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罗巍  翟凤英  金水高 《卫生研究》2002,31(2):126-127
在家庭内部食物分配研究中用“偏差分数”和“食物-能量比”来表示食物分配情况,研究表明偏差分数较低者其膳食营养状况也较差,反之亦然,说明用偏差分数表示的家庭食物分配情况与所研究人群膳食营养状况之间密切相关。  相似文献   

影响家庭内部食物分配的因素有很多。多数发展中国家的研究都发现食物分配中存在着性别差异,总的来说,男性好于女性,在食物分配中年龄也具有重要作用,一般认为儿童的膳食摄入情况好于成人,有研究表明老年人在食物中分配中很受重视,一般认为收入较高、对家庭经济贡献较大的家庭成员会得到更多更好的食物。  相似文献   

四川农村低收入家庭灾难性卫生支出影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]探讨四川省农村低收入家庭发生灾难性卫生支出的影响因素,为相关卫生政策的制定提供科学依据. [方法]采用Logistic回归模型对四川省第四次国家卫生服务调查西部扩点数据资料进行分析,探讨影响农村低收入家庭发生灾难性卫生支出的因素. [结果]影响农村低收入家庭发生灾难性卫生支出的主要因素有家庭内是否有65岁以上老人,OR值为1.643;家庭成员是否患慢性病,OR值为2.294;户主文化程度,OR值为0.4;家庭成员是否住院,OR值为4.066.[结论]减少农村低收入家庭发生灾难性卫生支出应该重视农村老年人群、健全完善新型农村合作医疗制度、提高农村居民文化教育程度.  相似文献   

目的了解合肥市家庭户主对社区卫生服务(CHS)的态度意愿及行为。方法在合肥市39所CHS中心服务辖区内随机选择40户家庭户主为调查对象,采用人户访谈获取资料。结果1.家庭户主对CHS“了解”程度较低,“了解”程度与性别(P=0.007,OR=0.646)、文化程度(P〈0.001,OR:1.663)有关;2.在了解CHS的基础上,70.6%的家庭户主对CHS的态度趋向积极、正向;3.家庭户主对CHS“满意度”评价偏低;4.家庭户主需要卫生服务时首选CHS机构与性别、文化程度及CHS了解程度有关。结论1.加强CHS的宣传教育;2.采取适当的策略改进社区居民对CHS态度;3.不断丰富、完善优质CHS的内涵。  相似文献   

城市家庭吸烟状况与控制吸烟对策措施   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的了解城市家庭及其成员吸烟状况,掌握城市家庭及其成员对吸烟的知识-态度-行为(KAP)及影响KAP的因素,为控烟提出对策和建议。方法在南京市主城区按整群分层随机抽取方法抽出419户家庭,每个家庭抽取1名家庭成员作为代表填写答卷,对获得的409份合格问卷进行描述性统计、检验和Logistic分析。结果家庭现在吸烟率68.2%,家庭曾经吸烟率90.2%;家庭成员代表个人的现在吸烟率31.5%,个人曾经吸烟率39.9%。个人第一次尝试吸烟年龄≤18岁的占46.6%;第一次使用香烟来源于朋友的占48.1%。曾经吸烟家庭成员代表的香烟知识态度得分显著低于从不吸烟家庭成员代表(P<0.05)。曾经吸烟家庭中三种吸烟限定对其成员的知识态度得分差异有显著性(P<0.05)。现在吸烟家庭的成员代表和现在不吸烟家庭的成员代表的知识态度得分差异有显著性(P<0.05)。女性、已婚、有职业的人群KAP得分较高。控烟健康教育的主要内容是:充分认识吸烟损害健康;吸烟不是交际手段;对周围人吸烟反感;自己同龄人大部分不吸烟。结论家庭是戒烟、控烟的主要场所和关键平台。已婚女性是戒烟、控烟的关键依靠人群。儿童青少年是控烟的关键目标人群。不敬烟、不劝烟是控烟的关键措施。  相似文献   

目的探讨家庭关系与中学生性行为的相关性。方法采用1:4配比病例对照研究的方法,对216例病例及864例对照的相关资料进行Cox回归分析。结果“是否与家庭成员在一起无所谓”、“我希望我不是我家庭的一位成员”及“我觉得自己在家庭中是陌生人”是中学生发生性行为的危险因素,其OR值分别为1.210、1.316和1.291。结论有“是否与家庭成员在一起无所谓”、“我希望我不是我的家庭的一位成员”及“我觉得自己在家庭中是陌生人”,等感觉的中学生发生性行为的危险性较高。  相似文献   

目的了解目前农村家庭户主生命质量及其影响因素,为有关部门制定科学卫生决策及合理配置卫生资源提供依据。方法整群抽取安徽省大别山区腹地某乡镇常住户主3 920人,利用自制调查表进行入户调查。结果有效问卷3 556份,有效率为90.7%;男性、女性户主分别为3 361和195人,平均年龄为(46.77±10.92)岁;生命质量平均得分为(18.34±2.17)分;男性户主为(18.34±2.16)分,略高于女性(18.17±2.38)分,差异无统计学意义;主观满意、不满意的家庭户主生命质量得分分别为(18.87±1.97)、(17.15±2.13)分,差异有统计学意义(t=227.408,P<0.000 1);主观健康满意度与生命质量得分呈正相关关系(r=0.380,P<0.000 1);多元线性回归分析结果表明,主观健康满意度、现患疾病、吸烟状况、是否使用肥皂洗手、2周内患病情况、1年内住院情况、睡眠质量、有病是否就医以及职业对农村家庭户主生命质量影响有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论大别山区腹地农村家庭户主生命质量状况一般,应改善农村地区生存状况;年龄、职业、文化程度、现患疾病等是影响农村家庭户主生命质量的重要因素。  相似文献   

广西自治区原发性肝癌 (HCC)高发区人群中 ,在相同的生活环境、生活习惯、生活条件、生活水平中却存在明显的肝癌家庭聚集现象。初步研究结果提示 ,HCC的家庭聚集现象除了与遗传因素有关外 ,还与乙型肝炎病毒 (HBV)感染有明显关系。但丙型肝炎病毒 (HCV)感染、HBV与HCV重叠感染及其相互作用对肝癌家庭聚集性的影响如何目前国内外尚无报道。1.对象与方法 :(1)研究对象 :为广西肝癌高发区中的HCC高发家庭成员和无癌家庭成员。肝癌高发家庭的定义是 :有血缘关系的家庭成员中发生过 2例及 2例以上HCC病人的家庭。采取配…  相似文献   

目的:了解城市贫困家庭灾难性卫生支出现状,分析其影响因素,并提出针对性的措施。方法:采用自行设计的问卷,采用系统抽样的方式对样本市的1 100户获得国家最低生活保障的家庭进行了调查。数据分析方法包括统计描述、logistic回归模型等。结果:调查家庭灾难性卫生支出发生率为59.15%;影响调查地区低保人群灾难性卫生支出发生的主要因素包括家庭成员最高文化程度、家庭成员患慢性病和住院服务利用状况、医疗救助知晓和利用情况、家庭经济状况。结论:调查低保家庭的灾难性卫生支出发生率极高;慢性病对调查地区低保家庭灾难性卫生支出的影响较大。因此,应进一步完善医疗救助制度、强化低保人群的慢性病社区管理、改善家庭经济状况以降低低保人群灾难性卫生支出。  相似文献   

张权  平阳 《家庭医学》2009,(11):10-11
日常生活中常常会受到细菌、病毒的侵袭,特别是老人、儿童、慢性病人等抵抗力较低的人群更易受到这些“隐形杀手”的威胁。因此,掌握一些科学的消毒知识就显得尤为重要,如果能将一些简单易行的消毒方法融八生活中,就仿佛为全家人搭建起了一面健康“防火墙”。  相似文献   

Objective To examine the effect of age, education, and residence on food consumption and nutrient intakes of older women living alone.

Design In-home interviews were conducted using the Health Habits and History Questionnaire developed by the National Cancer Institute.

Subjects One hundred fifty-two free-living, healthy women who were between the ages of 65 and 94 years.

Statistical analysis Analysis of variance was used to assess the effect of three independent variables on food consumption and nutrient intakes.

Results The oldest participants did not report a significantly lower consumption of foods compared with younger participants. A significant (P>.05) interaction effect between age and education occurred for the mean weekly servings of vegetables. Weekly consumption of different fruits, vegetables, and meats was significantly (P>.05) higher for more highly educated respondents. Compared with rural residents, urban residents had higher consumption frequencies for all food categories, but only sweets showed a significant (P>.05) difference. Mean nutrient intakes were higher for the oldest age group compared with the younger age groups for all nutrients except sodium and dietary fiber. After controlling for education, only vitamin A and retinol showed a significant (P>.05) difference among the three age groups. More highly educated respondents had higher intakes of calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A, carotene, sodium, dietary fiber, and potassium than did respondents with less education. Comparisons between urban and rural respondents showed no significant effect of age or education for any of the nutrient intakes.

Conclusions Age and education had more influence on reported food consumption and nutrient intakes of older women living alone than did residence. Data from this study indicate that living alone in a rural area does not necessarily mean that an older woman is at risk for poor nutrition. An important target population for nutrition information may be younger retired women without postsecondary education regardless of residence. J Am, Diet Assoc. 1995; 95:1381-1386.  相似文献   

1. During 1978 and 1979, the 343 members of seventy-nine families representative of households with two adults and two or three children living in Cambridge, England, completed 7-d records of food consumption using the semi-weighed technique. Nutrient intakes were calculated using food composition tables. 2. Amongst males, the average intakes of energy and most nutrients were highest in men and boys aged 11-17 years, and lowest in boys under 5 years. Amongst females, intakes were highest in girls aged 11-17 years, and lowest in those under 5 years. At each age, intakes in males were generally higher than those in females. 3. Nutrient distribution within families was described using the ratio, intake of each subject:intake of the male head of the household. The problems inherent in using this ratio are discussed. 4. The distribution of nutrient intakes within the families was not in accordance with the recommended daily amounts (RDA). Men and young boys received more than their fair share of the family diet, while women and girls aged 5-17 years received less. 5. Estimates of dietary adequacy based on the averages of family consumption and requirements (RDA) concealed up to twofold variations in the adequacy of diet of different age-sex-groups. 6. The interpretation of dietary adequacy in household food surveys should take into account the distribution of nutrient intakes within the household, as the distribution may be substantially different from that predicted by the RDA.  相似文献   

Nutrient intakes of 2893 rural free-living elderly persons aged 65 and older residing in 11 southern states were studied. Data being reported herein include food intake by a 24-hr recall, meal preparation settings and use of dietary supplements and socioeconomic variables. High percentages of monthly income were spent on food, particularly among black females and participation rates in community service programs, including senior centers and home delivered meals, were low. Caloric intakes by rural males were 1603 and 1365 kcal, respectively, for whites and blacks; 1270 and 1259 kcal for white and black females, respectively. Means for most of the nutrients equalled or exceeded the RDAs for this age group except energy and calcium. Age had little influence on nutrient intake. Race showed as a significant determinant on the nutrient intake index computed from 11 key nutrient intakes; however, the significant effect of race disappeared when either income or educational level was used as covariate. Thus, the disparities in intakes between the black and white elders were due partly to income rather than race. Of these rural elders, 46.5% consumed meals alone. Eating alone per se did not have a significant impact on nutrient consumption, but 35.2% of those eating alone indicated that they ate less, had fewer choices or ate more. Dietary supplements were used by 33.9% of rural elders, and their intakes of several nutrients were higher than by nonusers. More effort by community services to reach rural elders is needed, particularly those in the low socioeconomic spectrum.  相似文献   

Fish plays an important role in the Bangladeshi diet, constituting the main animal food in rural households. Fish consumption is dominated by wild small (length&lt;25 cm) indigenous fish species (SIS). A study was conducted to evaluate the dietary contribution of vitamin A and calcium from fish in rural Bangladesh. Seasonal fish consumption was surveyed in 84 rural households in Kishoreganj district using a 5 day recall method. Fifty-nine of the households practised aquaculture, producing carps and SIS in small ponds. The intra-household distribution of a standardised fish dish was surveyed in 20 households by weighing. The contribution of vitamin A and calcium from fish was calculated as a nutrient contribution ratio, expressing the nutrient intake from fish relative to the recommended intake at household level. The mean amount of fish consumed in all households was 37 g raw edible parts/person/day (median=27) in July 1997. 82 g raw edible parts/person/day (median=64) in October 1997, and 55 g raw edible parts/person/day (median=42) in February 1998. A total of 44 fish species was recorded in the diet. SIS contributed 84% of the total fish intake. Fish bought in the local markets was the most important source of fish in both fish-producing and non-fish-producing households. The intra-household fish distribution showed that the heads of the households (all males) were favoured over females and other males. In October, the; mean nutrient contribution ratio for vitamin A was 40% (median=23%) and for calcium was 32% (median=26%). SIS contributed more than 99% of vitamin A and calcium intakes from the total fish intake. Mola, a vitamin A-rich SIS, was produced in 34 of the fish-producing households. Mola harvested from the ponds and consumed in the households contributed, on average, 21% (median=18%) of the household recommended intake of vitamin A in a 7 month period. SIS is an important and perhaps irreplaceable dietary source of vitamin A and calcium, and promotion of the availability and accessibility of SIS for the population in rural Bangladesh should be given priority.  相似文献   

Fish plays an important role in the Bangladeshi diet, constituting the main animal food in rural households. Fish consumption is dominated by wild small (length<25 cm) indigenous fish species (SIS). A study was conducted to evaluate the dietary contribution of vitamin A and calcium from fish in rural Bangladesh. Seasonal fish consumption was surveyed in 84 rural households in Kishoreganj district using a 5 day recall method. Fifty-nine of the households practised aquaculture, producing carps and SIS in small ponds. The intra-household distribution of a standardised fish dish was surveyed in 20 households by weighing. The contribution of vitamin A and calcium from fish was calculated as a nutrient contribution ratio, expressing the nutrient intake from fish relative to the recommended intake at household level. The mean amount of fish consumed in all households was 37 g raw edible parts/person/day (median=27) in July 1997. 82 g raw edible parts/person/day (median=64) in October 1997, and 55 g raw edible parts/person/day (median=42) in February 1998. A total of 44 fish species was recorded in the diet. SIS contributed 84% of the total fish intake. Fish bought in the local markets was the most important source of fish in both fish-producing and non-fish-producing households. The intra-household fish distribution showed that the heads of the households (all males) were favoured over females and other males. In October, the; mean nutrient contribution ratio for vitamin A was 40% (median=23%) and for calcium was 32% (median=26%). SIS contributed more than 99% of vitamin A and calcium intakes from the total fish intake. Mola, a vitamin A-rich SIS, was produced in 34 of the fish-producing households. Mola harvested from the ponds and consumed in the households contributed, on average, 21% (median=18%) of the household recommended intake of vitamin A in a 7 month period. SIS is an important and perhaps irreplaceable dietary source of vitamin A and calcium, and promotion of the availability and accessibility of SIS for the population in rural Bangladesh should be given priority.  相似文献   

Our objectives were to investigate patterns of food and nutrient consumption in Golestan province, a high-incidence area for esophageal cancer (EC) in northern Iran. Twelve 24-h dietary recalls were administered during a 1-yr period to 131 healthy participants in a pilot cohort study. We compare here nutrient intake in Golestan with recommended daily allowances (RDAs) and lowest threshold intakes (LTIs). We also compare the intake of 27 food groups and nutrients among several population subgroups using mean values from the 12 recalls. Rural women had a very low level of vitamin intake, which was even lower than LTIs (P < 0.01). Daily intake of vitamins A and C was lower than LTI in 67% and 73% of rural women, respectively. Among rural men, the vitamin intakes were not significantly different from LTIs. Among urban women, the vitamin intakes were significantly lower than RDAs but were significantly higher than LTIs. Among urban men, the intakes were not significantly different from RDAs. Compared to urban dwellers, intake of most food groups and nutrients, including vitamins, was significantly lower among rural dwellers. In terms of vitamin intake, no significant difference was observed between Turkmen and non-Turkmen ethnics. The severe deficiency in vitamin intake among women and rural dwellers and marked differences in nutrient intake between rural and urban dwellers may contribute to the observed epidemiological pattern of EC in Golestan, with high incidence rates among women and people with low socioeconomic status and the highest incidence rate among rural women.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the degree of underestimation of nutrient intakes caused by missing data in McCance and Widdowson's food tables and supplements, the standard food tables used in the UK. SUBJECTS: 1026 children aged 18 months. SETTING: A research clinic in Bristol. INTERVENTIONS: A 3-day dietary diary was completed for each child. These were coded and analysed using a database consisting of the unedited information in the food tables, to produce a set of 'uncorrected' nutrient intakes. 'Guesstimated' values for nutrient content were then added to our nutrient database in place of the missing values in the food tables, and the daily nutrient intakes were recalculated. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Calculated daily nutrient intakes before and after substituting missing data in the food tables for guesstimated values. RESULTS: Of the 1027 foods used in the analysis, 540 had missing data for one or more nutrient content. For several of the nutrients examined adding guesstimated values altered the calculated nutrient intake of more than 90% of the subjects. However, for nutrients such as the B vitamins and the major minerals the mean percentage underestimate was very small. We calculated the underestimation of nutrient intake to be largest for vitamins E and D (13.8% and 14.7%, respectively). The effect of missing data on calculated nutrient intakes was proportionately greater at the bottom end of the nutrient intake distribution. CONCLUSION: Missing data has a fairly small effect on calculated mean daily intakes. However, it can result in some individuals being misranked within a nutrient intake distribution. The availability of a standard set of 'guesstimates' to use in place of missing data would reduce this problem, and would improve comparability between dietary surveys.  相似文献   

Objective: To compare dietary intakes of European, Māori, Pacific, and Asian men and women living in Auckland. Methods: Daily nutrient intakes were calculated from a self‐administered food frequency questionnaire from participants in a cross‐sectional health screening study carried out between 2002 and 2003. Participants were 4,007 Māori, Pacific, Asian and European people (1,915 men, 2,092 women) aged 35 to 74 years. Results: Compared with Europeans, Māori and Pacific men had higher total energy intakes per day, while Asians had lower intakes. A similar pattern was observed for carbohydrate and fat consumption. While protein and cholesterol consumption tended to be lower in Europeans than the other three ethnic groups, alcohol consumption and calcium intakes were highest among Europeans. Many of the differences between ethnic groups were attenuated when nutrient consumption was expressed as their percentage contribution to total energy intake suggesting that total food consumption was the major determinant of ethnic differences in nutrient intakes. Conclusions: There were substantial differences in dietary habits, food selections and cooking practices between European, Māori, Pacific and Asian participants. However, the observed differences were in the area of serving sizes and frequency of consumption of certain foods than to major differences in the range of foods and nutrients consumed or the percentage contribution of carbohydrate, fat or protein to total energy intake. Implications: The development of strategies to reduce serving sizes and the frequency of consumption of certain foods will be required to help address the major nutrition‐related health problems in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Summary.Background: Post-war socio-economic changes in Croatia probably affected dietary habits, and dietary data about schoolchildren after the war are missing.Aims of the study: The aim of the study was to compare current nutrient intakes and dietary behavior between urban and rural schoolchildren in Croatia.Methods: A completely quantified Food Frequency Questionnaire was used. Subjects were 315 urban and 163 rural schoolchildren. Mean age was 12.5 and 12.6 years in the urban and rural area, respectively.Results: Consumption of fast food, soft drinks and alcohol was more prevalent and more linked with dietary behavior in the urban than in the rural area. In both living areas protein intake was excessive (in the urban area 38.1% of subjects and in the rural 36.2% of subjects had protein intake higher than 200% RDA). Under 75% RDA/DRI in both living areas was observed for vitamin D, folate, calcium and selenium. Micronutrient intakes negatively correlated with age in both living areas, but were more pronounced in the urban area.Conclusion: The urban sample had more adequate energy and nutrient intakes which is consistent with prewar findings.  相似文献   

Objective: To compare dietary intakes of European, Māri, Pacific Island and Asian adolescents living in Auckland.
Methods: A self-administered food frequency questionnaire was used to assess daily nutrient intakes of 2,549 14- to 21-year-old high-school students in Auckland (1,422 male and 1,127 female) in a cross-sectional survey carried out between 1997 and 1998.
Results: Compared with Europeans, Māri and Pacific Islanders consumed more energy per day. Carbohydrate, protein and fat intakes were higher in Māri and Pacific Islanders than in Europeans. Cholesterol intakes were lowest in Europeans and alcohol intakes were highest in Europeans and Māri. When nutrient intakes were expressed as their percentage contribution to total energy, many ethnic differences in nutrient intakes between Europeans and Māri or Pacific Islanders were eliminated. After adjustment for energy intake and age, Europeans ate the fewest eggs, and Pacific Islanders and Asians ate more servings of chicken and fish, and fewer servings of milk and cereal than Europeans. Compared to Europeans, Pacific Islanders consumed larger portion sizes for nearly every food item.
Conclusion: There were marked differences in nutrient intakes between Pacific, Māri, Asian and European adolescents. Ethnic differences in food selections, frequency of food servings and portion sizes contribute to the differences in nutrient intakes between these ethnic groups. These differences generally matched those of other studies in children and adults from these ethnic groups.
Implications: Interventions that reduce frequency of food consumption and serving sizes and promote less-fatty food choices in Māri and Pacific adolescents are needed.  相似文献   

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