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计算机检索Ovid平台联机的Medline、Maternity and Infant Care数据库及单独检索Medline(Pubmed)数据库中2003年1月-2013年5月国外英文杂志发表的针刺在辅助生殖领域应用的文献。分析发现目前对针刺应用于辅助生殖领域是否具有临床作用争议较大,虽然阳性结果的随机对照临床试验研究占优势,认为针刺可以改善胚胎移植临床结局,但现有的系统评价以阴性结论者居多,认为尚缺乏针刺有助于辅助生殖的证据支持,还需进一步设计严谨合理的相关研究为针刺在辅助生殖领域的应用提供证据。  相似文献   

探讨2000-2007年Medline数据库收录针灸文献的情况.在线检索Medline PubMed数据库,通过不同检索策略,结合人工统计分析文献数据.8年间Medline共收录针灸相关论文4041篇;中文文献628篇,英文文献3071篇;涉及期刊836种,国内期刊31种;中国内地文献841篇,收录文献数量前3位省市分别是北京(176篇)、上海(136篇)、天津(43篇).结果表明Medline收录针灸的文献以英文文献为主,且主要以散布状态发表在国外刊物,但2006年以来<中国针灸>等杂志被收录后,情况出现较大变化.  相似文献   

针刺治疗坐骨神经痛临床疗效的系统评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:对针刺治疗坐骨神经痛的临床随机对照试验进行疗效评价,为针刺治疗坐骨神经痛的临床决策提供思路与参考。方法:通过计算机检索Pubmed、CNKI、万方、CBM、中国科技论文在线和Cochrane Library等数据库,共检索到相关文献878篇。运用Clear NPT评价方法对其进行系统评价,纳入其中19篇符合条件的的随机对照试验。结果:从最终纳入的19篇(2521例患者)文献中分析得出:目前国内外针刺治疗坐骨神经痛具有一定的临床疗效,但因整体文献质量较差而无法确切证实。结论:今后仍需更多的大样本、多中心、高质量的随机对照试验来进一步验证针刺治疗本痛症的的临床疗效。  相似文献   

目的:综述针刺治疗失眠症伴抑郁状态近15年的国内外研究概况,为临床治疗该病提供相应的参考资料。方法:计算机检索PubMed、中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)和万方数据库,检索时限为2002—2017年。中文检索词为"针刺""失眠""抑郁",英文检索词为"Acupuncture""Depression""Insomnia""Depression-Related Insomnia",检索采用主题词结合自由词的方式收集关于针刺治疗失眠症伴抑郁状态的临床研究文献。结果:获得273篇相关文献,筛选具有代表性临床研究文献45篇,分析国内外针刺治疗失眠伴抑郁状态的临床研究特点。结论:国外临床研究以RCT研究为主,选穴为常规用穴;国内临床研究围绕针法、穴位、联合疗法开展疗效观察。  相似文献   

Li YQ  Lu YY  Zhang J  Guo Y 《中国针灸》2011,31(8):764-768
以"针刺"或者"针灸"并且"事故"或者"不良事件"或者"不良反应"等检索词检索中文期刊数据库及Medline数据库中关于针刺不良反应及针刺事故的相关文献.共检索到中文文献155篇,包括698个案例;英文文摘摘要59篇,案例64个.结果表明针刺不良事件是由多种原因导致的,但与目前的针刺安全体系不完善密切相关,推广现有WHO制定的指南或者建立一个新的适合中国国情的临床针刺安全体系尤为必要.  相似文献   

Chen YR  Zhu J 《中国针灸》2010,30(10):877-880
采用计算机检索加手工检索对中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)、维普资讯中文科技期刊数据库(VIP)、中国生物医学文献数据库(CBM)2002-2008年发表的针刺助产相关文献进行检索,得到相关文献65篇。分析发现针刺助产研究主要集中在临床,针刺在促进宫缩、缩短产程、缓解分娩痛等方面作用显著,具有自身优势,但临床缺乏大样本多中心随机对照研究、疗效评定尚不规范、研究持续性不足、基础研究待进一步深入等问题亦应引起研究者的重视。  相似文献   

目的:对针刺治疗坐骨神经痛的临床文献进行质量评价。方法:通过电子检索万方数据库获得所有涉及针刺治疗坐骨神经痛的临床文献,选择符合纳入标准的文献,评价其方法。结果:在纳入的187篇文献中,其中随机对照文献仅占24.60%,对46篇随机对照文献进行分析:仅有10.87%的文献对随机分组的方法进行了描述,67.39%的文献对组间均衡性进行了描述,56.52%的文献明确诊断标准。结论:针刺治疗坐骨神经痛的文献质量还需要提高。  相似文献   

背景:近20年有不少研究报道运用针刺疗法治疗癌痛有效,但学术界对针刺治疗癌痛的效果仍有争议。目的:运用循证医学系统综述方法评价针刺治疗癌痛的疗效。检索策略:计算机检索Cochrane图书馆(2008年第3期)、医学文摘数据库(Excerpta Medica Database,EMBASE)、PubMed、Science Direct数据库、对照试验索引、重庆维普资讯中文科技期刊数据库、中国知网中国期刊全文数据库、中国生物医学文献数据库(CBMdisc),检索日期始于各数据库起始日期,截止至2008年6月30日。手工检索6种中文期刊(2007年1月~2008年6月)上发表的相关文献。纳入标准:收集比较各种针刺疗法与安慰剂、西药、中药对比治疗癌痛的随机对照试验(randomized controlled trial,RCT)。针刺和药物联用与各种药物比较的RCT也予以纳入。资料提取与分析:两名评价员独立选择试验并提取资料,如遇不一致,通过讨论解决。对纳入的文献采用Cochrane协作网提供的软件RevMan5.0进行meta分析,如果纳入文献无法进行meta分析,则进行定性分析。结果:7篇RCT共634例病人符合纳入标准,其中高质量研究1篇。由于绝大部分文献在试验设计和报告上存在明显缺陷,各试验间存在较大差异,不符合meta分析条件,因而只进行了定性分析。结果显示,除1篇有关耳针疗法的高质量研究报告耳针在镇痛效果上显著优于安慰耳针外,其他均是与非安慰对照且低质量的RCT,但都提示针刺疗法有一定效果。结论:针刺治疗癌痛有效,但入选的绝大部分试验质量不高,降低了该结论的可靠性,还需更多设计严谨的高质量RCT来证实。  相似文献   

针刺治疗原发性失眠的文献质量评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:对针刺治疗失眠的临床随机对照研究文献进行文献质量评价。方法:以"针刺"失眠"为检索词,计算机检索中文及英文数据库,手工检索《中国针灸》等中医杂志及有关学术会议论文汇编。对纳入文献的方法学,诊断及纳入、排除标准,针刺、对照组干预措施,疗效评价标准及随访等方面进行评价。结果:共纳入20篇随机对照研究文献,其中4篇为高质量研究,16篇为低质量研究。国外研究多采用量表评价疗效,国内研究则主要自拟疗效评价标准。结论:目前国内尚无高质量的针刺治疗原发性失眠的临床研究报道,迄今所发表研究采用的疗效评价方法不能恰当评价针刺治疗原发性失眠的疗效。今后应从临床试验设计及实施角度,严格按照现代医学研究模式,设计出更为科学的试验方案。  相似文献   

目的:根据统计分析探寻针灸治疗坐骨神经痛的取穴规律,为临床处方决策提供参考。方法:以"坐骨神经痛,针"为关键词,应用计算机检索CNKI、VIP数据库中2009-01/2014-05相关文章。纳入115篇符合标准的文献。结果:治疗坐骨神经痛的针刺穴位共计88个,使用频次为1052次;共涉及9条经脉,其中使用频率较多的经脉为膀胱经与胆经。结论:针刺治疗坐骨神经痛有很好的疗效,临床选取足太阳膀胱经、足少阳胆经以及环跳、阳陵泉、委中、承山、昆仑五穴治疗最多。  相似文献   

Acupuncture has many beneficial effects during cancer therapy and has proven efficacy in the management of side effects induced by chemotherapy and radiotherapy. In this review, we discussed the benefits of acupuncture on cancer patients. In cancer pain management, acupuncture is effective for head and neck pain, waist pain, abdominal and chest pain. Many studies confirm the excellent efficacy of acupuncture against symptoms of vomiting and nausea, including those induced by chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Head and neck cancer patients receiving radiotherapy may develop xerostomia, which may be relieved by acupuncture. Acupuncture may also cause sedative and hypnotic effects in cancer patients for treating nervousness and insomnia.  相似文献   

针刺镇痛术后疗效的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针刺及其相关技术作为临床手术镇痛的一种辅助治疗手段,在缓解患者术后急性痛中作用明显。大量临床试验和动物实验围绕针刺镇痛的作用机制而开展,为临床开展新的镇痛方案提供了指导依据。本文从针刺镇痛的基本机制出发,以术后镇痛和降低不良反应两个方面为切入点,总结了近年来针刺镇痛术后疗效研究的新进展。各项研究结果显示,针刺镇痛在术后镇痛和降低不良反应两个方面发挥重要作用。但要作为一项常规技术而被广泛应用于临床实践,其内在机制尚需进一步研究阐明。  相似文献   

以PubMed和EMbase数据库为基础,通过文献计量的方法,对国外开展的针灸临床试验研究中涉及的适应症进行计量统计,与世界卫生组织1996年在米兰会议上提出的针灸64种适应症进行比较,明确了近15年来有29个新增到一类的适应症,有4个从二类升级到一类的适应症和3个从三类升级到一类的适应症。针灸的适应症在国外正逐步被扩大。  相似文献   

[目的] 通过可视化分析评估针灸系统评价的现状,分析针灸临床研究存在的问题。[方法] 通过检索Cochrane Library数据库中2011年1月—2021年11月收录的针灸相关系统评价文献。主要干预方式为针灸、电针、穴位按压、经皮电刺激、艾灸,根据纳排标准筛选、建库统计。采用Excel、Cytoscape、Gephi软件进行可视化分析。[结果] 共检索到329篇针灸系统评价文献,符合纳入标准88篇。文献发表国家集中在中国、澳大利亚、英国;发文机构主要集中在中国香港玛丽医院、澳大利亚帕克维尔皇家妇女医院等,机构间合作不紧密;作者以Daniel KL Cheuk、Car-oline A Smith发文最多,作者间合作交流较少;以针灸防治疼痛管理的文献引用次数最多,其次是针灸防治偏头痛、穴位按压防治恶心呕吐等;治疗结果以针灸治疗痛症、泌尿生殖系统疾病、神经系统疾病为主;干预方式仍然以传统针灸为主;结果分布主要是阴性结果;证据充分度以低等证据为主。[结论] 针灸低质量临床研究将影响针灸临床疗效和安全性评价,要不断明确针灸的最佳参数;不断完善针灸临床设计方案、选择合理的对照,完善针灸病种的核心指标集及针灸临床评价体系,提高针灸临床研究及论文的质量。  相似文献   

回顾近20余年国内外针灸治疗肿瘤的临床研究文献,总结针灸疗法在减轻放化疗引起的顽固性呃逆、恶心呕吐、疲劳、口干、潮热等方面的临床疗效;述评此间的主要临床试验;提出针灸在肿瘤临床综合治疗中存在潜力,呼吁继续深入研究和大力临床推广。  相似文献   

合理的对照设置在针灸临床研究中具有重要作用,笔者通过对2000年—2011年间国内外发表的针刺治疗原发性痛经临床研究的对照设置情况进行分析总结,发现国内文献(111篇)中近半数未设置对照组,对照研究则主要采用西药对照;国外文献(13篇)均设置了对照组,主要采用空白及安慰对照。笔者认为国内研究者可借鉴国外常用对照设置方法,根据研究目的选择合理的对照措施,从整体上进一步提高针刺治疗原发性痛经的临床研究水平。  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate and introduce the current status of acupuncture clinical trials in Japan.Methods: We performed a database search of controlled clinical trials (CCTs) published in Japan, using ‘Igaku Chuo Zasshi (Japana Centra Revuo Medicina) CD-ROM version (between 1987–2000)’ and an independent search. Parallel or crossover designed trials which assessed the efficacy of needle acupuncture were included.Results: We located 32 published papers (24 full papers and eight abstracts), which reported 34 trials. Only two of these were listed in Medline or the Cochrane Library. Conditions examined were musculoskeletal pain (20 trials including 10 for low back pain and three for sciatica), neck and shoulder stiffness (four trials) and miscellaneous conditions (10 trials). Thirty-three trials were described as randomized, although seven trials employed a quasi-random method. Applying the 5-point Jadad quality assessment scoring system, the mean score was 1.85 ± 1.16 (SD). Eighteen (53%) of the reports were conducted to determine a more effective procedure of acupuncture, these compared a certain type of acupuncture with another type of acupuncture or specific additional points.Conclusions: Japanese acupuncture CCTs, which are rarely listed in the Western databases, differ in several respects from Western reports. Systematic reviews including non-English papers with collaboration among authors representing different languages would promote more thorough scientific evaluation of complementary and alternative medicine.  相似文献   

针灸治疗化疗所致恶心呕吐的国内外临床研究对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:比较国内外针灸治疗化疗所致恶心、呕吐研究的差异及今后研究应注意的问题。方法:总结近20年来相关文献的内容,比较国内外研究在结论和临床试验方法学上的差异,并指出国内研究的存在的问题。结论:有必要严格按照随机对照的临床研究方法对针灸治疗化疗所致恶心、呕吐的有效性进行进一步证实,同时应加强具有中医特色的辨证论治和针灸介入时机的研究。  相似文献   

Objectives: To research trends of studies on treatments of lumbar herniated intervertebral disc in Korean medicine.Methods: We searched papers using the Korean Traditional Knowledge Portal, OASIS, and KISS. We used ‘low back pain, radiculopathy, and herniated intervertebral lumbar disc’ as keywords. The papers were limited to domestic studies published from 2000 to 2011 and mentioning the treatments of herniated intervertebral lumbar discs in Korean medicine. This study researched for and classified papers according to the fields of the treatment and the methods of study.Results: The results were as follows: (1) The three papers were published in 2000, but the number steadily increased to 15 in 2010; the total number of papers was 93. (2) When categorized according to the fields of treatment, 93 research papers were classified as acupuncture, moxibustion, Chuna therapy, drug therapy, various physical therapies, and collaborative Oriental-Western medicine therapy. (3) When categorized according to the methods of study, 70 research papers were simple case reports and 11 were on non-RCT (non-randomized controlled trials). (4) Previous general assessment tools were VAS and ODI; however, these days, physical examinations (Range of Motion (ROM), Straight Leg Raising Test (SLRT), etc.), radiologic tests (magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and X-rays), Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI), etc. are more often used in order to evaluate therapeutic effects objectively.Conclusions: These results indicate that research on herniated intervertebral lumbar discs in Korean medicine has been performed using various methods and has been steadily increasing.Key words: low back pain; radiculopathy; herniated intervertebral lumbar disc(2) Korean Journal of Acupuncture Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 519~536, 2012

Systematic Review of the Selection of Acupuncture Points for the Treatment of Lower Back Pain

In-Seon Lee, Hee-Jin Jo, Soon-Ho Lee, Won-Mo Jung, Song Yi Kim, Hi-Joon Park, Hyejung Lee, Younbyoung Chae
AbstractObjectives: The purposes of this study are to figure out which acupoints are selected to treat low back pain and to analyze the effectiveness of those acupoints in current clinical trials.Methods: We searched three electronic databases (PUBMED, RISS, and KISS) and manually checked related Korean journals and reference lists up to April 2012. We included randomized controlled trials, clinical controlled trials, and case reports/series by using as Key words needle-type acupuncture (manual acupuncture and electronic acupuncture) to treat low back pain in English and Korean. We investigated the frequency of selected acupoints, changes on the visual analogue scale for low back pain, and the statistical significance in each study among the trials.Results: We included 37 articles (domestic: 17 and international: 20) and 53 studies (domestic: 28 and international: 25) in this report. The most-frequently adopted acupoints were BL23, BL24, BL25, GB30, BL26, BL60, BL32, BL40, KI3, GV3, and ST36 in domestic studies and BL23, BL25, BL40, BL60, GB30, GB34, BL32, and BL26 in international studies. The efficacies of the acupoints were different between domestic and the international studies based on the statistical significance of the visual analog scale for low back pain.Conclusions: These results suggest that both proximal and distal acupoints based on meridian theory were used in clinical trials to treat low back pain. Providing clinical guidelines, evaluating the results of clinical trials appropriately, and reporting the efficacies of acupoints would be helpful.Key words: meridian; acupuncture point; lower back pain; systematic review; network medicine
(3) Korean Journal of Acupuncture Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 537~553, 2012

Research on the Tradition and the Identity of the Saam Acupuncture Method

Yoo-Ong Jung, Duk-Ho Lee, Sang-Woo Ahn
AbstractObjectives: Ever since its introduction in the middle of the 17th century by Saamdoin, the Saam acupuncture method has been handed down to acupuncturists in a written form and has played a significant role in treating diseases of people in Korea. The Saam acupuncture method has been used to develop many processes and has been studied in foreign countries.Methods: Through an analysis of ancient medical books, we studied the evolution of the Saam acupuncture method. We also examined the way in which the Saam acupuncture method has evolved abroad.Results: At the end of the Joseon Dynasty, many clinical cases were added to the Saam acupuncture method and as a result, acupuncturists were better able to understand how it really worked. During the Japanese colonial era, it was introduced to more people thanks to the development of the printing technique. Since Korea's liberation from Japan, many scholars have studied the Saam acupuncture method, and they have applied it to clinical cases in various ways.Conclusions: Because of its superiority and creativeness, the Saam acupuncture method spread to Japanese acupuncturists in the name of Meridian Therapy during the Japanese colonial era. It has also had a great impact on medicine in China and in many other countries.Key words: Saam acupuncture method; five-element acupuncture; five transport points; meridian therapy; four-needle acupuncture

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