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中国版脑卒中简明ICF核心要素的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的: 确定中国版脑卒中简明ICF核心要素量表的内容。方法: 采用两种调查问卷同时记录脑卒中患者的信息,一种为由临床医生和卫生专业人员填写的病例记录表(主要为脑卒中的综合ICF核心要素),一种为由脑卒中患者本人填写的个案记录表。使用描述性统计方法确定综合ICF核心要素中每一类目的频率,大于30%的类目集合作为中国脑卒中患者的第一期简明ICF核心要素。根据脑卒中的综合ICF核心要素制订专家调查问卷并通过电子邮件向国内的55位专家发送,使用描述性统计方法确定专家调查问卷中综合ICF核心要素每一类目的频率,大于50%的类目集合作为中国脑卒中患者的第二期简明ICF核心要素。通过整合两期的结果确定中国版脑卒中患者的简明ICF核心要素。结果:本研究产生了74个二级水平的ICF类目,其中“身体功能”20个,“身体结构”1个,“活动和参与”34个,还有 19个“环境因素”。 结论:整合临床调查研究的结果和专家的意见初步确定了中国版脑卒中患者的简明ICF核心要素,但这一结果尚待完善。  相似文献   

目的确定能够显示慢性神经功能障碍(多发性硬化症、帕金森氏病和神经肌肉疾病)患者有关健康问题的ICF类目。方法采用Delphi研究方法,由三方面与疾病相关的人组成专家小组,即患者及其代理人、医疗和非医疗卫生专业人士(n=98)。小组要求根据《国际功能,残疾和健康分类》(ICF)反映有关特定疾病的健康问题,选择相关类目。小组成员将这些类目与简明残疾记录量表(MRD)和残疾及其影响量表(DIP)两种测量工具中的指标作比较。结果选择出68项ICF类目相关性最大,分别属于四个ICF领域。患者/代理人和卫生专业人员两者评价的类目无显著性差异。疾病小组的一致性很高。三个特定疾病小组的选择在“身体功能和结构”领域存在差异,但如果扩大纳入标准则可以达成共识。所选择的ICF项目涵盖了儿乎所有测量项目。最大的差异表现在“参与”和“环境因素”领域选择的类目。结论与广泛应用于神经学领域的健康状态测量相比,在研究健康问题时所选择的ICF类目更为广泛,特别是涉及ICF的“参与”和“环境因素”领域时。  相似文献   

张婷  李露  黄晓琳 《中国康复》2009,24(2):114-117
目的:研究适应中国(武汉)地区慢性缺血性心脏病(CHID)患者的简明国际功能、残疾与健康分类(ICF)的核心功能组合类目,使其能广泛应用于临床医疗实践、为CIHD患者健康状况的测量提供可靠的依据。方法:使用CIHD的ICF调查表同时对58例CIHD患者和32名心血管以及康复专家做面访或电邮调查,统计CIHD患者出现明显问题的频率和专家一致认为有显著意义的类目的频率。结果:得到患者阳性率≥30%的ICF类目30个,专家组意见显著性≥50%的ICF类目22个,合计得到具有显著性意义的ICF核心功能组合类目共有37个,其中身体功能13个,身体结构2个,活动与参与8个,环境因素14个。结论:本次研究所得的简明核心功能组合类目与已报道的简明ICF核心功能组合类目相比一致性较好,地域、调查对象等因素的影响也能对少数有差别的类目进行很好的解释,尚有部分类目确定有待更大样本的再次检验。  相似文献   

目的通过循证和专家讨论研究法建立第一版针对脑卒中的一套综合ICF核心分类模板和与之相应的简明ICF核心分类模板。方法来自于不同国家和地区的国际专家从初步研究中搜集证据,结合这些证据进行正式的决策并最终达成共识。初步研究包括Delphi研究方法、对ICF分类的系统评价以及实证数据的收集。结果来自12个不同日家的39位专家出席会议并达成共识。专家初步研究决定在ICF分类的第二、第三和第四级水平上针列脑卒中确定一套448个类目的ICF核心分类摸板,其中193项类目属于身体功能,26项属于身体结构,165项属于活动和参与,64项属于环境因素。综合性ICF核心分类模板包括在ICF分类第二级水平上的130个类目,其中41项属于“身体功能”,5项属于“身体结构”,51项属于“活动和参与”,33项属于“环境因素”。简明型ICF核心分类模板包括在ICF分类第二级水平上的18个类日,其中6项属于身体功能,2项属于身体结构,7项属于活动参与,以及3项属于环境因素。结论专家组通过整合研究过程中的证据,以及专家们基于ICF框架和分类的观点达成正式的共识,并确定针对“脑卒中”的ICF核心分类模板,同时界定综合型ICF核心分类模板和简要型ICF核心分类模板。  相似文献   

目的:通过将中文版脊柱侧凸研究会患者问卷表(The Scoliosis Research Society-22 Questionnaire,SRS-22)与《国际功能、残疾和健康分类》中相关类目匹配,旨在实现SRS-22问卷跨语言、跨学科的交流,为特发性脊柱侧凸(idiopathic scoliosis,IS)患者生存质量(QOL)评定提供通用的、标准化无语言局限的评定方法。方法:将脊柱侧凸研究会患者问卷SRS-22的内容与ICF中相关类目进行匹配,获得ICF类目组合,运用获得的ICF类目组合、SRS-22问卷,分别对41例非手术治疗IS患者进行评定;初测2周后,随机对其中20例患者进行ICF类目组合重测。结果:SRS-22问卷与ICF类目匹配一致性Kappa=0.87(P0.01);SRS-22问卷与IS患者QOL的ICF类目组合临床评定结果相关性r=0.838(P0.01);ICF类目组合各维度重测信度均大于0.75。结论:ICF类目组合能全面体现SRS-22问卷内容,且具有良好的信度与效度,与SRS-22问卷评定结果高度相关,可运用于临床非手术治疗IS患者QOL的评定。  相似文献   

目的:确定与脊髓损伤患者护理相关的《国际功能、残疾和健康分类》(ICF)类目。方法:首先在数据库中检索与脊髓损伤患者护理相关的文献,根据ICF的联系规则将文献中结局评价方法里的概念与ICF类目相联系,从而确定文献中与脊髓损伤护理相关的ICF类目。系统性回顾所得ICF类目和一个世界范围内的Delphi专家调查的结果合并,形成国内专家咨询问卷。然后在我国脊髓损伤护理专家中通过电子邮件的形式进行调查。获得80%以上专家认同的ICF类目将被纳入脊髓损伤护理相关ICF组合。结果:系统性回顾确定了72个ICF类目,将这些ICF类目与世界范围内的Delphi专家调查结果合并,形成了包含140个ICF类目的专家咨询表。共有29位国内脊髓损伤护理专家参与了调查,专家积极系数为96.7%,专家的权威系数范围是0.68—1(中位数0.98,四分位距0.86—0.99)。最终81个ICF类目被纳入,包括"身体功能"33个,"身体结构"8个,"活动和参与"24个,"环境因素"6个,"个人因素"10个。结论:初步确定的81个脊髓损伤护理相关ICF类目能够反映中国脊髓损伤护理实践的主要内容,为临床护士应用ICF提供了依据和范围。  相似文献   

目的:为弥补现有吞咽障碍量表的不足,从整体功能评估的视角,基于"国际功能、残疾、健康分类"(ICF)初步确定脑卒中吞咽障碍患者功能评估的类目.方法:检索Cochrane Library、PubMed、Ebsco、CNKI、wanfang、Si-nomed等数据库中关于脑卒中吞咽障碍近10年来相关文献,由2名研究人员按照...  相似文献   

目的 人们可能罹患各种疾病并且有不同的健康状况,但是为了充分认识人类生活所处的健康状况,需要有关疾病或健康状况对人类生活影响的综合性信息.本文要探讨健康状况的影响,健康状况可以用国际疾病分类(ICD)术语进行分类,功能概念用国际功能、残疾与健康分类(ICF)术语进行描述.本研究确定了一套ICF的分类类目作为功能属性,与ICD联合应用用于描述普遍的健康状况的影响.方法 用于描述任何健康状况下功能属性特征的ICF类目从3个主要的通用健康状况评定工具中选择出来,这三个工具是:世界卫生组织残疾评定量表2.0(WHODAS 2.0)、世界健康调查(WHS)问卷和ICF核心分类集(ICF core sets)通用版类目的 一个清单.结果 根据特定的功能领域建立了一套描述健康状况影响的ICF类目.结论 在ICD-11修订的背景之下,通过一系列的功能属性的ICF类目列表联合运用ICD和ICF可以实现两种分类的有价值的整合,有益于加强患者管理、干预方案的设计和健康结果的报告,能使我们将疾病的严重程度与疾病的影响区别开来.在卫生信息系统应用中, ICD-ICF联合运用建立了一种持续性卫生保健的共享的正式信息表征.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:筛选出脊髓损伤患者神经源性膀胱的国际功能、残疾、健康分类核心类目。 方法:通过ISCOS提供的开放脊髓损伤数据库(international SCI data sets)筛选出和神经源性膀胱相关的基础数据库,整理出这些数据库的每个变量。利用WHO-FIC合作中心ICF研究组开发的ICF与结局测量工具间联系和匹配的原则,采用专业人员对内容定性联系和匹配的方法,将针对筛选出的变量与ICF综合版测量项目进行联系和匹配。整理匹配的ICF项目生成神经源性膀胱ICF核心要素。 结果:通过对比2名研究者筛选相同变量,合并相近的变量,剔除与神经源性膀胱不相关的变量,最终纳入85项。共提取有明确意义的概念60个,可与ICF联系、匹配的概念46个。与ICF联系、匹配后共得出神经源性膀胱ICF核心类目40项,其中身体功能16项、身体结构8项、活动和参与9项、环境因素与个人因素7项。 结论:系统回顾研究法初步筛选出脊髓损伤患者神经源性膀胱ICF核心类目,为神经源性膀胱评估、治疗提供了更全面的框架。  相似文献   

运用ICF评定肌肉骨骼系统健康状况的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的建议联合使用国际疾病分类(ICD)及国际功能、残疾和健康分类(ICF),并应用肌肉骨骼系统(MSK)状况的例子来说明运用方法。方法根据在ICD中MSK状况的分类和现有的ICF核心分类集(ICF Core Sets)MSK状况的类目作为备选类目来专门说明专项功能。另一方法是考虑来自在文献中出现的已经应用的测量方法或工具的类目。结果从6个MSK状况的核心分类集、两种特定的保健治疗环境、一种MSK临床研究环境和8篇工具相关的文献中抽取相关的ICF类目。结论 ICD-ICF联合使用通过考虑疾病和功能状况来强调健康状况的影响,从而促进临床保健治疗。因此,有证据显示,在ICD修订版背景下ICD和ICF之间有可操作性的联系和互补作用。  相似文献   

目的探讨国际中文版脑卒中简明《国际功能、残疾和健康分类》(ICF)核心要素量表在脑卒中康复评定中的应用。方法180 例脑卒中患者接受规范康复2 个月。于治疗前、治疗结束时及治疗后6 个月,采用中国版脑卒中简明ICF 核心要素量表、Barthel 指数(BI)、功能综合评定量表(FCA)、世界卫生组织残疾评定量表(WHODASⅡ)进行评定。结果BI、FCA、WHODASⅡ评分与ICF核心量表总分及各成份分相关(P<0.05)。结论ICF核心量表是一种有效的脑卒中患者功能评定工具。  相似文献   

目的:在世界卫生组织(WHO)发布的孤独症谱系障碍(ASD)核心组合基础上,建立反映功能变量关系图模型,探索ASD治疗的ICF靶条目。方法:ASD便利样本77例,0-5岁和6-16岁患儿共有ICF组合条目67条。根据条目的频数计算障碍率。通过图建模建立条目间风险相关关系网络,继而进行主岛屿提取、k-核解析和网络参数(点度、介数、接近度和拉普拉斯度)计算。分析障碍率与网络参数之间的相关关系,并对k-核结构进行可视化分析。结果:障碍率在10%-90%的34个ICF条目借助风险相关关系处于主岛屿结构中。条目的障碍率与各个网络参数之间无明显相关关系。从核心网络中提取的关键条目具有中等程度的障碍率(0.4-0.8),以其作为可干预的ICF靶条目符合已有的ASD治疗认识。结论:基于频数分析的ICF条目障碍率和基于图建模的网络参数之间无明显相关关系,在核心组合基础上建立功能图谱,并从中提取核心网络和关键条目,有可能为发掘可干预ICF靶条目提供新思路。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Short lists of International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) categories, ICF Core Sets, have been developed as reference standards for clinical practice and research. The objective of this study was to validate the ICF Core Sets for early postacute rehabilitation facilities against the measures most commonly used in early postacute rehabilitation, the FIM instrument, the Functional Assessment Measure, and the Barthel index. DESIGN: Linking study matching the concepts of three commonly used outcome measures to corresponding ICF categories. RESULTS: Corresponding ICF categories could be found for all of the items of the FIM instrument + Functional Assessment Measure and Barthel index. The 40 items of these three measures were linked to 33 different ICF categories. Four items could be linked to ICF categories that were not part of any of the Postacute ICF Core Sets. CONCLUSIONS: The Postacute ICF Core Sets cover the concepts of the most frequently used measures in early postacute rehabilitation. Yet, many aspects of human functioning are not measured by the FIM instrument + Functional Assessment Measure and the Barthel index. If this information is considered relevant, these items would have to be added by using supplementary measures. Our comparison demonstrates the benefit of using a common language when comparing items using different wordings and concepts.  相似文献   

李露  张婷  黄晓琳 《中国康复》2009,24(1):26-27
目的:对慢性缺血性心脏病(CIHD)的国际功能、残疾与健康分类(ICF)核心要素表进行信度、效度评价,为中国冠心病患者的全面的功能评价提供特异性测量工具。方法:100例经冠状动脉造影检查证实为冠心病的患者,按照中国CIHD简明ICF核心要素量表、MacNew心脏病特异性问卷和医学结局研究简明调查表(SF-36)的评分规则进行评定。结果:中国CIHD简明ICF核心要素量表的4个成份中,Cronbachα系数在身体功能和活动与参与两方面的结果为0.834~0.839,具有较高的内部一致性;Kendall’sW值达到0.818,且P=0.000,评测者间结果具有很好的一致性。CIHD简明ICF核心要素表与SF-36和MacNew表之间的spearson系数为0.567与0.552(P〈0.01);表示有较好相关性。结论:采用中国CIHD简明ICF核心要素量表评定CIHD患者的功能是可靠和有效的,建议进一步推广使用。  相似文献   

This study evaluates whether the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) framework provides a useful basis to ensure that key user needs are identified in the development of a home-based arm rehabilitation system for stroke patients. Using a qualitative approach, nine people with residual arm weakness after stroke and six healthcare professionals with expertise in stroke rehabilitation were enrolled in the user-centered design process. They were asked, through semi-structured interviews, to define the needs and specification for a potential home-based rehabilitation device to facilitate self-managed arm exercise. The topic list for the interviews was derived by brainstorming ideas within the clinical and engineering multidisciplinary research team based on previous experience and existing literature in user-centered design. Meaningful concepts were extracted from questions and responses of these interviews. These concepts obtained were matched to the categories within the ICF comprehensive core set for stroke using ICF linking rules. Most of the concepts extracted from the interviews matched to the existing ICF Core Set categories. Person factors like gender, age, interest, compliance, motivation, choice, and convenience that might determine device usability are yet to be categorized within the ICF comprehensive core set. The results suggest that the categories of the comprehensive ICF Core Set for stroke provide a useful basis for structuring interviews to identify most users needs. However some personal factors (related to end users and healthcare professionals) need to be considered in addition to the ICF categories.  相似文献   

Background and Purpose. To identify the contents of a documentation template in The Guide to Physical Therapist Practice using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) Core Sets for rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and low back pain (LBP) as reference. Methods. Concepts were identified from items of an outpatient documentation template and mapped to the ICF using established linking rules. The ICF categories that were linked were compared with existing arthritis and LBP Core Sets. Results. Based on the ICF, the template had the highest number (29%) of linked categories under Activities and participation while Body structures had the least (17%). ICF categories in the arthritis and LBP Core Sets had a 37–55% match with the ICF categories found in the template. We found 164 concepts that were not classified or not defined and 37 as personal factors. Conclusions. The arthritis and LBP Core Sets were reflected in the contents of the template. ICF categories in the Core Sets were reflected in the template (demonstrating up to 55% match). Potential integration of ICF in documentation templates could be explored and examined in the future to enhance clinical encounters and multidisciplinary communication. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

目的:探讨以ICF的核心要素为指导,制定有针对性的个体化作业康复目标、治疗计划,观察其对脑卒中患者ADL的影响。方法:选择60例脑卒中患者,对患者的活动与参与采用改良巴氏指数、健康调查表健康调查简表(SF-36)进行综合性评定,然后随机分成观察组和对照组,每组30例。2组均给予常规康复治疗,观察组加入运用中国版简明《国际功能残疾和健康分类》(ICF)核心要素量表进行评估,其结果做相关分析后制定个体化治疗方案。治疗前后采用健康调查简表(SF-36)、改良Barthel指数(MBI)、中国版简明核心ICF要素量表进行评价。结果:治疗8周后,2组患者SF-36、MBI评分均明显提高(P0.05),ICF总分明显降低(P0.05),观察组改善幅度均明显优于对照组(P0.05)。结论:以ICF理念和量表作为指导,以患者的诉求为中心,制定个性化的作业治疗方案,能更有成效更有针对性的达到康复目标,从而更有效的改善脑卒中患者的日常生活能力。  相似文献   



To determine the extent to which the content of the Quality of Life in Neurological Disorders (Neuro-QoL) covers the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) Core Sets for multiple sclerosis (MS), stroke, spinal cord injury (SCI), and traumatic brain injury (TBI) using summary linkage indicators.


Content analysis by linking content of the Neuro-QoL to corresponding ICF codes of each Core Set for MS, stroke, SCI, and TBI.


Three academic centers.





Main Outcome Measures

Four summary linkage indicators proposed by MacDermid et al were estimated to compare the content coverage between Neuro-QoL and the ICF codes of Core Sets for MS, stroke, MS, and TBI.


Neuro-QoL represented 20% to 30% Core Set codes for different conditions in which more codes in Core Sets for MS (29%), stroke (28%), and TBI (28%) were covered than those for SCI in the long-term (20%) and early postacute (19%) contexts. Neuro-QoL represented nearly half of the unique Activity and Participation codes (43%–49%) and less than one third of the unique Body Function codes (12%?32%). It represented fewer Environmental Factors codes (2%?6%) and no Body Structures codes. Absolute linkage indicators found that at least 60% of Neuro-QoL items were linked to Core Set codes (63%?95%), but many items covered the same codes as revealed by unique linkage indicators (7%?13%), suggesting high concept redundancy among items.


The Neuro-QoL links more closely to ICF Core Sets for stroke, MS, and TBI than to those for SCI, and primarily covers activity and participation ICF domains. Other instruments are needed to address concepts not measured by the Neuro-QoL when a comprehensive health assessment is needed.  相似文献   

The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) Core Sets for schizophrenia describe the key problems in functioning that are experienced by individuals with this disorder. This study examines the content validity of these Core Sets and aims to identify the most frequent problems faced by people with schizophrenia, considering for this analysis the perspective of Psychiatric‐Mental‐Health Nurses. The study complied with the COREQ checklist for qualitative studies. A total of 101 nurses from 30 countries covering all six World Health Organization regions participated in a Delphi study. Their responses in Round 1 were linked to ICF categories, retaining those reported by at least 5% of participants. In Round 2, they were asked to rate the relevance of each of these categories to the nursing care of patients with schizophrenia. This process was repeated in Round 3. A total of 2327 concepts were extracted in Round 1 and linked to ICF categories. Following the analysis, 125 categories and 31 personal factors were presented to the experts in rounds 2 and 3. Consensus (defined as agreement ≥75%) was reached for 97 of these categories and 29 personal factors. These categories corresponded to all those (N = 25) in the Brief Core Set and 87 of the 97 categories of the Comprehensive Core Set for schizophrenia. Ten new categories emerged. The Delphi process identified the problems in functioning that nurses encounter when treating individuals with schizophrenia, and the results supported the content validity of the Core Sets. We conclude that these Core Sets offer a comprehensive framework for structuring clinical information and guiding the treatment process.  相似文献   

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