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沈玺  钟一声  焦秦  谢冰 《眼科新进展》2011,31(11):1056-1058,1061
目的探讨增生性糖尿病视网膜病变(proliferative diabetic retinopathy,PDR)合并白内障行玻璃体手术硅油填充联合超声乳化吸出术或晶状体切除术的临床疗效。方法对合并有不同程度的晶状体混浊和伴有累及后极部的牵拉性视网膜脱离或牵拉-孔源性视网膜脱离以及术中出现医源性裂孔的PDR患者共76例(86眼),在行玻璃体切除手术中,根据晶状体混浊程度,采用经睫状体平坦部切除晶状体保留前囊膜(2~3级核;46眼)作为玻璃体切除+晶状体切除术组或超声乳化手术摘出晶状体保留后囊膜(3级核以上;40眼)作为玻璃体切除+超声乳化吸出术组,一期不植入人工晶状体;完成玻璃体手术后予硅油填充。术后观察的指标包括:视力、眼压、前囊膜或后囊膜混浊情况、虹膜新生血管、虹膜粘连情况、视网膜复位情况以及二期人工晶状体植入情况。结果 2组患者的术后最佳矫正视力为0.05的为32眼、25眼,分别占69.6%和62.5%,2组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);术后2组出现高眼压眼分别为7眼和8眼,组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);2组间在各级囊膜混浊程度上比较,差异均无统计学意义(均为P>0.05);2组中虹膜不同程度粘连于囊膜分别为5眼和6眼,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);超声乳化术组中发生虹膜新生血管2眼,在晶状体切除术组中为5眼,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);视网膜复位情况以及二期人工晶状体植入情况2组比较,差异也无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论玻璃体手术硅油填充联合超声乳化吸出术或晶状体切除术,术后酌情行二期人工晶状体植入,都是处理严重PDR合并白内障眼的较好方法。  相似文献   

目的:评价晶状体囊袋张力环(capsular tension ring,CTR)联合虹膜拉钩在外伤性白内障晶状体脱位手术中的应用效果。方法:对15例15眼合并晶状体半脱位的外伤性白内障患者行白内障手术,术中连续环形撕囊后,使用虹膜拉钩固定囊袋,植入CTR,然后行超声乳化及后房型折叠人工晶状体囊袋内植入。结果:15眼的人工晶状体均处于正位囊袋内。5眼术后12mo最佳矫正视力>0.8;6眼术后12mo最佳矫正视力>0.6,4眼术后视力较术前有提高,无后囊膜破裂,玻璃体进一步脱出,视网膜脱离等并发症的发生。结论:在超声乳化治疗晶状体脱位的白内障手术中运用CTR联合虹膜拉钩,能提高手术的可操作性和安全性,减少手术并发症,术后人工晶状体可以安全稳定地位于囊袋内,且居中性良好。  相似文献   

目的:探讨硅油乳化继发青光眼及白内障的手术方式。方法:选取硅油乳化继发青光眼及白内障患者30例30眼,行硅油取出联合晶状体超声乳化人工晶状体植入及小梁切割术,观察患者术后7d~6mo术眼的视力、眼压,以及术后并发症发生的情况。结果:所有术眼均有不同程度的乳化硅油小滴残留,术后视力上升者18眼(60%),下降者7眼(23.3%),不提高者5眼(16.7%);眼压1wk内正常者25眼(83.3%),高于正常者5眼(16.7%);6mo后眼压正常者28眼(93.3%),高于正常者2眼(6.7%);无角膜失代偿、人工晶状体移位或玻璃体积血发生。结论:硅油取出术联合晶状体超声乳化人工晶状体植入及小梁切割术可有效控制硅油乳化继发青光眼及白内障患者的眼压,并提高视力,是一种治疗硅油乳化继发青光眼及白内障安全、有效的术式之一。  相似文献   

探讨白内障超声乳化吸除+硅油取出+人工晶状体植入+后囊膜环形切除术治疗玻璃体切割联合硅油填充术后并发性白内障的疗效。 方法:回顾分析2007-11/2011-11玻璃体切割联合硅油填充术后白内障患者102例102眼,距离玻璃体手术时间3~9(平均6.1)mo,采用玻璃体腔灌注,先行白内障超声乳化手术,前房注入黏弹剂,行硅油置换,然后人工晶状体植入,环形后囊切开,观察术中、术后并发症,术后视力等。 结果:术后 4wk,102例102眼中,97眼视力不同程度提高,5眼术后视力无改善;后囊破裂2例,无晶状体核坠入玻璃体,无脉络膜脱离。 结论:玻璃体切割联合硅油填充术后行白内障超声乳化吸除+硅油取出+人工晶状体植入+后囊膜环形切除术治疗玻璃体切割联合硅油填充术后并发性白内障,可有效减少术中、术后并发症,同时避免二次手术所带来的风险。  相似文献   

玻璃体灌注下白内障超声乳化人工晶状体植入术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨玻璃体切割术后的白内障患者行玻璃体灌注下的白内障超声乳化术特点、手术并发症和视力预后。方法对52例52只眼玻璃体切除术后白内障行玻璃体灌注下的白内障超声乳化术,观察记录术中情况、术中术后并发症和视力预后。结果2只眼在白内障超声乳化术中出现“灌注偏离综合症”,39只眼可见角膜后壁细小灰白色乳化硅油集聚并排出眼外。所有病例未出现巩膜塌陷、晶状体掉入玻璃体腔等术中并发症,11只眼术中发现后囊混浊机化,其中9只眼行后囊连续环行撕囊术并植入后房型人工晶状体,2例撕除全部后囊植入前房型人工晶状体。52只眼术后视力较术前提高,术后并发症少。结论对曾行硅油填充、虹膜后粘连、小瞳孔、多次手术后低眼压、怀疑晶状体损伤的复杂性玻璃体切割术后白内障患者在超声乳化术中应行玻璃体腔液体灌注以利手术操作和减少手术并发症,提高手术质量。  相似文献   

目的 探讨青光眼滤过术后浅前房的手术方法和效果.方法 取17例抗青光眼术后浅前房患者经保守治疗无效,有7只眼发生脉络膜脱离,5只眼行脉络膜上腔放液+前房成形术,1只眼行白内障超声乳化及人工晶状体植入术及前房成形术,1只眼行脉络膜上腔放液+白内障超声乳化及人工晶状体植入术+前部玻璃体切割术+前房成形术.有9只眼发生恶性青光眼,1例行抽玻璃体水囊联合前房成形术,3例行前部玻璃体切除及后囊切开联合小梁切除及丝裂霉素联合白内障超声乳化及人工晶状体植入及房角分离术,1例行前部玻璃体切除术中发生脉络膜脱离及脉络膜上腔出血行前部玻璃体切除联合玻璃体腔放液,2只眼行前部玻璃体切除联合白内障超声乳化及人工晶状体植入及房角分离术,1例行前部玻璃体切除联合前房成形术,术后前房仍浅又行白内障超声乳化及人工晶状体植入及后囊膜切开及房角分离术,1例为视网膜脱离术后硅油存留眼行白内障超声乳化联合虹膜周边切除术及前房成形术.结果 术后前房恢复时间脉络膜脱离组行脉络膜上腔放液及前房成形术平均为5.6d,恶性青光眼组行白内障超声乳化及人工晶状体植入术联合前部玻璃体切除及后囊切开组前房恢复时间最短,平均为1.1d.结论 恶性青光眼组行白内障超声乳化及人工晶状体植入术联合前部玻璃体切除及后囊切开治疗有效快速.  相似文献   

目的:评价晶状体超声乳化、囊袋内人工晶状体植入联合玻璃体切割术治疗增殖性糖尿病视网膜病变的临床效果。方法:回顾性分析了33例(41眼)行晶状体超声乳化、后房型人工晶状体植入、玻璃体切割联合手术治疗增殖性糖尿病视网膜病变患者的病程、视力及手术并发症等临床资料。结果:41眼均为囊袋内植入人工晶状体,后囊膜完整。41眼中36眼(88%)视力提高,视力>0.05者占73%(30/41),>0.2者占46%(19/41),平均随访时间9mo。31眼术前未接受过眼内激光治疗,术中行全视网膜光凝。5眼术后玻璃体再次出血,1眼术后视网膜脱离复发,其中4眼再次行玻璃体视网膜手术。结论:晶状体超声乳化、囊袋内人工晶状体植入联合玻璃体切割术治疗增殖性糖尿病视网膜病变是安全有效的,有利于保持血—房水屏障,减少术后虹膜红变,早期恢复患者视力,避免再次白内障手术或二期人工晶状体植入。  相似文献   

晶状体玻璃体切除联合硅油填充术中晶状体囊的处理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨晶状体玻璃体切除联合眼内硅油填充术中保留前囊或后囊的作用。方法用晶状体玻璃体切除联合硅油填充治疗30例30眼伴增生性玻璃体视网膜病变的视网膜脱离患者,根据白内障手术方式不同分2组。保留后囊组:13眼术前检查为非外伤性白内障行超声乳化吸出保留后囊;保留前囊组:17眼采用经睫状体平坦部晶状体切除,并保留前囊。8眼行二期后房型人工晶状体植入。结果保留后囊组:13眼均保留了完整的晶状体后囊;保留前囊组:17眼中除3眼原有晶状体前囊小破口外,14眼保留了完整的晶状体前囊。术后随访6~24月,平均9月,无1眼发生角膜变性,近期一过性高眼压3眼,8眼二期后房型人工晶状体植入位置良好。结论晶状体玻璃体切除联合硅油填充术中保留前囊或后囊可减少角膜变性、继发青光眼的发生率,并有利于二期后房型人工晶状体植入。[眼科新进展2005;25(5):442—443]  相似文献   

晶状体半脱位手术中囊袋张力环的应用   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
李鹏  王莉  高丹宇 《国际眼科杂志》2006,6(5):1207-1208
目的:评价晶状体囊袋张力环(capsulartensionring,CTR)在晶状体半脱位手术中的应用价值。方法:对8例(10眼)晶状体半脱位患者行白内障手术,术中连续环形撕囊后植入CTR,超声乳化术摘除白内障,囊袋内植入后房型人工晶状体。结果:所有植入的人工晶状体均位于正位。术后3mo矫正视力>0.8者2眼,0.5~0.8者4眼,0.4者2眼,0.1者2眼。无CTR引起的其他并发症。结论:晶状体囊袋张力环在手术治疗晶状体半脱位的白内障病例中,可有效地防止晶状体悬韧带断离范围扩大、确保术中人工晶状体囊袋内植入及防止术后人工晶状体移位。  相似文献   





结论:白内障超声乳化摘除术能使白内障合并角膜混浊患者的视力得到安全有效的提高。辅助技术如囊膜染色、虹膜拉钩、虹膜切除等的应用,能有效降低白内障合并角膜混浊患者的白内障手术风险,提高手术安全性,增加手术成功率。  相似文献   

Background: To report the long-term results of the pars plana lensectomy with double-capsule-supported intraocular lens implantation technique for the treatment of pediatric cataracts.Methods: A lensectomy and an anterior vitrectomy were performed through the pars plana approach, followed by implantation of a posterior chamber intraocular lens (IOL) to the sulcus over the capsules. Patients with a minimum follow-up of 5 years were included in the study and patient data were collected retrospectively from the patient reports.Results: Sixteen eyes of 10 patients with a mean age of 4.3 (SD 1.1) years were included in the study. Only one case was traumatic, and the others were congenital cataract cases. A 6.5 mm polymethyl methacrylate posterior chamber IOL was used in all cases. The visual axis was clear in all the cases through the mean follow-up period of 79.2 (SD 14.1) months. IOL decentration was observed in 1 eye at postoperative month 24, and it needed to be repositioned. There was no posterior capsular opacification in any of the cases. Best-corrected visual acuity was 20/40 or better in 81.3% of the eyes.Interpretation: The pars plana lensectomy with double-capsule-supported intraocular lens implantation technique seems to be a safe and easy method in children, limiting postoperative IOL-related complications and posterior capsule opacification in the long term.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To investigate intraocular lens (IOL) tilt and decentration following combined vitrectomy and pars plana lensectomy (PPL) with IOL implantation in patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy. METHODS: We followed 25 patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy who underwent PPL and IOL (MA60BM) implantation at the time of pars plana vitrectomy (PPL group), and 25 patients who underwent phacoemulsification and IOL (MA60BM) implantation without vitrectomy (PE group). Intraocular lens tilt and decentration were evaluated quantitatively, using the anterior eye segment analysis system, approximately 12 months after surgery. RESULTS: There was no significant difference in IOL tilt (p = 0.47) or decentration (p = 0.26) between the PPL and PE groups. CONCLUSIONS: The present study suggests that tilt and decentration of the IOL are acceptable in combined vitrectomy and pars plana lensectomy.  相似文献   

METHODS:Non-comparative retrospective observational case series. Participants:30 cases (30 eyes) of lens subluxation/dislocation in patients with secondary glaucoma were investigated which accepted the surgical treatment by author in the Ophthalmology of Xi'an No.4 Hospital from 2007 to 2011. According to the different situations of lens subluxation/dislocation, various surgical procedures were performed such as crystalline lens phacoemulsification, crystalline lens phacoemulsification combined anterior vitrectomy, intracapsular cataract extraction combined anterior vitrectomy, lensectomy combined anterior vitrectomy though peripheral transparent cornea incision, pars plana lensectomy combined pars plana vitrectomy, and intravitreal cavity crystalline lens phacofragmentation combined pars plana vitrectomy. And whether to implement trabeculectomy depended on the different situations of secondary glaucoma. The posterior chamber intraocular lenses (PC-IOLs) were implanted in the capsular-bag or trassclerally sutured in the sulus decided by whether the capsular were present. Main outcome measures:visual acuity, intraocular pressure, the situation of intraocular lens and complications after the operations.RESULTS: The follow-up time was 11-36mo (21.4±7.13). Postoperative visual acuity of all eyes were improved; 28 cases maintained IOP below 21 mm Hg; 2 cases had slightly IOL subluxation, 4 cases had slightly tilted lens optical area; 1 case had postoperative choroidal detachment; 4 cases had postoperative corneal edema more than 1wk, but eventually recovered transparent; 2 cases had mild postoperative vitreous hemorrhage, and absorbed 4wk later. There was no postoperative retinal detachment, IOL dislocation, and endophthalmitis.CONCLUSION:To take early treatment of traumatic lens subluxation/dislocation in patients with secondary glaucoma by individual surgical plan based on the different eye conditions would be safe and effective, which can effectively control the intraocular pressure and restore some vision.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine the rate of secondary opacification of the visual pathway following pediatric cataract surgery in children between the ages of 10 months and 7 years. METHODS: The medical records of children less than 7 years old who underwent lens aspiration, posterior chamber intraocular lens (IOL) implantation, primary pars plana posterior capsulectomy, and anterior vitrectomy were reviewed retrospectively. Twenty-six eyes in 19 children were included in the study. All procedures were performed by an anterior segment surgeon and a vitreoretinal surgeon. Main outcome measures were the prevalence of re-opacification of the visual pathway and of early postoperative complications. RESULTS: The visual pathway remained clear in 25 of 26 eyes (96%) after pediatric cataract surgery combined with primary pars plana posterior capsulectomy and anterior vitrectomy. The mean age at surgery was 46 +/- 23 months (+/-SD). Secondary opacification of the visual pathway occurred in one eye (4%), requiring another surgical procedure. At last follow-up (mean, 26 months; range, 6 to 79 months), the visual pathway was clear in all 26 eyes (100%). No cases of clinically significant IOL displacement or of retinal detachment were noted. CONCLUSIONS: For children undergoing pediatric cataract surgery between the ages of 10 months and 7 years, IOL implantation combined with primary pars plana posterior capsulectomy and anterior vitrectomy is effective in preventing re-opacification of the visual pathway.  相似文献   

目的探讨超声乳化联合玻璃体切除和后路晶状体切除术联合玻璃体切除两种手术方式在白内障合并增生性糖尿病视网膜病变(PDR)治疗中的临床疗效。方法分析60例(73只眼),分2组,术式1组40只眼,为常规白内障超声乳化术联合标准闭合式三通道玻璃体切除及眼内光凝、囊袋内植入后房型人工晶状体;术式2组33只眼,为经扁平部玻璃体术中先切除晶状体及后囊膜,保留前囊并吸刮上皮层、后段玻璃体切除和眼内光凝后,再从角巩膜缘切口,将人工晶状体植入前囊上、睫状体沟内,环型切除前囊中央直径4.5~5 mm左右的前囊组织。结果术后随访2个月至3年,术式1组视力改善32只眼,占80.00%,术式2组视力改善23只眼,占69.70%,两组术后视力改善眼数比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.763,P<0.05)。术式1组术后发生虹膜新生血管(INV)1只眼,占2.50%;术式2组术后发生INV 7只眼,占21.21%,两组术后INV发生率差异有统计学意义(χ2=5.837,P<0.05)。结论在治疗白内障合并PDR患者中,术式1组优于术式2组,其术后并发症和INV的发生率也明显低,可使大多数患者的视力改善的视力改善。  相似文献   

25-G玻璃体手术系统在儿童白内障手术中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨儿童白内障手术中在无灌注状态下应用25-G玻璃体切除头切除视轴区晶状体后囊膜和玻璃体前皮质的安全性和有效性.方法 为前瞻性系列病例研究.对连续30例(40只眼)儿童白内障在全身麻醉下进行晶状体前囊环形撕开、白内障吸出和囊袋内折叠式人工晶状体(IOL)植入后,在前房保留黏弹剂的状态下,经扁平部应用25-G玻璃体切除头行视轴区晶状体后囊膜切开和前玻璃体皮质切除.观察记录手术切除时间、眼压变化、穿刺口愈合情况、手术并发症和手术疗效.结果 所有手术均顺利进行,术中无前房塌陷、晶状体后囊膜撕裂和其他并发症,IOL均位于囊袋内.视轴区后囊膜切开和玻璃体前皮质切除的时间为20~60 s,平均(38.8±11.2)s.有2只眼术后发生短暂低眼压,均在3 d内恢复正常,其余患儿术后眼压在正常范围.术后2只眼前房出现轻度纤维性渗出,在术后37~d完全吸收.超声活体显微镜显示巩膜穿刺口在术后1个月左右痊愈.随访时间4~30个月,平均8个月.所有患儿瞳孔均圆而居中,无虹膜后粘连、后囊膜切开区混浊、IOL偏位或夹持、玻璃体脱出、视网膜脉络膜脱离及增生性玻璃体视网膜病变发生.结论 在儿童白内障手术中利用25-G玻璃体切除头在无灌注状态下行视轴区晶状体后囊膜切开和玻璃体前皮质切除术安全有效,手术创伤小,操作容易控制,术后炎症反应轻.长期疗效及与其他手术方式疗效的比较还需进一步观察.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate a surgical method of modified lensectomy within combined lensectomy and vitrectomy surgery in traumatic eyes. · METHODS: Clinical records were studied retrospectively for a series of consecutive 27 traumatic patients who were performed vitrectomy combined with lensectomy surgery. A modified lensectomy through pars plana incision of sclera was performed to these cases and lens capsule was reserved. It was then combined with vitreous and retinal operations. · RESULTS: All lens were removed completely with lens capsule remained. All cases achieved improved visual acuity. Intraocular pressure (IOP) in all eyes was in normal range after surgery. · CONCLUSION: The modified lensectomy is a safe and effective surgery manner which has few complications and is more suitable for traumatic eyes in the combined lensectomy and vitrectomy surgery.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare the results of a limbal versus a pars plana approach for primary posterior capsulectomy and anterior vitrectomy in the management of childhood cataract. SETTING: Department of Ophthalmology, Labbafinejad Medical Center, Tehran, Iran. METHODS: A randomized, controlled, double-masked clinical trial of 45 eyes was conducted. After being matched, 38 eyes were included in the study and were divided into 2 equal groups for data analysis. All eyes had lensectomy and posterior chamber intraocular lens (PC IOL) implantation. Primary posterior capsulectomy and anterior vitrectomy were performed through the limbus in half of the eyes and the pars plana in the other half. Main outcome measures included visual acuity, estimated red reflex, postsurgical inflammatory reaction, corneal clarity, posterior synechias, iris capture, IOL position, capsulectomy size, glaucoma, cystoid macular edema, retinal tear, and postoperative refraction. RESULTS: No statistically significant differences were found between the 2 approaches in the outcome measures. CONCLUSION: The anatomic and visual results were encouraging when posterior capsulectomy and anterior vitrectomy, using a limbal or pars plana approach, were combined with lensectomy and PC IOL implantation in children. The application of these techniques depends on surgeon experience and skill.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The optimal role of intraocular lenses (IOLs) in infants remains a controversial topic for many reasons, including concerns about significant complications occurring in young rapidly developing eyes. METHODS: To assess the number and type of significant complications requiring further intervention occurring in the first postoperative year, we reviewed the records of 15 eyes of 13 infants undergoing lensectomy with posterior chamber IOL and pars plana vitrectomy (PPV)/capsulectomy under 6 months (group A) of age as part of an ongoing prospective study of IOL use in infants. This group was compared with a group of 16 children age 10 months to 5 years undergoing an identical procedure (group B) and a group of 33 infants less than 6 months of age undergoing lensectomy/vitrectomy without IOL (group C). RESULTS: Thirteen of 15 eyes in group A required additional surgery in the first postoperative year. Twelve of the 15 eyes (80%) developed secondary opacification across the visual axis posterior to the IOL requiring a second PPV and one eye developed pseudophakic glaucoma. Two patients required a third PPV to keep the visual axis clear. In group B, 0 of 16 (P <.0001) developed secondary opacification of the visual axis. In group C, 4 of 33 (12%; P <.0001) developed pupillary opacification in the first postoperative year. CONCLUSIONS: Intraocular lens implants in infants may be associated with a higher complication rate requiring further surgery during the first postoperative year than is lensectomy/vitrectomy surgery without IOL implant in infants or lensectomy/IOL/vitrectomy surgery in children older than 6 months of age.  相似文献   

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