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外泌体是一种由人体细胞分泌的具有双层膜结构的囊性小泡,是胞外囊泡中的一种类型。研究显示,外泌体通过多种途径参与细胞间的信息传导,在膀胱癌的发生、发展和凋亡过程中发挥着重要作用。同时,外泌体的膜结构可以保护其内容物不被人体酶类物质所分解,因此可以作为载体携带相关治疗因子进入膀胱癌细胞。外泌体在膀胱癌的诊治过程中展现出了良好的应用价值,但同时也面临着一些技术挑战,现对上述问题进行文献综述,希望能为膀胱癌的诊疗提供参考。  相似文献   
<正>患者女,76岁。以"尿频、尿痛1周"为主诉入院。小便伴有灼烧感,体型消瘦,低热,体温波动在38℃左右,无肉眼血尿。患者30年前曾行绝育手术,15年前因胆结石行"胆囊切除术"。彩色超声显示肝内强回声(钙化灶),子宫肌壁间钙化灶,宫腔及盆腔积液。体检:全身浅表淋巴结未见肿大,尿道增粗,尿道外口可见一约1cm肿物,质地脆,触之易出血,表面可见大量白色分泌物。中下腹部CT平扫示肝左叶钙化灶,双肺底炎症,左侧胸膜  相似文献   
目的 探讨叙事医学平行病历书写在医学生外科学实践教学中的应用。方法 将2021年7月至2022年6月郑州大学第一临床学院临床医学本科(5+3一体化)180名学生根据随机原则分成叙事医学平行病历教学组和传统教学组,叙事医学平行病历教学组在外科临床实习期间每4周书写1份平行病历,传统教学组以传统教学方法完成实习教学计划,实习结束后测量医患沟通能力、共情能力,问卷调查统计带教老师评价指标、患者满意度。结果 实习结束时叙事医学平行病历教学组医患沟通能力评分高于传统教学组[(87.21±5.13)分vs.(73.32±4.37)分],杰弗逊共情量表评分亦高于传统教学组[(103.42±4.48)分vs.(78.32±7.39)分],带教老师对实习医学生工作热情、疾病掌握程度的评价得分分别为(93.85±7.38)分vs.(85.27±5.44)分、(78.51±6.53)分vs.(63.33±7.72)分,均差异有统计学意义(P <0.001)。2组问卷调查患者满意度分别为82.3%、67.8%,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。结论 将叙事医学平行病历应用在外科实习教学中,能够促...  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the short-term efficacy of pelvic floor electrical stimulation (PFES) and pelvic floor training (PFT) for female with idiopathic detrusor overactivity (IDO) and stress urinary incontinence (SUI). Methods PFES and PFT were performed on 70 women (average age 40±7 years old) with IDO and SUI for twelve weeks. Urinary diary, International Continence In-quiring Committee's Questionnaire (ICI-Q-SF) scores were recorded and urodynamic study was per-formed before and after the treatment. Results Fifty women (71%) finally completed treatment for twelve weeks. Urinary incontinence disappeared in 8 (16%), detrusor overactivity disappeared in 10 (20 %). The leakage was not found in 6 (12 %) in leakage point pressure measurement. Moreover, the frequency of voiding (28±5 times/72 h), frequency of leakage (10±5 times/72 h), total scores of ICI-Q-SF(10±3), max detrusor uninhibited contraction pressure (18±8 cmH20) and detrusor unin-hibited contraction duration (8±3 s) were significantly lower than those before treatment (43±8 times/72 h, 20±6 times/72 h, 17±3, 27±9 cm H2O and 13±6s,P<0.01). Maximal voided vol-ume(225±48 ml), normal desired cystometric capacity (210±48 ml), maximal cystometric capacity (247±48 ml), Valsalva leak point pressure (94±11 cm H2O) and maximal urethral closure pressure (59±8 cm H2O) were significantly higher than those before treatment (159±37 ml, 141±39ml, 178±36ml, 81±15 cm H2O and 55±8 cm H2O, P<0.01). The effective rate during three months follow up was 60%, similar to time after treatment (P>0.05). Conclusions Pelvic floor electrical stimulation and pelvic floor training could be a useful therapy to treat women with IDO and SUI. It is both convenient and economical.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the short-term efficacy of pelvic floor electrical stimulation (PFES) and pelvic floor training (PFT) for female with idiopathic detrusor overactivity (IDO) and stress urinary incontinence (SUI). Methods PFES and PFT were performed on 70 women (average age 40±7 years old) with IDO and SUI for twelve weeks. Urinary diary, International Continence In-quiring Committee's Questionnaire (ICI-Q-SF) scores were recorded and urodynamic study was per-formed before and after the treatment. Results Fifty women (71%) finally completed treatment for twelve weeks. Urinary incontinence disappeared in 8 (16%), detrusor overactivity disappeared in 10 (20 %). The leakage was not found in 6 (12 %) in leakage point pressure measurement. Moreover, the frequency of voiding (28±5 times/72 h), frequency of leakage (10±5 times/72 h), total scores of ICI-Q-SF(10±3), max detrusor uninhibited contraction pressure (18±8 cmH20) and detrusor unin-hibited contraction duration (8±3 s) were significantly lower than those before treatment (43±8 times/72 h, 20±6 times/72 h, 17±3, 27±9 cm H2O and 13±6s,P<0.01). Maximal voided vol-ume(225±48 ml), normal desired cystometric capacity (210±48 ml), maximal cystometric capacity (247±48 ml), Valsalva leak point pressure (94±11 cm H2O) and maximal urethral closure pressure (59±8 cm H2O) were significantly higher than those before treatment (159±37 ml, 141±39ml, 178±36ml, 81±15 cm H2O and 55±8 cm H2O, P<0.01). The effective rate during three months follow up was 60%, similar to time after treatment (P>0.05). Conclusions Pelvic floor electrical stimulation and pelvic floor training could be a useful therapy to treat women with IDO and SUI. It is both convenient and economical.  相似文献   
目的 分析膀胱癌的流行病学资料及不同手术方法的疗效.方法 对我院2004年1月至2008年12月收治的576例膀胱癌患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析.结果 576例膀胱癌中93.2%为移行细胞癌,腺癌3.0%,鳞癌2.3%,其他1.5%;经尿道膀胱肿瘤电切术、膀胱部分切除术3年复发率分别为45.2%、52.7%;Ta~T1、T2、T3、T4期3年生存率分别为93.4%、72.2%、50.8%、10.3%,根治性膀胱全切3年生存率为83.1%.结论 膀胱癌好发人群为40岁以上的男性,绝大多数为移行细胞癌;其生存率随着分级、分期的增加而降低.  相似文献   
目的 探讨去黏膜带蒂回肠膀胱扩大术联合髂腰肌盆底肌加强术治疗神经源性膀胱的疗效.方法 前瞻性研究去黏膜带蒂回肠膀胱扩大联合髂腰肌盆底肌加强术治疗神经源性膀胱的疗效.神经源性膀胱患者12例.男9例,女3例.年龄18 ~ 27岁,平均25岁.临床表现为不同程度的尿失禁.病程6 ~ 64个月,平均23个月.应用超声、膀胱造影、尿动力学等检查前瞻性比较术前和术后1年的尿动力学参数,上尿路形态和肾功能情况.结果 12例手术顺利.术后出现切口延迟愈合2例,肠梗阻1例,膀胱腹壁尿瘘1例,未出现黏液尿.术后1年1例因发热性泌尿系感染行自我清洁间歇导尿,11例为腹压排尿.术前膀胱输尿管反流8例,术后反流消失5例,反流程度改善3例.术前肾功能不全5例,术后血肌酐水平下降至正常范围3例.术前和术后1年最大膀胱压测定容量[( 247±27)和(412±32) ml]、膀胱顺应性[(4.4±1.2)和(26.2±4.0)ml/cm H2O,1 cm H2O =0.098 kPa]、相对安全容量[(206±24)和(368±26) ml]、最大尿流率[(11±2)和(20±3)ml/s]、残余尿量[(136±25)和(26±8)ml]、逼尿肌漏点压[(63.1±4.9)和(17.8±3.6)cm H2O]比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 去黏膜带蒂同肠浆肌层膀胱扩大联合髂腰肌盆底肌加强术可有效治疗神经源性膀胱.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the short-term efficacy of pelvic floor electrical stimulation (PFES) and pelvic floor training (PFT) for female with idiopathic detrusor overactivity (IDO) and stress urinary incontinence (SUI). Methods PFES and PFT were performed on 70 women (average age 40±7 years old) with IDO and SUI for twelve weeks. Urinary diary, International Continence In-quiring Committee's Questionnaire (ICI-Q-SF) scores were recorded and urodynamic study was per-formed before and after the treatment. Results Fifty women (71%) finally completed treatment for twelve weeks. Urinary incontinence disappeared in 8 (16%), detrusor overactivity disappeared in 10 (20 %). The leakage was not found in 6 (12 %) in leakage point pressure measurement. Moreover, the frequency of voiding (28±5 times/72 h), frequency of leakage (10±5 times/72 h), total scores of ICI-Q-SF(10±3), max detrusor uninhibited contraction pressure (18±8 cmH20) and detrusor unin-hibited contraction duration (8±3 s) were significantly lower than those before treatment (43±8 times/72 h, 20±6 times/72 h, 17±3, 27±9 cm H2O and 13±6s,P<0.01). Maximal voided vol-ume(225±48 ml), normal desired cystometric capacity (210±48 ml), maximal cystometric capacity (247±48 ml), Valsalva leak point pressure (94±11 cm H2O) and maximal urethral closure pressure (59±8 cm H2O) were significantly higher than those before treatment (159±37 ml, 141±39ml, 178±36ml, 81±15 cm H2O and 55±8 cm H2O, P<0.01). The effective rate during three months follow up was 60%, similar to time after treatment (P>0.05). Conclusions Pelvic floor electrical stimulation and pelvic floor training could be a useful therapy to treat women with IDO and SUI. It is both convenient and economical.  相似文献   
表皮生长因子(EGF)以尿液中浓度最高[1]。表皮生长因子受体(EGFR)是细胞恶变的标志。为了解EGF、EGFR在膀胱肿瘤中的表达及意义,我们采用免疫组化技术对96例膀胱肿瘤和10例正常膀胱粘膜进行了研究。1.资料和方法:组织标本系本院和解放军第153医院1975~1994年间手术及电切的膀胱肿瘤组织。其中乳头状瘤15例,移行细胞癌81例。10例正常粘膜来自非泌尿系疾患者群。标本常规HE染色,进行病理组织学分类,判别分化程度,浸润深度。ABC免疫组化染色,分别作二种抗体染色的阳性对照和磷酸盐缓…  相似文献   
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