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通过对医用防护口罩密合性检测方法、重要性的概述,以及对影响医用防护口罩密合性相关因素的系统阐述,分析目前医用防护口罩使用及管理过程中存在的问题,并提出使用及选择方面的建议和措施,对切实提升医用防护口罩的防护效果具有重要意义。  相似文献   

 目的 了解医务人员对不同品牌医用防护口罩密合性感受和舒适度感受的差异。方法 选取发热门诊的工作人员,包括医生、护士、医技、工勤人员,对四个品牌的折叠形医用防护口罩进行定量适合性测试,调查不同动作时医务人员主观感受密合性情况,并调查测试时和佩戴4h后医务人员鼻梁区压迫感、皮肤痒、颜面部皮肤损伤、内表面磨嘴、勒耳廓、面部压迫感等不适感受,以及佩戴4h后口罩变形等特殊情况。结果 共对发热门诊98名工作人员进行了医用防护口罩佩戴适合性测试和舒适度调查,与定量适合性测试结果相比,主观感受真正密合的符合率为77.42%;主观感受真正非密合的符合率为56.86%。不同测试动作中,除大声说话动作之外,其他动作主观感受真正密合性符合率均在90%以上,而真正非密合符合率各项动作均较低,均在30%以下。口罩佩戴主观感受反映的主要问题为大小不合适、头带拉力不舒适、鼻梁区压迫感,整体不适感受人员比率在40%左右。佩戴4h后,头带拉力不舒适、鼻梁区压迫感人员比例所有增加。结论 选择医用防护口罩时,除考虑适合性测试数据外,还需综合考虑舒适度等主观感受,可提高医用防护口罩佩戴的依从性和正确性,并提高医务人员满意度。  相似文献   

病原微生物实验室医用防护口罩的定性适合性检验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
罗山 《职业与健康》2007,23(19):1706-1707
医用防护口罩是指专业医护人员在医院中为预防某些呼吸道传染性微生物传播,以保护自身在工作中的身体健康为目的的呼吸防护用品。医用防护口罩属于呼吸防护用品中的密合性面罩。医务人员和病原微生物实验室的实验人员属于职业暴露人群,面对有潜在传染性的病人和病原微生物时,在  相似文献   

对中、美、欧盟口罩细菌过滤效率、颗粒过滤效率、抗湿性能、密合性等主要防护性能进行了对比研究.指出了各口罩性能的差异及病毒防护方面存在的问题,建议有关部门尽快修订口罩标准,加快抗病毒且能重复使用的新型口罩的研究和审批,同时大力宣传口罩的正确使用方法,建议公众在风险较高的地区和场所要佩戴医用防护口罩或KN95口罩,儿童应佩...  相似文献   

目的了解南京市结核病防治医务人员医用防护口罩佩戴情况及其影响因素。方法采用自填问卷,对南京市7所结核病定点医院的结核病防治医务人员进行调查,收集佩戴行为及相关影响因素信息。采用多因素logistic回归模型进行分析。结果有效调查187人,口罩防护认知总正确率为74.56%。面对传染性患者/标本时,60.43%(113人)选择医用防护口罩,其中仅有46.90%(53人)在佩戴时进行口罩密合性测试,医用防护口罩佩戴正确率为28.34%。多因素非条件logistic回归分析显示,市级医疗机构(OR=2.205,95%CI:1.082~4.493)、年龄35岁(OR=2.312,95%CI:1.097~4.872)为正确佩戴医用防护口罩的危险因素;防护认知(OR=0.260,95%CI:0.069~0.980)、培训教育(OR=0.460,95%CI:0.217~0.976)为保护性因素。结论南京市结核病定点医院医务人员医用防护口罩佩戴现状不容乐观,应有效落实培训管理制度,加强职业防护的引导与支持,提高职业防护与感染控制认知。  相似文献   

目的 通过分析医用N95防护口罩的客观定性适合性检验结果与佩戴者对口罩主观评价结果的一致性,为医务人员科学选择防护口罩提供科学依据。方法 于2021年8月11日-29日对221名南京新冠定点医院工作人员进行调查,采用美国职业安全健康管理局(OSHA)认可的苦味剂气溶胶法(3MTMFT-30)设计的问卷进行现场收集调查,利用SPSS23.0软件对数据进行数据统计分析。结果 敏感性测试中,共201人(90.95%)通过测试,其中1级敏感度169人(76.47%)、2级敏感度30人(13.57%)、3级敏感度2人(0.90%);客观定性适合性检验方面,通过率为92.04%(185/201),其中第一次检验通过180人,第二次检验通过5人;佩戴者主观评价方面,111人主观整体感受较好,占55.22%,其中张嘴辅助呼吸、口罩气味、经面部肌肉调整后密合性三项得分分别为(2.10±0.58)分、(2.13±0.42)分、(2.46±0.56)分,均低于整体主观评价得分为(2.55±0.50)分,且主观评价口罩佩戴使用前密合性和经面部肌肉调整后密合性比较差异具有统计学意义(χ2=17.840,P<0.05);客观定性适合性检验结果与佩戴者主观评价的一致性差,kappa值为0.174(P<0.001)。结论 在客观定性适合性检验中,医用N95防护口罩安全性能较高,在适合性好的基础上增加口罩佩戴的舒适度,提高佩戴者的整体主观评价,充分利用测试结果为医务人员正确选择和有效使用的防护口罩。  相似文献   

目的 通过进行医用防护口罩3M FT-30定性适合性检验,以期为医务人员选择适合自己型号的口罩,降低被感染的风险,达到最佳的防护效果。方法 选取某院567名主要从事医技、护理及后勤岗位的工作人员于2022年4月1—22日在医院感染科组织下进行医用防护口罩的定性适合性检验。使用3M FT-30适合性检验设备,采用定性的方法检验受试者佩戴医用防护口罩的适合程度。结果 全院567名医务人员均对苦味剂敏感,敏感率为100%;共567名医务人员佩戴稳健医疗公司生产的医用防护口罩(折叠式)进行适合性检验,28名未通过检验,未通过率为4.94%;未通过测验人群中,脸型瘦小、胖大及面部局部五官特征突出的受测人员佩戴口罩与面部贴合不紧密,容易出现漏气,导致检验失败。未通过测验人员更换其他两种不同品牌口罩重新进行测验,其中11名佩戴振德医疗用品股份有限公司生产的医用防护口罩(头戴式)测验通过,16名脸型瘦小、下巴尖、鼻梁塌的医务人员佩戴思沃D920医用防护口罩通过测验,另外还有1名医务人员佩戴三种医用防护口罩均未通过测验。受试者佩戴同一种型号同一批次医用防护口罩做不同动作进行检验时未通过率比较,差异具有统...  相似文献   

陈晓庆 《家庭健康》2014,(11):24-24
口罩的种类和选择 1.医用口罩材料为无纺布、纱布或特效抗病毒等特殊材料。医用口罩分为三类:医用防护口罩、医用外科口罩、普通医用口罩。医用防护口罩主要用于过滤空气中的微粒,阻隔飞沫、血液、体液、分泌物的传播。医用外科口罩主要用于手术、穿刺等,阻止血液、体液和飞溅物传播。普通医用口罩用于隔绝医患间飞沫传播,对细菌、病毒无防护作用,也没有防护PM2.5的作用。  相似文献   

目的 比较3MTM9132型与1860型N95颗粒物医用防护口罩的定性适合性检验效果,促进医务人员了解N95防护口罩的选择方法.方法 通过3M FT-30定性适合性检验设备,采用定性的方法,检验购自3M公司的3MTM 9132型和1860型N95微粒物医用防护口罩对医务人员的适合程度.结果 185名参加3MTM 9132型N95 颗粒物医用防护口罩测试的医务人员,敏感性检验级别均为1级,3人自述对口罩材料过敏,放弃适合性检验,182名接受定性适合性检验的医务人员中,有176名医务人员1次通过了定性适合性检验,其余6人经调整后均通过了定性适合性检验;637名参加3MTM 1860型N95颗粒物医用防护口罩测试的医务人员中,13人对苦味剂不敏感,敏感性级别为1、2、3级的人员分别占87.28%、7.69%、2.98%,通过敏感性检验的624名医务人员中,598人通过了定性适合性检验,佩戴两种不同型号口罩定性适合性检验通过率的差异有统计学意义(x2 =7.83,P<0.05).结论 同一防护级别两种不同类型的医用防护口罩的定性适合性检验效果不同,医务人员应选择适合个人使用的防护口罩.  相似文献   

目的检验3MTM9132型N95颗粒物医用防护口罩的适合性,促进医务人员了解N95防护口罩的佩戴与调节方法。方法通过3MFT-30定性适合性检验设备,采用定性的方法,检验购自3M公司的3MTM9132型N95微粒物医用防护口罩对医务人员的适合程度。结果185名参加测试的医务人员,敏感性检验级别均为1级;3人自述对口罩材料过敏,放弃适合性检验,182名接受定性适合性检验的医务人员中,有176名医务人员1次通过了定性适合性检验,其余6人经调整后均通过了定性适合性检验。结论防护口罩的适合性测试既可使医务人员选择适合个人使用的防护口罩,又可使医务人员了解正确的口罩佩戴方法。  相似文献   

 目的 探究不同种类口罩防血液穿透性能的差异,研究口罩形状对血液穿透的影响,评估口罩的防血液穿透性能。 方法 选择三种类型口罩:医用防护口罩(折叠式)、KN95口罩(拱形)、一次性医用外科口罩(平面),对口罩表面拒水层进行测试,通过高速摄影分析血液喷射与流动的形态轨迹,计算不同条件(压力、距离、时间)下口罩表面血液面积。 结果 口罩表面均具有疏水性(接触角>130°)。标准条件下(120 mmHg,30 cm),医用防护口罩(折叠式)、KN95口罩(拱形)、一次性医用外科口罩(平面)血液附着面积分别为1.79、2.53、4.72 cm2;高压条件下(160 mmHg,30 cm),血液附着面积均上升;短距离条件下(120 mmHg,15 cm), 医用防护口罩(折叠式)、KN95口罩(拱形)表面血液面积减少,一次性医用外科口罩(平面)血液面积变大;长时间的高压喷射下(60 s,160 mmHg), KN95口罩(拱形)内层出现血液穿透现象。 结论 三种口罩合成血液穿透性能均达到国内外最高等级标准。KN95口罩(拱形)排液能力与阻隔性能表现最优,其次为医用防护口罩(折叠式),但在极限条件下KN95口罩(拱形)因出现血液渗透而失效。  相似文献   

目的探讨各种医用口罩的防护效果、适用范围和正确的使用方法。方法通过分析各类口罩的技术标准,了解各种医用口罩的防护效果,从而指导医务人员在临床工作中如何正确选择和使用医用口罩。结果医用外科口罩和医用防护口罩有国家技术标准,能起到有效阻挡病原体的防护作用,其他类型口罩没有统一的技术标准,仅有一定的机械阻挡作用,不能有效阻挡病原体通过呼吸道入侵。结论医师在临床工作中应根据实际情况和防护目的,正确选择与使用医用口罩,以达到防止呼吸道传播的感染性疾病和传染病在医院内的传播,做好有效的职业防护,减少医院感染的发生。  相似文献   




The protective properties of nonwoven materials (Spandbond, SMS) used to manufacture 3-5-layer medical masks, by using model physical and bacterial test aerosols, were experimentally assessed. It was shown that the more layers of the materials, the less permeable they became for test aerosols. Three-five-layer masks made from SMS at a density of 42 g/m2 were found to have higher protective properties for oil mist and fine aerosol than those made from Spandbond at a density of 25 g/m2. Five-layer SMS materials at a density of 42 g/m2 have the highest values of bacterial aerosol retention.  相似文献   

Two different types of filtering respiratory masks are available in healthcare settings. The first ones are used to protect patients from droplets coming from the mouth of healthcare workers (HCW) and the second ones are protective masks. For the moment, we lack information regarding application of Ministry of Health recommendations and on adherence of HCW to mask use. Geres, the HCW exposure risk study group, and the INRS, are now conducting a survey in several hospitals in France to evaluate the use of respiratory masks in healthcare settings. Two phases are planned. Phase I is a self survey using a questionnaire for occupational doctors and hygienists and phase II includes three steps on HCW behavior: evaluation of knowledge and practice concerning respiratory masks, evaluation of respiratory mask use, evaluation of wear and fit test in a context of airborne isolation with a FFP1 and FFP2 respiratory mask. Phase I is finished and phase II is beginning. The first phase I data show that the Ministry's recommendations are observed: respiratory masks are available, written recommendations are present; information and training are organized for healthcare workers. Phase II results are not available yet.  相似文献   

This study investigates two different methods (random effects model and 5th percentile) for determining the performance of three types of respiratory protective devices (elastomeric N95 respirators, N95 filtering-facepiece respirators, and surgical masks) during a simulated workplace test. This study recalculated the protection level of three types of respiratory protective devices using the random effects model, compared the two methods with each other and the APF of 10 for half-facepiece respirators, and determined the value of each of the fit test protocols in attaining the desired level of simulated workplace protection factor (SWPF). Twenty-five test subjects with varying face sizes tested 15 models of elastomeric N95 respirators, 15 models of N95 filtering-facepiece respirators, and 6 models of surgical masks. Simulated workplace testing was conducted using a TSI PORTACOUNT Plus model 8020 and consisted of a series of seven exercises. Six simulated workplace tests were performed with redonning of the respirator/mask occurring between each test. Each of the six tests produced an SWPF. To determine the level of protection provided by the respiratory protective devices, a 90% lower confidence limit for the simulated workplace protection factor (SWPF(LCL90%)) and the 5th percentile of simulated workplace protection factor were computed. The 5th percentile method values could be up to seven times higher than the SWPF(LCL90%) values. Without fit testing, all half-facepiece N95 respirators had a 5th percentile of 4.6 and an SWPF(LCL90%) value of 2.7. N95 filtering-facepiece respirators as a class had values of 3.3 and 2.0, respectively, whereas N95 elastomeric respirators had values of 7.3 and 4.6, respectively. Surgical masks did not provide any protection, with values of 1.2 and 1.4, respectively. Passing either the Bitrex, saccharin, or Companion fit test resulted in the respirators providing the expected level of protection with 5th percentiles greater than or equal to 10 except when passing the Bitrex test with N95 filtering-facepiece respirators, which resulted in a 5th percentile of only 7.9. No substantial difference was seen between the three fit tests. All of the SWPF(LCL90%) values after passing a fit test were less than 10. The random model method provides a more conservative estimate of the protection provided by a respirator because it takes into account both between- and within-wearer variability.  相似文献   

A modified quantitative fit testing method has been developed for testing half masks using the TSI PortaCount respirator fit tester. This approach focuses on shortening the time for each exercise during fit testing; however, the shortened protocol is applied only to the very good-fitting masks. For marginal-fitting masks, the testing is carried out according to the full Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) respiratory protection standard (29CFR1910.134).(1) The shortened protocol (currently not approved by OSHA) still uses all the exercises required by the OSHA standard but for a shorter time (30 seconds [s] for each exercise instead of the usual 60 s). How good the fit has to be to qualify for a shortened exercise is determined by the statistical analysis of a large data set containing pass and fail fit-test data. The statistical analysis involves calculating the sensitivity and specificity of the pass and failed fit tests on half masks. From this analysis, a multiplication factor (K) to the OSHA pass/fail criterion was developed. For a respirator to undergo the shortened protocol, the fit factor obtained during any exercise must be K times the OSHA pass/fail criterion of 100 for half masks. Hence, this approach is more conservative than fit testing protocols that involve shortened exercises regardless of the fit. Nevertheless, this approach still saves time without compromising the accuracy of the fit test expressed in terms of sensitivity and specificity. For the existing data, 85 percent of the fit tests would have been performed according to the faster test protocol while only 15 percent of the tests would have been tested according to the full-length OSHA test protocol.  相似文献   

各级医疗卫生机构结核病感染控制现况调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
目的了解医疗卫生机构结核感染控制情况。方法按照《医疗卫生机构结核感染预防控制监控和评价表》对北京、上海和内蒙古的22所医疗卫生机构进行调查,收集和分析结核感染控制情况的相关数据。结果被调查的22所医疗卫生机构中有20所制定了结核感染控制制度,但只有7所机构定期开展结核感染控制监控和评价;大多数机构能将门诊确诊和住院确诊的传染性疾病患者与其他患者分开诊治,但将咳嗽患者与其他患者分开的只有5所机构;18所机构有常规的紫外线灯维护计划,但是候诊区、门诊区布局设计不尽合理;有14所机构为工作人员提供医用防护口罩,而工作人员接受医用防护口罩佩戴适合实验培训的只有5所。结论被调查的医疗卫生机构在结核感染控制方面做了一些工作,取得了一定成绩,但是需要加强结核感染控制的监控与评价,落实好分诊、隔离、布局设计及个人防护等措施,以降低结核感染和患病的风险。  相似文献   

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