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目的探讨成人乙型脑炎的临床和影像学特点。方法回顾性分析30例成人乙型脑炎患者的临床资料。结果成人乙型脑炎以老年人居多。30例患者起病时均存在高热,意识障碍22例,急性肢体瘫痪4例,头痛6例,恶心、呕吐4例,头晕2例,反应迟钝2例,言语不清1例,癫痫1例。22例行头颅MRI检查,17例异常(77.3%),表现为细胞毒性水肿和(或)血管源性水肿。DWI异常12例,累及中脑7例、丘脑8例、海马2例、基底节1例、侧脑室旁白质1例、胼胝体1例;T2WI Flair异常17例,累及侧脑室旁白质14例、丘脑6例、中脑3例、海马2例、基底节1例。结论成人乙型脑炎多以高热、意识障碍起病,部分以急性肢体瘫痪起病,临床表现和影像学特点与脑梗死相似,鉴别靠血清学和病原学检测。乙型脑炎主要累及中脑、丘脑、基底节、海马、侧脑室旁白质和胼胝体,表现为细胞毒性水肿和(或)血管源性水肿,个别患者治疗后T2WI Flair侧脑室旁白质异常高信号减少。  相似文献   

目的探讨以帕金森综合征为主要表现的成人乙型脑炎(乙脑)的临床及影像学特点。方法回顾性分析1例成人乙脑患者的临床资料。结果本例患者为女性,33岁;在夏季急起发热、头痛;发病后第11 d(恢复期)发热、头痛缓解后,出现少语、运动迟缓、动作少、震颤、四肢肌张力齿轮样增高。头颅MRI示双侧中脑对称性条片状T1WI等低信号、T2WI高信号影。血清乙脑病毒IgM抗体(+)。经脱水、抗病毒、糖皮质激素及多巴制剂治疗,患者的病情显著改善,基本痊愈。结论对在乙脑流行季节,急起发热、头痛后出现帕金森综合征的表现,MRI示中脑病变者,应考虑乙脑的可能。血或CSF乙脑病毒IgM抗体检测是确诊的主要依据。  相似文献   

目的 探讨颅脑MRI检查对Wemicke脑病(WE)的诊断价值.方法 回顾性分析8例WE患者的临床资料及MRI检查结果.结果 8例WE患者MRI示脑部T2 WI、Flair成像及弥散加权成像(DWI)有对称性异常高信号影,其中出现在丘脑内侧6例、中脑导水管周围灰质4例、第三脑室周围灰质3例、乳头体2例及壳核、视交叉、小脑上蚓部、皮质下白质各1例;2例有增强效应.2例发病早期T2 WI、Flair无异常信号影,DWI示丘脑内侧对称性异常高信号影.结论 MRI对WE具有诊断价值,DWI对WE的早期诊断价值更高.  相似文献   

目的:分析脑型肝豆状核变性(hepatolenticular degeneration ,HLD)的MRI特征,探讨MRI对脑型 HLD的诊断价值。方法回顾性分析经临床证实的52例脑型 HLD患者的颅脑MRI资料,所有患者均行MRI平扫及DWI成像。结果8例M RI平扫无明显异常,DWI呈等信号。38例表现为双侧基底节区及丘脑对称性分布的稍长 T1、稍长 T2信号,DWI呈稍高信号,其中11例累及中脑及脑桥,呈稍长T1稍长T2信号,4例双侧小脑齿状核呈长T2、长 T1信号影。6例表现为双侧基底节对称性短T1短T2信号,DWI呈稍低信号。36例见不同程度脑萎缩。结论 MRI对脑型HLD有很高的诊断价值,可作为影像检查首选方法,其信号变化可反映病程、判断疗效及预后。  相似文献   

目的提高临床医生对Percheron动脉梗死的认识和诊断水平。方法总结4例Percheron动脉梗死的临床表现、影像特点、治疗及预后。结果4例均急性起病,意识障碍后出现智能障碍及眼肌麻痹,按缺血性脑卒中治疗,患者临床症状均有改善。4例磁共振Tt及T2加权像均见双侧丘脑旁正中碟形长T1长T2信号,3例磁共振弥散加权成像(DWI)示双侧丘脑旁正中以及中脑高信号,其中1例中脑为“v”字形高信号。结论以卒中样形式起病,有典型临床表现,结合MRI示双侧丘脑旁正中见碟形长T1长T2信号、DWI高信号及中脑“V”字征有助于Percheron动脉梗死的诊断。  相似文献   

目的探讨儿童乙脑MRI影像特点及早期扩散加权成像价值,以提高对乙脑影像征象认识及早期检出。方法回顾性分析2006-2013年经我院临床诊治的27例乙脑患者,全部病例均为血清IgM乙脑抗体阳性。磁共振扫描仪采用GE 1.5T超导磁共振成像扫描仪。其中20例在发病至神经系统出现症状7d内应用DWI。结果 27例儿童乙脑中24例累及丘脑,13例累及中脑黑质,6例累及皮层或皮层下白质,4例累及基底节,2例累及海马,2例累及胼胝体压部。20例在急性期(7d内)应用DWI检查:8例为细胞毒性水肿,DWI显示病灶范围、信号强度均优于T2WI、FLAIR,其中DWI单独显示3例。7例血管源性水肿,T2WI、FLAIR优于DWI。3例脑内多发病灶内两种水肿共存,DWI与T2WI、FLAIR在显示病灶能力中互有优势。结论儿童乙脑好累及双侧丘脑、中脑黑质,影像学具有一定特征,早期DWI比T2WI、FLAIR更易发现病灶。  相似文献   

目的探讨EV71病毒致中枢神经系统并发症的MRI影像学特点及病情评估。方法回顾性分析2013年5月至2016年6月安徽省儿童医院PICU收治的34例EV71型感染合并中枢神经系统并发症患儿的临床和MRI影像资料,所有患儿都进行MRI扫描。结果在34例中有16例患儿脑和脊髓MRI有异常表现,阳性率47.1%(16/34),单发病灶者6例,多发病灶者10例。在10例MRI阳性的脑干脑炎患儿中,病变位于脑桥6例,延髓3例,中脑1例,在MRI图像上均表现为单侧或双侧片状长T1、略长T2信号,FLAIR和DWI序列呈高信号。在4例MRI阳性的病毒性脑炎患儿中,病变位于大脑皮层2例,位于丘脑2例,呈片状长T1长T2信号,FLAIR和DWI序列呈高信号,并伴有蛛网膜间隙增宽和轻度脑积水。在2例MRI阳性的AFP患儿中,病变位于颈髓(C3-6)1例,位于圆锥1例,表现为单侧或双侧脊髓前角长T1长T2信号,FLAIR和DWI序列呈高信号。结论 EV71感染合并CNS并发症首位为脑干脑炎,其MRI表现具有一定特征性,可以清楚的显示病变部位、形态及范围,有助于评估病变范围及程度,对该疾病的早期诊断、治疗方案的选择具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的 总结成人流行性乙型脑炎的临床特点,以提高对本病的认识和诊断水平.方法 回顾性分析2007-2008年我院收治的4例成人流行性乙型脑炎患者,总结其临床表现、实验室检查及MRI特点.结果 4例患者均为散发病例,男性2例,女性2例,发病年龄34~68岁,均为夏秋季发病;1例以腹泻起病,3例以头痛、发热起病;4例均有高热、精神异常;2例出现呼吸衰竭.实验室检查4例均有脑脊液白细胞升高,血清及脑脊液乙型脑炎病毒抗体IgM阳性.仅1例MRI见异常信号.2例有后遗症.结论 成人流行性乙型脑炎患者病情一般较重,临床表现不典型,易出现呼吸衰竭,需引起重视.  相似文献   

目的 探讨脊髓亚急性联合变性(SCD)的MRI诊断价值.方法 回顾性分析17例经临床证实的脊髓亚急性联合变性患者的MRI表现.均行MRI平扫,其中6例行增强扫描.结果 病变位于颈、胸段脊髓后索(8例)或侧索及后索同时受累(9例),抑制T2 WI显示脊髓后出现线条状或斑片状高信号,T1 WI等或稍低信号;横断面T2 WI呈脊髓内"倒V"形对称性高信号10例,"哑铃"形高信号4例,点状高信号3例.增强扫描均无强化.结论 SCD的MRI表现具有一定特征,MRI对SCD早期诊断具有重要价值.  相似文献   

目的 探讨肝豆状核变性(wilson disease WD)患者头部MRI特征与临床表现的相关性.方法 对79例确诊WD患者的头部MRI特征与临床症状及其它主要辅助检查资料进行分析.结果 根据首次头部MRI检查结果,将患者分为A组(14例):头部MRl检查无异常发现;B组(65例):头部MRI检查有异常发现.病变集中于豆状核、脑干、尾状核和丘脑,多呈长T2W长T2W信号,但8例患者呈现短T2W其中2例为长T2W短T2W混杂信号.A、B两组年龄有显著性差异,A组患者神经系统检查全部正常,B组中有9例患者神经系统检查正常.WD患者脑部病变部位与病程之间无统计学意义(P>0.05).构音障碍与尾状核关系较为密切,肌张力障碍与中脑的关系较为密切,震颤与丘脑的关系较为密切.结论 MRI检查是诊断WD的有效方法,头部MRI异常信号可先于临床表现而出现,病变较集中于豆状核、脑干、尾状核和丘脑,短T2W信号为本病具特征性的病理改变.WD患者脑部病变部位与病程之间无很好相关性,构音障碍与尾状核关系较为密切,肌张力障碍与中脑的关系较为密切,震颤与丘脑的关系较为密切.  相似文献   

Postmortem histopathology of eight gliomas was studied in correlation with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) findings. MRI demonstrated the lesions more clearly and widely than CT. Also, T2-weighted images (T2WI) had a greater ability to depict the lesion than T1-weighted images (T1WI). The areas in which neoplastic cells had invaded corresponded to the high intensity areas on T2WI in four cases of glioblastoma multiforme. In the case of a grade II astrocytoma, neoplastic cells were scattered beyond the region corresponding to the high intensity area on T2WI. In the case of a grade III astrocytoma, neoplastic cells did not come up to the line corresponding to the margin of the high intensity area on T2WI. In the remaining two cases, although the high intensity areas on T2WI were depicted as being larger than the areas in which neoplastic cells were seen histopathologically, the high intensity regions corresponding to the outside zones of the tumour-infiltrated area were thought to be a radiation necrosis in one case and a 'periventricular high intensity' in the other. The high cellularity of the glioma was seen mainly as a low intensity area on T1WI and as an isointensity or a slightly high intensity area on T2WI. However, the signal intensities of glioma on MRI, reflecting T1 or T2 values of the tumour tissues, did not correlate with the malignancy of the tumour.  相似文献   

目的::探讨鞍结节脑膜瘤的磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)影像学特征及其诊断价值。方法::回顾性分析1995年1月—2015年12月经术后病理证实的59例鞍结节脑膜瘤患者的术前MRI影像学特征。结果::59例鞍结节脑膜瘤患者中,男性15例,女性44例。所有59例鞍结节脑膜瘤的基底均位于鞍结节或鞍隔的硬膜;MRI平扫T1加权像(weighted image,WI)均呈等信号或略低信号,T2WI均呈等信号或略高信号;57例鞍结节脑膜瘤的MRI增强扫描图像呈明显的均匀强化,2例呈不均匀强化;45例可见"脑膜尾征"。结论::MRI检查在鞍结节脑膜瘤的定位和定性诊断中显示出明显的优势,可以为手术方式的选择、肿瘤切除程度的评估以及手术风险的预测提供重要指导。  相似文献   

目的 探讨中颅窝区脑外肿瘤的MRI特点,提高其诊断准确率. 方法 经手术病理证实的31例中颅窝区脑外肿瘤(包括三叉神经鞘瘤13例,脑膜瘤6例,蛛网膜囊肿3例,皮样囊肿3例,骨母细胞瘤2例,脊索瘤2例,表皮样囊肿2例)均行MR平扫及增强扫描检查,并对其影像资料进行回顾性分析. 结果 不同的中颅窝区脑外肿瘤各具不同MR特征;(1)三叉神经鞘瘤MR/T1WI像多呈等或低混杂信号,T2WI像呈高或低混杂信号,本组13例三叉神经鞘瘤增强后有9例可见"包壳征";(2)脑膜瘤多表现为等或稍低T1、等或低或高T2信号,增强后呈中度较均匀强化;(3)骨母细胞瘤可见"骨包壳",脊索瘤骑跨中、后颅窝生长,其一侧与斜坡紧密相连;(4)蛛网膜囊肿与表皮样囊肿均呈长T1、长T2囊状信号,增强后无强化或囊壁轻微强化;蛛网膜囊肿多呈膨胀生长,而表皮样囊肿多有"见缝就钻"的特点;(5)皮样囊肿均呈短T1、长T2囊状信号,脂肪抑制序列扫描呈低信号,可出现"爆米花"样改变. 结论 中颅窝区脑外肿瘤均有比较特征性的MRI表现,密切结合临床可进一步提高其术前诊断的正确率.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of leptomeningeal metastatic disease (LMD) is frequently challenging and MRI of the spine is an important part of the diagnostic paradigm. We sought to examine the value of adding 3-dimensional, heavily T2-weighted, Sampling Perfection with Application optimised Contrasts using different flip angle Evolution (T2-SPACE) imaging of the lumbar spine to the MRI protocol for patients with suspected LMD. MRI spine examinations including T2-SPACE imaging of the lumbar spine performed for suspected or known LMD were retrospectively reviewed by a neuroradiologist to determine the additional benefit of the T2-SPACE sequence. The accuracy of T2-SPACE was also compared to contrast-enhanced T1-weighted imaging (ceT1WI) and standard T2-weighted imaging (T2WI). 59 patients with T2-SPACE were identified over a 20-month period, 17 having abnormal appearances on ceT1WI, including 12 with appearances consistent with LMD. In eight of these 12 patients, nodules visible on T2-SPACE were visible on T2WI, though T2-SPACE improved the temporal comparison of slowly progressive cauda equina nodules in two cases. In three patients, T2-SPACE identified nodules which were not readily identifiable on T2WI, though were visible on ceT1WI. In one patient, LMD visible on ceT1WI was not appreciable on T2-SPACE or T2WI due to the lack of a nodular component. In six patients, T2WI showed equivocal nodularity, which could be confidently attributed to facet joint arthropathy or a tortuous vessel. In conclusion, T2-SPACE has high sensitivity and specificity for the detection of nodular lesions of the cauda equina and can confidently characterise equivocal findings on standard T2WI.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Some of the cerebral microlesions less than 3 mm in diameter observed on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are considered to represent pathological processes. The present study investigated changes due to aging in microlesions according to anatomical regions and phenotypes. PATIENTS: A total of 390 cases without localized lesions other than lacune less than 15 mm in diameter were studied. METHOD: Microlesion type on MRI was categorized into hypo-, iso-, and hyper-intensities on T1-weighted (T1WI), T 2-weighted (T2WI), and proton-weighted or fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (proton/FLAIR) images. Correlations between unidentified bright objects (UBO) in white matter and vascular risk factors were analyzed using logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: Microlesions of the upper basal ganglia showing low intensity on T1WI, high intensity on T2WI and iso intensity on proton/FLAIR, and showing low intensity on T1WI, high intensity on T2WI and low intensity on proton/FLAIR increased with age, whereas those showing low intensity on T1WI, iso intensity on T2WI, and low intensity on proton/FLAIR of the upper basal ganglia decreased. In subcortical white matter, microlesions of the first two types: and those showing iso intensity on T1WI, high intensity on T2WI and iso intensity on proton/FLAIR decreased with age. Conversely, UBO increased with age, and significantly correlated with hypertension. CONCLUSION: Although microlesions in the upper basal ganglia increase with age, those in the subcortical white matter decrease with age. These observations suggest pathological changes surrounding small arteries with aging in the brain.  相似文献   

梯度回波T2*成像在蛛网膜下腔出血诊断中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的探讨MRI的梯度回波T2^*成像(GRE-T2^*WI)在蛛网膜下腔出血(SAH)诊断中的作用.方法对12例SAH患者进行CT和MRI的比较分析,MRI常规使用T1WI、T2WI、FLAIR和GRE-T2^*WI.结果(1)急性期SAH患者,48 h内MRI检查FLAIR和GRE-T2^* WI均可见异常信号,而T1WI、T2WI检出率分别为66.6%和50.0%;(2)亚急性期(发病7~20 d),CT已为阴性,MRI的T1WI、T2WI和FLAIR均不敏感(检出率为0~25.0%),GRE-T2^* WI仍可见信号丢失;(3)不典型SAH,腰穿显示阳性结果,CT和MRI的FLAIR序列均为阴性,GRE-T2^*WI可有阳性发现.结论MRI可应用于急性和亚急性SAH的诊断,其中GRE-T2^* WI是诊断SAH最敏感的序列,且对亚急性期和不典型SAH的诊断优于CT.  相似文献   

T. Alafifi  MD    R. Kern  MD  MHSc  FRCP    M. Fehlings  MD  PhD  FRCS 《Journal of neuroimaging》2007,17(4):315-322
BACKGROUND: Cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM) is the most common cause of spinal cord dysfunction in older individuals. Controversy remains in terms of the optimal timing and indications for surgical intervention. In this context, it would be of benefit to define clinical and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) predictors of outcome after intervention for CSM. OBJECTIVE: We studied subjects with clinically documented cervical myelopathy to evaluate the relationship among preoperative MRI signal change, clinical findings, and outcome after surgical intervention. METHODS: We performed a retrospective case study of 76 CSM patients who underwent cervical decompressive surgery and who had pre- and postoperative MRI studies available for review. Preoperative clinical findings and MRI abnormalities on T1- (T1WI) and T2-weighted (T2WI) images were correlated with outcomes (Nurick scores; Odom's criteria) following surgical intervention. Postoperative MRIs were performed 2-4 months postsurgery to assess for adequacy of decompression and resolution of preoperative signal changes. The pattern of spinal cord signal intensity was classified as: Group A (MRI N/N), no intramedullary signal intensity abnormality on T1WI or T2WI; Group B (MRI N/Hi), no intramedullary signal intensity abnormality on T1WI and high intramedullary signal intensity on T2WI; Group C (MRI Lo/Hi), low intensity intramedullary signal abnormality on T1WI and high intensity intramedullary signal abnormality on T2WI. Statistical analyses were performed using SAS (version 8.2). RESULTS: We evaluated 76 patients (57% males, mean age 62 years, range 30-89) who experienced preoperative symptoms for an average of 6.5 months (range 1 month to 9 years). Preoperative MRI studies demonstrated the following: Group A (MRI N/N) = 45; Group B (MRI N/Hi) = 23; and Group C (MRI Lo/Hi) = 8. The mean postoperative follow-up period was 2.5 years (range 2 months to 8.5 years). A positive Babinski sign and the presence of intrinsic hand muscle atrophy showed the greatest association with abnormal preoperative MRI signal change. High preoperative Nurick score, clonus, and leg spasticity were associated with a less favorable postoperative outcome. In Group B (MRI N/Hi), 11/23 (52.17%) patients had recovery to MRI N/N (P < .0001) at their follow-up scan. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with high intramedullary signal change on T2WI who do not have clonus or spasticity may experience a good surgical outcome and may have reversal of the MRI abnormality. A less favorable surgical outcome is predicted by the presence of low intramedullary signal on T1WI, clonus, or spasticity. These data suggest that there may be a window of opportunity to obtain optimal surgical outcomes in patients with CSM.  相似文献   

中枢神经细胞瘤5例报告及文献复习   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探讨提高中枢神经细胞瘤诊疗水平的策略和方法。方法回顾分析2004年8月至2006年4月我院收治的5例中枢神经细胞瘤,总结其临床表现、影像学表现、病理学特征及显微外科手术治疗效果。结果肿瘤位于侧脑室前部或室间孔附近,呈宽基底与侧脑室壁或透明隔相连。肿瘤边缘及内部可见多发囊泡,常见钙化,MRI检查T1WI、T2WI相均表现为等或略高信号,增强后呈轻至中度强化。免疫组织化学染色均显示神经突触素阳性。显微外科手术治疗5例,其中全切除4例,次全切除1例,1例死于术后并发症,4例随访至今未复发。结论中枢神经细胞瘤影像学表现具有一定特征,是术前诊断的重要参考。显微手术切除肿瘤是最佳的治疗手段,预后良好。  相似文献   

A case of astrocytoma with extracranial extension after malignant transformation is presented. The patient was a 58-year-old female who suffered from headache. The initial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrated a slightly hyperintense tumor on T 2-weighted images in the tip of the left temporal lobe, and no contrast enhancement on gadolinium-enhanced T 1-weighted images(Gd-T 1 WI). On digital subtraction angiography, there was no tumor staining. The initial diagnosis was made as low-grade astrocytoma. However two months later, her symptoms aggravated suddenly. MRI revealed a remarkably growing tumor with ring-like enhancement on Gd-T 1 WI. She underwent a temporal lobectomy, which pathologically demonstrated a glioblastoma. After surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy were performed. The tumor invades the skull base and extended into the infratemporal fossa 25 months after surgery.  相似文献   


Purpose: To identify the regularity of signal evolution of intracerebral hemorrhage on susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) at different stages compared with T1-weighted imaging (T1WI) and T2-weighted imaging (T2WI).

Methods: We retrospectively evaluated a series of 365 patients who underwent T1WI, T2WI, and SWI examination simultaneously or sequentially in our hospital from January 2015 to May 2017. Two neuroradiologists assessed the images and discrepancies between their interpretations were resolved by consensus. Statistical analysis was performed using Chi-squared and Kappa tests.

Results: Of the 365 patients on SWI sequence, 94 were enrolled. SWI detected the cases at different stages; T1WI detected 89 cases and T2WI detected 91 cases. The signal intensity of intracerebral hemorrhage on SWI was significantly associated with T1WI imaging and T2WI (χ2?=?4.651; p?<?0.05; χ2?=?26.396; p?<?0.01, respectively), especially at the late subacute stage. There was moderate consistency between the signal intensity of intracerebral hemorrhage on T2WI and SWI (Kappa coefficient = 0.530).

Conclusion: Intracerebral hemorrhage has a varied appearance on SWI, and the evolution of signal of intracerebral hemorrhage on SWI sequence is influenced by T1WI and T2WI. Hematoma detection should be closely combined with clinical manifestation.  相似文献   

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