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用电化学方法研究IUD在人工配制液中铜的腐蚀   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
本文应用腐蚀电化学的极化电阻技术研究铜在人工配制液中的腐蚀行为,由测得的极化电阻可以算出相应的腐蚀电流和腐蚀速度的瞬时值,根据给定期间一系列数据积分可得出平均腐蚀速度。纯度自99.7%至99.99%的几种铜管试样表现出相近的腐蚀速度,表明钢的纯度不是这种腐蚀的决定因素,而介质的pH起重要作用,pH6.3时的腐蚀速度是pH8.0时的5倍左右。这可以解释文献中铜释放率数据的分散性,因为人体宫腔液的pH有较大的差异。消炎痛对铜在人工配制液中的腐蚀没有什么影响。电化学方法应用于IUD体外试验是可行和有效的。  相似文献   

左旋18-甲基炔诺酮不影响人工配制液中铜的腐蚀作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文应用可以测出钢的瞬时腐蚀速度的腐蚀电化学科化电阻技术,及XRD和SEM方法,研究了左旋18-甲基炔诺酮(LNG)在人工配制的模拟宫腔液中对铜的腐蚀影响。结果表明,介质pH对铜的腐蚀速率起关键作用,在同一pH下,加入LNG基本上不影响铜的腐蚀速率。XRD和SEM检测及Cu的腐蚀电位随时间的变化规律表明,无论加LNG与否,铜的表面上都只生成Cu2O,LNG使Cu2O对生成的量减少。  相似文献   

王芸  汤滢  夏先平  谢长生 《生殖与避孕》2011,31(4):231-235,245
目的:研究模拟宫腔液成分对铜/低密度聚乙烯(Cu/LDPE)纳米复合材料宫内节育器(IUD)中Cu2+释放的影响。方法:根据模拟宫腔液的成分和浓度配制了6种浸泡溶液,用紫外分光光度计测试复合材料IUD在浸泡溶液中Cu2+的释放速率,用标准接触角仪测试复合材料与浸泡溶液的接触角,用pH计测试浸泡溶液的pH值。结果:模拟宫腔液成分可改变溶液与复合材料的接触角,以及浸泡溶液的pH值,进而对复合材料IUD的Cu2+释放速率产生较大影响。含Cl-无机正盐、葡萄糖、人血白蛋白能加速Cu2+的释放,但酸式盐的加入使Cu2+释放速率降低。结论:模拟宫腔液成分对复合材料IUD的Cu2+释放速率产生较大影响。  相似文献   

目的 :研究三种不同含铜表面积的铜宫内节育器 (Cu IUD)对宫腔底部和宫颈部Cu2 浓度的影响。方法 :采集 6 0例置三种新型、高效的Cu IUD妇女不同时段宫腔底部和宫颈部粘液 ,用原子吸收 /火焰分光光度计法测定其Cu2 浓度。结果 :在置器后 6个月内含铜T形宫内节育器 (TCu380A IUD)和吉妮固定式宫内节育器 (GyneFixIN IUD)组不同时段宫腔底部和宫颈部Cu2 浓度差异无显著性 (P >0 0 5 )。在MCu功能性宫内节育器 (Mcu IUD)组 ,宫腔底部Cu2 浓度高于宫颈部 ,平均浓度分别为 2 8 10± 3 6 1μmol/L、6 91± 2 5 1μmol/L ,差异有显著性 (P <0 0 5 )。在置器 3个月后 ,TCu380A IUD和GyneFixIN IUD组宫颈部Cu2 浓度有一定程度下降 ,而MCu功能性IUD组下降不明显。结论 :含铜表面积小、纵径短的Cu IUD随置器时间延长仍能在宫腔底部释放较高的Cu2 ,而宫颈部Cu2 浓度变化相对不大。  相似文献   

在活性γ型宫内节育器中,铜的腐蚀行为因与不锈钢接触会受到影响.这种影响首先决定于不锈钢的开路电位.如不锈钢处于钝化态,相互接触使铜的腐蚀速度加快;如不锈钢处于活化态,两者接触后铜的腐蚀速度降低.同时,铜与不锈钢的面积比也影响到铜的腐蚀行为.大多数情况下,不锈钢处于钝化态,不锈钢/铜的表面积比越大,铜腐蚀受加速的程度越大.  相似文献   

目的:测定含铜宫内节育器(CuIUD)中吲哚美辛(IMC)在体外模拟宫腔液中的释放规律。方法:以体外模拟宫腔液作为提取介质,在37±0.5℃条件下静态释放IMC,然后通过高效液相色谱(HPLC)检测IMC的释放量。结果:IMC释放试验的前期释放量有较大(2.2~2.5 mg)的药物突释现象,释放率占载药量的10%,中期IMC的日均释放量逐渐变得缓慢,后期IMC的日均释放量趋于稳定。整个周期的释放量为7~12 mg,释放率占载药量的36%~49%。结论:建立了HPLC测定IMC在模拟宫腔液释放量的方法,且IMC体外累积释放率呈幂函数释放规律,每日释放量呈逐日下降趋势。  相似文献   

子宫内膜异位症是不育的主要原因。在不孕症妇女中的发生率可达30~40%,其机理至今仍不清楚。本文是第一次直接比较子宫内膜异位症患者宫腔液(UF)和腹腔液(PF)中蛋白质和类固醇成分的研究,旨在确定该病是否影响:(1)UF和PF中蛋白质量;(2)UF和PF中孕酮(P)量;(3)UF和PF中蛋白质抑制物的浓度,特别是α_1-抗胰蛋白酶的浓度及(4)上述液体中蛋白酶抑制物的浓度及其与血清中含量的对比。受试者为因不孕症而行诊断性腹腔镜检或经腹腔镜行输卵管结扎术的45名妇女。在月经周期的不  相似文献   

目的:探讨纳米铜/聚合物复合材料宫内节育器(IUD)对置器后子宫出血、疼痛的影响。方法:选择具规律月经周期且有生育史的育龄猕猴30只,分为空白对照组、裸铜组、生物材料组、低剂量纳米铜组(10μg/220mm2)、高剂量纳米铜组(20μg/220mm2),每组6只。采用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)检测各组置器后子宫宫腔冲洗液中t-PA、PAF、PGE2水平。结果:①与空白组相比,裸铜组宫腔冲洗液中t-PA及PGE2水平显著升高;②与裸铜组相比,纳米铜组t-PA及PGE2水平均显著降低;③除裸铜组PAF显著高于空白组外,其他各组间PAF水平无明显差异。结论:纳米铜IUD可减少对子宫t-PA和PGE2水平的影响,因而可能减轻置入IUD引起的子宫异常出血、疼痛副反应。  相似文献   

活性元宫型药铜365宫内节育器体外释放吲哚美辛的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
高洁  李瑛  刘建平  顾萱 《生殖与避孕》2006,26(10):602-605,638
目的:建立国产活性元宫型药铜365宫内节育器中吲哚美辛体外释放度测定方法。方法:以模拟宫腔液为释放介质,控制温度(37.0±0.1℃),匀速磁力搅拌,控制速度为70r/min,采用紫外分光光度法测定药物含量及释放量。结果:吲哚美辛的吸收度与浓度呈良好的线性关系,吲哚美辛的释放于d3达到平衡。结论:建立的吲哚美辛释放度测定方法简便、准确,可用于质量控制。  相似文献   

Loper-Jaramillo等曾报道食物中补充钙能降低妊娠高血压(PIH)的发生率,而以前有人提出食物中补充钙可引起游离钙小量但明显的增加。他们推测PIH可能继发于离子钙降低。有报道在正常妊娠时,测定厌氧标本的离子钙发现无改变或降低。但对离子钙的分析受血清白蛋白的影响,白蛋白浓度降低时,离子钙呈现低值。因为正常妊娠时血清白蛋白约降低10g/l,白蛋白的降低而掩盖了离子钙的升高。作者对41例健康妇女的42次妊娠研究发现,白蛋白调节钙浓度呈直线上升,平均0.16mmol/L。考虑已报道的高钙尿症,1,25-二羟维生素D_3浓度升高时,可能来自胎  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the role of P and its nuclear receptor PR in the growth of ectopic uterine tissue of mice with or without a disrupted PR gene. DESIGN: Animal study. SETTING: Academic medical center. ANIMAL(S): Female wild-type (WT) and transgenic knockout mice for P receptor (PRKO). INTERVENTION(S): Endometriosis was induced in the following groups of ovariectomized adult mice: [1] untreated WT, [2] estradiol (E(2))-treated WT, [3] P-treated WT, [4] E(2) + P-treated WT, [5] untreated PRKO, [6] E(2)-treated PRKO, and [7] E(2) + P-treated PRKO (n = 5 in each group). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): The size of ectopic uterine tissue in WT and PRKO mice were compared between the groups subjected to treatments with P or E(2). Tissue proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) levels were compared among these groups. RESULTS: Treatment with P only significantly decreased the size of WT ectopic uterine tissue. The untreated PRKO ectopic uterine tissue was significantly larger than WT tissue. Estradiol increased the size of ectopic uterine tissues, and this E(2)-dependent growth could be suppressed by P in WT tissues but not in PRKO tissues. Finally, the hormone-dependent changes in ectopic uterine tissue size were accompanied by comparable alterations in PCNA levels. CONCLUSION(S): Intact PR in ectopic uterine tissue is essential to abolish E(2)-dependent or -independent proliferation. We also suggest that ectopic uterine tissue is associated with significantly increased resistance to P action and increased predisposition to E(2)-dependent proliferation in the absence of PR. Overall, these findings support the hypothesis that P resistance in human endometriosis may be due to the absence of sufficient levels of functional PR in this tissue.  相似文献   

吲哚美辛宫内节育器的主要药效学研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
本文应用放射免疫法测定吲哚美辛 IUD对离体大鼠子宫匀浆中前列腺素类物质(PGs)释放的影响 ,用光镜和电镜观察放置吲哚美辛 IUD后大鼠子宫内膜的形态学变化 ,并测定吲哚美辛 IUD在大鼠子宫内的动态释放规律。结果表明 :吲哚美辛组 PGs释放约为铜组的 1 / 5~ 1 / 1 0 (P<0 .0 5 ) ,而且吲哚美辛抑制 PGs释放的作用随药物浓度增加而增强。铜组和硅橡胶组 PGs释放均有随时间累积而增加趋势 ,而吲哚美辛组无此表现。 6KF和 TXB2 的比值 ,吲哚美辛组和硅橡胶组均 <1 (0 .6~ 0 .8) ,而铜组则均 >1 (1 .3~ 2 .1 )。组织学观察 ,铜 IUD组可见子宫内膜组织充血水肿 ,微血管以扩张为主 ,吲哚美辛 IUD组则无充血水肿表现 ,微血管以正常和收缩状态为主。吲哚美辛 IUD在大鼠子宫内药物释放量 3 d后稳定 ,释放速度稳定递减 ,符合均质型缓释规律。  相似文献   

Copper-releasing IUDs seem to have a greater antifertility effect due to their continuous releasing of copper. This release results from an interaction between the copper and uterine secretions. Several agents in the uterine secretions, the amount of surface area of the copper, and the quantity of the solvent all influence the copper release rate. Microscopic photographs illustrate the progress of copper corrosion. The process of corrosion involves the replacement of copper atoms by other atoms from the uterine secretions on the corroded areas. Only a cross-sectional picture of the wire will indicate the amount of corrosion which has occurred. The corrosion occurs in variable locations, indicating that increasing the wire dimensions will not increase the lifetime of the devices. Studies with a copper IUD having a noncorrodable silver core--the Nova T--have shown this device to have significantly lower pregnancy rates than the Copper T 200 and a functional lifetime of up to 5 years.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this paper is to study the influence of albumin content, from 5 to 45 g/L, on copper dissolution and compounds composition in a simulated uterine solution. METHODS: Experiments were performed in atmospheric pressure conditions and with an additional oxygen pressure of 0.2 atmospheres, at 6.3 and 8.0 pH values, and at a temperature of 37 +/- 0.1 degrees C for 1, 3, 7, and 30 days experimentation time. RESULTS: The copper dissolution rate has been determined using absorbance measurements, finding the highest value for pH 8.0, 35 g/L albumin, and with an additional oxygen pressure of 0.2 atmospheres: 674 microg/day for 1 day, and 301 microg/day for 30 days. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) results show copper(II) as the main copper oxidation state at pH 8.0; and copper(I) and metallic copper at pH 6.3. CONCLUSIONS: The presence of albumin up to 35 g/L, accelerates copper dissolution. For high albumin content a stabilisation on the copper dissolution takes place. Corrosion product layer morphology is poorly protective, showing paths through which copper ions can release.  相似文献   

The concentration of the two principal drug-binding proteins, albumin and alpha 1-acid glycoprotein, were measured in 44 paired fetal and maternal serum samples obtained at between 12 and 41 weeks gestation. Maternal serum albumin concentrations ranged between 25 and 35 g/l during this period. Fetal serum albumin was much lower in early gestation, ranging from 7.5 to 16 g/l at 12-15 weeks. With advancing age there was a linear increase so that at 30 weeks the fetal and the maternal serum albumin concentrations were in the same range and after 35 weeks the fetal concentrations exceeded the maternal by some 20%. Thus, the mean fetal/maternal serum concentration ratio of albumin increases from early pregnancy to term: 0.38 at 12-15 weeks; 0.66 at 16-25 weeks; 0.97 at 26-35 weeks; and 1.2 at greater than 35 weeks gestation. Maternal serum alpha 1-acid glycoprotein concentrations were scattered widely between 0.38 and 1.05 g/l. With the technique used fetal serum concentrations were hardly detectable before 16 weeks. Thereafter they increased at a constant rate, but never attained the maternal values. Near term a fetal/maternal serum concentration ratio of 0.37 was reached. These changes in protein concentrations may have important pharmacological implications.  相似文献   

AIM: Cervico-vaginal fluid (CVF) may provide insight into the biochemical pathways of human reproduction and parturition. The aim of this study was to establish a 2-D electrophoretic map of human CVF in healthy, pregnant women at term. METHODS: CVF was collected, concentrated and processed by routine 2-D polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis using pH 4-7-immobilised pH gradient strips and 8-16% gradient polyacrylamide gels. Imaged gels were analysed, yielding more than 400 proteins. A total of 157 proteins were common to all gels with a subgroup of the most abundant proteins being excised and characterised either by MALDI or by electrospray ion-trap mass spectrometry. RESULTS: Twenty-one proteins were successfully identified, yielding 15 different proteins. These included blood transport proteins (albumin and transthyretin); a structural protein (beta-actin); proteins involved in fatty acid metabolism (fatty acid-binding protein and acetyl-CoA-binding protein); a calcium-binding protein (annexin III); an anti-inflammatory cytokine (interleukin-1 receptor antagonist); proteinase inhibitors (alpha-1-antitrypsin, monocyte/neutrophil elastase inhibitor, squamous cell carcinoma antigen-1 and cystatin A); and enzymes involved in oxidative stress defence (thioredoxin, peroxiredoxin 2, glutathione S-transferase P and copper,zinc superoxide dismutase). CONCLUSION: CVF is a complex body fluid consisting of both endogenous and environmental proteins. The putative role of some of these proteins in the human reproductive tract is discussed.  相似文献   

Objectives?The aim of this paper is to study the influence of albumin content, from 5 to 45?g/L, on copper dissolution and compounds composition in a simulated uterine solution.

Methods?Experiments were performed in atmospheric pressure conditions and with an additional oxygen pressure of 0.2 atmospheres, at 6.3 and 8.0 pH values, and at a temperature of 37?±?0.1° C for 1, 3, 7, and 30 days experimentation time.

Results?The copper dissolution rate has been determined using absorbance measurements, finding the highest value for pH?8.0, 35?g/L albumin, and with an additional oxygen pressure of 0.2 atmospheres: 674?μg/day for 1 day, and 301?μg/day for 30 days. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) results show copper(II) as the main copper oxidation state at pH?8.0; and copper(I) and metallic copper at pH?6.3.

Conclusions?The presence of albumin up to 35?g/L, accelerates copper dissolution. For high albumin content a stabilisation on the copper dissolution takes place. Corrosion product layer morphology is poorly protective, showing paths through which copper ions can release.  相似文献   

Summary. The concentration of the two principal drug-binding proteins, albumin and α1-acid glycoprotein, were measured in 44 paired fetal and maternal serum samples obtained at between 12 and 41 weeks gestation. Maternal serum albumin concentrations ranged between 25 and 35 g/1 during this period. Fetal serum albumin was much lower in early gestation, ranging from 7.5 to 16 g/1 at 12 - 15 weeks. With advancing age there was a linear increase so that at 30 weeks the fetal and the maternal serum albumin concentrations were in the same range and after 35 weeks the fetal concentrations exceeded the maternal by some 20%. Thus, the mean fetal/maternal serum concentration ratio of albumin increases from early pregnancy to term: 0.38 at 12–15 weeks; 0.66 at 16–25 weeks; 0.97 at 26–35 weeks; and 1.2 at >35 weeks gestation. Maternal serum α1-acid glycoprotein concentrations were scattered widely between 0.38 and 1.05 g/l. With the technique used fetal serum concentrations were hardly detectable before 16 weeks. Thereafter they increased at a constant rate, but never attained the maternal values. Near term a fetal/maternal serum concentration ratio of 0.37 was reached. These changes in protein concentrations may have important pharmacological implications.  相似文献   

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