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医疗保险总额预付制对医院的影响及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The paper analyzed the impact of the trial for "lump-sum prepayment practice of medical insurance" on tertiary hospitals in Shanghai initiated by Shanghai Medical Insurance Bureau since 2009. Based on the analysis, the authors recommended that the hospitals should adapt to the changes by raising quality of care, improving cost accounting, informationizing and refining medical insurance information management, as well as controlling expenses on a rational basis. These approaches will help them adapt to and promote the ongoing health reform in China.  相似文献   

完善医疗保障制度实现全民医保   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper introduces an overview of Shanghai medical security system, analyzes its effectiveness and challenges, and put forward overall goals and key tasks in the future. Shanghai has formed a multiple, medical security system and basically achieved the short-term goal of medical security system establishment which was requested to put forward in national health system reform. Shanghai medical insurance system has played a positive role in promoting economic and social development and reducing the burden of medical expenses. To further implement requirements of national health system reform, Shanghai will be conducting the integration of different schemes , narrow down the gap of benefit packages, improvement of health care management and the initiatives of nursing care insurance to further improve the medical security system, and strive to cover 98% of household population and 90% resident population in 2012.  相似文献   

基于可及性视角的我国医药卫生资源区域分布差异研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 通过对我国医药卫生资源区域空间分布的研究,以期为政府优化配置卫生资源提供政策依据.方法 将我国划分为3大经济和地理区域,选取6类医药卫生资源指标,依据2009年国家公布的31个省区的相关统计数据,应用变异系数、基尼系数、泰尔指数评价我国医药卫生资源区域空间分布的差异性.结果 每万人口生物制药企业拥有量区域间的分布差异最大,而医疗机构床位数的配置分布差异相对最小.生物制药企业和三级医院万人口拥有量的区域间极差排在前2位.东部地区是6项资源在3大地理区域间或区域内的差异贡献的最大者,经济相对落后地区是形成执业(助理)医师、床位、三级医院和药品生产企业分布区域内差异的主要贡献者,而经济发达地区对地区政府人均医疗卫生支出和生物制药企业区域间分布差异的贡献最大.总体上,经济发展水平高的地区,其人口资源拥有率也相对更高.但是,两者之间并不完全呈正比关系.结论 6类资源在我国区域间的分布均未表现出"相对合理"的状态.为更好地满足地区人群的卫生需求,政府应加大对经济不发达的西部地区生物制药产业和三级医院建设的投入,提高经济发达地区资源的有效利用和防止低水平重复建设,持续关注人均医药卫生的支出比例和执业医师的数量与质量.
Objective Analyzing the regional distribution discrepancy of medical and health resources in China,with the purpose of providing the government with policy making evidences for optimizing medical and health resource allocation.Results Dividing China into three regions based on regional economic development and geographic setting,and selecting 6 indicators for medical and health resources.On the basis of the statistics of 31 provinces released by the state in 2009,analyzing the interprovincial disparities of the distribution of these six resources,by means of the coefficient of variation,Gini coefficient and Theil index.Methods The largest inter-regional allocation disparity is found in the number of biopharmaceutical manufacturing companies per ten thousand population.And the smallest discrepancy is found in the number of hospital beds among these regions.The top two extreme differences of resource possession per ten thousand population between the maximum and the minmum region are the number of biopharmaceutical manufacturing companies and tertiary hospitals.The eastern region is the largest contributor to the discrepancy of allocation for the six resources within and between regions.The less developed regions contribute the most inter-regional discrepancy for the allocation of medical practitioners(their assistants included),hospital beds,tertiary hospitals and pharmaceutical companies.And the developed regions contribute the most inter-regional discrepancy of medical finance support from local governments and the most of the allocation of biopharmaceutical manufacturing companies.In general,regions of higher development enjoy greater possession of the SIX resources per population in such regions. But these two are not always in direct proportion. Condnsion Regional distribution disparity of the six resources is not yet"reasonable" in China.To better meet the health needs of the population in various regions,the government is expected to increase its financial support for building biopharmaceutical manufacturing companies and tertiary hospitals in the less developed western regions,to better use resources of developed regions,and to keep off investments at low level and repetition.The government is also recommended to pay attention to the proportion of government health finance output and the quality and quantity of medical practitioners.  相似文献   

国外灾后医疗救助体制的特点与启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper analyzed the characteristics of post-disaster medical assistance systems in Anglo-American countries and Japan. In consideration of China's national conditions at present, it come up with recommendations that the government should formulate and perfect the legal system of postdisaster medical assistance, improve the related systems of medical care, establish post-disaster medical assistance responding as a long-term management mechanism, establish and improve emergency preparedness, and post-disaster psychological intervention in mechanisms.  相似文献   

本文从经济学角度分析了在医疗纠纷发生过程中医患双方预防投入不足的原因,即医方的原因为医疗资源配置不合理、医疗服务价格扭曲、信息不对称;患方的原因为过错成本低、违法行为未支付合理对价,并在此基础上,从医方和患方角度构建了预防医疗纠纷的经济学路径。Abstract: In this paper, we analysis the reasons for the shortage of investment of the doctors and patients to prevent medical dispute occurrence from the economic angle. The doctors’ reasons include irrational allocation of medical resources,medical service price distortion, asymmetric information . The patients’ reasons include the fault of low cost, illegal behavior not pay for a reasonable price . And based on, the paper builds the economics path of the prevention of medical disputes from the view of the doctors and patients.  相似文献   

Marked by the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the CPC, Shanghai health care started a journey of reform and opening up as with other sectors. This essay reviews various stages Shanghai health care experienced and the achievements for the last 30 years since reform and opening up, and analyzes the challenges Shanghai health care faces currently. On this basis, the essay summaries the experiences and lessons learned from Shanghai health care reform and development.  相似文献   

The relevant policies of national essential medicine system were reviewed, major concerns and actions in the implementation of essential medicine system in Shanghai were introduced, and the suggestions to improve the implementation of essential medicine system of Shanghai were made. These provided the information for policy making and provided a useful experience for facilitating the establishment of essential medicine system and the improvement of its implementation in Shanghai as well as China.  相似文献   

A multi-disciplinary study is proposed for emergency response management of disaster medical and mathematical discipline in the paper. The authors propose to evaluate the physical and chemical fragility and social fragility of Hainan province to search for methods to minimize local fragility; predict the level of disaster pre-warning using the time sequence model; calculate the medical personnel, equipments and drugs to be deployed at specific time and space by means of the probability method, and calculate on this basis the probability of the number of persons to be rescued against various emergencies. This aims at sending warning in advance and precisely mobilizing resources for medical emergency response.  相似文献   

戴明循环在医院医疗投诉管控中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
A study of PDCA Cycle in managing hospital medical complaints may introduce such a cycle into the medical complaints control system of a hospital, effectively handling the medical complaints process. Since 2006 when the cycle was introduced into the hospital for medical complaints control, such complaints have been cut back significantly by the end of 2009. Furthermore, such complaints are under control from the start, and prevented from growing into medical disputes, effectively improving quality of care. Such a cycle can effectively avoid medical complaints, enhance medical safety, and build a harmonious doctor-patient relationship.  相似文献   

Regional health planning is a leading and scientific management philosophy for healthcare development in the international community.Information resources planning paves the way for scientific development.In the ongoing health reform in China,planning of regional health resources will play a key role by leveraging information technology.From the viewpoints of health information resources and information resources planning,the paper defines the concept of regional health information resources planning in microcosmic perspective.It summarized the five features of public welfare,specificity,imbalance,small channel and low noise,and non-symmetry.Authors compared the five planning modes,namely the community medical information resources mode,the general hospitals as the center of information resource mode,the regional PACS mode,the regional health data resource mode,and the regional medical coordination resources mode.In the paper,the planning is rounded up as four key points,that is,the basic steps of situation assessment and analysis,routine work of health information standardization,the planning should both comply with general rules of information resource planning and characteristics of the health sector,in addition to guidelines of forward-looking concepts.  相似文献   

上海市医疗资源配置状况分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
目的 通过对上海市医疗资源状况的调查,从人口和地域面积分布角度,分析上海市医疗资源配置的公平性,为合理配置医疗资源提供决策依据.方法 运用洛伦茨曲线和基尼系数指标以及连环比例法.结果 上海市医疗资源在人口配置上比较公平,公平性趋势将会加强;在地域面积配置上存在较不公平现象,公平性将会减弱;用连环比例法来分析上海市医疗资源配置公平性.结论 上海市医疗资源在人口配置上城乡差距不大,达到了比较公平的状态,但在地域分配上城乡差距较大,医疗资源大部分集中在中心城区的大型医院,应该在全市范围内合理配置医疗资源,完善医疗卫生服务体系,提高医疗卫生服务的可及性.  相似文献   

目的分析京沪两地经济环境支撑健康优先战略妇保领域资源配置的落实程度,比较其差异并论证其重要意义。方法系统收集京沪两地所有涉及妇保工作的政策文献,量化分析资源优先配置的"制度保障程度""职责明确程度""职责落实程度",以及"落实健康战略的奖惩程度"和"社会经济对公众健康投入程度"等,分析京沪两地经济环境对健康优先战略妇保领域资源配置的支撑程度。结果两地健康战略资源优先配置的制度保障程度均为75%、资源保障部门的职责明确程度均为0%、资源保障部门的职责落实程度均为50%、落实健康战略的奖惩程度均为0%、社会经济对公众健康投入程度上海市和北京市分别为49.1%和74.6%,总体上经济环境对健康战略资源配置总体支撑程度上海市和北京市分别为42.1%和54.8%,健康战略中等水平影响两地资源优先配置的落实程度。结论适宜的妇保体系应围绕健康战略对资源配置形成优先投入的制度保障,并根据职责分工落实所需的资源。北京市健康战略资源优先配置的落实程度略高于上海,但两地仍需围绕健康战略强化落实。  相似文献   

上海市医疗资源及其纵向整合现状分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对上海医疗资源及其纵向整合的现状进行了研究,结果表明,上海医疗资源配置和利用水平较高,但各级机构之间参差不齐,可以通过纵向整合进一步提高配置和利用效率。而目前医疗资源纵向整合存在着医疗资源管理的制度障碍,要合理配置和利用医疗资源以及实现纵向整合的目标,仍需从医疗资源管理制度改革着手。  相似文献   

[目的]总结15个开展长期护理保险试点城市在医疗和护理资源配置上的实践经验,探索适合我国国情的长期护理服务供给模式。[方法]在资源配置的视角下通过政策文本分析,采用演绎性内容分析法和类型分析法,聚焦长护险设计的服务内容和项目,按照医疗和护理相关资源对15个城市的供给模式进行划分。[结果]按照医护资源的配置,我国长护险试点城市服务供给模式可以分成高医疗低护理型、医护均衡型、低医疗高护理型3种。其中医疗服务资源供给占比最高的是石河子市(66.7%),护理服务资源供给占比最高的城市是南通市(72.0%),医护资源服务供给比较均衡的有上海、广州等。[结论] 15个试点城市医护资源供给存在多元模式,但具体的模式选择和设计应结合本地区的财政能力、卫生资源基础条件和居民健康需求,调整医护资源的供给配置情况,在科学调研的基础上进行设计改革。  相似文献   

After 1990, being a 'pilot city' for health care reform, Shanghai constructed modernized medical financial assistance schemes (MFAS), which were progressively applied by the central government rate in the 1990s. As the pioneer of social security reform in China, Shanghai again is the place with most experience of the problems of the transition from 'Public-Relief' to 'Social-Assistance'. From the 'user' perspective of MFAS, the study reported has attempted to evaluate MFASs. Furthermore, the research seeks to point to future policy and programme options for implementing MFAS and optimizing the allocation of urban health care resources.  相似文献   

目的 探索江苏省医疗卫生资源配置区域分布特征及公平性情况,以优化卫生资源配置.方法 选取医疗服务设施、卫生人力资源两方面的5项指标,采用熵权TOPSIS法和泰尔指数对江苏省卫生资源配置水平及公平性进行分析.结果 基于熵权TOPSIS法,江苏省13个城市中,南京卫生资源配置综合评价值Ci最高,为0.654,镇江最低,为0...  相似文献   

北京市医养结合资源配置现状及公平性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨北京市医养结合资源配置现状及其公平性,为推动医养结合工作提供参考。方法:采用描述性分析方法明确北京市医养结合资源配置现状,运用洛伦兹曲线、基尼系数及泰尔指数分析资源配置公平性。结果:(1)截至2018年底,北京市医养结合机构123家、床位44206张,工作人员10006人,其中卫生技术人员1501人、护理员(护工)4314人,资源总量快速发展,但仍有待进一步挖掘;(2)医养结合机构服务的供给能力除安宁疗护服务有所下降外,其余均较2017年进一步提升;(3)基尼系数结果提示,医养结合资源按人口配置公平性优于按地理面积配置的公平性,人力资源配置公平性最差;总泰尔指数为0.0863~0.1959,医养结合试点组与非试点组之间资源配置公平性无明显差异。结论:北京市医养结合资源总量不足与配置不均衡问题共存,建议进一步扩大资源总量;提升医养结合服务供给能力,补齐安宁疗护短板;优化医养结合资源配置结构,着重优化人力资源的区域配置和内部结构等,推动医养结合工作均衡、精准和可持续发展。  相似文献   

目的 分析上海市医疗机构床位资源配置的现状和问题.方法 采用调查问卷对上海市所有设住院床位的医疗机构进行调查,并与美国加利福尼亚州医疗机构床位情况进行对比.结果 床位总量接近规划但配置结构不合理,综合急性病诊疗床位的平均住院时间过长,医疗服务压力主要集中在三级医疗机构,社会办医疗机构病床尚没有得到有效利用.结论 建立医疗机构床位分类管理制度,严格控制中心城区三级医疗机构床位数量,严格控制综合急性病诊疗床位,大幅增加护理床位数量,有效整合医疗床位资源.  相似文献   

目的分析2017年上海市卫生资源配置情况及其公平性和变化趋势,探索优化卫生资源配置的措施和途径。方法基于基尼系数和集聚度的方法对主要卫生资源进行评价,分析上海市整体和区域间资源配置的公平性和集聚度。结果各类医疗卫生资源的基尼系数按人口分布均在0.4以内,而按地理面积分布的基尼系数都在0.55以上。黄浦区等9大区域的各卫生资源的聚集度均大于1,其余区县的集聚度均小于1。黄浦区、徐汇区、长宁区、静安区各类卫生资源集聚度与人口集聚度的比值均大于1;而虹口区、杨浦区机构数聚集度与人口集聚度比值小于1,其余各类卫生资源集聚度与人口集聚度比值均大于1;金山区、青浦区、奉贤区、崇明区的机构数与人口集聚的比值大于1。结论按人口分布,公立医疗机构的数量、床位和护理人员在各区域分布不公平;按地理分布,各项指标均出于极度不公平状态,卫生资源配置存在在区域集聚。  相似文献   

我国医疗资源配置长期失衡,基层医疗卫生配置短缺。改善基层医疗卫生情况,必须建设基层医疗卫生人才队伍。而我国基层医疗卫生人才建设内生动力不足,因此建设的首要任务是提升其内生动力。本文对我国基层医疗卫生人才建设内生动力不足的原因进行分析,并从外部压力情境和内部激励情境两方面探讨提升其内生动力的措施。  相似文献   

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