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益生元是微生态调节剂的一类,越来越多的证据表明其对钙吸收和骨健康有积极影响,这些影响被认为是通过肠道中的益生元-肠道菌群相互作用实现的。目前,具有代表性的益生元包括低聚果糖、低聚半乳糖、乳果糖和菊粉。益生元改善钙吸收和促进骨骼健康的机制分为两方面:改变肠道微生物群组成经由肠骨轴影响黏膜屏障完整性、内分泌和免疫反应;促进菌群代谢产物短链脂肪酸产生,从而改变肠道 pH 值、调控骨细胞代谢或增殖的信号通路、增加肠道微绒毛表面积和提高钙结合蛋白水平、上调激素水平和调节免疫反应等。总体而言,益生元在改善钙吸收和促进骨骼健康方面发挥着重要作用,因此,食用益生元可作为预防骨质疏松的一种新型有效的方法。本综述总结了益生元对钙吸收和骨骼健康的作用的研究,并阐述了肠道菌群在其中发挥的重要作用,为益生元在骨骼健康领域的开发和应用提供新思路。  相似文献   

老年人患过敏性疾病不少见。随着世界范围人类预期寿命延长及过敏性疾病的人群患病率增加, 老年过敏性疾病患者绝对人数不容忽视。既往认为, 过敏多为儿童及青少年发病, 随着年龄增长过敏逐渐消失。但流行病学调查显示, 老年人过敏患病率呈增长趋势。多种过敏性疾病患病率与人群发病相似, 某些过敏性疾病如药物过敏在老年人患病率更高。老年人过敏性疾病表现常不典型, 且合并多病鉴别诊断难度增加, 老年人多重用药增加, 使得老年过敏性疾病治疗存在更多挑战。本文从免疫衰老的特点及不同过敏性疾病在老年人群的表现, 阐述老年人过敏的特点, 以引起对老年人过敏性疾病的重视, 推动预防及疾病控制, 提高患者生活质量, 助力老年人慢病管理。  相似文献   

有关碳水化合物与膳食纤维的报告,主要在于膳食纤维、益生元对大肠细胞和功能以及肠道微生物的影响,益生元对肠道疾病(包括炎性和癌症疾病)的防治作用,以及不可消化碳水化合物对血糖的影响,膳食纤维供能量的测定等:膳食蛋白质和纤维作为胃肠道功能的决定因子。胃肠道  相似文献   

正2005年6月28日世界变态反应组织(WAO)联合各国变态反应机构共同发起了对抗过敏性疾病的全球倡议,将每年的7月8日定为世界过敏性疾病日。旨在通过增强全民对过敏性疾病的认识,共同来预防过敏反应及过敏性哮喘。过敏的表现病症为鼻炎、哮喘、皮炎等,严重可致休克。生活中,几乎每一样物质都是过敏  相似文献   

胃肠道在人类健康中发挥着非常重要的作用,其中肠道微生物群、免疫屏障和代谢循环与机体的生理功能息息相关。益生元作为一种不被宿主消化吸收却能够选择性地促进有益菌群的代谢和增殖的物质,现已被广泛应用于食品、医疗等领域。目前,已被证实的益生元种类繁多,如多糖、酚类物质、中草药提取物等,其作用机制包括改善肠道内环境稳态、增强肠道免疫功能和调节肠道菌群及其代谢产物。本文拟对益生元及其在肠道中的作用机制进行综述,探讨应用益生元辅助改善肠道稳态的潜在价值。  相似文献   

过敏性疾病是影响儿童健康的常见慢性病之一,食物过敏是儿童时期发生过敏反应最常见的病因,早期食物过敏可能增加生命后期其他过敏性疾病的发生机率,影响婴幼儿的生长发育。本文就食物蛋白过敏的临床表现、预防、以及诊治策略作一介绍。  相似文献   

过敏原检测就是通过不同的方法查找导致患者过敏的物质.充分了解常用过敏原检测手段的适应症及意义,对于对于过敏性疾病的诊断和治疗有着非常重要的意义.本文将对临床常用的过敏原检测手段予以介绍,以期为过敏性疾病的辅助诊治提供参考依据.  相似文献   

正一个活蹦乱跳的小孩子,因为喝了一杯牛奶,导致严重过敏,甚至会威胁到生命。牛奶、花生、小麦这些最常见的食物,对于食物过敏患者来说,就可能变成致命的"毒药"。世界变态反应组织对30个国家的过敏性疾病流行病学调查显示:22%的人患有如过敏性鼻炎、哮喘、结膜炎、湿疹、食物过敏、药物过敏、过敏性休克等过敏性疾病。如今,过敏已经成为困  相似文献   

儿童过敏性疾病的自然进程(简称过敏进程),是指由一种过敏状态进展至另一种的趋势,除疾病的临床症状进程外,关于其内在机制不断有新的研究发现,本文将对国内外关于预测及预防过敏进程的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

世界卫生组织已明确提出:过敏性疾病已成为21世纪严重影响人类健康的全球性疾病。流行病学调查显示,其患病率呈世界性的增加与流行趋势,影响到世界22%以上的人群。对此,世界变态反应组织和欧洲变态反应学会于2005年6月28日在联合召开的学术会议上宣布:2005年7月8日为第一个世界过敏性疾病日。第一个世界过敏性疾病日的主题是“预防过敏性疾病”,目的是通过提高全民对过敏性疾病的认识,共同来预防过敏性疾病。过敏性疾病是一种免疫系统疾病,可以累及到人体的各个系统和器官,导致各种各样的病症和临床症状。人类最常见的过敏性疾病有过敏性鼻炎、结膜炎、哮喘、花粉症、荨麻疹、湿疹、特异性皮炎、过敏性紫癜与胃肠道过敏等。本期选择具有代表性的过敏性疾病,组织有关专家进行专题讨论。希望各级医务工作者提高对过敏性疾病的认识,掌握规范化的诊断与治疗,加强对过敏性疾病的宣传、教育,为过敏性疾病的防治做些力所能及的工作。以下分8个专题进行讨论。  相似文献   

Metabolic diseases are serious threats to public health and related to gut microbiota. Probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics, and postbiotics (PPSP) are powerful regulators of gut microbiota, thus possessing prospects for preventing metabolic diseases. Therefore, the effects and mechanisms of PPSP on metabolic diseases targeting gut microbiota are worth discussing and clarifying. Generally, PPSP benefit metabolic diseases management, especially obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus. The underlying gut microbial-related mechanisms are mainly the modulation of gut microbiota composition, regulation of gut microbial metabolites, and improvement of intestinal barrier function. Moreover, clinical trials showed the benefits of PPSP on patients with metabolic diseases, while the clinical strategies for gestational diabetes mellitus, optimal formula of synbiotics and health benefits of postbiotics need further study. This review fully summarizes the relationship between probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics, postbiotics, and metabolic diseases, presents promising results and the one in dispute, and especially attention is paid to illustrates potential mechanisms and clinical effects, which could contribute to the next research and development of PPSP.  相似文献   

孤独症谱系障碍(ASD)在近年来发病率不断上升,引起人们的广泛关注。目前已有研究表明,过敏性疾病与孤独症谱系障碍之间关系密切,而食物过敏作为一种常见的过敏性疾病,与孤独症谱系障碍也存在联系。本文通过查阅相关文献,就食物过敏对孤独症谱系障碍的影响及相关机制研究进展进行综述,为探索孤独症谱系障碍的病因及治疗方法提供帮助。  相似文献   

Allergic diseases have increased in many developed countries including Japan. Doctors are also at risk for allergic diseases from exposure to allergens in working conditions and hospital environments. We investigated the factors relating to occupational allergy in doctors. Self-administered questionnaires were mailed to all doctors (n=895) who had previously graduated from School of Medicine, Fukui Medical University. Data from 307 responders (response rate: 34.3%, male 241, female 66, mean age +/- S.D., 30.8 +/- 4.2) were analyzed. Eighty-nine doctors stated that they had occupational allergy including contact dermatitis, allergic rhinitis and/or asthma. Fifty-four had contact dermatitis caused by surgical gloves; 77 had contact dermatitis from disinfectants, e.g. 23 from chlorhexidine gluconate; 21 from povidone iodine; and 15 from ethanol. Fifteen doctors experienced allergic rhinitis and/or asthma caused by handling laboratory animals. Univariate analysis showed that profession (surgical doctors) and past histories of allergic diseases (rhinitis, sinusitis, or atopic dermatitis) were significantly related to occupational allergy in doctors, but that gender, smoking or physical exercise were not significantly related to it. A logistic regression analysis showed that past histories of allergic diseases and the profession of surgical doctors were significantly related to occupational allergy, but that gender, age or smoking were not significantly related to it. The results of the present study suggest that past history of allergic diseases is a factor predisposing to occupational allergy in doctors. It is necessary and possible to extend more prophylactic measures for doctors, especially for surgeons, because exposure to responsible agents and materials for them can be more frequent.  相似文献   

In Finland occupational diseases are registered by diagnosis, causative agent, age, occupation, field of work, and gender. This report analyzes in detail the 1991 statistics on gender differences in occupational allergic diseases. A total of 1314 cases of occupational allergic diseases were reported, comprising 14.2% of all registered occupational diseases. The following allergic occupational diseases were encountered: allergic contact dermatitis (412 cases), bronchial asthma (352), allergic rhinitis (319), contact urticaria/protein contact dermatitis (146), and allergic alveolitis (85). The number of cases of allergic alveolitis (men, 42 cases; women, 43 cases) and bronchial asthma (176 men/176 women) was about equal in both genders. Women were overrepresented in allergic rhinitis (195 women/124 men), allergic contact dermatitis (247 women/165 men), and contact urticaria/protein contact dermatitis (109 women/37 men). According to current knowledge, there are no great gender differences in the development of asthma or allergic rhinitis. The greater number of women with occupational respiratory allergy and immediate skin allergy may indicate that women in Finland are more exposed to type I allergens than men. The greater number of cases of allergic contact dermatitis in women may reveal women's predisposition to delayed-type allergy, or women's greater occupational exposure to contact allergens.  相似文献   

Environment and infant immunity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Pregnancy is associated with a skewing towards T-helper (Th)2-like cell populations. During the first years of life, the neonatal immune responses towards allergens deviate towards a balanced Th1 and Th2-like immunity. The difference between atopic and nonatopic individuals may be how readily the immune deviation takes place. The high prevalence of allergies in industrialized countries is in contrast with the low prevalence of allergies in Eastern Europe, with a life style similar to that prevailing in Western Europe 40 years ago. The discussion on the impact of environmental changes on the incidence of asthma and other allergies has been limited mostly to the possible effects of a deteriorating air quality, poorly ventilated houses and an increased exposure to certain allergens, notably house dust mites. None of these factors can more than marginally explain the observed regional differences in the prevalence of allergic diseases. The concept of 'life style' should therefore be expanded considerably. The mother is a significant 'environmental factor' in early infancy. Human milk contains components that enhance the maturation of the immune system of the newborn infant. However, there are considerable individual variations in the composition of human milk. Recent studies indicate an imbalance in the gut flora of allergic, compared with non allergic infants, and in Swedish children compared with Estonian children. As the microbial flora drives the maturation of the immune system, changes in its composition may play a role for the higher prevalence of allergy. The future search for significant environmental factors should be directed towards other areas that have not yet been explored. The intestinal microflora is one of these factors that deserve a closer analysis.  相似文献   

儿童食物过敏发生率逐年增加,成为一个受到社会各界关注的重要健康问题。近期研究发现维生素D从胎儿时期即可影响人体免疫系统的调节作用,母体低水平的维生素D会增加子代过敏性疾病的风险。但目前国内外关于母体维生素D营养状态与子代食物过敏相关研究较少,为此本文就母体维生素D营养状态与子代食物过敏发生相关性进行综述。  相似文献   

过敏性疾病可发生在身体的各个系统,可终身发病,严重者可致死。儿童是过敏性疾病最大的患病人群,儿童过敏从无到有、从轻到重、从少到多、从单一表现到多系统及全身表现,所以对儿童过敏性疾病的防治是关键环节,既可防治过敏高风险状况发展成过敏性疾病,还可以进一步阻断过敏进程。目前关于幼儿园、小学对过敏患儿的管理体系尚未完善,该共识包括过敏管理及防治的组织架构、制度建设、过敏儿童管理等内容,可为幼儿园、小学长期综合管理过敏患儿提供帮助,为过敏患儿防治体系的建立提供依据。  相似文献   

Acute respiratory infections are a common cause of morbidity in infants and young children. This high rate of respiratory infections in early life has a major impact on healthcare resources and antibiotic use, with the associated risk of increasing antibiotic resistance, changes in intestinal microbiota composition and activity and, consequently, on the future health of children. An international group of clinicians and researchers working in infant nutrition and cow’s milk allergy (CMA) met to review the available evidence on the prevalence of infections in healthy infants and in those with allergies, particularly CMA; the factors that influence susceptibility to infection in early life; links between infant feeding, CMA and infection risk; and potential strategies to modulate the gut microbiota and infection outcomes. The increased susceptibility of infants with CMA to infections, and the reported potential benefits with prebiotics, probiotics and synbiotics with regard to improving infection outcomes and reducing antibiotic usage in infants with CMA, makes this a clinically important issue that merits further research.  相似文献   

Food allergy can present as immediate hypersensitivity [manifestations mediated by immunoglobulin (Ig)E], delayed-type hypersensitivity (reactions associated with specific T lymphocytes), and inflammatory reactions caused by immune complexes. For reasons of ethics and efficacy, investigations in humans to determine sensitization and allergic responses of IgE production to innocuous food proteins are not feasible. Therefore, animal models are used a) to bypass the innate tendency to develop tolerance to food proteins and induce specific IgE antibody of sufficient avidity/affinity to cause sensitization and upon reexposure to induce an allergic response, b) to predict allergenicity of novel proteins using characteristics of known food allergens, and c) to treat food allergy by using immunotherapeutic strategies to alleviate life-threatening reactions. The predominant hypothesis for IgE-mediated food allergy is that there is an adverse reaction to exogenous food proteins or food protein fragments, which escape lumen hydrolysis, and in a polarized helper T cell subset 2 (Th2) environment, immunoglobulin class switching to allergen-specific IgE is generated in the immune system of the gastrointestinal-associated lymphoid tissues. Traditionally, the immunologic characterization and toxicologic studies of small laboratory animals have provided the basis for development of animal models of food allergy; however, the natural allergic response in large animals, which closely mimic allergic diseases in humans, can also be useful as models for investigations involving food allergy.  相似文献   

王倩  朱穗  胡芳 《中国儿童保健杂志》2020,28(12):1322-1327
目的 研究母亲孕期补充二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)与子代患过敏性疾病的关系,为婴儿过敏性疾病防治提供新思路。方法 选取2017年6月-2018年11月在广州市妇女儿童医疗中心分娩并进行儿童保健的806对母子,采用食物频率问卷、儿童过敏性疾病问卷等获取母亲孕期和哺乳期饮食模式、DHA补充情况,及筛选过敏性疾病可疑患儿。对可疑过敏性疾病患儿进行特异性IgE抗体检测进行确诊。结果 在806名儿童中,过敏性疾病发病率为26.2%(211/806),其中湿疹的发病率为23.0%(185/806),食物过敏的发病率为8.7%(70/806)。母亲孕期DHA补充剂量≥250 mg/d时,儿童患过敏性疾病(OR=0.10,95%CI:0.01~0.79)、湿疹(OR=0.02,95%CI:0.01~0.20)的风险随着补充剂量的增加而降低。母亲有过敏史,增加其子代过敏性疾病、湿疹、食物过敏的发生风险(OR分别为4.09、23.75、14.71,P<0.05)。结论 母亲孕期DHA补充剂量达到一定剂量时,可能是儿童患过敏性疾病的保护因素,而DHA补充与食物过敏的关系需要进一步探讨。  相似文献   

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