconstruction. Significant dilation of both superior PVs (P < 0.01) and transverse diameter of LA (P < 0.01) was seen in the three groups. There were no significant changes of both inferior PVs, corrected PV (PV/LA) diameter, or longitudinal diameter of LA among the three groups. Only 28% patients showed arrhythmogenic foci from the largest PV. CONCLUSION: Significant dilation of both superior PVs with simultaneous LA enlargement was demonstrated i  相似文献   

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