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Zhu ZA  Dai KR  Wang Y  Sun YH  Shi DW  Tang J  Hao YQ  Yan MN 《中华外科杂志》2006,44(20):1403-1406
目的探讨CroweⅣ型先天性髋关节脱位患者全髋关节置换术的手术方法及预防神经损伤的对策。方法35例(39髋)CroweⅣ型先天性髋关节脱位患者行全髋关节置换术,均为女性,年龄36~56岁,平均46岁。获得随访31例35髋,随访时间1年~8年,平均4年。手术采用后外侧切口。髋臼侧除1例2髋外,均在真臼水平安放臼杯并使用非骨水泥型假体,股骨侧5例5髋选用骨水泥型假体,其余均选用非骨水泥型假体。2例2髋以往曾行转子下截骨者先行转子下截骨矫正术,再植入非骨水泥型假体。采用髋关节功能评分(Harris评分)评定髋关节功能,术前平均43分。结果获得随访的31例(35髋)中,5例5髋发生术中骨折,其中小转子轻微襞裂骨折3例3髋,大转子不全骨折2例2髋,但股骨假体稳定,予钢丝固定或未作特殊处理。3髋发生异位骨化,均为BrookⅡ型。2例术后分别出现坐骨神经或股神经刺激症状,1个月后恢复正常。随访期间内无一例发生术后感染、术中术后髋关节脱位、假体松动及有明显临床表现的深静脉血栓形成等并发症。术后随访时Harris评分平均87分,术后肢体延长4~6cm,平均5cm,肢体短缩得到满意纠正。结论后外侧人路、真臼水平重建髋臼是CroweⅣ型先天性髋关节脱位全髋关节置换术安全、有效的手术方法。  相似文献   

人工全髋置换术治疗先天性髋关节发育不良   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探索全髋关节置换术治疗先天性髋关节发育不良的经验及疗效。方法13例(15髋)先天性髋关节发育不良继发骨性关节炎行全髋关节置换术。随访11例12髋,平均随访时间2.6a,按Crowe分类,其中Ⅰ型6例7髋,Ⅱ型3例髋,Ⅲ型2例2髋,Ⅳ型2例3髋。其中髋臼侧用骨水泥型假体5例,非骨水泥型10例,股骨侧骨水泥型4例,非骨水泥型11例。结果 1例髋小转子劈裂骨折,1例术后深静脉栓塞,随访期未见有感染,异位骨化,假体松动,坐骨神经损伤等并发症。术前Harris评分平均47例,术后2.6a为88分。结论 全髋关节置换术是治疗成份先天性髋关节脱位继发骨性关节炎的有效方法,但手术难度较大,手术中应特别考虑外展肌的平衡,软组织的松解,髋臼骨缺损的处理以及双侧肢体的长度。  相似文献   

人工全髋关节置换术后翻修的假体选择   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
目的探讨人工全髋关节置换术后翻修的假体选择. 方法 1995年1月~2002年6月进行全髋关节翻修术33例(33髋),其中男7髋,女26髋.翻修原因:无菌性松动22例,感染后松动8例(其中2例合并窦道形成);股骨头置换术后髋臼磨损3例,不伴有假体中心性脱位.对无菌性松动和股骨头磨损患者采用骨水泥固定型假体13例,生物固定型假体12例,股骨侧翻修假体均选择骨水泥固定型广泛涂层假体,8例感染患者均行一期骨水泥固定型全髋置换. 结果随访6个月~7年6个月,平均3年11个月.2例出现X线透亮带,但无临床不稳;4例遗留持续性疼痛,无假体脱位、断裂.本组Harris评分由术前的24~47分(平均38.6分),上升为术后的68~88分(平均82.4分),满意率87.9%. 结论无菌性松动是全髋关节置换术后翻修的主要原因.髋臼侧翻修假体可选择骨水泥型假体、也可选择生物型假体,股骨侧翻修假体均选择骨水泥固定型广泛涂层假体,感染后的翻修选择骨水泥假体较好.  相似文献   

人工全髋关节置换翻修术术前假体松动的回顾性研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
目的通过对48例人工全髋关节置换翻修术术前资料的系统回顾性研究,评价采取不同固定方法的假体的临床疗效。方法笔者对行髋关节置换的48例实行了全髋翻修术,并对全部病例进行了术前X线评价及术中假体松动情况调查,并做χ2检验,判断不同假体固定方式对假体寿命的影响。结果早、中期假体松动主要为非骨水泥型假体。骨水泥固定的假体与非骨水泥固定的假体远期均存在很高的松动下沉率,以骨水泥臼的松动为多数。髋臼侧骨溶解发生率以Ⅰ区为高,股骨柄侧骨溶解发生率以股骨近端为最高。结论人工全髋关节置换术中生物性固定初期并不十分牢固。人工全髋关节置换术中骨水泥固定假体松动主要发生在远期,并且以髋臼侧骨水泥松动为主。  相似文献   

全髋置换治疗先天性髋臼发育不良临床疗效观察   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
[目的]了解全髋置换治疗先天性髋臼发育不良术后的中远期疗效。[方法]采用人工全髋关节假体,对23例25个先天性髋臼发育不良继发髋关节骨关节炎患者行全髋关节置换(THR),Pemer分型Ⅰ度15例,17个髋;Ⅱ度5例,5个髋;Ⅲ度2例,2个髋;Ⅳ度1例,1个髋。固定方法:髋臼侧,5髋为骨水泥固定,20髋为非骨水泥固定;股骨侧,7髋为骨水泥固定,18髋为非骨水泥固定。[结果]1例术中发生小转子劈裂,1例术后发生下肢静脉炎,3例两侧肢体不等长2am以上。随访3—11年,平均8.2年,术前Harris评分最高59分,最低25分,平均44.5分。所有患者术后髋关节疼痛消失,关节活动度增加,Harris评分最高97分,最低63分,平均85.6分。[结论]先天性髋关节脱位的全髋关节置换术,手术相对比较复杂并发症较多,手术中特别需要考虑两侧肢体的长度、外展肌的平衡、软组织的松解、髋臼骨缺损的处理及假体的选择。  相似文献   

目的回顾性分析混合型初次全髋关节置换术(THA)中骨水泥柄的临床和影像学疗效及其相关影响因素。方法对1999年1月至2001年12月期间接受混合型初次THA治疗髋部疾病的患者126例(135髋)进行至少10年的随访。观察Harris评分、股骨假体位置、骨水泥壳及其周围骨质变化。假体生存率采用Kaplan-Meier方法进行分析,以无菌性松动导致翻修及单纯骨溶解病灶清除植骨术为随访终点。结果共有79例(85髋)获得10年以上随访。Harris评分由术前(44.5±18.8)分提高至末次随访时(92.1±5.6)分。截至随访终点,在Gruen 1区观察到2髋发生骨溶解,7区4髋发生骨溶解现象。共有4例(4髋)接受翻修手术,其中1例男性患者因骨溶解致髋臼假体松动,同侧股骨近端骨溶解,同期行右髋臼侧翻修及股骨侧骨溶解病灶清除植骨术。另3例因髋臼假体松动行髋臼侧翻修术,影像学及术中见股骨假体稳定。以无菌性松动为随访终点,股骨假体生存率为100%;以无菌性松动翻修、单纯骨溶解病灶清除植骨术为随访终点,股骨假体生存率为98.8%(95%可信区间,12.23~12.32)。结论混合型初次THA术中骨水泥假体的远期生存率令人满意;采用第3代骨水泥技术固定的股骨柄取得与现代非骨水泥假体柄相近的远期生存率。  相似文献   

目的 探讨全髋关节置换术治疗成人Crowe Ⅳ型髋关节发育不良(developmental dyspla-sia of the hip,DDH)的方法并评价其疗效.方法 1997年10月至2009年1月,应用全髋关节置换术治疗Crowe Ⅳ型DDH患者15例20髋,其中5例双侧、10例单侧.18髋采用Secur-Fit股骨假体,2髋采用Corail股骨假体.转子下斜行截骨6髋,髋臼底磨穿5髋,均行股骨头植骨.结果 15例中早期死亡1例(双髋),失访2例(2髋),余12例16髋获得平均44.2个月(5~92个月)随访.术后发生出血性休克1例,脂肪栓塞1例,术后脱位2例,股骨上端骨裂2例.转子下斜行截骨6髋中,1髋失随访,2髋分别于术后18和23个月随访时仍可见骨折线,下肢行走无异常,其余3髋骨愈合.髋臼底植骨5髋,除1髋失访外,其余均获得愈合.术后X线片显示髋臼假体均位于真臼内,完全骨性覆盖,无髋臼假体松动.术后双下肢长度差平均1.1 cm(0~2.2 cm).末次随访Harris评分由术前平均(24.7±5.7)分(15~32分)提高至末次随访(85.6±5.6)分(80~94分),差异有统计学意义.结论 对Crowe Ⅳ型DDH患者行全髋关节置换术时,良好的真臼暴露、加深髋臼、股骨短缩、斜行截骨及使用Secur-Fit假体能提高全髋关节置换术的治疗效果.  相似文献   

目的介绍全髋关节置换术治疗成人先天性髋关节脱位的经验。方法1997年4月-2000年4月,对16例18髋成人先天性髋关节脱位的患者进行全髋关节置换手术,其中单侧14例,双侧2例。假体类型非骨水泥型10髋、混合型6髋、骨水泥型2髋。随访时间平均38年(32~46年)。结果术后伤口均Ⅰ期愈合。无血管及神经并发症出现。11髋术后肢体恢复等长,其余7髋较健侧缩短,但均<10mm。平均Harris评分由术前52分增至术后92分。随访期未发现假体松动及脱位。结论全髋关节置换术治疗成人先天性髋关节脱位的手术比较复杂、并发症多,术前应有周密的计划,术中特别需要考虑肢体长度均衡、假体的选择、髋臼骨床的制备及安置。  相似文献   

髋关节发育不良的髋臼重建   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Shen B  Pei FX  Yang J 《中华外科杂志》2004,42(16):1001-1005
目的 总结采用全髋关节置换术治疗髋关节发育不良继发骨关节炎和功能障碍的经验。方法  1998年 4月至 2 0 0 2年 4月 ,对 96例 112髋 (双侧 16例 )成人髋关节发育不良继发骨关节炎患者进行了全髋关节置换术。其中 ,半脱位 73髋 ,低位脱位 18髋 ,高位脱位 2 1髋。髋臼侧均采用真臼位置重建 ,其中骨水泥固定 16髋 ,非骨水泥固定 96髋 ,植骨 11髋 ;采用常规置换 83髋 ;磨削加深髋臼后 ,安置小号髋臼假体 2 7髋 ;髋臼外上缘自体股骨头植骨加深髋臼后 ,安置小号髋臼假体 2髋。结果 患者术后伤口均一期愈合 ,未发生感染或血管神经损伤 ,患肢长度平均延长 1 7cm。随访 85例 98髋 ,平均随访 3 5年 ,关节疼痛缓解 ,活动功能满意 ,Harris评分由术前的平均 33 9分恢复到平均 89 3分 ,无假体松动和翻修病例。X线片显示 ,关节假体位置正常 ,人工髋臼的平均外展角4 4° ,宿主骨对臼杯的平均覆盖率为 96 6 % ,金属臼杯与宿主髋臼之间未见透光线 ;11髋髋臼侧植骨病例中 ,植骨块与宿主骨愈合良好 ,未见骨吸收现象。结论 全髋关节置换术是治疗髋关节发育不良继发骨关节炎患者的有效方法 ;术前应充分考虑髋关节发育不良的原发及继发性病理改变 ,尽可能在真臼位置重建髋臼  相似文献   

目的:探讨S-ROM假体全髋关节置换术治疗CroweⅣ型髋关节发育不良的方法并评价其疗效。方法:2000年10月至2011年10月,应用全髋关节置换术治疗CroweⅣ型髋关节发育不良患者30例36髋,其中6例双侧,24例单侧。采用S-ROM假体结合股骨转子下横断截骨短缩行人工关节置换术,髋臼侧均采用生物型假体,假体在真臼水平或接近于真臼水平植入。对临床结果采用改良Harris评分进行评价,术前及术后随访时均拍X线片进行观察。结果:30例中早期死亡l例(双髋),失访2例(2髋),余27例32髋获得随访,时间7~84个月,平均48个月。2髋分别于术后12、18个月随访时仍可见骨折线,下肢行走无异常,术后未发生感染或神经损伤等严重并发症。改良Harris评分由术前平均41.7±3.7改善至术后89.1±2.9。无假体松动或位置不当需要翻修的病例。影像学复查显示关节假体在位,金属臼杯、股骨假体与宿主骨嵌合良好,无明显松动。所有施行臼侧植骨及股骨截骨的患者植骨及截骨处均骨性愈合,无假体松动,活动度无明显受限,患髋无痛,Trendelenburg征阴性,均无须使用行走辅助工具。结论:对CroweⅣ型髋关节发育不良患者行全髋关节置换术时,良好的真臼暴露、加深髋臼、股骨短缩、斜行截骨及使用S-ROM组配式股骨柄假体假体能提高全髋关节置换术的治疗效果。  相似文献   

Total hip arthroplasty for developmental hip dysplasia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We reviewed 38 hip replacements in 33 female patients (mean age 55.3 years) with developmental hip dysplasia. One patient had died and the remaining 32 patients (36 hips) had a mean follow-up of 12.2 years (range 8–19 years). All hips were replaced using the Müller cemented implant, and in 32 hips bulk femoral head autograft was used. In 33 hips the socket was reconstructed at the level of the true acetabulum. Complications included one intra-operative femoral fracture and two early dislocations. Correction of leg length discrepancy was possible in 30 patients. The post-operative mean modified Merle d’Aubigne and Postel scores for pain, movement and walking were 5.9, 5, and 5.3 respectively. One cup was revised due to aseptic loosening at ten years. All grafts united, but minor graft resorption was noticed in 24 hips, moderate in 2 hips and major in 1 hip.
Résumé Nous avons examiné 38 remplacements prothétiques de la hanche chez 33 femmes (age moyen 55,3 ans) avec une dysplasie de la hanche. Une patiente était décédée et les 32 autres (36 hanches) avaient un suivi moyen de 12,2 ans ( 8 à 19). Toutes les hanches ont eu un implant type Müller cimenté et pour 32 une autogreffe massive de tête fémorale a été utilisé. Pour 33 hanches la cavité a été reconstruite au niveau du paléo-cotyle. Les complications comprenaient une fracture fémorale opératoire et deux luxations précoces. La correction de l’inégalité de longueur des membres inférieurs était obtenue chez 30 malades. Le score postopératoire modifié de Merle d’Aubigné et Postel pour la douleur, la mobilité et la marche étaient en moyenne de 5,9, 5 et 5,3 respectivement. Une cupule a été révisée pour un descellement aseptique à 10 ans. Toutes les greffes ont consolidé, mais une résorption mineure de la greffe a été remarquée dans 24 hanches, une résorption modéré dans deux hanches et majeure dans une.

The infected hip after total hip arthroplasty   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We studied the cases of fifty-two patients with an infection at the site of a prosthetic total hip replacement, and are reporting the significant clinical features, infecting organisms, methods of treatment, and results at long-term follow-up. Forty-eight per cent of the hips had had an operation prior to the index arthroplasty, and 42 per cent had a wound complication. All patients had pain in the infected hip, but only 54 per cent had an erythrocyte sedimentation rate of more than thirty millimeters per hour, 44 per cent had fever, and 15 per cent had leukocytosis. In 88 per cent of the patients a single organism was grown on culture, and Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Escherichia coli were present in about 75 per cent. When antibiotic therapy alone was the initial treatment, the infection was eradicated in only one patient. Excisional arthroplasty was the definitive surgical procedure in thirty-three patients and the infection was eradicated in twenty-seven of them, but the clinical result was satisfactory in only twenty. Of ten patients who had a true Girdlestone arthroplasty, none had recurrence of the infection and all had a clinically satisfactory outcome.  相似文献   

Total hip arthroplasty for congenital hip disease   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
BACKGROUND: It is generally agreed that the clinical and radiographic results of total hip replacement performed for degenerative arthritis secondary to congenital hip disease vary depending on the severity of the anatomical abnormality. In this study, we report the mid-term and long-term clinical and radiographic results of total hip arthroplasty performed for each of the three different types of congenital hip disease. METHODS: Between 1976 and 1994, the senior author performed 229 consecutive primary total hip arthroplasties in 168 patients with osteoarthritis secondary to congenital hip disease. Seventy-six hips were dysplastic, sixty-nine had a low dislocation, and eighty-four had a high dislocation. The Charnley low-friction technique was performed in 178 hips, and the so-called hybrid technique was performed in forty-six hips. Cementless arthroplasty was used in only five hips. RESULTS: After a minimum of seven years of follow-up, the rates of revision of the acetabular components were 15% in the dysplastic hips, 21% in the hips with a low dislocation, and 14% in those with a high dislocation. The rates of revision of the femoral components were 14%, 14%, and 16%, respectively. Survivorship analysis predicted an overall rate of prosthetic survival at fifteen years of 88.8% +/- 4.8% in the dysplastic hips, 73.9% +/- 7.2% in the hips with a low dislocation, and 76.4% +/- 8.1% in those with a high dislocation. CONCLUSIONS: An understanding of the anatomical abnormalities and the use of appropriate techniques and implants make total hip arthroplasty feasible for treatment of the three types of congenital hip disease. In patients with a low dislocation, the major technical problem is reconstruction of the natural acetabulum. In those with a high dislocation, the challenge is to place the acetabular component inside the reconstructed true acetabulum and to use an appropriate femoral implant in the hypoplastic narrow femoral diaphysis.  相似文献   

Altered biomechanics secondary to hip ankylosis often result in degeneration of the lumbar spine, ipsilateral knee, and contralateral hip and knee. Symptoms in these joints may be reduced with conversion total hip arthroplasty (THA) of the ankylosed hip. THA in the ankylosed hip is a technically challenging procedure, and the overall clinical outcome is generally less satisfactory than routine THA performed for osteoarthritis and other etiologies. Functional integrity of the hip abductor muscles is the most important predictor of walking ability following conversion THA. Many patients experience persistent limp, and it can take up to 2 years to fully assess final functional outcome. Risk factors cited for increased risk of failed THA include prior surgical ankylosis and age <50 years at the time of conversion THA.  相似文献   



Back pain and knee pain are typical secondary degeneration symptoms after hip ankylosis. Take down of hip ankylosis and implantation of a total hip arthroplasty (THA) is believed to be a promising treatment option.


A total of 22 hip ankylosis patients [15 men, mean age 53.7 years (range 30–72 years); 7 women, mean age 50.8 years (range 42–61 years)] underwent THA during 1980–2000 after spontaneous (n = 10) or surgical (n = 12) fusion of the hip joint. The mean duration of ankylosis prior to THA was 32.5 years (range 2–61 years).


At the mean follow-up of 13.2 years (range 2–19 years), the Harris hip score averaged 84.9 points (range 70.1–99.0 points). All patients (100%) confirmed that they would undergo conversion surgery again. Aseptic loosening of two stems (one cemented, one cementless; 9.5%) and two deep infections (9.5%) required revision surgery.


THA is a promising option for treatment of secondary long-term hip ankylosis sequelae. A conversion operation after spontaneous ankylosis provides better functional outcome than after surgical fusion. However, full function with complete pain relief and a negative Trendelenburg sign might be not attainable in all cases.  相似文献   

Total hip replacement arthroplasty can relieve pain and improve function for many patients with end-stage arthritis.Patients with congenital hip dysplasia, however, present special problems because of the deformities of the acetabulum and femur.Noncemented porous-coated hemispheric acetabular components available in small sizes, and small, straight-stemmed, cemented, femoral components can be used to deal with the bony deformities and have considerably expanded the success of total hip replacement in such patients.The acetabular dysplasia can be managed in most cases by reaming to the medial wall, inserting small-diameter, porous-coated, acetabular components and stabilizing them with screws to provide rigid initial stability. Small portions of the components can be covered with bone graft chips. If necessary, the acetabular component can be placed more proximal than normal, thus increasing the height of the prosthetic hip center, while restoring the limb length with a longer neck prosthesis. a high total dislocation without the development of an adequate false acetabulum, however, requires trochanteric osteotomy, femoral shortening, placement of the acetabular component in the true acetabulum, and the use of straight-stem femoral components.  相似文献   

We treated 15 patients with chronic unreduced hip fracture-dislocations at our hospital; all patients sustained the fracture-dislocations in motor vehicle accidents. All presented to our institution more than 6 months after initial treatment at their local hospitals with uncontained femoral heads; all underwent 1-stage total hip arthroplasty with bone grafting. These patients were monitored for a mean of 71.5 months (range, 36-96 months). All patients had significantly decreased pain, increased function, and increased range-of-motion scores using the Merle d'Aubigné scoring system. All grafts showed radiographic evidence of union. There were 2 dislocations, 1 transient peroneal nerve palsy, and 1 superficial infection. Total hip arthroplasty is effective for relieving pain and restoring function in chronic unreduced hip fracture-dislocations.  相似文献   

髋部骨密度与髋部骨折风险的相关性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
目的探讨不同年龄,不同性别髋部骨折患者的髋部骨密度值与髋部骨折风险的相关性。方法抽取髋部骨折98例,50岁以上85例,其中男性33例,女性52例,股骨颈骨折占44例,粗隆间骨折41例。按照骨质疏松诊断标准共分为2组:T〈-2.0(骨折组),T〉-2.0(骨折组),按性别、年龄、身高、体重与骨折组按1:1配对,以T〈-2.0(非骨折组),T〉-2.0(非骨折组)分别作为对照组。结果年龄50岁以上非暴力髋部骨折患者,T〈-2.0(骨折组)和T〈-2.0(非骨折组)做对照研究,骨折组的骨密度值要低于非骨折组,对骨折风险预测有显著性差异。男性和女性之间做对照研究,有明显的统计学意义。年龄50岁以上非暴力髋部骨折患者,T〉-2.0(骨折组)和T〉-2.0(非骨折组)做对照研究,骨折组的骨密度值要低于非骨折组,对骨折风险预测有显著性差异。男性和女性之间做对照研究,有明显的统计学意义。年龄50岁以下的患者为13例,其中男性11例,女性2例,均为年轻的受暴力致伤的患者,骨密度值检测对骨折风险评估没有显著性差异。结论(1)对于非暴力髋部骨折,低BMD与髋部骨折有明显的相关性,且呈指数级相关。(2)骨折危险性的评估没有明确的BMD阈值。(3)骨折患者与非骨折患者BMD有相互重叠。(4)女性自50岁左右髋部骨折的发生率要高于男性。(5)小于50岁的较年轻患者BMD和骨折危险性的相关性不明确。  相似文献   

一期双侧人工全髋关节置换治疗髋部病变   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的探讨一期双侧人工全髋关节置换治疗双侧髋部病变的安全性、有效性.方法23例患者一期进行双侧人工全髋关节置换术.术前Harris评分平均40.3分,双下肢不等长0~3.4 cm,平均1.97 cm.结果无术中、术后假体周围骨折,术后无感染,髋关节无脱位;出现双下肢肿胀3例.术后双下肢不等长为0.3~1.4 cm,平均0.71 cm;住院时间17~24 d.随访13~50个月,患者疼痛缓解,关节功能活动满意,可独立行走、生活自理并恢复日常活动,最后随访时Harris评分平均为84.2分.结论一期双侧人工全髋关节置换治疗双侧髋部病变,可减轻患者的痛苦及经济负担,缩短住院时间,对全情况较好的患者是一安全有效的方法.  相似文献   

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