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目的 调查抗震救灾一线救援军人任务完成6个月创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)的患病率及相关因素.方法 采用目前美国PTSD流行病学调查和诊断工具,按整群分层抽样原则对1125名汶川抗震救灾现场救援军人PTSD的患病率及相关因素进行调查.PTSD诊断采用Davidson创伤量表(DTS)症状发生频率和严重程度总分≥40分标准确定,并使用美国精神障碍诊断与统计手册第4版(DSM-Ⅳ)诊断标准复查,使用SPSS13.0软件对调查资料和DTS诊断结果进行单因素和Logistic回归分析.结果 实际调查1056人;DTS诊断PTSD 69例,患病率6.53%;DSM-Ⅳ复查符合诊断63例,患病率5.97%;独生子女、服役满意度低、吸烟、创伤暴露阶段未进行心理干预及有饮酒习惯者PTSD患病率显著高于相对应的人群(P<0.05);地震经历暴露程度高(P<0.01,OR=6.258)、创伤暴露阶段未进行心理干预(P=0.019,OR=3.106)是抗震救灾现场救援军人PTSD的显著危险因素,而独生子女是PTSD潜在的危险因素(P=0.057,OR=2.235).结论 PTSD是抗震救灾现场军人常见的心理障碍,加强创伤暴露者的心理防护和危机干预十分必要.  相似文献   

近年来已有大量影像学研究探索创伤后应激障碍(PTSD,Posttraumatic Stress Disorder)的发病机制,但这些研究结果一致性差,原因就在于PTSD是一种异质性极高的疾病,其症状维度可分为创伤经历再体验维度、回避和麻木症状维度以及觉醒度增高症状维度,每种症状维度其影像学发病机制均有差异。因此已有学者主张针对PTSD的机制研究应从独立的症状维度角度进行。而觉醒度增高症状在创伤急性期即存在,且对患者日后的发病有明确的预测作用,而患者在PTSD发病后此症状维度几乎在所有患者中均有明确表现。因此本文将从觉醒度增高角度探讨PTSD的发病机制。  相似文献   

汶川地震安置点灾民急性应激障碍及影响因素分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
目的评估汶川地震后第2周安置点灾民的急性应激障碍(ASD)及影响因素。方法对江油市太平镇安置点灾民随机抽样后,利用斯坦福急性应激反应量表(SASRQ)、汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HRSD)、应激反应问卷(SRQ)、创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)症状清单平民版(PCL-C)及自编调查问卷进行评估,225名灾民完成调查。结果ASD阳性率为7.18%,有分离症状的38.12%,有创伤再体验症状的54.14%,有回避症状的38.67%,有焦虑或醒觉性增高症状的64.64%。SASRQ总分与PCL-C总分呈正相关(r=0.62,P<0.001)。不同年龄组的SASRQ总分(F=3.15,P=0.01)、分离症状(F=2.71,P=0.02)、焦虑或醒觉性增高(F=3.53,P=0.005)的差异有统计学意义,儿童组的急性应激症状较轻(P<0.05)。女性灾民的SASRQ总分(t=-2.199,P=0.03)、创伤再体验症状(t=-2.59,P=0.01)、回避症状(t=-2.195,P=0.03)、焦虑或醒觉性增高症状(t=-2.12,P=0.035)得分明显高于男性。有亲属遇难组的ASD创伤再体验症状分高于仅经济损失组(t=-2.16,P=0.03)。以ASD总分为因变量的线性回归分析结果显示,自杀观念、烦扰程度、最糟糕天数、文化程度进入回归方程(R=0.81,F=60.33,P<0.001)。结论灾民在地震发生后1周存在明显的急性应激症状,灾后心理干预应尤其关注女性等特殊人群,自杀观念、最糟糕天数以及烦扰程度可作为评估ASD的简易指标。  相似文献   

目的评估汶川地震后第2周转移安置点灾民的心理健康状况。方法利用应激反应问卷(SRQ)、创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)症状清单平民版(PCL-C)和汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HRSD)及自编调查问卷评估223名随机抽样地震灾民的心理状况。结果①SRQ结果显示,54.3%(121/223)的灾民存在明显的心理问题(SRQ?8),感觉不愉快最常见,依次是感觉不安、紧张或担忧、易受惊吓、易疲劳、易哭、睡眠差、缺乏乐趣、食欲差等。②HRSD评定结果显示,29.02%(65/223)有明确的抑郁症状,重度抑郁4.04%(9/223)。12.9%的被调查者有自杀观念。③PTSD筛查问卷PCL-C结果显示,14.1%(29/223)总分≥5 0分(筛查阳性)。④不同年龄组SRQ、PCL-C、HRSD总分的差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),其中56~65岁灾民SRQ、PCL-C、HRSD均分最高,36~55岁次之。回归分析显示SRQ总分与绝望感、最糟糕天数、烦扰程度存在回归关系(回归模型方差分析F=91.312,P<0.001)。结论灾民在地震发生后1周存在明显心理问题,需要及时有效心理干预。心理干预应注重中老年人、有绝望感、最糟糕天数多和烦扰程度重的人群。  相似文献   

关于战争对儿童身心健康的影响已有研究,如Saigh报导在贝鲁特冲突中9~13岁的儿童有32%出现了创伤后应激障碍(PTSD);Chimienti等报导在经历了黎巴嫩冲突的人中出现PTSD症状者儿童是当地一般人口的1.7倍;也有报导认为经历过战乱环境的儿童易同时患有PTSD和抑郁症。但有关儿童长期处于围困环境对其身心健康影响的研究很少有报导,而发生在波黑萨拉热窝市及其周边的军事冲突使当地居民生活在被围困条件下达一年之久,适合于长期围困对其身心健康影响的研究。本研究主要是调查性别、家庭成员丧失及基本的生活必需品匮缺与发生PTSD的关系。…  相似文献   

目的探讨创伤后应激障碍的本质特征及司法精神病学鉴定实践中争议较大的问题。方法对PTSD诊断标准和流行病学、应激源、发病机制及共病特征进行研究,对PTSD鉴定中存在的诊断扩大化倾向、人格特征关系、心理创伤界定、创伤性事件与精神障碍的关系、精神损伤程度的评定以及鉴别诊断进行分析论证。结果应激源的强烈程度并非导致PTSD发生的唯一因素,患者在创伤性事件前的人格特征、幼年经历、生活处境、遗传易感性以及事件后的社会支持系统启动程度等均可成为PTSD潜在致病因素。结论PTSD司法精神病学鉴定应采取多元化诊查措施做出评定,谨慎处置伪现象干扰。  相似文献   

创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)的临床特征主要表现为创伤经历再体验、过度觉醒、情感麻木与回避行为等症状.而动物模型的建立对了解创伤后PTSD的病因学、PTSD临床表现及其治疗具有重要的作用.本文就目前常用的PTSD动物模型进行综述.  相似文献   

目的 探讨急性重性创伤后应激障碍(post traumatic stress disorder,PTSD)患者的脑功能及执行记忆功能时的脑反应.方法 采用功能磁共振成像技术,对经历矿难的10例急性重性PTSD患者(PTSD组)和7例非PTSD对照(非PTSD组)执行症状激发任务,并首次采用1项创伤有关的短期记忆提取任务进行记忆功能的测定.结果 症状激发试验中,PTSD组负性图片相比中性图片,左侧后扣带回、双侧尾状核和右侧丘脑等脑区激活增强,右侧扣带回和双侧额中回激活下降;PTSD组相比非PTSD组,右侧前扣带回、左侧额下回、双侧额中回及双侧颞中回等脑区激活下降,左侧海马旁回激活增高.短期记忆提取任务中,PTSD组负性图片相比中性图片,右侧后扣带回和双侧海马存在明显激活;PTSD组相比非PTSD组,右侧额下回、右侧额中回、左侧枕中回等脑区激活下降.记忆提取任务相比症状激发任务,PTSD组右侧海马旁回激活下降.结论 急性重性PTSD患者在急性期已存在部分脑区激活的下降以及记忆功能的减退.  相似文献   

目的系统评价急性应激障碍(ASD)与创伤应激障碍(PTSD)的关系,ASD对发生PDST的预测作用。简述DSM-5中ASD和PTSD的变动。方法在中国期刊全文数据库(CJFD)、超星Medalink、Medline和Pub Med数据库中输入检索词急性应激障碍和创伤后应激障碍,检索年限为1994~2013年的文献。结果 22篇研究文章共纳入研究对象4480名,随访人数3335名,尽管有497名最终诊断为PTSD,但是其中只有238名(48%)在创伤最初一个月之内诊断为ASD。结论 DSM-4所定义的ASD诊断标准不能很好预测发展为PTSD的人群。  相似文献   

目的 探讨创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)患者应激症状与血同型半胱氨酸、叶酸、维生素B12 代 谢的相关性。方法 2016 年11 月—2017 年11 月对驻疆某部官兵经历创伤性事件后,按照创伤后应激 障碍筛查量表(PCL-C)评分阳性和美国精神疾病诊断统计手册第五版(DSM-5)的诊断标准,根据是否为 PTSD分为PTSD组(n=27)和在相同暴露条件下的未患PTSD的对照组(n=39)。对两组空腹血浆同型半胱 氨酸、叶酸、维生素B12 及部分其他血液学指标进行分析。结果 PTSD组血同型半胱氨酸水平高于对照 组,叶酸、维生素B12 水平、T3、T4低于对照组,差异均有统计学有意义,而TSH、LDL、HDL-C 组间比较, 差异均无统计学意义。结论 PTSD患者其血同型半胱氨酸较高,叶酸及维生素B12 水平较低。  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to prospectively examine the long-term course of psychiatric disorders, symptoms, and functioning among 113 directly exposed survivors of the Oklahoma City bombing systematically assessed at 6 months and again nearly 7 years postbombing.


The Diagnostic Interview Schedule/Disaster Supplement was used to assess predisaster and postdisaster psychiatric disorders and symptoms and other variables of relevance to disaster exposure and outcomes.


Total prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was 41%. Seven years postbombing, 26% of the sample still had active PTSD. Delayed-onset PTSD and new postdisaster alcohol use disorders were not observed. PTSD nonremission was predicted by the occurrence of negative life events after the bombing. Posttraumatic symptoms among survivors without PTSD decayed more rapidly than for those with PTSD, and symptoms remained at 7 years even for many who did not develop PTSD. Those with PTSD reported more functioning problems at index than those without PTSD, but functioning improved dramatically over 7 years, regardless of PTSD or remission from PTSD. No survivors had long-term employment disability based on psychiatric problems alone.


These findings have potentially important implications for anticipation of long-term emotional and functional recovery from disaster trauma.  相似文献   

Many studies have suggested that unexpected death of a loved one is an important risk factor of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression among disaster survivors, but few have examined the magnitude of psychiatric morbidities among bereaved survivors. This study examined the prevalence rates of clinically significant PTSD and depressive symptoms and their associated risk factors among Chinese adult survivors following the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. Two hundred and fifty-one bereaved adults were compared with 1474 non-bereaved adult survivors. The estimated rates of PTSD and depressive symptoms were 65.6% and 64.8% for those who lost first-degree family members, 34.1% and 45.5% for those who lost second-degree relatives, and 27.1% and 37.5% for non-bereaved survivors respectively. Loss of a child was a significant predictor of psychopathological symptoms. The results suggested that effective and sustainable mental health services were required, especially for bereaved single-child parents.  相似文献   



While disasters are common in Africa, disaster studies in Africa are underrepresented in the published literature. This study prospectively examined the longitudinal course of psychopathology, coping, and functioning among 128 directly exposed Kenyan civilian survivors of the 1998 US Embassy bombing in Nairobi.


The Diagnostic Interview Schedule/Disaster Supplement assessed predisaster and postdisaster psychiatric disorders and variables related to coping, functioning, safety, and religion near the end of the first and third postdisaster years.


Total postdisaster prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) at the 3-year follow-up was 49; 28 % of the sample still had active PTSD. Delayed-onset PTSD was not observed. Posttraumatic symptoms decayed more slowly in individuals with than those without PTSD. PTSD was more prevalent and chronic than major depression. Those with current PTSD or major depression reported more functioning problems than those without. The length of hospitalization for injuries after the bombing predicted major depression remission, but no predictors of PTSD remission were found.


Despite differences in coping and social variables, longitudinal psychopathology in the Nairobi terrorism survivors appeared broadly similar to results in Western disaster populations. These findings contribute to the understanding of disaster mental health in Africa and may have implications for generalizability of psychiatric effects of terrorist attacks around the globe.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to survey a cohort population for the risk factors of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and major depression, and the prevalence of different psychiatric disorders at 6 months and 2 and 3 years after a major earthquake. The Disaster-Related Psychological Screening Test (DRPST), part I, and the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) were, respectively, administered by trained interviewers and psychiatrists in this community-interview program. The prevalence of PTSD decreased from 8.3% at 6 months to 4.2% at 3 years after the earthquake. Suicidality increased from 4.2% at 6 months and 5.6% at 2 years to 6.0% at 3 years after the earthquake; drug abuse/dependence increased from 2.3% at 6 months to 5.1% at 3 years after the disaster. The risk factors for PTSD and major depression in various post-disaster stages were determined. Earthquake survivors had a high percentage of psychiatric disorders in the first 2 years, and then the prevalence declined. Following the devastation caused by the Chi-Chi earthquake, it is important to focus on treating symptoms of major depression and PTSD and eliminating the risk factors for both of these disorders in survivors to avoid the increase in suicidality.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to establish the relative distribution of resilient, remitted, chronic and reactivated posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in a population of survivors from a major civilian disaster. Residual PTSD symptoms were explored to identify predictors of future reactivation. Symptoms were measured by the Impact of Event Scale (IES) 5.5 months, 14 months and 5 years after the disaster. Forty-eight survivors (79%) were interviewed after 27 years. PTSD status was determined by using the Structural Clinical Interview for DSM-IV axis I Disorders (SCID-I). The distributions were: 58.3% resilient, 14.6% remitted, 8.3% chronic, and 18.8% reactivated PTSD. Number of residual symptoms from intrusion and avoidance 14 months and 5 years past trauma predicted later reactivation. Intrusion symptoms in general, and sleep related intrusions in particular, were the most consistent predictors deserving special attention.  相似文献   

A population of the fire fighters who had been exposed to a natural disaster were screened using the General Health Questionnaire 4, 11, and 29 months after a natural disaster. On the basis of these data, a high-risk group of subjects who had scored as cases and probable cases and a symptom-free comparison group were interviewed using the Diagnostic Interview Schedule 42 months after the disaster. The prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), affective disorders, and anxiety disorders was examined. Only 23% of the 70 subjects who had developed a PTSD did not attract a further diagnosis, with major depression being the most common concurrent disorder. Comorbidity appeared to be an important predictor of chronic PTSD, especially with panic disorder and phobic disorders. The subjects who had only a PTSD appeared to have had the highest exposure to the disaster. Adversity experienced both before and after the disaster influenced the onset of both anxiety and affective disorders.  相似文献   

On July 29, 2007, a severe coalmine-flooded disaster occurred in central China and 69 miners were trapped in an about 1400 m underground coal pit. Fortunately, all of them were rescued after 75 h of the ordeal. At 3 and 6 months after the disaster, psychopathological profiles, plasma levels of cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) were evaluated in 48 survivors for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and comorbid symptoms. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study was performed at 6 months. The prevalence of PTSD was 35.4% (17/48) at 3 months and 31.3% (15/48) at 6 months post-disaster, with high rates of comorbid symptoms. Risk factors for PTSD included previous traumatic experience, less than 5 years of being a miner, in an extremely exhausted or sick during the disaster, poor interpersonal relationship and poor sleep quality experienced before the disaster. Mean plasma cortisol levels at 6 months, but not at 3 months, were significantly higher in PTSD-positive subjects than the negative, and positively correlated with the severity of several comorbid symptoms. Either whole or regional brain volumes of PTSD-positive subjects were not significantly different from PTSD-negative subjects, but PTSD subjects had significantly reduced fractional anisotropy values in the right posterior cingulum and bilateral hippocampal body compared to subjects without PTSD. These results suggest that traumatic exposure in severe coalmining disasters results in considerable psychological consequences, with highly prevalent PTSD and comorbid symptoms, which are associated with previous traumatic experience, shorter-length underground services, and poor interpersonal relationships and sleep quality experienced before the disaster. Baseline cortisol level may be a useful biological predictor for different phases of the development of PTSD. The aberrant connectivity of the hippocampus and the cingulum may represent an early pathological response to trauma exposure.  相似文献   

Arieh Y. Shalev 《Psychiatry》2013,76(4):289-292

Exposure to graphic television images may exacerbate psychological symptoms in disaster situations. We tested the hypotheses that (1) more frequent viewing of television images of the September 11 terrorist attacks was associated with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression, and that (2) direct exposure to disaster events had an interactive effect with media viewing. We recruited 1,008 adult residents of the borough of Manhattan in New York City through a random-digit-dial telephone survey conducted between October 16 and November 15, 2001. Respondents who repeatedly saw “people falling or jumping from the towers of the World Trade Center” had higher prevalence of PTSD (17.4%) and depression (14.7%) than those who did not (6.2% and 5.3%, respectively). Among respondents who were directly affected by the attacks (e.g., had a friend killed), those who watched this television image frequently were more likely to have PTSD and depression than those who did not. Among respondents not directly affected by the attacks, prevalence of PTSD and depression was not associated with frequency of television image viewing. Specific disaster-related television images were associated with PTSD and depression among persons who were directly exposed to a disaster. Future research should address causal directionality of this association.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine the psychological impact on adolescent survivors of a maritime disaster that resulted in the deaths of nine people, including four high school students, and the effects of psychiatric intervention for the survivors. Methods: Long‐term multidimensional intervention consisting of psychoeducation, hospital treatment, family support and day care, was provided for nine adolescent survivors. To evaluate these effects, the survivors were also assessed using self‐rating scales (Impact of Event Scale, General Health Questionnaire and Self‐rating Depression Scale) and psychiatric structured interviews (Clinician‐Administered Post‐Traumatic Stress Disorder [PTSD] Scale) at 2, 8, 14, 26, and 38 months after the accident. Results: Prevalence of PTSD among adolescent survivors was much higher than in adult survivors at the 2‐month examination (78% vs 12%, respectively). Although the observed prevalence remained high until the 14‐month examination, remarkable improvement occurred thereafter and none was diagnosed with PTSD at the 38‐month examination. Conclusion: Adolescents may have a specific vulnerability to PTSD and community‐based intervention is effective for adolescents with serious symptoms of PTSD.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo examine the prevalence of sleep disturbances 10 years after Wenchuan earthquake, and to explore whether comorbid post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depressive symptoms could predict sleep disturbances and whether such effects were modified by gender.MethodsParticipants were 1357 adolescents in the Wenchuan Earthquake Adolescent Health Cohort Study (WEAHC). 799 of the participants completed the followed-up survey 10 years after the earthquake. At 12-month post-earthquake (T12m), a battery of standardized measures were used to assess individual earthquake exposure, sleep disturbances (insomnia symptoms and poor sleep quality), PTSD, and depressive symptoms. At 10 years post-earthquake (T10y), those survivors reported their sleep disturbances via an online survey. Data were analyzed using binary logistic regression.ResultsThe prevalence of insomnia (14.3%) and of poor sleep quality (19.8%) at T10y decreased when compared with it at T12m. After controlling for covariates, it is revealed that depression-only and comorbidity groups at T12m predicted sleep disturbances at T10y among the whole sample and males. As for females, who have depression-only and comorbidity were more likely to develop insomnia symptoms but not poor sleep quality.ConclusionsSleep disturbances remained highly prevalent among survivors even 10 years after the earthquake. Depression-only and comorbidity groups were related to higher risks of sleep disturbances, especially for males. Assessments and interventions targeting both depressive symptoms and comorbid PTSD to reduce sleep disturbances after a deadly disaster are warranted.  相似文献   

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