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重建肘关节外翻稳定性的生物力学研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 评价肘关节桡骨头 (radial head,RH)切除、尺侧副韧带 (medial collateral ligament,MCL )损伤以及 RH假体置换、MCL重建后的外翻稳定性。 方法 新鲜成人尸体上肢标本 12侧 ,制成肘关节“骨 -韧带”标本 ,在2 N· m的外翻力矩作用下 ,分别在肘关节 0°、30°、6 0°、90°和 12 0°伸屈时 ,测量肘关节外翻松弛度 :1完整肘关节(n=12 ) ;2 MCL切断 (n=6 ) ;3RH切除 (n=6 ) ;4 MCL切断 +RH切除 (n=12 ) ;5 RH假体置换 (n=6 ) ;6 MCL重建(n=6 ) ;7RH假体置换 +MCL重建 (n=12 )。用 SPSS 10 .0统计软件包作方差分析 ,比较各组的外翻稳定性。 结果 完整肘关节的平均外翻松弛度最小 ;RH切除后 ,外翻松弛度增大 ;单纯 MCL切断 ,外翻松弛度大于单纯 RH切除 (P<0 .0 1) ;MCL切断 +RH切除 ,外翻稳定性最差 ;行 RH假体置换 ,对稳定性有改善 ;MCL重建与完整 MCL差异无统计学意义 (P>0 .0 5 ) ;RH假体置换同时重建 MCL ,效果最好。 结论  MCL是抵抗肘关节外翻应力最主要的因素 ,RH是次要因素。在重建肘关节的外翻稳定性方面 ,MCL的重建比 RH的假体置换更重要。在无条件行 RH假体置换时 ,修复MCL是较好的手术方式。  相似文献   

慢性肘关节不稳定的手术治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨慢性肘关节不稳定的原因和治疗方法。方法1998年8月~2002年8月,12例慢性肘关节不稳定患者完善体格检查及影像学检查,结合术中探查,分析其原因;采用内、外侧入路分别或同时修复与重建肘关节尺、桡侧副韧带,总结疗效。桡侧副韧带的修复方法是将指总伸肌腱的外侧半劈开向外侧转位,将外侧关节囊重叠缝合数针后,在尺骨冠突外侧尺侧副韧带前束的起止点处钻骨孔,将转位的肌腱穿过骨孔后缝合重建桡侧副韧带前束,然后将伸肌总腱缝合。尺侧副韧带的修复是将屈肌总腱劈为两半,取外侧半,保留其在肱骨髁的止点,从尺骨冠突内侧钻骨孔后将肌腱条穿过骨洞后反折缝合固定于尺侧副韧带前束的止点处,将后束增生瘢痕尽量切除,缝合关节囊及屈肌总腱。结果所有患者随访2~6年,平均3年。肘关节未发生复发性脱位,应力外翻试验阴性,肘关节外侧及后外侧轴移试验(PST)阴性,肘部无疼痛;活动范尉:平均屈伸0~135°,前臂旋转:平均旋前85°、旋后80°,患者均恢复正常生活及工作。根据中华医学会手外科学会(2000年,无锡)全国上肢功能评定标准进行肘关节功能评价,本组优8例,良4例,优良率为100%。结论慢性肘关节不稳定主要原因是肘关节侧副韧带损伤;采用手术重建肘关节侧副韧带治疗慢性肘关节不稳定效果可靠。  相似文献   

[目的]研究肘关节尺侧副韧带(UCL)在不同的肘关节屈曲角度时生物力学特性的变化.[方法]选取8对新鲜冰冻肘关节尸体标本,测量每个标本在前臂旋前、旋后、中立位时,肘关节不同被动屈曲角度下UCL的张力变化;测量UCL在肘关节不同屈曲角度下(30°、50°、70°、90°)外翻应力试验时失效载荷与屈曲角度的关系.[结果]肘关节在被动屈曲0°~57°时,对UCL前束的前带和后带均没有产生超过3%的张力,屈曲导致的张力改变对后带的影响有显著性(P<0.01),对前带的影响无显著性(P=0.128).在57°以后,后带上的张力随着屈曲角度的增大而增加,在100°~130°左右的范围达到最大.前臂的旋转对韧带张力的影响无显著性.在肘关节屈曲90°时UCL断裂失效所需载荷最大,在屈曲30°时最小.UCL断裂好发部位为其前束肱骨内侧髁止点处.[结论]UCL损伤或者重建术后的固定角度应为肘关节屈曲<57°,早期的康复锻炼肘关节屈曲0°~57°为安全范围.肘关节在屈曲90°时具有最高的外翻稳定性,可以减少UCL损伤机率.  相似文献   

肘关节内侧副韧带(medialcollateralligament,MCL)对肘关节外翻稳定性具有重要意义,而外翻不稳定是最常见的肘关节不稳,在急性创伤和运动损伤中较为多见。目前公认投掷运动员的MCL慢性损伤需进行手术重建,但急性创伤时是否需要一期修复则尚无统一意见,争议很大。目前主要根据术者的经验在术中决定是否进行修复。本文对MCL的功能解剖、生物力学、常用诊治方法、以及肘关节单纯脱位和复杂骨折脱位时是否需要一期修复MCL等方面进行综述。  相似文献   

目的 探讨肘关节恐怖三联征的手术方法及疗效.方法对11例肘关节恐怖三联征损伤患者行手术治疗,以φ3 mm钛空心拉力螺钉或φ1.5~2 mm克氏针分别固定尺骨冠突和桡骨头,并缝合修复肘内外侧副韧带.术后屈肘90°,前臂旋转中立位石膏外固定,3周后开始肘关节屈伸和前臂旋转康复训练.结果 11例均获得随访,时间6~18个月.骨折均愈合.肘关节功能按Mayo评分标准:优7例,良4例.结论 手术治疗肘关节恐怖三联征重建了骨关节和软组织结构稳定,可早期进行康复锻炼,功能恢复较好.  相似文献   

肘关节是人体内对合最好的关节之一,在一个关节囊内,肱骨、尺骨和桡骨组成了三个关节。组成关节的骨性结构、侧副韧带及周围软组织为肘关节提供了稳定性。内侧副韧带(MCL)可对抗外翻应力,并对肱尺关节提供支撑,MCL功能不全时可出现肘内侧疼痛及外翻松驰。外侧副韧带(LCL)为肱骨、环状韧带(AL)及尺骨近端提供了稳定,以维持前臂近端与肱骨滑车和肱骨小头之间的正常关系。LCL功能不全相对少见,也没有特殊的运动方式容易发生LCL损伤,临床上可表现为后外侧旋转不稳定。  相似文献   

肘关节"恐怖三联征"的手术治疗   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的 回顾分析手术治疗"恐怖三联征"的临床疗效.方法 2003年10月-2007年9月,收治10例"恐怖三联征"患者.其中男3例,女7例;年龄18~66岁.损伤原因:车祸伤4例,高处坠落伤4例,摔伤2例.冠突骨折按Regan-Morrey分型:Ⅰ型5例,Ⅱ型3例,Ⅲ型2例;桡骨头骨折按Mason分型:Ⅰ型1例,Ⅱ型6例,Ⅲ型1例,余2例曾行桡骨头切除术.术中按从深层至浅层依次修复冠突骨折、前方关节囊、桡骨头骨折、外侧副韧带及伸肌总腱起点,酌情修复内侧副韧带,并以铰链外固定支架固定.采用HSS2肘关节评分标准进行疗效评价.结果 1例术后7 d伤口感染,行脐胸带蒂皮瓣移位修复伤口愈合;其余伤口均Ⅰ期愈合.患者均获随访,随访时间6~51个月,平均24.9个月.术后6~20周骨折达临床愈合,平均9.6周.术后6个月,肘关节屈伸度85~130°,平均106.5°;旋转度100~160°,平均138°.按HSS2肘关节评分标准:优4例,良4例,一般2例.无关节僵硬、肱尺关节炎等并发症发生.1例术后1 d出现桡神经损伤症状,行松解术后4~6个月症状消失;6例术后6个月出现异位骨化,1例术后36个月X线片示肘关节半脱位,均未作特殊处理.结论 "恐怖三联征"造成肘关节严重不稳定,应采取手术治疗,尽可能恢复骨性解剖结构、修复关节囊及侧副韧带,并辅以外固定支架;术后早期功能锻炼,可最大限度避免关节僵硬,恢复关节功能.  相似文献   

尺骨近端粉碎性骨折伴肘关节不稳定的治疗   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 探讨尺骨近端粉碎性骨折伴肘关节不稳定的治疗方法及疗效.方法 尺骨近端粉碎性骨折伴肘关节不稳定患者33例,男23例,女10例;年龄21~61岁,平均41.3岁.11例合并桡骨头骨折,15例合并尺骨冠突骨折,7例同时合并桡骨头及尺骨冠突骨折.采用钢板螺钉内固定治疗,其中一期植骨9例.合并桡骨头骨折患者,如骨折粉碎不严重,复位后用克氏针固定,并修补环状韧带;如骨折粉碎严重,则行人工桡骨头置换,同时取自体掌长肌腱重建环状韧带.合并尺骨冠突骨折患者,12例Ⅱ、Ⅲ型骨折患者,选用克氏针或拉力螺钉固定骨折块,同时探查尺侧副韧带前束,如损伤予以修复或重建;4例Ⅳ型骨折患者,取自体骨重建冠突,取自体掌长肌腱重建尺侧副韧带前束.结果 患者伤口均一期愈合,骨折愈合率为100%.术后随访8~36个月,平均22个月.3例有创伤性关节炎表现,4例发生轻度创伤性骨化.肘关节平均屈伸范围为112°±24°,前臂平均旋转活动范围为108°±27°.按照Morrey等肘关节功能评定标准进行评价:优10例,良14例,可7例,差2例,总优良率为72.7%.结论 治疗尺骨近端粉碎性骨折伴肘关节不稳可采用钢板螺钉固定尺骨近端骨折,必要时行一期植骨,注意对桡骨头、尺骨冠突骨折及肘关节侧副韧带损伤的治疗,以防止肘关节不稳定.  相似文献   

肘关节"可怕三联征"的诊断与治疗   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨肘关节"可怕三联征"的诊断要点、手术治疗原则及效果.方法 回顾性分析自2005年3月至2008年1月收治的27例肘关节"可怕三联征"患者的病历资料及随访结果,男19例,女8例;平均年龄38(14~72)岁.所有患者均采取手术治疗,23例采用单纯外侧入路,3例采用外侧加内侧入路,1例采用肘后正中入路.所有患者平均随访17.5(6~33)个月,随访内容包括:病情主诉、肘关节屈伸活动度、前臂旋转活动度、腕关节活动度、双侧握力以及X线片情况.用MEPS(Mayo Elbow Perfof-mance Score)和Broberg & Morrey评分对肘关节功能进行评分;用Morrey等提出的"5%"校正值对主力侧和非主力侧的握力标准化后进行比较.结果 所有患者在未次随访时患侧肘关节均没有明显疼痛及不稳定.患侧肘关节伸屈活动范围平均为107°(30°~150°).患侧前臂旋前-旋后活动范围平均为147°(0°~220°).患肢握力较健侧平均减少13.7%.MEPS评分平均为93.4(72~100)分,优良率92.6%.Broberg&Morrey评分平均为91.2(68~100)分,优良率88.9%.结论 对肘关节"可怕三联征"的诊断要紧扣其定义,且须与肘关节其它损伤相鉴别.对肘关节"可怕三联征"应采用手术治疗,大多采用单纯外侧入路即可完成,必要时可加用内侧入路.治疗原则为重建肘关节同心圆性中心复位及可靠的稳定性、对桡骨头、冠状突骨折尽量进行复位内固定并重视对软组织的处理.  相似文献   

目的探讨桡骨头前缘骨折合并肘关节外侧韧带复合体损伤的临床疗效。方法回顾性分析2017年9月至2021年8月收治的105例桡骨头前缘骨折患者的病历资料, 男51例、女54例, 年龄(38.84±13.63)岁(范围16~70岁)。基于Mason分型Ⅱ型桡骨头骨折的基础上, 对单纯累及桡骨头前缘的病例, 按照骨折块数量及移位类型, 将桡骨头前缘骨折分为三个亚型:A型, 桡骨头前缘一部分塌陷骨折, 53例;B型, 桡骨头前缘两部分及以上塌陷骨折, 50例;C型, 桡骨头前缘分离移位骨折, 2例。所有类型骨折均行骨折切开复位内固定术, 其中B型骨折肘关节外侧韧带复合体损伤拉长但连续性存在, 早期的21例未行加强修复(未修复组)、后期的29例采用肘关节外侧韧带复合体加强修复(修复组)。采用肘关节活动范围、撑桌试验、Mayo评分、Broberg Morrey评分评价术后疗效。撑桌试验按照实际完成时间记录, 其余观察指标均于末次随访时进行评估。结果所有手术均顺利完成, 随访时间为(14.08±1.52)个月(范围12~18个月)。A型骨折肘关节屈伸范围为115.7°±6.4°, 撑桌试验完成时间为第...  相似文献   

目的探讨on-table技术复位重建内并固定治疗桡骨头粉碎性骨折的临床疗效。方法采用切开复位on-table技术重建并克氏针、螺钉钢板、内固定术治疗16例桡骨头粉碎骨折患者,评价肘关节功能。结果患者均获随访,时间12~18个月。骨折愈合,时间6~12个月。末次随访时肘关节活动范围:伸直0°~23°,屈曲86°~139°,旋前56°~72°,旋后36°~83°。按照Broberg-Morrey功能评价:优11例,良2例,可3例。结论切开复位on-table技术重建内固定治疗桡骨头粉碎性骨折能取得较好的效果,是桡骨头切除或桡骨头置换之外的又一选择。  相似文献   

Between 1996 and 2000, we treated ten patients with severely comminuted fractures of the radial head using low-profile mini-plates. Their mean age was 42 years (24 to 71). Three fractures were Mason type III and seven were Mason-Johnston type IV. At a mean follow-up of 28.5 months (15 to 44), all fractures had united. The plates were removed in nine patients. No patient had difficulty with daily activities or symptoms of instability of the elbow. The mean range of flexion of the elbow was from 7 degrees to 135 degrees, with 74 degrees of supination and 85 degrees of pronation. According to the Broberg and Morrey functional elbow index, the mean score was 90.7 points (73 to 100), and the outcome was excellent in three patients, good in six and fair in one. These results compare favourably with those reported previously. The technique is applicable to severely comminuted fractures of the radial head which otherwise would require excision.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Treatment of unreconstructible comminuted fractures of the radial head remains controversial. There is limited information on the outcome of management of these injuries with arthroplasty with a metal radial head implant. METHODS: The functional outcomes of arthroplasties with a metal radial head implant for the treatment of twenty-five displaced, unreconstructible fractures of the radial head in twenty-four consecutive patients (mean age, fifty-four years) were evaluated at a mean of thirty-nine months (minimum, two years). There were ten Mason type-III and fifteen Mason-Johnston type-IV injuries. Two of these injuries were isolated, and twenty-three were associated with other elbow fractures and/or ligamentous injuries. RESULTS: At the time of follow-up, Short Form-36 (SF-36) summary scores suggested that overall health-related quality of life was within the normal range (physical component = 47 +/- 10, and mental component = 49 +/- 13). Other outcome scales indicated mild disability of the upper extremity (Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand score = 17 +/- 19), wrist (Patient-Rated Wrist Evaluation score = 17 +/- 21 and Wrist Outcome Score = 60 +/- 10), and elbow (Mayo Elbow Performance Index = 80 +/- 16). According to the Mayo Elbow Performance Index, three results were graded as poor; five, as fair; and seventeen, as good or excellent. The poor and fair outcomes were associated with concomitant injury in two patients, a history of a psychiatric disorder in three, comorbidity in two, a Workers' Compensation claim in two, and litigation in one. Subjective patient satisfaction averaged 9.2 on a scale of 1 to 10. Elbow flexion of the injured extremity averaged 140 degrees +/- 9 degrees; extension, -8 degrees +/- 7 degrees; pronation, 78 degrees +/- 9 degrees; and supination, 68 degrees +/- 10 degrees. A significant loss of elbow flexion and extension and of forearm supination occurred in the affected extremity, which also had significantly less strength of isometric forearm pronation (17%) and supination (18%) as well as significantly less grip strength (p < 0.05). Asymptomatic bone lucencies surrounded the stem of the implant in seventeen of the twenty-five elbows. Valgus stability was restored, and proximal radial migration did not occur. Complications, all of which resolved, included one complex regional pain syndrome, one ulnar neuropathy, one posterior interosseous nerve palsy, one episode of elbow stiffness, and one wound infection. CONCLUSIONS: Patients treated with a metal radial head implant for a severely comminuted radial head fracture will have mild-to-moderate impairment of the physical capability of the elbow and wrist. At the time of short-term follow-up, arthroplasty with a metal radial head implant was found to have been a safe and effective treatment option for patients with an unreconstructible radial head fracture; however, long-term follow-up is still needed.  相似文献   

The terrible triad injury of the elbow is the combination of an elbow dislocation, a radial head fracture and a coronoid process fracture. In this study, we explored the outcome of a modified protocol for terrible triad injury of the elbow in a consecutive series of 14 patients, with a focus on reconstruction of comminuted coronoid fractures. Fourteen patients with terrible triad injuries of the elbow were retrospectively reviewed at a mean follow-up of 23?months (range, 15–30?months) and were clinically and radiographically evaluated. For comminuted coronoid fractures, autografting with resected radial head fragment or ilium fragment with cartilage surface and transosseous suture with non-absorbable suture were performed. Internal fixation of the radial head was performed in six cases and arthroplasty in five. The collateral ligaments were repaired. Mean flexion at last follow-up was 125°, ranging from 100° to 135°. Mean extension loss was 13°, ranging from 0° to 38°. Mean pronation was 70° and mean supination was 66°. No patient experienced dislocation of the radial head prosthesis. The mean Mayo Elbow Performance Score (MEPS) was 87 (range, 75–100), with six excellent cases and eight good cases. According to our intraoperative examination, no patient demonstrated unacceptable residual instability in extension following restoration of all of the osseous and ligamentous lesions. In conclusion, our protocol can achieve stable reconstruction of the coronoid process, which promotes the functional outcome of surgical treatment on terrible triad injuries of the elbow.  相似文献   

Internal fixation of proximal radial head fractures   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The treatment of choice for proximal radial head fractures remains controversial. The goal of any treatment for an intra-articular fracture must be the complete restoration of the joint and its function. Nonoperative treatment leads to full motion in cases of less than 1-2 mm of fracture displacement. Resection of the radial head can be recommended only for very comminuted fractures. All other fracture types should be treated by open reduction and internal fixation. Our own personal follow-up observation of 19 patients who had surgical intervention demonstrated restoration of elbow function after an average follow-up time of 11.7 months. Five patients had a slightly restricted range of motion of less than 10 degrees extension and flexion as well as less than 8 degrees pronation and supination, without signs of arthritis. Because complications were minimal, we recommend internal fixation of displaced proximal radial head fractures to restore the anatomic function of the elbow. This is especially true in cases with accompanying proximal ulna fractures and/or ruptured collateral ligaments of the elbow joint and/or disruption of the distal radio-ulnar joint.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the results of radial head excision for the treatment of elbow fracture-dislocations with an unsalvageable comminuted radial head fracture and no other associated fractures. DESIGN: Retrospective study. SETTING: University Hospital. PATIENTS AND INTERVENTION: Ten elbow fracture-dislocations with a comminuted radial head fracture treated with radial head excision in our institution between 1990 and 1996 and followed a mean of 4.62 years. MAIN OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS: Clinical results were graded using the Mayo index and the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (DASH) questionnaire. Radiographs were evaluated for proximal radius migration, elbow angulation, degenerative changes, and ectopic bone. RESULTS: Final clinical results were excellent in four patients, good in five patients, and fair in one patient. Pain was absent in six patients, mild in three patients, and moderate in one patient. Mean flexion arc was 7.5 to 140 degrees, and mean pronation and supination were 85.5 and 83.5 degrees, respectively. Average strength loss was 15 percent. No elbow was unstable. The raw DASH score ranged from 39 to 62 points (normalized values, 0.66 to 15,79 points). On average, the carrying angle increased 5.4 degrees. Degenerative changes were absent in two, Grade I in four, and Grade II in four patients. Ectopic bone, mainly residual fracture fragments, was evident in four patients. Proximal migration of the radius averaged 1.6 millimeters; the two patients with over four millimeters of migration had mild wrist pain. CONCLUSIONS: Acute radial head excision for the treatment of elbow fracture-dislocations provides satisfactory short-term clinical results when there are no other associated intraarticular fractures. However, the long-term significance of the early degenerative changes is not known.  相似文献   

Purpose: To evaluate the functional and radiological outcome of comminuted radial head fractures, which were not amenable for classical open reduction with internal fixation, treated by on-table reconstruction and fixation using low profile plates. Methods: We reviewed 6 patients of Mason type III radial head fractures treated by on-table reconstruction technique between 2011 and 2013. There were 5 men and 1 woman with a mean age of 35 years (range 25-46 years). All surgeries were carried out at our tertiary care level 1 trauma centre within a mean of 3 days (range 1-8 days) from date of injury using on-table reconstruction technique. The functional outcome was measured using elbow functional rating index described by Broberg and Morrey and the patient-based Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) outcome measure. Results: The mean follow-up period was 25 months. The average elbow flexion was 135 (range 125°-140°) and the average flexion contracture was 5 (range 0-10°). The average supination and pronation was 75 (range 70°-80°) and 70 (range 65°-82°) respectively. According to Broberg and Morrey scoring system, the average score was 90 points (range 75-100). The mean DASH score was 2.49 points. Conclusion: On-table reconstruction and fixation of comminuted radial head fractures using low profile plates is a reasonable option. The reconstructed radial head acts as spacer and provides reasonably good results and no surgical intervention is required for asymptomatic nonunion of these fractures regardless of the radiological findings.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Radial head fractures often occur in association with other elbow fractures and soft-tissue injuries. Radial head replacement is indicated for irreparable radial head fractures associated with elbow instability. The purpose of this study was to analyze the results after treatment of such injuries with a titanium radial head prosthesis, repair of torn collateral ligaments, and early mobilization of the elbow. METHODS: Sixteen patients with sixteen Mason type-III radial head fractures and collateral ligament injury were treated with use of a titanium radial head prosthesis over a five-year period at the Royal Adelaide Hospital and Modbury Public Hospital in South Australia. The surgery was performed acutely in ten patients and was delayed an average of thirty-seven days (range, fifteen to seventy-nine days) in six. All patients were followed clinically and radiographically for a mean of 2.8 years (range, 1.2 to 4.3 years). RESULTS: Eight patients had an excellent result; five, a good result; and three, a fair result, according to the Mayo Elbow Performance Score. The three fair results occurred in patients with delayed surgery. The mean flexion contracture was 15 degrees (range, 0 degrees to 42 degrees ), with an average loss of 10 degrees (range, 0 degrees to 25 degrees ) of full flexion compared with that of the contralateral elbow. Both pronation and supination decreased an average of 12 degrees (range, 0 degrees to 45 degrees ) compared with that of the contralateral forearm. CONCLUSIONS: The results of treatment of Mason type-III radial head fractures with a monoblock titanium radial head prosthesis and soft-tissue reconstruction are satisfactory. Early mobilization of the elbow is important for the restoration of elbow range of motion and function.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the treatment of patients with Mason type III radial head fracture with and without elbow dislocation by open reduction with internal fixation, collateral ligament repair, and early mobilization. An additional purpose was to investigate whether there is any effect of elbow dislocation on the severity and functional outcome. METHODS: Twenty-five patients were treated with open reduction with internal fixation using low-profile miniplate and screws for comminuted fracture of the radial head. Eighteen fractures were Mason type III, and 7 fractures were Mason type III with elbow dislocation. There were 5 women and 20 men with a mean age of 34 years. The mean follow-up time was 27 months. Patients were reviewed for functional ability, physical examination, and radiographic assessment. RESULTS: The mean functional index in Mason type III fracture and Mason type III fracture with elbow dislocation was 87 for both groups. The mean range of motion at the elbow joint was calculated as 5 degrees extension to 136 degrees flexion for Mason type III and 7 degrees extension to 133 degrees flexion for Mason type III with elbow dislocation. The mean pronation and supination for all patients were 74 degrees and 67 degrees , respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Selected Mason III radial head fractures and fracture dislocations could be stabilized satisfactorily with internal fixation. Meticulous surgical technique, combined with rigid internal fixation, can allow early motion of the forearm and elbow after fixation of Mason type III radial head fractures with and without elbow dislocation and ligamentous injury. We believe there is still a role for prosthetic replacement in comminuted Mason III radial head fractures that cannot reliably be treated with open reduction and internal fixation. TYPE OF STUDY/LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Prognostic II.  相似文献   

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