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目的探索病变后主动脉夹层的血流动力学性能,为胸主动脉夹层(thoracic aortic dissection,TAD)患者治疗提供更加科学的依据。方法基于1例复杂Stanford B型主动脉夹层患者的计算机断层扫描血管造影(computed tomography angiography,CTA)影像数据,建立个性化主动脉夹层近心端不同破口形态(H、O、V型)的夹层模型,结合计算流体动力学(computational fluid dynamics,CFD)与形态学分析方法,分析破口截面速度、血流状态、壁面压力以及壁面剪切力(wall shear stress,WSS)分布。结果 H型破口类型在破裂入口处的流速、最高压强差、WSS占比都表现出较其他两种类型较大的血流动力学参数,H型破口类型夹层破裂风险最大,V型次之,O型最小。结论研究结果为病例进一步数值分析和制定治疗方案提供有效的参考。  相似文献   

目的 基于血流动力学分析,探究1例B型主动脉夹层在腔内修复术(thoracic endovascular aortic repair, TEVAR)后发生新发破口的原因。方法 对1位B型主动脉夹层患者在TEVAR术后1、6、12、24月定期复查主动脉CT血管造影检查(computed tomography angiography,CTA)。基于各时期CTA影像,重建三维模型,进行形态学和血流动力学数值模拟分析。结果 相比于术后1月,术后12月真腔直径增加1.8倍,且主动脉整体扭曲度增加16.67%;术后1、6、12月,在心脏收缩期新发破口处最大血流速度分别高于支架远端锚定区平均流速69.6%、33.7%、92.1%,最大壁面剪切应力分别为平均剪切力的2.52、2.32、3.52倍;此外,最大时均壁面切应力(time-averaged wall shear stress, TAWSS)在术后1、6、12月分别为平均TAWSS的1.88、2.53、3.62倍。结论 TEVAR术后新发破口处主动脉真腔直径存在明显突变,且持续增大。导致该处主动脉血流流速加快,内膜长期承受高壁面剪切应力,进而引起新发破口。  相似文献   

目的 探讨腔内隔绝术EVGE治疗Stanford B型夹层动脉瘤的价值及应用经验。方法采用国产人工覆膜支架治疗Stanford B型夹层动脉瘤9例。经核磁共振(MRI)、主动脉造影明确瘤体和夹层破口位置及大小,标记破口位置。准确选定覆膜支架型移植物,DSA监控下将支架导入瘤腔及裂口位置,完全封闭破口,使真、假腔隔绝。结果破口全部封闭成功,支架没有移位、狭窄等并发症。术后超声和螺旋CT检查假腔内有血栓形成。9例患者均康复出院。结论EVGE是一种治疗Stanford B型夹层动脉瘤的有效方法,早期结果满意,中远期效果还有待进一步观察。  相似文献   

目的比较分析应用弹性血管壁的流固耦合计算流体力学(CFD)方法和刚性血管壁的CFD方法模拟获得的正常主动脉弓内血流动力学参数,同时比较两种方法的优劣,为深入研究血液流动状态与动脉疾病的关系提供帮助。方法取46岁男性,胸主动脉正常CT图像,格式为Dicom,层间距为0.5mm,每片图像的平面分辨率为512×512,像素大小为0.5mm。应用医学图像后处理软件,对通过临床获得正常人体主动脉CT二维医学图像数据进行重构,得到主动脉血流及血管壁的三维立体模型并应用于模拟计算。结果在设定边界条件和初始条件的基础上,经多次迭代耦合计算,获得血管壁形变、等效应力、血流速度、壁面振荡切应力等相关血流动力学参数。结论在心动周期内弹性血管壁的主动脉内血流情况较刚性血管壁主动脉内血流情况更为复杂,管壁等效压力变化较大,血管壁的振荡切应力更高,表明弹性血管壁的流固耦合的CFD模拟更能体现真实主动脉内复杂血流情况,为深入研究血流动力学与心脑血管疾病的关系提供了一定的技术支持。  相似文献   

目的:为研究人工升主动脉置换术治疗Stanford A型主动脉夹层后的血流动力学规律,采集临床CT图像,构建术后个性化主动脉流场几何模型。基于计算流体动力学对其进行数值模拟,得到术后流域壁面压力分布和流速分布两个力学指标,从而分析术后流域规律。方法:采集术后CT图像DICOM文件并应用影像后处理软件MIMICS进行三维重构及优化获得几何模型,再将该流域模型导入网格划分软件进行CFD网格划分,最后将网格文件导入ABAQUS/CFD模块进行多周期瞬态模拟。结果:通过模拟计算,得到术后主动脉在心动周期不同时刻的血流动力学参数。结论:血流动力学参数与边界条件密切相关。主动脉内复杂流场环境与心血管疾病存在一定联系。数值模拟可为人工血管置换术后病情发展提供参考。  相似文献   

目的通过对基于CT图像的血流动力学数值模拟获得的患有降主动脉夹层与正常胸主动脉内的血流动力学参数的比较,分析主动脉夹层内血液流动状态与动脉夹层疾病的关系,为阐明主动脉夹层疾病的发病机制提供理论依据。方法患者A为46岁男性,胸主动脉正常;患者B为33岁女性,患有通腔型降主动脉夹层,即通腔形式的DeBakeyⅢ型主动脉夹层。CT图像为DICOM格式,层间距为0.5mm,每片图像的平面分辨率为512×512,像素大小为0.5mm。应用医学图像后处理软件对通过临床获得的CT二维医学图像数据进行处理重构,得到正常和患有降主动脉夹层的胸主动脉三维立体模型并转化为可用于模拟计算的计算机辅助设计(CAD)模型。应用计算流体力学(CFD)软件模拟胸主动脉内血流情况,获得相关血流动力学参数。结果计算出胸主动脉在心动周期内不同时刻的血流动力学参数。结论在心动周期内患有动脉夹层胸主动脉内血流情况较正常胸主动脉内血流情况更为复杂,表现为管壁压力变化较大、夹层开口处出现多个漩涡等现象,表明主动脉夹层内复杂血流情况与主动脉夹层疾病的发病机制存在一定的关系。  相似文献   

目的结合形态学分析与计算流体动力学(computational fluid dynamics,CFD)方法探索Stanford B型主动脉夹层病发机理,为有效预测B型主动脉夹层发生提供依据。方法对6例初发夹层患者(夹层组) CTA数据和6例正常志愿者(对照组) MRI黑血成像数据进行图像分割和三维重建,获得个体化的主动脉三维模型。使用压缩算法去除假腔,获得夹层病发前主动脉形态,与对照组进行对比。比较两组形态学参数和血流动力学参数之间的差异。结果与对照组相比,夹层组主动脉弓降交界处的截面积呈现明显增大[(892. 03±263. 78) mm~2 vs (523. 67±64. 10)mm~2,P=0. 036];左锁骨下动脉和主动脉之间的夹角明显减小(66. 62°±20. 11°vs 100. 40°±15. 35°,P=0. 036);主动脉弯曲度显著增加(0. 37°±0. 07°vs 0. 21°±0. 51°,P=0. 011);夹层组平均壁面剪切力(time-averaged wall shear stress,TAWSS)明显高于对照组;发生夹层区域的血液呈现低速漩涡流动状态;且夹层区域的震荡剪切指数(oscillating shear index,OSI)也明显升高。结论研究结果可用于指导临床B型主动脉夹层病发初期诊疗决策。  相似文献   

目的 利用数值模拟研究具有病人特异性的脑动脉瘤内的血液流动,为脑动脉瘤的破裂风险的评价和动脉瘤介入栓塞后复发风险的评价提供帮助。方法 从两例脑动脉瘤病人的3D-RA数据中重建动脉瘤几何模型,血液流变学模型选择假塑性非牛顿流体模型,利用商用CFD软件Fluent对两例动脉瘤内的血液流动进行数值模拟。结果 数值模拟给出了动脉瘤内的流线图、重要截面上的速度分布图、壁面上的切应力分布和压力分布图。并且绘制了在收缩期时刻动脉瘤颈部和瘤顶部各20个点上的壁面切应力和压力的变化情况。结论 血流动力学因素如流速、压力、壁面切应力、流动对壁面的冲击状况等因素与动脉瘤的生长和破裂密切相关,而由于脑动脉瘤形态各异、载瘤动脉与动脉瘤体的几何关系复杂,所以具有病人特异性的数值模拟对于研究动脉瘤破裂和复发风险具有重要价值。动脉瘤颈部的壁面切应力和壁面切应力的波动的变化规律并不相同,需要进一步研究壁面切应力的波动与脑动脉瘤生长与破裂之间的定量关系。  相似文献   

目的利用数值模拟方法阐明人工心脏吻合口位置对微栓运动的影响。方法首先,基于心衰患者CT医学图像重建真实的主动脉三维模型,并根据临床实际建立3种吻合口位置(位于前壁、前壁和侧壁之间、侧壁)的人工心脏辅助几何模型;其次,运用离散相与有限元结合的方法,使用Fluent有限元软件进行流体数值模拟;最后,分析获得的微栓分布结果、速度矢量图和壁面切应力云图,评估血流动力学状态。结果当人工心脏吻合口的位置分别处于前壁、前壁和侧壁之间以及侧壁时,微栓进入脑部的概率分别为23.6%、33.8%和36.7%;吻合口位置周围存在涡流。结论人工心脏吻合口位置能够显著改变主动脉的血流动力学特性,影响微栓在主动脉中的分布规律。研究结果为临床优化人工心脏吻合口位置以降低卒中发生风险提供理论支持。  相似文献   

目的简化基于临床采集的增强CT图像数据进行人体腹主动脉及髂动脉真实三维解剖结构的过程,提高计算流体力学(CFD)计算结果的可靠性,并对比分析正常髂动脉和髂动脉血栓后血管内血流情况,为阐明动脉粥样硬化血栓的形成机制提供理论依据。方法患者A为40岁男性,腹主动脉及髂动脉正常;患者B为60岁女性,腹主动脉正常,但左髂主动脉部分血栓及左髂内动脉血栓。CT图像为医学数字成像与通信标准(DICOM)格式,层间距为0.5 mm,每片图像的平面分辨率为512×512,像素大小为0.5mm。应用医学后处理软件对通过临床采集的增强CT二维图像数据进行三维重构,然后在通用有限元分析软件ANSYS中转换成可用于数值计算的计算机辅助设计(CAD)模型并直接进行CFD模拟计算。结果通过计算可得到A、B研究对象在心动周期内不同时刻的血流动力学参数。B研究对象左和右髂动脉感兴趣区域的平均壁面切应力(0.576 6±0.009 0,3.260 2±0.032 0)明显区别于A研究对象左和右髂动脉感兴趣区域的平均壁面切应力(1.269 8±0.008 0,1.393 2±0.011 0)。结论通过CFD模拟方法的改进,得到更加接近生理解剖特征的血栓后不规则血管三维立体模型,并通过对比A、B研究对象的计算结果,分析了复杂的血流情况如低流速、低壁面切应力等现象与动脉粥样硬化血栓的形成机制存在一定的关系。  相似文献   

Progressive false lumen aneurysmal degeneration in type B aortic dissection (TBAD) is a complex process with a multi-factorial etiology. Patient-specific computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations provide spatial and temporal hemodynamic quantities that facilitate understanding this disease progression. A longitudinal study was performed for a TBAD patient, who was diagnosed with the uncomplicated TBAD in 2006 and treated with optimal medical therapy but received surgery in 2010 due to late complication. Geometries of the aorta in 2006 and 2010 were reconstructed. With registration algorithms, we accurately quantified the evolution of the false lumen, while with CFD simulations we computed several hemodynamic indexes, including the wall shear stress (WSS), and the relative residence time (RRT). The numerical fluid model included large eddy simulation (LES) modeling for efficiently capturing the flow disturbances induced by the entry tears. In the absence of complete patient-specific data, the boundary conditions were based on a specific calibration method. Correlations between hemodynamics and the evolution field in time obtained by registration of the false lumen are discussed. Further testing of this methodology on a large cohort of patients may enable the use of CFD to predict whether patients, with originally uncomplicated TBAD, develop late complications.  相似文献   

Aortic dissection has high morbidity and mortality rates and guidelines regarding surgical intervention are not clearly defined. The treatment of aortic dissection varies with each patient and detailed knowledge of haemodynamic and mechanical forces would be advantageous in the process of choosing a course of treatment. In this study, a patient-specific dissected aorta geometry is constructed from computed tomography scans. Dynamic boundary conditions are implemented by coupling a three element Windkessel model to the 3D domain at each outlet, in order to capture the essential behaviour of the downstream vasculature. The Windkessel model parameters are defined based on clinical data. The predicted minimum and maximum pressures are close to those measured invasively. Malperfusion is indicated and complex flow patterns are observed. Pressure, flow and wall shear stress distributions are analysed. The methodology presented here provides insight into the haemodynamics in a patient-specific dissected aorta and represents a development towards the use of CFD simulations as a diagnostic tool for aortic dissection.  相似文献   

Aortic dissection is a life-threatening process in which the weakened wall develops a tear, causing separation of wall layers. The dissected layers separate the original true aortic lumen and a newly created false lumen. If untreated, the condition can be fatal. Flow rate in the false lumen is a key feature for false lumen patency, which has been regarded as one of the most important predictors of adverse early and later outcomes. Detailed flow analysis in the dissected aorta may assist vascular surgeons in making treatment decisions, but computational models to simulate flow in aortic dissections often involve several assumptions. The purpose of this study is to assess the computational models adopted in previous studies by comparison with in vivo velocity data obtained by means of phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging (PC-MRI).Aortic dissection geometry was reconstructed from computed tomography (CT) images, while PC-MRI velocity data were used to define inflow conditions and to provide distal velocity components for comparison with the simulation results. The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation incorporated a laminar–turbulent transition model, which is necessary for adequate flow simulation in aortic conditions. Velocity contours from PC-MRI and CFD in the two lumens at the distal plane were compared at four representative time points in the pulse cycle.The computational model successfully captured the complex regions of flow reversal and recirculation qualitatively, although quantitative differences exist. With a rigid wall assumption and exclusion of arch branches, the CFD model over-predicted the false lumen flow rate by 25% at peak systole. Nevertheless, an overall good agreement was achieved, confirming the physiological relevance and validity of the computational model for type B aortic dissection with a relatively stiff dissection flap.  相似文献   

动脉瘤的血流动力学是影响其生长与破裂的重要因素,尤其是形态学参数径颈比(aspect ratio,AR,瘤体长径/瘤颈宽度)对其血流动力学影响较大。本研究使用基于计算流体力学(computational fluid dynamics,CFD)技术的ANSYS 16.0软件包,数值仿真分析了不同径颈比对颅内动脉瘤瘤体与分支血管血流动力学的影响,为临床上制定合理的形态学与血流动力学指标来筛选高危的动脉瘤患者,并进行积极的干预治疗提供一定的理论依据。通过使用空间直角坐标系建立径颈比为3.33、2.5、2、1.67、1.43、1.25的理想颅内动脉瘤几何模型,分析和比较了包括血液流场与涡量分布、流速与流量、壁面压力、壁面切应力(wall shear stress,WSS)、瘤颈近远侧端与分支血管剪切应变率(shear strain rate,SSR)在内的血流动力学参数。数值模拟结果给出了动脉瘤与分支血管内的流线图、涡核图、压力分布云图、WSS分布云图以及随X轴变化的流速与压力峰值分布曲线。分析得出,径颈比决定瘤内血流模式,径颈比减小,瘤顶的流速与SSR增大,瘤壁上的压力与WSS增大,分支血管壁上的压力增大,且WSS/SSR瘤颈远侧端>WSS/SSR瘤颈近侧端>WSS/SSR分支血管中心,涡核区域由瘤体远侧壁增大至覆盖整个动脉瘤,但对分支血管内血流的阻碍作用减小。  相似文献   

Endovascular stent-graft placement for the treatment of acute aortic dissection.   总被引:112,自引:0,他引:112  
BACKGROUND: The standard treatment for acute aortic dissection is either surgical or medical therapy, depending on the morphologic features of the lesion and any associated complications. Irrespective of the form of treatment, the associated mortality and morbidity are considerable. METHODS: We studied the placement of endovascular stent-grafts across the primary entry tear for the management of acute aortic dissection originating in the descending thoracic aorta. We evaluated the feasibility, safety, and effectiveness of transluminal stent-graft placement over the entry tear in 4 patients with acute type A aortic dissections (which involve the ascending aorta) and 15 patients with acute type B aortic dissections (which are confined to the descending aorta). Dissections involved aortic branches in 14 of the 19 patients (74 percent), and symptomatic compromise of multiple branch vessels was observed in 7 patients (37 percent). The stent-grafts were made of self-expanding stainless-steel covered with woven polyester or polytetrafluoroethylene material. RESULTS: Placement of endovascular stent-grafts across the primary entry tears was technically successful in all 19 patients. Complete thrombosis of the thoracic aortic false lumen was achieved in 15 patients (79 percent), and partial thrombosis was achieved in 4 (21 percent). Revascularization of ischemic branch vessels, with subsequent relief of corresponding symptoms, occurred in 76 percent of the obstructed branches. Three of the 19 patients died within 30 days, for an early mortality rate of 16 percent (95 percent confidence interval, 0 to 32 percent). There were no deaths and no instances of aneurysm or aortic rupture during the subsequent average follow-up period of 13 months. CONCLUSIONS: These initial results suggest that stent-graft coverage of the primary entry tear may be a promising new treatment for selected patients with acute aortic dissection. This technique requires further evaluation, however, to assess its therapeutic potential fully.  相似文献   

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