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目的通过双下肢站立位全长片比较成人发育性髋关节发育不良(DDH)继发骨性关节炎病人与正常人冠状面上下肢测量参数的差异,探讨成人DDH病人冠状面的下肢形态改变。方法 DDH继发骨性关节炎病人62例,分为单侧DDH组(46例下肢)和双侧DDH组(16例32侧下肢)两个亚组。对照组62例,为健康体检者。收集病人双下肢站立位全长片并测量以下参数:髋膝踝角(HKA)、颈干角(NSA)、股骨远端机械轴外侧角(mLDFA)、股骨远端解剖轴外侧角(aLDFA)、胫骨近端内侧角(MPTA)、膝关节线相交角(JLCA)、股骨干弓形角(FBA)。结果 DDH组HKA为(-1.78±3.46)°对照组为(1.78±2.50)°。DDH组病人HKA处于外翻位的概率为50%,对照组为2%;DDH组的mLDFA为(85.12±3.81),对照组为(87.49±3.64)°;DDH组的aLDFA为(79.02±3.91)°,对照组为(83.34±2.59)°,两组比较差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。DDH组的mMPTA为(86.34±3.24)°,对照组为(86.51±3.02)°,差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。DDH组的JLCA为(1.07±1.91)°,对照组为(0.95±1.64)°,差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。DDH组的NSA为(146.95±12.61)°,对照组为(131.40±5.51)°,DDH组的FBA为(5.30±4.09)°,对照组为(2.96±2.18)°,比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论 DDH病人冠状面上的下肢机械力线更倾向于外翻,与股骨远端、股骨近端形态改变相关;与关节内因素、胫骨近端解剖形态改变无关。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨双平面股骨远端内侧闭合截骨术(CWDFO)治疗外翻膝早期膝关节骨性关节炎的技术与初步结果。[方法]回顾性研究2015年1月~2016年12月就诊于本科行股骨远端内侧闭合截骨术的外翻膝膝关节骨性关节炎患者33例35膝。常规对患者行膝关节镜探查清理术,经中长约15 cm的纵形切口,暴露膝关节髁上部位。于股骨内侧干骺端向股骨外侧髁上斜形打入2根克氏针作为远端导针。根据术前测量截骨角度,再打入2根近端导针,远、近导针交汇于股骨外侧髁上缘皮质内侧0.5~1 cm处,用摆锯分别沿远近导针横行截断股骨后侧3/4,保留外侧骨皮质铰链。再用薄锯片于股骨前1/4处纵形截骨,冠状面的纵形截骨面与横形截骨面成角90°~110°,沿前方骨面向上,走行2~5 cm后截出前方骨皮质。移除楔形截骨块,于下肢外侧缓慢施压闭合骨面,用TomoFix钢板固定。[结果]所有患者手术顺利,未发生腓总神经损伤、内侧副韧带松弛、感染、下肢静脉血栓、切口愈合不良等并发症。术后HSS评分增加(P0.05),VAS评分显著下降(P0.05)。影像测量方面:术后股胫角(aFTA)、股骨远端外侧角(aLDFA)、机械轴在胫骨平台位置均显著改善(P0.05)。全部截骨愈合。[结论]股骨远端内侧闭合截骨术可有效矫正下肢力线,减轻外侧间室压力负荷,保留膝关节原有活动度,临床疗效确切。  相似文献   

目的:探讨股骨髁上外侧开放性楔形截骨治疗外翻性膝骨关节炎的临床疗效。方法:自2008年4月至2015年6月,对21例(23膝)符合纳入标准的外翻性膝骨关节炎患者,采取股骨外髁上开放性楔形截骨后自体髂骨植骨并股骨远端解剖钢板内固定的手术方式进行治疗。男8例(8膝),女13例(15膝),年龄30~54岁,平均41.2岁,所有患者伴有膝关节外侧间室疼痛及外翻畸形,术前通过下肢负重位全长X线测量出胫股角平均为(162.0±2.6)°。通过观察术后骨愈合时间、手术并发症,比较治疗前后膝关节炎进展情况、HSS评分及胫股角等,综合评价该手术方法治疗外翻性膝关节炎的效果。结果:所有患者术后膝关节外翻畸形得到矫正,骨愈合时间(3.9±1.5)个月,未发现明显延迟愈合或不愈合病例,无严重并发症发生。HSS膝关节总评分从术前的57.3±3.1提高到末次随访时的88.6±2.7。胫股角提高到术后的(176.0±1.4)°。结论:股骨髁上开放性楔形截骨解剖入路清晰,术中容易控制截骨量,能够有效矫正膝关节外翻畸形,同时改善膝关节功能,是治疗中青年外翻性膝骨关节炎的有效方法。  相似文献   

目的应用MRI测量探讨股骨远端各旋转轴线的关系,为人工全膝关节置换术(TKA)股骨远端旋转力线提供参考。方法选取苏浙地区健康汉族成人106例,膝关节共197个。对所选膝关节行MRI平扫,在MRI横断面图像上进行定位参照轴线,包括外科经股骨上髁轴线(STEA)、临床经股骨上髁轴线(CTEA)、前后轴线(APL)及股骨后髁轴线(PCL)。对轴线参数股骨后髁角(PCA)、髁扭转角(CTA)及前后轴线的垂线与后髁轴线的夹角(PAPA)进行测量。比较各角度不同性别、不同侧别均数的差异是否具有统计学意义。结果PCA平均为3.56°±0.26°,CTA平均为6.35°±0.72°,PAPA平均为4.08°±0.22°。不同性别、侧别的PCA均数差异无统计学意义(P0.05),不同性别、侧别的CTA、PAPA均数差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论应用MRI测量确定股骨远端轴线参数是一种可靠的方法,不同性别、侧别PCA相对恒定,STEA可作为TKA中股骨远端假体旋转参照力线。  相似文献   

目的通过研究股骨内、外髁切迹连线与股骨远端中心轴线的相对关系,证实以内、外髁连线作为膝关节置换股骨髓内定位点的可行性和准确性。方法因膝关节骨性关节炎而行膝关节置换的病人64例,随机分为观察组和对照组,每组32例(32膝)。观察组术中根据股骨内、外髁切迹连线与股骨内侧髁外侧缘延长线交点作为股骨髓内定位进针点进行定位。对照组采用传统膝关节置换技术定位。观察应用两种定位点与股骨解剖轴线出口点的距离、术后股骨假体外翻角、下肢力线偏差。结果股骨解剖轴线与髁间窝最高点前方的平均距离为(14.27±2.48)mm。观察组中定位点距股骨解剖轴线的平均距离为(1.1±0.37)mm,对照组定位点距股骨解剖轴线的距离平均为(3.22±1.45)mm,两组间比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。术后测定两组下肢力线偏差及股骨假体的外翻角,观察组为(2.49±1.27)°,对照组为(3.81±1.74)°,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。股骨假体外翻角观察组为(88.6±2.71)°,对照组为(86.7±4.17)°,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论股骨内、外侧髁切迹连线与股骨内侧髁外侧缘延长线交点确定的股骨髓内插入杆定位点更精确、个体差异更小,可为术后获得良好的股骨假体力线提供保证。  相似文献   

目的探讨股骨髁上内侧闭合性楔形截骨结合Tomofix锁定钢板固定治疗膝外翻畸形骨关节炎的临床疗效。方法回顾性分析2016年1至2017年12月期间西南医科大学附属医院骨关节外科收治的伴外翻畸形的膝关节骨关节炎患者24例,采取股骨髁上内侧闭合性楔形截骨结合Tomofix锁定钢板固定的手术方式进行治疗。其中男9例(9膝),女15例(15膝);年龄30~58岁,平均43.6岁。病程1~8年,平均5.6年。骨关节炎按照KellgrenLawrenee分级标准:Ⅰ级13膝,Ⅱ级9膝,Ⅲ级2膝。手术前后拍摄双下肢负重位全长X线片和患侧膝关节负重正侧位X线片,比较手术前后股骨远端外侧角、胫股角的变化。术后通过随访观察骨愈合情况、手术并发症,比较治疗前后膝关节炎进展情况、Lysholm评分、美国特种外科医院(the hospital special surgery,HSS)评分、国际膝关节文献委员会(international knee documentation committee,IKDC)评分等,综合评价该术式治疗膝外翻畸形骨关节炎的效果。结果患者术后切口均Ⅰ期愈合,未发现感染、下肢深静脉血栓形成、骨不愈合或延迟愈合等并发症发生。24例患者均获随访,随访时间9~22个月,平均14.8个月。末次随访时所有患者术后膝关节外翻畸形得到矫正,患者的股骨远端外侧角由术前(78.36±2.78)°矫正至(84.72±3.64)°(P0.05),胫股角由术前(170.41±3.86)°矫正至(181.45±2.78)°(P0.05);Lysholm评分、HSS评分、IKDC评分均较术前明显提高,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论股骨髁上内侧闭合性楔形截骨结合Tomofix锁定钢板固定的手术技术治疗膝外翻畸形骨关节炎,操作简便,可有效矫正膝关节外翻畸形,短期疗效满意,但中远期疗效有待进一步观察。  相似文献   

目的 :探讨全膝关节置换术中股骨远端旋转轴线的临床应用价值。方法 :成年国人86例(106膝),男47例(53膝),女39例(53膝);左54膝,右52膝。应用CT垂直于股骨机械轴对股骨远端进行薄层扫描,将获取的通过股骨远端内外上髁的横断面CT图像输入电脑,标识、测量前后轴线(APL)与外科髁上轴(STEA)的外侧夹角(ATA),APL与后髁轴线(PCL)的外侧夹角(APA),APL的垂线(APLP)与PCL的夹角(A-PA),后髁角(PCA),髁扭转角(CTA),CTEA与STEA之间的夹角(CSA)。按性别和侧别分组,分析各角度两组间差异,比较CTA、A-PA、PCA、PT角(胫骨平台内翻角)、常数3°之间以及ATA、APA与常数90°间差异,分别对A-PA、PCA与CTA行线性回归分析,用直线回归评定STEA、CTEA、PCL、APL及APLP之间的相关程度。结果:ATA平均(89.79±1.22)°,APA为(84.84±1.83)°,A-PA为(5.16±1.83)°,PCA为(4.80±1.23)°,CTA为(8.23±1.40)°,CSA为(3.45±0.68)°,以上各角度除CSA性别间差异有统计学意义外,余角度在性别和侧别间差异均无统计学意义。PT角、PCA及A-PA间差异无统计学意义,但分别与CTA、常数3°比较,差异均有统计学意义。常数90°与ATA比较差异无统计学意义,与APA比较差异有统计学意义。PCA与CTA、PCA与A-PA、A-PA与CTA均存在明显相关性。STEA与CTEA、STEA与APL、PCL与STEA均明显相关。APLP和APL均与PCL相关,PCL与CTEA无明显相关性。结论:国人TKA中,股骨后髁的外旋截骨角度应为5°,方能获得更满意的股骨假体旋转对线。STEA与CTEA是两条性质完全不同的轴线,不能以平行于CTEA作为旋转力线的参考标志,国人股骨远端旋转轴之间的可靠性,分别为STEA﹥APL﹥PCL,STEA是股骨远端旋转轴线中最可靠的定位标志。  相似文献   

目的研究全膝关节置换术(TKA)中股骨远端前皮质平面对判断股骨假体外旋角度的参考作用。方法采集2011年1月至2013年12月在中山大学附属第一医院放射科行膝关节CT检查的数据资料27例,其中1例右下肢曾行骨科手术致术后畸形被排除,共53侧下肢CT资料。病例纳入标准:(1)无明显先天性下肢骨骼畸形;(2)无明显膝关节化脓性感染变形;(3)下肢无严重骨科术后改变。排除标准:(1)膝关节化脓性感染变形者;(2)伴膝关节外下肢畸形者;(3)下肢有骨科手术史致畸形者。利用Mimics 16.0软件对扫描数据进行分析,将CT扫描资料三维重建后,计算股骨远端前皮质平面分别与股骨后髁连线(PCL)及通髁线(CEA)在股骨远端内外髁间解剖横截面上的夹角(分别定义为前皮质角及前皮质通髁角),和CEA与PCL构成的髁扭转角(CTA)。最后采用Kolmogorov-Smirnov检验法,单独t检验等方法统计数据。结果前皮质角总体平均数为-(4.7±3.8)°;CTA总体平均数为+(5.2±2.5)°;前皮质通髁角总体平均数为-(9.2±5.8)°,前皮质角、髁扭转角、前皮质通髁角分别在性别间均无统计学差异(P0.05)。(其中正值代表股骨外旋方向,负值代表股骨内旋方向)。结论股骨远端前皮质平面与CEA之间的夹角约为内旋9°,在TKA中可通过前皮质平面掌握CEA方向进而调整股骨假体外旋角度,对提高股骨假体安装精确度具有实际意义。  相似文献   

[目的]研究两种股骨远端外翻截骨角测定方法在膝关节置换术中对股骨假体对线的影响。[方法]对本院2015年3月~2015年6月由两名主刀医师完成的连续111例共137膝全膝关节置换术进行回顾性研究。两名主刀医师术前计划时在下肢全长X线片上测量股骨远端外翻截骨角度的方法不同,并以此分为两组。第一组利用股骨远端1/3解剖轴与股骨力线轴夹角(DFMA)作为股骨远端外翻截骨角,共71膝;第二组利用股骨解剖轴与股骨力线轴夹角(FMA)进行外翻截骨,共66膝。术后测量标准下肢全长X线片中股骨力线轴与股骨假体远端内外侧髁连线之夹角并比较两组结果的差异。[结果]两组患者的年龄、BMI、术前内翻角度、术前HSS评分、术后HSS评分差异均无统计学意义(P=0.149~0.985)。DFMA组术中所使用的股骨外翻截骨角度实际为6.08°±1.57°,FMA组为4.82°±0.74°,两组截骨角度差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。DFMA组76.1%的术后股骨假体在0°±2°范围内,显著优于FMA组的51.50%,(P=0.005),并且DFMA组74.60%的术后下肢力线在0°±3°范围内,显著优于FMA组的53.00%,(P=0.008)。DFMA组术后下肢力线角度与FMA组差异无统计学意义(1.60°±2.46°vs 1.98°±3.35°,P=0.458)。[结论]内翻膝使用股骨远端1/3解剖轴与力线轴夹角作为个性化股骨外翻截骨角度,术后股骨假体冠状面位置优于使用股骨解剖轴与力线轴夹角。应用股骨解剖轴线确定股骨外翻截骨角度往往偏小,导致残留膝关节内翻畸形。  相似文献   

目的 :对膝骨性关节炎患者的下肢负重位等比例全长X线片进行测量与分析,明确该组人群下肢解剖和力学轴线的特征性变化。方法:收集自2015年6月至2016年5月膝骨性关节炎患者下肢负重位等比例全长X线片数据和具有血管病变而无膝关节病史患者下肢CTA扫描数据。将具有血管病变而无膝关节病史患者作为正常人组,共20例40膝,男7例,女13例,年龄24~72岁,平均63.2岁;将膝骨性关节炎患者作为关节炎组,并将关节炎组分为内翻膝组和外翻膝组,共53例100膝,男10例,女43例,年龄52~80岁,平均64.7岁。测量股骨角(F角)、胫骨角(T角)、关节间隙角(JS角)、股胫角(FT角)、髋-膝-踝角(HKA角)、膝生理外翻角(KPV角)及股骨头颈偏距(offset)。对测量数据进行统计分析。结果 :正常人组F角(79.9±2.3)°,T角(93.8±3.7)°,JS角(1.7±1.0)°,FT角(175.4±4.0)°,HKA角(181.4±4.1)°,KPV角(6.0±1.0)°,offset(38.5±6.5)mm;骨关节炎组F角(81.4±3.5)°,T角(94.6±2.7)°,JS角(2.1±2.5)°,FT角(178.1±6.3)°,HKA角(184.3±6.9)°,KPV角(6.2±1.5)°,offset(38.1±9.2)mm。KPV角在内翻膝(6.5±1.4)°和外翻膝(5.5±1.5)°之间差异有统计学意义(t=2.956,P=0.005);KPV角与患者年龄之间有相关性(r=0.241,P=0.016);股骨偏心距与KPV角之间有相关性(r=0.946,P=0.000)。结论 :膝骨性关节炎平均膝关节生理外翻角为6.2°,并且与年龄、股骨偏心距呈正相关。内翻膝的平均膝关节生理外翻角大于外翻膝约1°。膝骨性关节炎下肢力学参数的改变可能与膝骨性关节炎的发生和发展有关。在TKA术前对下肢全长等比例X线片进行测量评估,取得下肢力学数据作为参考,可使得术中截骨变得更加合理、个体化。  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo analyze the deformity origins and distribution among valgus knees to individualize their morphological features.MethodsRadiographic images of 105 valgus knees were analyzed. Long‐film radiographs and computed tomography were collected for every knee. A malalignment test was performed on standing long‐film radiographs. The hip‐knee‐ankle angle (HKA), the anatomical lateral distal femoral angle (aLDFA), and the anatomical medial proximal tibial angle (aMPTA) were measured on long‐film radiographs. The distal condylar angle and posterior condylar angle on distal femur were further measured on computed tomography scans. The tibial bone varus angle was measured on long‐film radiographs as well. All the valgus knees were sorted into different subtypes according to the origins of bony deformity, and the prevalence of each subtype was reported. Finally, to examine the inter‐observer reproducibility of this classification system, two observers measured the deformities and did the classification for all the 105 knees independently and then the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was calculated.ResultsAmong the 105 knees, 48 knees (45.7%) had apparent deformity from the tibial plateau, and 62 knees (59.0%) had apparent deformity from the supracondylar region of the femur. Eighteen knees (17.1%) had distal condylar angle >7°, among which 11 knees had posterior condylar angle >3° simultaneously. Valgus knees had five subtypes of bone deformity origins—the supracondylar part of the femur, the distal aspect of the lateral femoral condyle, both distal and posterior aspects of the lateral femoral condyle, the tibial plateau, or the metaphyseal segment of the tibia. A valgus knee could be labeled as only one subtype, or a combination of two or more subtypes. Labeling 105 knees with origin of the most severe deformity, the prevalence of each subtype was 40.0%, 5.7%, 9.5%, 28.6%, and 16.2%, respectively. The intra‐observer and inter‐observer ICC of this classification system was 0.992 and 0.976, respectively.ConclusionsValgus knees can be classified into different subtypes according to deformity origins. This radiological classification system has satisfactory reproducibility. It helps surgeons better individualize morphological features of valgus knees.  相似文献   

It is important to understand anatomical feature of the distal femoral condyle for treatment of osteoarthritic knees. Detailed measurement of the femoral condyle geometry, however, has not been available in osteoarthritic knees including valgus deformity. This study evaluated femoral condyle geometry in 30 normal knees, 30 osteoarthritic knees with varus deformity, and 30 osteoarthritic knees with valgus deformity using radiographs and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In radiographic analysis in the coronal plane, the femoral joint angle (lateral angle between the femoral anatomic axis and a tangent to femoral condyles) was 83.3 degrees in the normal knees, 83.8 degrees in the varus knees, and 80.7 degrees in the valgus knees. In MRI analysis in the axial plane, the posterior condylar tangent showed 6.4 degrees of internal rotation relative to the transepicondylar axis in the normal knees, 6.1 degrees in the varus knees, and 11.5 degrees in the valgus knees. These results suggested that there was no hypoplasia of the medial condyle in the varus knees, but the lateral condyle in the valgus knees was severely distorted. Surgeons should take this deformity of the lateral femoral condyle into account when total knee arthroplasty is performed for a valgus knee.  相似文献   

We treated 13 patients who had a fixed valgus deformity of the knee with a semiconstrained total knee arthroplasty combined with advancement of the lateral collateral ligament by means of a lateral femoral condylar sliding osteotomy. At follow-up of between one and 6.5 years all patients were assessed using the Knee Society score. The mean knee score improved from 32 to 88 and the functional score from 45 to 73. The mean tibiofemoral angle was corrected from 191 degrees to 180 degrees. There was no postoperative tibiofemoral or patellar instability and, in most knees, distal transposition of the lateral femoral condyle achieved satisfactory stable alignment.  相似文献   

《The Journal of arthroplasty》2020,35(6):1569-1575
BackgroundThe use of the femoral component position to balance the flexion space and its relationship to the transepicondylar axis (TEA) and posterior condylar angle (PCA) has not been thoroughly evaluated.MethodsA total of 233 patients undergoing robotic arm–assisted total knee arthroplasty were evaluated. Native TEA and PCA were established on preoperative computed tomography scans. Femoral component rotation was set in the axial plane to match the native trochlea and native medial femoral condyle to set the flexion gap. Knee flexion space gaps and component position were recorded. The relationship of the femoral component to the native TEA, PCA, and preoperative radiographic landmarks was evaluated.ResultsThe intraoperative measured medial flexion space gap did not significantly correlate with the relationship of the femoral component to the PCA or TEA in varus or valgus knees. In varus knees, the preoperative mechanical axis alignment had a positive relationship to femoral component position when compared to the PCA (P = .04) and TEA (P = .002). In valgus knees, there was a positive correlation between the preoperative lateral distal femoral angle and component position when compared to the PCA (P = .04) only.ConclusionIntraoperative measured flexion space balance through femoral component positioning did not correlate with its relationship to the native TEA or PCA. In varus knees, the preoperative mechanical axis alignment correlated with an increase in femoral component external rotation to the TEA and PCA. In valgus knees, the severity of preoperative lateral distal femoral angle correlated with the rotational relationship of the femoral component to the PCA only.  相似文献   

Pape D  Kohn D 《Der Orthop?de》2007,36(7):657-8, 660-6
Implanting a condylar knee in patients with valgus deformity is challenging both for the surgeon and in terms of clinical instrumentation. Valgus deformity - defined as an anatomic angle >10 degrees - consists of a bony and a soft tissue component. Frequently, the lateral femoral condyle is hypoplastic and can create a secondary osteochondral lesion on the tibial plateau. Concomitantly, there is a soft tissue contracture of the lateral side with an elongation of the medial collateral ligament. Correction of the deformity and restoration of anatomic alignment should be achieved to maximize the longevity of the replaced components. Soft tissue balancing is crucial for successful treatment. This is achieved if a symmetrical flexion and extension gap together with a centralized patella position is obtained. We describe our surgical approach to address valgus deformities in primary total knee arthroplasty with special emphasize on a stepwise release of tight lateral capsular and ligamentous structures controlled by a knee balancer.  相似文献   

Dr. D. Pape  D. Kohn 《Der Orthop?de》2007,36(7):657-666
Implanting a condylar knee in patients with valgus deformity is challenging both for the surgeon and in terms of clinical instrumentation. Valgus deformity – defined as an anatomic angle >10° – consists of a bony and a soft tissue component. Frequently, the lateral femoral condyle is hypoplastic and can create a secondary osteochondral lesion on the tibial plateau. Concomitantly, there is a soft tissue contracture of the lateral side with an elongation of the medial collateral ligament. Correction of the deformity and restoration of anatomic alignment should be achieved to maximize the longevity of the replaced components. Soft tissue balancing is crucial for successful treatment. This is achieved if a symmetrical flexion and extension gap together with a centralized patella position is obtained. We describe our surgical approach to address valgus deformities in primary total knee arthroplasty with special emphasize on a stepwise release of tight lateral capsular and ligamentous structures controlled by a knee balancer.  相似文献   

We treated 13 patients who had a fixed valgus deformity of the knee with a semi-constrained total knee arthroplasty combined with advancement of the lateral collateral ligament by means of a lateral femoral condylar sliding osteotomy. At follow-up of between 1 and 6.5 years, all patients were assessed using the Knee Society score. The mean knee score improved from 32 to 88 and the functional score from 45 to 73. The mean tibiofemoral angle was corrected from 191 to 180°. There was no postoperative tibiofemoral or patellar instability and, in most knees, distal transposition of the lateral femoral condyle achieved satisfactory stable alignment.  相似文献   

股骨远端内翻截骨加交锁髓内钉固定治疗膝外翻畸形   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的 探讨股骨远端内翻截骨加交锁髓内钉固定 ,治疗伴有膝外翻畸形的膝关节骨性关节炎的疗效。方法  1996年 5月~ 2 0 0 0年 8月 ,采用股骨远端内翻截骨加交锁髓内钉固定治疗 16例 (16膝 )伴膝外翻畸形的膝关节骨性关节炎 ,病程 1~ 2 1年 ,平均 5 .2年。按 Ahlback分类 度 10例 , 度 6例。股骨髁上截骨 11例 ,股骨干远端截骨 5例。术前、术后 8周和 2年均行患肢全长 X线片检查 ,以测量股胫角、胫骨角、股骨角及胫股关节面切线夹角及胫股外侧间距大小。按膝关节功能评定标准 ,评定术后膝关节功能恢复情况。 结果  16例术后获随访 2 5~ 4 6个月 ,平均 31个月。术后 2年随访骨愈合满意 ,1例延迟愈合 ,为股骨干远端截骨患者。皮肤感染 1例。膝关节功能自 5 0 .4± 15 .9分增至 78.5± 12 .9分 ,胫股关节面切线夹角自 5 .6± 2 .9°减少至 1.6± 3.4°,胫股外侧关节间距自 2 .1± 1.8mm增至 4 .7±1.7m m。 结论 股骨远端内翻截骨加交锁髓内钉内固定 ,可作为治疗伴有膝外翻畸形的膝关节骨性关节炎的有效方法之一。  相似文献   

Tibial condylar valgus osteotomy (TCVO) is an intra-articular proximal tibial osteotomy developed in 1989 and has since been used for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis (OA) associated with genu varum. This article describes the surgical technique and clinical results of TCVO. TCVO can be used for all grades of varus knee OA in patients of any age. he preoperative range of movement should be at least 90°. Preoperative screening showed varus-valgus instability due to an intra-articular deformity of the proximal tibia. Using intraoperative image intensification, a sagittally oriented “L”-shaped osteotomy is made from the medial to the tibial tuberosity to the center of the tibial plateau between the medial and lateral tibial spines. The separation of the osteotomy using the lamina spreader is gradually increased using an image intensifier guidance until the articular surface of the lateral tibial plateau comes in contact with the articular surface of the lateral femoral condyle. Adequate correction is indicated by parallelism of the lateral tibial plateau and a line tangential to the distal convexity of the lateral femoral condyle on an anteroposterior (AP) image and the elimination of the valgus instability with the knee in extended position. A “T”-plate (locking or non-locking plate or circular external fixator) is used to fix the osteotomy in the corrected position. Synthetic or autologous bone grafts can be used. We used the Japanese Orthopaedic Association score to evaluate the patient's function and also measured the %MAD, medial plateau opening angle, medial plateau angle, and lateral plateau opening angle on an AP view of the long length roentgenogram of the lower limb (standing position). The JOA score, radiologically measured values, and instability of the knee joint remarkably improved.  相似文献   

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